《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Dreams
Bam and the rest of his Got7 members were sprawled around the floors at one of the JYP studios having practised a few dance routines for an upcoming tour when JB approached him, a stern look masking what is normally a happy face. Bam knew that look very well, they all did. There was a lot their leader could tolerate when it came to situations or people. The look he had on his face now told Bam that he wasn't very pleased with someone or something that involved people he knew. JB was at the best of times a little reserved and never meddled in business that did not concern him, unless the situation was about people he knew and cared about, so Bam knew that whatever it was making their leader look uncomfortable was important enough for him approach Bam which also meant it concerned someone he knew and Bam knew a lot of people.
Placing his water bottle and sweat dampened towel to the side he sat a little straighter curious to know what has gotten into JBs bonnet.
JB was laid out flat, his breath coming out in short hot puffs. The tiny beads of sweat left trails down his forehead as he reaches for a towel to wipe away the offending moisture from his brow and eyes. Reaching out for his gym bag he takes a hefty gulp of water and grabs his phone. He hadn't heard from Lisa since the night before and he really wanted to know if she was feeling better after he had left her sleeping on the couch. He hated that he had to leave her alone but he didn't want to be surrounded by her members if they arrived home to see the leader from Got7 sitting in their lounge watching over their youngest member. That alone would have garnered the 20/20 questions of where did you meet? How did you meet? What are you doing here? The type of questions he wasn't very keen to answer.
He'd felt really awful for Lisa, and listening to her passionate charged argument with Jungkook. He didn't think he had the right to listen in on their conversation but Lisa had messaged him asking for help and he more or less dropped everything; which was another vocal practise in his own studio, and drove with considerable speed to her location. Her messages were short and direct but he felt the urgency behind her plea. He certainly didn't expect to be caught in the middle of a lovers spat; well ex-lovers spat now, in the middle of a cafe and parking lot.
The scandal was all over the internet but he wasn't surprised about the two idols being named together. He'd seen the BTS maknae turn his heart shaped eyes to Iu's direction on many occasions and he was quite vocal about it as well. He just didn't know how Lisa dealt with it, if he had a girlfriend he definitely wouldn't have accepted her making eyes at her male idol crush, however he was happy to have helped her even if it meant driving her away from her significant other.
He didn't know Iu or Jungkook on personal level but he knew a little bit about Lisa thanks to Bam and his constant mentions of Lisa did this or Lisa is so dumb she did that or his favourite; Lisa likes and dislikes. He liked her not because she ignited tiny butterflies in his stomach, but because she seemed like a really well rounded kind girl. Watching her sleep in the front seat of his car, looking so small and fragile in her ridiculously large jacket hoodie left her looking vulnerable and he wanted nothing more but to give her a massive bear hug. His frustration grew at the fact that Jungkook had a gem, and he let it go. Girls like Lisa were not the dime a dozen type; she was a keeper and if he didn't want to keep her, then someone more deserving will.
Not thinking twice he stood and made his way to where Bam laid sprawled out in the far corner of the room, one knee bent and a skinny arm flung over his eyes. They'd all worked hard the past week, they had knuckled down a lot of their routines, now it was just a matter of fine tuning the movements. He was always proud of them for soldiering on with little to no complaint often taking lunch well into the late afternoon. He was both thankful and sorry, especially now that he had something to discuss with Bam.
"Bam, good work my friend." He says watching as the young man sits up taking a swig of his water bottle then placing it beside him with his sweat towel, his attention focused on JBs approaching form.
"Oh thanks hyung. What's up?"
"Hey um," scratching the back of his head he continues, "have you um...have you heard from Lisa?"
Puzzled Bam looks at his leader a moment longer then ask, "No hyung, why?" curious why JB appeared flustered or frustrated; he couldn't decide.
"Hyung is this about the scandal?"
"You know?" JB replies
"Who doesn't hyung. Everyone knows about it."
"And how is Lisa? Is she ok?" Hoping to hear Bam had spoken to her and she was fine.
"Yeah about that. I don't know because Lisa is in hospital hyung."
