《The immortal boy》Broken


When the green haired boy finally woke up, he finds that it wasn't a nightmare. His mind immediately worried about his family. His body is cold and laying on a damp floor. He can hear the distant sound of dripping water. A sound that seems almost deafening compared to the quietness of the room? Cell? Prison? Whatever he's in. Scrunching his nose up at the smell of blood and mould. He realises why the floor seems damp, he's laying in his own blood. Deciding against moving and alerting anyone of his existence, he stays still. Instead he focused of his survival. He focused on his body since his eyes don't want to open.

Right now his whole body hurt, this is mainly coming from a focused point in his back where he assumes the laser beam thing hit him. It spreads out in pulses, but it's not too much to handle. He's satisfied with his injuries and that they aren't a threat he moves on to his surroundings. The damp blood coated floor, the dripping water coming from in front of him, And the distant static that echoes the room. It's not much but without moving and without having the energy to open his eyes it's all he's got. That leaves the question of why his energy is so low. He can't teleport or heal himself, at the moment all he can do is strain to contact his family and keep a reserve energy for Denki but the more he tries the less energy he has. Pushing through the pain he sends out a desperate message before loosing consciousness again.

The family of 5 are all huddled together watching a movie. The school has given them time off since only todoroki is able to communicate somewhat with others out side of the main group without breaking down. Although the teachers know he's just taking up responsibility as Izuku's lover, effectively making him "dad". The others are not as active they barely sleep, eat, talk or move unless its completely necessary. They are usually together in todoroki's room crying and clinging to each other. Almost completely reliant on Shoto. Honestly Aizawa feels bad for the kids. He himself isn't doing to well about the kidnapping but since is an adult he is less dependent on Izuku. The kids however are very much dependent of Izuku especially kaminari, who's probably the worst out off them, very closely followed by todoroki then Bakugo, Uraraka, Shinso and Kirisima. All in all a quarter of class 2A is a moping mess. The other 3 quarters are very concerned and confused.


Todoroki suddenly snaps up pausing the film playing in the background . "Dad?" Denki questions noticing the older boys behaviour. "Can you feel that?" He asked hope starting to fill his eyes. "Everyone wake up I think Izuku is trying to contact us!" He shouts gently waking the rest up. "What?" They ask with hurried tones. "Just listen and, feel..." he says as the wait.

"My- my love. Shoto. Please keep them safe. I-I'm to weak. I think they know to keep my energy low. I can't move I'm not sure- I don't know- where am I?"

The voice that echoes their heads makes tears form. He sound awful pain and dread fill his tone and there's underline fear cracking through. It's definitely Izuku but it does little to comfort them.

"Sparky my child keep strong I'm sending the last of my energy to you. Plea- please keep alive. I'll be.... with.......you soon..."

The message ends sounding like Izuku passes out. "Woah!" Denki exclaims with new found energy. "Denki? Why would you need Izuku's energy?" Kirisima asked. Shoto looks to the red head. "Kirisima Denki isn't very well..." he explains. "How did you? Anyway it doesn't matter I don't want to make this about me." Denki states. "Baby it's important they know. Now is probably a good time...right dad?" Shinso says looking up to todoroki. Since this morning everyone started calling todoroki dad. He didn't mind it. They're just trying to find comfort. He wouldn't admit it out loud be he's happy the group accepted Izuku's and his relationship, but he feels bad for everyone as they seem to have cowered in acting more like children. He snaps out of his thoughts to answer "I agree kami please if you can, tell them." He gently encourages the boy. Denki nods trusting todoroki's judgment. "Well... ummm you see, my organs are very badly damaged.... so umm mother- or uh Izuku basically keeps me alive..?" He says burring his head into shinso's hoodie. "You're dying ... constantly?" Uraraka mumbles sleepily from todoroki's lap. "Ocha!" Todoroki scolds lightly. "No it's fine. Yeah in a way I'm always on the verge of death. Have been since I was 6." A muffled reply sounds from Denki. "Dude..." Kirisima says sending a sad look to his bro. "Stupid Pikachu. Not telling us we could help you!" Bakugo grumbles. Denki turns to face his family a few small tears roll down his cheeks. "C-can we not talk a-about th-this anymore. It's bad enough th-that m-m-mom wasted the rest of his energy on m-me..." he sniffs a few times clinging back to Shinso, who starts stroking his boyfriends hair. "Denki," Shoto starts carefully. "He didn't wast it. You're important to him so of course he'll do everything in his power to protect you. That goes for all of us. We wouldn't be here without zu's stubbornness." He looks around at everyone. "How about we help find him. Well start small and work up since I know we have all been very affected by this. But moping isn't the answer. What do you say? Are you with me?" He finished.


"I'm in."

"For izubro!"

"For mom!"

"For zuzu."

"Yeah yeah for stupid deku..."

They all smile and laugh quietly. For the first time in a few days they're happy.

"Hay brat!" A voice sneered from the darkness.

"Time to get back to work..."

1002 words

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