《Volturi kings mate》26


Maya's pov:

We stop in front of Demetri's room where Pete happily knocks a few times.

„What did you forget this time?" a sweet and giggly voice questions, pushing the door wide open only to take a few steps back when she sees us standing there.

„Sweetheart, it's just me." Pete says before he gets attacked from the cute and small girl. Not like attack attack! More of an overexcited little girl that attacks you with an exciting hug.

„Hey love, we brought you someone that would like to get to know you." Patrick softly tells the girl. Her full brown hair hanging down to her bottom, her giggles filling the otherwise empty hallway. Her bright red eyes focus on me before she squeals in joy.

„That is Our queen!" Corin squeals in delight. Giggling at her cuteness. She reminds me a lot off little Renesmee, a true cutie through and through!

„Just Maya. You must be Corin, your Brother and your mate have spoken very highly of you." I say with a soft smile towards her. Wanting her to like me and to not be afraid of me. She really has something childlike on her something so fragile it's endearing.

„It's so nice to meet you my queen, a sorry maya. Sorry!" she says before panicking. It really hurts to see her like that, so without thinking much about it. I simply pull her into a tight hug, caressing her back in reassurance that everything is alright and that there is absolutely nothing she needs to worry about.

„No need to apologize little one. Why don't we get to know each other a bit better?" I tell her soothingly swaying us side to side which seems to calm her very quickly.

„Let's get to the kitchen, shall we?" Pete asks us with a proud glint in his eyes as he watches his little sister. We all agree to his suggestion and slowly walk towards the kitchen.

Time skip to after they were talking in the kitchen for a few hours.


„Where is my mate!" we hear a loud and fearful shout coming from outside. We look at one another in irritation, but than i slowly start to recognize the voice as Demetris. He surely is looking for the cute girl sitting next to me. It doesn't look like she is paying attention to anything around her. Completely concentrated on the picture she is currently drawing. Her tongue slightly out of her mouth to concentrate better I guess.

„Pete!! Corin is no where to be found!!" Demetri shouts while pushing the door open in a frenzy.

„Baby!" he shouts in relief that his mate is sitting in the kitchen, surrounded by her brother and me. And the most importantly safe and sound.

„Demi!!!" she squeals out happily sprinting into his awaiting arms.

„I see you were having fun with your brother and the queen." Demi softly says kissing the small woman all over the face making her giggle hysterically.

„No!! Not queen!! Maya!" she answers in between of giggles and squeals. She really is someone real special! So loving and caring! A true cutie thru and thru! The whole room smiles at her softly as the door gets pushed open once again.

„We can't find her either!" my children say in a state of panic.

„Janie!! Ali!!" Corin squeals in happiness at seeing the twins. This surprises me immensely!! Till now it always looked like everyone was a bit on edge around them and tend to stay away from them. Of course Demetri and Felix were the exception but to see such a cutie now cuddled into them. It's really heartwarming!

„I met your momma!" she excitedly tells them, kissing both their cheeks in a gesture of saying hi and welcome back.

„Mother!" both of my children say in delight and hug me. Jane of course minding the small woman still clinging around her neck.

„I am happy you two are back in one piece!" I say with relief washing over me in waves.


„We are happy to be back." they answer simultaneously which of course makes Corin giggle yet again.

„Baby i am afraid I need to steal you away from everyone! After the fright I just had, i need to have you for myself!" Demetri states and carefully takes Corin out of janes arms and instead into his own. Nuzzling her neck which makes small purrs leaving his chest. Much to the delight of cute Corin.

„It was really nice meeting you little one! I do hope we can reaped that very soon again!?" I tell the wide smiling girl. Corins smile gets even wider and bounces happily in Demetri's arms.

„Yeah!! We gonna meet up again! You are now my friend Maya!!" she says and makes everyone stare at me in shock and astonishment. Strange!

„That we are little one! I hope you and your mate are going to have a nice day together!" I state.

„I am sorry Maya, but I have throne room duty in an hour for the rest of the day." Demetri says with a sad frown. Seeing Corins face also fall I had to make sure she gets back to her happy self!! It's a crime to not make her happy again!

„That's fine Demetri, i will find someone to take your Shift instead. Your mate needs some time with you right now." i tell him with a reassuring smile. He looks surprised but than a wide and thankful smile spreads on his lips.

„Thank you Maya! That means a lot!" Demetri says and pulls me into a hug.

„Of Course! Off you go, have fun you two!" I say, shooing them out of the kitchen with a giggle. When the door falls closed again behind them I sigh a little. Guess I better get to my mates and tell them to please excuse Demetri and get another guard to take over his duty.

„Can you come with me to the thrones room? I need to inform my mates of Demetri's absence later on." I ask my children who happily agree to my request. After waving bye to Pete, I leave to go see my mates. After what had happened this morning I am not so sure how this interaction is going to be. My children definitely have picked up on my sudden quietness.

„Mother? Are you alright?" Jane questions me with a worried frown. I softly kiss her hand before simply nodding at her in reassurance.

„My mates and I had a small fight this morning. I told them that i need some time and that I don't want to see them before they finish their duty's." I explain and see understanding in their eyes.

„If you prefer mother, I can tell them instead of you. Jane and you could walk to the garden or back to your room?" alec says, giving me the chance to walk off and not see my mates right now. My chest gets all warm and tingly at his thoughtfulness, but I can't hand off my task to my children just because I don't want to see my mates right about now. He really is a great son though! Always willing to help me with pretty much everything, just like his sister!

„That is really nice of you baby boy, but it is alright. As long as i have the both of you with me, I am more than ready to see them again." i tell them kissing both of their foreheads in thanks. Then I nod at the guard in front of the thrones room to please open the door for us, which he does right away with a small bow. Taking one last deep breath in hopes to calm me down and than enter the room with my head held up.

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