《The immortal boy》Yes father


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"Oi brat. Your not dead so get up!" The voice booms again. "Y-yes... father" Izuku whispers. Wincing as he stood on shaking legs. It's been almost a week since he sent his family the message. He's learnt quickly to do as he's told to avoid excessive beating. The doctor injects a serum that drains his body's power. They call it a quirk suppresser but it only fills his powers since it's not exactly a 'quirk'. He's unsure if they know he's a god or if they think he's just a reincarnation of the former midoriya's son. Either way Izuku doesn't think he'd care. "Ah!" He yells out as his farther tries again to force a quirk into his body. He yells out in pain his face scrunched. "s-stop please it hurts and w-won't w-work!" The small boy pleads. He's tied to a medical table, the cool metal relief for his hot body.

Everyday is the same get some weird slush to eat then to the medical room for some kind or experiment. Izuku's thankful that it's a clean room. Even thought he force of chemicals burns his eyes and nose. "You annoy me boy." He says in far to calmer voice. "Wh-what?" Izuku trembles out. He received a slap across the face. "Shut up!" His father roars. They small boy whimpers. The man he called farther has been angry since he discovered he can't force quirks in or out of the boy. This lead to test which Izuku was sure would reveal his 'secret'. It's didn't but that only enraged the man more. "Scared?" His father asked grabbing Izuku's chin roughly snapping his head to the side. His face meets the metal table and he shuts his eyes tight. "Look at me and answer Izuku" His father voice coaxed in a sickly sweet voice. Izuku open his eye looking up at the man. His face was contorted into a sinister smile, scars littered his it. Izuku couldn't see his eyed if he even had any. "N-no sir I-I'm n-n-not s-scared." He whispers out his throat was dry from lack of water and he found it painful to speak after scratching it by screaming too much. "I'm surprise son," the man starts letting go of Izuku. It didn't make much difference as he was tied to a table. Too tired to move much. Even that wasn't necessary he couldn't move not anymore. "Tell me why is it that even though your quirk is gone I can't give you a new one. Tell me, why are you still alive?" Izuku shakes. He didn't want to reveal the truth.


Once he died he thought his father wound never again control his life yet here he is a lab rat again. The thought brought up painful memories that made him shake. It seams no matter what he dose or how kind he is the pain never leaves. He's trapped in a loop that no matter how hard he tries he can break. Oh and how It was just as painful as he remembered. The screams of pain, that left his voice scratchy if not gone. The never ending sweat that dehydrates him more. The lack of food leaving a burning sensation in his tummy. Izuku stays quiet for too long and reserves a punch to the jaw. He snaps back to reality. But his mind goes blank.

.His survival mechanism kicks in.

"I'm surprised too..." Izuku begins a wide grin spreads across his face. He could feel his sanity slipping away again and feared the trouble it would get him in. It doesn't stop him.

"How after all these decades are you still alive..."

'no you idiot are you asking to be killed' his mind screams but it didn't stop there.

"Honestly I have to laugh."

He says giving a dry chuckle.

"It's amusing to me that you are trying to kill someone who is already dead. I mean you killed me right father?"

The man in question just stood there no expression on his face. Izuku wonders if he had broken him.


A sickening crack broke the silence. Izuku brain registered something was wrong but he couldn't feel any pain. He just lay there blinking up at the man calling himself his father. "What just-" he's cut off by a knife slices across his arm cutting right up the vain. Blood gushes out enough to make anyone instantly start to get dizzy yet Izuku stay still not even muttering an 'ow'. The villain gets even more angry by the lack or reaction. He stabs Izuku's chest over and over again. Blood spilling out but never affecting the boy. "Are you done?" Izuku asked in a bored tone. Hiding his pain as best he can, just because he can't die doesn't mean he can't feel pain. Each injury inflicted makes tears form in the boys eyes. He's internally screaming and begging for it to stop without his healing powers the injuries are just left open and will most likely scar. He sucks it up keeping a blank expression on he can't let this monster know what he's doing is affecting him. Days of working up to this moment would all be ruined. So instead he blinks back tears and holds in the screams. This obviously annoys the man to no end. "Izuku!" He curses, punching his chest easily breaking several ribs. "IZUKU!" He repeats again pulling the boys head up to stare down at his body. "" he screams sliding the blade deep across the green boys throat. Izuku eyes widen. Mangled sounds of bubbling and choking can be heard. Izuku struggles to get through the pain it feels like he's drowning but he's still receiving oxygen. This is taking longer to pull through than the rest but he keep pushing.


Pushing the pain down deep into his body far enough to forget.

PUSHING the tears and screams aside not showing any weakness. PUSHING PUSHING PUSHING. A stray sob sounds out. The man smiles getting a reaction. He enjoys It,relishes it even. There's nothing more satisfying breaking someone's to the verge of death only to kill them off. He watches reliving the joy of killing you own worthless scum. He glares down at his sons half lidded eyes, looking for the light fading. He can't find it? Izuku's body lies still but there's no indication of death.




A laugh echos the room. A manic sounding laugh that sends a shiver down your spine. It sounded raw and insane and it shook all for one to the core. "You think you can kill me because you took away my quirk? Well news flash you didn't do shit!" Izuku yells still laughing as the blood keeps pouring out the wounds. "You insolent boy! I'm your father yet you talk to me like I'm trash!" He places his hands on the boys throat instantly changing to a red colour. He couldn't care less about the mess he just wants him dead. He squeeze. Hard.

"HOW? I WANT YOU DEAD!" He bellows slamming Izuku's limp body onto the table. Izuku groans quietly. He's lucky all for one didn't hear him too caught up in his tantrum.

"...Your luck I can't kill you because you'd be dead ten times over" The man says calmly. He accepted his lose today. This doesn't sit well with the younger midoriya.


"Haunts you?" All for one says processing the young boys words.

"So all this time I've wasted when all I had to do was bring fire into the equation?" He questioned not expecting an answer. Izuku is viably shaking. He's slipped up. Admitted fire is his weakness, that's as good as inviting a second death. A light filled up the room as the old man activate his fire quirk. In a quirk movement he's aiming the blaze at Izuku. Warms engulfs the boy in. A searing pain has his body thrashing in his restraints. Red and orange fill his vision. The boy twitches and screams for him to stop but he keeps burning for hours on end. The villains stays, watching the pain in the boys eyes. Maybe he can't kill him and he doesn't react to physical pain, But emotions are a strong wound.


1466 words

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