《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 9: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 2]
Chapter 9: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 2]
THE TIME-TRAVELLER NAVIGATED the Pentateuch that nose-dived ‘below’ into the dream-realm to the Wilson-residence, to ‘recruit’ the Blind-One. The boyfriend was wearing the googles in-blind-mode, as travelling faster-than the cosmic-speed made him giddy…
… Paul sat in the wheelchair…
… John noticed the quiet-boy… and ‘read’ his thought-that he was guilty-and-worried of his-girlfriend’s secret-pregnancy – and felt-also felt ‘inferior’ to his ‘own’ superpowers which …
… were 2nd to Jane’s superior abilities – where he ‘shared’ only 50% of-it... as she was a ‘shared’ Soulmate-for-2 of the Cursed-Trio…
“Your best is ‘good’ enough – trust me, Paul you’ll do-well in the battle later…” John motivated… but Paul scoffed-in-return…
“Don’t patronise-me… how do you ‘know’ that, Mr Time-traveller…? I ‘know’ myself-okay … and I ‘know’ my-limitation! Tell-to-me straight on my-face, Mr Recordkeeper… are we gonna-WIN LATER in the Garden-of-Eden…?”
“… honestly Paul, I don’t know the outcome, as I’m ‘not’ omniscient… I CAN’T READ the minds-and-plans of the Evil-side – I just act on the divine instructions of the-Holiness-SeeIn who-did direct me to this serpentine-destructive course-of ‘events’ TO-HAPPEN tonight, based on reliable-Intel from our-Samsara counterparts … SeeIn had ordered-me to assemble ‘volunteers’ – to assist St Michael to defend-and-protect the Abrahamics’ heredity-property of the Garden-of-Eden from-being ‘destroyed’ by Yaldabaoth and the Underworld-demons of Asmodeus…” John gave an-honest answer…
Paul wasn’t keen to ‘return’ to the Garden-of-Eden where the place-was full-of-betrayal – as Kerubiel tricked-him with a ‘bad-apple’… that impregnated-Jane, when HE ‘FED’ her with the tainted-fruit…
… he ‘only’ volunteered TO AID St Michael… the ‘only’ One-he-trusted…
The time-traveller noticed purple-glowing negative-energy clouds of ‘hatred’ seeping from the teenager’s head – so John distracted-him…
“Since you’re a short-distance time-traveller ‘traversing’ between 3-realms of Perth, Paul – you may have ‘pressing’ questions that I’ll divulge answers based on my kept-past records, but…
“… don’t ask me-about BOOK-8 – which I know ‘only’ know partially-of… and-also, if I tell-you ‘that,’ and if you ‘try’ CHANGING EVENTS based on your-negative emotions it may ‘fracture’ the time-lines of your 3-Perth realities and would bring ‘forward’ the End-times… as Perthland is the ‘centre’ of the-universe of the destruction of mankind…”
Sitting on the-wheelchair, the teen ruminated as he touched his blindfold-googles – and-asked…
“… I can walk ‘now’… is Jane going to have her-sight back-too…?”
“No, it’s YOUR DREAM, Paul… and you’re ‘inviting’ her into-yours – she will be-blind… it’s ‘best’ she’s blind-too…”
“…Huh-What…? “Why’ is that – I don’t GET-IT…”
“… err, it’s like this – if I may make a comic-book movie reference… do you know X-Men’s Jean-Grey’s Dark Phoenix-persona that’s destructive and turning into an uncontrollable-liability to-the-team… did you ‘watch’ that movie, Paul…?”
How can he forget the worst X-Men movie that 20th-Century Fox produced in-its-franchise…?
“… what about it…?”
“Since Jane Wilson is the ‘Soulmate-for-2’ – she has an UNTAPPED DARKSIDE in her psyche as the ‘other’ avatar of the Warrior-Virgo of Vengeance… where she ‘can’t’ control her-rampaging-self… just like the-Hindu Goddess Kali…” John-expounded as he-elaborated further…
Paul ‘hated’ each-time HE HEARD the-words-of ‘Soulmate-for-2’ – as he ‘trust’ Jane ‘had’ no-feelings for his-devil-twin… ‘AFTER’ THE-mental abuses she had-went through in-her ‘past’ horrid-nightmares…
The teen was half-listened to John explicating that ‘since’ Jane WHO-WAS born-blind – where the ‘realities’ of blind-people ‘DEFERRED’ FROM sighted-people…
… then…
… after BEING A member-of the Cursed-Trio from the Treeton-fieldtrip-tragedy… Jane was 50-50 on the scale of Good-and-Evil… therefore, if she ‘saw’ extreme-injustice and with her ‘uncontrolled’ 3rd-eye superpowers, she might lose-her-mind and would go into rampaging like-Kali. And, if that day-came, mankind would suffer TOO IN HER-PATH of destructive nature…
… but-it sounded ‘more’ like conspiracy-theories which Paul could believe-nor-digest of-what the time-traveller was-saying…
“Paul, you must keep Jane away from Peter… and even when your-twin uses-his ‘power’ of the Golden-blood to lure her into his nightmare-seduction – but you-too should ‘not’ have any negative ‘emotions’ of jealous-rage – to-which, the more YOU ‘REACT’…
“… PETER ‘WINS’ – and your-negative rage fuels more-of Jane-unconsciousness to ‘falling’ in-love with-him even-more. Instead, you should meditate and rid your mind of the toxic-rage – Adiyogi have ‘taught’ you his-yogic Transmeditation…”
The teenager-yelled…
“NO! What is this-bloody BS that I SHOULD MEDITATE while the-devil’s bloody have-sex with ‘my’ girl!!? What am I, a cuckold!? Why should I bloody-share my-girlfriend with my-brother when Jane doesn’t love him any-more?”
