《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 10: Battlefield Garden Of Eden [Part 3.1]
Chapter 10: Battlefield Garden Of Eden [Part 3.1]
BLIND-JANE WHO WASN’T wearing any-googles, was a-level ‘high,’ when her-3rd-Eye was power-charged Intergalactically by the psychedelic-visuals seeping-into her-mind from the-rocketeering movement of the Pentateuch…
… which-was ‘faster’ than the speed-of-Cosmic-light…
Beside-her was Paul in his-googles in blindfold-mode cursed at the bumpy-ride against the negative-zonae of-realms’ dirt-roads. The road-trip music of Techno-trance wasn’t helping-either…
The boy-was suffering from car-sick again – and, felt like retching-out the Bolognese-pasta that he-had for his Friday-dinner. He controlled the volatility-motion in-his-guts… although he was aware-of-where the ‘hidden’ bathroom was… in-case of emergency...
‘… ‘why’ are there ‘no’ buckle-seats to sit in this-bloody ride…!?’
The unnerving-Paul was holding-on the push-handles of his-wheelchair – which he ‘offered’ his girlfriend TO SIT… and, noticed too that the-seated blind-tween was ‘slightly’ headbanging to the Time-traveller’s choice-of-music…
He was distracted by sounds of comms-buzzing – and in-curiosity, removed his-VR goggle to his-forehead to ‘see’ what was going-on…
… observing the short-statured-John was jiggling-to the-music groove on his circular metal Control-pedestal like the-Intergalactic surfing Silver-Surfer…
The Pentateuch slowed-down to-intercept the-transmission – Paul saw the flash of the mainframe-screen popping to-broadcast the interior of the Cube-of-Apollo – where seated were the-trio of All-Women-Trinity:
VENUS– the captain of her-White-magic portal
… but he saw…
SIMY – and, the hologram had-taken the ‘likenesses’ of Jane’s doctor-mother
… he did ‘not’ recognise the 3rd-person on board…
DORA – who was the soul of-a-teenager
But to Paul they were ‘all’ Betrayers WHO ‘TRICKED’ the Defenders-Of-Perth duo – in the back-of-his mind 20-Questions were-screaming of ‘who’ to trust-and-distrust… and...
Paul noticed that the Time-traveller did ‘not’ touch-on the-subject of his-girlfriend’s pregnancy in the entire-journey. Now, John-See was in-contact with THOSE-BETRAYERS – the ‘regret’ of volunteering-arose – but…
… HE DID-so anyway, after ‘knowing’ St Michael had ‘asked’ him-TO-COME.
Looking from-behind at-Jane – he noticed that his girlfriend-too wasn’t keen of their-presence either…
Quietly, he just listened to Venus-saying…
“John See, you’re ‘late’ – the Interstellar-gateway would-be ‘closing’ soon!”
“What – you even-brough the pregnant-girl? Doesn’t this endanger the unborn Saviour-daughter!?”
