《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Showdown
"Hey Munchkin?"
"Yoongi oppa..."
"Don't worry, Lisa, it's just me. No one else knows you're here but me." Yoongi finishes with a genuine smile.
Lisa had felt the ambience of the room shift with an invisible force when Yoongi had entered as Bobby, Mino and Hoonie gather around her bed shielding her from the one connection responsible for the young woman's sadness. She could feel the undercurrent running through her body unsettling her nerves for a moment.
Unwilling to budge nor speak, the four young men took an obvious stance facing each other, a three to one situation where Lisa was the damsel in distress, her three knights staring down the other unexpected visitor.
The door slams open as Han-bin rushes in shooting fiery glares towards Yoongi, the short rapper looking completely unbothered, "I'm sorry Lisa I tried to stop him but looks like he's the PERSISTENT kind who has VERY selective hearing" He puffed out in a not very friendly manner.
The wide set nurse soon follows Han-bin, bolting through the door wasting no time in scolding the group.
"Ok that's it I already told you lot. THREE people at a time. Do idols not understand simple instructions?!" she growls under her breath.
"One more chance and if I see more than three people in this room AGAIN, I will have you thrown out and restrict visits to strictly family only. UNDERSTAND?" she finished with a huff before moving towards Lisa's bed and physically barging between the young men.
Yoongi moves to stand by the doorway watching as the middle aged nurse manhandled her way through the YG boys; he liked her already.
"Hello again Miss Manoban," the nurse smiles in a soft voice that belied her true colours from seconds before. Her hands smoothing out the creases in Lisa's bedsheets before checking her stat charts, "you are much prettier when you are awake, you know, especially with a little bit of colour in your pretty cheeks."
Placing the cord with the call button next to Lisa's hand she continues, "If these brats cause trouble, be sure to press this button here, and I will make them disappear." she finishes before giving Lisa a soft smile, turning to eye the young men again.
"I said THREE... so you either decide which two leaves in the next five seconds of you can all leave my patient, my ward, my hospital and return tomorrow," she says with a raised eyebrow her beady eyes addressing them individually continuing, "So you choose, or I choose for you."
Bobby, Mino & Hoonie remained steadfast, boldy staring Yoongi who was leaning against the doorway looking at four pair of eyes in front of him and the two beside him. He could feel the unwelcome vibes attacking him from the YG boys and decided that if he was going to see Lisa, then he would have to behave or the stoutly built nurse was going to have them all thrown out, and he didn't want to stress Lisa any further.
"Fine, I'll wait out in the waiting room, but just so you all know, I have nothing to do with this here, I just wanted to see if she was ok. That is all." Yongi says while holding up his hands in an act of surrender.
"No problem," pipes Han-bin.
Turning to face the other male, Yoongi takes a firmer stance as Han-bin bites his inner cheek, calming the rough waters rising in his stomach. He's never had any beef with other idols, Yoongi liked to keep to himself and his members. People were always a let down and it was hard to see the genuinity behind an idol that he'd never talked with before, and now he was standing in a hospital facing down two male groups from YG who were currently guarding Lisa like an unbeatable Trojan Horse.
"But you're not welcome here man." Han-bin growls out.
"I get the feeling this is your maknaes doing, and if it is you best tell him to stay the fuck away from Lisa, and I mean that in the not so nicest way." Han-bin said with a finality that screamed authority. Han-bin had a very calm temperament but when it came to his group or any YG artist that he was particularly close with, then he was going in no holds barred.
"Hey! If you lot want to play a pissing game of my balls are bigger than yours, then I will be happy to get security to throw you lot out. Cameras or not, that won't look good for you now would it?." Nurse stoutly says with a low threatening tone, she had heard enough.
"You boys are clearly hard of hearing, so I'm going to make this really easy for you, and listen carefully because now I am only going to give you 15minutes. You have revoked your visitation rights. Miss Manoban is MY patient, I say who goes." she says and with the same breath while pointing to Han-bin and Yoongi, "You two outside now, and you three," looking at the three boys standing by Lisa, "You got two minutes before the next lot come in. I'll be back in 15minutes to throw you all out, got it?"
"Yes, yes, yes." Lisa hears as they obey the nurse's instructions.
