《The immortal boy》Home late


The girl goes pale. "H-hospital? Y-you know?" The detective glances towards Izuku. The boy takes the girls hand gently and looks over to the detective. "That man is responsible for a code IP126-45R" the detective goes silent. He looks to the girl with pitty. "I'm sorry he has done that to you. Once you arrive at the hospital you can talk more with the doctors and Izuku about that. But for now please explain your story."

By the time Charlotte had finished her story and answered their questions it was time to head over to the hospital. "Are you ready I'll be teleporting us there?" The girl just nods her head walking over. "Alrighty hold one tight!" They arrive in a room and a nurse is already waiting. "Hello Charlotte I'm nurse Yumi I'll be looking after you while you stay here." Izuku sits down on a chair next to the bed. "Umm h-how long will I b-b-be here?" Charlotte asks sitting on the bed. "Well for now until your baby is born that is if your keeping it. We want to keep you on the psychiatric ward just to keep you safe." The nurse says getting her notes. "Okay we are going to go through some questions if your struggling to answer I'll ask Izuku okay?" Again the girl nods.

They discussed if the young girl was keeping the child. Then about her mental health then onto a regular check up. Nurse Yumi stands up and claps her hands. "Alright were done now. I'll leave you and Izuku alone." She smiles over to Izuku. "Izuku ten minutes until visiting hours end." They both nod and start taking. "I'm sure your making the right choice so please don't let that stress you out okay? You are going to get all better really soon! Until then just focus on you." The girl nods hugging Izuku tightly. The make small talk until Izuku checks the clock. He sighs stand up. "I'll see you later Charlotte I'll keep dropping by every now and then until then please take care!" He waves as he leaves deciding to walk back to UA.


He Arrived early and snuck into todoroki's dorm room. "Sho?" He whispers out. No reply. He creeps further into the room when the light flicks on. "Ack!" Izuku stumbles almost falling. "Shoooooo" Izuku whines seeing his boyfriends smirking at him. "Hum? Someone's home late~" the split boy says. Pulling up the smaller and flopping onto them bed. "I missed you!" Izuku says snuggling closer. Shoto laughs quietly. "How was work?" He asks Izuku just sighs. "Long day?" Shoto questions. Izuku just nuzzled his head further. "I see." He says thoughtfully. "We can talk later for now let's relax okay love?" Izuku response is giggling. "What are you thinking trouble?" Izuku giggles more at the name. "Weeeeell I was thinking..." the green haired boy trails off. Shoto hums in question. "How about we relax together? I got this new bubble bath and I really wanna try it!" Izuku finishes off with puppy eyes. Shoto laughs at his boyfriend. "Sure love sounds nice~" Izuku blushes deep red. "No. Bad Sho! No funny business." Izuku says covering the boys mouth. Shoto just raises his eyebrows and licks the boys hand. "Ewwww toto stop it." Shoto just smirks raising his hands in mock surrender. Izuku huffs and goes towards the bathroom to start the bath.

"Toto! Looook!" Izuku's voice sounds out excitement laced into every word. The candy-cane boy stops scrolling and sets his phone down. He goes to see what Izuku's so happy about. Stepping into the bathroom his mouth drops. "Oh my Go-" he's cut off by Izuku appearance through the bubbles. "I didn't know it meant extra extra bubbles but I'm definitely not complaining!" Shoto shakes his head. "Baby... bubbles are covering half of my bathroom and you just popped up in the middle of it." Izuku face falls. "Are you mad?" He asks sinking his head back under the bubbles. "I could never I'm just surprised. Hay! Where'd you go?"


"I am here!" Izuku shouts head popping out in a different place. "Come on Sho!" The greenett says pulling Shoto into the bubbles. "Woah now. Hang on I don't want my clothes getting wet." "Hurry! I wanna play." Shoto just rolls his eyes climbing into the mess after the childlike teen. "Oh greeny~ didn't you want to play?" Shoto says finding the bath tub. "Maybe a little~" the smaller teen says from behind Shoto. "Well then can you do something about this?" He says. Izuku pouts but gets rid of most of the bubbles. "Happy now?" He grumbles. Shoto smirks pulling the green haired boy towards him. He starts kissing Izuku's neck gently. Izuku's body relaxes at shotos touch "yeah I'm happy." He whispers licking the green boys ear. Shoto moves to Izuku's lips and caresses his face. "You're beautiful." He says lightly kissing the boy. Izuku shudders melting into the kiss. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like the way Shoto treats him. Soft and gentle like Izuku's a flower. He savours every moment. Shoto laughs as Izuku let's out a yawn. They both wash up and crawl back to shotos bed. "I love you toto." Izuku says tiredly. "You know I love you to zu." Shoto says back cuddling up to each other.

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