《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 10: Battlefield Garden Of Eden [Part 3.1]


Chapter 10: Battlefield Garden Of Eden [Part 3.1]


BLIND-JANE WHO WASN’T wearing any-googles, was a-level ‘high,’ when her-3rd-Eye was power-charged Intergalactically by the psychedelic-visuals seeping-into her-mind from the-rocketeering movement of the Pentateuch…

… which-was ‘faster’ than the speed-of-Cosmic-light…

Beside-her was Paul in his-googles in blindfold-mode cursed at the bumpy-ride against the negative-zonae of-realms’ dirt-roads. The road-trip music of Techno-trance wasn’t helping-either…

The boy-was suffering from car-sick again – and, felt like retching-out the Bolognese-pasta that he-had for his Friday-dinner. He controlled the volatility-motion in-his-guts… although he was aware-of-where the ‘hidden’ bathroom was… in-case of emergency...

‘… ‘why’ are there ‘no’ buckle-seats to sit in this-bloody ride…!?’

The unnerving-Paul was holding-on the push-handles of his-wheelchair – which he ‘offered’ his girlfriend TO SIT… and, noticed too that the-seated blind-tween was ‘slightly’ headbanging to the Time-traveller’s choice-of-music…

He was distracted by sounds of comms-buzzing – and in-curiosity, removed his-VR goggle to his-forehead to ‘see’ what was going-on…

… observing the short-statured-John was jiggling-to the-music groove on his circular metal Control-pedestal like the-Intergalactic surfing Silver-Surfer…

The Pentateuch slowed-down to-intercept the-transmission – Paul saw the flash of the mainframe-screen popping to-broadcast the interior of the Cube-of-Apollo – where seated were the-trio of All-Women-Trinity:

VENUS– the captain of her-White-magic portal

… but he saw…

SIMY – and, the hologram had-taken the ‘likenesses’ of Jane’s doctor-mother

… he did ‘not’ recognise the 3rd-person on board…

DORA – who was the soul of-a-teenager

But to Paul they were ‘all’ Betrayers WHO ‘TRICKED’ the Defenders-Of-Perth duo – in the back-of-his mind 20-Questions were-screaming of ‘who’ to trust-and-distrust… and...

Paul noticed that the Time-traveller did ‘not’ touch-on the-subject of his-girlfriend’s pregnancy in the entire-journey. Now, John-See was in-contact with THOSE-BETRAYERS – the ‘regret’ of volunteering-arose – but…

… HE DID-so anyway, after ‘knowing’ St Michael had ‘asked’ him-TO-COME.

Looking from-behind at-Jane – he noticed that his girlfriend-too wasn’t keen of their-presence either…

Quietly, he just listened to Venus-saying…

“John See, you’re ‘late’ – the Interstellar-gateway would-be ‘closing’ soon!”

“What – you even-brough the pregnant-girl? Doesn’t this endanger the unborn Saviour-daughter!?”

“SeeIn instructed ‘All-Hands-Aboard’ after-foreseeing the magnitude-of-the imminent attack to be-in the Garden-Of-Eden… but don’t-worry, the-Holiness had-assured that he would ‘protect’ both mother-and-child…” Replied the Time-traveller…

Paul grew nervy-and-upset that the-adults ‘in-the-room’ were conversing IF-THOUGH the youngsters were invisible…

… ‘after’ imposing levelling-up AS-THEIR Guardian-angels of Perth – that was simply as-slave workhorse ‘pawns’ with no-freewill…

The teen sighed…

‘… so-SeeIn is in-it too – even he ‘knew’ about it – ‘about’ the abomination immaculate-conception…’

… he then-heard the-Time-traveller, saying…

“… don’t worry, Mother-Venus – we will make-it ‘before’ the-Bloodmoon eclipses… as our-antient chariots-of both-Eras of Roman-and-Abrahamic are fast-enough – send ‘him’ over, SIMY…” The bespectacled-monk-boasted…

“…Roger-that, Captain-See – sending the-Protector of the-Women-Trinity ‘over-to-you’…!” The-hologram affirmed…

In the Pentateuch, the excited John-See turned to Paul… and asked…

“PAUL! Are you a-Trekkie…!!? You’re gonna ‘love’ this! My homage-modification to the-Pentateuch inspired from-the-TV-series…

Paul did ‘not’ say a-word… and sighed-inwards…

‘… the-worlds-are in-peril – and-these morons are ‘role-playing’ Star-Trek…’

… before a bolt-of-light flashed that startled-Paul…

… as he saw that it was indeed a Star Trek-modification – when a white-beam that ‘transported’…

… the Roman-God, Mercury to the-Pentateuch…

Paul had ‘seen’ him-before in the-Dreamworld…

… wearing THE ‘SAME’ winged-sandals… winged-helmet… but he was ‘not’ carrying his musical turtle-shelled lute…

… instead, he held a Caduceus-staff with 2-live entwined serpents on-it…

… that reminded-Paul-of the sequel of the Percy-Jackson movie where the Greek-God, Hermes too held the ‘same’ sceptre, with the red-and-blue talking-snakes…

Before-long the bright-light ‘poofed’ to-dim… from the-shadows Paul saw the-loinclothed one-armed Red-demon stepping into-the-light…


… the Caduceus-too had-transformed into a flaming-broadsword…

The horned-Mercury acknowledged the-superheroes…

“… Greetings O’Good-One… and Blind-One…”


BOTH OF THE MAGICAL portal-vessels zipped into the Darkside-of the-Universe – racing towards the-closing Interstellar gateway. The-orange-orb and the-white-cube were vying TO REACH a-collapsing gap of a vortex…

… the gargantuan spiralling-vortex looked like the Black-&-White symbol of-the Yin-Yang – going through its ‘own’ REVERSE-ECLIPSE…

… this-time, with the domineering-male Black-Yang ‘subduing’ TO OVERPOWER the female White-Yin…

As the orange-portal approached-it, Paul looked out the-windshield at the gigantic cosmic-whirlpool that was rotating-in-its murkiness. His jawdropped as it was colossal-in-size… and Paul felt-both insignificant-and-terrified when-nearing the black oceanic maelstrom...

The-Cube led the race to the opening-of-the closing gateway while the-Pentateuch tailed-it… Mercury with both-palms clenched-and-prayed…

“… come-on-girls – you can make-it…”

“… don’t-worry, Merc – I’ve time-travelled and-got SIMY the best-schematics for the-fastest speed-capacitator for-the-Cube… the AI is ‘testing’ in-now…” John reassured…

… SIMY went-turbo – with backburner-of-the Cube flaring-up before the white-portal was ‘swallowed’ BY THE intergalactic-blackhole – and the Pentateuch-followed in… with the-excited-monk shouting-out… while in-trepidation, Paul shut-his-eyes tight…

“WHOOHOO!!! HERE Comes the Bad-Boys!!!” As the-orange portal too-was guzzled-in…

It was pitch-dark in the vortex when Paul opened his eyes… and, felt that-he WAS IN his-girlfriend’s world of total-blackness – when-the 4-passengers travelled into the spiral winding-belly-guts of the paranormal intergalactic-wormhole…

The darkness even-consumed the-Pentateuch interior-deck lights… that-dimmed-too into obscurity – with ‘only’ the-purring sound heard of-the-vessel à Paul took it as an-indicator that they were ‘not’ dead…

… then, from-the anus-end of the vortex-wormhole… shot-out the-2 steaming wet-hot-portals as they flew into the dark other-side of-the Garden-Of-Eden, going through its-final stages of the Eclipse-of-Bloodmoon…

The-Cube circling the night-skies – while the-Pentateuch descended midway à and stopped to hover…

… 3 rays-of-light beamed-down Mercury, Paul and Jane…

… below-waiting for them-were St Michael and SeeIn.


