《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Exquisite
Jungkook held his phone in tight grip as his eyes kept roaming over her words.
"It looks like a big mess but I am sure it will calm down soon Jungkook-ssi"
"Maybe it is not a bad thing?"
"I'm sorry please ignore that last message!"
"Maybe we can meet soon and see if there is anything we can do?"
"Please message me when you can"
"I look forward to hearing from you :)"
Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought about the possibility of having any form of contact with her; yet there was the proof laid out before him in multiple messages. Iu was the type of woman one would see sitting at the very top of a Christmas tree in replacement of the star, a woman so refined whose beauty would be on the highest of all pedestal made of diamonds and gold, deserving of her goddess like aura. He had long thought that her light shone brighter than any star on any Christmas tree and far more captivating. His heart does somersaults everytime his eyes skims over her words, often reading the lines a few times over after realising that he was in hell; an emotional turmoil hell to be exact.
Not only had Lisa broke up with him but she had given him unspoken permission of sorts, to pursue Iu. He couldn't understand why she was pushing him to her and why she found his admiration of Iu to be anything other than that; he simply admired her vocals and her acting ability.
Jungkook became upset feeling wronged that Lisa had broken up with him when clearly she was already moving on herself. Since when did she and JB become close enough for her to call him oppa? Was it Bam? Did he introduce them?, he thought to himself. He didn't like the way the older male had placed a hand to Lisas lower back, as if they had familiarity, guiding her out of the cafe, away from him and for that, Jungkook grew to dislike him. The jealousy he tried to contain when other male idols, or men in general were around Lisa did not make things any easier for him.
Laying back Jungkook closed his eyes against the noise outside his door. He could hear the others in the kitchen burning what would be their dinner. The loud booming of Jins voice did little to ease his thoughts, there was no distraction loud enough to block the running images inside his head. Behind his closed eyes he sees Lisa in tears, their fight in the parking lot before JB drove her away from him and then to have Jisoo leave an imprint of her fingers on his cheek.
He didn't want to hurt Lisa, he never liked seeing her anything but happy with her Barbielike smile and infectious laughter brightening up the room like a Lighthouse in a dark angry storm guiding him to the light that is her. Except she is no longer his light because she left him alone in an empty car park, and as hurt as he was he couldn't help but feel resentful.
After a week of ignoring his calls and texts she wants to meet him only to break up, without even discussing it with him. She had made the decision herself.
Jungkook heard the fire alarm in the kitchen sound followed a few seconds later by running footsteps, loud voices and running water, a sign that he was going to have to order something in. Lisa liked to plonk herself in the largest sofa before ordering a few pizzas for himself and his hyungs before throwing on a few of her favourite Disney movies.
The memory made him feel nostalgic as he thought about the first time Yoongi had to sit through his first Disney marathon watching Tangled, Frozen and Snow White. Yoongi tried his best to grumble through the first hour of Lisa and Jins incessant loud karaoke singing before giving up and rewarding Lisa with a gummy smile as he sat back to watch Lisa and Jin sing above each other. Yoongi wasn't going to forgive him anytime soon for hurting Lisa, and he didn't blame him.
Running a frustrated hand through his hair he tried to think about where it had all gone wrong, because he didn't realise Iu was a sore point for Lisa, she had never said anything. Jungkook feels slightly wronged and thought that maybe if he had known he could have cooled down his fanboy reactions.
It had become an automatic reaction whenever Iu was in his vicinity. If she was behind him he would clam up and barely moved let alone reacted to other idols onstage. However when they were behind her he took great delight in openly admiring her, often smiling like a school boy in a candy store.
"Did it really affect her that much?" he whispered to himself.
He knew that Lisa was good at fronting and if something had upset her she was an expert at hiding it away having preferred to keep her feelings to herself to not upset others, but he didn't realise how much he had hurt Lisa, her tears were real and raw. Her voice had said it all, the hurt and pain she had forcefully kept to herself so she didn't hurt him, and yet there he was lying on an unmade bed with clean laundry shoved to the side thinking about a pair of big brown doe eyes shedding rivers of tears because of him, and the milky white skin of another who had the vocals of an Angel, a woman whom he had openly admired for years, unintentionally hurting his girlfriend. Well, she had made herself his ex-girlfriend now.
Jungkook wished he could see Lisa, at that moment, he knew that she needed to be sung to, it was the best kept secret between himself and Lisa; that people didn't know Lisa had another side to her that she had only revealed to him unintentionally when she had received news about the death of her pet cat in Thailand that she'd had for years.
It was a Sunday afternoon and both their schedules were free and Jungkook had decided to visit Lisa armed with an arsenal of her favourite snacks. They were halfway through Tangled when she had excused herself for a bathroom break, but after 15 minutes and she still hadn't returned, he paused the movie to check on her in the bathroom. He was just walking past her room when he heard the faint sniffles coming from inside. Knocking quietly before entering her room, found Lisa huddled on the floor, her knees drawn close to her chest and her head burrowed into her arms. Her muffled cries concerning him he quickly made his way to console the crying girl. Wrapping his arms around her waist to draw her closer to his body he let her cry it out, nudging himself as close as he possibly could, letting her know without words to use him to lean on. Jungkook remembered how concerned he was that Lisa had shown no sign of stopping and sat motionless in his arms as her tears continued to stain his yellow button shirt that she had bought him, and before he knew it he was singing to her. Lisas tears eventually subsided before quietly told him about the death of her beloved pet. From then onwards if Lisa was ever upset she would ask him to sing for her.
