《The immortal boy》Getting to work


The week passed quickly everyone getting ready to start anew.

Toya looked completely different. No more burnt skin stapled together. Instead a smooth handsome face not even scars were left. His hair had returned to his former red a few white strands poked out. His opinion on his farther still stayed the same but Izuku helped his manage it. In fact he still gets emotional when he sees his reflection. And Izuku can only beam at the sight.

Toga has cut her hair and no longer wares it in messy buns. Instead it's pined back with neat clips. Izuku had worked with her on her acceptance of the past. He worked on her attitude and how to come off less strong and her manners are impeccable.

Izuku had spoken to Tenko who had contacted the other members of the league, excluding kurogiri, telling them that league as they know it is braking up. He briefly explained that he world appreciate if they follow his lead of accepting there past and dealing with the consequences.

Izuku is very proud of all of them and is thankful that's his redemption plan worked out so well. He could barely stand the thought of his children so hurt that they turned to villainy. He's just thankfully for the fact that they wanted to change.

"Alright everyone ready?" Izuku asks looking at the three new people in front of him. "Yes!" They all reply back. They share one last group hug before they transferred to nezu's office. Nezu had already been informed thanks to Izuku, and had made the appropriate actions.

A few police officers are present aswell as some of the pro hero staff. They're all waiting when the greenett appears with three ex-villains. "Hello Nezu! Aizawa, yamada." Izuku nods to them. "miss midnight." Izuku winks toward the blushing hero. "Detective, how have you been? Allow me to introduce myself and children. I'm Izuku, the blond girls name is himiko. The red head is the missing todoroki, Toya. The blue haired man is Tenko Shimura. You may recognise the two ex-members of the league." The detective steps forward and shakes the boys hand. "I see, when Nezu asked me to attend this meeting I was not expecting you to bring me two villains and a boy that's been missing for 10 years. Izuku was it? You're a very interesting boy." Izuku smiles at him. "Thank you. But they are no longer villains. Which reminds me, Nezu I've already asked you about my plan. What were your thoughts?" Nezu stands places his tea down on his desk. He stand up on his chair and claps his paws together.

"indeed a very interesting idea I'm fine with allowing it after the clear up." Izuku claps his hands too. "Great! Detective, Tenko is willing to go with you and accepts his punishment he is also available to tell you any information you may need! Toga also is willing to go calmly but I fear that if she were to be put in jail it wouldn't end well. As for Toya he shall be staying here at UA I do not what him anywhere near his abusive farther. Will that be okay?" The detective stand there processing the information. He nods signaling to his men who take the two ex-villains away. After the police leave, Nezu called someone up to take Toya to the dorms. Izuku promised himself to explain to Shoto later already hearing the boys questions. Nezu dismisses the rest, but as The pro hero's were leaving Izuku asked the couple to stay.


"Izuku?" President mic questions. "Please sit down." Nezu jesters to the couch. "What's this about?" Eraserhead says not liking the look the boy was giving. "It appears a certain blue haired boy is not as dead as we think." He begins "Oboro..." the two pros said looking at each other there eyes help hope aswell as deep sorrow.

"I-" Izuku's voice breaks. He coughs trying to pull it together. "He was right under my nose, our nose it seems. And I couldn't- I didn't know and- he suffered-" the boys words become choppy as the heroes watch him break down. His breathing quickens, it's clear he blames himself solely for the outcome. It's painful to watch, they all feel regret in one way or another but Izuku has clearly suffered more than the rest.

While the loud hero is frozen, The tired hero walks over and crouches next to the huddled boy. He gently places a hand on his back. He's seen breakdowns a lot being a hero yet he can't shake the nerves he gets everytime. "Izuku it sounds like, to me at least, your blaming yourself. This was not your fault all for one he-" "DONT SAY HIS NAME!" Izuku shouts clutching his ears. He soon breaks free bowing down apologetically. "I- sorry I'm still grieving..." Izuku says mumbling he can't bring himself to look at the hero.

"He's alive?" Mic says just understanding what the green eyed boy said. Izuku nods, "Yes. But he isn't the same. I don't know if he ever will be. I want to help him but I don't know if I can. You should have heard him. So broken full of pain. He was crying and begging me to help and I just couldn't-" Aizawa can tell it's still clearly a painful topic. No matter how many years pass, it just doesn't get easier.

"why?" Izuku looks up at the loud blond. Being unusually quiet. He tilts his head in confusion. "Why didn't you help him?" He says again. This time there's a certain edge to his words. Is he also blaming the green boy? Izuku's eyes can't help but blow wide, fresh tears start free falling down his freckled cheeks. His already flushed face falls more. The poor boys whole body seems to crumble under the weight of the blinds words. There's a thud as Izuku makes contact with the floor.