“SeeIn instructed ‘All-Hands-Aboard’ after-foreseeing the magnitude-of-the imminent attack to be-in the Garden-Of-Eden… but don’t-worry, the-Holiness had-assured that he would ‘protect’ both mother-and-child…” Replied the Time-traveller…
Paul grew nervy-and-upset that the-adults ‘in-the-room’ were conversing IF-THOUGH the youngsters were invisible…
… ‘after’ imposing levelling-up AS-THEIR Guardian-angels of Perth – that was simply as-slave workhorse ‘pawns’ with no-freewill…
The teen sighed…
‘… so-SeeIn is in-it too – even he ‘knew’ about it – ‘about’ the abomination immaculate-conception…’
… he then-heard the-Time-traveller, saying…
“… don’t worry, Mother-Venus – we will make-it ‘before’ the-Bloodmoon eclipses… as our-antient chariots-of both-Eras of Roman-and-Abrahamic are fast-enough – send ‘him’ over, SIMY…” The bespectacled-monk-boasted…
“…Roger-that, Captain-See – sending the-Protector of the-Women-Trinity ‘over-to-you’…!” The-hologram affirmed…
In the Pentateuch, the excited John-See turned to Paul… and asked…
“PAUL! Are you a-Trekkie…!!? You’re gonna ‘love’ this! My homage-modification to the-Pentateuch inspired from-the-TV-series…
Paul did ‘not’ say a-word… and sighed-inwards…
‘… the-worlds-are in-peril – and-these morons are ‘role-playing’ Star-Trek…’
… before a bolt-of-light flashed that startled-Paul…
… as he saw that it was indeed a Star Trek-modification – when a white-beam that ‘transported’…
… the Roman-God, Mercury to the-Pentateuch…
Paul had ‘seen’ him-before in the-Dreamworld…
… wearing THE ‘SAME’ winged-sandals… winged-helmet… but he was ‘not’ carrying his musical turtle-shelled lute…
… instead, he held a Caduceus-staff with 2-live entwined serpents on-it…
… that reminded-Paul-of the sequel of the Percy-Jackson movie where the Greek-God, Hermes too held the ‘same’ sceptre, with the red-and-blue talking-snakes…
Before-long the bright-light ‘poofed’ to-dim… from the-shadows Paul saw the-loinclothed one-armed Red-demon stepping into-the-light…
… the Caduceus-too had-transformed into a flaming-broadsword…
The horned-Mercury acknowledged the-superheroes…
“… Greetings O’Good-One… and Blind-One…”
BOTH OF THE MAGICAL portal-vessels zipped into the Darkside-of the-Universe – racing towards the-closing Interstellar gateway. The-orange-orb and the-white-cube were vying TO REACH a-collapsing gap of a vortex…
… the gargantuan spiralling-vortex looked like the Black-&-White symbol of-the Yin-Yang – going through its ‘own’ REVERSE-ECLIPSE…
… this-time, with the domineering-male Black-Yang ‘subduing’ TO OVERPOWER the female White-Yin…
As the orange-portal approached-it, Paul looked out the-windshield at the gigantic cosmic-whirlpool that was rotating-in-its murkiness. His jawdropped as it was colossal-in-size… and Paul felt-both insignificant-and-terrified when-nearing the black oceanic maelstrom...
The-Cube led the race to the opening-of-the closing gateway while the-Pentateuch tailed-it… Mercury with both-palms clenched-and-prayed…
“… come-on-girls – you can make-it…”
“… don’t-worry, Merc – I’ve time-travelled and-got SIMY the best-schematics for the-fastest speed-capacitator for-the-Cube… the AI is ‘testing’ in-now…” John reassured…
… SIMY went-turbo – with backburner-of-the Cube flaring-up before the white-portal was ‘swallowed’ BY THE intergalactic-blackhole – and the Pentateuch-followed in… with the-excited-monk shouting-out… while in-trepidation, Paul shut-his-eyes tight…
“WHOOHOO!!! HERE Comes the Bad-Boys!!!” As the-orange portal too-was guzzled-in…
It was pitch-dark in the vortex when Paul opened his eyes… and, felt that-he WAS IN his-girlfriend’s world of total-blackness – when-the 4-passengers travelled into the spiral winding-belly-guts of the paranormal intergalactic-wormhole…
The darkness even-consumed the-Pentateuch interior-deck lights… that-dimmed-too into obscurity – with ‘only’ the-purring sound heard of-the-vessel à Paul took it as an-indicator that they were ‘not’ dead…
… then, from-the anus-end of the vortex-wormhole… shot-out the-2 steaming wet-hot-portals as they flew into the dark other-side of-the Garden-Of-Eden, going through its-final stages of the Eclipse-of-Bloodmoon…
The-Cube circling the night-skies – while the-Pentateuch descended midway à and stopped to hover…
… 3 rays-of-light beamed-down Mercury, Paul and Jane…
… below-waiting for them-were St Michael and SeeIn.