“… calm-down, Paul, it’s ‘not’ your-fault – Jane IS ‘CURSED’ that way of ‘being’ the-Soulmate-for-2…”
“BULLSHIT Johnno! This is ‘not’ fair! Why is that in POST-TREETON, I’m bombarded with tons-of bad-luck… I’ve been ‘suffering’ for 7-months in-here in-this hellhole…cursed daily with ‘some’ bloody-shit in my relationship with-my-girl, ever-since that ‘kissing-video’ emerged from no-where…”
Although the time-traveller could ‘not’ read Evils’ minds-and-plans, but he ‘had’ an educated-guess that Peter was the ‘culprit’ who-posted that ‘kissing-video’ on YouTube – but John DIDN’T WANT to ‘theorized’ his-outcomes to-Paul…
… as there was escalating toxic-animosity BETWEEN BOTH the Gemini-Twins…
“STOP-IT, Paul you’ll make the-balance ‘worse’ BY YOUR uncontrolled anger-and-rage – always, take a deep-breath and look at the-bigger-picture cos’ your bad-luck is going to get ‘even’ bad, cos’…
… ever since Peter was here in POST-TREETON… he ‘had’ been behaving to get in everyone’s Good-book – and-plus, he has changed-too-to the better, as he’s learning from his-past mistakes by ‘not’ repeating his-downfalls, of ‘both’ the-past… the-OTHER-PERTH-and-PERTHLAND realms…
“… and by-redeeming his-past… he’s in his-better-self TO ‘ATTRACT’ MAJORITY of-good-luck that was meant to BE ‘SHARED’ by the-Cursed-Trio… and, that ‘became’ the reversal-of bad-luck…
“… in-which, you-and-Jane are facing… Peter wants to make the Defenders-of-Perth-duo insignificant as superheroes in-this-POST-TREETON realm…
“…I can’t read his-BIGGER-PICTURE – but there SOME-HIDDEN evil-intentions behind-it, as… I had suspected-so. when he practiced the blessed-Act of Paying-Forward to the variant ‘victims’ who had suffered in the ‘other’ realms, and by doing-so…
“… Peter had LEVELLED-UP in his-game – while both of you are down, but I can’t help you, even-though I can’t read-Evil minds, so… I’ve to interview-you more in-another time… to-record ‘more’ data on your-twin, so that ‘we’ can strategize-and-fight Evil, who…
“… with evil-intentions of the Darkside of ‘being’ Good…”
The still-dissatisfied Paul scoffed…
“That’s a waste-of-time – why don’t I just KILL HIM LIKE I ‘did’ in PERTHLAND! Problems ‘solved,’ right…!?”
The Buddhist-monk protested…
“Was that a holistic-decision ‘YOU-DID’ to kill in Perthland, tell-me, Paul…!? Killing is a sinful-act in every-Faith that humanity-believes-in…that had-also besmudged your-soul…”
The Gemini-rebelled…
“I DON’T CARE – the-devil was uncontrollable… and had to DO-IT!”
John See then-reasoned…
“Don’t you see the repercussion ‘when’ going into Cain-and-Abel-mode in PERTHLAND… where-now, you-and-Jane were ridden by a slew-of-bad-luck here in POST-TREETON!!? You should have let ‘him-live’ there…WHY KILL-HIM…?”
Paul stood-up from the wheelchair to ‘make’ his-point…
“WHAT!!? He was going to be Lord Stamford’s pawn… he was bloody-going to the UK the-next day – and ‘sell’ HIS CURE-it-all Golden-Blood to heal the gunshot Old-Man…”
The time-traveller enlightened…
“So-what, let Peter-GO TO London-then – you-and-Jane would-be in Perth together and plan-to ‘counter’ HIM-NEXT… instead, you ‘killed’ him in JUST A-WEEK when all 3-of-you reached PERTHLAND – and it’s ‘game-over’ …”
The-teen shouted…
“Hey, we were superpowerless OVER-THERE – without any ‘help’ from you-fellers either… what am I TO-DO – other than to-off-him…!”
John See-replied…
“You’re both superheroes ‘not’ venging ‘antiheroes’ – Perthland was A TEST WHICH you ‘both’ failed – ‘WHO’ TOLD YOU that killing was the-only option?”
