《The immortal boy》The heroes sacrifice


UA's class 2A students started there last patrol of the year. Summer break starts tomorrow and the class was buzzing to get their patrolling done. Everyone was excited and the horde of students split of into there partners or prepare on their own. Shoto was checking his first aid kits, he didn't know why but he felt he'd need them. The class got the all clear from the teacher and they all ran off to there designated areas. It was a slow day with little problems. It was almost too easy. Shoto was walking around looking for anyone who may need assistance. Other than the few fans no one needed him for anything. Thinking his last patrol of the year was going to uneventful he took his time thinking back to everything they had overcome.

Oh how fast things change.

An explosion rang out straight in front of him, sending him hurtling back. He slammed into a wall, Hard. The concrete cracked a little and a small dribble of blood makes it's way down his forehead. He fell to the ground The air getting knocked out of the boy. He was quick to recover and settle his nerves. Getting into a fighting stance he pressed his emergency button. He analyse his surroundings. The smoke was thick and had a red tint to it indicating the smoke was covering fire. A darker area seemed to be getting closer the. Hero could only think it would be the villain.

A loud voice boomed over the commotion. "Oh look a the hero student... what was it? FREEZE FIRE?" The shadow gained shape and emerged from the smoke. Shoto did not recognise this villain. They were very tall and had enormous muscles mass. Their hair was a dark pink that spiralled out of control. His eyes were covered by think black glasses and so far Shoto was unable to fine out his quirk. Right now his main priority was evacuating anyone near this fight.

"Not gonna answer me boy? Come now why don't you try to take me down. Fire and ice is a nasty combination of quirks." Shoto pauses for a moment. He's lost the quirk advantage. He needed backup and soon or this was gonna end in a mess. He scanned the area for signs of life.


"I already made sure no civilians were in the area. You care to much. Right now your life should come first." A few reporters were arriving around the seen Shoto could only hope he can keep stalling long enough for heroes to arrive. "What kind of hero would I be if I put myself before the well being and safety of those I swear to protect?" Shotos voice comes out strong and crisp. He is facing an unknown villain. He have to analyse more before he strikes. "Ah a selfless hero." The villain muses. "Your the kind that leave people that love you behind. It will be fun to see your loved ones weep over your death."

His words shake the boy.

He stands up straighter. "I will not just leave my loved ones. If I die which I plan not to. My loved ones will remember me trying to protect them." Again his words are strong and seem to keep the villain thinking. He lowers his booming voice. "Boy this world is unfair. Heroes and villains are divided by beliefs. The only difference between them is who's telling the story. I didn't want to fight you but I have history with your scumbag farther. How it will break him to watch his life's work crumble before his eyes." Shoto gets mad at this. "My father! YOUR TRYING TO kILL ME BECAUSE OF MY FATHER! All my life he has abused and beaten me. And now your telling me he's going to be the death of me too?! No! He has tulles my life to long. I'm fighting you not for my fathers win but for my own win!" Shoto shouts. He can hear heroes arriving and getting ready to fight. "Oh look backup has come. I'm sorry heroes but this fight is not with you." A pink barrier goes up around the two. "This will keep you out and us in until I'm defeated or decide to let it down. This is just one of the many quirks I have stored away."

Shoto can hear the heroes banging on the barrier trying to find a way to break it. He wonders if Izuku has heard the news yet. His friends, teachers...his father. He sighs in defeat as no help can come. This is his battle now. He will fight until the end.



"Looks like one loved one has arrived..." the villain says pointing behind him. Shoto hesitates before turning around.

"NO IZUKU!" He runs to the edge of the barrier. "SHOTO PLEASE WHATS GOING ON. I- I CANT TELEPORT IN WHAT IS THIS? How- how can I help you!" Izuku has tears flowing down his face a few heroes try calming him down. "Please Shoto. I can't loose you yet, not again." Shoto lets a tear roll down his cheeks. He smiles weakly. Heroes are pulling Izuku back as Shoto watches his boyfriend struggle. He can barely take the heartbreak he can hear in Izuku's voice. He opens his mouth not breaking eye contact,

"I'll see you on the other side." He turns back to the villain that's waiting. A snug smile is plastered on his face. Just looking makes Shoto sick. He can hear Izuku's broken cry's his begging for Shoto not to do this. Shoto can't turn back he needs to win for everyone's safety.

Izuku screams his name and the weather changes around them. Dark clouds cover the sun. Izuku's power starts getting out of control. No one can aproch the boy spewing tears and green lightning. Shoto feels guilty but it's the only thing to keep the boy safe. A storm has started all linked to Izuku's emotions.

"Now there's power maybe I should fight him instead?" The villain laughs. "No. You will fight me." Shoto says darkly "I'm sorry greeny." He whispers out before freezing over the barrier so no one could look in. He doesn't want Izuku to witness this. There's a big chance of failure. He doesn't want to put anyone through that.

All he needs to do if breath and focus on protecting himself and the city.

The battle was hard and the villain didn't seem to be tiring. Shoto kept dodging and trying to land blows. He switches from defence to offence and he can tell the villain is learning his attack patten. He aims for a big blow and goes in with his ending move. Ice turns to fire turns to ice. He keeps repeating this until he can't. His energy is lost and he collapses to the floor.

Carefully he lifts his head but sees the barrier still up. In one last attempt he sends a spike of ice straight ahead of him. He hears a grunt and the barrier collapsed.

Shoto tried to calm his breathing only to find he can barely breathe. His chest feels cracked and bruised. A steady stream of blood flows from a gash on his head it meets the blood flowing from his nose and drips to the ground. It tastes bitter. A strong iron fills his sense of taste.

He thinks he can hear someone calling his name but it sounds far away. He tries to smile wheezing softly. He whispers out to anyone who could hear. "Izuku? I can't seem to see you. Did I make you proud? I hope I achieved being a hero." He coughs and more blood trails out.

"I'm out of time...




"The other side." A soft voice says grabbing the boys cold hands.

Shoto slowly blinks open his eyes. He can feel any pain so he sits up. He looks around to find no injuries. "Strange..." he voices. He looks up squinting at the light. It was like the sun yet everything felt unreal. He walks around a meadow. The tall grass sways but Shoto can't feel any wind. He sees a stream and sits by it. He can hear any noise. "It's like an old memory."

"That's because it is."

1405 words

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