《A Glitch In The Matrix》11: Love and Anger


When Evie's eyes opened, she was subjected to a very bright light. She groaned as she closed her eyes again.

"Evie", a familiar voice spoke from her side. She turned her head and opened her eyes just wide enough to make out who it was.

"Rex?" she asked weakly. He chuckled.

"Good to see you're awake", he said, grabbing her hand. "I should go tell Fives and Echo."

Evie smiled at him. "How long was I out?" Her eyes opened a little bit wider and her voice was stronger.

"A few days. The virus hit your system hard. But you'll be alright hopefully by the end of today."

Evie smile widened. "Hopefully."

Rex returned her smile, and looked toward the door. "Fives and Echo have been worried about you."

"Of course they have", Evie rolled her eyes. "I'm honestly kind of surprised they weren't here when I woke up."

Rex rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away.

"They said that I should be the first one you saw when you woke up", Rex muttered. "Whatever they meant by that."

Evie groaned. "I know what they mean. I need to have a talk with them one of these days."

"I could go get them", Rex said. "I don't think they're doing anything right now." Evie smiled.

"I'd like that", she said. Rex got up to go get them, but before he left, Evie spoke. "I'm glad to see your alright too."

Rex cast a small smile back, before leaving the room. A few moments later, two very excited men came running in.

"Evie!" they cried as they both gave her hugs. She attempted to hug them back the best she could.

"Hey guys", she said to her brothers, a small smile on her face. It soon turned into a glare.

"Why in the thousand moons or Iego, would you guys tell Rex that he should be the first one I saw when I woke up?" she growled.

"It was Fives idea", Echo said. Evie sighed.

"I don't care whose idea it was. What I want to know is why would you tell him that?"

Fives smirked. "We all know that you care for him as more than just your best friend."


Evie sighed. "And we've discussed this before. He is my brother. Just like you two are."

"We know, and we're not judging you. In fact, we kind of ship you, even if it is a little weird", Echo said.

"A little?" Evie nearly shrieked "More like a lot! I can't like a brother like that. It's just not right. I've been trying to ignore my feelings and you guys are not helping!"

Fives and Echo glance at each other, before looking back at Evie. She took note of their guilty faces and sighed.

"Look. I appreciate that you guys aren't judging me for my feelings. But I need to ignore them if I'm going to survive this war."

Fives and Echo nodded. "Sorry, Evie", Fives said. Echo echoed the apology. She smiled sadly.

"It's okay", she said. "Just... stop trying to make my feelings so obvious."

They both nodded once more, just as Evie yawned. They smiled at her. "We'll let you get some rest", Echo said.

"You look exhausted", Fives added. Evie smiled at them.

"I feel exhausted." The three share a laugh, before the two men left the room, leaving Evie by herself. She felt her muscles relax as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Evie stretched as she exited the medbay. "Finally", she muttered. "I swear, Kix likes to keep me in there longer than I need to be."

A chuckle sounded to her left and she looked to see Rex. Evie grinned.

"Aw, my captain came to see me as I got out of medbay?" she smirked as she walked over to him, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Oh, shut up, Evie", Rex said as he pulled her arm off his shoulders.

"Make me, Rex." She stuck her tongue out at him, and poked his forehead.

"Maybe I should tell Kix that you're being more annoying than usual and maybe it's a side effect of the blue shadow virus", Rex smirked. Evie glared at him.

"I guess I'm shutting up now, because I just know that Kix will make me stay in the medbay longer just to get back at me for annoying him so much."

"Or maybe he'll just say good riddance and let you die because you're so annoying."


Evie opened her mouth to protest, before she sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Aren't I always?" Rex asked, sending an amused glance toward Evie. The female clone rolled her eyes and punched Rex's arm. This made the man laugh, which caused Evie to laugh.

"So is there a reason you came to see me besides the fact that you wanted to see this lovely face?" Evie asked.

"I wouldn't say lovely..." Rex trailed off. Evie scoffed, offended, but she over dramatized it, as she usually did.

"I'm hurt!" she cried out. Rex laughed.

"But yes, there is a reason I came by. There's a new mission."

"Oh?" Evie asked. "Where are we going?"

"You're going with General Kenobi on this mission. I'm going with General Skywalker on a separate mission."

Evie paused in her step, before continuing onward. "Oh."

Rex glanced over at her. "Fives and Echo will be with you on your mission. Don't worry. We'll go on a mission together again soon."

Evie smiled. "Hopefully it won't end with us facing what seemed like almost certain death."

Rex nodded. "Unfortunately, that's how it seems to go most missions."

Evie silently agreed, though she didn't want to admit it. She looked over at Rex as they approached the commanders.

"I guess I'll see you whenever the missions are done?"

Rex nodded. "See you later, Evie.

"Later, Rex", she said quietly before grinning. "Don't go dying on me."

"Only if you don't die on me", Rex replied. Evie grin dropped to a smile.

"Aye aye, Cap'n" she said as she saluted him. Rex rolled his eyes and pushed her toward Kenobi.

"Get going, E", he said. Evie looked over at him, her eyes wide at the new nickname. He smirked but didn't say anything else as he walked toward General Skywalker.

Evie huffed, but turned back toward General Kenobi. As she approached, she slipped her helmet over her head.

"So you're the female clone Cody and Anakin were telling me about", the general said. Evie straightened.

"Yes sir!" she replied, standing at attention. Her mind took note of how he had said Anakin as well. What did General Skywalker say about her, she couldn't help but wonder.

"At ease", Kenobi said. Evie relaxed. "Take off your helmet, soldier."

Evie took off her helmet, but kept her face neutral. She didn't react as Kenobi studied her face.

"What's your name?" he asked. Evie opened her mouth to reply, but Cody beat her to it.

"She's CT-3413, but we clones just call her Glitch."

Evie struggled to hide her angry reaction. It was something that Obi-wan took note of. "It seems to me, Cody, that she does not care for that name. Tell me, what is the name you prefer?"

"Evie, sir", Evie replied. Kenobi stroked his beard as he continued to watch her.

"Why do you think Anakin would tell me that you seem different from the other clones", he asked. Evie hesitated for a moment.

"Your general asked you a question, Glitch", Commander Cody said, his voice changing when he said her nickname. She sent a small glare his way, which he returned.

"Perhaps it is because I am just a glitch, sir", Evie replied, not willing to say the actual reason she thought with the commander standing there. Kenobi looked over at Cody.

"Cody, leave us. You are merely antagonizing her", he said. Cody opened his mouth to protest, but at a look from Kenobi, he left. Evie let out a sharp breath as he walked away, bringing Kenobi's attention back to her.

"Now, tell me the actual reason", he said. Evie gave him a crooked smile.

"I think it might have something to do with my sixth sense. I'm the only one in the entire army who has something like I do", Evie said. "There are multiple troopers who can attest to that."

"And who might these troopers be?" Kenobi asked. Evie immediately replied.

"Trooper 5555, also known as Fives, as well as trooper 1409 known as Echo, sir. Captain Rex can also testify of this", Evie said.

"Thank you, Evie", General Kenobi said. "I want you to remain close to me for the entirety of this mission, so I can observe you and this sixth sense you speak of."

Evie nodded, and followed the general to the cruiser that would be taking them on their mission.

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