Dazed-and-confused, Paul-muttered…
“… err, it’s complicated…”
… the devil ‘had’ drugged-him earlier with-Gochi and he was LSD ass-tripping when he-was in the hospital that Lord-Stamford with a gunshot wound was admitted for surgery. It was there, he hallucinated of the Burning-man ‘telling’ them-to-self-sacrifice to-be-REBORN ‘again’…
As the son-of-a police inspector, Paul-then stalled by thinking-back on the 3 ‘kills’ he had-committed in PERTHLAND…
RICHARD BRADBURY, the Crowley’s lawyer was his ‘first’ kill… who-came with the ‘adoption’ papers, where it stated that Lord Stamford to be the ‘guardian’ of his-twin when in the-UK. When Paul protested the demonic-shapeshifter reached out for his gun in his-briefcase… Paul shot it-dead JEZEBEL CROWLEY’s lower-torso transformed into a serpent when she ‘defended’ Peter in the suite-room – Paul shot it and it crashed into the window and it fell to its-death PETER-HIS-TWIN was the 3rd – Paul shot him coldblooded in-the-heart
John See ‘read’ his-mind…
“… you ‘had’ listened-to the advice of the ‘Burning-Man’ in PERTHLAND – but that guidance was totally-wrong cos’ Solomon-Walker ‘only’ had his-Divine Intervention in this-realm of POST-TREETON…you ‘were’ there à when Kali ‘killed’ the sacrificial-goat…
“…. Your dead-father’s advice ‘led’ you to your-failure based on ‘bad’ suggestions there…”
The ‘guilty’ teen-groaned…
“… how would I ‘know’…!? It’s ‘not’ we been given any-instruction manual, or something…to-be superheroes… it’s ‘not’ fair to blame-us, okay…”
The time-traveller then-told…
“Nothing is fair in the realm-of-mankind… superheroes-included… that is why I’m here to let you-know the ways the game should BE ‘PLAYED’…
“… but before-we get to-that – I want to ‘know’ if YOU SAW ‘any’ butterflies in the hospital…?”
“… huh… what butterflies…?” Paul was-blur…
“… after meeting the Burning-Man – were there butterflies in the hospital-ward…!?”
“… I donno… what’s with the bug-story…?” Paul-shrugged…
“This is ‘crucial,’ Paul – we can ‘FIX’ THIS if only-you-remembered this-detail – now-go ‘into’ your TM-mode and meditate to that ‘night’ in PERTHLAND… and look for butterflies…”
Paul took a deep-breath and ‘quieten’ his-mind to go into ‘recalling’ the night it-happened…
… it was ‘easy’ as it was the day that-SHS celebrated their-anniversary of Lord Stamford’s 131th-birthday… where that evening, he ‘won’ the school’s dance-competition…
… when he rode-home in his-bike from-school later… he was cornered by the Asian motorbike-gang – they ‘bashed’ him-up because the ‘sore-losers,’ Ken-and-Alicia were jealous of Paul’s winning…
… he was-then rescued when the Crowley’s limo that-came to disperse the-altercation… and the motorbikes of teens-fled – and Jezebel offered a ride which Paul ‘accepted’ cos’ he feared for his-life thinking the Asian-youths would ‘return’ to hurt his-more…
… in PERTHLAND-realm, where he-and-Jane were SUPERPOWERLESS….
… then-in the limo, his-devil-twin offered him a pomegranate-drink spiked with a hallucinating-substance – where in the hospital, he was tripping-balls’ and was thirsty as he wandered to find for a drink-vending machine…
… it was where he ‘met’ his-departed father as the-Burning-Man à who told to self-sacrifice himself TO ‘ESCAPE’ the superpowerless-realm… and his father ‘left’…
Paul was ‘stuck’ in his-meditation in the-region-of forgetfulness – as he ‘microscope-and-combed’ his-amnesia dead-cells à in-search-of residual ‘memories’ of butterflies…
… a thought ‘flashed’ of a male-nurse CHASING-HIM-out for loitering in the restricted ‘Burn-Care-ward’…
‘… where are the bloody-butterflies…?’
He rewinded his thoughts in-the space-between ‘meeting’ à the-Burning-Man and the Male-nurse – where he was-further tapping into his-pineal-gland for the missing-time when he was ‘tripping-balls’ in-the-ward…
… eureka…
… the memories-came from the ashes-of the-Burning-Man – growing-then into a bush of white-roses – and when Paul ‘reached’ and touched them – the-petals turned into flying-butterflies…
“Johnno! I ‘see’ it… I see butterflies!”
John heard the blindfolded-teen exclaiming-out, and his hands were animated-and-waving at the phantom-insects fluttering-over his-face – The-monk asked…
“… good-job! WHAT COLOUR are-they…!?”
“… RED… RED-butterflies…!”
The time-traveller sighed in-disappointment…
“… this is ‘NOT’ GOOD – I was ‘hoping’ for white-butterflies…”
“What’s with-this Pixar’s ‘Bug’s Life’ BS – ‘why’ are shitty-details like-bloody insects so-important…!?” The teenager was-annoyed…
“Yes-Paul, it’s ‘very’ important – butterflies signify souls of mankind… it symbolises life-and-reincarnation. There are 2-colours that you should ‘look-out’ for…
“… white-and-red – the white-butterflies are the purity of Good-omens – while RED-IS-EVIL and brings Bad-omens…”
“… huh… I ‘SAW’ RED-butterflies – how do ‘we’ FIX-IT!?” The terrified Paul cried-out in-the-darken googles…
The time-traveller replied…
“You should RESET-AND àREPLAY-the-Game… meaning – you ‘should’ follow the-rules when you time-travel-back to PERTHLAND-and ‘play’ by Gamebook, which states that:
Superheroes ‘don’t’ kill mortals Superheroes are ‘not’ antiheroes…”
Paul stepped-forward and-protested…
“It’s been a bloody-year since the field-trip tragedy – and, now-Johnno, you’re bringing-up your-bullshit set-of-Rules to dictate-and-suppress superheroes… hey! aren’t we ‘not’ on the ‘same’ side fighting-Evil!!?”
