《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀✨ Chapter Fifteen ✨🥀


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"So let's get this straight.", Slightly started off.

"What straight?"- Peter

"This straight.", Slightly gestured something with his hands that Nibs assumed that Slightly was gesturing to himself.

"...You're straight?" - Nibs

"Yes I'm--Wait, what? What do you mean by I'mstraight?!"

"Yup....h-he's straight, and me...curvy.", Cubby innocently grinned as he motioned at his chubby body, obviously having a different thought than Nibs and Slightly like how Nibs misunderstood Slightly's statement from the very beginning.

Peter went home and once again told the boys what happened, which lead them to having a dorky moment because of what Slightly said.

"Okay, enough with the straight. WHAT I MEAN IS.", he cleared his throat while glaring at Nibs, who chuckled and raised his hands in defeat due to whatever he had done wrong.

"You two almost had a serious argument but that ended when she straight-up confessed that she likes you, AND THEN before you even leave her room, you confessed as well.", he stated, pertaining to Peter as Nibs raised an eyebrow.

"And your point is?"- Nibs

"MY POINT IS. This guy...", he started off and pointed at Peter, who tilted his head in confusion.

"..seems to not have moved on by the fact that she feels the same and now he's a blushing mess!", Slightly exclaimed as Peter's eyes widened before he immediately cupped his own cheeks.

"B-blushing mess...?"- Peter

"If you keep this up, you might like her even more."- Nibs said as Slightly nodded opened his mouth to say something.

"Peter, the more you get attached to someone, the more pain you'll feel if they suffer. Sorry to suggest this, but could you wait and hold your feelings until she....uhm."

"Dies?"- Nibs

Peter frowned, understanding his point as he sighed, nodding in response.

"Y...yes, I understand your point, and I will.", he breathe out as Slightly gave a small smile.

"Do you know how long she'll live?", one of the twins asked.

"Or how old she looks like when she died?", the other added after as Peter looked at them.


"We just got curious, sorry Peter..", they both immediately apologized, thinking that they asked it in a wrong way as Peter shook his head at them and responded with an,

"It's alright, don't apologize."

"The real question is...have you seen the vision or the future?", Slightly suddenly asked as Peter slowly swallowed the lump in his throat, hesitating to answer until he finally spoke.

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Madison's breathing quicken as she covered her ears while her back leaned against the wooden door. She flinched when the person at the other side of the door banged his fists against it, badly wanting to come in.

"Open the door, Madison. I'm not through with you just yet."

"P-please stop! Please go away...", she sobbed, thankful that she quickly locked the door.

W-what's happening to me...

She thought while her tears streamed down non-stop as she stared down at her hands.




They're trembling.....

Madison immediately clenched her hands tight and closed her eyes.

I never been...

I-I never b-been....




I never been t-th-this scared!

It's been days since Peter had stopped coming and within those days, her dad became even worse. The beatings she had before just ended with her gaining a bunch of bruises.

But now....

This time,...it got to the point that it would end with her coughing out blood or even had small wounds that can't ever fade for days because of the constant beatings whenever her father would come home.


Madison's eyes instantly shot open as she jolted due to her father's voice. She quickly stood up and backed away from the door.

"Leave me alone!", she screamed, hot tears streamed down as she gripped on her hair out of fear and panic while letting out uncontrollable sobs.





Madison's eyes widened, her hands slowly loosened their grip on her hair the moment she heard something from outside her door.

"W-what....", she breathed out, her breath a bit shallow and unsteady as she decided to slowly lift her hands, hesitating on reaching the door knob with her trembling hand.


She was about to finally turn the knob until, a familiar voice spoke up.


, he said in a calm tone, which instantly made Madison at ease as she slowly did what she was told until her breathing came back to normal.

"Well done."

She heard him say at the other side of the door as if he knew exactly what is happening to her at the very moment. She gulped the lump in her throat before slowly placing her palm at the white-painted door.

"What...what did y-you do--"

, he said as she pursed her lips, hesitating to say something for a few seconds.

"B-but I...", she paused, still hesitating on what to say until Peter spoke up again.

"What is it?", she heard him ask, as if he can sense the hesitation in her voice.

She softly sighed, shrugging off the hesitation and said the words.




"I want to see you."

The silence made Madison a bit nervous about what Peter would react on what she just said. But instead, she heard him let out a soft sigh before saying.

"You can't. It's not time yet. So please listen to me.", he pleaded this time, making Madison bit her lower lip.

She really missed him a lot these days, not to mention that she really wanted to see him now that he's here but....all she did is sigh in defeat and nodded even though he couldn't see her do so.

"..O-okay..", she mumbled before slowly stepping away from the door and started doing what he told her to do.

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Peter thought of checking Madison's condition in her house since he can't wait patiently for that long. As he got closer to the house, he suddenly heard screams and immediately went to her window to check it out. In his dismay, it was locked with the curtains drawn shut. He tried seeing through the curtains but it was too dark to even get a glimpse of anything inside. He clicked his tongue in annoyance before flying around the house to check if there's another way to get in without the people inside seeing him.

Luckily, he found another window that's already opened and figured that it was the window to her father's room. Despite of the mess, he flew inside and examined the room's features. It seems like it hasn't been used for a long time. Judging from the cobwebs from some things on the floor and some on the top corners of the room as well. Peter then found a broken picture frame from the floor as he slowly floated over it. He tilted his head in curiosity, carefully lifting the frame up from the ground and examining the photo despite of how bad the cracks are on the glass that's been holding it in place. His eyes widened for a bit before his expression softened while staring at the photo. It's a picture of them....when they were still happy.

Peter flinched at the voice and quietly walked towards the open door and slowly peeked out of the room to see what's happening in the hallways..... Her father banging his fists against her door as if he wanted to end her right at this moment. Peter clenched his fists, trying to hold in any emotions that can lead him to doing something that he can regret later.

He then closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning around to face the room and started to look for anything that can help him in this situation. He scanned his eyes around the room until it finally caught something useful lying down on the bed.

Peter walked towards it and carefully lifted it up and examined it before trying to swing it around.

, he mumbled, swinging it in the air as it creates a small sound of 'whoosh and whiish' whenever he does so.

He then pursed his lips, worried for some reason as he thought about using this bat on the father.

, he thought, face-palming at the thought of the aftermath of what he has done if he hits him with this metal object.

"Oh well..", he mumbled, giving the bat one more swing in the air before turning around to face the door with a slight grin, mumbling a few words to himself as he started walking towards it once again.

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