《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Home
I hope the kiss you shared with her was worth it.
Eyes looking out over the horizon, Lisa watches as the sun had began it's slow journey across the evening sky, she could hear the faint sounds of the hustle and bustle of people out and about making their way home. The sun left pastel coloured hues trails of pinks and oranges in its wake as it settled itself over the concrete jungle of the city, slowly fading with the light as the first sprinkle of diamond like stars scattered over the city in the evening sky made themselves known.
Her eyes moved to stare blankly at the shattered pieces of plastic, metal and glass as lay where they had landed, an assortment of broken pieces and she couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the sad looking items that resembled her life. The device once used as a tool in exchanging messages of love and laughter were now laying scattered about like small pieces of black rectangular dominoes, cold and unassuming, empty and unfixable; like her. The only place they belonged now was in the trash can.
Like her relationship.
Lisa drew her eyes away from the broken phone, raising her face to the sky as a plane appeared to be ascending, to one day return with a cargo full of treasure and people with tales of fun, adventure or romance to entertain family and friends. She had once mentioned in an interview that if she wasn't an idol she would travel the world and photograph the beauty that surrounded her. Lisa had long thought that the world was immersed in a universe of neverending stories.
That every ply of wood on a new home build or every porcelain figurine came with a history behind it. She admitted that she was not good with words, but her mind was like a sponge and she often absorbed the tales people spoke of, like a starving animal for food; she could not get enough.
Lisa watches as the plane gets smaller as it moves further away, disappearing into the horizon and she entertained the idea that perhaps with the current scandal and drama, it may be a good time to leave and do something which she had never done before; put herself first. For as long as she could remember, she had put Jungkook, her members, family and friends before herself because she loved seeing the people she loved happy and smiling, and if they were happy, then she was too. She didn't think it would be right for the maknae, the happy virus of Blackpink, to show herself to their Blinks with puffy marshmallow eyes with a pale complexion and stringy hair, it wasn't right. They deserved more than that, she thought.
Beside her the newspaper sat where Lisa had left it. They were front page news, two idols on a secret date, the image of their kiss out in the world for everyone to see.
The headline announcing to the world,
The claim they had staked on each other evident in every way as his hand is clearly shown to be woven behind her neck, the act is clearly intentional from a man deepening the kiss, marking her as his own.
Lisas tears had dried, she couldn't feel anything as she turned to look at the photograph knowing that to do so, she was only torturing herself, but the pull of self pity was far too strong to resist. Sadly, her eyes looked at the necklace she had discarded from her neck, now sitting in a dejected pile of gold on top of the image. The jewellry represented the last piece of attachment he had to her, he was no longer tied to her.
The coloured image of Jungkook and Iu looked far too ethereal to merely be a tabloid printed image. There was a candle on the table that cast a halo of soft romantic glow over both idols, the perfect setting for a couples tryst, the perfect night out with a beloved. She took in the way their heads had angled each other as they received the lips of the other in a kiss worthy of Hollywood. At this thought Lisa quickly tried to squash the immense feelings of jealousy and self pity enveloping her. She had always known that she would never compare to his Iu, he had always picked Iu as his ideal and now the world could see that he, Jungkook of BTS had kissed her. It would always be her.
The night had completely blanketed the city, and Lisa in her blinding pain had become oblivious to eve everything around her. She was still sitting on the balcony seat looking at the image of Jungkook and Iu, torturing herself, not aware of her members who were crouched around her with frightened expressions on their faces. Jisoo held Lisa's hands in a vice grip, tears threatening to pour from her eyes as she furiously rubbed Lisa's cold fingers in hers, her mouth calling out her name, but Lisa heard nothing as she stares ahead of her with an empty expression.
Rosie was beside herself, unable to speak as Lisa sat before them with empty eyes, and it scared her more than Lisa being sick in hospital with pneumonia. This Lisa was conscious but unresponsive, she heard nothing, as her mind had become an impenetrable fort of protection, a prisoner of her own making. It was Rosie who found Lisa on the balcony, dropping the bag of snacks she threw herself at Lisa's side hugging her around the waist willing her to be fine before yelling for their eonnies.
The maknae who would stay in her room when she was upset because she didn't anyone to see be upset as well was now sitting before them, cold and unresponsive, her bright eyes overshadowed with a pain so deep that all that was left was the dull grey shadow of their happy vitamin.
The girls were all returning home with bags full of Lisa's favourite treats and food in celebration of her being discharged from the hospital with instructions from Lisa's doctor to keep any stressful situations away from her. Lisa had displayed the tell tale signs of anxiety, and it was this concern that made the girls take action when they found her on the balcony. Looking at each other with a silent understanding, their eyes conveyed the same promise, to never let Jungkook anywhere near Lisa ever again.
