《Volturi kings mate》28


Maya's pov:

I sit in my bedroom, waiting for my mates to return back from their work. Hearing a few footsteps I sit myself a bit up. A soft knock makes me smile a little.

„Come in." i softly say and only seconds later all three of my mates are kneeling in front of me.

„We really are sorry my love! Please forgive us!" Marcus begs in desperation.

„Please princes! This was the worst day ever!" caius goes on.

„We couldn't stop worrying about you. You hating us and maybe even leavening us darling." aro whimpers out. Widely opening my arms, I get right away tackled by all three of my mates.

„I am not leaving you guys. You just need to start treating your coven members better. A coven is like a family and family sticks together. So no more growling at them! Especially not if they only do what they got instructed to do!" I tell them sternly. They quickly agree with me and start to purr again.

„We will try our very best! Honestly, we won't ever want to have such an awful day ever again! We really thought we might have lost you!" caius whimpers holding me tightly as if afraid I would just vanish into thin air. Which technically, I could, but I won't do it, not if they aren't doing something really harsh.

„That's the only thing I am asking off you. To try your best. That and that you love me." I say with a smile on my lips. The same lips that get attacked with searing kisses only a second later. Not complaining though!!

„We Love you Princess! More than we could ever put in words!" caius softly says nuzzling my neck. Marcus on the other side, softly kisses my lips a few more times before he starts to kiss his mating bite on my neck. Of course making me moan yet again, just like this morning.


„Maybe we should show our love how much we truly love her." marcus voices which got him two approving nods. Slowly they pull my clothes off of me, taking their time to caress and kiss my body lovingly. The second I am laying naked in front of them, they quickly rush to get undressed themselves, so fast, so even I had problems seeing it.

„Relax darling, we will take good care off you. Gonna show you how much we love you. How much you mean to us." aro voices and starts to kiss down my neck. Slowly he is moving farther down my body, kissing around both of my breasts making my breath hitch since his cold breath flows over my sensitive nipples.

„you heard my brother my love. Relax. Let us take care of you!" marcus whispers and kisses my lips while caius makes himself comfortable in between my legs.

„Guys!" I whimper out feeling a bit overwhelmed with those many sensations all at the same time.

„It's alright my love. Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride. We simply need to make you feel our love." marcus soothes me just as caius pushes three fingers into me, making me scream out in surprise and pleasure.

„There you go. Just let us do all the work." marcus growls lowly and bites my earlobe. Shuddering under the very talented mouths and hands off my mates. Deciding to just do as Marcus has said! Taking one more deep and shuddering breath, before finally closing my eyes and letting my mates take over my body and soul completely. They seem to realize that as well since their purrs get even louder in joy.

It now is a few weeks after that really wonderful and intense night. I am really happy that my mates and I were able to talk this out and be even more happier with each other now than we were before that incident. That was until the nearly commanded me to stay in my room today! Well, the only thing positive about it is that they at least got my children to stay alongside with me. Still I don't like getting dictated!!


„Mother? Please don't be sad, they have a really good reason for it. I am sorry we can't tell you, but I promise you will understand in no time!" Jane says with her head hanging low. She and Alec hate that they aren't able to tell me, but my stubborn mates have instructed them to not say a word. Deciding that it isn't changing the fact that i am locked into my room no matter how I act around here. So I can also try and enjoy the alone time with my children. With my mind made up, I turn around and face my two children with a soft smile.

„I know and I am not mad at either of you for that." I say and take a hand of each of them and lead them to my bed.

„We haven't had a proper children mother talk in a few days. Why don't we change that? I have missed you, even if I know that sounds silly." I say and see them nodding at me.

„We missed you too mother! Your mates have been hogging you up!" alec whines and cuddles into my side, jane mirroring his position right away! Smiling at them with a small giggle.

„Don't worry after that little stunt they pulled today, they won't see me for some time!" I giggle and my children look surprised before giggling and chuckling as well.

„We just want you to be happy mother. Your mates make you happy, therefore you shouldn't push them away too much." Jane softly say but I can see she is happy that I will start to spend more time with them again. I really do feel kind of horrible for only spending an hour, two at the most with my own children. That will change for sure! It is great to spend time with my mates but I won't put my happiness above my children's happiness!! Not gonna happen, I love them way to much for that!!!

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