《Volturi kings mate》29


Maya's pov:

A loud knock from the door let's my wonderful children suddenly get hyper excited. Their smiles surely would go around their whole head if their ears would not form a barrier for that.

„What is going on my sweethearts?" I ask curious on what the heck is going on. They look at me still smiling brightly.

„It's a surprise. Your mates have planned something special for you and that's also the reason you weren't allowed to leave this room. Not before they finished with their preparations!" Jane explains really hyper. I think she is only seconds away from jumping up and down in joy and overexcitement.

„Ok?" i ask still confused. It's nice that they want to surprise me with something, but therefore they don't need to take me prisoner in my own room!!

„Just trust me Mother, you will love this surprise!" alec says and takes my arm in his hand to make me stand up from my comfy bed.

„Should I change into something more elegant?" I question since I only wear some comfy jeans and a way too big shirt that I borrowed from marcus that goes over my bum. My children look me over and than nod slowly.

„I guess they would prefer it if you would wear a dress. Give me a second mother, I think I know just the perfect one for this event!!" Jane says giggling and running off into my wardrobe. When she comes back, she has a long flowy ice blue dress in her hand. The dress has a lot of lace around the neck area and I know for a fact the v-neck will make sure all of my mates bite marks will be shown off.

„Are you Sure? I mean it is a bit over the top for a simple date?" I ask a bit unsure. This dress was bought by my mates themselves, but till this day, I never thought it would be necessary to look this put together.

„They will Love it." alec announces with an encouraging smile. Sighing in defeat. If my children want me to wear it, I will do so. They after all have good taste and know where they are taking me. Well, at least someone knows....


„Ok, give me a minute to change." I say, taking the dress out of janes outstretched hand. After I put on the dress, I decide to let my hair loose. Since I have put a braid into my hair this morning, I quickly undo it and with an afterthought also put some red lipstick on. When I see my reflection in the big body mirror I nod at my appearance. I still think it is a bit too over the top, but I know my mates will love it. So I am totally fine with it!

„Wow! You look amazing mother!" Jane says in astonishment. Smiling softly at her.

„Thank you. But I will never look as beautiful as you or your brother." I say honestly. My children are the most beautifulest creatures I have ever seen. They look surprised, shocked even at my statement.

„We aren't looking good. At the most we are average looking" Jane mumbles, hiding her face from me. Why would she say that? Alec also is turning away from me, seeing their shoulders shaking, I quickly rush towards them. Pulling both of them into my chest into a tight hug.

„Please don't say that! I think you are the most perfect beings on this planet. Even this whole universe if I am completely honest!!" I tell them sternly, needing them to believe me like I need food to survive!

„I know you two hadn't had an easy life and neither did you have an easy existence. That's why you two think so lowly of you. But that doesn't mean it's the truth! You simply never had someone to tell you how beautiful you really look! How amazing your personality's truly are!" I say, softly caressing their cheeks and kissing her foreheads.

„you are absolutely perfect! And that in absolutely every way possible!! I love you with all my heart and I will show you how incredible you truly are each and every day as long as I will stay alive! Because you deserve to finally get treated the way you should have been treated your whole life's!" I end my explanation. Again pulling them into my chest to cuddle them closely. They need it!! Hell, I need it just as much! Their heads nuzzle into my neck. Purring softly at being this close to me again.


„Why don't I get back in something comfy? Than we can cuddle a bit longer. I am sure my mates will understand." I say lovingly. Not feeling comfortable at the thought alone of going somewhere when I know my children need me right now. They have to be my first priority. My children pull back, trying to shake their heads and tell me that they are fine and that we need to go to the surprise. But I won't budge! This is way to important to simply run off and make them deal with it on their own!!

„Give me a second!" I tell them, pointing to the bed. To my luck they follow my silent command even though they look a bit uneasy. I open the door and see Patrick standing outside, obviously waiting for us to come outside.

„Patrick, could you please tell my mates that we need a bit longer? We just had a situation I would like to get to the bottom off before meeting up with them. It's important, so please tell them I am sorry and that I hope they will be able to wait for an hour or two." I ask and see his eyes shine in understanding. After a quick nod towards me, he ran off to do as I asked him to do. Taking a deep breath, I turn around and close the door yet again.

„So, now we have more than enough time my sweethearts." I say and sit myself in the middle of them. They cuddle themselves right into my sides, while I lay my hands around their backs in a hug. This is what they need right now. They need to finally see how important they really are to me and to everyone within this coven. Hopefully they will finally see and believe how everyone around them sees them! How amazing they truly are. It really pains me that they always think so lowly of themselves. Maybe after today they will see themselves like I see them. As smart, loving, talented and beautiful vampires. They both have a really big heart, they aren't able to show their feelings often. But that doesn't mean that they have none. A soft knock on the door was heard yet again.

„Come in." I softly say, not letting go of my children, not even for a second!

„My love! I just came to tell you to please take your time. My brothers and I will be waiting in the garden for you. Take care of our children before you come though." he says to the shock of my children. I knew that my mates have already adopted my children in their minds.

„Thank you! Please tell your brothers that I thank them as well." I say with thankful eyes. Marcus nods at me and softly kisses my lips and than both of my children's forehead before leaving the room again.

„See, there is no Problem with them waiting a little!" I tell my children with love. Their purring gets a bit louder again. I also feel their tense body relax more and more into me.

„From now on I will show you every day how amazing you truly are!" I say, squeezing them a little tighter.

„I promise, I won't let you think so poorly of yourself any longer! You are incredible and it is time you finally see that yourself!!" I promise them.

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