《Stardust》Chapter 1.1 - White - First Day of My Final Year


Our story begins with a little exposition to the world that our story takes place. Crestia, a country at the South East side of the Atia continent. It is one of many places where magic is at its rising since the discovery of the coloured gems, Infinitum. Magic is bought and sold there all year round. It has become an important part of people’s lives. And there are those who uses magic in their job. Those people are known as Wizards.

The wizards belong to various groups, be it as big as an organization or as small as a group, and performs jobs based on commission. There are a large number of factions within the country and in a certain city in a certain magic school lies a certain small group of friends. A group from which numerous legends were once born or rather will born long into the future…and its name is Stardust.

Yes, that’s the group that I belonged in. Even though I’m already a wizard when I’m in Stardust, I wasn’t a wizard before this. I was only a non magic student doing boring stuffs until one day I met upon a special Infinitum gem.

It all started when I came back for my final year of high school. It was the first day of my final year. I got to see a lot of my friends after that long holiday. Just after the opening ceremony, me and my closest friends met up. We find a chair and sat on it.

“White, don’t you think that all of these stuff is kind of stupid?” Hosuke, who is one of my friends asked me.

I was kind of confused by his question, so I asked him back why.

“I’m talking about how we still don’t have our magic.” He answered back.

I see what he was talking about.

I put my hand on to his shoulder and said, “I don't know about you since you're adopted but even I am worried after seeing my little brother obtaining his own magic way before me...”

He gave a short sigh and said, “Yeah, that’s what I said. Why we still don’t have our magic when all of our siblings has it?”

I would say something if I at least have the answer to his question. But there is probably a logical reason to why he is the only one in his family to still not have magic and that is him being adopted. But that doesn't mean that his real parents weren't wizards at all. All I could explain is that magic can be obtained in two different ways. One, is inherited from the family you lived with. While the other one, is obtained through eating an Infinitum gem.


Anyone who doesn't have magic will have the ability to use magic once the time has come for them. The types of magic they get depends on each person. One will be lucky enough to get a very powerful magic while the unfortunate will get a smaller scaled magic. But I’m not here to teach all of that.

Hosuke continued to talk,”Does this mean I won’t be able to join the High School Duel?”.

I assured him, “Don’t worry. By the time the duel start you can probably use magic!”

“You think so?” said Hosuke.

“Yeah I do.”

With that, Hosuke is back to his normal self. He grabs his backpack and stood up.

“Well then, White. I gotta go now. See you after school!”

Hosuke then walks away from where we were talking just now. Leaving me all alone. I looked at the sky and began to wonder what if I have magic like everyone else. After all those years of being bullied for being a nobody. I wished that something interesting might happen. I wished and fate delivered it. But not in the way that I expected.

It happened right after school was over. As I was packing up my backpack before leaving the classroom a majestically cute classmate approached me. She walks normally just as she usually does ever since we were still in the same school back then in middle school. Her black long hair almost reaches her waist and it flows elegantly as she walks toward me. She stood in front of me and gave me a soothing smile.

This girl, this “childhood friend” of mine that I met in middle school. She is Rika Lightning. Just from her name I can tell that she is a lightning wizard. Sure enough, she is one of the best lightning-caster in this high school. She is very popular among the teachers because of her impressive offensive type magic. One would wonder, who could rival her power.

I heard a rumor that she turned down all the boys who tried to pick her. Well, to be more specific, she shot them down. With her lightning spells. That’s scary indeed. I used to be interested in her until I heard about those stories about her. Fate would have me end up being one of her “close friend” because of what I did back then. But that is another story because right now she is standing in front of me with her wonderful smile. She was probably trying to cheer me up as usual since I’m a nobody compare to everyone who has magic.


“Hey, White. Looking down as always.”

“What do you expect?” I replied.

She grabs a chair and sits on it, “Well I was wondering you would be a little happy or something in between.”

“Trust me. This is my normal face. I have always been like this.”

“Oh don’t be like that, White. Come on! Cheer up. It’s our final year here. Don’t you think we should work hard for our future?” She patted my left shoulder.

Easy for you to say since you are one of the top students here. But what about me? I’m a nobody and worst of all I don’t even have magic.

Rika continues, “I mean, with the Magic Duel coming soon. I was hoping you would at least get excited about it.”

“Why would I be excited about the Duel when there is no way I’m going to be in it at all!”

Rika tries to be positive about it, “You could at least cheer for me right?”

“You are not helping, Rika.”

“Are you always this grumpy?” asked Rika.

“This is my normal face. Now stop bothering me. I need to go home.”

As I was about to stand up from my desk and heading the door of the classroom, Rika immediately stood from her chair and ran and stopped directly in front of me.

“Stop!” exclaimed Rika

She was too close to me. Her face was pretty much right in front of me. I even smelled her perfume that she uses all the time. Her face suddenly turned bright red as soon as she realized that we were being too close. That goes the same for me. We took a step behind. Now why did Rika just ran and stopped me? Does she still have some unfinished business with me other than annoying me?

“I almost forgot something, White. Today I will be attending a school meeting but today is also my turn to take care of the garden.”

“So, what are you implying then?” I asked her, even though I probably already know the answer.

She grabbed my hands and begged me, “Can you please take care of the garden for me? Just for today.”

Okay, first of all. I know this might sound funny but this is probably the first time she ever hold my hand. Both of it in fact. I can already feel it. The thousands gaze of the boys that were turned down by her. Her hands was kind of sweaty. I guess she was quite busy since she seems to be having sweaty hands. What the heck am I talking about now?

Rika snaps me back from my thought bubble, “Hey, White. Do you hear me? Can you please help me?”

“No.” I replied nonchalantly.

“Please…pretty please…” shes starting to make those puppy face.

I mean how could ANYONE say no to that face when it comes from such a cutie pie like her. I was lucky enough to be her friends but now I get to see this? This reminds me of the time when I still had a crush on her. If Rika keeps doing this I might just start to fall for her again.

I sighed and unwillingly said, “Fine. I’ll do it.”

“Really? Oh thank you so much, White! I’ll be sure to repay you for this! Maybe I buy you some food later. How about that?” she said that as she jumps joyfully while still holding my hands.

“Anything will be fine thank you. Anyway…”

Yes, anyway…

I continued, “Can you please stop holding my hands…?”

I’m starting to get sweaty by the way. Rika lets go immediately after she realizes it and turned her back from me. Probably blushing in full red.

Trying to get out of the conversation, Rika spoke “A-a-anyway…I gotta go now. See you after school, White!”

“Uh yeah, see ya. Jeez that was close…I might just faint if it goes on.”

Yeah, I would certainly faint and probably die of blood loss. Yes, she used to be my crush but it seems that might not be the case afterall. I think that feeling is still inside me. I hate myself.

“Darn it.” I cursed myself.

I reluctantly walked toward the school garden. Little did I know that agreeing to help her actually gave me a very big outcome that would change me forever.


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