“I don’t make the-rules – it’s a Collective-effort of the Superior-realms of The-Watchers ‘do.’ My-Master, SeeIn had sent me in multiple missions to alter-fracture timelines ‘CAUSED’ BY the feud between the Abrahamic Creator and the 7-Brothers/Princes of the-Underworld…
“… AND-ALSO the current ‘internal’ mess in the Underworld – with-the dispute between the ‘twins,’ Asmodeus-and-Beelzebub that disrupts the peace-in Hades itself…”
Paul then-exclaimed…
“… who-what…? Asmodeus has a twin brother named… err… Bubba…?”
“… yes, Beelzebub – The Lord-of-Flies… and, the Sin-of-GLUTTONY…
“… I’ve-also been busy time-travelling to-paste-up the groundwork of the-welcoming of the birth-of-a New-Religion as-also my ‘next’ mission – sorry, Paul I’ve ‘been’ too-busy to-make an-early acquiesce in POST-TREETON until-now…”
… that-angered Paul, and he-shouted…
“BULLSHIT! Why ‘gimme’ the-delayed ‘Rules’ now – after-a-year I’ve ‘been’ superheroing … and ‘disqualifying-me’ now and sending me – back to-restart-in PERTHLAND…!!?”
The monk replied-calmly…
“You ‘know’ the-rules, Paul – you’re a videogamer yourself, who has been setting-daily ‘practice’ routines to ‘not’ go ‘mission-rusty,’ of strategizing your next-moves. You did excellent-job so-far in the-OTHER-PERTH’s missions and fought-well against-evil. Most-of-all you had your emotions ‘checked’… and-even-though with your animosity with your-brother… BUT…
“… you-did ‘NOT’ KILL-HIM… in-fact, your-forgave Peter in-your-heart, despite he was incorrigibly evil over-there… DON’T YOU remember-that ‘day,’ Paul…?”
Paul felt-weak in his-knees – and sat-back on his-wheelchair…
… recalling the last-day in the OTHER-PERTH where… it was a media-circus in school’s Westwing… where the Perth’s Famous-Couple, mixed-doubles handicapped-duo of the one-armed Peter and Blind-Jane had a ‘selection-playoff’ à against ‘able-bodied’ players, Dougie-and-Zoe…
… the game did ‘not’ end-well when the-armed notorious killer, Hajji gate-crashed the-televised event, in a gym-filled with spectatorsà to KILL-JANE…
… but she was ‘saved’ both-by a grey-Alsatian and a Belgium-Malinois à that mauled the-would-be-killer to-death. The tennis-match event-was then-cancelled as the result of the-happened-crime – as the mayor-of-Perth too-WAS ‘PRESENT’…
… denied-of-his victory, the devil-twin was mad ‘when’ the-match was-cancelledà and the ‘possessed’ one-armed youth then summoned ‘natural-disaster’ to hit Stamford High-School… THEN CAME the storm-and the-minor-earthquake…
… everyone scrambled-and-evacuated for their safety from the Westwingà with ‘only’ Paul and Peter ‘outside’ on the outdoor-tennis courts… and-the tremor-struck and ‘swallowed’ Peter to THE GROUND…
… Paul levitated-over to the caved-in sinkhole to find Peter-trapped inside – and, he could-have ‘killed’ his-evil twin with his electro-blast where there was ‘no’ eyewitness to-accuse-him à but-instead he ‘FORGAVE’ HIM… and pulled-him out-of-the hole…
“Paul, you did ‘not’ kill Peter in the-OTHER-PERTH, and the Universe-was-pleased – and you’ve been’ UPGRADED with being-reincarnated into an ‘able-bodied teenage – so, ‘why’ did you ‘kill’ after-a-week in PERTHLAND…?” The Recordkeeper asked as-he wanted to ‘set’ the record-straight for the Gamebook…
The guilt-ridden teen shrilled as-he-answered…
“… but-John… Peter’s leaving to the-UK… he’s going-to save Lord-Stanford – ‘who’ who ‘going’ to-reincarnate as-Asmodeus…”
John shouted-at the near-hysteric Paul…
“HEY-PAUL! Lord Stamford IS ‘NOT’ going-to reincarnate-AS-ASMODEUS!!!”
Paul was confused…
“… huh… but THAT’S WHAT Jane said… she ‘heard’ Lord Stamford whispering into her-ear, during on-stage @the school’s Awards-presentation… the oldman-too ‘spoke’ in-Sumerian, which was Asmodeus’ lingua franca, right …!?”
