In Serial

Aria of Memory

8 178 42
Author: Type:Male

Try as one might, the will of the Crystals shall not be denied. As ashes turn to ashes and dust turns to dust, so too does the radiant brilliance dim to deepest darkness. The Fallen One--a young woman of unknown origin, afflicted with amnesia, has come to the Star where the Crystals once held sway. Imbued with power beyond her ken and chosen to bear a burdensome mantle, she fights for friends, she lives for love, she dies for duty, and like a phoenix rises anew to continue her journey. Her quest is without end--her vigil, everlasting; yet, she does not stand alone against the vicissitudes of the Forces of Ruin. Alone or not, however, she shall become what she must. Cross-posted from AO3

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