Upon touchdown, Paul bowed to SeeIn in-respect… now-that he had-facts that the-Holy-monk had-resurrected the Cursed-Trio from-the-dead in Treeton – and even-bestowed him-and-Jane with superpowers…

Mercury-hugged St Michael à the-disappointed Paul ‘saw’ it-as…

‘… huh… so… St-Mike-too ‘even’ approved THE-HAPPENING of Jane’s pregnancy with the ‘abomination’ immaculate-conception deception…!?’

Before-further judging his-Guardian angel… he recalled when they-came-over in-mission… of the jovial road-conversation/gossips of John-and-Merc had – and-Paul ‘learnt’ the history-behind St Mike-and-Merc…

Paul heard-that eons-ago, that St Michael had cut-off the Red-Demon’s left-arm in a drunk-swordfight altercation in the-Underworld, when Mercury was ‘serving’ as-Asmodeus’ bodyguard…

… and, St Michael-too was an-alcoholic – and secretly-frequented to the-taverns in-the-Underworld for his-addiction of ‘strong’ mead-wine…

Mercury-too was then-heard saying that HE-HAD gracefully-forgiveness St Michael, as the ‘aggressor’ in that-tragic-tavern-incident – ‘EVER-SINCE’ SeeIn ‘had’ saved his-Soul from the clutches-of-Asmodeus’ slavery…

… and ‘now,’ they were-both friends.

Paul also-discovered that St Michael-and-SeeIn had ‘rescued’ the-Red-demon recently from the Prison-of-Satan in-Persia…

The teen looked-up as the angel-and-demon had finished their small-talk…

St Michael-then approached the youngsters…

“Congratulations to YOU-BOTH that you’ve been ‘promoted’ as Guardian-angels of Perth – you-both would DO WELL in protecting the sovereignty of the land-and-denizens!”

The hesitant-Paul slightly-nodded to the-compliment…while peering at his-atheist-girlfriend who seemed to-be responding-in-stoic stance – where her-blind-eyes ‘said’ it-ALL-THAT …

… the Defenders-of-Perth duo ‘got’ the short-end of the stick – where they ‘both’ were mere pawns-as-forced foot-soldiers supes… ‘below’ in the hierarchy of the Greater-Cause of the dictating-Council-of-Watchers…

St Michael spoke-again…

“The-2-of-you, do your ‘duties’ well as superheroes to serve humanity – while I take ‘care’ of the psychopomp-aspect...!”

Paul was-confused…

‘… wtf is ‘psychopomp’…!?’

From behind, they heard the Red-Demon mocking-in-laughter…

“HaHaHa, Mikael – do you think you’re ‘still’ Yahweh’s TRUSTED-ANGEL after He had ‘banished you from the Abrahamic-Heavens…!!? Do YOU THINK He’ll trust you with His-believer’s souls in-your-hands!!? Even-I-TOO ‘LOST’ that ‘ability’ when Asmodeus ‘cursed’ me from a Roman-God à TO-BE a demon…


“… in fact, through the-grace of Venus’ White-magic… is where I ‘brought’ the ‘Souls’ of the Good-One and Blind-One, who perished in PERTHLAND to…

“… be ‘alive’ again in POST-TREETON…”

“…I hope my powers of-Being the ‘Carrier-of-Souls’ would-be restored – after the Rebirth-of my-Father-Jupiter…”

Paul learned a-new-word…

‘… psychopomp ‘means’ those who carry-souls in-the-Afterlife…’

The teen-also noticed that SeeIn was ‘quiet’ during the-entire conversation. The long-bearded monk in a dark-green Buddhist-monk robe ~ a surprise-coincident of the ‘same’ colour of the school-blazer that he-wore…

… and, the silent-monk was an-observing Watcher…

… but Paul-had heard the-voice ‘recording’ of SeeIn in the-OTHER-PERTH when Ms Diane King the school-counsellor held A-GROUP ‘therapy’ meeting @the-Walkers… ‘after’ the field-TRIP TRAGEDY @Treeton dairy-farm…

… where though the projection of Ms King’s green-eye contact-lenses tech – ‘where’ the-hologram of the Buddhist-monk had-appeared-and ‘told’ the-roles that the-Cursed-Trio should-abide to restore the ‘balance’ of Perth-Earth…

Paul was distracted from-his-thoughts ‘when’… both St Michael and Mercury apologised… when SeeIn telepathically ‘spoke’ to-befuddle their-attention – the-addled winged-angel then spoke…

“Sorry, Master-SeeIn...we’ll get into ‘strategizing’ the defence-plans ‘now’ to-protect the garden...”

Even the-enthusiastic Paul was excited to step forward, cos’-as-a videogamer – he-had ‘did’ his-fair-share of a-lot-of strategizing of-his-OWN TO LEVEL-up… but…

… he was disappointed when the angel-and-demon ‘spoke’ in-the Tibetian-Lahsa language…

… at first-thought, he-thought that they ‘were’ rude TO ‘NOT’ include-him – by speaking a gibberish-language that he barely-understood, but…

… on 2nd-thought, he thought that-maybe SeeIn could ‘NOT’ SPEAK-in-English…

… and concluded-that, the Ms King’s recording-in-English was-a google translation-dub of John-See, the disciple Record-Keeper…

Paul was bored in-their exchanged-conversation ~ without-subtitles – he stepped-back and turned his-head TO SEE what-was his girlfriend’s facial reaction was…

… HE-THEN panicked when the blind-tween wasn’t there…

‘… huh-Jane…!? Where did SHE GO…?’


In the-gloom, Paul ran outside-of-the perimeter of the Garden of Eden – although he was a paraplegic in-life, but ‘could’ fly… but-he-rather run with his-2-feet…

… as, he was ‘not’ a-cripple – ‘where’ he could run in-his-dreams…

The lack-of-fitness-teen in-his school-uniform panted as-he-paced in the grass. He looked-up at the 2-portals circling the night-skies which were silhouetted by the 95% dimmed-moon that was rapidly-eclipsing…

He puffed-and-wheezed as he ran… with the background-sounds of the purring-Pentateuch above-his-head – he ran-on in-search of his-girlfriend…

Paul saw a-lot-of red butterflies fluttering-outside the hexed-fences… and remembered the Time-Traveller cautioning that it-was an-Evil-sign…

… that-next filled his-mind with negative-thoughts of ‘BEING-IN the-garden which-he-HATED – THE DOMAIN of the ‘betrayer,’ Kerubiel who-would further harm his-girlfriend – or even-HAD-ABDUCTED her… now, that she’s missing…

Around-the-bend, of the fence was Jane in her nightgown, squatting and eating 2 unripe sour-mangoes…

Jane had been sleepwalking and wandered-off to ‘steal’ mangoes…

“Jane! Where-did you go…?”

