《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Fog
It begins as quiet murmurs, their muffled speech making no sense as she fought her way through the dense fog which gets thicker the farther she walks. She is in a forest, and it is dark. Coarse branches marr her hands with tiny scratches as they reach out blindly against the darkness of the mist. The voices become closer, louder, but their words don't sound like anything but a jumbled mess, like the wiry mess of confusion Charlie Brown has in the speech bubbles above his head.
Lisa didn't have Charlie Brown speech bubbles. What she did have was a head so congested with confused turmoil, she was fighting within herself, she needed to find her way through the fog and make her way towards the muffled voices. Lisa could feel him before she heard him. She felt the slight pressure of hands on hers, and the way their fingers weaved through hers massaging the tension now seeping out through her fingertips....and then she hears him.
The soft masculine sounds of humming pulling her out of the fog towards a bright light. Her eyelids are heavy and she tries to raise a hand to shield the brightness but her efforts are in vain. The humming turns to words as he continues massaging her finger tips. Gathering herself to try again she opens her eyes and she sees him. She watches his lips moves slowly barely moving as he continues to sing her through the fog, but he stops at her small movement, shifting his eyes to look at her with a slight look of surprise etched into them.
Attempting to swallow with a dry mouth she croaks out a few words before sleep takes hold of her again.
Squeezing his hands as much as she could with what little strength she had, Lisa whispers a sleepy,
"Gomowayo oppa. I heard you." as her eyelids closing again as sleep takes over, and the dream continues.
Wondering further into the dense forest fear and anxiety grows as her feet keep moving to no end in no particular direction. Moving a little quicker towards the voices her hands are waving in frantic motions fighting the fog in front of her, surrounding her, she was lost and she couldn't hear or see anything. Questions running through her head she presses forward.
Where is Jungkook?
Is that him calling my name?
Is he trying to find me?
Where am I?
I'm here!!!!! I'm right here!!!!!
Jjjuuunnnnnngggkkkoooookkkk!!!!!!! Where are you??!!!
Please help me Kookie....
Feeling frantic and lost, frustrated that the fog seemed to enjoy teasing her coiling itself through her fingers, her hair and around her body. Lisa's feet stumble and she falls to her knees, hands splayed out in front of her gripping fistfuls of dirt as she sobs, she can hear the voices are much closer now but still jumbled.
Suddenly the muffled voices stop and an empty silence takes over as the fog before her slowly fades away revealing a stone bench, and Jungkook is there sitting alone looking out towards the nothing. The figure of a woman slowly takes form in front of him, her face small and white, her dark red lips turned up into a beguiling smile and he smiles back at her. She is achingly beautiful.
Her stomach drops at the sight before her and she finds herself standing on shaky legs, making her way towards the silent couple she calls his name.
The silent Jungkook doesn't seem to hear her as his lips curve into a smile, glancing at the beautiful red lipped woman. The knot in her chest growing as she reaches out to run a hand along his cheek. He is beautiful and she wills herself to stop but she can't resist as her fingers make their way to his soft red lips, running the pad of her thumb along his lips, but he doesn't feel her ghost like touch, he doesn't see her tears and he doesn't see her heart.
Her hand pauses at the corner of his mouth when his thoughts suddenly pierced her head with a loud whisper.
It is her! Iu-ssi sunbae.....she is beautiful!!
The fog builds in strength, her emotions running wild as she hears her name, the other woman's name. His Iu. Everything comes flooding back to her, his words, his actions, his adoration of her; of Iu. The blackness of the fog threatens to suck her into its black void, and the pain returns gaining strength from all her insecurities bred from his words and the pain he'd caused. The shy smiles exchanged between the two, the fleeting looks they shoot each other when one looks away turning the invisible knife in her heart just a little deeper.
The fog clears and the shadows move out from the darkness of the mist taunting her with images of Jungkook, her beloved with another woman; his Iu. The visions become unbearable to watch as feelings of jealousy, insecurity and betrayal floods her mind. Reaching out to chase the fog away her hands flail in all directions in wild frantic motions and the visions disappear for a moment only to return almost immediately.
Memories of her fight with Jungkook flooding back to her; everything comes back. Their fight, the break up, the tears, the heartache and her heart lying in pieces in the parking lot of the cafe. The memories make her scream in a silent wail her arms still moving frantically against the fog running as fast as she possibly can, her mind going crazy.
"No Jungkook! I'm not a stand in girlfriend....
"I'm not..."
Suddenly there is a warm pressure on her hands and the humming returns with her song, only his song can pull her out from the darkness as his singing comes through loud and clear.
