《bleeding love》'Dont look at me like that'


I knocked on his door, feeling more tense every second. What if he didn't answer me? What if he was angry? Well, I wasn't sure why he'd be angry, but there was no telling. Not with him. It really depended on what mood he was in.

"Damien? Are... are you in there?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I need to talk to you,"

"Fine. Come in,"

I entered carefully, not sure what would happen. He was at his balcony, hair ruffling in the breeze, a lost expression on his face. The stars lit up the sky - it was a beautiful night, and it was so QUIET.

"what do you need, Teddy?"

"I..." this was awkquad, "I wanted to say I'm sorry."

Damien turned to me. "for what?"

"for not giving you a chance,"

Damien shook his head. "I don't deserve one," he sighed. "I don't deserve you, Teddy. I know that now."

I sighed. Didn't he get it? Way to make it it harder...

"You are worthy. You just try too much," It felt like a TV show now, it was so ironic.

"why are you doing this?"

I looked up at him, my eyes big and pleading. "don't you know?"

He turned away from me. "Don't look at me like that,"

I walked over to him.

"please don't look at me like that,"

I gently pulled on his face so he was facing me.

And then he kissed me, and his lips moved down to my neck.

And it didn't hurt.


URGENT MESSAGE!!! YOU HAVE TO READ OR THE REST OR THE STORY WON'T MAKE SENCE!!! I understand the 'and it didn't hurt' part doesn't make much sense. So here's what basically happens: if the bite hurts, the vampires just making fun of you, but if it doesn't hurt then the vamps turning u into a vamp. Enjoy!



When Damien told me I couldn't help but laugh. "tand you told me you were GROWN UP! You need to learn what 'grown up' means! You turned her, because she looked at you funny??!! Damien, you are out of your mind!"

Damien looked down. "I didn't MEAN to,"

"of course," I laughed. "whatever. We're equal now!"

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