Jennie had seen enough, cursing under her breath she ran into Lisa's room in search of her phone. If they couldn't get through to Lisa then maybe Bam could try or Bobby; just anybody who wasn't Jungkook. Frantically searching the top of Lisa's dresser and handbag, she hurried back out to the balcony to see Lisa's phone was laying in pieces by her feet, and her heart broke for their young unmoving maknae.
Eyes trained on Lisas still form, Jennie shoves her hand into her jacket pulling out her phone, firing off a dm to Bam knowing that the young Thai idol normally spent no time humming and harring when it came to his Lisa noona. Placing it back into her pocket Jennie moves to stand behind Jisoo, both calling Lisa's name, her silent behaviour alarming.
Lisa tore her eyes away from her blank stare into the nothing, she stared at Jisoo without really looking. Lisa's mind was turning into itself, the overwhelming pain of rejection of a love she had once thought was her greatest love turned out to be nothing more but a love that was as fickle as Don Juan himself. She thought of all the time she had invested in their relationship, never once giving in or retaliating to the rumours of Jungkook and herself dating other idols. They had made the decision as a couple that it was best to keep their relationship hidden from the wider idol community and their fandoms, knowing that Lisa would inherently get the most hate or negativity from Jungkooks fans and their Army. In her pain she realised that it was all for nothing.
The secret dates at each others dorms, the late night visits when either of them returned from an overseas tour, begging their manager to drive faster to the dorm of the other to see and feel the one they had so desperately missed while away. Lisa recalled the time Jungkook had returned from their North America tour. They had been touring for a little over two weeks, and for the young lovers, it had felt like an eternity often texting or facetiming each other at every given opportunity. Jungkook had exited the airport taking only a small backpack with a change of clothes, and with his need for her evident, he begged his manger to head directly to her dorm.
Lisa woke that morning to a warm heavy weight blanketing her body. The warm blanket seemed to have trapped her body into a web of tangled arms and legs, not sparing her an inch of space to move. Lisa had her head resting on the arm of the blanket, the other held her by the waist, pulled tightly into his chest as his warm breath kissed the back of her neck, enticing her skin to shiver. She could barely move as she slowly turned to look at the sleeping man beside her. His lips pink and slightly parted, his warm breath hitting her cheeks. She planted soft feather kisses on the bridge of his nose and the arch of his brows, her plump morning lips resting on the corner of his as she feels Jungkook stirring from his slumber. His arm snaking towards her lower back pulling her closer as Lisa feels the essence of Jungkook, hard and hot pressing against the softness of her belly, and it excites her. With the softest of sighs Lisa runs her palms of her hands under his shirt, flat against his skin running them up to his chest revelling in the feel of his hard chest, his skin hot and burning her palms.
With a hiss of desire Jungkook slowly and deliberately turned to hover over Lisa, his weight resting completely on top of her, his hand takes a hold of Lisas to hold one above her head, the other pulling the collar of her nightie to the side, his eyes watching as her pulse in her neck quickens. His eyes never leaving hers until his tongue slides out to lick her pulse ever so slowly, then taking small bites at her neck, making Lisa arch her chest upwards, her lips parted and eyes closed in passion, at the feel of Jungkook nudging her legs apart and planting his body hard and firm between them.
Lisa remembered how her body had betrayed her that morning, the need and hunger it so desired. They had not yet made love and were inexperienced in that regard however, when they were in moments like that morning, they were confident their deep resounding love for each other would guide them well, as virgins becoming one. If Rosie hadn't knocked on her door that morning alerting them to breakfast, Lisa had no doubt that she and Jungkook would have made love.
It was this thought that almost pulled her out of the torturous prison her pain had created. The running commentary her solitude created did little but magnify her broken soul and heartache.
Would their breakup mean Jungkook and Iu might sleep together?
Did he not want her anymore because she hasn't slept with him? Did he find her boring?
Was he not attracted to me anymore?
The last thought tore at her emotions and ate away at her conscious.
Lisa was unaware that she had raised a hand to tuck her hair behind her ears, ironing out the creases in her top with her hands, feeling small and attractive. Her mind playing a cruel game of mockery about her lack of beauty compared to Iu's elf like features. Her members watching in confusion at Lisa's attempt to make herself presentable, but to who they had no idea, her bizarre actions making the girls even more worried as they tried to reach her.
