《The immortal boy》"My work is never done!"


"Is Izuku okay?" Toya said forgetting his younger brother hasn't seen him in 10 years. Shoto just sat shocked. He thought his brother was lost forever or even worse dead! He blamed his father solely for it. But here he is. He knew Izuku had something to do with this but he'd ask later for now,

"T-toya? That's you isn't it?" Shoto's voice was small almost afraid of the truth. "Hello brother long time no see ha?" The man laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck. He doesn't know exactly how to greet the brother that probably assumed you were dead, and most likely had to deal with endeavour on his own. "Toya..." Shoto said again breaking the silence. Toya smiles fondly. "Shoto..." Izuku lifts his head from shotos chest. "The todoroki brothers!" "Izuku?" They both said snapping to looking at the green haired boy. "Yes?" Said boy answer oblivious to that fact his mood changed in a mere second.

"I swear you personally can do a 180 at the weirdest times." Shoto mutters shaking his head. Izuku heard this and lightly slaps his face. Shoto in return stuck his tongue out. "Ok I deserved that." He said. "If it's okay Sho I'll leave and let you catch up. I'm sure you have questions that you'd here can answer. Besides you haven't seen each other for years." Shoto opens his mouth ready to protest.

Izuku smiles placing a finger to his lips. "No no, don't say it. I'll be fine I'll go find sparky or something. I'll come back later okay. If you still have questions I'll answer and I want to cuddle!" It's a done deal.

"Deal. Be...safe?" Izuku nods patting Toya on the back before leaving the two to catch up. "SPARKY! WHERE ARE YOU?" Izuku yells as loud as he could. He listens carefully as There was a thud from the floor above him. "Found him!" He laughs. 'Wait isn't that..? Shinso's floor huh' he laughs in his head. "Okay love birds!" Izuku says appearing without warning in Shinso room, successfully scaring the pair that were mid make out for the second time today. "My god. You have to stop doing that. It's not good for my heart." Denki breaths out clutching his shirt.

Izuku immediately realised his mistake rushing over. "Oh shoot I almost forgot. Are you okay? Shoot,shoot,shoot..." Izuku fusses around denki -like the mother he is- and starts questioning the boy.

"Do you feel okay?does it hurt? Should I take you to the hospital? What if-" Izuku spills out questions never ending. Shinso lays where he was pushed aside confused as ever watching the pair with an amused look. "Mom!" The yellow haired boy shouts. A light pink paints his cheeks a clear sing he's embarrassed. "Shinso is still here! This isn't the time." He points out. Shinso just waves from the floor. "Sup." Denki soon continues. "I'm fine. Please don't worry." Izuku takes his words in nodding until he sees the distressed look denki a giving him.


He sighs pinching his nose bridge. "You...you haven't... he doesn't know?" Izuku question looking into the younger boys eyes. He would have thought the two were close enough to be open about this. I mean they're closed enough to lock lips so why not spill secrets too?

Denki mumbles something quietly. Looking away with his head down. Shinso now more interested in the conversation moved back onto the bed. "What was that sparky?" Izuku presses. "I'm scared to..." he repeats. Izuku sighs again glancing to Shinso before sitting on the bed. The three sit there until he speaks again.

"Shinso," he say looking to said boy. "You love your pikababe no matter what right?" The tired boy nods, ignoring the weird nickname. "And you've known each other a long time. So you trust each other a lot?" Again the boy nods. "Mom where are you going with this?" Denki asks starting to get nervous. Izuku waves off the question. 'It's now or never. Sorry denki but I'm taking he lead.'

"Great. Denki I feel the time has come to reveal you biggest most inner personal and best kept secret. You boyfriend trusts you and I know he won't be mad at you. So go on and say it!" Izuku uses the boys name so Denki knows he's being serious. He really has no choice. Shinso is looking at him for an answer. While Izuku is looking at him encouraging him.

Denki looks between the two boys a last time before beginning. "I...I'm...you see...h-hi?" He says starting to breath faster, Izuku should have seen this coming. He steps back wanting to see how Shinso deals with this. He'll only help if it gets serious. "Baby?.... Kiki?.... Denki?....kami look at me!" Shinso say trying to get the boys attention. The boy looks up tears in his eyes. "Woah what's up? It can't be that bad! Your not dying so we can get through this!" Shinso says slightly panicked at his boyfriends tears. Izuku's and denkis breathing hitches at the mind control boys words. Said boy freezes and looks between the two.

