《The immortal boy》Back to the old rutine


"Hello I'm detective Hinata," a orange haired male said entering the room and sitting on one of the chairs. "This is my partner kagayama." He continues pointing to the tall dark haired man. Izuku nods greeting them both. "Now that you've recovered we need to ask you a few questions. Will that be okay?" The shorter male asks. Izuku nods again. "Great. Can you start with your relation to all for one?" The taller black haired man says. Izuku shudders at the name, he takes a calming breath before explaining. He told them how almost a hundred years ago he was the sone of the man once called midoriya. He told them how he started to go insane and how his family started falling apart. He said how he treated his "son" and how he unfortunately died. He answered there question on how he was still alive, giving a brief summary on the whole immortal life. The detective asked how the man found him and what he did to Izuku while at he was trapped in all for once base. Izuku tried to answer without getting upset but stoped several times to breath and wipe his tears away. The police officers were patient and listened to the boy. After a few more questions and note taking The detectives stood up. "Thank you for answering our questions Mr. Midoriya." The detective says, Izuku waves his hands around. "Please just Izuku. I ditched midoriya decades ago." He say nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Well then Izuku that man will be locked away until he dies same goes for the doctor. You have nothing to worry about." He smiles kindly at Izuku. They say there goodbyes and leave the boy alone again.

A few days later a nurse that Izuku likes a lot walks in. He seemed to have a bounce in his step and he started his assessment. "Okay mr. Izuku you're all clear to leave!" The nurse happily smiles. The green haired boy perks up and nods happily swinging his legs back and forth. "The doctor will be by to sign you out later this afternoon." He continues. Izuku looks up and smiles brightly. "Ah thank you! I'm ready to leave." He said eyes glowing a child like tone to his voice. The nurse laughs and ruffles his hair. "We'll all miss you Izuku. Please keep safe I don't want to see you here again kid!" "Yes sir!" Izuku says before laughing. The nurse finished off his assessment and left the boy alone again waiting for visiting hours to see his boyfriend.


"Shooooo I get to leave today!"

"That's great to hear greeny. Finally get some privacy~" the split haired boy says wiggling his eyebrows. Shoto sat in a chair by the bed while Izuku sits with his legs crossed on the bed. Both boys stare at each other before bursting out laughing. "Smooth Shoto real smooth." Izuku got out between gasps. "Still it will be nice to go home right?" Shoto asked when he'd stoped his laughter. The green boy hums in response closing his eyes. "Yes I'll have to get back to work again. I must have missed a lot..." he sighs. "Don't stress your self out zu. There's only so much you can do, try to put yourself first." "Sho..." Izuku starts gently looking over to the boy. "You know I can't put myself first. The children, My children have to come first. It's my job. Its my duty. It's the price I pay to keep living with you and the rest of the people I love. It's not a bad price. And I do love my job, so I'll keep doing it until the end of..." Izuku trails off into a mumble. "Till the end of infinity!" Shoto bursts out. "Izuku your stuck like this forever you won't die. Just the same loop. It must effect you somehow. You see the people you love stuck in a loop but each time our loop resets we forget you. Barely anyone gives you the credit you deserve. I-" his rant holts as Shoto anger tones down and he realises something. "I forgot you..." he said simply. Izuku's green watery eyes look up to blue and gray. "Shoto it's not your fault." Izuku says quietly. "No. How many times have I left you? How many times have you cried because of...me?" A sob sound out through the room He looks at Izuku in shock. "I've done it again." He whispers. Izuku shakes his head violently. "No. No. No. Shoto please stop." The duel eyed boy falls silent. "You've never left me Shoto. We meet and we get together and we grow old together. If cried it was 'for' you not because 'of' you. I- I can't explain it well but I have a feeling this time something will change. And I'll be with you forever." A small smile pulls at shotos lips. He's happy he's not burdened Izuku too much. He thinks back on the boy words 'for you not because of you' it makes him smile. "You know..." he starts looking up. "I'd happily sign my life away if I could live with you forever Izuku. Help you out, for ever. But until then I think there are some people who have missed you." They giggle waiting for the doctor to give them the ok.


"Hay everyone look who I brought back!" Shoto shouts entering the dorms. "DEKU!" Kacchan screams tackling the small boy to the ground. "Oof. Hi kacchan! Miss me?" The blond scowls. "Course nerd." He says hugging the small boy closer. "Oh yes family group huuuuug!" Uraraka says jumping onto the growing pile. "Hi ocha! How've ya been?" Izuku question starting to get squished. "Better now your home mom!" She replies happily. The two smile at each other sharing a quick hug before another shout erupts. "My turn next! Hay mom how you feeling?" Kirisima says flopping down on top of Bakugo. Izuku giggles at the couple. "I'm good thank you eijiro. You?" He give Izuku a toothy grin. "Just great right bakubabe?" He says to the blond beneath him. A grumbled reply come out of said boy, Izuku just rolls his eyes and patted the red heads head. "Sparky!" Izuku exclaims seeing the young boy. The wind gets knocked out of him by said yellow haired boy. "ACK!" He wheezes out. "Ah! Sorry. Sorry. I'm just so happy your back I could barely hold back!" He shouts hugging the green boy tightly. They share a moment seemingly communicating with out words. "He really missed you, glad ya back tho less work for me." "Shinso..." Izuku whines as the purple boy joins the pile. "Cute." Shoto says taking a photos with his phone. "Should I even ask?" Mina says walking into the mess of people on the floor. "I wouldn't." Todoroki says back snapping more photos. "Okay then..." Mina says turning on her heals and heading back to the kitchen. "Okay everyone off. Go finish your homework Izuku needs rest so ill take him to my room." The children complain at this. "Some of us are older than you yet you still hold power over us!" Shinso states. "Hay I left you in charge didn't I?" Shoto snaps back. "True I have no problem with you and mom acting as parents I'm just saying." Shoto laughs. "Okay then mom," Shoto says turning to Izuku. "Shall we take our leave?" He says holding his arm out. "Ah such a gentleman. We shall dad let's be off!" The rest just giggles watching the two teen parents acting funny.

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