“… baby ‘wanted’ sour-mangoes – mmm…it’s soo-good…” Eating, Jane replied in-a-dreamy voice…

EVEN THOUGH it-annoyed Paul – but he didn’t want to say-something that could-lead into AN-ARGUMENT…

“We should-go – the full-eclipse is gonna-happen soon…”

“… okay…” Said-Jane with no-urgency… immersed in her blind-world as she sauntered while eating the unripe fruits… that had-crunching sounds of apples…

While the-youngsters paced-back over to the front-gate – just-like-Eve… Jane-offered…

“… Pauly, want-a-bite…?” Jane-said with one-eye closed, cos’ it was sour-like-lemons…

“… err-no-thanks… it’s acidic… and would give-me a tummy ache – hurry-up, let’s go…”

Annoyed, Paul sighed-inwards… he was disgruntled to the thought that his-girlfriend was ‘still’ feeding the unborn’s food-craving…

… her-attachment TO-IT that would later be-harder to-GO-TO the abortion-clinic – that they-had both finalized.


In a distance, a thunderstorm was coming…

Paul and Jane reached the front-gate and saw ‘only’ the angel-and-demon there – and, the old monk had gone-off to survey-the-terrain of the battlefield-planes with 6-white-horses chariot…

St Michael chided at their-lack of discipline…

“Where did you both go!!? SeeIn was ‘looking’ for-you – you both will-be in the frontline with-Him – while Mercury-and I ‘would-be ‘guarding the front-gate...”

“… sorry-Sir…” Paul apologised…

“GET-GOING! Go-now to SeeIn!” The Red-demon ordered…

“Yes-Sir…” Paul acknowledged…

Paul-held Jane’s hand and they ran on-the-field after the-chariot – and-then hearing the-angel’s booming-in-a Sargent-major’s-voice at their-back… AS-A reminiscent-reminder…

“Why are ‘you-2 ‘running’...!!? Go-FLY-LIKE-superheroes!!!”

The battle-hardened horned-demon laughed-aloud at their ‘amateurism’…


… the youngsters dressed in school-uniform and nightgown ‘realised’ that they COULD-DO-that ‘too’ – Jane was the-first to cosmically-fire-up AS STARGIRL and she soared-bright into the-night-skies. Paul next-followed-suit as he-too transformed INTO GEMINI-BLUE…



IN-THE-DARK, the-superheroes touchdown at the far-end of the battlefield – and the-duo saw the-Cube of-Apollo soaring over-them…

SeeIn was ‘not’ there in-the-stationary chariot – and, his-6-horses were-left grazing…

Paul saw the silhouette of the monk under a tree, meditating at-a-knoll – the full-eclipse of the Bloodmoon was ‘about’ to happen in a-brief-moment. The young-superheroes were on-standby ‘waiting’ for-SeeIn’s instructions…

… in-the-wait, Paul ‘heard’ Jane-making annoying crunching-noises, as she was still eating the unripen-mangoes… but in-tolerance he ‘didn’t’ say-a-word…

He-then saw the-old-monk getting-up on his-feet and descending the-hillock… and came-over in-the-dark to them – Paul’s jawdropped that the-monk was ‘NOT’ ALONE…

… about 50-armed Shaolin bare-bodied monks were behind-him…

… SeeIn had resurrected THE SOULS fallen-monks of the Battlefield-in-Kampuchea… to ‘assist’ in-tonight’s [email protected] Garden-Of-Eden…

Paul looked at the-grisly undead army of Shaolin-monks – that reminded him of the period Korean-zombie TV series, called ‘The Kingdom’ that-he watched-on-Netflix…

‘… it’s a good-thing they’re on ‘our’ side – cos’ zombies are ‘really’ vicious-creatures… just like the-ones in Perth, where mom-was-dealing with…’

The old-monk said-then-something in Tibetan – the undead gave-back grunt-sounds of-approval… and they ran-dispersed and vanished in the dark-like-ninjas…

Paul then found-himself in total-darkness as the-moon had ‘fully-eclipsed’ – he-and-Jane were the ‘only-Ones’ illuminated by-their-glows in the middle of the battlefield…

… they-then heard sound of battle-bugles blown-by cupids… and about more-than a 100-tiny cherub-warriors joined the-fight – armed with spears, clubs and bows-and-arrows…

They were-noisy when they-flew and circled the night-skies like ravens at the backdrop of the darken-Luna. The winged-cherubs freaked-out when the-moon’s sudden transformation into the EYE-OF-ARGUS…

… which was Asmodeus’ bio-surveillance and-TRANSPORT VESSEL…

Everyone in the in-the-battlefield for a-moment saw the GIGANTIC-EYEBALL glaring-ire below at them. Nobody ‘knew’ what was going-to-happen ‘next’…

… but the intervention of ariel-flying Pentateuch and the Cube-Of-Apollo ‘responded,’ as the-duo portals initiated the first-blow of attack by shooting cosmic-missiles at the Red-irised Argus…

… the-injured colossal-eyeball teared-up à and it rained heavy-on the-battleground…

The 2-portals circled-back to-commence their 2nd-line of cosmic-artillery attack – where-it, followed-by both John-See and SIMY simultaneously gunned missiles at the huge-mythical eyeball…

… the ocular-creature formed 2-vertical-flaps like eyelids à and it closed-momentarily… and TOTAL DARKNESS set-below on the-raining battlefield…

The eyelids-opened ‘again’ à the Red-iris then EMP-ed massive shock-waves at the mystical duo-portals… to dysfunction-them in-mid-air…

Everyone-below saw the malfunctioning portals spinning out-of-control in the air – and were about-to crash-down in the battleground…

… but both of the-pilots in-their respective-cockpits ‘rectified’ the non-functional errors to get the-vessels ‘started’ – TO AVOID the ground-crash…

Everyone cheered-on as the both-portals soared back in-the-night skies…

The Evil-side then counter-attacked… when the Eye-Of-Argus shot several biological gunk-rheum from its-Red-iris – which fell like-huge stoned-arrows into the battlefield…

… landing upright-pierced in the grass-of-the field – then-the semi-solid eye-boogers rocks formed-crust, which were-then cracking like eggshells… and hatching from the droppings were…

… the African-DEMON ALLIES of Asmodeus…

… the first rock-of the dried-rheum hatched into the demon-T’Maru, who sat on his-dormant African bull-dragon, holding a-long sphere-high above – as-the demon-then screeched-aloud…

… shattering the nearby score-of-gunk boulders in-the-field… cracking it all-open to ‘release’ his fleet of 20-alpha black bull-dragons…

Paul recognised the demonic-entity, T’Maru from the ariel-battle of the Aurora-Australis – that happened on the night-when Jane’s toddler-brother, Samuel-Jaheem was abducted in South-Perth-Zoo @the-OTHER-PERTH…

On-the muddy-field, the recent-birthed of bull-dragons… were-all covered-with slimy-vernix womb-goo – and were-all bellowing deep-roars… and stretched their-leathered wings to take-flight…

SeeIn caught Paul’s attention by pointing UP AT the portals ‘flying’ in-the skies…

… although the-teen did ‘not’ know sign-language – but he-understood the ‘instruction’…

… that the diabolical bull-sized dragons were ‘ABOUT’ TO-ATTACK the-Pentateuch and the Cube-Of-Apollo…

Gemini-Blue turned to the-blind StarGirl, saying…

“This IS-US! Let’s go, Jane!”


