《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Beginnings
Iu sat opposite him talking about a song she had written about a young man who had been raised in poor conditions. A young man with dreams of being successful, no longer having to suffer the embarrassment of begging for food outside the local train station, standing in the freezing cold of Winter wearing a dirty threadbare jacket that was already two sizes too small, the arms barely reaching his wrists as the cold turned them an awful shade of blue.
Passerby's ignore the young man, in their hustle and bustle, each person scrambling to enter the trains unwilling to be penalised if arriving to work late. Unwilling to help a fellow human as they appear too lost in their own destinations.
It was at that point that he saw the bitterness and the cold ugliness of the human race. They were selfishly aware of those in need yet, consciously aware also of their choice to not lend a few coins to someone in need. Their actions left a deep impression on his psyche as he entered adulthood a bitter and cold man, who led a life of hermit like solitude, eventually dying alone at the age of 28 as a filthy needle filled with liquid fire lay embedded in his arm.
Jungkook listened to her speaking, every word sounded like buttery silk. Her lips moved with a slight lift to the corner of her mouth, as though inviting him to watch her mouth, drawing him into her web of charms, and then she saw it, the way his eyes drifted from her own, to her cheeks before drifting down to her mouth and it filled her with little balls of excitement, drawing circles in her chest.
Iu was not blind to the fact that the younger man sitting across from her admired, and had remained loyal to his admiration for years, referring to her in several variety programs as his ideal. She had seen multiple videos of what their fans had made, shipping them both as an ideal couple. She was genuinely marvelled their ability to edit images of her and Jungkook making them appear as though they were actually a real life couple.
He was looking at her with his smiling eyes, as they turned into crescent moon shaped auras. His skin smooth and clear apart from a tiny scar on his cheek, what was his story of how it got there, and his lips were shiny and red. Iu wondered how a man so handsome and widely popular like Jungkook could see her as his ideal, she felt less than worthy. There were stray bangs flopping over his forehead and she found herself wanting to reach out to run her fingers through his dark locks.
He had a certain degree of masculinity about him, mixed with an equal amount of boyish charm that had long ago caught her attention. The way he paid attention to every word she spoke and the look of concentration, he was without a doubt very attentive to her being. She didn't know nor had she come across very many idols who treated her like a porcelain doll without the added padding. If she were to be honest with herself, she would say that Jungkook the man, intrigued her to no end.
Every so often his front teeth would appear and take small nips as his lower lip and her eyes never failed to immediately follow the action, as her mouth near mimicked his but her lips choosing instead to curl into a tiny grin. The man was extremely attractive and he knew it, and she didn't know if he was aware or not but he was working that angle and reeling her in, hook, line and sinker.
He was dressed in a plain white long sleeve dress shirt and the top two buttons were undone, whether intentional or not, she did not know, but the slight glimpse of his chest had the cogs turning in her head wondering if his chest were as hard as his forearms appeared to be. Jungkooks sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and Iu had full view of the muscles rippling beneath his skin when he had occasionally raised an arm to scratch the back of his neck or to play with one of the two earrings as he nervously did throughout the night.
When he stood to welcome her and assisted her to the seat pushing it forward for her, his cologne pierced her nostrils as sweet aromas of a cool summer freshness rolled off his body attacking her senses and taking her by surprise because the young man looked good and smelled good. The shirt was tucked into a pair of dark blue denim jeans that hugged not only his hips but also the rock hard thighs that were obviously straining against the fabric with every step he took. He was a walking, breathing, dangerous combination of a young single man for a young single woman.
Infact Iu didn't know if he had any type of relationship status with another idol or not, however she had heard whispers that he was in a relationship with the young Thai woman in Blackpink. The younger woman was exotically beautiful, her round doe eyes shone with the mischievousness of someone with a free spirit and her lips were ridiculously plump. In essence she was what Iu had heard her being called, the real life Barbie, and she wouldn't dispute that, she seemed like a nice enough young lady.
However Iu had trouble envisioning the two maknaes together as a couple. By all accounts, from what she had seen on YouTube videos and read in fanfics about herself and Jungkook had far more in common than he did with Lisa. But one should never believe what they see or read on the internet, where everything was based on coincidence and hearsay, unless you were an open book like Jungkook apparently was, when it came to her, and it made her smile, again.
As beautiful as Lisa was, Iu felt deep down that if Jungkook was with Lisa, he could do much better. She didn't harbour any ill feelings towards the younger woman, but Jungkook needed a woman who could stand beside him and support him without the media having a meltdown. He was deserving of someone who the media would not mock, he deserved a woman who could be and love him openly, in front of the world and not hidden away, behind secret dates in dorms or cars as idols normally did.
