《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》✨ Epilogue ✨


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The man laid on the floor unconscious while Peter stood in front of Madison's door. He gripped his hand on the handle of a baseball bat that her father owns.

"Hm. Well I did put him to sleep, despite it was done in a harsh way.", he mumbled quietly.

He crouched down next to the man and checked if there's any holes or anything that can possibly be the aftermath of the heavy impact. On the bright side, there wasn't anything except for a big bruise. Peter then looked at the bat just incase and thankfully there's no sight of blood on it. He wondered...

Why does her father even have a baseball bat for.

Peter looked back at the man once again and stared at him blankly, sighing.

"Well, it'll be a pain that I won't be able to touch you anymore. However...", he let out a soft chuckle while slightly waving the bat he's holding.

, he said to the unconscious man with a small grin.

"To be honest, I really didn't know that I could do such a thing until Nibs suddenly suggested it.", he thought as he slowly stood up and snapped his fingers, making the man's body disappear and got teleported to the living room's couch so he had a distance away from his daughter.

Peter then turned his head to look at Madison's door the moment he heard a sound inside. After a few seconds of listening, he let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was the sound of the shower running.

He's really glad that she's safe...





He frowned, letting out a deep sigh as he thought about it before looking back at the bat he's holding. After a few seconds, he decided to take it with him just incase and started walking back to the man's bedroom and towards the open window. He took one last glance of the room before letting himself float up and fly out of the window to go to Madison's so he could check up on her for the last time before going home. Even though it's still pitch black to see through, he can now slightly see a familiar figure going towards the bed.

"It seems like she's finally getting ready to sleep.", he thought, sighing in relief once again before pursing his lips, letting out an long exhale through his nostrils.

"Her father's consequence is already starting and his behavior is getting worse than I thought.", he mumbled, gripping tightly on the handle of the metal bat.

His eyes then slowly trailed down to look at the bat before looking back up at her house as he thought of something.

"I guess...I can keep doing this for her to at least have a little rest from all that monster's doing.", he thought as he looked up at the night sky above him, still in thought of things.















"I will never break our promises. I'll take you to Neverland......and when you're there....", he paused as he let out a wry smile.




, he said before turning around with his back facing the house and flew up high in to the sky.

He took one last glance at the house before continuing to fly towards the second star to the right, finally going back to his home.

~ ● ~ ● ~ ● ~ ● ~ ● ~

"Do you know how long she'll live?", one of the twins asked.

"Or how old she looks like when she died?", the other added after as Peter looked at them.

"The real question is. Have you seen the vision or the future?", Slightly asked as Peter swallowed the lump in his throat and breathe out.

"Y-yes, I have."

"Oh then, how old do you think she looks like in the time of her death? A few years older? Hmm, even older? Or very very old??", Nibs kept guessing straightforwardly as Peter frowned and stood still.

, Slightly said with a warning tone.

Nibs gulped and turned his head to look back at him, only to see his glare as he let out the words.

, Slightly clicked his tongue in annoyance as Nibs pursed his lips and looked away with his head lowered, immediately regretting his actions.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to--"

"It's okay. Since it had already come to this situation...ask anything on what you're all curious about this matter and I shall answer them with all honesty.", Peter said, cutting off Nibs' words as everyone now stared at him.

"Now, regarding to the twins and Nibs' question...", he began, taking the silence as a sign to start talking before taking a deep breath and finally telling his answer.

"Base from what I've seen, it didn't seem like she died after a few years more or reached an old age...", he stated as everyone's eyes widened.

Peter looked at everyone, clearly seeing that they're both intrigued and anxious for what he has to say next as they patiently waited. So he did.

"She looked like she died in an . If I were to guess when her death is...it's probably a or..., ", he let out, making Slightly ask him out of the sudden due to being to much intrigued by this.

"What was the state of her body when you saw it?", he abruptly asked, earning everyone's attention for a moment before looking back at Peter.

Peter's expression got even more serious as he answered straightforwardly.

"To be specific on as far as I've seen. She had a lot of bruises on the arms and legs, other than that, she had dark circles around her eyes and blood oozing out of the side of her lip. I tried observing on what part of the house that her body was located...but the vision was too much focused on her face and body. It made it harder for me to even guess where she is, whether she's in the house or not, I don't have a single clue.", he sighed, obviously sounding annoyed and frustrated at the same time while Slightly was still curious on some things, so he asked again.