The Eye-Of-Argus-next acted like a-pirate cannon that blasted a-barrage of gunpowder discharge, which-were the size-of-oblong boulders of rheum-gunk… into the battlefield – and. Shaolin-monks and the-cupid warriors took-cover from the hundreds of molten red-hot shrapnel…

The biological-gunpowder of flaming-discharges, rolled-and-hissed by the-100s in the wet-grass of the battlefield – and the oblong-rheum-too ‘stood-upright,’ like the Terracotta-army of the Qin-dynasty…

In the foggy-field of hissing-vapour, everyone chanced that-those biological-rheum were pods of an-platoon of flying silverback gorillas and hundreds of vicious baboons in hibernation-state inside…

In-one-of the cocoon was – Popobawa the African bat-like vampire…

The zombie-monks and the naked-cupids ‘decided’ to kill them… with their broad-swords, Qiang axe-spears and arrows – to-execute ‘the-unborn’ by hacking-and-stabbing the biological-pods, before its-fruition…

But they were-slow, and also out-numbered with hundreds of gunk-cocoons scattered-around, which were-then simultaneously-hatching…

The old-monk saw a tornado-too was coming from a-distance – it-was BlackStar…

… the Mother-of Natural-disasters – the enemy-of Mother-Nature.


In-the teeming rain, StarGirl and Gemini-Blue soared in-the-dark skies in-pursuit of the 21-dragons ahead. The hexed-rain from-the tears-of-Argus was weakening the the-effort of the cosmic superheroes’ speed-of-chase…

In-the pursuit, the 3rd-Eye of Stargirl ‘opened’ – as-it enlightened the ‘presence’ of T’Maru – the-demon who brandish a-sharp-ended bullwhip, where in-their ‘last’ encountered in the Aurora-Australis ariel-battle… the-entity lassoed her-legs with-the-weapon, and spun her…

T’Maru who ‘led’ the portals-attack was saddling his winged-steer African-buffalo – then-looked over his-shoulder… and-cursed…

“YOU meddling Defenders-of-Perth – But This-time, I’m ‘ready’ for you-both!!!”

Asmodeus’ aerial general deployed half-of his-fleet TO ‘ATTACK’ the-superheroes – whilst, T’Maru led the rest of his 10-bulldragons TO DEFEAT-the-flying portals…

… the-demon wanted TO TAKEDOWN the ‘menacing’ All-Women-Trinity rebels riding-in the Cube-Of-Apollo…

The Pentateuch was-on autopilot – John-See was in the below-deck, siting at the tight-cockpit-hatch… as the monk lock-and-loaded the rail-gun…

… John CAN’T GET a-clear line-of-shot of the bulldragons – cos’ the superheroes were in-the-way…

The-frantic Time-traveller made a mental-phone-call to Paul on-his-device…

“Paul, you are in range of my-shot – you-and-Jane… Get-Out off-my-way!!!

Gemini-Blue heeded-the-telepathic call… and he-and-StarGirl went-split into left-right – for the Pentateuch TO MAKE its trajectory-shots in-between…

… John blasted the-string of cosmic-high-calibre bullets at the incoming-T’Maru’s fleet – nailing-2-of the flying-buffaloes dead…

StarGirl and Gemini-Blue-too were faced with an-oncoming herd of FIRE-BREATHING bulls – the-duo dodged the-flames and counter-backed…

… as they blasted their cosmic-shots from-their-fists – at the onrushing flying horned-black-beasts…


The projectile of-bloodied litters of the-dead buffaloes falling from-above… crashing-below into the battlefield ‘were’ causing friendly-fire casualties among SeeIn’s Undead-Shaolin army…

… the dead-heavy bulls landed on 2-monks which broke their-backs – leaving the crawling-zombies to be-easy targets of the flying-gorillas – by-smashing their-heads with spiked-clubs…

… their demises were SeeIn’s collateral damage-casualties of-the-battle…

At the gate, St Michael and the Red-demon were looking at the ariel dogfight of the portals-and-superheroes battling the-circling bat-winged fire-breathing bulls – and…

… on-the battleground…

… where the Shaolin-monks and the warrior-cupids were killing the ‘hatchlings’ of-the still-hibernating gorillas-and-baboons ‘inside’ their gunk-cocoons…

At the centre-of-the muddy-grounds was the Field-General Popobawa, the-African vampire-demon – screeching-HIGH-PITCHED… so that to-speedup the cocoons-hatching…

… In-prep-for the battle-of the Garden-Of-Eden, Asmodeus had given Popobawa ‘powerful’ Blackmagik-spell for its-Bat-hybreeds – by feeding the animals WITH APPLES from the Tree-of-Knowledge – resulting:

Its bat-winged gorillas-warriors – were now ‘genetically’ bigger – fitted with large-oblong Zulu-battle shields to ‘DEFEND’ themselves in-their spiked-club-attacks Its bat-winged baboons-warriors – were the fallen-souls of the terrorist machete-wielding Boko-Haram GROUP… THE HYBRID-making of-the baboon-species as intelligent as the chimpanzee-counterpart simians, to-use-weapons to-fight

The one-armed Mercury saw the vampire-demon’s loud screeching-pitch in the rain that made all-of the-rest-of the clay-placenta-pods to explode with the rheum-goo splashes high in-the-air…

… with the-rapturing of-the bio-synthetic-cocoons in the bigger-gunk boulders… were the birth the club wielding battle-ready savage-gorillas…

The Red-demon who had-fought the ‘hybreed’ before… ‘thought’ that it was-a No-Match for SeeIn’s monks TO-DEFEAT the formidable-in-strength of the ferocious-and-brutal flying apes…

“MIKAEL! You stay here… and be the-Last-Man – I’m GOING-IN!”

“NO! Mercury, stick to the Game-plan!” Shouted the Archangel…

The loinclothed Red-demon ‘ignored’ his-counterpart… and raced-over as the ‘back-up’ force in-the battleground front…


In the dark-skies, StarGirl and Gemini-Blue ‘fought’ AS-A-TEAM – levitating back-2-back to have a-shared 360-view of the 10-bulldragons which T’Maru deployed.