For me it was
An especially cold, freezing kind of day
Another year had been passed
As if it had forgotten about me, on the night
You were standing in front of me by accident
It was like a ray of light for me
Nobody would come see
The dark sky of mine
You became a little star
And lighted it up bright
At the end of the winter
I met you who became the spring
Oh miracle, for me, it's such a
Miraculous thing
Ever since you came here
This winters not cold as it used to be anymore
Because I have you
Who is looking at me yeah
The cruel shadow of the images begin to fade and disappear as his voice continues to sing away the sadness in her heart. Their silent conversation and the shy glances are gone, her mind settles down no longer tortured by visions of the two lone figures. She knows there isn't much strength left in her body and she feels herself sinking further into the darkness as sleep claims her yet again as she clutches his hand.
JB is relieved to feel her body relax as Lisa's breathing becomes normal. The only traces of her inner turmoil leaves a wet trail under her lashes as his other hand wipes away tears that fell from behind her closed eyes.
Did she really have to suffer in her dreams as well? Jungkook you are the proverbial idiot! He thinks to himself, grabbing tissues from the side table to further dry her tears that seemed to have stop, the softness of her cheeks are pale and still, as he makes a silent promise to the sleeping girl to never let her cry alone ever again.
It is a few hours after the boys had arrived when Lisa wakes again and she can feel the same presence in the room next to her. A heavyweight is felt beside her thigh and something warm is holding her hand. The room is dark apart from the white glow of the light above her head casting a warm glow onto Lisa and the head of dark fluff laying on her edge of the bed, his head resting beside his hand that was holding hers in a soft grip.
Her eyes move across the darkened room and the large bouquet of Pink Roses sitting inside a fancy vase beside her bed; they were her favourite. Confusion takes over as she wonders where she is, unable to remember how she got there after JB had taken her back to the dorm. The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes to take a short nap on the sofa and now she was in a bed.
A hospital bed? She thinks to herself.
What am I doing here?
"Jaebeom oppa." She says weakly.
Lisa looks at the soft waves of hair flopping over his eyes, and the straight bridge of his nose. His lips were slightly parted and a quiet snore breaks her stare. How long had he been there? She thinks to herself.
Moving her hand out of his takes the little strength she has. Lisa gently placed it on his head to wake the sleeping man.
"Oppa!" She croaks a little louder.
Her lips curving into a tiny smile as he slowly wakes to shake his head, wiping the nonexistent drool from his mouth and chin. He is with her again and it's becoming a habit, a welcome one and she is grateful that he is there with her, because when she was a little girl she had gone to the local market with an older cousin and somehow they were separated. Lisa was lost for a few minutes until her cousin had quickly found her crouched huddling her knees and crying alone in the spot where they had separated. The experience had left a scar in her childhood memories and since then has never liked being alone in unfamiliar places.
JBs hand stills on his chin when he realised it wasn't holding onto hers. Turning surprised eyes towards her, a hand reaches up to hold the mop of hair blocking his view. A small smile and a look of relief spreads across his face responding to hers.
"You're awake?" He murmurs quietly as he turns around to quickly wipe his mouth and eyes, tucking in his shirt and straightening his jacket before turning back to face her. Smoothing the blankets down around her legs and tucking the sheets under the mattress he stands back.
"Bam was here too, I um... I actually came with him but he had to leave earlier than expected. But he did say if you woke to tell you to get better soon and buy him a meal for making him worry." He states, he didn't want her to think he had come on his own, they weren't close friends but acquaintances but he acknowledged to himself that he'd like to be close friends, like her and Bam, he'd like that very much.
Lisa doesn't say anything as she nods a reply, eyes closing momentarily against the light in the room.
"Is it too bright?" He asks and she nods again.
"Oh I'm sorry, let me just...." standing he moves closer to her and reaches out to the dial on the wall behind her and she is relieved when her eyes are able to adjust better. Taking a seat beside her again he looks at her tired expression as she speaks.
"Gomowo oppa." Lisa whispers opening her eyes a little wider to look at him.
"How are you feeling Lisa? You've been asleep for a couple days now. Everyone was worried." He finishes, in his head he continued Even me.
"Where am I?" She asks.
"The hospital. Your eonnies found you unconscious with a fever at your dorm."
"I don't remember oppa, only that I was tired."
"I'm really sorry Lisa. I didn't know you were very sick or else I would have brought you straight here and not to your home. I'm really sorry Lisa-ssi." JB whispers with regret, having felt guilty that he didn't see the warning signs.