"WHAT?! What happened?! I knew I shouldn't have left her alone at the dorm. SHIT!"
"Hyung sshhh keep it down!" Bam whisper shouted.
"The girls don't want it getting out that she's in there and Jisoo does not want Jungkook anywhere the hospital or Lisa. Especially Lisa."
Looking at JBs worried brows Bam continued, "Thankyou Bro, I called Lisa's phone when I saw the scandal online last night but Jisoo answered and gave me the downlow. Thanks for taking her home the night before and they kind of have an idea that you took Lisa home yesterday from wherever she went to and that you bought her medicine too." JBs penchant for kindness to others never failed to make the other members and himself respect their leader even more.
"Hey, I'm heading over to the hospital later if you want to come and check up on her yourself?" Bam says with a slight smug plastered on his lips.
"Ah no it's ok you go Bam, you're her friend."
The shyness in his voice is not lost on Bam, and without much prompt he replies, "Hyung, you're her friend now too. Just come, please. After all you've done done for her I know Lisa would appreciate having you there Mr Knight In Shining Car." Bam jokes and watches as JB looks at his feet before complying, a blush moving from his neck to his cheeks and he smiles.
"Besides Jungkook won't be making an appearance tonight, tomorrow night or any other night. He'd have to get through the YG boys, me and now you and especially her overprotective big sister of a pit bull Jisoo before he even reaches a metre of her." For once Bam was happy that Lisa seemed to have never lost her touch of having acquired more male friends than female. They were able to watch over her when he couldn't and for that he was grateful.
Lisa was like a delicate petal on the inside, her staunch act often belying her soft nature. If anyone wanted to befriend her they would have to understand that Lisa came with a few oppas who more or less were her kittens; however they could be exactly like Jisoo if not worse. Jungkook was going to have his balls handed to him on a silver platter someday, and although Bam considered him a friend, he thought maybe it was something he needed. They say if you love something let it go, and if it was meant to be they will come back to you. Bam had always thought the quote was a load of crock but what would he know? He's never been in love the way Lisa was and he hoped Jungkook would listen to Jisoos warning of staying away from Lisa. Shaking his thoughts away he jumped up and grabbed JB by the neck ruffling his hair before running out of the room before JB could catch him screaming as he left,
"Help me help me!! Crazy blushing man in shining car trying to catch me!!!" laughing hysterically at his leader who came to a sudden stop looking around the room incase the others had heard Bams outburst, but they were far too absorbed in their own world as Yugeom appears to be latched onto Jinyoung's back who was trying to shake off their maknae. He watches as Yugeom took great delight in pulling Jinyoung's beanie over his eyes blinding him while his arms flailed about, the others laughing hysterically. "Some things never change" he thought as he took off after Bam with a huge smile spreading across his face.
It was after 2pm when the boys made their way to see Lisa. The afternoon sun had moved across the clear blue sky and JB looks out the window as a small group of clouds gather to morph into what he could just make out to be a small animal, probably a puppy. Bam is on his phone speaking with Jisoo and Lisa's name pops up a few times as does Jungkooks. A whiff of floral accents remind him of the cargo currently sitting in his lap, pulling him out of unintentionally eavesdropping on their conversation. Peeking down to his lap he adjusts the large bouquet of pale pink Roses taking care to not crush the soft delicate petals. The colour was the perfect representation of the young woman, it signifies gentleness, joy and happiness, and from what little he knew about her, he couldn't have agreed more. Leaning back into the seat and pulling his bucket hat down he shuts his eyes leaving Bam and Jisoo to their discussion.
Bam shook his friend awake when they reached the VIP entrance to the hospital , both men ambling out with long limbs making their way to the reception area they are given directions to Lisa's ward and room further dismissed with orders not to extend their visit longer than necessary as rest and recuperation is their first and utmost priority for all patients, VIP or not.