"What's with that reaction? Your not dying right? Izu he's not dying right?" There's a certain begging to his question. Hoping Whats implied isn't true. Izuku knows the answer, and he's sure Shinso dose too. The green boy walks over to the small boy who had his head down. "I'm afraid you won't like the answer to that question." is the only response, it's said quietly. Reaching out to take the boys hands, Izuku starts to glow green, ageing a bit. (Around 24 years old) he gently scoops up the boy walking back to the bed. "Shinso I trust you. I know Denki does too, but this is a delicate topic to talk about." Shinso looks between the now older man and his boyfriend who's curled up letting Izuku pet his hair. "Hay kami," Izuku coos. "It's okay. Mommy's here. I'll protect you. I promise you won't die. I wouldn't let that happen, But Shinso still deserves to know, it's not fair to him, like the rest of your friends too." He carefully re adjust the boy in his lap and wipes away his tears. "Are okay sweets?" He says concern laced into his words. The small boy nods. He silently thanks Izuku for ageing. Turning to face the confused purple boy, he sucks in a breath. "Toshi I- I'm sick." He announced. "It...It's something that can't be cured and affect me a lot." He twiddles his thumbs not daring to look up. "You see, when I was younger i got into a very bad car crash. My dad died and my mother was left very weak and injured. I almost died due to the chemicals poisoning me but Izuku turned up and saved me." He turns to smile at the boy and snuggles into him. "He kept me alive but I sustained enough injuries to shorten my life span. A lot of my organs failed and Izuku has to work really hard to keep me alive. It's a debt I can never repay him. Much like the rest of us." Denki looks to his confused boyfriend. He sighs lightly. "My heart, it's weak and that why I can't use to much electricity as it might stop it. So I pretend to go 'dumb'. I'm sorry I kept this from you but I didn't know how to tell you." He finished looking down. Shinso remains quiet and walks over to the boys. "Oh denks I could never hate you for something like this," he looks to Izuku. "Thank you for keeping him alive. I can't imagine a world without him." Izuku gives Shinso, Denki and stands up smiling. "No problem I'm happy to help anytime." He kisses Denki on the head before de-ageing. He wobbled a bit but soon got balanced. He turned to the two giving them a cheeky grin. "Well my work is never done. But I honestly love it. You two have fun now~." the boys blush. "I'll head out if you need me just shout!" The two boys nod at the green eyed god. They thank him again before he leaves them alone to talk.


"I wonder when I'll get back to Sho?" He pondered outloud. Reaching his next destination. He knocks politely "Hello anyone home?" He asked through the door. The door opens revealing a puffy eyed Bakugo. "kacchan! I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. You wanna talk?" The blond just nods gesturing deku in. They sit on the bed facing each other. Izuku looks to the boy who is frantically trying to compose himself. "I guess..." he trails off looking to the family photo he has on his desk. Izuku noticed this and hummed in understanding. "Thinking of that again. Do you remember what triggered it?" He asked gently not wanting to cause the boy anymore pain. Kacchan looks up at the boy. "Kiri and I were hanging out when he saw the photo. He said how I looked nothing like my dad...that reminded me that...that.......shit." He cursed as new tears start appearing. "I see. I'm guessing you yelled at eijiro and pushed him out before you could break down?" The red eyed boy looks down in shame. "I didn't mean to be rude or anything I just didn't want him to think I wasn't 'manly'." Izuku scooted up to the boy and brought him into a side hug. "Kacchan, crying isn't a weakness. I know when people bring up your childhood or you family you start remembering thing you wish you could forget. You have to realise you're here. You survived. He isn't in your life anymore you have a new dad that loves you unconditionally. It's hard to trust people, trust me I know,but at the moment I bet Kiri is pacing his room wondering what he did wrong. That's not fair to him." Kacchan broke from the hug and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath before looking up again. "The day I met you was the best day of my life. I trust you more than anyone. I-I love you or whatever. Your like my mom." The boy blushes looking away. "I- shit I hate being cheesy!" He yelled. Izuku started laughing at the embarrassed boy. "Shut up deku!" Bakugo yells storming to the door. "I'm going to find Kiri and explain to him. I will never repeat what I just said to you EVER AGAIN. Stupid deku making me feel shit. ugh!" He mumbles storming out.

Izuku leans back laughing. "Oh yeah my works never done. But it's the best job and I love all my children."

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