Reaching out her hand to him, JB looks at her slender fingers before taking them into his own. Her hand is warm and her skin is smooth, he thinks to himself, her hand is warm, her skin smooth and she is ok. The guilt he has felt since Bam left had filled him with regret as thoughts of about Lisa very sick and all alone, and what if her members hadn't returned until the following day?
Reading his thoughts Lisa gently squeezed his hands, drawing his attention as she looks at him in the dim glow of the hospital light, her eyes open and honest as Lisa replies,
"I had a bad dream."
"I was in a forest and it was dark. I couldn't see anything in front of me. Just smoke, like....like a fog."
"It was so dark....." whispering against the onslaught of memories Lisa continues.
"I saw them again. In my dream." Her eyes begin to shine.
The waves in her chest are small but she presses on, her eyes looking ahead at nothing, "I touched him but he couldn't feel me. It was a dream right oppa?".
JB could barely make out what Lisa was saying, her words coming out in tiny whispers. When she stares blankly ahead he sees her eyes beginning to take on the tell tale sign, so he shuffles the seat closer to the bed and squeezes her hand letting her know she wasn't alone.
Her fingers lay limp in his hand as she becomes lost in the visions playing with her head, the scene repeating itself over and over mocking her insecurities as the tears begin to roll down her cheeks in slow lines.
"Am I not enough?" Lisa cries
"Am I not worth it oppa?" Her impassioned pleas sending her into overdrive, her throat choking her in a cough, her free hand clutching at her throat as her tears fall a little faster.
JB immediately jumps from his seat pouring Lisa a glass of cold water from the small refrigerator on the kitchenette benchtop. Holding her head steady with one hand he carefully places the glass to her lips, "Small sips Lisa...that's it, good girl." His stomach drops having to witness her bare the painful memories from that night again.
"Feel better?"
"Maybe you should get more rest Lisa, I will be here or your eonnies." JBs concerned that she is still weak, but Lisa doesn't hear him and she can't stop.
"Is this what love is really like?"
"To be with someone but also liking someone else?"
"Did I not matter to him? To us?"
With a broken heart Lisa sobs, "Did he....did he love me oppa?"
Feeling uncertain that he was the best person for her to open up to at that moment but it was just the two of them and well into the evening. Her members had dropped in to see her but were pleasantly surprised to see him there, that if she woke she'd have someone with her.
They left soon after with a promise from Jisoo that she would return later that evening to relieve him of his watch. Jennie and Rosie had offered to return instead, both missing their maknaes goofiness. The dorm has been very quiet without Lisa and they were missing her laughter around the dorm. Jisoo however was adamant to return herself, Lisa was the youngest and considered her to be her baby whom she had co-raised with Lisa's parents since the day she entered the YG building as a tall skinny female trainee and short boy cut hair with a huge megawatt smile.
JB took a peek at the fancy gold rimmed clock on the wall. At best he had another 30min to an hour tops before a Jisoos arrival. Returning to his seat he decides to speak with an open honesty, he didn't want to see her upset any longer than she had been.
"Yes Lisa, I believe he does. Very much."
"Does? Do you think he still loves me?." She cries.
"Ofcourse he does, who wouldn't? You are an amazing girl...woman...you are an amazing woman Lisa."
"You are kind, and you are caring and gentle. You are generous, humble and being mean or nasty is not part of your DNA. I think you are trustworthy, very hard working and loyal to a fault, but you wear your heart on your sleeve and sometimes people with a beautiful soul like you can afford to be a little selfish every now and then and put yourself ahead of others." Staring directly into her eyes he finishes with a purpose behind his words, "And I hope that very soon you take some of that selfishness that you don't have, to put yourself first and find your miracle." Secretly hoping she would pick up on the reference.
With tears and raw emotions rolling off her body in steady waves, Lisa nods, with the realisation that she never really thought of herself as important enough to put herself first let alone being anybody's first.
"How do I thank you for everything you have done for me oppa?."
"The only thanks I need is you getting better so I can take you out for a meal. Deal?"
"Ok, deal." Her smile sends the sleeping butterflies in his stomach into floating sensation, and that makes him happy. Her eyes seem to want to ask him something but she looks away slightly embarrassed.
"Bam talks about you a lot and the rest I picked up on my own from YouTube videeooooss......" a deep red blush quickly rises and JB tries not to stutter further. He'd just admitted that he's watched videos about her, and he wished for the floor to open wide and swallow him whole. Lisa smiles through his embarrassment, at his own body's betrayal of admission.