"What the hell was he doing here?" Hoonie asks Bobby.
"I dunno but if that jerkoff Jungkook shows up here I wouldn't mind breaking his pretty face." says Bobby with a mumbled sigh.
"No please, just leave it alone, please oppa." Lisa begs with big round eyes. Bobby looks at Lisa with a scowl on his forehead that quickly disappears whenever Lisa or her members had pulled the puppy dog eyes routine on him and hesitates for a second before nodding.
"It's all my fault."
"I just want to forget everything now." she cries.
"Hey, don't cry Lisa. Someone like him, he's not worth it. We saw the pictures Lisa, we all know he's had a crush on Iu for years now." Mino says, taking one of her tiny hands into his, "You deserve the world Lisa, not a man who is with you while pining for another." as he rubs her hand in his.
"I broke up with him yesterday." she whispered.
Squeezing her hand gently to get her attention, "Lisa, you've been out of it for almost two days now." Mino says quietly.
The three young men look at each other with concerned looks as Lisa's tears fall, landing on front of her hospital gown in blobs.
"Oh." she whispers to herself.
Two days and her heart yearns for Jungkook but at the same time heartbroken because of him. Pulling her hand out of Mino's to wipe her tear stained cheeks, Lisa feels her heart began to race. It has been two days and the realisation that she is no longer tied to Jungkook hits her in the chest with the force of a jackhammer peeling its way through her chest, to her heart.
Turning her head to look out the window Lisa sees the blue skies as a plane flies past, it's destination unknown as she wished to distance herself from the pain, from everyone, from everything, but mostly from Jungkook.
Would he even miss her? Would he come looking for me?
Would he even care?
Her thoughts of escape frighten her because if she left, what if he really didn't care?
"I left him you know....I left him..." she splutters.
"It was me who broke up with him, I just couldn't do it anymore. I tried and I tried and I kept trying," Lisa says as she cries harder.
The conversation she had with JB was repeating itself in her head, like the running commentary of a silent movie about her, Jungkook and Iu.
"Lisa calm down, it's alright." Bobby said in a firm voice, hoping Lisa would hear him and turn to them.
"You don't have to explain anything to us ok?"
Lisa fails to hear anyone, the commentary in her head speaks louder than the boys, "But I wasn't enough. I am never enough." she cries, her tears making steady streams down her pale cheeks.
"Hoonie, go get Han-bin hyung.....NOW!" Bobby ordered to the quiet boy who stood with hands balled into fists hanging down his sides, watching Lisa with a simmering anger before storming out of the room.
Suddenly Lisa's tiny hands clutched her chest gasping for breath, taking deep breaths one after another as her lungs constricted themselves against her efforts. She feels herself becoming lightheaded, her eyes seeing nothing but a blur of people, tears blinding her vision.
The door slams open as Han-bin sprints into the room along with Yoongi, Hoonie and the YG boys and chaos follows as the young men shout at each other scrambling to help Lisa.
"What the fuck happened?" Han-bin yelled at Bobby and Mino, running to her bedside.
"I don't know man! We were talking and she just started crying!"
"I swear we didn't do anything hyung!" Bobby yells back.
"Lisa....Lisa it's me Han-binnie oppa." He says softly turning her face to his he forces her to look at him, to see that he wasn't a threat to her. He had to calm her down, Lisa looked like she was on the verge of passing out.
Smoothing her hair out with rough hands Han-bin runs his hands over her eyes drying her tears and shook her shoulders. Lisa stared at him blankly, not understanding a word he was saying to her. All she could see were his lips moving and a faint buzzing in her ears coming from the dehumidifier.
"Munchkin? Can you hear me?" Yoongi calls.
"Look at me Munchkin, come on."
"Come on, look at me....."
"Yoongi oppa...." Lisa cries in a broken whisper.
Reaching out a hand she takes his hand and begs, "I can't breathe....it hurts!!"
"I know Munchkin, I know, but please try and take slow breaths ok?" Yoongi's heart drops to the floor at her broken whisper.
"You can do it, focus Lisa, I'm here. I'm right here."
Fuck you Jungkook! What the hell have you done to her! he thinks to himself as he forces her to hold his stare.