Nearby, John’s Pentateuch took a few-hit… the-portal was-rocked by the blasts of the hellfire projectile from the-mouths 3-flyingAfrican buffaloes.

The-Cube was evading in-circles from the-stalking T’Maru’s pack-of-fire-breathing hybrid-bulls on-its-tail…

… SIMY-then detected an abnormality happening IN-FRONT-of its-sentient-sensory eyes…

Argus’ eyelids-pouted… and were transforming into the lips of-a reproductive-organ to give ‘birth-to-bigger’ boulder-gunk…

… to COME-OUT of its-red iris’ pupil…

The-AI pilot, SIMY blasted several plasma-blasts at the enormous-eyeball… to-eradicate the ‘birth’ of the biological-entity at-its-core…


In the teeming-rain, the superior-50 feral-gorillas with clubs-and-shields were facing-off with the-cupids, SeeIn and his surviving-undead Shaolin-warriors…

In the tempest, Mercury was still running-ahead towards the Killing-field – but his mind was-stuck way-back @Egypt in-the OTHER-PERTH…

… where he broke-a-horn when the gorillas clubbed-his head – and, he-too lost a-few of his good-meat-eating teeth – and-also, for a brief-moment… losing his burning-sword in the-desert-sand brawl with the-apes – where one bit-deep into his-one-arm’s wrist that held his-blade…

The One-armed Red-demon had-learnt his-lessons – and went-berserking beast-mode in-his Round-2-when he reached the bloodied-field…

In war-cries, Mercury leapt-high with his-one-arm raised high-with his flaming-sword pointing at a pact of 6-winged gorillas-below, that were-engrossed into ‘group-attack’ guerrilla-tactics – as-the Red-demon ‘surprise-attacked’ the-apes from-behind…

… slashing their black leathered-wings to lacerate their-flight-abilities – before-bloodied hewing-and-chopping their furry-craniums like-melons…


Jane’s maternity instinct kicked in ‘when’ SHE-HEARD cries of babies-dying below…

Her-3rd-eye shot cosmic-blasts from her-forehead which-exterminated 3 bull-dragons – with their horned-heads blown-off… their lifeless-winged bodies plummeting-below, in slow-gyrating-motion to the battlefield…

Dodging his fair-share of fire-breathing ‘monstrosity’ of bad-luck to given-danger – Paul then-saw StarGirl-DIVING NOSE-down-to the battlefield…

“Hey! Jane COME-BACK – where-you-going…!!?”

Paul sighed at her rebellious nature of-breaking ‘set’ orders-and-rules – so, he decided ‘NOT’ TO go-after-her… as his-path was to-wanting to ‘prove’ himself as a capable superhero-soldier if he ‘were’ to progress to the next-level fight to ‘come’ in PERTHLAND…

‘… the Time-traveller called it Book-8 – unless the set of rules doesn’t change over-there ‘too’…’

Gemini-Blue decided to follow SeeIn’s ‘given’ orders to be with the Pentateuch and Cube-of-Apollo portals – to protect the-ariel space of-the-mission in-the Garden-Of-Eden…

As he was in-flight, dodging the bulls’ hellfire – Paul’s keeping an-eye of his-girlfriend soaring below in bright-yellow frames…

… but he was-taken-aback by the sight-of the intense fighting below in the battlefield – and, felt how a Hollywood’s drone-shot camera-operator would ‘shoot’ a Viking-battleground series-scenario…

… his jaw dropped when he saw his former-adversaries – the flying-gorillas – were back… and the Red-demon was-there fighting a-dozen of-them…but…

… they’ve grown bigger-too, like the size of LOTR’s orcs… ‘evolving’ gorillas into size of upright-walking Bondo-apes…

‘… Jane ‘can’ take-care of herself… she’s far ‘more’ powerful superhero than-me…’

… while in-the-rain, skirting-and-evading the streams-of-hellfire with his dance-moves – Paul-then saw a GREEN-PORTAL ‘transforming’ in the westside of the garden…

… he groaned…

‘… OMG! Please… please no-more of bad-luck.…’

… indeed, it was ‘good-luck’…

… when seeing Jane’s dog, Piper running in the field before-its-transformation into the silver-backed werewolf… leaping-and-biting the heads-of a couple-of winged-gorillas who had massacred several hapless-monks…

Then-a black-teen dressed in an-African-warrior outfit with face-paint, accompanied by 6-male Belgian-Malinois joined-in the ally’s fight-side… facing-off with the machete-wielding baboon hacking the puny-cupids to-bits…

From-above – Paul recognized-him…

‘… huh! Is that Jane’s ‘brother’ from PERTHLAND…!?’


A massive huge-gunk that was jutting 3-Quarter-way out-from Argus’ ocular-vulva – and, with the lubrications of-the tear-duct – and a final-contraction push… it-was-birthed…

… a rectangular-oblong shaped hulking-boulder popped-out from-the-vag…and-darted in the air – and the slippery-rock then-fell on the grass… and skidded in the mud with more collateral-damages on both-sides, by-killing multiple baboons-and-cupids… as it steamrolled in the ground-impact…

Everyone ignored the-stationary black colossal-boulder that entered-the-picture… as-they were fighting each-other around it. The hovering flying-gorillas used it as-a high-ground with their-shields against the-attacking zombie-monks’ broad-blades and the cupid-arrows …

… before countering by hitting-and-smashing the undead Shaolin-and-cupids in the-heads from-above with their spiked-clubs…

The blood-thirsting Red-demon was in-beast-mode as he leaped-around like the-Wolverine, retaliating by hacking-and-decapitating the-army of bat-winged gorillas in-his-way…

… ‘not’ further than-him, Stargirl made her touchdown in the hard-raining battlefield – ‘after’ being distracted by distraught-CRIES OF BABIES…

Blind-Jane ‘saw’ the carnage of the dead cupids – that made her go-Goddess KALI-RAGE… and she screamed-and-ran amok-in-vengeance by blasting-dead the-responsible aggressors of the African gorillas-and-baboons…


Paul was still dodging the 4-bull-dragons who-were attacking from-the 4-corners of the eclipsed night-skies. What was-more frustrating was when he COUNTER-ATTACKED… the-efforts went wasted …

…with the skilful-elusion-and-evasion of the-bulls using slick flight-flairs in-response towards his electro-blasts – causing numerous-inept misses from the-kill target…

… he was pissed-too that StarGirl wasn’t around to ‘help,’ as his-backup…

The vexing Gemini-Blue screamed-aggravating at the-nearby evading bulldragon…


… its-horned-HEAD EXPLODED at his-sonic pitched-shrill…

Paul was both surprised-and-delighted of the astonishing-result – and felt like the necromancer in-the ‘Raised-by-Wolves’ TV-series – that he also-had ‘forgotten’ all-about-his ‘new’ banshee-superpower bestowed in the-OTHER-TREETON…

… which had ‘done’ the-amazing WORK-NOW, as a fluke-shot…

The now-strategized Gemini-Blue-then chased-around the last-3 fire-breathing bulls from-above and ‘shout-aloud’ obscenities TO ‘POP-off’ their heads like-balloons…

Looking-up, he saw the Pentateuch railgun missing targets-of 4-fire-breathing bulls – the-teen superhero decided TO HELP John, who was shooting aimlessly in-the-dark…

‘… are his bullets ‘unlimited’…!?’