"ZASHI!" Aizawa says turning to the man. He gives a disappointed look before turning his attention back to the boy. "Izuku is doing everything he can. This is not his fault. How could you say that! He blames himself too much, he's struggling and you want to drive a knife into him Aswell?" The blond frowns not understanding how the other can be so forgiving. "He said he was in pain! Isnt he supposed to protect us but he didn't do anything to stop this?" Izuku starts shaking in Aizawa's arms. The words are clearly too much for him, he rocks back and forth repeatedly apologising "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I'll be good. I'll be better. It won't happen again. Please don't hurt me!" That can hear boys mumbles as they get louder almost to shouts. Aizawa recognises that flash backs racked the boy boys brain. Giving one glass Glaring to the blond Aizawa focuses his attention on the small boy. "Izuku it's okay. Your safe. Breath. Deep breaths okay? Can you breath with me... in, one two three.... out, one two three. That's right you're doing so well." Aizawa says soothing the boy. He glances at the blond. "I think you've said enough thank you yamada." The blond freeze at the use of his last name. "I'll talk to you later." He say sternly. Silently telling the man to leave. Nezu walks out with the blond leaving the two alone. "Izuku? What's wrong? What aren't you telling us?" The green eyed boy looks up. Eyes panicked and glossy. "To-todoroki?" He asked. "No it's shota. Do you want to go to todoroki?" The boy only weakly nods. Aizawa picks up the small boy heading to the 2A dorms. Hoping he'll get some answers soon.


"Todoroki? It's Aizawa Izuku needs you can we come in?" He hears foots steps running to the door. "IZUKU!" Shoto shouts flinging the door open. After taking one look at the boy Shoto picks him up out of Aizawa arms and motions for the man to come in. Shoto sits on his bed gently stroking the boys hair. Aizawa can only watch as Shoto whisper to the boy. Izuku stirs but didn't open his eyes. Todoroki persists repeating this action. He almost coaxed our a response.

"He's back mom, I'm so scared of him... Please ...I don't want to be a lab rat. MOM!" Izuku sits up in todoroki lap. He frantically looks around struggling in the hold. Todoroki only holds him closer allowing the boy to breakdown fully and start sobbing. "Shhhh. Zu it's okay I'm here. Your safe. He can't get you anymore. That was a long time ago he isn't here anymore. Just listen to my voice. Feel my embrace. I have you. I'll protect you. I'm here." The boy whispers rubbing Izuku's back. "Todoroki who is he on about? When he's mumbling he did it earlier I couldn't quite understand." Aizawa asks from his chair.

... "Greeny? Look at me a sec." he says lifting Izuku chin up. Green eyes red and puffy look strait through shotos own eyes. "Can I tell him your past?" He say gently afraid to scare the young boy more. A weak nod is all he reply's with. Before once again burring his head away. Shoto sighs looking back at his teacher.

"Izuku's past wasn't pleasant. His father and mother lived with his uncle, his farther was always working. He worked in the quirk research industry." Aizawa nods. "But one day his mother grew ill. Izuku's uncle started looking after her but she sadly died. After her death Izuku's dad when a bit crazy, he did something to his brother, this drove his uncle to run away leaving Izuku alone." Shoto looks to Izuku who's hugging him tightly. He covers his ear in protection.

"The next part is the worst tho." He warned Aizawa. "His farther went insane blaming Izuku for everything. He locked Izuku in a room and barely fed him. While doing this he also experimented his own quirk on his son. He tortured and abused Izuku for so many years until the stress lack of food and injuries started severely affecting Izuku's health he grew very weak. Too weak and ill and soon his farther had had enough of him. He-" shoto paused. He look to Izuku almost in tears himself. He looks back up to Aizawa and locked eyes. "He killed him. Burnt him alive. His own son thrown out like an old toy." Aizawas breathing hitched. "What...what was his father's quirk?" The teacher asked trying to connect the dots in the case. "I'm not sure but Izuku said about having quirks forced into him then forced out. I think the farther could control quirks and had anyone he wished." Aizawa stood up abruptly scaring the two boys. Almost sending the chair flying.

"Izuku," he walks towards the two panic clearly rolling off him. "He-your father he's not dead is he?" Shoto looks at the man confused. "Of course he is this was decades ago!" He said. "No..." a weak voice said. "He's still alive." Shota now new what he had feared to know and started calling someone. "Nezu it's me.... yes. Izuku's farther, I know who he is.... yes... I fear so... all for one." Then he hung up. "All for-" "NO! Sho don't say it....please don't say his name..." Izuku pleads on the verge of a second break down. He pulls at his hair pleading.

"It's Okay I won't." Shoto pulls his hands down again. "Breath zu. In and out. That's right. Good boy." He say calming the boy down again. Once he settled agin he saw the form of Aizawa opening the door. He does a double take when to his surprise he sees a familiar red head about to knock. "Ah Todoroki your here to see you brother right?" Aizawa gesture him in as the man nods. "I'll leave you to it. I have some... Business to attend to." And then he was off. Leaving two very confused todoroki's and one broken Izuku.

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