《The immortal boy》All my life in a Little green car


"DAMN IT!" Izuku shouts from his house. "He saw. He knows. I'll have to explain it later, or come up with a lie. No I can't lie to him. He's my boyfriend for gods sake I should trust him. I've known him for like 80+ years. Urgh! get it together Izuku." He lightly slaps his cheeks forgetting about his eye and walking straight to his bed. "I'll explain it to Sho tonight!"

"Hello Shoto!" Izuku's voice sounds through the darkness.

"Izu?" Shoto replies.

"Yeah it's me sorry about earlier I was a little bit out of it"

Shoto hums. "You here to explain?" He asks. Izuku nods before disappearing once again. A seen starts playing like an old movie.

A young green haired boy sits in a park. He's smiling as the sun reflects his eyes making them sparkle. He uses his quirk to make vine ramps for a small green car he has. He seems happy in his own world until a shadow seems to cover the sun. "Hay son ready to go home? Mom should be cooking!" The little boy looks up in excitement. "Yah kat-katsu-don!" The man laughs lightly holding the boys hand as they walk back home.

The mans face was blacked out so Shoto couldn't see the real identity but he had a strong feeling it was all for one.

The farther son duo walked home talking about there day. They seemed happy, content, like a family. The reach the small house and the little boy runs in. The man laughs following his lead.

The memories flicker as a new seen plays. Shoto gasps when it starts.

A woman with brilliant green hair matching Izuku's own and big green eyes only a shade duller than izukus. She beautiful pale skin and a thin frame. She sits on the sofa the young boy in her lap. They're watching the news on resent quirk discoveries. The small boy seems to be daydreaming holding a small green car in his hands. His mother-Shoto guesses thats it's Izuku's mother looking at the similarity and how their personality seemed the same or at least very close.


hums a soft melody one that calms the boy as she racked her hand through his unruly hair. They boy seems less tense and leans into the touch. The small green car still in his grasps.

Shoto recognises the tune as one Izuku sings when he thinks no one is listening or when Izuku thinks Shoto is sound asleep like his mother Izuku would pet shotos hair and hum the melody.

They also seem happy, loving, peaceful. The memories again change this time the man with a blacked out face is pacing the kitchen mumbling to himself. Papers litter the table pill bottles and bills. This is from when Izuku's mother started getting sick Shoto thinks. Another figure walks in trying to calm the man down. He's skinny and frail looking he has black hair that matches the man with the blacked out face. This man seems younger also having freckles like Izuku. The man seems frustrated and the younger man tries to calm him down again. This doesn't work well as the two start fighting. The seen flickers and glitches until the man starts uses a quirk to lash out at the other Man. After a few hits He dodges and the blow is aimed strait forward little Izuku who was just coming into the kitchen. The force of the hit sends Izuku flying back the same green car falls from little hands and slides along the floor. The two men rush over to the boy checking him over and soothing him. Izuku smiles weakly, a black eye already forming.

Shoto picks up on the constant appearances of the small green car. He remembers every injury Izuku gets through the memories he pieces together the puzzles Izuku laid out. Each new memory a new pics to slot in.

The final memory Izuku shows was when he was already dead. The image shows there graves. One labled Inko Midoriya loving wife and mother. The second labled. ______midoriya loving brother and uncle. The middle grave smaller than the two by its side was: Izuku midoriya loving son and a friend to all taken to see all our love. Flowers lay on all three graves. The man kneeling in fronting Izuku's. "I'm sorry my son. Please forgive this old sinner." He lays the green car onto the grave and steps back.


By the time Shoto had woken up from the shared dream it was late into the night. He was face to face with the young boy. Shoto gently grabs Izuku and pulls the smaller into a hug. "You relive the pain when your emotions get to strong don't you?" He voices out. Izuku nods he was glade Shoto could figure it out since he couldn't admit it himself. "It's been like that since i could remember. It's why I have a black eye. And in the past injuries-I-I didn't know how to open up and tell you so I thought I'd show you." Izuku steps back. "I'm sorry for the worry I caused." Izuku bows his head. Shoto frowns. "Zu you have nothing to apologise for. Thank you for trusting me with bits from your past. You mother looks like she was a kind, loving woman." Izuku smiles. "Yes she was. She was the one who bought me this..." Izukus hands glows a soft green and a little toy car appears. The paint is chipped and scratched, there's rust poking out and the wheels don't work any more. It looks old, vintage even but most importantly it looks loved. "The car..." Shoto breaths out. The green boy nods. "Through the good and the bad this car has been mine. I love it." Izuku looks up to Shoto. "My-my fath- the man in that dream." He starts. A tear rolling down his cheek. "He put this on m-my g-grave." He takes in a shaky breath. "He let me rest next to my mother and uncle. He felt remorse for his actions and was trying to make it up. When I took this car and he noticed it missing he went out and bought another and placed it back onto my gra- you know what. He loved me for a while until his mind tore him apart from the inside out no help from that 'doctor' ." Shoto wipes the tears away. "I love him too at one point." Izuku continues "I used to call him dad. We would play and he would teach me thinks. I loved it. But now he's dying and suffering the consequences of his actions and I don't feel bad about it." Izuku sniffed a few times, Rubbing his face.

"Shoto does that make me evil?"

Shoto freezes. "Oh of course not baby. He hurt and abused you physically and mentally you have every right to hate him and not feel sorry for him. He's messing with your head without you realising. Hopefully now you can heal and focus on yourself." Izuku giggled. " I gave that same advice to someone I helped the other day. I must have learned it from you!" Izuku hoops shotos nose. "Ah you should practice what you preach!" Shoto says rubbing there noses together. "Practice what you preach I like that saying." Izuku says still giggling. "Mmh and I like sleep so let's do that next." Shoto says laying down. "Come snuggle zu~" Izuku yawns shortly followed by Shoto they laught at the cute act and fall asleep happy.

1270 words

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