《Free》Chapter 5: The Boy Who Uses Ninjutsu! Part II


"You fool, how could you let your student get in a situation like this?" he said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here to save him!" I answered.

He started running towards me.

I made myself ready, any second he'll make a powerful attack.

He jumped up in the air.

"TAKE THIS!" he screamed.

I jumped back quickly.

His sword were stuck on the ground.

"GARGH!" he screamed.

He looked up at me while trying to pull out his sword.

He threw the other sword but I dodged it.

He was frustrated.

I started running towards him.

I slashed my swords at him, sideways.

I slashed his face, he didn't scream, but he was frustrated.

Veins started popping up on his forehead, and his face became more red.

As soon as I was going to attack again he pulled out his sword. His arm was all covered in veins.

His face was covered in a shadow, and it looked like he became bigger.

He attacked quickly with his swords, with no precision. Slowly coming towards me while attacking.

I had to quickly dodge while having all my injuries.

"HEY SAMURAI" the ninja screamed.

I heard it from my back.



I kept dodging.

What is he talking about?

Then, I saw a shadow above me.

"TAKE THIS YOU UGLY BASTARD" he screamed from above.

He threw something at him, it looked sharp.

Suddenly, a ball of smoke appeared from his head.

I started running towards him, then I jumped.

This is it!

I have to kill him!


"KYAAHH!" I screamed.

It was a long scream.

I screamed as I was going up.

I was above his height, I looked down at him.

The smoke was slowly going away.


I slowly fell down towards his head, I held my sword aiming the edge of the sword to his head.

I felt..

Sudden power.

I fell down..

And I fell down faster and faster.

"TAKE THIS!" I screamed.

His aura.

It slowly went away, he wasn't any menace at all.


"WHAT IS THIS DRAGON!" he screamed.

I felt my sword slowly cutting into his body.

The power, the feeling, it all went away.

I slowly took out my swords from his body and jumped back. His body fell down slowly.

I looked around, but I didn't see that stupid ninja.

Ugh, I can't be bothered to find him, but I need to.

I started walking around the place, but I didn't see him.

"HEY! Stupid ninja where are you?" I started shouting.

I shouted several of times but I got no response.

Then out of nowhere I heard someone running.

The sound was behind me, I looked back.

I saw him, the ninja, he was running towards me.


Huh? Another fight?

Behind him I could just barely see a gang of people running.

"Uh.." I said.

"RUN YOU IDIOT" he said while closely reaching me.

I drew out my swords, but the ninja took my hand and started running.

GAH! He's somewhat strong to be able to move me!

I started running with him, he was a bit ahead of me.

I returned my swords, and in a blink of an eye I was already ahead of him.

I stopped and looked at him.

I started carrying him on my back and returned to running again.

"I can't let you die, I need your information" I said while running.

All I heard from him was breathing.



"They are the Capture Cage Bandits fro-" he said while breathing.

"From Ishori" he finished.


"What are they doing here?" I asked.

"Apperantly they have set out for Xous, they are looking for someone here" the ninja said.

I don't think I can stop them, they look like 15 or more people.

"We have to outrun them, if that's even possible" he said.

"How so" I said while slowly getting tired.

I feel like im going to vomit.

"They are known to be fast" he said.

I felt it!

I'm going to vomit!

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