"Hey um, I bought you some Roses, they're pink." Shifting the vase to the coffee table in front of the fancy sofa where Lisa could see them within her line of vision from the bed.
His warm kindness is felt as she replies, "Pink Roses are my favourite flower. Do you know what they mean?"
"Yes, I do know." He responds shyly.
For the next hour they both settle into a comfortable slow paced conversation covering music, art their pets and their love of photography. Throughout their conversation JB fails numerous attempts at getting Lisa to rest, "I've been asleep for two days you said oppa, trust me, I'm fine." reassuring him she would let him know if she got tired. For now she was simply grateful that he was distracting her from thinking about Jungkook, and she found herself enjoying JBs company, a lot.
It wasn't long after another interruption from JB to rest when the door burst open followed by the boisterous chit chatter of her Winner & Ikon oppas.
"Hey! Bobby I told you to slow down what if she's sleeping man?" Han-bin growls.
"Nah she's awake see?!" Skipping into the room coming to a stop when he sees Lisa's visitor.
"Oh JB hyung, anyeonghasayo!" The young men greet him, puzzled as to why a JYP idol was doing with Lisa. They only knew of Bam being her closest friend from Got7 so they were a little mystified. JB returns the greeting and nervously stands to the side giving the new visitors room to surround her bed.
"Hey, I'm going to go first Lisa. It's getting late and I have some work to do in the studio." He lied, there was nothing pressing that couldn't wait for another day. He just needed to leave because his conversation with Lisa had made the butterflies float higher from his stomach to his chest and he had no clue how to make them stop. Especially when she smiled in a way that made her lips seem fuller.
"Um...I didn't know where to put your brush so I left it over there." Pointing to where it laid.
"Ok oppa," says making Bobby's eyebrows almost touch his hairline. His eyes shoot to Mino and Han-bin all thinking the same thing that clearly meant; Oppa? Since when? "Thankyou again," touching her wavy untangled bangs, "I will talk to you soon."
Not a second passes upon JBs exit when the boys all speak at the same time.
"Do you know all of Got7? I thought it was just Bam?"
"Hey squirt how ya doing.?" Says June
"We heard you were sick from big boss man, you ok now.?" Questions Bobby
"Why didn't you tell us?" Han-Bin asks
Down to Hoons, "Who's legs do I have to break and would you mind if I broke a finger or two while I'm at it?."
"I'm not joking Lisa. We know about the scandal and we've all seen the pictures."
Lisa sits quiet, eyes welling up again.
"The offer still stands."
- In Serial6 Chapters
Chora (The Crystal Saga series book 1)
Will the crystals be safe or will they fall into the wrong hands and be used as an ultimate weapon to conquer the galaxy?In the Azzak system, on a small and secluded planet called Chora, Fehera Dalamir inherits a great secret with an even greater responsibility. From the time she can remember, her people fought many wars with the uninvited to keep the planet’s rare crystals safe. Their protection and safety is critical to her world and its people. Vathar Gilvad, son of the ruthless Emperor Acus Gilvad, is ready to conquer another planet for his father’s immense Empire. Being a General, his perspective of a warrior’s life means conquest and reaping the benefits of war. To win and conquer is the only way, anything less is cowardice and failure. When his father sets his sights on Chora, Vathar is prepared to do whatever it takes to get his hands on the crystals.However, after the enemies meet, Vathar realizes there is more to her than she let on. Trapped by her beauty and her strength, he has to make a choice to conquer her and take her planet or join her in the face of impending war to save Chora, and to prevent the decimation of the entire galaxy.
8 51 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Game
A man with a poor outlook on the world, who is bored by the life he lives goes for something entertaining. Hiring A hitman on himself. He posts anonymously on sites, and browses the dark web for fun. This book will run over 2 weeks and will run in a real time, meaning if the man posts after 2 days, the chapter will be posted after 2 days.
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The Worlds We Leave Behind (GameLit Novellette)
Some days are better than others for Holly. Today is one of the good ones, one of the ones where the crushing grief of losing her son eases back a little, and she's able to face the memories of who her son was, maybe even the potential of who he could have been. She feels like she's made tangible progress over the past three weeks, having progressed from crying on the couch to crying on her son's bed, in the room that he spent so much of his time. When it all finally threatens to overwhelm her again, she stands to leave, bumping his chair and awakening his computer. The voices filtering through the illuminted virtual reality headset are from three of David's best friends. Seperated by thousands of miles in the real world, they had come together inside of the virtual world of Silenia to quest for fame and fortune. At first she is unable to face them, unsure how to tell them that their friend is gone. Once she enters Silenia herself, she discovers that the virtual friendships David forged are as strong as any in reality.
