《The immortal boy》Its all in my head


Shoto watches Izuku struggle to keep awake and even laughs a little when he finally gives in.

"I wish that wasn't his motto..." denki voices from across the room. Everyone agrees and they stay in silence for a while. "Okay guys," Todoroki starts looking around the room at the half asleep problem squad. "You are all tired and have school tomorrow so it's time to leave. You can come back this weekend okay?" A few grumbles and quiet complaining later the all make it out the room and back on there way to UA. Shoto sees them off. "Thank you." He whispers walking back into the hospital. He stops by a vending machine and grabs some food and a drink. He sits down outside Izuku's room thinking while he eats. He's glade Izuku's back and recovering but he seems to be taking it almost too well. He still flinches at loud noises and tenses up when you touch him. He relaxes after a while but still- he's knocked out of his thought by a struggling sound. "No!" A weak voice shouts from the room behind him.

"Izu?" Shoto says immediate getting up and going over to Izuku's side, discarding his food. The green haired boy is thrashing and sweating. His heart rate starts going up and mumbles out barely audible words. "Hay, hay! Izuku it's okay I'm here." Izuku doesn't react to it. Continuing to panic, struggling with what Shoto assumes is a flashback or nightmare. "Please stop...go ... away" Izuku says quietly almost giving up and slowing down his panic. "I didn't... I didn't want this!..... why would I want to die..." Shoto's heart breaks. He knew how much Izuku's death must have effected him. He caresses Izuku's cheek. "Shhhh love, I know you didn't deserve to die. If I could I'd take your place. Please keep being strong. I love you so much. You can rest easy in my arms..." he trails off scooping the sleeping boy up. Shoto places Izuku in his lap and the boy seems to curl up. 'He's like a cat." He chuckles at his thought. Shoto straitened out his arm so he can't accidentally pull on the IV. This makes Izuku slurs out a few more words before calming down completely and snuggling into the half hot half cold boy. Eventually Shoto starts falling asleep, both soothed by each others presence.


Izuku wakes up before Shoto he wriggles around and discovers he's tucked up to Shoto. 'Mmh' the duel boy said rubbing his eyes. Izuku giggles at the cute action and they both stare at each other until Shoto steals a kiss. "Eek!" Izuku squeals covering his face, he slightly winces at his arm. "I'm sorry." Todoroki says looking down. "Wh-what?" Izuku says back confusion lace into his voice. "I couldn't help soon enough. You had to go through so much and I wasn't there to protect you." Izuku face pales a little. "Shoto you can't seriously be blaming yourself for this?" Shoto looks back up. "Kinda I was there when they got you but I couldn't get to you in time. I-I stoped because I was scared he would hurt you more." Izuku just sits gaping. "Sho- I put the barrier up to protect you that's on no one but me..." "it wasn't that!" Shoto shouts out. "A-after that I got so mad he hit you I broke the barrier and ran to you. I was so close too..." he whispers. "But then the man threatened to shoot you again I didn't want you to suffer more so selfish. I just-" "NO!" Izuku cuts Shoto off. "No..." he said quieter. "I'm so glade you did that...if you'd have been caught too. If..if you had to go through what I did I couldn't- I would be- just... thank you." He stumbles over his words but Shoto knows what he means.

"Hay zu?" Izuku hums. "What happened. I know it's hard but maybe, just maybe talking about it would help." Izuku pauses. His eyes looks thoughtful then showed his conflict in spilling everything or bottling it up. Deep down the green eyed boy knows he can trust Shoto. He loves Shoto! So why's it so hard to let him in. He sighs in defeat. "Okay..." he says looking away. He turns to his boyfriend his face she's worry and shoto smiles. "I will." Shoto breaks the silence answering Izukus unspoken question. "Huh how did you?" "I will always love you. No. Matter. What!" He proclaims. "Thank you Sho. Shall I start?" Shoto nods.


"Okay well first whatever that beam was, was supposed to erase your quirk completely. Then when I next woke up my farther tried to force quirks in and out of my body." Shoto gasps. "I-I-I could handle it. It was like before but the quirks wouldn't go into my body. He got mad and curious so he started testing me... e-every time he tried to force a quirk it felt like I was dying but I didn't. The day before you saved me w-w-was the w-worst. He. He. He. " Shoto hugged the boy tightly. He whispers words of encouragement into the trembling boys ears until he calmed down again. "A-anyway he- no we got into an argument because something in me just snapped? I got a bit mouthy and he obviously hated that so he tried to kill me." Shoto squeezes tighter. "No h-he..." Shoto soothes the boy again. "It's okay zu you said a lot you can rest if you want." Izuku shook his head. "It's now or never. I said something I regret. He didn't know i was the same son, but I blurted out how you can't kill someone who was already dead. I started sucking up the pain not giving him the satisfaction of a reaction. He really hated this so he tried different things to test my words." As he says this he gestured to the many injuries adorning his body. "It it hurt so bad Sho. I almost couldn't take it. Just because I can't die doesn't mean I can't feel pain." "I know I know I'm sorry." Shoto gently says. "My neck was the worst..." he trails off reaching a hand up to feel the bandages. "I still didn't react to it so he took it next level. He activated his- f-f-f-fire a-an-nd-d." "Oh love, I'm so so sorry." Izuku cries out hugging Shoto. "It was just as I remembered. Shoto I couldn't handle it. I was screaming at him begging him to stop! He kept it up for hours. Shoto I- I - I wanted TO DIE AGAIN!" He screams out. Shoto freezes. "Izuku..." he carefully grabs his chin lifting it up. "That's enough I think you've done so well. Thank you for trusting me. I swear no one will harm you again." He kisses Izuku's tears away before butterfly kissing his face. The green boy soon calms back down thanks to Shoto. How he got so lucky Izuku will never know. Shoto is perfect and he is greatly appreciative for this happy constant.

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