《The immortal boy》First day of Patroll


"Okay class get ready. You each have your emergency button for safety, it will alert the nearest hero to come and assist you. Any questions? No? Good, done! Off you go." Aizawa says sleepily. He still has to keep a half eye on the student but as second nearly third years they should be fine and not find themselves in trouble. In fact this is a good boost for there popularity. Since it's still pretty early mostly fans and civilians will need help.

He looks over the list of students.

(can you guess them by their hero name?)

In pairs were;

Uraravity and Ignium

Sparky and Mind Freak

RedRiot and Ground Zero

Taper and Pinky

Creati and Earphones Jack

Invisible Girl and Tail

And solos were;

Freeze Fire


Dark shadow

Star Beam

Arm war

Sugar Rush

Animal whisperer

They each had an area to patrol, being the afternoon not many villains were out seeking 'fun' so the heroes would mostly be helping civilians.

Shoto didn't have much to do and was mostly walking around talking to fans. Taking photos and giving autographs. He didn't hate the popularity but he didn't want to be a hero that was obsessed with money and status. He just wanted to help people. He knew how hard a childhood could be he knew what loosing someone was like, he knows the signs of abuse. It might not seem it but under shotos monotone expression he was very a relatable person. He was good a soothing victims of trauma and abuse. He would listen without jumping to conclusions and a lot of people like the simpleness of the hero. He could always keep calm, or look calm and that was key in some situations.

"Freeze Fire!" Shoto looks up to see a fan. He puts on a small smile and the girl squeals "Hello there. How are you doing?" The girls smiles brightly and tells Shoto about her day. Shoto like hearing his fans happy and would do anything for them or anyone else for that matter. "...But the real reason is my girlfriend adores you and your boyfriend!" Shoto is shocked for a moment boyfriend? Do they mean Izuku? No they could never know about him. The girl seeing his confusion clears up what she meant. "Oh sorry don't worry I know Zuku! Like I said I met him through my girlfriend. He's helping her recover from a bad time! She's stuck in the hospital so I thought an autograph might cheer her up. We haven't been dating long but I've known her since she started that abusive relationship. She thinks your very strong with your back story and everything. When she was suffering abuse I think your the one that pulled her through. Ah but I'm rambling sorry." The girl flares he arms around. She hands Shoto a book. "It's fine she sounds very strong maybe I could go visit her? In fact you also remind me of zu." A small laugh leaves his lips. "What's her name?" The girl smiles. "It's Charlotte!" Shoto nods writing a quick letter. "Here, please give it to Charlotte before you read it." The girl nods bouncing up and down. "Yes yes. Thank you so much freeze fire!" He calls out after her. "No problem if you ever need something be sure to find me." Shoto hears a cough behind him. He wipes around and is face to face with the flame hero. "What are you doing here!" He snarls. Endeavour takes a few steps back. "Ah I'm not here for anything bad Shoto." Shoto sticks his nose up. "You always bring bad news. What do you want?" Endeavour sighs loudly. "I'm actually here to apologise." Shoto laughs loudly. "Ha. To who you can't mean me! Ugh we're Izuku when you need him?" The father frowns. "Don't call your guard dog on me, i am still your father and you should respect me."


Shotos mouth hangs open. "First of all don't call my boyfriend- no my Fiancé a guard dog. Second you lost all the respect I have for you when I turned five. And lastly Izuku already knows your bugging me so if you don't want your ass kicked again then be. On. Your. Way." He makes sure his point is pushed across hard before turning and leaving. Once he was sure he was out of sight he slumped against the wall. "I'm proud of you toto. You stuck up for yourself." Shoto chuckles. "Hello to you to greeny what happens to the girl you were visiting?" Izuku slumps next to Shoto. "Ah her girlfriend came all excited saying she had a special surprise so I left them together." Shoto huffs. "Is it the end of my shift yet?" Izuku rubs his back gently. "Yeah it is. Want to head back together or would you prefer a teleport?" Shoto thinks. "Nah let's walk back together. He gets up and offers his hand to the smaller boy. "Thanks toto." They link arms and start the walk. "Also telling you dad we're not only boyfriend but fiancés was the best thing you've ever told him. His face! Oh you should have seen it. Priceless I tell ya!" They laugh and carry on talking about little thinks until they arrive back at the UA gates.

"There they are!" Someone shouts.

"What?" The couple say at the same time.

"You are late todoroki. Hello Izuku I'm sure this has something to do with you?" Aizawa says.

"Ah you caught me!" Izuku say with a laugh. His smile turns to a smirk as he glances to Shoto. "Oh no whatever your thinking stop-"

"We were just informing endeavour about the wedding."


Shoto mouth hangs open again. "IZUKU! That's not what happened. We just walked slowly yes we were stoped by my father but nothing else." Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "Wedding?" He questions. Shoto answers. "Oh yeahhhh greeny and I are engaged. Have been for like 5 months." Izuku looks at the students "How can you say that so casually?" Sero asked, todoroki shrugs. "Uraraka how are you not more surprised by this?" Iida says hand motions in full swing. "Wha? Oh the problem squad new this already?" She says more like a question. "Yeah," Kirisima adds. "I mean they are like our mom and dad sooo?" Shinso states. "Yeah Izuku's married Shoto like 8 times already!" "Okay thank you sparky!" Izuku cuts off Denki. "Okay we are tired. You guys have homework still to finish so no more questions and get to your rooms." Some students listens while the 'problem squad' just replied with various "yes moms".

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