In Serial

Caged within the Ravencourt

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Author: Type:Male

A short and pain-filled life was all that Melissa was given, and it wasn't until falling asleep for the last time that she was finally given something more. Waking up in a healthy and young body, and faced with an unfamiliar culture and even more inexplicable sights, Melissa had to adapt to her life new as Kalie, the third Princess of the Shattered Isles of Cerith. It didn't take long for Kalie to realize that even though she finds herself in a strange world, she may just be one of the strangest parts of it.

As Kalie comes to terms with her bizarre new life, she finds herself set in the sights of the powerful new king of a far off land. Eventually finding herself taken away to be Caged within the Ravencourt. 

This story is world spanning, and slow to start. It's my intention to build up towards the epic story I'm hoping to tell. Don’t expect over the top powers, just smart characters using magic interestingly. And, like my other stories, the focus is on the characters themselves, less so the world they’re in. Enjoy!

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