Stardust Fantasy Action Adventure School Life Supernatural Slice of Life
Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to their unique ability. Stardust tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel.
Our protagonist, Cyclone White is a seventeen years old boy in his final years of a magic high school but for some reason he still haven't obtained his own magic abilities like everyone else. He had it slow unlike his fellow classmates and friends but once he finally obtain an ability after an unexpected meeting, he finally allows himself to show what his introverted self is capable of.
Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their school and achieve the elusive trophy of The Magic Duel.
1. Chapter 1.1 - White - First Day of My Final Year
2. Chapter 1.2 - White - Three's A Crowd
3. Chapter 1.3 - White - The Old Warehouse
4. Chapter 1.4 - White - Passing The Torch
5. Chapter 1.5 - White - Team Stardust
6. Chapter 1.6 - White - Teammates
7. Chapter 1.7 - White - Rider Blade & Lore Pidea
8. Chapter 1.8 - White - The Blade & Shield Combination
9. Chapter 1.9 - White - Just Another Day in Class
10. Chapter 1.10 - White - The Mad Inventor
11. Chapter 1.11 - White - Cheat
12. Chapter 1.12 - Rider - Law of Gravity
13. Chapter 1.13 - Hosuke - Tale of The Sea God
14. Chapter 1.14 - Hosuke - Reincarnation of The Sea God
15. Chapter 1.15 - Rider - Magic Duel, We are Ready!
16. Chapter 1.16 - White - Trapped
17. Chapter 1.17 - White - The Magnificent Three
18. Chapter 1.18 - White - Brief Meeting
19. Chapter 1.19 - White - Operation Magnificent
20. Chapter 1.20 - White - Debut
21. Chapter 1.21 - Blax - Sense of Justice
22. Chapter 1.22 - Airi - Loyalty
23. Chapter 1.23 - Rulend - Finding Opportunity
24. Chapter 1.24 - Haz - Infinibots
25. Chapter 1.25 - White - Dark Diablo
26. Chapter 1.26 - White - The Journey So Far...
27. Chapter 2.1 - White - The Opening Ceremony
28. Chapter 2.2 - Zone - Behind The Scene
Dracula: Patient zero
A new take on the subject of vampirism. Who was the patient zero? What do we truly know about Vlad the impaler ? A quick look at the man behind the legends known today as Dracula the first Nosferatu. ------ Author's note: I'm self-taught in English, so the grammar may suck. I'm no professional writer so the writing style may suck. I hate FF that spend entire chapters describing stuff.. So my describing skills may suck. The main character will also suck... (Blood) I'm writing this just for fun, so if you enjoy, good for you... If not.. Then suck it..
8 112The Z Gamer
I played video games so much that my own life became a game! Why did I receive this power? And why do I have a quest whose failure penalty is the destruction of the universe? Crossover between Dragonball and The Gamer. Slow boil. Cross-posted from FFnet.
8 220Azennawl Anthology
A fiction created solely so I would be able to upload short stories that don't take up the length of a full novel. It contains stories from all over Azennawl and other places. If you enjoy stories about magical heroes, with some mysteries as well, feel free to check some of these out. Contents: The Chase: A short story about an immortal king who indulges in nostalgia until the relics that embody it are stolen from under his nose. Even with his power, will he be able to figure out who or what has been doing this? Rise Again: Can a man without his memories rise to be something greater. Does he need those memories to be great, or can he build something better with what he now has? Banner will rise again. Sincan and The Rhyming Man: Sincan Tolkin is called in to the city of Leostita to deal with a series of crimes that have been happening. When he's face front with the man behind it all, he must work with a police chief to take him down, or suffer the consequences. Sleight of Living: Tyson is a homeless man living in the run down parts of the city. When the world continuously punishes him for doing things the right way, is the only solution to use those same hands that threw him into this situation to get himself out?
8 135Chimera of the Dawn
The Apocalypse came not in the form of acid rain or nonstop volcanic activity. No. It came in a wave. A tide of magical energies from the Multiverse that swept through causing unimaginable chaos and freely reshaping the planet to fit the new galactic environment. In that chaos, there was something being born. Something grim and terrible.Prophecies have told of this day since the dawn of the Chaos Multiverse. Praised be the Chimera.
8 178SOLARR: The world after
Tired of being an exile, and desperate for something new, Ex is ready to move on. The world of Mars is small, but there has to be more. After a lifetime of fighting overdeveloped creatures from earth and training to survive this dying civilisation. He’s ready to find something, even without knowing what it is. But things never go as planned. After a chance encounter with a bizarre stranger leads him to questions he didn’t know to ask, and even more terrifying answers, he’ll have to decide where his loyalties lie. Using the relics of the past to push through the danger, he just might find what he’s looking for. But can he survive it?
8 59The Fox With No Tails- REVAMPED!
This is a revamped version of my original work! It's still the same characters, some have been taken out, the story has changed a bit, and the grammar has been thoroughly worked on! I hope you enjoy!
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