In the-gunner hatch, wearing night-vision-googles, John-See’s railgun attacked-in the gloom of the eclipse… with-the illumination, of the portal’s panning 360-firepower-glows, Paul used-it as a-beacon-guide to the dark-surrounding – and-to be in-caution-too…

… of ‘not’ getting-KILLED IN-the-friendly fire...

Paul soared-across in the murk – the nearby brightness showed the-saddled T’Maru and his 2 fire-breathing dragons – were ‘attacking’ the Cube-Of-Apollo…

… but ‘another’ sight-in-the-dark, of something bizarre caught his-attention-also…

… his jawdropped when he looked further-above of the ‘presence’ of the gargantuan Argus-Eyeball in the skies ‘covering’ the-path-of the-moon – the biological supernatural-creature from the-Underworld was-also busy – in-further GIVING-BIRTH…

… its optic-nerve muscle with its contracting-hymen ‘HAD’ SHOT OUT a carrier… that looked somewhat like WW2 zeppelin airship…

Paul gasped at the BAD-LUCK…

‘… Asmodeus’ Army IS ‘COMING’ next…!’


The Red-demon was drenched red-in the bloodbath – after slaughtering half-of-the flying gorilla-platoon… ‘single-handedly’ with his-flaming-sword…

… then-an explosion rocked the battlefield – and it rained hard rocks-and-pebbles of gunk – Mercury saw the-idle colossal-oblong boulder ‘HAD’ HATCHED into-a massive-placenta-womb, that next-exploded-too…

Like a wet-dog… the giant creature-beneath was shaking-off the placenta-goo – to reveal its hulking body of the lion-maned hippopotamus-dinosaur. with the head-and-tail of a-gigantic crocodile…

… it was the-fire-breathing Ammit, the-Middle-Eastern SAND-DRAGON…

Seated-above, on the-saddle was its-Master – the beautiful She-demon warrior, Ammut… holding the chained-reins of her-pet mythical hybrid-creature – that roared-OUT LOUD, and was-ready for battle…

At the other-field-end in the-tempest was… the mesmerized à one-armed Red-demon – captivated-and-spellbound seeing the prospect of-THE ‘ONLY’ dinosaur in-da-house…

… that was every-Hunter-demon’s dream-prized-trophy – was to-eat ITS LIVER… a rare-delicacy that was-even ‘tastier’ and-primed… when it was rancid-and-decomposed by the celestial ‘soul-eating’ worms-and-maggots…

The-enthralled Mercury WAS NO-longer interested in fighting the flying-gorillas… and, ‘letting’ the amok-running StarGirl to ‘take-care’ OF THEM…

… instead, the-drooling loinclothed Red-demon RAN ACROSS the battleground in the rain to fight the-huge creature…

… and, to ‘bag’ its-liver, once he ‘killed’ it…


The avenging Kali-berserking superhero was in her KILL-MODE… by-the scores the flying-gorillas and-baboons were-littered in the rainy field…

… falling-dead in the explosion of their-chest-and head-shots, by StarGirl’s cosmic-blasts.

Most of the flying-apes WERE ‘AFRAID’ of the superhero’s rage… and began to-escape from the battle-ground and flew-up into the night-skies… Popobawa-then led-some of the gorillas to ‘fight’ the lesser-threatening opponents of Gemini-Blue and the-portals…

She was going weak-and-limp in exhaustion – the flaming-glow in StarGirl fizzled-out and she TRANSFORMED-BACK to her-mortal-form of Jane in-her nightgown. The barefooted blind-tween was crying when she fell-on her-knees, on the blood-puddles of the rainy muddy-field…

A badly-injured cupid in mud was crying-out in-pain-to her – the-celestial baby had one-of its-wing severed and both-legs chopped-off-too, by the machete-wielding flying-baboons…

… the crying-cherub held its arms out to her – Jane ‘recognised’ ITS VOICE from-her Dreamworld visits to the-garden… its-name was ‘Juniper’ – where on-one-occasion, the ‘cupid’ told that bad-Peeta killed 2-cupids and dumped the-bodies in-the-lake…

Blind-Jane picked-up the limbless child and stood-up… placing it on her chest and comforting it-of-its miseries while she heard THE-SOUNDS of fighting around-her…

… then a running-voice called her…

“SIS! Sis…”

“… huh… Jaheem…!?”

“… yes, it’s me, Prince-Jaheem – MY ‘SISTER’ of another-mother…”

Jane hugged her-teen Black-brother of PERTHLAND – but he was wearing the-clothes of a-Kenyan tribe-warrior…

… the blind-tween ‘remembered-in’ HER-DREAMS when she ‘visited’ her-brother – where he ‘claimed’ being A PRINCE of an-African tribe…

She didn’t care of ‘which’ variant that-WAS PRESENT – but she ‘deeply’ missed her baby-brother… and HUGGED-HIM tighter… sobbing…

“… Jaa, I miss-you ‘since’ Mummy took-you away-from-us – Daddy ‘loves’ you-too…”

“I miss you-too, Sis – but-focus… Paul ‘needs’ you – go to-him… Piper-and-I got-it covered here!”

“… huh… Piper is ‘here’…!?” She exclaimed…

“… Yah…”

The Black-boy held her by-her-chin… and ‘guided’ her-head to-look – through her-3rd-Eye she ‘saw’ the ferocious werewolf leaping at-battle… biting a gorilla’s face-off…

“… ooo-Piper – my ‘loyal’ protector…” She praised…

“… Sis, you gotta go-now…”

“… Okayy-I’m going…”

Jane gave the injured-cupid to her brother… kissing the cherub’s forehead…

“… you’re safe ‘now,’ Juniper… no-worries, Jaa is ‘here’…”

She flamed-on – StarGirl then soared-brightly above in the dark-skies…


Mercury ‘wanted’ to surprise-attack the sand-dragon – but ‘wanted’ to-size the-kill first…

.. it was a smaller Ammit, than the one he-killed-in the other encounter during the Perth’s Great-Fire… where the last time, its-Master, Ammut didn’t sit on its-saddle, where the-former-beast was well combat-trained – but ‘not’ this latter-and-smaller one…

where it was fitted a nose-ring on the croc’s snout… where the rider controlled it with 2 chains to control its-fire breathing head L-and-R…

The Red-demon’s strategy was to-sneak up… and TO KILL its warrior-Master so-to disorientate the inexperienced-pet which… was still a work-in-progress…

By-definition, according to Mercury’s hunter-instinct – the ‘hybreed’ sand-dragons were lazy creatures in nature – just-like a male-lion who wasn’t in the-hunting-pack… and ‘also’ as-lazy as a Nile-crocodile that ‘expected’ its food-prey to come-to-it…