Upon touchdown, Paul bowed to SeeIn in-respect… now-that he had-facts that the-Holy-monk had-resurrected the Cursed-Trio from-the-dead in Treeton – and even-bestowed him-and-Jane with superpowers…
Mercury-hugged St Michael à the-disappointed Paul ‘saw’ it-as…
‘… huh… so… St-Mike-too ‘even’ approved THE-HAPPENING of Jane’s pregnancy with the ‘abomination’ immaculate-conception deception…!?’
Before-further judging his-Guardian angel… he recalled when they-came-over in-mission… of the jovial road-conversation/gossips of John-and-Merc had – and-Paul ‘learnt’ the history-behind St Mike-and-Merc…
Paul heard-that eons-ago, that St Michael had cut-off the Red-Demon’s left-arm in a drunk-swordfight altercation in the-Underworld, when Mercury was ‘serving’ as-Asmodeus’ bodyguard…
… and, St Michael-too was an-alcoholic – and secretly-frequented to the-taverns in-the-Underworld for his-addiction of ‘strong’ mead-wine…
Mercury-too was then-heard saying that HE-HAD gracefully-forgiveness St Michael, as the ‘aggressor’ in that-tragic-tavern-incident – ‘EVER-SINCE’ SeeIn ‘had’ saved his-Soul from the clutches-of-Asmodeus’ slavery…
… and ‘now,’ they were-both friends.
Paul also-discovered that St Michael-and-SeeIn had ‘rescued’ the-Red-demon recently from the Prison-of-Satan in-Persia…
The teen looked-up as the angel-and-demon had finished their small-talk…
St Michael-then approached the youngsters…
“Congratulations to YOU-BOTH that you’ve been ‘promoted’ as Guardian-angels of Perth – you-both would DO WELL in protecting the sovereignty of the land-and-denizens!”
The hesitant-Paul slightly-nodded to the-compliment…while peering at his-atheist-girlfriend who seemed to-be responding-in-stoic stance – where her-blind-eyes ‘said’ it-ALL-THAT …
… the Defenders-of-Perth duo ‘got’ the short-end of the stick – where they ‘both’ were mere pawns-as-forced foot-soldiers supes… ‘below’ in the hierarchy of the Greater-Cause of the dictating-Council-of-Watchers…
St Michael spoke-again…
“The-2-of-you, do your ‘duties’ well as superheroes to serve humanity – while I take ‘care’ of the psychopomp-aspect...!”
Paul was-confused…
‘… wtf is ‘psychopomp’…!?’
From behind, they heard the Red-Demon mocking-in-laughter…
“HaHaHa, Mikael – do you think you’re ‘still’ Yahweh’s TRUSTED-ANGEL after He had ‘banished you from the Abrahamic-Heavens…!!? Do YOU THINK He’ll trust you with His-believer’s souls in-your-hands!!? Even-I-TOO ‘LOST’ that ‘ability’ when Asmodeus ‘cursed’ me from a Roman-God à TO-BE a demon…
“… in fact, through the-grace of Venus’ White-magic… is where I ‘brought’ the ‘Souls’ of the Good-One and Blind-One, who perished in PERTHLAND to…
“… be ‘alive’ again in POST-TREETON…”
“…I hope my powers of-Being the ‘Carrier-of-Souls’ would-be restored – after the Rebirth-of my-Father-Jupiter…”
Paul learned a-new-word…
‘… psychopomp ‘means’ those who carry-souls in-the-Afterlife…’
The teen-also noticed that SeeIn was ‘quiet’ during the-entire conversation. The long-bearded monk in a dark-green Buddhist-monk robe ~ a surprise-coincident of the ‘same’ colour of the school-blazer that he-wore…
… and, the silent-monk was an-observing Watcher…
… but Paul-had heard the-voice ‘recording’ of SeeIn in the-OTHER-PERTH when Ms Diane King the school-counsellor held A-GROUP ‘therapy’ meeting @the-Walkers… ‘after’ the field-TRIP TRAGEDY @Treeton dairy-farm…
… where though the projection of Ms King’s green-eye contact-lenses tech – ‘where’ the-hologram of the Buddhist-monk had-appeared-and ‘told’ the-roles that the-Cursed-Trio should-abide to restore the ‘balance’ of Perth-Earth…
Paul was distracted from-his-thoughts ‘when’… both St Michael and Mercury apologised… when SeeIn telepathically ‘spoke’ to-befuddle their-attention – the-addled winged-angel then spoke…
“Sorry, Master-SeeIn...we’ll get into ‘strategizing’ the defence-plans ‘now’ to-protect the garden...”
