《Volturi kings mate》30


Maya's pov:

After spending a few more hours with my children. Talking and laughing, on times even crying, we all three get ourselves ready to go to my mates waiting in the garden. I honestly have to say that I am happy that I finally got through to my children's heads. It was heartbreaking to see all their sorrow and sadness breaking out, but now it's dealt with. And I do hope that they feel better now too! That would be the best outcome! And I would wish it for them from the bottom of my heart!

„Are the two of you ready?" i ask them with a soft smile on my lips. Adoring their now relaxed features and smiles. That's just how they should look everyday for the rest of their whole existence!

„Yes mother, we are ready! My brother and I also want to thank you once again. It was really nice of you to stay with us to comfort us and be there for the two of us. Especially since you needed to make your mates wait because of it!" Jane reply's with a shy smile, surely she would be blushing if she still would be able to do so.

„You don't need to thank me for that. The both of you are my children and therefore you will always come first. As your mother it's my job, my duty to make you happy and be there for you whenever you may need me. Even than if you won't want my help. I will always be there to help you!" I tell them, kissing both their foreheads before the three of us leave the room to slowly walk towards the garden.

„We are really thankful that you took us in as your children. That meant and still means a lot to us. Ever since that day my sister and I finally feel loved." alec says and makes me stop in front of the doorway.


„I should be the one thanking you for allowing me to become your mother. That was the greatest gift I ever received and ever will receive. The first time I saw you, walking alongside Demetri towards a burned vampire, I right away wished I would be able to adopt you. Right away I felt a really strong bond connecting the three of us. But since back than I was fleeing from the Volturi while you were part of them, I thought I will never be able to do so. And now look at us! Now we are a small and happy family!" I tell them feeling the first tears welling up in my eyes already. So much has happened ever since than and I am so unbelievable happy for the change my life had taken. If I wouldn't of came to help Carlisle and his family back in Forks, I still would be lonely. I wouldn't have found my children nor would I have my mates by my side! That thought is pretty depressing!

„That we are mother! A happy family!" Jane says and pulls me right back out of my dark thoughts and instead into the here and now. Once again I take the two in my arms and cuddle them tightly.

„I love the two of you all the way to the moon and back!" I tell them just as the door gets pulled open. When I let my children out of my arms they slowly pull me towards the rose garden.

„So, are you two finally going to tell me what my mates have been planning?" I ask my two children while walking with them hand in hand. They of course shake their heads but I honestly wasn't expecting another outcome but at least I tried.


„Princess! There you are!" caius shouts in excitement. Looking towards where his voice is coming from. A shocked gasp leaves my lips the second I see the arrangement around the the garden. There where candles and ferry lights everywhere. And in the middle of it all are my wonderful mates, kneeling on the ground with soft smiles on their faces.

„What, what is going on?" I ask in complete shock and unbelievable overwhelmed. From the view and from the only reason why they would be now kneeling in front of me.

„My love, ever since my brothers and I found you, our life's have gotten so much better! So much more enjoyable and more meaningful than anything ever before." marcus says with shining eyes and so much hope it is choking me up.

„We can't think of spending a day not even an hour apart from you ever again. And we do hope that you feel that way as well darling." aro goes on where marcus stoped talking.

„Thats why my brothers and I want to ask you to please make us the most happiest beings on this planet and do us the honor of marrying us." caius says. His eyes filled with venom. They all look at me hopeful and with slightly begging eyes.

„Yes! Of course! I would love to marry you three!" I answer them with tears running down my cheeks while my children as well as the most trusted guards and of course Patrick and Pete clap loudly and congratulate us.

„Do you want to see the ring?" marcus asks after pulling away from the kiss he had just given me. After my nod they pull out a ring that looks absolutely stunning.

„Our children helped to pick out the perfect one." aro says making me turn towards my suddenly very quiet children.

„You helped my mates to pick out the ring?" I ask them in astonishment. Why haven't they given me a warning? But than it was suddenly clear why they haven't said anything. Because they wanted it to be a surprise and that wouldn't of been possible if they said anything.

„We helped only a little. Sorry for not telling you sooner mother, but we..." Alec starts but I interrupt him with only one of my fingers lifted up in the air.

„You choosed really well! The ring is absolutely breathtaking! Thank you! And please relax, I understand why you haven't said anything before now sweetheart." I say and kiss his cheeks before repeating the same to Jane.

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