《The immortal boy》"Lets have a lovey dovey day!"


Shoto wakes up feeling something next to him. Something warm that wasn't there last night. Concerned he tries to sit up. "What the- Izuku?" He questions poking the lump laying next to him. It grunts in response mumbling out. "Whaaa? To early...go back sleep toto..." 'yep that's zu. What's up with the new name tho?' Shoto wondered. "To-to?" Shoto questions. The lump that is Izuku sits up slapping his hands over his mouth. A deep blush spreads over his face reaching his ears. "I-I...it isn't...I mean-" Shoto laughs at the sleepy boy. He admires the beautiful sight. A flushed sleepy Izuku, king of bed head and adorable as ever.

There's a soft morning light, it streams in through the curtains casting a warm light around the flushed boy. It makes Izuku look more angelic to Shoto, so he can't help but stare. "Stop staring..." the embarrassed boy mumbles covering his face. "What was that love?" Shoto asked removing the boys hands. "I said stop staring!" He quietly yells. "Mhhhh nope!" Shoto says teasing the younger boy. Izuku whines trying to cover his face again. Sadly for Izuku, Shoto had other plans. He pins the green haired boys hands above his head hopping on top of him. This makes Izuku blush even more much to his dismay.

"Shoooo!" He says looking up at the boy. "Who's sho? I'm toto!" The boy says teasing the boy beneath him. "Oh my god..." Izuku mumbles looking to the side. Shoto just laughs and starts kissing Izuku's face. Soft giggles fill the quietness of the room. A perfect start to the day. "Sho come on. Stop it tickles!" He wiggles around trying to get out of his lovers grasp. Shoto huffs and leans down to Izuku's ear. "You might want to stop wiggling unless you want to be late to breakfast greeny~" at this point Izuku is just gone. "It's too early for this to- I mean Shoto." He corrects himself. "Fair enough." Shoto says climbing off the bed and getting ready for the day.


"Sho... do you want to have an 'US' day?" Izuku asked pulling on a cute pastel hoodie. Shoto looks at Izuku and smiles kindly. "Like a date day?" Izuku nods. "But like we stay in. Cuddle, kiss, watch movies, talk..." Shoto grabs Izuku's hand. "I'd love that let's be extra lovey today. It will be a nice relaxing day full of love!" Izuku giggles again as todoroki pulls him out the door. "Yeah let's have a lovey dovey day! Starting right now!" Izuku exclaims. Before his tummy growls. "Starting right after breakfast!" He says again. Shoto just laughs at his boyfriends antics.

"Okay what's first on the agenda?" Izuku says flopping onto the bed, tummy satisfied from breakfast. "Ugh... be...gay?" Shoto said wondering why he said that. Denki is rubbing off on him. Izuku busts out laughing so Shoto falls down laying on him. "PAHAGAHAHA OOF Shoto stop your heavy!" Shoto rolled off the small boy giving him a look. "You said be gay does that mean you want a kiss or is it denki showing you memes?" "Me-me? Is that what they are. No I want the first option." "Okay come here you cutie!" Shoto leans over and the two share a kiss. It's not rushed or heated, not greedy either. It's slow, sweet, gentle even.

"You know I think your the cute one." Shoto says as they break away. Izuku can only nods a light pink adorned his face yet again. 'Curse Shoto and his gift to make me blush!'

Shoto soon turns more serious. "Time is flying zu. We're in our second year now! I can't believe it." Izuku hums in response. Class 2A had started their second year a few weeks ago. So far it's all going well. No villains since the league has been taken care of thanks to our green god friend, Izuku. Not many people know that, and Izuku refuse to claim it as his own. So the heroes got the credit instead. Aizawa, all might, and kaumi woods mostly.


He lays his head in shotos lap so Shoto could pet his head. It's a common occurrence and Shoto pets his hair almost unconsciously. Izuku is like a cat in that sense. "I'm almost a pro... I'm almost there." Shoto whispers out. To Izuku he sounds almost unbelieving. "I'm so proud of you." Izuku whispers back. "I always knew you could do it. Look how far you've got." Shoto sighs. "I know. Soon I'll be a pro and when I am I'll marry you so stay by me until then." Izuku turns to face the candy cane boy. "I'll never leave because I love you. Always have always will." Shoto hums happily at his lovers answer. They drift into quiet for a while until Izuku breaks it. "You'll be carful won't you?" The boy asks. When thinking of pro heroes you immediately love them, and link them to protection but there are those few horror stories. Heroes who don't make it back. Heroes who give there life for the masses.

"What do you mean zu?" Shoto asks pausing his petting. "I just- you know bad things follow your class and I don't want you to get hurt or worse. I can only heal so much and if you got hurt before your time I- I couldn't live with that...you mean too much to me..." the duel haired boy pushes his face into Izuku's green locks. "No I couldn't leave you. But if I have to protect you by sacrificing my life I wouldn't hesitate." It was muffled and barely audible but it still made Izuku shudder. "No," he whispers. "Don't wast you're life on an immortal boy like me." It's quite until Izuku adds. "I'm not worth it..." a few tears escaped his eyes. "Izuku..." Shoto says caressing the boys cheeks wiping the stray crystal tears away. "How could you say that. Your worth the world and more. You died once I would hate for you to experience something like that again." He looks deep into the smaller boys eyes.

"Then why would you put me through it?" The green haired boy asks softly breaking their eye contact. "Zu I just said-" "I heard you." The boy cuts him off, "If you die it would be worse than me dying. I'd have to live every day without you, remembering that I failed you. That I couldn't save you. It would be torcher until I find you again. Then I'd have to wait and you wouldn't remember me or our love. So please dont put me through it." Shoto sits there emotionless. "Greeny how could I forget our love? I'd remember you like I do everytime. Your always familiar to me. But in this life I'm gonna find a way to stay. If you'll let me?" A small chuckle escaped Izuku. "What a stupid question toto. I'll always have you. You and me for an infinite amount of lives. It would be perfect..." he trails off. "Your perfect!" Shoto exclaims shifting the mood back to playfully. "So Perfect..." he breathes out. "And all mine!" He says pouncing onto his pray. "I'm always yours!" Izuku shouts in shock. "I like that answer." Todoroki confesses, starting a heated make out session that lasted a long time and somehow progressed to a very explicit few hours.

"Oops I didn't mean to go from pouring out hearts out to pouring my-" "Shoto! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" A very flustered Izuku says covering a smug looking todoroki. "Yeah yeah, you liked it tho like always. Don't try to hide it I could hear you sweet-" "SHOTO TODOROKI! Stop saying thing that are inappropriate!" The blushing boy snaps. "What? You weren't saying that a few minutes ago!" Izuku just huffs and gets comfy. "What ever lets just watch a movie or something." He says looking away. "Yes princess. I'll get up since I'm sure you can't." Shoto winks at Izuku who huffs again, but still blushes with a small smile.

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