“NO-PAUL! Don’t follow Blind-Jane’s dreams – it was a-close-call in Jane’s reality, where she ‘almost’ became the-666th-Bride of Asmodeus… but through SIMY’s Divine-Intervention she ‘escaped’…
“… you ‘follow’ your-OWN-DREAMS, Paul – or-else… you ‘go’ astray into-the path of-her blind-reality of the Warrior-Virgo persona… that would-be ‘attracting’ red-butterflies…!” The time-traveller verified…
“Huh! I can’t follow Jane’s leads…? That is 2 ‘sets’ of-bloody Rules – but I depend on-her… my-teammate, she’s my-partner…!” The disturbed teen shrieked in-panic…
“Paul, ‘only’ play by the-Rules of your ‘OWN’ DREAMS – where, a-Superhero DO ‘NOT’ kill is your-motto… you-then use-your judgemental-instincts to-solve humanity’s puzzle – ‘when’ you reset-to-replay Perthland-again in the-2nd-Round…” John-clarified…
“What about-Jane…!?? Is she ‘COMING’ TO PERTHLAND-too…!?” Paul wanted to-know the ‘fate’ of-his-girlfriend…
“… unfortunately-yes – she ‘TOO’ BROKE the-Rule… where on-the night you were ‘shot’ dead in PERTHLAND – she committed-suicide to-be-with you… instead of completing the ‘game’ by going-solo…
“… Jane’s unstable… and that’s dangerous – it might’ve an ‘affect’ you, Paul… her path of the Warrior-Virgo is-dark. The-Universe ‘might’ want to split-up the Defenders-Of-Perth duo… where, you ‘both’ go-on separate-missions in 2-different Perth-worlds…”
Paul was mad-again – and he-stood-up from his-wheelchair, shouting…
“WHAT-BULLSHIT is this!!? Now-you ‘want’ to ‘split’ us-up…!?? Who’s ‘writing’ these-bloody books and coming-up with the-motherlode of horseshit!!?”
“… you’re ‘writing’ YOUR-OWN books-of-chapters with your-own ‘cause’ of-actions, Paul … all the-Watchers-do, are TO ‘GUIDE’ you to-balance the-scale-of humanity…”
Paul-griped as he-further remonstrated…
“HEY! I didn’t sign-up for this-headache – I DON’T WANT to be superhero any-more… go-find an-able-bodied teenager to dip-him ‘head-first’ into your potpourri-of-madness… and torture him like you-Watchers did to-me…
“I-QUIT, Johnno – leave-me-be as a-cripple-gimp on-a-wheelchair! I’m ‘not’ ashamed-of-that… in fact, I would-enjoy ‘lesser’ problems being a-handicap rather-than a ‘cursed’ superhero – and playing-by your-Watchers’ BS-Rule-Book!!!”
John-See-then calmly-replied the ‘pissed-off’ teen…
“… this is your 2nd-Chance to-do-Good as the-realms as-its-Guardian-angel…”
“NOPE! I’m ‘not’ drinking… I pass-the-cup – go, time-travel back to your-Bosses and ‘tell’ them that Paul-Walker said, ‘NO, F***ing-Thank-You! Say that he’s ‘relieved’ of his-supe-duties… and tell ‘them’ to ‘prepare’ the NEXT-PATSY to play their End-of-World Games…
“I’ve ‘officially’ RETIRED FROM the-superheroing capers, Johnno… let-me be-laid-back to see the-sunset-instead sitting-on my-wheelchair…”
“What ‘sunset’ are you to-live-to ‘see’ – ‘when’ you were ‘ALREADY’ DEAD in Treeton according to the records from BOOK-1…!?” The time-travelled elucidated…
“WHAT!!? I DIED…!!?” The boy-exclaimed…
‘… yes, I nearly died with-Dad in the BMW road-crash… BUT – I don’t ‘remember’ dying-in-Treeton…’
“… ooo-I-see – you don’t ‘know’ that THE-3-OF YOU died that day…?” John-then explained…
… the bespectacled-monk retrieved ‘past-History-records’ in medieval device that ‘recorded’ events of-possibilities-of time-travelling called the Chronovisor – and transmitted the Perth-Herald article from-the-mainframe Achieves – and-sent THE-INFO to Paul’s VR-Google…
… from blindfold-to-Read-mode… the-teen read THE-HEADLINES in-the device:
‘4 killed in freak storm’
… Paul next-read the sub-headlines…
‘3 Handicapped students and an ex-army veteran died in school field-trip to dairy-farm in Treeton’
Paul was pale-and-speechless. The Record-Keeper-then revealed…
“… your-twin, Peter had ‘worn’ the ‘cursed’ Talisman-Of-Asmodeus that-day – he was the ‘Chosen-one’ to DIE THAT-DAY… as Evil’s child-sacrifice in your field-trip of Treeton…
“… but…
“… you-and-Jane interfered and ‘went’ to-Peter…”
Paul remembered-where he was the first to go-after to ‘rescue’ Peter… a foolish attempt in-a-thunderstorm, ‘just’ to impress his-valour to Jane-and-Alicia as a quadriplegic. Jane-too followed-pursuit cos’ Peter was her-boyfriend back-then…
… he ‘recalled’ Peter was-strangling him in-the-muddy fields that-rainy-day… the one-armed twin had a red-ruby ‘burned’ into his-palm…
… which scarred his-throat and Jane’s forehead – ‘branded’ to-be the CURSED-TRIO…
John was-then saying…
“Asmodeus ‘killed’ you-3 by-using Zeus’ stolen lightning bolt…where you-all died, and then-through SeeIn’s Divine-Intervention of Instant-Karma – the-trio HAD-THEIR 2nd-chance to miraculously coming-from-the dead… where:
PETER – who was the Chosen-and-Possessed One of the Evil Asmodeus PAUL – who was the Good-One JANE – who was 50-50 to… being-the Soulmate-for-2…”
Paul sat-quiet on-the-wheelchair, slightly shaking his-head – in-regrets for going-after Peter in-the-rain on-his motorized-wheelchair…
‘… Jane, what-if-I-had NOT GONE after-him – would you had-GONE ‘SOLO,’ instead-to rescue your one-armed boyfriend…?’