"Kookie....he loves her....not me...."
"I'm not...beautiful like....."
"Like her....." Lisa's sobbing becomes uncontrollable
"What the fuck is she talking about?!" Hoonie threatens in a dangerously low tone to Yoongi.
"It's not my place to say." Yoongi says, focused on helping Lisa.
"Hey man, I think you should leave."
"Your maknae, that Jerkoff! He did this." Bobby continues.
"You're not wanted here, leave!" Han-bin yells.
"You don't fucking tell me what to do. I'm not here for any of you but her." Yoongi says in a don't mess with me right now attitude.
The anger that had been simmering finally released itself as Hoonie grabbed the BTS rapper away from Lisa and shoved him up and against a wall, both men breathing heavily before Yoongi yanked himself out of the grip to shove Hoonie away from him.
"You tell that prick that if he ever comes near Lisa again, I won't hesitate to break every bone in his pretty little face. YG boys don't play games." Hoonie threatens, his lips curled back and eyes all misty at the thought of Lisa's suffering.
"Hey! Stop! Think about Lisa guys, please!" June hated fighting and everyone seemed hell bent on yelling at each other instead of helping Lisa.
With one last shove Yoongi storms out of the room, pushing his way past Lisa's stoutly nurse who had heard the commotion from down the hallway nurses station, and she was not pleased.
Ah Jungkook you are a fucking idiot! Yoongi had no more words to describe his anger and sent a mental note to their Golden Maknae that if he knew what was best for him, he would stay out of his way as he strode into the men's bathroom to cool himself down.
Lisa's bodyguard of a nurse tears the boys away from her bed one by one, she needed the space to administer a relaxant to calm Lisa's anxiety. Within minutes, she had managed to calm her down as Lisa appeared to have fallen asleep with a small hiccup or two escaping her lips.
The nurse whipped around and unleashed on the guilt ridden faces shifting their eyes between Lisa, the floor, to her and back to Lisa again. No longer in the mood to entertain their idol ways she bellowed dangerously quiet, trying not to disturb Lisa.
"I gave you my terms, you didn't listen and now it's time for you all to get out."
"No buts, don't look at me like that, you are not my concern, SHE is." Pointing to Lisa, "and now you leave, all of you."
"That young lady is recovering from pneumonia and looks like possible anxiety and her here you boys are playing who's got the bigger muscles?"
"You can return tomorrow but for now, get out of my ward." Her voice booming into their heads.
All the members of Ikon and Winner took a quick look at Lisa's resting form as they filed out slowly in a shuffled walk not really wanting to leave her alone. They had never seen her so upset and looking broken and it puzzled them what exactly Lisa was talking about.
The air was silent as the boys made their way to the lift, passing other idols who either wore bucket hats or caps and masks hiding their identities. The boys weren't interested, their concern was currently laid out in a room down the corridor on a fancy bed in a fancy room; all alone.
The ding of the elevator door opening alerted them to enter and one by one they file in before June presses the button for the VIP ground floor.
Mino spotted the short rapper just as the doors of the elevator closed, walking back in the direction of Lisa's room.
FUCK! He thought as he exchanged looks with Han-bin. It was too late to return to her room, both men wanting to throw Yoongi out physically. Jungkook wasn't there but he was and he was an extension of Jungkook and anyone or thing connecting Jungkook to Lisa was their enemy.
Returning to their vans both groups decided to check in with Lisa when she returned to the comfort of her dorm. Somewhere that Jungkook wouldn't be able to get into if he dared to try and see Lisa.
Yoongi had exited the men's bathroom when he saw their backs waiting at the elevator 5 doors away from Lisa's. Holding back until they had entered he took quick steps to Lisa's room. Poking his head into the now peaceful room he saw Lisa was alone, the relaxant the nurse had given Lisa had clearly worked its magic as the young girl appeared to be sleeping peacefully. He wondered if Lisa was able to sleep at all with all the worries of the scandal weighing down on her mind.
Careful to not wake her he took soft quiet steps towards her and sat in the vacated seat. Rubbing his eyes he tried to calm his emotions, he was already feeling turbulent waves upon hearing Lisa's words.
"Aish Munchkin when did life become like this for you huh?" Yoongi says to her sleeping form.
