《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Reply
"Jungkookie, no." Jimin says
All six members turned surprised eyes to Jungkook, unable to believe what they were hearing and disappointed to hear that name.
"Hyung," Jungkook mumbles, "I fucked up hyung" he brokenly lets out, "I fucked up."
There was an indescribable silence as Jungkooks members sat with him in silence. Namjoon had removed his arm around the younger male, his hands grasped silently looking at his feet thinking about what he could possibly say to him that won't sound condescending or that he was scolding a teen with raging hormones. After Taehyung, Namjoon had a soft spot for Jungkook who'd left his home as a young boy, essentially growing up in front of a world full of strangers as they toured and travelled as a group, so he could absolutely understand if he was having some difficulties with his life's choices. Taking a quick look at the others his eyes crossed with Jimin, the young man sat quietly on the floor in front of Jungkook, having moved when he had begun to cry, a look of sadness for their maknae written in his eyes. Giving him a slight nod he saw one other member looking at Jungkook with what appeared to be silent disappointment as he sat unmoving, arms crossed at his chest a slight frown plastered on his forehead.
Yoongi was without a doubt Lisa's favourite oppa, and she had the older male laughing at things that the boys couldn't or wouldn't dare try to, and when she hung around their dorm he rarely took a nap. Their roaring laughter often heard throughout the walls of the entire dorm; Lisa with the laughter of a what Yoongi identified as a munchkin crossed with window wipers and Yoongi with his roaring shout type of laugh that his members only witnessed when the older male unintentionally let down his very staunch guard. Simply put, he was the older brother that Lisa never had and if this whole debacle was to do with Lisa, then Namjoon hoped that JK was going to escape with only a small scolding else he was going to suffer the harsh coldness that was August D; with spit and fire because nobody messed with his munchkin.
Grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns and not really sure of what he wanted to say muchless how he was going to approach the situation, he took a breath and decided now was a good a time as any to discuss the young man's current situation. Either way, no one was going to escape unscathed. With a glance a Yoongi he pushes forward,
"Kook, I know this may not be the right time, but we need you to talk to us and I also need you to listen to us carefully and try to understand where we are coming from, and we will do the same. We are here to help you."
"We won't judge you or make you do anything you don't want to, we are here to support you and try to understand the situation so we know how to help you best, ok?" he lets out with a quiet prompting. Jungkook with his head still hung, tears rolling off his cheeks nods as Jimin reaches out to rub his hands.
"Kook, I don't know if you are aware. Well actually I don't know if any of you are aware, but there are rumours circulating online about you and um.....about you and another idol," taking a cautious look at Yoongi he continues, "a female idol to be exact. Do you know anything about that?" Eyes trained on the young mans form he waits patiently for an answer unwilling to look at Yoongi.
"No hyung, what are you talking about?" Jungkook had little knowledge of the rumour mills running wild with the latest scandal. Thinking back to Lisas emotional outburst earlier he recalled something she had said about him and Iu but he had left his phone in his bedroom in his haste to meet Lisa.
Namjoon slowly closed his eyes, not wanting to continue. There were times where he hated being the leader of their group and this was one of those unpleasant occasions, especially as it's a topic that he had zero knowledge about. The boys have had girlfriends in the past, but those past relationships had stemmed from their school days, nothing anywhere serious or life changing. He could hear the quiet hum of the refrigerator and the ticking from the clock hanging above the entrance of the door and he uses the perfectly timed ticking counting down to four and presses forward.
"It's about you and Iu-shi Kook. You were spotted at Han River and someone took pictures of you both. It's all over the internet. The company is working on what they can do to stop this thing from exploding. I'm sure you are aware of your fans and hers shipping you both right?" Namjoon heard rustling where Yoongi sat, he did not dare look at him.
"Oh, is that what Lisa was talking about too?" Jungkooks cries, wiping away at the fresh onset of tears.
"Fuck!..." Namjoon, afraid to look at Yoongi after his outburst continues questioning Jungkook eager to get the discussion over and done with hoping with a small amount of apprehension that Yoongi would voluntarily leave the room. He knew the others may not gotten wind of the situation yet, when they had a free day they often ventured out without their mobiles preferring to be free of any surprise calls informing them of impromptu meetings or gatherings. He wasn't surprised that Yoongi didn't know either knowing his penchant for napping whenever the opportunity presented itself and he had expected this type of response from the small but lethal rapper.
"You didn't know? Where is your phone? I have been trying to call you all afternoon." Namjoon had tried several times wanting to let Jungkook know what had transpired before the others found out. He knew how they felt about Lisa and had himself prepared for a group meeting they may or may not get emotionally charged.
"It's in his room hyung, I saw it when I put some of his laundry there. I'll go grab it, wait here a moment ok Kook?" Jimin lets go of his hands jumping up jogging off in the direction of the halway, and Jungkook immediately feels the loss of his warm support. He could hear Namjoon talking and he tried his best to listen but he found it difficult as visions of Lisa driving away from him with another male kept assaulting his mind. It didn't escape his notice that Lisa had probably worn her overly large jacket with the ridiculously large hood on purpose. She didn't want to look at him and he knew that. He knew it and he felt really bad about it.
