《The immortal boy》Pro hero: Freeze Fire


Shoto sat in class as their teacher Aizawa goes on about the next steps of becoming a hero. It was a normal day in general and shoto wasn't too interested in what the teacher was saying until the class erupted into whispers. Deciding to listen to what exited the class he catches the end of Aizawas speech. "...and that's why starting next Monday school classes along with the day will be halfed." Shoto raises an eyebrow at this next week there days would finish early. Why? "Sir." Iida raises his hand. "Will we be accompanied or patrolling individually?" Ah so the second half of the day they would be patrolling. Honestly it makes sense to Shoto they're heroes in training. Second years that also start the last year in a few months. Things are moving fast and sitting around won't get there name out. "Thank you Iida you will be patrolling by yourself unless you have a partner like Ground Zero,RedRiot, uravity and froppy and the rest. Any more questions?" A few more hands raise up but Shoto zones out again. "Okay class now that that's out of the way the remaining student who need a hero name please inform me of your choice before the week ends." Shoto sighs at that not knowing a good hero name. Maybe he should ask Izuku what he thinks? He'll bring it up later. The bell interrupts shotos thoughts again and he packs his stuff ready for training.

"Okay class!" All mights voice booms through the gym. "Please work on special moves and attacks. If you work in a pair please practice you synchronised attack and moves." Shoto goes over to the side to warm up. He's still thinking when an explosion gets thrown his way. Barely dodging it he shoots a glare at Bakugo. "Icy-hot help us out instead of standing there!" The fiery blond shouts. "Icy-hot... no it's too childish." Shoto muses making his way to the pair. "What was that halftime!" "Bakubabe chill." Kirisima says patting the blonds shoulder. "I'm thinking of a hero name." Shoto states plainly. "Icy-hot isn't a good one tho..." he mumbles to himself. "Oi! Bastard stop mumbling like that stupid deku!" Shoto looks up. "Don't talk about your mother like that!" Shoto says a smirk showing through. "Oh so that's how we're playing? Bring it!"


Bakugo lunges towards the boy palms sparking in anticipation He gets frozen in place. Shoto lets out a small laugh as a shocked expression morphed into an angry one. "Why you- riot! Duel Attack now!" Bakugo shouts melting the ice and jumping back. "Sorry todoroki this might hurt." Kirisima says conflict in his eyes. "It's okay give it your best shot!" He encourages. Kirisima nods lunging towards todoroki. He misses or todoroki assumes he did but soon corrects that when two rock hard arms pin him from behind. Todoroki flips Kirisima over giving him a blast of ice. And explosion sounds and todoroki switches his focus. "Not so fast shit head!" Bakugo yells flying over to the boy. They engage in hand to hand combat discarding their quirks and relying on brut strength alone. While they're busy Kirisima works his way out of the ice cage and joins the fight.

By now the rest of the class has stoped their own training to watch the fight. They stand a safe distance away and analysis. All might stands closer ready to break the fight up if needed, he maybe frail looking now but he still packs a punch. The fight keeps going until todoroki pulls out a new move he's been working on. He surrounds them in ice but quickly changes to fire. He repeats this a few times until he stops once the area clears the class sees todoroki panting and crouched on the ground near two bodies. "Don't worry they just past out. My new move dose that." All might walks over and coughs. "All right back to work class. "Todoroki my boy, what was that move?" Todoroki explains how his new move is only to be used at the end of a fight or as a last resort. He tells all might how the quick temperature change causes the brain so much shock and confusion it makes the body pass out in response. "That's a handy show stopper you got there. Now mind taking these two to recovery girl?" The boy nods softly face going back to unreadable he pulls one boy over each shoulder and starts his way to recovery girl.


"Thank you todoroki have a good evening!" The short lady said getting to work on the two unconscious boys. "Thank you. Sorry again." He said leaving the nurses department with a bow.

He headed back to his dorm room where Izuku lay sprawled out on his bed. "Geez zu it's like you live here." Izuku turns to face Shoto his hoodie was pulled over his face and tears were visible from the uncovered side. "Zu?" Todoroki says carefully approaching the boy. "W-welcome back Shoto. H-how was-s your day?" Izuku said slipping on some of his words. "It was fine... how about you?" Izuku just nods his head. "Oh before I leave I wanted to tell you my idea for your hero name..." Shoto worried his words hurt the boy and ignores the last part. "Before you leave?" He questions. "Yeah I um have some work or something. But anyway for the hero name. What about duel hero: Freeze Fire? I heard you struggling to come up with something that incorporates both quirks and now that you excepted yourself. Which I'm very proud of. I thought it fit but it's your choice!" He stops rambling and give Shoto a peck on the cheek "I'll see ya around sometime Sho!" Shoto reaches out to grab Izuku's hand which pulls down the hood. There lies a beautiful black eye. "Izu-" "Ah gotta fly by toto!" And with that Izuku vanishes. "He's lying to me? No hiding from me...but Freeze Fire huh?"

"I like it."

1036 words

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