《Stardust》Chapter 1.9 - White - Just Another Day in Class


It was already Monday. The teacher was away so we end up having a free period. I was really getting bored. That classroom started to become a little bit noisy. It wasn’t really noisy but in a way, it seemed noisy too me even though only several people were talking while the other was minding their own business. Meanwhile, a small portion of the class went outside the classroom to get some ‘fresh air’.

“There they go again…”I tirelessly said as I was putting my head on my table.

“Are you okay, White? It’s only been a few weeks since we started school you know?” a male classmate next to me asked me.

“It’s not really about adjusting the classroom. I mean, we had the same people since last year. We’re pretty much locked into the 2nd Class. How did I get in this class again?”

The classmate explained to me, “Well your grades were good enough that you can get in this class. Even though you don’t have magic back then.”

“Don’t mention me about that. At least the school puts me in a class with reasonable and smart people around me. Unlike the 7th Class where all of them mostly thinking about their own ability without even having a single knowledge about magic.”

The classmate reassures me, “We learn knowledge about magic in books so that we can properly use it. Like when you have to think of an enemy weakness, creating opportunities with your magic, devising strategies and etc.”

“I get it. I get it. Spare me the lecture.”

But still, at least I’m not in a classroom filled with show-offs. Plus, Rika is also in my class. I mean it’s not that it is a problem if she was in a different class. I just kind of glad that she is not in class with dangerous people. Moving forward to the story, Blax called me from his desk. I guess I have to go there. I’m really too lazy to do this now to be honest.


“Alright, what’s the matter you two?” I asked both Blax and Rulend who were pretty much sitting next to each other with their own chairs.

“Glad that both Rider and Lore was successfully recruited. You did a great job, leader.”

Blax acknowledged my usefulness for once.

I grabbed a chair and sat on it then I said, “So what’s next on our agenda?”

“What’s next is we should go and try to recruit our friend Haz from the 1st Class.” said Rulend as he was drawing something on his notepad.

Blax then told us, “We’re definitely going to pass the qualifications if Haz joins us. He is pretty much one of the Elite 7 Students along with Rika.”

“I’m worried that he might be already recruited by someone else.”

“Why not we meet him after school then?” suggested Blax.

Rulend then whispered to Blax. Blax was a bit disappointed after he heard what Rulend whispered.

“Looks like, I cannot meet with him today. I got something that I need to attend to” said Blax as he scratches his head. “You can go with Rulend.”

“Are you sure, Blax?” I asked him.

He replied, “Yes, I’m sure.”

Both Blax and Rulend then stood up and went outside of the class. I returned back to my chair and decided to write something on an unused notebook. It wasn’t really important about what I written. But it passes the time quite well. In a few hours later, the school was over without me ever realising that so many hours were passed.

Rulend called me, “White, come on let’s go and find Haz.”

I packed my backpack and followed Rulend to the class next to us. Unfortunately, Haz wasn’t there at all. His classmate said that he was at the lab.

“He is probably busy finishing his latest project.” Rulend said to me.

Project? Not another one of his ‘invention’ is it? I sure hope not. But I think it might be it. As we were heading toward the lab we were stopped by two other juniors that I haven’t introduced yet.


This time, it was Kin Star and Nif Ferel. Two honorary 4th year student. Both of them are girls by the way.

“Hi, White. Hi Rulend.” Kin greeted us.

Meanwhile, Nif shyly greeted us, “Um…hi senior Rulend. Um…hi…”

Did she really forgot my name or was she too scared? I don’t know if I should get angry or sad but she was surely just the everyday shy girl we all know. She even looked away from me. She can look at Rulend and Kin but whenever it was me…nope. I was like a nobody. Maybe even worse.

“Where are you guys going? Have you seen Blax?” Kin asks us.

Rulend answers her, “We are going to the lab and Blax is at the library.”

Oh yeah, Kin was Blax’s girlfriend. Of course she would ask that to us. Kin Star, a school prefects. She always dangles her ponytail. A grade C student along with Nif. If I was correct, her magic was kind of powerful. What was it called again? I think it was Copy. She can pretty much copies her target magic. But as far as I can remember she can only copy those people who are below her grade. She can’t copy those on the same grade as her or above her. She was always acting as the straight person whenever all of us were becoming chaotic. Like a sister that always mad at us but actually cares about us.

Kin then said, “I see. So you guys are going to recruit senior Haz, right?”

“Right indeed.” said Rulend.

“Alright then, see you guys later.” Kin walked away with Nif.

“Um bye Rulend, bye Wh…senior.” Nif was still having a hard time saying my name.

Nif Ferel was a librarian. I can tell it was her because of her striking green bow on her head along with her long hair that she tied as if having two tails. A very shy girl. I don’t know much about her other than the fact that her magic is Digital Assist. A utility type magic where she can analyse anything. An enemy stats, an area or even an object.

The only problem is that she must touch it first. Getting close to an enemy is very dangerous. Thankfully, her magic can actually let her transport herself into anyone digital devices like phones or watches. She’s basically like a personal digital assistant. When she’s inside a device. All she needs is her friend to at least touch the target and her magic will work as intended. Pretty neat don’t you think?

Then again, she is a shy person. So it must be hard for her to help out her friend during combat. Unless someone do something about that shyness. We waved back at them and then continued our way toward the lab. We entered the lab only to find out that the lights were switched off.

“Nobody home?” I asked Rulend.

“He is probably inside his personal room.” Rulend replied.

We headed inside the lab and walk through the darkness while making sure not to break any glasses. Then we saw a door sign labelled, ‘Inventor at Work. DO NOT DISTURB!!!’ along with another label saying ‘Testing Room’. It seems he prefers to use this room other than doing it at the lab. We opened the door and saw sparks were flying all away. It looks like Haz was welding something from the looks of the welding mask or helmet (I’m not sure) that he wears.

Haz then stopped welding and opened his mask, “Finally it is done!”

“What is done, Haz?” Rulend suddenly asks.

Haz was a bit surprised but also excited at the same time, “My latest and greatest creation!”

“Good afternoon as well, Haz” I sarcasmly said.

“What is it this time?” Rulend asks.

Haz grabs a cube and raised his hand in the air, “It is My Infinibot!”

A what now?


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