Jimin soon returns with Jungkooks phone, handing it to him he resumes his position on the floor by his feet patiently waiting for Jungkook to collect himself before checking his phone. Jimin didn't know either but guessed that they; other than Namjoon would find out soon enough what had made their leader quietly sombre. The rustling makes them turn their attention to Yoongi who was now sat forward also waiting expectantly to hear the cause of the commotion, the reason he was awake and simmering quietly instead of napping oh his favourite sofa with the bouncy side cushions that he liked to cuddle. Taehyung had laid a hand across Yoongi's knee appearing as though holding him back from jumping out of his seat mentally hoping that he would hold off from doing or saying anything hoping that Jungkook will tell them what the rumour was about.
Jungkook swipes his screen and sees 9 missed calls, 7 from Namjoon and 2 from Bam, 2 messages from Bam and multiple text messages from Iu. He hadn't spoken to her since that night and he hadn't texted her since then either. His thoughts were all over the place, he was having difficulting trying to function normally after the onset of emotional turmoil and decided it was best to leave her messages unread until he was in the privacy of his room but he was also not in a hurry to read them. Not when Lisa absorbed every functioning thought that he had. But it did little to ease the tension that he could feel rolling off Namjoon as his hyung had caught a glimpse of Iu's name his screen The older male decided it was best to keep it quiet, choosing instead to bow his head and wait for Jungkook to check the online media sites.
Deciding he could no longer put off the inevitable his fingers glided around the cold glass of the screen in search of what Namjoon was on about and it didn't take very long. The giveaway look of despair flashing across his features telling the others that he had found what had gotten Lisa upset. The images were exactly as she had described; he and Iu looked like young lovers, their shy smiles evident in the slightly blurry pictures. If he had known that someone was taking private pictures of him, of them both he would certainly would not have stayed as long as he did, but he didn't and that therein was the problem because now the pictures were all over the internet as he continued to click onto gossip and idol websites. The hole growing in his stomach grew steadily as he looked up in search of Yoongi's face and stopped when he took in the older males stern expression, and swallowing a gulp he took another look at his phone.
"What?" Yoongi's voice boomed dangerously low from across the room.
"What is it, what did you do and don't say nothing Jeon Jungkook."
Brushing off Taes hand and standing to stalk across the room he snaches the younger mans phone from his hand looking down at the downturned head for a moment longer he raises the phone to read what had caught the attention of both their leader and their maknae.
With uninhibited quiet anger Yoongi speaks with a tone that his members had only ever heard on very few occasions, one normally reserved for when the tiny rapper was near his boiling point; it was a tone that demanded attention,
"Jungkook. I am going to say this once and only once" he growls out.
"Sort your fucking shit out. Because if you don't, someone better than you, more handsome and loving, more deserving than you will come along and take away your whole world and there won't be a damn fucking thing you can do about it."
"You want to know something cruel? He's probably out there already, picking up the pieces of your mess, and you've probably just lost your whole world. Think about that maknae." Yoongi finishes before stalking heavily out of the room having said what he needed to. He loved his maknae, he was his little brother, but he also loved Lisa like a little sister he never had and he'd be damned if anyone hurt her without him knocking a few heads if need be. A warning that Jungkook could not help but take note of because when Yoongi was mad, he was mad indefinitely until the problem was sorted.
It wasn't very long after Yoongi had left the room when Taehyung and Jhope stood mimicking Yoongi to leave the room but not before taking their maknae into their arms for a hug. There were some things that they couldn't help him with and this was one of those times. Sometimes it took losing something precious for people to realise what they had in front of them all along, hearts going out to Jungkook they gave him a final squeeze before walking out of the room making their way to the kitchen intent on preparing dinner. It was past dinner time and they had yet to eat, they also felt bad that the young man still bore the evidence of Jisoos onslaught on his cheek and set about making him a meal.
The oldest member of BTS had watched the entire interaction with a quiet observation reserving any judgement and not wanting to get into any drama with the whole situation, he spoke with quiet but determined resolve, "Jungkook, this thing you have with Iu-shi, please do what you need to do. You know they say that you really only get one chance in a lifetime to find your soulmate and not everyone will find their true intended."
"I am not going to judge you for your actions, but as your hyung I ask that you find within yourself the reasons why you love Lisa and how you feel about Iu. I know you may have heard it so many times already but I implore you to find your happiness." Jin says.
Standing to hug the young man he whispers to him, "Find your happiness Jungkook and never let it go." at the same time saying in his head "if you haven't done so already".
"Now, I better go check on Tae and Hobi before one or both of them burn down my kitchen." Offering him a smile he walks out of the room only for the remaining men in the room hear Jin scolding the boys for over peeling the potatoes.
Jungkook had felt and heard their disappointment and it hurt that he was the cause of the loud discomfort. His head hangs lower as Lisa's voice booms into his head leaving a pain behind his eyes and heart.