John concluded by-saying…
“SeeIn ‘chose’ YOU-BOTH to-be superheroes – as-the guardian-angels of Perth…
“… the Holy-One said, ‘Happy are the ‘Chosen’ children – they’ll inherit and protect-earth as superheroes…’
The quiet-Paul was awestruck by ‘what’ he just-heard – that was somewhat ‘similar’ to the-Beatitudes said-in-the Gospel-in-Church…
“… the blessedness of-your-actions, Paul – it ‘would-be’ a beacon-of-Hope to mankind in PERTHLAND…”
ORANGE-BALL DARTED through eons-and-space into the Dreamworld of humanity’s past-and-present with its-coordinates set to intercept the-trances-of the REM sleeping-blind-girl…
In-no-time, the Pentateuch reanimated in Jane’s bedroom – as it-too ‘shrunk’ ITS SIZE-to fit the space…
Inside the-portal, Paul removed his-VR googles and saw Jane’s dark-bedroom through the virtual windshield. John-the-time traveller instructed and opened THE-HATCH…
“Go, get your-girlfriend, Paul – while I SET-THE coordinates to the Garden-Of-Eden…”
Paul nodded to the-order and headed to the opened circular-door – and stepped into the rugged-carpet of Jane’s darkened-bedroom… walking to her-bed…
… then his-intuitive senses-sensed danger – when there was a ‘red’ glow on the-Queen-sized bed…
Paul stood-still, making-no-noise, and he gradually-retreated… while spying in-the-dark…
It was the long-tailed incubus SITTING-OVER Jane’s chest as it was-licking the-sleeping-tween’s scar on her forehead with its-elongated tongue. The entity was ‘not’ aware of Paul’s presence, as it was-busy-feeding…
The horrified-boy backed-away IN-FEAR of it…
… where Iskurr gave Paul a-good-beating in THEIR ‘LAST’ encounter in his-nightmare … that still gave him-backaches…
The-teen’s feet stepped into the soft-carpet and he backed-away – and, also noticing the incubus’ long-tail twirling-and-vibrating as it was in-its-own space, relishing its-feeding…
Paul who-was ‘not’ confident-of-himself ‘had’ chickened-out… retreating to the-portal to the 40-something y.o., John FOR-SAFETY…
Inside the-Pentateuch, the terrified Paul-whispered to-the-monk…
“… it’s the Darth-Maul-looking incubus – it’s on Jane’s bed…”
“… ‘why’ you-tell-me that-for…!? I’m JUST THE time-travelling ‘designated-driver’ – you’re the-superhero, Paul – you’re Gemini-Blue…go, deal with-it!” The monk-replied…
“… I-I can’t… I ‘lost’ the-last-time – i-it-had ‘beaten’ ME-BAD…” The-petrified-teen gave his-excuses… John responded-saying…
“You LOST BACK-then in Peter’s nightmare ‘where’ you were superpowerless in his-dreams – but-now, this is ‘your’ dream… where everything IS ‘POSSIBLE,’ Paul…
“… now-Go ‘get’-em, Tiger!” John patted Paul’s shoulder to-motivate… before pushing-him out into-the-dark bedroom…
The-teen in his school-unform crept-again-in the dark… pacing-slow towards-the-bed where the long-tailed insentient-incubus who-wasn’t ‘aware’ of his-presence was…
… as the mesmerised-beast was in-its euphoric-world of its-own… as it was frantically ‘licking’ to-feed on Jane’s aura-cosmic dust… seeping-in-mist from her-forehead’s diamond-shaped-scar…
Ever-since, Paul was crippled in the BMW-road crash, he was always bullied and left-with low self-esteem-and-confidence. Even-later when he ‘was’ a superhero, he was-still a ‘scared’ little-Bigboy, who avoided confrontation in eminent-dangerous situations…
… even in the-OTHER-PERTH, in the South-Perth Zoo-mission – he ‘forced’ his-twin, Peter to ‘RESCUE’ Jane’s baby-brother who was offered to-be a ‘child-sacrifice’ – trapped in the black-panther’s enclosure…
… while he stood ‘WATCH’ outside-the-cage…
NOW, in a ‘similarly’ dangerous-situation…
… this-time all-ALONE…
… he had to confront a demonic-incubus – who had ‘beaten’ him into-a-pulp… when he last-faced-it…
Paul crept in-stealth once-again to the bed… as he saw Iskurr wet-licking Jane’s forehead like-a-popsicle, and the-boyfriend then felt angry-and-shouted…
Instantly, the incubus’ neck-turned 1-80 as it looked-back with its red-reptilian gleaming-eyes – and it-flipped itself-over and landed in-its-4s, and stood on the-bed like a-dog ‘guarding’ its-food… with its-long-tail was on-Jane’s-face…
It cursed-profanity in the Sumerian-dialect before it challenged-Paul…
“What you-want, you peeping-interloper !!? The ‘meat’ IS-MINE – Go-away or-else I’ll kill-you!!!”