Iu knew without a shadow of a doubt that if Jungkook and her were indeed dating, he would never entertain the idea of marrying a foreigner. If anything, she was certain that Jungkook would marry a Korean woman, one who was familiar with Korean traditions and the Korean way of life.
In the midst of thoughts about Lisa and Jungkook, Iu was still talking about her song, and how she had hoped that it would reach people's hearts, and to be kind to those in need. That people's actions will always come with certain consequences regarding ever lasting impression. That the world was not made of pink fluffy candy floss clouds, or rainbows and unicorns but that the world was filled with the harsh realities of everyday life.
Iu remembered her childhood and the downside of growing up poor, and how she made a point of telling anyone who would listen that she was going to be rich and look after her parents in a house that she would purchase with her very own money, and she did. The poignant memories making her pause as the memories of starving for a few days until their next meal brought with it a whole plethora of emotions.
Suddenly Jungkook caught her completely off guard when she saw his hand slide across the table, then he seemed to have paused for a few moments before reaching out and covered her hand with his. It was warm and strong and wide but his skin was soft and smooth. Her eyes were plastered onto his hand as he turned hers over, watching with bated breath as his thumb began making featherlike circles on her palms, and that was when she felt the butterflies take off.
Peeling her eyes away from their interlocked fingers and his thumb that was distracting her from all coherent thoughts she looked up to see him looking at her with a deep understanding of her emotions. Gone was the smiling eyes and a cheeky grin, both replaced with a look of open longing and honesty.
Iu's senses and the butterflies causing a storm of flurry in her chest all left her with so much more confusion and watched with wonder as Jungkook stood before her, the napkin falling off his lap and onto the table as he learnt over edging his face closer to hers. His hand had stopped rubbing hypnotic circles on her palms and were now interlocked with hers, his fingers taking hers in a firm grip as his other hand paused mid air just beside her ear, waiting for permission.
Iu looked into his eyes and without thought other than the way he was looking down at her lips with want, she nodded her head slowly and closed her closed her eyes, raised her head higher, revelling in the feel of his hand slowly winding itself to the back of her neck and drawing her mouth closer to his.
The fireworks behind her eyes flew off in all directions as Jungkooks lips touched hers in a feathery touch before he pulled back. All strength left her at his touch and she wanted more, she wanted to feel more, to feel how far she could push herself, and how far he would push himself in the kiss.
Opening her eyes she saw Jungkook looking down at her with something she couldn't describe and riding on that emotion she unlocked her fingers from his to place both of her hands on his face, locking him in place as she moved forward pulling him down and kissed him with a lot more pressure and pure abandonment. Iu fell deeper into the kiss and with a sigh she bit his lower lip, making him gasp, taking advantage of his open mouth and feeling confident she slid her tongue into his warm wet mouth, and then the fireworks took over her entire body.
Iu was lost, the one kiss, the first kiss that she has had in months, possibly in almost two years, it caused her body to feel so much heat and fire. Iu wanted to know more about Jungkook, what made him tick and what drove him to write his songs, she wanted to hear his life stories and secretly she wanted to know if he had a significant other.
Whatever Jungkook had done to her, whatever he had within himself to cause such a tornado of emotions in the pit of her stomach. Iu decided that from that point, she was going to take him for herself, whether he was with someone or not, she wanted more, she wanted him and she wanted it all for herself.
For his part Jungkook lost all sense of direction the moment she paused during their conversation. Iu was extremely beautiful and to see her so vulnerable stirred the need to protect her from whatever haunted her.
Jungkook thought the depth of detail Iu had used to incorporate into the story behind the song she spoke of was indicative of how extremely intelligent and articulate she was. She had an ability to see things for what it was and expand on it, creating a scene that ordinary everyday could resonate with.
He wanted to offer her a semblance of comfort so he reached out and hoping to not scare her, he carefully covered her hand with his.
Turning her hand over he started rubbing small circles on her palm, remembering that he would do the same thing to Lisa whenever there was a sad part in a movie. It took her mind away from sad scenes and he hoped it would do the same for Iu, and he was pleased when it seemed to work for Iu as well.
Except this was Iu and not Lisa, and Iu looked like the vision of a goddess. The ambience reminiscent of a romantic scene in a cheesy Hollywood movie was created by the soft white glow of the candle on their table. It made her skin glow, her hair shine and her lips inviting, Jungkook was beyond hypnotised by her ethereal beauty. He could not stop himself from standing up. Leaning over as one hand rested on hers, the other reaches out paused by her ear and waiting for permission.
Her lips called for attention as she nodded and Jungkook wasted no time in moving his hand to wind itself around the smoothness of her small neck, his stomach tightens at what he is about to do as he slowly pulled her closer to him, his lips anticipating the feel of her red lips on his.
