《bleeding love》"I'm sorry. Please stop."


OK, finish of the last chapter to remind you what happened:

"It hurts, Teddy. It really hurts,"

"I know it's hurts, Damien, but... I can't fall for a monster."

Even though, deep down, i knew the truth. I was already falling for a monster.


I stared as she left the room, upset and - seemingly - angry. I didn't know what I'd done to deserve her to hate me, but whatever it was couldn't be stopped. She'd made up her mind - I wasn't going to argue.

I knew my place now, among the crap in the world. She didn't want me. I was to stay out of her way. If she was ever going to love me, the time had passed. To her, I was dead.

Well, I WAS dead, but that was beside to point.

This was the end, and I had to accept that.


I woke up feeling ill and slightly grotty. The sun wasn't flooding into the room - it was pitch black. That felt... lonely, somehow. She wanted to have someone near her.

She was about to get up and open the blinds, when Damien came in.

"hey, honey! How are you?"

I backed away, slowly and carefully, watching him, making my way to the blinds.

"Teddy, what's wrong? Do you feel OK?"

I grabbed the chain and yanked. Sunlight flooded into the room, but instead of backing away, Damien leaped straight towards me, grabbed me and tugged.

Then I realised I was burning, BADLY. It hurt so badly, and I let him drag me out of the sun, and I collapsed to the ground.

"Damien... what..."

Suddenly, he planted a kiss on my lips, and I squirmed trying to get away.

"Damien... I'm sorry. Please stop."

I woke up in a pool of sweat, and I snuggled into my pillow. It was just a dream. I wasn't... a... a...

I wasn't a vampire.


Less authors notes, guys. They will now only happen if they need to happen.

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