Jennie felt her pocket vibrate and left the balcony abrubtly, returning a few minutes later with Bam and JB in tow their voices hurried and hushed as both young men hastily walked towards Lisa, their eyes shifting between the broken phone and Lisa. It wasn't hard to fathom the cause of her distress as they see the newspaper. Bam saw the necklace Jungkook had given Lisa; he had helped him choose the gold piece of jewelry for Lisa, but looking at it now, Bam wanted to toss it over the balcony. If Lisa had taken it off, Bam knew that meant Lisa was not going back. This was final for her, and if Jungkook wanted her back in the future, he was going to have to fight Lisa at every turn possible because Bam knew her better than Lisa knew herself. Her loyalty to anyone or anything was more important to her than the fake friendships she had endured over the years. Lisa would forgive people eventually, but they had to fight tooth and nail for her forgiveness.
A woman like Lisa was rare and Bam had always thought Jungkook was Lisa's possible life partner, but he could no longer deny that Jungkook had a serious contender for that title, and that person was standing right next to him, his eyes burning the newspaper with a hard glare before kneeling down in front of his fellow Thai friend.
Bam watched as JB slid his jacket off and placed the heavy leather cloth over Lisa's shoulders, carefully pulling her hair out from beneath the collar and every so gently pushing her bangs aside he leant his face closer to Lisa, JB stayed silent. Bam doesn't speak but he feels the girls huddle closer to him seeking emotional support not just for themselves but for Lisa too. He knew Lisa loved her members immensely and he wanted to reassure them in any way possible as he saw their tear stained features, but he was unsure how they were going to react to JB and the impossibly calming effect he had on Lisa. If JB pulled Lisa back from her darkness, then he would be there for them.
JB stayed knelt in front of Lisa, the coldness of the balcony numbing his knees but he didn't care. He waited patiently for Lisa to acknowledge his presence but her eyes were blank and unstaring. He did not speak or make any jarring movements to scare her, he simply held both of her small cold hands between his own, his thumbs making small circles on top of them, reassuring her that he was present and he would stay with her for as long as she needed him to be there, telling her in unspoken words to use him as a pillar of strength to lean on. That he wasn't going anywhere until she asked him to.
He didn't know Lisa very well, but what he knew about her in the short time they had exchanged conversations, he knew that Lisa was a genuinely beautiful soul and it ate at him to see her that way.
JB's concerns grow as Lisa remained unresponsive, and taking a look at the necklace laying upon the newspaper he makes a decision, not just for himself, but also for Lisa. He was well aware of her members and Bam standing behind him, he could feel their anticipation rolling off them in waves, but if they were going to get her back from wherever she had locked herself way, then he was going to have to do something he had only done in the privacy of Lisa and himself.
Please hear me Lisa, he thinks to himself.
Clearing his throat and praying for Lisa to hear him he whisper sings to her while holding her hands, his eyes level with hers he presses forward. JB remembered Bam had told him that Miracle was one of her favourite Got7 songs, the message behind the lyrics touched her. It had helped her a while back when he first came across her at Han River, and he hoped it would help her again. Every time Lisa was in turmoil, he always managed to appear at the right time to bring her down from the invisible cliff she was on.
Yunanhi naegen
Chagapgo chuun gyeourin geureon nal
Tto han haega nal
Ijeun deut jinagassdeon geureon bam
Uyeonhi nae ape seo issneun neo
Naege han julgi bit gatasseo
Nugudo chajawajuji anhdeon
Eodupdeon nae haneure
Jageun byeori doeeo
Hwanhage bichwo jun neo
His gaze never left her eyes as he whisper sang to Lisa, his words barely heard by the others but he continues to sing, just for her. Every word was designed to soothe the upheaval of emotions she was riding. JB raised a hand to caress Lisas cold cheeks, pulling more of her hair out from his jacket, he pulls the front of the jacket together to keep out the evening cold, he was afraid that she would fall sick again.
JB felt a drop of moisture on his hand, and then another and he watches with a heavy chest as Lisa begins to cry silent tears. The silver streaks leaving a path of destruction in its wake; every tear holding a story of unbearable pain and self pity.
He is taken by surprise when Lisa grips his hands tightly and with a loud strangled sob she falls into him, landing in a heap of uncontrollable tears and turbulent emotions into the protection of his arms, his strength chasing away the excruciating pain that Jungkook had thrown at her.
With a small smile of gratitude and relief JB automatically tucks his head into the crook of her neck. His emotions for the small beautiful creature seeking comfort from his arms were rocking him to his core, and for the first time in a very long time he felt at home.
"You heard me." JB whispers into her ear.
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