《The immortal boy》A Gods Gift


"That's because it is." A cool voice says. No hidden emotions. No hint of malice. Just gentle and caring. Shoto knew that voice too well. He tried to hide his emotions as he spoke, "H-hi Izuku." He stays sitting, still facing the river not wanting to see the disappointment, anger or sadness plastered on his lovers face. To his surprise the voice only gets softer. "Izuku huh. This must be serious to have you call me that." Shoto lets out a dry chuckle.

"Why are you here Izuku? Where even is here? Are you really here? I'm sure I made you cry again. You don't have to stay here if I disappoint you I'd understand. I mean I left you again..." A hand rests on one of shotos shoulder. "Oh my love. You haven't disappointed me. I'm so incredibly proud of you actually. You left without knowing..." Izuku trails off. Shoto hums his curiosity getting the better of him. He pats the grass next to him in a silent invitation. Izuku accepts and plops down. He sit, scotched up next to shoto laying his head against the red and white boy. "You've save many, many lives. A-as you were at deaths door you stoped the villain! Shoto you did what others couldn't." Shoto looks up shocked he turns to Izuku almost needing confirmation. "I-I did?" He stutters again. Izuku nods gently. A small smile on his face. "Before you passed out you asked me if I was proud of the hero you'd become." He laughs quietly. Looking to Shoto. "You really know how to make me cry. You couldn't see me, so you don't know but I stayed with you." Stray tears roll down his cheeks but he ignored them. "In the ambulance I stayed holding your hand trying to heal you-" more silent tears roll down the green boys face. "I-I'm dead right?" Shoto breaks the quiet. Izuku just turns his face. "We're both d-" Izuku shakes his head.


"I tried so hard to bring you back. I did everything and anything I could. I passes out trying after a while." He looks up to Shoto with glassy eyes. "Everyone was so upset. My powers went out of control. It was a big mess you left us in." He tries to laugh. "B-but The children," Izuku's breath hitches. "Their faces, the raw emotion we all felt. Y-your fans faces. Even your farther had tears in his eyes." Izuku looks back to Shoto. "They are going to be mad at you for a while." He sighs, "I bet my face was the worst. I looked so ugly. Red puffy eyes messy hair. My powers never calmed down till now." Izuku laces his fingers with shotos. While the other fiddles with the grass. Shoto cups Izuku's cheek with his free hand. Lightly rubbing circles with his thumb. He looks from Izuku's lips to his eyes. He gets his answer when Izuku leans in. The kiss is gentle. It holds emotions that neither boy could voice. It shares their thought and clears their minds. When they pull way the smile softly at each other.

Izuku is first to break eye contact looking down flustered. "It's nice here huh?" He asked changing the subject. "This is the field I went to on a family outing before everything went, crazy." Shoto hums squeezing Izuku's hand lightly. It's small but is all the support he needs. "It's a lovely memory zu. I'm sorry I'm leaving you so soon. I just wanted to protect you, the civilians, the children and heroes. I wanted to save everyone-" "And you did." Izuku cuts in his voice bordering anger. "You scarified yourself for the safety of everyone." Izuku's voice softens shortly. "You became a true hero. Selfless and kind. I couldn't wait to see what you'd become in the future... but right now I want to be selfish!" He looks at his lover. "I want to keep you for myself." A closed eye smile, "I want you to be happy with the life you live. I don't want you to be selfless I just want you safe." Izuku lays back in the grass. Shoto feels guilty. He never wanted to upset anyone. He knew this would happen one day. Tho he hoped he'd be older. His thought are broken by Izuku. "Lay with me?" He asks. Shoto nods before laying down next to the boy.


He'll be selfish. He will stay with Izuku. He'll be selfish and enjoy this moment even though there are people sad and crying. "I want to enjoy this time we have. It won't last long and once it's over there's much to tell you." Shoto hums. He doesn't know what Izuku meens but he'll ask later for now he wil relax, do what Izuku says. He owes him that much at least.

"Hay zu you never answered my question." Izuku turns to face Shoto. "Yes Sho your- dead." Izuku huffs. "But technicallyim dead to so we're both dead now. That's weird to say." The both laugh a little. "Huh I guess dying doesn't feel different to living." Shoto says. Izuku raises a brow. "I don't feel dead. Not completely anyway. I feel... more powerful?" Shoto elaborates he laughs. "Maybe I'm a ghost!" Izuku laughs too and sits up. He looks to the boy.

"Try God."

"Wha-" Shoto seems to glitch. Izuku gets up and stretches. "Don't get mad! It was the only way to keep you alive- or well not dead exactly. The angles agree with me your time wasn't supposed to end then. If they agree then why not." Shoto sits up slowly. "What? How could I be a g- and why would I be mad? Not like I wanted to die!" Izuku pulls Shoto up. He cups both cheeks and stares at him. "I know. I just wanted to be with you forever I guess this is how fate wanted it to play out. Your like me now. We are both immortal boys." His smile falters. "I-It does come with a price tho." Shoto gently rubs the boys shoulders. "What's the price?" He asks. "Well you have a job. A way to pay the univers back. You have to help all children with a bad child hood. Your like my new partner!" Izuku says clapping. "That's... not a bad price." Shoto muses. "Can I do what you can?" He says looking to Izuku. The boy nods taking his hand. "It will take time but try the aging it's easy. Kinda like this..." Izuku turns to a twenty odd looking man. Shoto focuses his energy and feels his body tingling. When he opens his eyes he's taller than Izuku and he has more build and looks very hot- at least to Izuku. "Come on now we have to leave." Izuku holds his hand out. "People need us and the children will be going crazy!" Shoto laughs being pulled by his boyfriend. "Yeah let's go love."

1178 words

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