《Volturi kings mate》27


Maya's pov:

The second my eyes clash with the ones from my mates, my heart literally nearly jumps out of my chest. Both of my children stay close next to me, making sure to make everyone see that they wouldn't allow anyone to come closer to me.

„My love! To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Marcus asks me with a soft smile and interested eyes.

„I spend the majority of my day with Corin and Pete in the kitchen. When Demetri came back from his duty he couldn't find his mate and went in a frenzy to find her. After seeing how panicked he really was, as he had finally found us sitting in the kitchen, I gave him the rest of the day off. He and his cute little mate really need to be close to each other right now." I explain the situation that has just occurred.

„Thats why I came to inform you to please let another guard take over his throne room duty for this afternoon." I end after taking a deep breath. They watch me with large smiles on their faces.

„That is quit alright darling. We will ask Felix to please switch shifts with Demetri for today." aro says nodding at him in appreciation.

„Thank you! I will let you continue with your trials." I say softly, ready to leave the room again. The fight, or more like disagreement too fresh in my head. I really would love to just discuss this out, but they need to finish their work first. They have been neglecting it for a whole week since they were staying with me, making love and cuddling. Not to forget that we did talk about pretty much everything, we really got to know each other way better than before!


„Princess? I hope you know that we really are sorry. We apologized profusely to the guards and we promised them and ourselves to let it never happen again. It was simply an instinct." caius says softly, his voice even breaks once while talking.

„I know. We will talk when you have finished your trials." I answer him softly. It hurts to not go up to them, kiss them and tell them that I already forgave them. I do understand that their instincts have taken over. Their inner vampires surely thought someone was trying to take me away from them, but still. It was their most trusted guards, they should of known they would never kidnap me or hurt me in any way or form. I am friends with them, at least I do see them like that.

„Mother?" janes soft and worried voice throws me out of my head and back to the here and now.

„I am sorry sweetheart, let's get going." I say after shaking my head to clear it up a bit.

„We will see each other later. Love you." I state after turning towards my mates once again. The door shuts right after my statement and therefore I couldn't see or hear my mates any longer. A heavy sigh leaves my lips before looking at my two beautiful children that watch me intensely, waiting for a mental breakdown. Or at least something like that if I read their faces correctly.

„How about we go to the garden right now? Some fresh air would definitely sooth me a bit." I say with yet another sigh. Suddenly getting picked up and with a wush we are standing in the beautifully arranged garden. Alec is still holding me in his arms, before he softly and carefully lowers my feet back on the ground.


„Thank you!" I say and kiss his cheek in thankfulness. He smiles and averts his eyes, if he still would be human, he definitely would be blushing right about now. Giggling at that realization! I would love for my children to still be human, but than I would of never met them, so screw them being humans!

„Let's stroll around a bit, Yeah?" I ask them and slowly start to wander around the amazingly smelling garden. The scents of the flowers and the trees surrounding me, calming me down with each breath I take. After wandering around for nearly an hour, softly talking with my children the whole time, Pete comes out and wants to know what he should make me for dinner. I was shocked that it was already this late, guess time really passes when you spend time with people you love and care for. After telling him to please just make a simple pasta dish, he scurry's off with a small bounce in his step.

„You know, i never saw him this happy before you came to Volterra. Little Corin also has taken a great liking towards you. She normally is afraid of every new person she meets, but she declared you as her friend right away. I don't think you realize how much happiness you have brought into this coven." Jane says after sitting down on the small sitting area under the huge trees. I look taken aback, not understanding how she means that.

„My sister is right mother. We all were walking around like on eggshells since our masters have been completely devastated that they couldn't find their mate. Now, they are way calmer! The whole castle also knows that anyone can come to you with any problem and that you would help right away. Even this morning for example. You stepped in front of the guards to stop your mates from growling at them. That has a huge effect on how you get seen within the whole volturi coven and even in the whole vampire world." alec further explains with a proud smile on his lips, eyes twinkling in pure joy.

„So how am I seen than? If they know that they can come to me with their problems, I do hope they know they can trust me? I want to be a fair and helpful queen. So I do hope I did an okay job till now." I ask even though I am kind of afraid of the answer. What if they hate me or think i am just a stuck up bitch!?

„You are seen as our queen that rules with wisdom and care. Everyone describes you as lovable and caring. Someone you can go to for help and advise at anytime. To put it simple, everyone loves you!" Pete answers my question with an honest smile. He places a plate with spaghetti carbonara in front of me, along with a green salad and some lemon water.

„Thank you Pete! It looks and smells delicious. Also thank you three for your nice words. I do hope to become the queen that you all are truly deserving." I thank him and my children for the nice words. Really hoping to be like they just described me.

„You already are more than we all dared to dream off." my children say simultaneously.

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