"Kookie, sing for me please?" she would ask.
"Sure baby, come here." he would reply as his arms were already making their way to shift her body closer to him, placing her in his arms or his favourite, on his lap as her head rested in the crook of his neck, her warm breath reminding him that she was real, and she was his.
Not only did she hide away when her feelings got the best of her, but she also loved and needed to be serenaded down from her emotional highs. She was like a sponge and often absorbed any negative or sad ambience around her, which thankfully was not very often.
He missed her.
He missed her long skinny arms spooning him from behind, the way she would sling a leg over his hips, wrapping herself around him as she slept. The quiet snore that she had when she was beyond tired and the way her hair looked in the soft morning glow when she would leave her hair out, not braided behind her back. Lisa and bed hair was just one of many of his weaknesses. He missed her, but they were no more.
The knocking on his bedroom door drew him out of his memories of Lisa as Jimin speaks to him from the other side.
"Jungkookie, dinner is ready if you want to join us." informed Jimin.
"I'm not hungry right now hyung, I will order something later." he responds back.
"Ok, make sure you eat something....understand?"
"Jungkook?" Jimin asks after not getting a response.
Jimin opened the door to see Jungkook laying on the bed, laundry shoved to the corner and the younger male appeared to be lost in thought. He could feel Jungkooks emotions rolling off him filling the room with an awkward silence. Jungkook hears the door close shut with a soft click and feels the sudden shift on his bed as Jimin takes a seat beside him.
"You want to talk about it?" Jimin asks.
Not knowing how to start let alone where to begin, Jungkook drew in a deep breath and sat up to face Jimin. He had to tell the older boy because Jimin knew it all from the very beginning, and the invisible weight on his chest was threatening to suffocate him with guilt of his actions. He knew he was one of a few trusted people that would not judge him or attempt to persuade him to do things that he may very well not want to do. If there was anyone he felt would support his decision without judgement, it was Jimin.
"I did it hyung." Jungkook begins.
"Iu-ssin messaged me, and um..."
"We are meeting tomorrow night hyung." he finishes, waiting for Jimin to respond.
Jungkook takes in Jimin's surprised expression and feels a small sense of relief when Jimin doesn't immediately respond with unwanted lectures. He can read the multitude of questions behind Jimin's eyes and lowers his head as he waits, not knowing what the other young man was thinking and what to expect. He silently prayed that if anything Jimin would support his decision with little to no argument.
Huffing a breath he didn't realise that he was holding, leaning his elbows on his knees and taking a longer look at Jungkook he replied with as much understanding as he could gather.
"Kook, is this something you feel you need to do?." Jimin asked
"Let me put it this way, and please don't go off, I simply want you to make sure that this is absolutely one hundred what you want to do."
"You know the repercussions that could happen if Lisa finds out, or the media. The scandal is already big, so if you are both spotted out on a date...with her, you must be absolutely positive that you are able to handle any fallouts Jungkook." Jimin says hoping that Jingkook was listening to the meaning behind his words.
If they were caught, the whole situation had every potential to pushing Lisa further away from him. That any chance of getting back with her would be impossible; possibly forever, and he knew that for Jungkook, the younger male would not recover from a loss of that magnitude.
Unfortunately for Jungkook, that meant he had fallen into the age old category of "you don't know what you have until it is no longer yours", but for Jungkook to realise that, he was going to have to suffer great heartache.
Jimins heart drops for their maknae as he continued to look at him with expectant eyes.
"Please hyung." Jungkook says and Jimin knows.
What Jungkook had done was going against everyone's expectations of him.
"Lisa said I needed to sort out my feelings for Iu-ssi. I don't even know if I should have replied to her but my fingers moved before I could think clearly hyung."
"What do you think that means?" Jungkook asks.
"I don't know Kook, I don't have the answer for you." Jimin says looking at the wide eyes of his maknae. Reaching out he lays an arm across Jungkooks shoulders before replying, "I am sure you know what you are doing, we didn't raise a barn animal right?" he jokes while rufling the younger males head.
"You know Kook, I'm not going anywhere. I..., WE will be here. This is your decision and we will not judge you for it."
"Maybe, but Yoongi hyung will." Jungkooks replies.
"Yoongi will come around. You know how much he treasures her. You are our maknae, when have any of us remained mad at you for long periods of time huh? You think you were raised by Robots?." Jimin jokes.
Jungkook was grateful that the older male wasn't treating him like someone with the plague. Having one hyung mad at him was enough, anymore than that then he would have to think about moving out of the dorm. Looking at Jimin he responds with a crooked grin replying.
