《The immortal boy》Betrayal


Class 2A is over half way through there second year at UA. The up coming sports festival, keeping them all buzzing, is right around the corner.

Izuku sits in his home flicking through the water pool. He likes to check on his children in his free time. Shoto and the rest of the UA gang are at school which leaves Izuku to his own Device. Not always a good thing. Izuku decide to head to the park just outside of town. It's usually filled with happy children that he loves to talk and play with. Child love his company and parents graciously accept his help.

Springing up he quickly tidies around, and changes before heading out. It's a little cooler so a warm jumper and jeans are a good choice. He slips on his classic red shoes and heads out. The walk to the park is beautiful, tall trees flowers and animals. Yet The closer Izuku gets to the park the more the pit in his stomach grows. Unsure of why he feels this way he continues his journey. The nerves only grow and his walking almost turns into a sprint.

He reaches the gate and stops. Now the boy has arrived his fears can only grow. The park is deserted. Not a single child, mother or farther in sight. An eerie feeling settled the barren park. He carefully walks in trying to find the source for the emptiness. As he nears the centre a sudden wind picks up unnaturally strong. And there in front of him a portal starts to open up.


Shoto has a bad feeling. It's such a strong feeling that he can barely focus on his school work. Mr. Aizawa has told him to concentrate several times now, but he is still unfocused. With a heavy sigh he raises his hand. "Mr. Aizawa please may I speak with you outside?" The boy asks an uneasy undertone seeping through. The tired teacher only nods following they boy out the classroom. "Todoroki? What's going on with you today?" The teacher said. "I'm sorry but I'm getting the worst feelings that something bad is about to happen..." he trails off. Aizawa rubs his eyes thinking. "Well I'm sure-" he's cut off from a phone ping. Shoto spooked by the sudden noice. With a glance to his teacher he checks his phone. oh no. His eyes blow wide as he scans what's been sent. Without wasting anymore time he turns and runs, sprinting down the hall and heading for the exit. "Todoroki!" His teacher called out behind him but he didn't stop not when he has reason to believe Izuku's in danger.


"get Bakugo and the others I'm sure they already know!" He shouts back disappearing behind the corner. Not a moment later the door to the classroom slams open and several panicked children run out following todoroki's lead. "Hay! Uraraka! Bakugo! Denki! Shinso! Kirisima! Get back here and explain." Mr Aizawa sighs expecting not getting a response. Agreeing this is unusual behaviour he goes to inform Nezu of the problem children, and todoroki.


"Izuku I presume?" The mist says merging into the shape of kurogiri. Izuku remains quiet, waiting for the next move. He had already sent an emergency distress message that he can only hope they inform a pro hero to help out. "It's you again, so Izuku or should I call you midoriya?" Izuku's blood freezes. He hasn't heard that name in years. It makes him so mad that he can't help but laugh. He should have expected this outcome. Once his father always his father.

A wide grin makes its way onto Izuku's face. "So he did send you then. What a shame I hate being betrayed." He says lunging towards kurogiri. His body glowed green as he tries attacking the man. The more he fights the more his sanity slips away. It's very unusual for Izuku to completely loose it. There's just something so sickening about his old family that just does it for him. Just the thought of his former father still alive snaps something deep within the boy. So deep it took a villain saying his old name to bring it up. Now that he's gone he's not sure how to get back.

His mind is screaming for him to stop and think about it, 'This isn't him!' But it is him. Mother Nature is known to have a harsh side that very few have seen. Izuku smirks seeing kurogiri struggle to keep the angry boy from hitting him.







'Your friends are calling you, snap out of it!' His mind screams again. Izuku's body falters and the green glow flickers.


"Zu?" He hears a whisper. 'Todoroki?' He thinks. That was it. The switch flipped off. His body sinks to the ground. He can see his family running to him. He's about to run to them when he sees an old man coming out a portal. He's holding a weapon like thing in his arms and grinning like an idiot. "Wait!" He called out to the running student. He's too late, the trigger has been pulled, using a last push of energy he raises a protective barrier around the kids. He locks eyes with todoroki, he smiles sadly. Everything is in slow motion as the boy runs in front of the beam. 'I love you' he mouths bracing for the impact.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" The sound echoes around the park. A scream so broken and full of pain that everyone freezes. The plant barrier doesn't break as the creator falls to the floor. The 5 students can only watch in horror as their mother screams out. A white light that blinds at impact hits him. Everyone covers their eyes holding their breath. Once the light vanishes all that you could see is a twitching body, Covered in blood and burns. "NO! NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU" Bakugo screams being held back by a trembling kirisima and Uraraka. "He he he he he he..." denki repeats as Shinso covers his eyes, trying to bring comfort to the small boy. Todoroki stands there. Not moving barely breathing. Staring at the seen. The fact finally hits as he burst into flames. Ice shoots through the barrier making It crumbles with the duel quirk, Shoto runs towards his lover praying his immortality will save him. "Not so fast kid." The old man says hovering over Izuku. "If you want him to survive I'd stop running." Todoroki halts. "Wha-" he's cut off. "Good now to get this mess back to master. Kurogiri if you please." He motions to the green haired boy. "Yes doctor." He creates a portal gently lifting Izuku up. "Sh-Sho..." he wheezes out. The lock eyes for a moment. "Don't do anything g-get Aiza-" the boy slumps in the mists arms. "That's enough out of you!" The old man says throwing a syringe to the floor. "Now let's go!" And with that they leave.

Todoroki can't remember anymore as he's engulfed in a group hug arm still outstretched waiting, begging for Izuku to be in them. Everyone cries and clings to him like he too will disappear. All he can do is comfort the rest in silence.

'It's what Izuku would want.'

He thinks picking Uraraka up. Shinso is carrying denki who seams to be passed out, kirisima and Bakugo cling to each other whimpering every now and then. They start walking back to UA campus. "Maybe Aizawa can help." Todoroki speaks. He sounds hurt and almost guilty as they enter school grounds. Once they arrive at the dorms. Todoroki speaks again. "Hello everyone please don't ask questions and leave us alone for the time being we will all be in my room. If it's urgent, speak to me first." Everyone nods solemnly reading the room. Many questions linger but no one dares speak them. "Let's go. You can all stay with me until this is sorted." Todoroki whispers leading them to his room. "Thanks dad..." a few of them say back. Todoroki tried to smile back but It probably came out more as a grimace.

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