"Did you hear anything in the vision? Like the father talking or any noises near her?", the boy asked as Peter took a moment to remember before responding again.

"Actually...every sound is all in a blurry state, but I do get to familiarize with some of them."

"What...what was...it?", Cubby tried asking, his head was lowered since he's shy at earning all of their attention in this kind of atmosphere.

Peter raised an eyebrow at the question before letting out a short chuckle at his young friend's cuteness. He softly cleared his throat and answered him in a calm tone so Cubby wouldn't feel that pressured by the atmosphere.

"It was the faint sound of people talking, it seemed like it was a crowd nearby. I also noticed a alternating flash of lights that are red and blue....but the thing that keeps bothering me for a while is the fact that--"

"How did she die?", Slightly abruptly asked, making the room fall silent as Peter's words got cut off.

Slightly observed Peter's expression as he looked at him, Peter stared back at him as well as he tried so hard to keep his expression to remain unreadable for Slightly for witness but....in his dismay, Slightly is just at reading people's expressions, no matter you try to hide them.

, he started off, sighing in frustration as Slightly's eyebrows suddenly raised by his tone as he waits for Peter's answer.

"The vision didn't show me anything on the events from .", he said, earning gasps from the other Lost boys as Nibs finally have the courage to ask again.

"What...what do you mean by that..?', he asked, hoping that his question doesn't sound too bad like what he did earlier.

"Everything was blurry for me to witness. Out of all the things that the vision showed me, the part where she stopped breathing was the only thing that's crystal clear for me to see.. ", Peter scratched the back of his head, still bothered by it as Slightly asked again.

"Nothing else...?"

, Peter simply answered.

"So that means...", the twins said in unison and paused with a frown in their faces as Peter nodded at them in response, completely knowing what they're thinking.

"It means that I literally have no idea on or caused her death.", Peter stated out, crossing his arms as he let out a deep sigh while closing his eyes.

"...and not being able to know that is making me ", Peter halted as soon as he opened his eyes and looked at the Lost boys.

The boys blinked for a few times as they stared back at Peter with wide eyes as their lips were pursed into a thin line, looking like they're being cautious of him at the moment since Peter noticed that they're suddenly a couple of steps away from him. He raised an eyebrow before looking at Slightly, who flinched when he gave him a look that meant "What's wrong with you guys?" as Slightly let out a chuckle.

"We just...wanted to make sure that we're a bit far from you this time when you're about to have another...you know......?", he said as he scratched the back of his head while Peter blinked for a few times before letting out a sigh, calming himself down before giving them a small smile.

"Now that's quite impressive. Sorry for last time though.", Peter sheepishly chuckled as he immediately apologized, remembering the last time he had one of those anger moments while scratching the back of his head as the Lost boys let out some grins and smiles in return.

"That's okay, the tinkers are actually glad to help as soon as we mentioned that some of the furniture are a .", Nibs laughed, earning a bunch of chuckles from everyone as the twins suddenly remembered something.

"Oh right! We almost forgot!", they exclaimed as the others turned their heads to look at them.

"The Tinker fairies mentioned to us earlier that all the fairies are going to have this event called the ", one of them said as the other twin followed.

"Queen Clarion wanted to invite us to show her gratitude from saving her and a group of fairies' lives from Captain Hook that time from before.", he grinned as Peter hummed, remembering the events of that day.

"Ah, she didn't have to do that...a simple thank you from her that time was enough.", Peter said as he crossed his arms above his chest.

"Nevertheless, it's a . It'd be rude to decline it.", Slightly stated as Peter sighed.

"Hm...I guess you're right. It's gonna be a long while for us to get there though, should we get going?", he replied, letting out a grin when the boys said "Yes!" in unison before starting to walk out of the house.

"Who would've thought that we got invited to such an amazing event. Boy, I'm honored!", Nibs beamed, his eyes sparkled at excitement while jumping up and down until they got out of the house as Slightly scoffed.

"Calm yourself down, you wouldn't want to cause another mess with the fairies due to your own excitement would you?", he scolded as Nibs came to a halt before crossing his arms and pouted at Slightly.

"Yea, yea. I'll be more careful this time.", he grumbled, making Peter let out a chuckle at their small interaction before his smile slowly faded at the sudden thought he had in mind.

, he thought, the corner of his lips slightly curved up into a wry smile.


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