“NO!! Keep-Away from-Jane!!!”
Paul-then warned, and stood-stance with both of his-fists-up…
Iskurr pointed at Jane’s body-and-cried mad…
“YOU-CAME to ‘feed’ too…!!? Look ‘what’ that b**** Mother-Of-Virgo had ‘done’ – casting a-bloody ‘Spell,’ so that I ‘can’t’ taste the-real meat-of-the Virgin-Soulmate…!!!”
Paul was confused a-brief moment OF ‘WHAT’ the-incubus was ‘implying’ – until he saw its pointed-clawed finger showing ‘at’ sleeping-Jane wearing a white-nightgown with a green-glow in the-dark undergarment…
‘… huh… why is Jane wearing a-neon panties…?”
… little-did Paul ‘know’ that the Roman-Goddess Venus ‘had’ fitted a CHASTITY-BELT Spell ‘every’ night to protect sex-fiend entities like Iskurr from ‘raping’ the Blind-One in-her-sleep…
The incubus-demanded…
“YOU! Remove the-Spell – Or-else, I’ll KILL YOU!!!”
Paul was further-confused at Iskurr’s demands… as he-then firmly-denied with-shouting…
The-raging long-tailed beast pounced at the teenager…
Paul was ‘ready’ for the-incubus in this-Round-2 – his trajectory of his-electricity blasts caught the-entity in-mid-air… Iskurr dropped on the-rugged-carpet – while the-teen ‘punished-it’ by increasing his-supe intensity…
… Paul was shocked when the incubus was ‘resisting’ the-pain as it-struggled to get-on-its feet – the-teen too felt-weak as he was-overloading…
Iskurr writhed-and-fought back until it came-forward – and grabbed the-boy by-his-head and lifted him from-the-floor… the terrified-Paul thought the incubus was going to-to-snap his-neck… GAME-OVER…
… instead, the cannibalistic-entity wanted TO BITE-OFF his face…
The petrified-teen saw the sharp-teeth it its-mouth imminent to chomp-off his face… with his eyes-closed, the-helpless Paul let-off his loud game-over LAST-CRY…
… but unconsciously, Paul had tapped into his underutilised superpower that he ‘gained’ in the-current POST-TREETON-realm – which-was the banshee-screams…
The piercing oral sonic-blast made Iskurr’s head vibrate SO-VIOLENTLY – and it shattered its- mouthful of jagged-teeth – before the-incubus’ head-next EXPLODED…
… Paul stopped his-high-pitched shrills – and saw the headless-Iskurr dropping-backwards on the carpeted-floor… before disintegrating into a cloud of-black-smoke…
‘… huh… is it ‘dead…?’
In shin-deep of dark-mist, Paul pondered… as he saw the dark-smoke snaking towards the Queen-sized bed… he chased after it – and looked ‘under’ the-bed… and it was ‘GONE’…
Paul was ‘relieved’ that the danger was ‘over’…
… but…
… little ‘did’ the teen-supe ‘knew’ that the smoke was absorbed by the ‘tiny’ apple-seed that laid-dormant-and-hidden in the-carpet… that the sex-craved dark entity was-indeed ‘NOT’ DEAD…
… and would ‘return’ back in-its future-reign of night terrors…
Paul sat beside the sleeping Jane… who was groaning-in-delirium. The boyfriend pulled-out his handkerchief to-wipe the-incubus’ froth-saliva on her-face – while genteelly-calling her-name…
… Jane opened her blind-eyes… through her-3rd-Eye, she saw a blue-glow – the shivering-Jane sat-up to hug her-boyfriend and griping…
“… Pauly, you ‘came’ – PETER’S BACK… he’s ‘disturbing’ me…”
“… no-worries, dear – I ‘took’ care-of-that…” Paul was beaming ‘after’ defeating-Iskurr…
“… how…?” The sleepy-headed girlfriend-asked…
Before Paul could-gloat ‘about’ his ‘new’ supe-power of his-banshee shrills – A VOICE in the loudspeaker of the Pentateuch interrupted…
“We don’t have ‘much’ time, you lovebirds – Paul, ask her if she ‘wants’ to-come…?”
“WHO is that!!?”
