《bleeding love》The truth


OMG ANOTHER FLASH ENJOY!!! Hope you like this chapter! Dedicated to Will and Archy! Enjoy!


The next day, i woke up with Hans next to me. I smiled, but I knew he didn't want to be there. Still, he was sleeping like a baby, and it was cute. I got up and looked at him, before heading to the bathroom. The shower was cold - I didn't like it warm, it felt like the sun against my skin, even though the heat couldn't hurt me.

When I was finished, I quickly got dressed and went back into the main room. Hans was still asleep - not that I was complaining.

I expecting Damien to be angry, but he hadn't been. In fact, he'd been pretty much OK with it.


"Damien... are you angry with me? For threatening Teddy?"

Damien shook his head, his face tearful and strained.

"Angry? No. She doesn't want me. She's not my responsibility anymore. I'm letting her go."

"that's silly," I told him. "Hans didn't want me, I got what I wanted in the end."

"Hans doesn't WANT to be with you, you force him to. I don't want to force Teddy into anything, I want her to enjoy her life."

I shook my head. "Hans DOES want to be with me. I don't have to force him anymore,"

"He doesn't know what to do anymore. He doesn't want to hurt Teddy, so he can't be with her. He doesn't know what to do with his life, so he just goes along with what you want."

I shook my head, and took a step back. "I don't know who you are anymore, Damien."

"I grew up"


It felt odd, and slightly scary, thinking that Hans didn't actually like me, and that he just didn't know what to do. Did he really feel like that? It scared me to think that. And I didn't plan on thinking about it anymore.


The room smelt funny - or, funny when I first smelt it. When I sniffed it again, I recognised the scent immediately.

"Damien," I sighed. "What do you want?"

"How is Hans?"

"fine. Sleeping. Go away."

"I hope you're thinking about what I said."

"why should I? It was a load of twaddle,"

"don't be silly, Lucy."

I stared at him with pleading eyes. I was already hurt enough at the possibility Hans might not love me, I couldn't even imagine how id feel if Damien managed to prove it.

"Lucy... don't look at me like that." he turned away. "you have to face facts."

I turned away. "I have. I know the truth. Please don't tell me, thought, Damien. Please."

"I'm sorry," Damien sighed. "I have to. Lucy... it's time to ask him if he wants to be free."

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