《|| Touch || Peterpan FF ||》🥀 Author's Note: 🥀


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Okay so, I know most of you guys

are very silent readers and

there's nothing wrong with that.

To be purely honest with you guys, even though I do say this a lot,

I actually am very happy and

contented that people are

really reading my story this far

even without voting or

commenting anything, so

thank you so so much for that. 

The reason why I 

decided to make this 'Author Note'

as the very last update is because

that I wanted to have one last

long message for you guys

before ending this book :3

First things first, I have a feeling that I'll have 

a 50/50 chance of having some readers that can

 possibly be left disappointed or confused by this part.

"To be continued...

in your own thoughts."

Actually I don't know if this

was a good idea if there's

ever a reader that really

wants to see more of this story

so, I'm very sorry if I caused

a bit of disappointment

or more of a cliffhanger

instead of a good Epilogue? 

But as you can guys see in the description of this book, this story was originally wrote as a One-shot when I first published it, like all of the contents were literally inside a SINGLE PART or a single publish/post.

But then, when I had it separated by 15 parts and all, I unexpectedly made it a bit longer by adding some more details and events to the story, however, despite of the changes, the ending of it still remains untouched. Which was the line,

"To be continued...

in your own thoughts."

This original plan of mine

remained untouched or unchanged because this was to really let

the story continue in your own imagination since the ending and 


possible events before it can lead up to many ways

that we can imagine it to be.

However, if, IF okay, if this book somehow have a bit more reads than what it has now and maybe a comment or two about continuing the story or making a sequel, I might think about it XD 

But I really do prefer my original plan so a sequel can have a very tiny chance of being made. It also depends if I have some sort of motivation so yea hehez.

Anyway, other than that, I want to say thank you again to most of you for adding this book in your reading list, I know my writing sucks and all, plus the narrations aren't that great like any other author can make....but every time I had a notification about someone adding it to their reading list really makes my day, so thank youuuu so much guys T^T

If you wanna comment something about the story or tell your thoughts about the events in the story, feel free to do as you please in the comments of this update, but if anything, I'd like to keep the comments good and not have any much, you know, hate or inappropriate comments so yeah, that's all about that.

If you also wanna show that you wanted this story to continue without commenting then I guess...uhm....give all the chapters a vote...? I think that can give me a bit more motivation XD But the decision is still on you guys, whether you like to do it or not, no biggie :3

 I think that's about it XD I just wanted to say these things rather than just leaving the Epilogue as it is. I even had an idea that I would just leave it like that but I also think that making an Author Note can be fair enough just so you guys have an idea of what is happening XD


Before ending this note, I'd like to thank you guys for the last time XD Sorry, I'm just really thankful for a lot of things XD I hope you guys could also read my other books, or the upcoming ones that I have in mind for the future, and old readers or not, I'm very thankful that you guys are here at this very end of the book ^^

That's all everyone! I hope you guys are doing well and I hope you guys are also taking good care of yourself regardless of how things are going up until today, just remember to breathe and relax in any way as long as you'll be both happy and okay ^^

Bye everyone! Godbless <3

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