《The immortal boy》3:56 pm


"Todoroki?" A Doctor says coming out of Izuku's room. Shoto nods at the man. "The surgeon says it when well. As his powers are returned his body will heal more. He will however have deep emotional scars that won't heal fast. I recommend staying with his as much as you can. He won't like to be alone. His mind is slightly unstable. I give permission for you to stay with him but other visitors will have to wait a few weeks unless family." Todoroki takes in everything the doctor says. "Thank you." He mumbles walking into the room.

There lays the boy, all cleaned up. His legs are bandaged and so is his chest. His neck is stitched up and the hand prints are dull. His arm is also stitched up and an IV drip is attached. It's not pretty but still the boy looks beautiful to Shoto "Oh zu..." Shoto says rushing over to the sleeping boy. "I'd never not love you even at your worst..." He holds back tears as he strokes through the newly cleaned hair. He stays like that for a while. It's quiet and peaceful the only noise being breathing and machines. The curtains in the room are partly closed stopping enough light to not wake the boy up. Todoroki sits onto the put up bed next to the boy, he leans over lacing his hand with the sleeping boys. He buries his head into the thin blanket covering Izuku. A few tears dribble down his cheeks as he speaks "I'm so sorry. I couldn't save you. I wasn't strong enough. I love you. I really love you. Please be okay." It's muffled and patchy. He stays with his head down drifting into a light sleep.

He's awoken gently, a hand on top of his head. The hand gently strokes his hair. This action reminds him of someone. The half and half boy lifts his head. "M'mother?" He says rubbing his eyes. A gentle laugh sounds out. "I'm a mother to a lot of people but not to you toto." Shotos head snaps up. "Izuku!" He cries. "Hi love..." Izuku says back. "Zu zu zu" Todoroki chants out pushing his head into the green boys hair. "I missed you so much. I was so scared. Please never leave my side again!" He mumbles. Izuku hums. "Do you mean it? Really I never want to be alone again." Izuku says his voice is a bit scratchy as he's looking to the side so Shoto can't see his face. "Hay..." Shoto says pulling back. "Zu look at me..." Izuku shakes his head not wanting todoroki to see him cry. "Greeny~ it's okay to cry you've been through a lot. Look at me please I need to see your cute face." Izuku slowly turns to face his boyfriend his cheeks tint a light pink and he struggled to hold back a sobs. Shoto sighs climbing onto the hospital bed and setting Izuku on his lap as gently as he could. Izuku gives a squeak of embarrassment as his face flushed darker. "Ah-Shoto!" He exclaims. Shoto Just 'hums'. "Relax zu, I promise not to leave you." Satisfied Izuku let's his Guard completely down. He turns his head into Shoto neck and cries. It hurts his neck but at this point he doesn't care. He cries for everyone and everything; his mom, his uncle, the abuse, all the sad children. Shoto and his family and most importantly himself.


Shoto just stays there petting the boys hair and whispering sweet nothings. Eventually Izuku tires himself out and falls asleep on todoroki. But still true to his words Shoto stays. In fact it's only when the doctors come in later that day to check and change Izuku's injuries Shoto has to leave. But still he stays close outside the window so Izuku can still see him. Todoroki's phone starts ringing, opening it he see lots of messages and missed called from all different people. He checks the time it's been a long day today. He sighs answering the call.


"Todoroki? Good I've been calling for ages where were you?"

"I'm at the hospital? ...Who is this?"

"What? Oh it's president mic I'm using Aizawa's phone to contact you."

"Okay. Why?"

"That's the problem your 'kids' are going nuts without you and Izuku. No one can calm them down. We don't know what to do!"

"My kids? Oh you mean- OH OH GOD!" He almost drops his phone thinking of how the others must be acting. He rushes into the room practically begging the doctor to let them visit. It takes some explaining that he doesn't have 5 biological kids and the promise that Izuku's okay with it but they finally agree.

"President mic?"

"Ah finally what happened?"

There's an explosion in the background. 'Bakugo'

"Sorry please put me on speaker and tell the kids to listen."

President mic does as he's told and silence is made.

"Okay everyone I'm sorry I had to leave but I went to get our Izuku back..."

He could hear hushed chatter from the other end.

"If you want to you are allowed to visit us in the hospital. BUT you must be quiet and well behaved Shinso your in charge."

"Yeah! Stupid deku in the hospital again. Why is Shinso in charge? Izu is safe. Let's get going dudes!" He smiles at their replies.

"There on the way good luck."

"Hay zu how you feeling?" Todoroki asked heading back in to the room. Izuku just grunts. Making Shoto snicker. "It's not funny!" He pouts. "Sorry greeny but you look so cute!" "Ugh!" The hospital was lacking adult bandages so Izuku instead got ready bear ones. (This actually happens to me I was 16 with kids bandages;-;) Highly embarrassing. "Anyway the kids will be here soon..." he trails off. "Kids? Did you finally get them to call you dad too!" Izuku teases. It doesn't work as a smug smile plasters todoroki's face. "Yes I did! I'm officially dad now! We are proud parents." The green eyed boy blushes and laughs. "Yeah proud parents of what 5 kids? I'm telling you you better put a ring on it todoroki~" Sho decided making Izuku more flustered wouldn't be too bad so he walked over to the bed. "Oh have I not already Izuku todoroki?" He said lifting Izuku's hand up to kiss the ring. "Wha-" Izuku dives under the covers face resembling a strawberry. "Sho you can't just!" He exclaims from under the covers.


"Whats up with mum?" A voice sounds from the doorway. "MY BABIES!" Izuku shouts coming out from the covers beckoning the 5 over. They line up and each wait there turn. "Mommy!" Denki bawls out clinging to Izuku for dear life. Izuku holds him close calming the boy down. "It's okay baby mommy here. I'm okay." Denki nods but clings on more "thank you. You almost died but still thought of me!" Izuku chuckles lightly. "Of course sparky I love you and would hate to see you in pain. I can't "die" so I'll be fine. I promise." Denki boys saying he loves him too. He pulls away and attaches to todoroki, who accepted him and tried calming him down. "Mo-deku." Bakugo states crossing his arms. "Oh come now kacchan!" Izuku playfully sings. "Okay fine. I'm glade your okay mom." He mumbles into the hug. Izuku smiles kindly knowing the meaning behind the angry boys words. "Ocha! My daughter are you okay?" Izuku fuses whipping away her tears. "I was so scared mom. I - I ...I thought I'd lost you." She sniffs. "It's okay my sweet girl. I'll never leave you all I promise!" She nods joining Denki I'm hugging todoroki. "Oh eijiro... sweets come here." Izuku coaxed the shaking boy. "There there. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." Izuku says soothingly. The red head nods furiously rubbing his face. Izuku frowns. "Crying is very manly you know!" Izuku winks at the boy "how about you go to Katsuki for comfort?" He giggles, Kirisima nods running up to the blond and latching on. "Hay toshi hows my favourite insomniac family doing?" Izuku says crushing him in a hug. "We're all good mic calmed down and apologises for his behaviour, Aizawa stoped worrying now we have you back and Eri has no idea that your here." He finishes. "Good I don't want to stress he out." Shinso shakes his head. "Anyone first but you." He say de-latching Denki of of shoto. "That my motto..." Izuku says softly Resting back. "Still I'm glade your all safe..." he says drifting off.

1441 words

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