"Thank you hyung, not just for the talk but mostly for not lecturing me. I really appreciate it."
"I don't know how things will go tomorrow or why I even agreed to meet with her, but if it is going to get Lisa back to me then I owe it to her to try I think." Jungkook says, not aware that his tone doesn't sound resolute but a little more unsure.
"Hyung?" Jungkook asks expectantly.
"Right Jungkookie." Jimin responded with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, already knowing the outcome. His eyes took in Jungkooks tired eyes, and how it spread across his features. He wished he had the answers for Jungkook, but it wasn't his problem to fix, and he needed this.
"Ok, well I better go eat, the others are waiting. Don't forget to order your dinner and eat well before you sleep but don't eat too late Kook." ruffling the younger man's hair again Jimin pads out the door, a deep feeling of sadness for the younger male settled in his stomach. He was going to have to make himself emotionally available for their maknae in the coming days, and with this thought he heads back to the kitchen and settles into their smoked flavoured and slightly tinged dinner. It was going to be a long week.
Jimin had already left the room when he picked his phone up to read the texts that followed her earlier messages, when he decided to reply.
"Iu-ssi, hello"
"I am sorry about the mess, it is my fault"
"Jungkook, no it is my fault. I did not expect there to be photographers in the bushes or wherever they were hiding that night"
"Are you ok? I know it has been a couple of days but the scandal doesn't seem to have slowed down at all."
"Yes I am fine, I am worried about how it has affected you though."
"Don't worry about me. My company and I have spoken, they were worried about my fans. But they don't appear to be showing negative feelings. It is very odd'"
"Oh I am glad. I am lucky that our company doesn't restrict us from living our lives. So long as we don't do anything crazy that is kekekeke."
"Sounds like our company share the same brains ;)"
"Yes :)"
"Actually Iu-ssi about your text earlier"
"Please, call me Iu. I am not much older than you so we can talk comfortably :)"
"Which text did you mean?"
"Oh, ok....Iu :)"
"About getting together. I am free tomorrow night if you want to meet me?"
"I would love to meet you"
"I mean yes I would like to see you Jungkook :)"
"I will send you the address of a restaurant that is quite private."
"We can meet for dinner at 7pm. I will see you then?"
"I am really looking forward to seeing you again Jungkook"
"I am really looking forward to dinner."
"I will stop now"
"Ok I will stop for real now. Good night Jungkook, sweet dreams."
In the privacy of his room, Jungkook rubs an arm across his stomach, letting the butterflies settle as they fly in all directions. Their conversation wasn't filled with flirtatious declarations of want, but her words hinted at the beginnings of something he couldn't place a finger on. Quickly firing off the address to the restaurant to Iu his thoughts returned to both women again.
Questions filled his mind as he read her words again, and for the first time Jungkook had a small inkling of what Lisa had cried about, of what he was apparently too blind to see.
Is this what Lisa had talked about? Did she see something in my face that I didn't see when I spoke about Iu? Is this the 'something' she wanted me to sort?
The questions kept swimming in his mind as he threw himself backwards onto the bed feeling a little more lost and alot less reassured about the direction Lisa expected him to take.
Frustration grips his unsettled mind and deciding against dinner Jungkook strips and crawls into the cold sheets. When Lisa used to sleep over she would head to bed earlier than Jungkook while he stayed up a little longer in their studio. He would return to their dorm and find her already curled into his sheets waking only to envelope him into her arms and locking him in by throwing a leg over his hip with the other trapped between his own muscular thighs. She always made sure he returned to a warm bed, warm sheets and a warm body.
Groaning and throwing heavy punches into his equally cold pillow, Jungkook knew that having two women in his head at the same time and feeling an emotional tie to both was not good for his or their mental health, or their heart. His emotions were all over the place. He was confused and lost but he knew the only person who could best help him decide what path to take was himself.
He knew that loved Lisa, he loved her as much as it was possible to love another being. She made him calmer and more relaxed by merely touching him. She was kind, gentle, humble and insanely beautiful both inside and out. On the other hand Iu stirred feelings in him that was not new, but had been fluttering at a low altitude for years, only now that he was a young adult, verbalising those feelings was making things difficult for him, because there was another woman involved; even if she dumped him, Lisa was never far from his mind.
Tossing and turning Jungkook eventually fell into trouble filled sleep as he dreamt of a pair of round doe eyes of one and the milky white skin of another.
The following evening Jungkook was waiting for Iu at one of his favourite Italian restaurants that he'd found on the outskirts of the city, where the views of the Han River looked particularly beautiful at night when the city lights reflected off the waters. He glanced around the now almost restaurant, the aromas from the kitchen drifted to where he sat making his stomach grumble. He didn't have dinner the night before and the dinner planned with Iu filled him with so much nervous tension that he had lost his appetite for breakfast and lunch.
It was nearing 7pm when he heard the smooth swish from the main doors into the restaurant, and there she stood speaking to a maitre d who smiled back to her and turned leading her to his table sat in the darkest corner of the restaurant, but had the best views of the river. This was his chance to test his emotions between the two young women.
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