《The immortal boy》Izuku's Job


The sunlight wakes Izuku up the next morning. He stretches and lets out a yawn. He flops about not finding any warmth. He sighs getting up before heading to the bathroom. Todoroki has already left for school so Izuku is alone in the dorms. He gets ready for the day before heading out the dorms to his little house. 'Welcome back Izuku we have kept guard while you recovered.' The vines say uncovering the green door. Izuku hums smiling strength the plants. He soars then some of his energy and they thank him again.

He enters the house and looks around. 'Just as I left it.' He thinks walking towards the crystal pond. "Show me what I missed." He commands. The pool ripples and glows a soft white before showing Izuku what he missed lucky for him he hasn't missed a lot. "Thank you." He replies standing up. He gets ready to teleport out to his first job. "And so the day starts."

"will you be okay now?" Izuku asks the little girl in ground of him. She nods he blue hair bobbing with the movement. "Thank you again. I thought we had lost her forever." The girls mother turns facing him. Izuku smiles. "No problem. I was happy to help this is my job after all!" He goes to ruffle the young girls hair. "Try to stay close to your mom next time okay?" He questions. "Yes mister I will!" Izuku nods satisfied and walks way to his next destination. "Hmmm an abuse case next. Hopefully I can get this kid out and safe."

Izuku transports to an small room. A blanket is spilt on the door covering a child. Cans and glass shards litter the floor. There's red and brown stains and Izuku winces remembering his childhood. Carefully he walks over to the blanket. "Hello, sweetheart? Can you hear me?" He says gently. The child barely moves "hello hun?" He tries again shaking the child carefully. He pulls the blanket back and looks at the sight. A small figure lays still the blanket under them stained with blood while a pale face scrunches up at the loss of warmth "my poor child. Hay sweetie wake up it's time to get you out of here." He says slowly wrapping his arms around the kid. He tries to heal his wounds and stop the bleeding. He takes a look at the child, matted black hair with stripes of gray stick to the boys face. He has a black eye and is severely malnourished. "It's okay I'm here to help." Izuku says dropping the boy off at the hospital then calling up the police to inform them of the mother. "No one will hurt you again so sleep easy." He says leaving the boy to the doctors.


He suddenly gets a feeling of another girl in trouble. ⚠️ He follows his head until he ends up at a house. He walks up to the door and knocks politely. After a minute an older boy opens the door he looks angry and glares Izuku down. "Hello I'm here to check and make sure everything in this household is safe. May I come in?" He asks. The man gets more angry and goes to slam the door. "Sir I recommend you do not close this door if you'd like to avoid consequences." Izuku states. The man sneers leaning down to the boy. Izuku can smell the mix of alcohol and smoke combing to make an awful mix. "This house is safe was it the bitch who told you it wasn't! She's always lying for attention sorry to wast your time." He says clearly lying. "I see so there's a female living with you? I'd like to speak with her." Izuku says back to the man. He laughs and goes to close the door. As he's doing so Izuku spots a girl in a dirty oversized shirt limping down the stairs. He can barely make out the marks on her skin before the door is shut completely. He stands there listening for any arguments. It's not long till one starts. "I thought I warned you about telling people!" The man shouts. "W-what? I-I-I haven't!" A girls voice sounds back. "Don't lie to me bitch!" A clatter can be heard as something breaks. "There was a boy at my door asking for you. Who is it. Your ex? A school friend? Ha! Your mine I thought you knew that." "P-please I don't know w-who y-you mean." The girl begs. "Yet to the bedroom be ready for me you slut." He shouts followed by a loud bang and crying. Hearing enough Izuku takes action. He teleports to the 'bedroom' and sees the girl. "Hello there sweets, I'm Izuku, I'm here to help." The girl looks at him shocked. Tears still roll down her face and a red hand print marks her left cheek. The young girl is covered in scratches and hickeys. Her hair is messy and he cloth torn and dirty. "My goodness your so young." Izuku fusses around the girl. "He must be at least 15 years older than you." He takes the girls hands. "We need to get you outta here hold on tight okay?" The girl nods just as the door slams open. "YOU! How the hell did you get in here you little shit!" Izuku just hugs the girl tightly. "The police are on there way for you. Enjoy prison." He states. The man snarls running to the two. The girl starts shaking clinging onto Izuku for dear life. Just before the man can reach Izuku transports them the police station.


He startles a few people including the girl still clung to him. "Detective I have a girl here who I think might be one of your missing people." The man walks over gasping at the girl. "Yes Izuku please take her to R2. I'll be there shortly. Izuku nods leading the girl through the station to a door labled R2. "Here," he says opening the door. "This is a special room for cases like yours. Please get as comfortable as possible. There are clothes in that draw and a bathroom over there," he points to a blue door. "I'll wait for you here. Then I'll explain the rest okay?" He say giving the girl an encouraging smile. She nods trying to smile back.

"I-umm mister?" The girl asked coming over to Izuku. "Ah hello Charlotte. Feeling more comfortable?" Izuku asks. Charlotte nodded. "Izuku was it?" The green boy nods. "Th-thank you. B-but H-how did you know m-my name?" Izuku smiles at the girl. "I'm the guardian of all children growing up through hard times. It makes me able to do my job the way I do. I know all about you and that man. I have also got godly powers it's not important tho. I'm glad your feeling better you'll never see that man again and once you've explained your story to detective T. You can start the healing process." They smile and talk until the detective comes in. "Hello there Miss. Charlotte. I'm detective T. I'm here to ask for you story as Izuku I'm sure already explained. Once that's done your family will be able to see you at the hospital." The girl goes pale. "H-hospital? Y-you know?" The detective glances towards Izuku. "That man is responsible for...code IP126-45R" the detective goes silent. He looks to the girl with potty. "I'm sorry his has done that to you. Once you arrive at the hospital you can talk more with the doctors and Izuku about that. But for now please explain your story."

1318 words

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