The clinical odour of disinfectant and cleaners permeate their nostrils as they make their way to Lisa's room. This part of the hospital reserved for celebrities and idols alike looked like something out of the pages of a lavish hotel brochure. The hallways lined with bright pristine colours with the odd painting, probably by famous artists, adorned a blank space every so often and the floors could have been mistaken for marble. Clutching the bouquet a little closer to his chest JB walks with careful steps, trying not to scuff the marble like floors with the soles of his boots. Bam laughs to himself at the ridiculousness before coming to a stop, "This is her room hyung. Come, let's go see Lisa.' he says urging JB forward noticing the older males apparent slight nervousness.
Knocking softly on the equally pristine door Bam pushes the door a few inches and they enter with a near silent hush. Bam can hear the small dehumidifier beside the bed as the aroma of lavender floats around the room lulling Lisa into dreams as she sleeps, her eyes shut tight. He moves taking in the pale shade of her skin and hair stringy lining her face. She would hate to know he was there with a guest while her bangs looks a mess. Taking a small hand he becomes emotional at how sad she looks with the slight turndown of her lips. What ever Jungkook had done to his Pokpak, he was definitely not going to let it go and he was going to have to fight her bodyguards if he wanted to see Lisa again. Wiping her bangs aside Bam quietly speaks to her,
"Pokpak, it's me Kunpimook, I'm here now. Why are you sleeping huh? We still gotta finish our game." Running his fingers through hers he gently massages each finger, she always complained about her fingers stiffening up from clutching the control pad for hours on end both unwilling to let the other win. Wiping his eyes Bam turns to grab the closest chair to her bed and takes a seat beside his sleeping friend, watching over her as he feels he should have for a long time now.
Beside him JB placed the Roses on the side table, they were now sitting in a crystal glass vase he'd found in the expensive looking bathroom in cabinet under the sink with the gold coated taps. Raising his eyebrows to the younger male as if to say only the best for YGs girls, but that didn't really matter. What did matter was laying on the bed looking ever so small, her tiny face looks peaceful as if she were taking a nap as opposed to being sick and recovering from pneumonia. After Bams conversation with Jisoo he'd told JB that Lisas fever had broken and now it was just a matter of resting to recover without unnecessary stress. Looking at the dehumidifier he adjusts the dials not wanting the thick clouds of steam to turn Lisa's room into a foggy mess.
"Hyung you don't have to do that, the nurses will adjust it if they have to. How about grabbing a seat while I go get us some coffee?" already rising and offering the vacated seat to JB. He knew the Got7 leader was shy at best but that was part of his charm and if there was anything he wanted to say to his sleeping friend, he would prefer to say it without an audience. If anything Bam knew that JB would take careful watch over Lisa until he returned. How hard would it be to find a coffee machine or a cafe right?
"I'll be back soon hyung, if Lisa wakes or something happens get one of the nurses just outside the corridor or press that button." Bam says pointing to the discreet button hidden beside the bed attached to a cord. Walking out in search of coffee Bam was glad that Jungkook wasn't around, because right then he didn't trust anyone but his hyung to guard Lisa.
JB stood on shifty feet watching as Bam left the room before turning around to take a seat Bam had offered. Lisa's hand still lay where Bam had left it, carefully laying on her abdomen, her thin fingers long and unmoving. He wanted to reach out and take her hand thinking maybe she would be able to feel that someone was with her, that she wasn't alone in such an ostentatiously clinical room. In the corner of the room sat a large dark brown brocade sofa with equally large comfort pillows leaning against the arms, a deep plum colored velour rug sat at the foot of the sofa with a glass coffee table completing the trio. Lisa's room was just as lavish as the hospital corridor itself. Her nightbag sat on the floor by the sofa most probably left there by her members, a few personal items placed on the counter beside the dehumidifier along with a hair brush.
Glancing at Lisa he stands and grabs the brush returning back to her side and holds it above her head not sure whether he should go ahead and do her this small favour or to leave well off and let her members tend to her when they return. He remembered Bam showing him a short video of Lisa combing her bangs during a video shoot for an episode of the Blackpink House series as the younger boy laughed uncontrollably at her obsession, and JB had smiled a reply thinking the act alone was cute. Deciding he would rather make her feel comfortable if she woke to find her bangs presentable he slowly lowered the brush and softly brush her bangs making sure to not cause too much movement. Using his fingers he spread out her hair evenly making sure they didn't cover her eyes. JBs hands still as his eyes took a quick glance at her mouth, her plump lips set in a downturned pose. She was pretty, she was or rather is an undeniable exotic beauty.