A group of armed-baboons were acting like-the oxpecker-birds, and sat on the hippo-back, piggybacking in the jagged-spine – as the majestic lion-manned hybreed moved-and swayed its-croc-dragon tail. Mercury too-then landed on the creature back… and ran on the jagged-spine like a staircase and slashing the ally-baboons… who were in-symbiosis to Ammit…

At the-helm, Ammut turn-her-head to the-commotion in the-rear… and to-her-surprise…

“… still remember-me, my desert-beauty…?” The mischief-demon winked as he somersaulted towards her, while ready to capitate Ammut oh-the-fly…

… but the Egyptian She-demon was fast thinking – avoided the on-swinging burning-blade… and she SIMULTANEOUSLY drop-kicked the Red-demon off her-ride…

… Mercury fell-down on his-back on the muddy-ground – Ammut steered her-chained reins of the-creature to ‘burn’ the one-armed traitor-rebel…

Immediately, Ammit realized the threatening-enemy on-the-ground… opening its-massive croc-jaws – and-then incinerated Mercury with hell-fire…


Meanwhile, up-above in the night-skies, Paul ‘used’ his banshee-screams and killed 3 bulldragons that terrorised the Pentateuch.

“Thanks, Paul – you’re doing ‘great’…”

They both-then saw the huge Asmodeus’ Army-zeppelin airship shooting at the ‘good-guys’ in the battleground…

“Paul, you stay-here – I’ve the schematic-codes to destroy-and-explode ‘that’ ship in-mid-air…”

“John, let me follow-you…” Gemini-Blue asked…

“No! You may mess-up my-coordinates… those ships should ‘not’ reach the-ground like THEY-DID in-Kampuchea – they ‘must-be’ destroyed ‘only’ in-mid-air – be-here, Paul… keep-an-eye of the air-space, that’s an-order!”

… the perplexed-superhero watched orange-orb flying towards the giant-zeppelin…

‘… what happened in Kampuchea…?’

Levitating-idle in the passing clouds – Paul saw down at the pitched-dark battlefield that was lit in flames by Ammit… he-gasped…

“…it’s THAT MONSTER that attacked Perth’s Forest with the Great-Fire – it’s back ‘again’…!!”

… he was contemplating to help the ground-troops – but since Jane WAS BELOW… and he too didn’t-want to abandon-the-post of guarding the air-space…

… Gemini-Blue looked over his-shoulders at the east side-of the battleground where the colossal-eyeball was that was-still covering-the-full moon ‘AFTER’ THE-ECLIPSE… to have the ‘advantage’ OF DARKNESS…

… ‘NOT’ ONLY that – it was ‘multitasking…

… he squinted in-the-gloom and gasped again – to witness that prodding-out from-the shutted-straining vulva-eyelids was a 2nd-Army-airship – that was a-quarter-way to be ‘BORNE’…

Paul decided to ‘intervene’ with the-delivery-process – to give it an-ABORTION…

Gemini-Blue flew-over to the gigantic Argus… once he was in-a-safe distance – he released his-full breath of his banshee-SKREICHES OF…


… releasing his ‘own’ frustration of the betrayal Immaculate-conception ploy he was facing-currently in his waking-hours in POST-TREETON – he was now an-advocate of ‘preventing’ of abomination(s) to litter in-Perth…

His shrieks were reduced to squeals à as he gassed-out – where his ‘new’ superpower was ‘not’ working TO ‘EXPLODE’ the massive-ship…

… he panted in-exhaustion while ‘hearing’ a loud- blast behind him… the Pentateuch had BLOWN-UP the first-ship of Asmodeus’ army…

“… yay-Johnno – one-for us-Good-guys…!!!” Paul huffed-and-gasping…

Gemini-Blue decided to have a 2nd-go of his supe-shrieks – only to realise he was ‘not’ loud-as-before and furthermore – he was developing a sore-throat…

… then he heard John-See in his-head…

“… what are-you ‘doing’ here, Paul…!? ~ it’s dangerous… these ship’s missiles ‘could’ even-kill a superhero… go-back to your post now…!”

“… sorry-John… I ‘thought’ I could-help…” Apologised-Paul who-then flew-away… and, left the huge-eyeball ‘alone’ in its-birthing-process…

Paul sighed, as he ‘failed’ to-prove himself…

‘… at-least, I tried… or-maybe my ‘best’ is ‘not’ good-enough…’


ST MICHAEL STOOD-GUARD and vigilant at the front gate of the Garden-Of-Eden – waiting for Yahweh’s ‘assassin’ angels to COME-TO-kill him… where those-angels who-were ‘tricked’ BY THE shapeshifter, Yaldabaoth – that-they believed that ‘Yahweh’ had commanded-them TO-THE-KILL mission…

… as-the doppelganger from the realm-of-reversed-heaven… had meanwhile imprisoned the Abrahamic-Creator in a ‘spell-protected’ dungeon – while, the imposter Yaldabaoth instead-sat on Heaven’s throne…

The Archangel weighed-the-situation of ‘being’ IN THE losing side-where – the Asmodeus’ army were ‘here’ now – while both the African-and-MiddleEastern demons were the first-to-arrive as the frontline predecessors of the-battlefront…

…but the GOD’S ANGELS were ‘NOT’ HERE YET – but St Michael ‘had’ a strategy to ‘defeat’ 3-swordmen-angels… but he has ‘ONLY’ 1-MINUTE to defeat the trio-fellow archangel ‘before’ Metatron-the-Merciless came…

… who was ‘slower’ in-flight cos’ of his heavy-armour. Michael ‘knew’ he had a daunting task when facing Metatron…who was God’s loyal Bodyguard. But he before-that, Michael ‘must’ face:

Gabriel – their-leader, ‘only’ by-his superiority… who-was an-average swordsman – and-more-of God’s Messenger à the gossiper who arrogantly ‘believe’ his-word-was ‘mightier’ than-a-sword… the ‘blabber’ would-be an easier-fall ‘later’ Uriel – the leader of God’s Army ever-since St Michael was banished as an-ex-communicado for his-disobedience à but Uriel was a ‘good’ swordsman… to watch-out-for ‘later’ Raphael – a dear-old friend… who hung-up his-sword to be God’s Healer ever-since he was baptized in the Pool-Of-Bethesda… but in recent-times he was ‘called-back’ for-duty… and, been bestowed with the ‘grace’ of-improving the Army-defence abilities à a wildcard who might-be surprise ‘later’

Michael had 1-CRUCIAL MINUTE to defeat the-trio…

… he was ‘saddened’ by the thought-of-it, when it came to-battling his ‘own’ brethren of Yahweh’s Creation… the-quartet whose-existence was before the-Maker ‘made’ earth… they-were the ‘original-4’ Archangels, CREATED-EQUAL à Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel…

… but over-the-eons, there was A ‘RIFT’ BETWEEN ‘them,’ ever-since Yahweh ‘listened-and-trusted’ GABRIEL-MORE… and Michael ‘hated’ the gossipmonger à as Gabriel-had the ‘ability’ to-influence Yahweh’s decisions – which does ‘not’ favour Michael in-the end of most instances…

… now…

… during the End-Times, it came to the-NEVER-HAPPENED ‘before-state of affairs’ of angel-vs-angel… to be FIRST-IN-STAGE tonight @the-Battle-Of The-Garden-of-Eden…

… where an-angel ‘would’ kill an-angel…

‘Gabriel, you’re going-down tonight…!’