Leaning back into the chair he did what he could to make sure Lisa felt like she was cared for. He flipped his hoodie over his bucket hat and made himself comfortable as he closed his eyes.
Before too long he too fell into slumber alongside Lisa.
It was a good two hours or so when the nurse returned to check on Lisa. Spotting the sleeping male looking uncomfortably curled in the seat, she was about to wake him because he was part of the group earlier, and she had every intention of making him leave. However a tiny voice called her attention before she could reach him.
"Excuse me?"
"Ah you're awake. You have had a big day young lady."
"Yes, um...I am sorry about my friends."
"They were just worried about me. I didn't mean to cause worry for everyone." Lisa says quietly as her eyes drifted to the sleeping Yoongi.
"I know dear, it's ok. They looked like bodyguards protecting a sick little kitten against this one here." Pointing to Yoongi.
Studying Lisa's stat chart, she smiled at the young girl replying, "You know the more rest you get, the sooner you can go home. It's the best place for anyone to recover." She smiles.
"Ok, and Thankyou."
"You're welcome Miss Manoban. I am going home now, my shift is over, but I wanted to make sure you were ok. Make sure this one doesn't keep you up and eat your breakfast tomorrow, but not too much ok?" Offering Lisa a gentle squeeze on her hand, she raises an eyebrow to Yoongi as she walks out.
The nurse had long left leaving Lisa to do nothing but stare at the pale cream coloured ceiling above her. The sun had already set and the constant sound of traffic had resorted to the occasional beep of a few car horns. She could hear the medical staff discussing patient statuses as they made their way along the row of rooms.
The room was dark apart from the lamp above her and the fancy lampshade standing in a corner behind a Yoongi casting a glow around him, outlining his body.
So much happened that day and Lisa felt emotionally drained. Her muscles ache, her legs ached as did her whole body. Lisa was surprised that Yoongi did not appear to be a snorer, she felt bad that he had curled his body into a small seat instead of the couch.
"Yoongi oppa...."
Struggling to sit up Lisa pushes herself up causing the bed to move, waking Yoongi as the foot of the bed knocks his feet off the end where he had them raised.
"Hey Lisa, where are you going?"
"Do you need something? Shall I get it for you?" Yoongi asks, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
"Can I have some water please?"
"Ofcourse, give me a minute." Yoongi takes off to the small kitchenette bumping into furniture still half asleep. Returning with a glass of water he places it onto the meal table with wheels and pushes it near her.
"It's not too cold. It should be just in room temperature. I don't want you getting sick for longer if I give you water from the fridge over there." Nodding to the small area behind him. Yoongi felt like he was making empty conversation, and that was not who he was.
Moving forward and helping her sit a little taller he sits back into the uncomfortable chair and waits patiently for Lisa to finish her water before saying anything to her.
"Thank You." Lisa said, not knowing what to say next.
"I'm sorry about the boys earlier oppa. They are really good people, please don't take them the wrong way."
"Don't worry about it Lisa, we are grown men. It's what we do sometimes instead of beating our chests." He jokes, hoping to see her smile.
"How did you know? That I was here?"
"I called your phone but your eonnie Jisoo answered. She's a tough one, I had to fight just to get your hospital room number." Yoongi had to respect a woman who had the balls to challenge him, and Jisoo held off from giving him any information as long as she could.
It wasn't until she heard him refer to Lisa as his munchkin that Jisoo realised that his pet name for Lisa meant the short rapper held a soft spot for her maknae, just as she did herself. Lisa needed as many good strong people around her as possible because she had no family in Korea. Not people like Jungkook.
Jisoo had told him as much that he was a good person else Lisa would not have let him call her munchkin. It was the only reason Jisoo gave up the name of the hospital and room number where Lisa was located, but only under the strict rule that in no way was Jungkook to know about what had happened to Lisa, let alone see her. Yoongi wasn't about to break that rule on the basis that it was all for Lisa's own good.
"I'm sorry Lisa, for Jungkook behaviour, and before you say anything, I don't want to upset you so I will stop here." Yoongi reassures her.
"Just talk to me please oppa, I need to distract my mind from him. I promise I am a lot calmer now." Lisa reassured.
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