"Jungkook please, just leave me alone. All I want is for you to figure out this thing you have between you and Iu. I can't just be a stand in girlfriend when you want to talk about her. I can't do it anymore Jungkook. I CAN'T!!
Lisa was not a stand in girlfriend. As of a few hours ago, she wasn't any type of girlfriend to him now. Did she really want him to leave her alone? Tears welling up he can't stop himself from tearing up as the memories assaulted him further.
"For months I have listened to you talk about her voice, her features, her acting oh and her cute smile. I've had to listen for months of that bullshit all while you ignore the fact that I was there Jungkook, right in front of you slowly falling apart, but you never noticed you never asked if I was ok, you didn't even notice when I pleaded with my eyes for you to stop!"
Jungkook felt soft hands hand take a hold of his and another arm wrap around his shoulder as he begins to cry with small hiccups. The pain in his heart unbearable when he thinks about her words and kicking himself for not grabbing her by the waist and kissing her senseless proving to her that he loved her even if he couldn't speak at that time but he knew if he did he would be lying to himself, Lisa and Iu, and that is what kills him. That maybe Lisa was right and he loved Iu. Did he? He couldn't think straight, everything was a jumbled mess of emotions and guilt.
"Did you even think of me that night at Han River when you were with her?"
Lisa was right; he hadn't thought of her at all when Iu had approached him that night. He didn't think about Lisa or their situation or even why she has been avoiding him. He seemed to have lost the capability of common sense that surely would have seen him hightail from the River to seek out Lisa, but he didn't, so kind of person did that make him? What kind of boyfriend was he to have inflicted so much pain to the woman he loved with all his being.
Jimin could not say anything to comfort the crying young man but he could feel every ounce of pain that Jungkook was experiencing. He was not someone experienced enough in relationships to offer any type of comfort, but he could hold his hands a little tighter offering him a semblance of strength. It was a few minutes before Namjoon spoke.
"Kook, whatever you decide to do, we will understand and support you. Don't worry about Yoongi or us, we know you are a young man now and you are more than capable of making your own decisions. I only ask that you base your decision on what is best for you." feeling slightly drained himself Namjoon stands and hugs the young man before walking to his room closing the door with a quiet click.
Quietly watching the leader exit the room Jimin stands to take a seat beside Jungkook letting go of Jungkook hands Jimin wipes away at the maknaes tears. He recalls the conversation they had earlier and felt bad for the young man at the turn of events. Jimin considered himself a sensitive guy and knew in his gut that something had to give and right now his instinct was telling him that Jungkook was going to do the unthinkable, without the cruel intentions. He was a smart boy who acted impulsively at the worst of times but he always acted with the intention of bettering himself, he never set out to hurt anyone or anything out of malice, their maknae wasn't capable of that. All Jimin could do was be there for him as Jungkook appeared to have a one sided discussion with himself in his head.
Jungkook was appreciative of Jimin's presence, especially given the fact that he didn't try to lecture him. He took a glance at the vacant spot where Yoongi sat grateful that he no longer had to sit through the older males disappointment at the latest BTS scandal. They've had their fair share of gossip but nothing that directly involved himself, and the current scandal wasn't something small that they could have passed off as another idols attempt at gaining a smidgen of publicity by associating themselves with BTS. It was bigger than that and it had every potential of blowing up if it already hadn't, and possibly damaging further any chances he had of getting back with Lisa.
Feeling uncertain about Jimins reaction, Jungkook says quietly, "She messaged me hyung, do you think she blames me too?"
"Who? Lisa" Jimin asks
"No, Iu-ssi. Shes messaged me but I haven't checked them yet because of...." he breaks off knowing that Jimin would understand that checking her messages in front of the others would've caused more trouble than necessary. Of all the members Jimin was the only one who knew from the beginning and Jungkook valued the older males advice even if he didn't agree with him sometimes, he respected his opinion.
Jimin for once was glad that he was not embroiled in such a sticky situation, and watching Jungkook deal with the dilemma was not something he wished upon him. He was too young to be dealing with matters of the heart that dealt with two women, and two lovely people at that, but he also could not help but feel disappointed at Jungkooks actions. He wasn't about to repeat what he'd said to him earlier because there was no point, had pretty much said all there was that needed to be said in his very direct and honest way.
"Kook, no one can tell you how things will turn out because no one can predict that future. Just like no one can tell you what you must do because the only person who can do that is you." he finishes before shaking the young man's shoulder to get his attention before continuing in a calming manner, "I suggest you read her messages in private out of the company of others and do not rush your decision Kook. What you decide to do is up to you and like hyung said, we will support you. Just remember Kook, any decision you make will have consequences that will either make or break you. Ok?"
The lump of dread growing in Jungkooks stopped and had turned into a large stone at Jimin's words. In fact he knew they were all right, from Yoongi's cold words that him with a harsh reality to Namjoons ever so solid advice and now Jimin has said what feels like his final piece of advice. He watches Jimin and sends him a thankyou with his eyes watching as the older male stands to walk out of the room speaking as he walks out, "Man what a long day! I'm going to shower before dinner. Remember Kook, privacy of your room."
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