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Path of the Golden Average
It's the beginning of a new school year, and Ethan Burkhardt has finally accomplished his greatest goal. Inrollment at an HCP (Hero Certification Progam) in Chicago, Illinois. Sizemore Tech might not have been his first choice, but they were the only ones willing to accept his application. Now, he just has to endure 4 years of brutal testing. The good news: He won't be alone. An entire class of strangers will be thrown together, young men and women all with the dream of becoming licensed Heros. They will be forced to either sink or swim (sometimes literally), but for most, their greatest challenge will be each other. The bad news: Someone is working behind the scenes, manipulating people and events towards some unknown goal. Are they on the side of the students? Or are they preparing to bring down the next generation of heroes before they can even graduate? A story based in the world of Drew Hayes "SuperPowereds" Series, this is my attempt at a fan-fiction that holds very close to the canonical worldbuilding already done. I hope you enjoy.
8 155 - In Serial20 Chapters
Gods of Arkanoth
The hunter has been betrayed, left alone in the streets of a lugubrious district. Only one goal appears in his eyes: to avenge himself. In his quest to avenge himself, he'll encounter an enigmatic scientist who seems to hide his true nature, a savior pretending to be a God, and the terrible truth of those words, bringing him against something he'd never thought he'd have to affront. This is the odyssey of the hunter, in a quest to put a long overdue end to a war between two worlds. // What to expect:The beginning will surely be intriguing, most of what's happeing won't be directly explained, although there will be some hints about their true roles, but do not worry about some subjects never leaving that misty fog that is unanswered questions! The novel is divided in two parts, the first focusing on uncovering the well-hidden secrets the city of Arkanoth hides, be it concerning its making or its inhabitants. As for the second part, it will be an expedition into the unknown, we could, in a way, say the true start of the journey our three heroes will undertake! I won't say anything more about the second part or else I might tell you an important detail without realizing... As for magic, because yes, there is magic! Although you might not see the shadow of a spell in the first chapters, it will appear in later chapters and will be one of the main subjects of volume 2. There are three heroes, yes, but they will not appear directly. While the first two protagonists appear in quite the beginning, the third will take his time, taking some stroll in the Districts of Arkanoth while we focus on the story of the hunter. But that does not lessen his importance in the story a bit, trust me. What about these three heroes, you say? Well, they all have their own issues, from their character to their torments, and as the story progresses they will have to come clean with their past (character development is to be expected) and will find their reason for fighting, braving all odds. I draw my inspiration from mythology, more precisely Aztec mythology. I want to stay true to a certain extent about it and all the relations between the gods and their role, however I will still change some things to my liking, so do not expect for all of the mythology to be respected to the letter. Finally! I have to say English is a foreign langage for me, so I might not choose the best words or straight-up miswrite something, if it bothers your experience, just tell me in the comments and I'll look into it! It is also my first time writing a book, so some parts might seem sloppy, but I hope I will be able to improve throughout this journey so as to give the most enjoyable reading experience to you. // Who might enjoy this story: Firstly, if you like deep lore and stories in which past plays a big role, you will like how everything unravels to show the hidden truths of the world. However if you do not appreciate not instantly understanding what's happening or who - or even what - this person might be, then you might not appreciate the story. There will be disturbing and gore descriptions, so if you're sensitive, don't like reading about someone being beheaded and such, you should probably pass this one. There is strong langage, although I won't abuse it, I won't be lying saying no insults will appear. Finally, the heroes will not always win, they will sometime lose battles, be it important ones or unimportant, and they will, most of the time, not come out unscathed from those. // Time Schedule : once every two sundays at 7:pm Ps : feel free to tell me if something is bad, or feel wrong with the book, it really helps me. I've written till' chapter 4 (in my mother tongue, so I'll still have to translate), however I'll make some minor and major changes, thus it will take some time to post them. Schedule will probably not change after releasing chapter 4, so don't worry, it won't take even longer to post a chapter than it already is. Enjoy the ride :)
8 86 - In Serial21 Chapters
Bewitching Illusions (Part II)
Hi loves! I have unpublished all the chapters, save one.If you can, check out my new book on K I N D L E &on A M A Z O Nthe title of my new book is Bewitching Illusions: Yandere Prince.Please feel free to read my new book (Bewitching Illusions: Yandere Prince) on K I N D L E : $ 6. 99 U.S. dollars. A M A Z O N : $ 11. 99 U.S. dollarsgrab a copy of the book now. ❤️
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