Michael-then thought of Metatron – the seraphim with 3-pair of wings… who-was Yahweh’s hybreed creation of crossing-over the-mind of-the old-and-flailed Prophet Enoch into the body of his MIGHTIEST-ANGEL à the ‘clone’ of Michael-himself…

… which was-even ‘more’ daunting – as he ‘envisaged’ his-death à ‘happening’ tonight-too…

The Archangel need-a-drink TO CALM his nerve – the-thoughts of the addictive spicy-taste of the Underworld-mead was clouding Michael’s senses…

… he got down-on his-knees to-pray to overcome his-addiction and fazing-courage…

His prayers were ‘interrupted’ by a telepathic-voice of AN-INFANT…

“... O’ St Michael, is my-father ‘there’...?”

It was the voice of the groundkeeper of the garden, Kerubiel-the-cupid – who was deformed with a massive-head cos’ he ate too-many-apples from the Tree-Of-Knowledge…

… the Archangel having his-prayer-moment interrupted… gave SHORT-ANSWERS…


“...is he ‘winning...?”

“... no...”

“...oh-dear – I’ve ‘sent’ all of the-warrior cupids to AID-HIM – are they-winning...?”

“... no, they’re ‘not...”

“... oh-dear-me... to Jupiter I ‘pray’… that ‘everything’ would-end well…”

… the Archangel didn’t reply and went ‘back’ to his-Hebrew-prayers – and a moment-later, the cherub spoke-again…

“... are those’ angels here-yet...?”

“... ‘not’ here yet...”

In his-disappointed voice, Kerubiel ranted…

“… when Good is ‘led’ to Evil… it’s disastrous à the Evil of the Underworld had ‘been’ stealing apples from ‘OVER-HERE’ ever-since the dawn-of-times – ‘when’ the ‘first’ man-and-his 2nd-wife were driven-away from the Garden-Of-Paradise…

“…back ‘OVER-THERE,’ in the 7-Princes’ Underworld à they’ve stockpiled ‘our’ apples and have ‘enough-knowledge’ TO WIN the Armageddon-War during-times…

“… it was A PLOY from the leader-Lucifer himself… to ‘release’ Yaldabaoth into the realms-of the Abrahamic-Heaven à and the False-God had-been ‘fooling’ everyone there ‘ever-since’ Yahweh took Sabbatical to ‘grieve’ his-dead son…

“… in that ‘same’ Garden-of-Gethsemane, Yahweh was-captured à by the Reversed-False-God…

“… and-sitting on the-Throne à Yaldabaoth HAD-NOW ‘ordered’ the attack of the Garden-Of-Eden… as-a ‘collaboraburating-conspirer’ in Lucifer’s chessboard ‘game’ to bring-forth the End-times even faster…

“… but FIRST TO-happen à was the destruction-here of the Garden… so that ‘both’ the trees-of Life-and-Wisdom would-fall-and-be scorched… where men-and-women of-earth would no-longer have the knowledge to seek solution of ‘HOW-TO’ fight Lucifer ‘when’ he-arrives…”

Michael ‘heard’ Kerubiel sobbed in-HIS-MIND – then-pleading…

“… O’ St Michael… you must ‘protect’ Yahweh’s Garden with your-life – you must ‘not’ let-it ‘fall’ or it-is doom FOR-US-ALL… and-also the-holy ‘Trees’ and the poor-animals would-all be annihilated… and à the Old-woman, Mother-Nature would next ‘slowly’ die-too on-Earth…

“… please, O’ Mikael… protect us – don’t worry, my-father will stand-on-your side… and you both would fight to THE-END to protect the-Garden from ‘falling’ – so-to prevent the ‘begin’ the-era of Morning-Star, Lucifer’s stepping-on-earth…

“… which ‘would’ lead to the 2nd-BigBang àTHAT IS catastrophically to the-Monad Universe…”

The Archangel stopped his-prayers, and got on his feet – and, stretched his-might-white wing… and TOOK-FLIGHT…

“St Michael! Where’re going….!!?”

The cherub GOT ‘NO’ reply…


Michael landed at the border of the active-battlefield…

…away from Kerubiel’s telepathic-frequency – where the rambling-cherub ‘made’ him GUILTY WHENEVER mentioning ‘Lucifer’…

… because the leader-of-the Underworld ‘was’ his-TWIN-BROTHER… from his-mother sired-by a Nephilim in the Land-Of-Nod…

… the ‘twin’ whom he-LATER ‘DEFEATED’ and casted-out from Heaven – and brought ‘victory’ to Yahweh…

Michael was-back pissed-off with Gabriel WHO ‘DROPPED’ his-twin’s name often too – as the-Yahweh’s messenger ‘trolled’ frequently in the angel-telepathic broadcast-frequency…

… to make him FEEL ‘GUILTY’…

… ‘demanding’ his-surrender and ‘stop’ being an ex-communicado – or ‘lose’ HIS-GRACE like his banished-twin, Lucifer-of-Hell…

… but what ‘the-Fool’ Gabriel DOESN’T KNOW-was – that, he was ‘now’ serving the shapeshifter FALSE-GOD…

… and ‘NOT’ YAHWEH…


Standing on the battlefield’s side-line, the Archangel scaled-and-weighed the ‘losing’ battle… of ‘both’ aerial-and-ground combat…

In the aerial-fight – was led by Mother Venus, who were struggling-above with the backup Pentateuch and superheroes – as they battled Asmodeus’ Black-airships… and the African-ally’s bulldragons… On the ground-fight – was led by SeeIn, who were struggling-below… with the ‘additional’ ally-volunteers of the Lone Wolf-spirit and the African-Prince-warrior – fighting the African-ally’s hybreed gorillas-and-baboons – where…

… even-the MiddleEastern sand-dragon-too was formidable in-the-combat…

Michael gazed across-the Killing-field – at the-roaring fire-breathing Ammit trampling on-the fallen Red-demon with its massive forepaws…

The Archangel concluded that despite having a ‘good’ battleplan – but they were ‘seriously’ OUTNUMBERED 100-1…

… and the Evil-side too ‘ate’ their apples, in-their ‘battle-preparation’ – that steroid-them into gallant-high-performing predatory-demons …

Michael was disturbed by the defeating-outcome thoughts… where TOO-MUCH was ‘asked-and-expected’ with the Good-side… who-were ‘not’ capable TO-DELIVER…

… his hand was trembling as he held the hilt-of his sword on his-belt… that made Michael wonder-it it-was his alcoholic-nerves OR WAS he anxious of the facing the fearsome-clone Metatron later @the Gates…

He prayed…

“... O’ Blessed Monad – please...I ‘don’t’ want to die today...”

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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