Bam had only left the room less than 5 minutes before and there he was looking at the lips of his friend and fast becoming mesmerised by the set of long lashes fanning her closed eyes. Setting the brush aside his hands moved to take a hold of hers and pick up where Bam had left off, massaging each digit with care and scrutiny as his eyes flew to her face every so often not wanting to get caught if Lisa woke to find him holding her hands. The sound of the steam expelled from the unit filled the room in an uncomfortable silence and before he realised and without intention he had begun humming the tune to one of their own songs; Miracle. It was one of his favourites and had been since the moment it was presented to them. He believed that a miracle could be found all around them, people just had to open their eyes and want to see it and appreciate the miracle that is life. His hands nimbly across hers as he silently prays for Lisa to wake, get well and to let her miracle find her.
Lisa could hear the melodic humming of one her favourite songs clearing the fogged up haze that was clouding her mind. It was coming from the same person who was doing the same thing that night, when he sat beside her unspeaking but present as he began to sing with his quiet whisper. Her eyelids felt like lead as she struggled to fight her way out of the fog and towards that voice. With as much strength as she could gather Lisa slowly opened her eyes, immediately squinting at the light coming through the bedside window. Shifting her eyes to the young man at her beside Lisa watches as his lips whisper sing the lyrics, his hands work magic on her fingers relaxing her confused senses.
JBs hands come to a stop when he feels a slight movement on the bed and a tiny soft voice croaks from the bed,
Looking up he is surprised to see Lisa's eyes staring back at him in a dream like state. Taken aback he is frozen at having been caught holding her hands, he had hoped to have done enough to comfort her even if she wasn't aware of his presence. Lisa continues to stare at him, her small hands squeeze his hands in a weak grip as she murmurs,
"Gomowayo oppa. I heard you." Closing her weary eyes Lisa falls back into a peaceful slumber her hand still grasping onto his. Eyeing their hands and the way she has her fingers entwined with his JB smiles to himself at her words. She heard him? If his singing had helped her to wake then he would sing for her over and over again if she asked him to. Feeling pleased at his small act he untwined her hands from his and placed them under the blanket, tucking in the sides to keep them from possibly falling out, returning to take a seat at her bedside resuming his watch.
Bam had returned to the room a few minutes beforehand to witness Lisas waking moment and the short conversation that ensued between his two friends. When had the two become close for Lisa to have called JB oppa? Was it when JB had taken her home that night? He thinks to himself slightly puzzled he makes a mental note to dig a little deeper when they left the hospital. For now he was just happy that she at least woke to find that she wasn't alone.
Making his presence known Bam walks to where JB is sat and hands him a hot cup of Americano from the VIP coffee lounge down the same corridor from Lisa grateful that he didn't need to leave the ward and not risk Lisas privacy. There were news photographers camped outside of the hospital eager to catch a celebrity or idol unawares, always waiting for their big break; a shot at exposing the private life that is not theirs to reveal. Sometimes Bam dreaded being an idol, the level of privacy one lost at the sacrifice of living the dream sometimes felt not worth the drama, but he wouldn't give it up for anything. He was living the dream and so was his best friend, his Pokpak.
Standing beside the older male Bam asks, "So oppa huh? When did that happen?."
"I asked her to address me as oppa, you know how I feel about being called sunbae Bam, it makes me feel like an old man."
"Isn't that what you are? An old guy?" Bam snickers in a friendly manner as JB rolls his eyes gently nudging Bam with a shoulder.
"Shut it you rascal." JB replies smiling at Bams naughty fun nature. He loved that about Bam and his boys, they always saw the silver lining to any situation and he had half expected Bam to lay into Jungkook, but rather he did the complete opposite making Lisa his priority and not wanting to upset her he decided to simply keep his distance from Jungkook.
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