Blind-Jane jumped-out of the-bed when hearing a male-adult-voice – and she-went ‘offensive’ to-attack…
… like she did in the-Hilton bathroom – when the Archangel-Gabriel ‘startled’ her…
Paul held her-hands so that she couldn’t TAKE-A-SHOT at the time-travellers’ orange-glowing portal…
“Hey-No! He’s a-friendly… he’s John See… a time-traveller – Jane, St Michael ‘needs’ us… the Garden-Of-Eden is ‘going’ to-be under-attack…”
“Pauly, can-we ‘trust’ him…!?”
Paul was-speechless ‘after’ the ‘distrust’ of the-Kerubiel’s bad-apple incident of the ‘same’ garden… that made his-girlfriend pregnant…
“… it’s okay, if you don’t want-to come to-the-mission – but I’m ‘going’…”
“… wait… I’m coming-too…”
The blind-girlfriend said… as she was ‘AFRAID’ TO fall-back to-sleep again. Paul-then guided her into the portal’s circular-door, saying…
“… no-worries, dear… he’s with SeeIn…”
Inside, Jane-Wilson and John-See were formally-introduced – Paul sat-her in his-wheelchair and he put-on his googles…
The time-traveller initiated the teleportal-sequence TO-GO to the-final-destination of the- Garden-Of-Eden… and he-then said…
“We have ‘one-more’ passenger…?”
“… huh, who-else…?” Paul muttered…
Ringmaster's Ambition
Samuel Tuckerman, a retired therapist and nearing a hundred years old, decided to let the whole world know of his legacy. To leave an everlasting mark in this world, he surrendered himself to the authorities and brought with him mountains of evidence to prove his unbelievable claims. That he was the cause of thousands of disappearances all over the world. These evidence consisted of journals, videotapes, papers, and audio recordings of the last moments of all his victims, or so he claims. Initially met with skepticism, the authorities only saw him as a senile old man until testing out the validity of one of the records led to the discovery of the remains of a person. Upon finding out the legitimacy of the evidence Samuel provided, he was swiftly arrested and all other evidence was distributed to law enforcement all over the world to verify. When news of his deeds was made known to the entire world, all eyes were on him. This revelation led to numerous controversies that the governments of the world had no way to control. It showed the incompetence of law enforcement and the government. It inspired lunatics to try and be more brazen in committing atrocities. It sowed fear among the masses. Fueled conspiracies of collusion with foreign governments to suppress information regarding this matter. All these problems eventually resulting in a one day trial, where he was immediately pronounced guilty and was sentenced to death by publicly-broadcasted hanging. Although the various authorities of the world sought to set Samuel's execution as an example, what was broadcasted in the screens all over the world was not the dying struggles of an evil monster, but the satisfied smile of an old man. With his life coming to an end, he shall soon discover that his sins will lead to even greater consequences.
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It follows Alice's ten first struggles, before she joins Samsy in the main story
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# The Gemstone of Ominium 2 - Pain
Her unfazed expression didn’t even waver when the blade of her thin sword pierced one of the men all the way through armor, flesh and bone, a gurgling sound bubbling from his throat. With a kick she mercilessly pushed him back, freeing her blade, and glanced down at his dead body sprawled at her feet, confirming that death had indeed taken him. Stepping over the dead man’s body as if it were a mere pebble on her path, she raised her head just in time to see her second attacker lunge at her and, nimbly turning on her heels, she slit his throat. A spray of hot, sticky blood hit her left cheek and slid down her neck, but she didn’t even blink. The scent of the fresh blood filled her nostrils and her brain like an inebriating drug and she stepped forward once again, lightly turning to one side to avoid being decapitated and quickly returning the favor. One by one the men kept falling as she advanced, victims of her lethal, almost mechanical movements, as if she’d been born with a sword in hand and ready to kill …* This is a direct continuation of Book 1 - Denial. You CANNOT start reading Book 2 without reading Book 1, since the story won't make any sense! Enjoy ^_^*
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Shou's Game
"Everyone's lives are just a game to you." In the near future, virtual gaming is the way of the future. A new VRMMORPG known as Oflilia's Game is released. However, when the players log in they are presented with two choices. Either die ten times over or win the game by completing one-thousand quests. Join Shou as he battles to become the strongest player in Ofilila!
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Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura(MTL)
Machine translated novelAN: First of all, this novel is machine translated novel so it's really have a poor translation that can make your eye hurt and make you puke blood especially if you're good in English. The reason why I'm posting it is because I also want to read this novel but the translation in novel updates are too slow to update so I have no choice but to MTL it. If you don't like poor translated novel, I suggest that you search other books or you read this novel in novelupdates. I posted it for the sake of sharing good novel to read, I'm not being paid for this so I hope I wont read comments complaining to me about the translation being so bad or poor when I always put MTL on the title. Thank you.Jiang Nian used to be an actress. One day, she died and became a quester for the Lord God. Her task is to collect aura of a female lead and prevent each world from collapsing.It's just that every time there is a lot of twists and turns, however, the most troublesome thing for Jiang Nian is that once the female aura rises to 60, it won't rise anymore! What will Jiang Nian have to do to get a breakthrough?
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One of the guys
Cindy Torres is obsessing over Our2ndlife, she always watches every video, replies to every tweet, and stalks their twitters. But one day, one member changes Cindy life, forever.
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