Behind closed eyes Jungkook saw the fleeting image of a pair of big round eyes staring at him with so much warmth and love. Her plump lips spread across her face in a wide Californian smile as she mouths "I love you Kookie baby".
Unable to stop his motion his lips connect with Iu's and the image of Lisa's face begins to fade away as he feels how soft Iu's lips are pressed against his in a soft touch. Their kiss ended and he slowly pulled away, not believing that he had kissed her. Iu had always been a woman filled with a mysterious enigma about her and he was trying so hard to contain himself from reaching out to take her lips into another kiss.
Jungkook was pleasantly surprised when he felt Iu place both her small hands on his cheeks, forcefully pulling him down to her as she kisses him with a deeper want. His mouth opened in a gasp when he felt her teeth dig into his lower lip, her tongue entering his mouth with a soft groan wrapping itself around his in a heated passionate kiss. Jungkook had only ever kissed one girl and that was Lisa, but their kisses were never of this magnitude.
Pulling away with slow breaths Jungkook tried to compose himself, he didn't mean to kiss Iu, it was a spur of the moment, caught up in the moment or whatever it was called situation, all he knew was that he liked Iu, as an idol and possibly more. Thinking back on Lisa's words he wondered if this was what she wanted him to work through, and if Lisa wanted him to sort his feelings, he was positive it didn't mean to kiss Iu.
The feeling of euphoria left him as an immense feeling of dread crawled into his stomach and sat heavy like a large unmoving rock. Making a sweep of the restaurant with his eyes, they sat back down and returned to their dinner, minds and hearts unsettled as they ended their dinner with plans to meet again at another time, both wanting to explore their feelings alone before deciding what steps to take next.
Jungkook parked his car in the underground carpark of their dorm building and entered through their private elevator. In the quiet of the cubicle Jungkooks thoughts invaded his mind, celebrating what he thought of was a quiet dinner with a fellow idol without having to worry about cameras or the unwanted presence of people. He had requested the entire restaurant to be booked under his name to avoid the intrusion.
The dorm was dark and eerily quiet as he slid off his sneakers in favour of the indoor slippers. He moved towards his room, grateful that no one had heard him return to hound him with questions he wasn't sure he could answer. Walking into his bathroom he splashed cold water onto his face, hoping the sudden coldness of the water could provide him with answers to questions he knew would come the next day at breakfast.
Returning to his bed he strips down to change into a clean pair of pyjamas Jimin had placed out for him and closes his eyes with an arm thrown over them to block out the streak of light coming from the glow of the side lamp. Whenever his emotions were confused, the light from the lamp provided him with some small comfort. Especially on days when Lisa wasn't able to sleep over. Although his night ended up being better than expected, Jungkook fell into a restless sleep.
On the other side of the city stood a lone figure wrapped in her own cluster of thoughts. Lisa's day started with a prayer of gratitude at being discharged the day before. She stood alone on the balcony of her room, looking out over the city. The cool breeze that accompanied the early morning sunrise had dried her eyes and the aroma from the Roses JB gave her drifted out from the room and fading into the breeze. Her fingers tracing the length of the chain around her neck, stopping when she feels the tiny gold star between her fingertips. It was a birthday present from Jungkook. He said he had never bought a gift for a female before, other than his mother, and he was nervous that she wouldn't like it.
Her decision being firm and an absolute finality, she unclasped the necklace sliding it off her neck resting it in her palm. Lisa remembered his words when she opened the box to reveal the beautiful gift.
"Baby, you are the Star to my Moon." he had said lovingly before pulling down the collar of his top to reveal the matching gold Moon. He pulled out the star and placed it within a space of the Moon shaped like a star, and there it sat. The perfect match.
Or so she thought.
Taking her phone out from the back pocket of her jeans she tapped on Jungkooks number, her fingers working nimbly to convey her intentions before blocking his number.
Jungkook, read my words and read my words carefully.
Do not text, call or email me.
Do not look at me or look for me.
The tears pooling in her eyes fell like a river as she continued with utmost difficulty.
I hope the kiss you shared with her was worth it.
Lisa pulls up all the SNS websites she is registered on and proceeded to block Jungkook at all angles. She threw her phone against the wall in frustration, crying out in a silent scream as it smashes into pieces resting at her feet, broken and unfixable, they mimmick her life.
The painful crushing of her heart breaking brings a pain that is very different from every other time, it came with a sense of no return. Her breathing started to come in short strangled gasps as she looks down at the daily newspaper sitting on the patio table, the image staring back her in all its awful glory.
For the first time since she laid eyes on the image of the two idols in an empty restaurant, their kiss forever caught frozen in time, Lisas felt her world fall apart beneath her.
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