Even the-enthusiastic Paul was excited to step forward, cos’-as-a videogamer – he-had ‘did’ his-fair-share of a-lot-of strategizing of-his-OWN TO LEVEL-up… but…
… he was disappointed when the angel-and-demon ‘spoke’ in-the Tibetian-Lahsa language…
… at first-thought, he-thought that they ‘were’ rude TO ‘NOT’ include-him – by speaking a gibberish-language that he barely-understood, but…
… on 2nd-thought, he thought that-maybe SeeIn could ‘NOT’ SPEAK-in-English…
… and concluded-that, the Ms King’s recording-in-English was-a google translation-dub of John-See, the disciple Record-Keeper…
Paul was bored in-their exchanged-conversation ~ without-subtitles – he stepped-back and turned his-head TO SEE what-was his girlfriend’s facial reaction was…
… HE-THEN panicked when the blind-tween wasn’t there…
‘… huh-Jane…!? Where did SHE GO…?’
In the-gloom, Paul ran outside-of-the perimeter of the Garden of Eden – although he was a paraplegic in-life, but ‘could’ fly… but-he-rather run with his-2-feet…
… as, he was ‘not’ a-cripple – ‘where’ he could run in-his-dreams…
The lack-of-fitness-teen in-his school-uniform panted as-he-paced in the grass. He looked-up at the 2-portals circling the night-skies which were silhouetted by the 95% dimmed-moon that was rapidly-eclipsing…
He puffed-and-wheezed as he ran… with the background-sounds of the purring-Pentateuch above-his-head – he ran-on in-search of his-girlfriend…
Paul saw a-lot-of red butterflies fluttering-outside the hexed-fences… and remembered the Time-Traveller cautioning that it-was an-Evil-sign…
… that-next filled his-mind with negative-thoughts of ‘BEING-IN the-garden which-he-HATED – THE DOMAIN of the ‘betrayer,’ Kerubiel who-would further harm his-girlfriend – or even-HAD-ABDUCTED her… now, that she’s missing…
Around-the-bend, of the fence was Jane in her nightgown, squatting and eating 2 unripe sour-mangoes…
Jane had been sleepwalking and wandered-off to ‘steal’ mangoes…
“Jane! Where-did you go…?”
“… baby ‘wanted’ sour-mangoes – mmm…it’s soo-good…” Eating, Jane replied in-a-dreamy voice…
EVEN THOUGH it-annoyed Paul – but he didn’t want to say-something that could-lead into AN-ARGUMENT…
“We should-go – the full-eclipse is gonna-happen soon…”
“… okay…” Said-Jane with no-urgency… immersed in her blind-world as she sauntered while eating the unripe fruits… that had-crunching sounds of apples…
While the-youngsters paced-back over to the front-gate – just-like-Eve… Jane-offered…
“… Pauly, want-a-bite…?” Jane-said with one-eye closed, cos’ it was sour-like-lemons…
“… err-no-thanks… it’s acidic… and would give-me a tummy ache – hurry-up, let’s go…”
Annoyed, Paul sighed-inwards… he was disgruntled to the thought that his-girlfriend was ‘still’ feeding the unborn’s food-craving…
… her-attachment TO-IT that would later be-harder to-GO-TO the abortion-clinic – that they-had both finalized.
In a distance, a thunderstorm was coming…
Paul and Jane reached the front-gate and saw ‘only’ the angel-and-demon there – and, the old monk had gone-off to survey-the-terrain of the battlefield-planes with 6-white-horses chariot…
St Michael chided at their-lack of discipline…
“Where did you both go!!? SeeIn was ‘looking’ for-you – you both will-be in the frontline with-Him – while Mercury-and I ‘would-be ‘guarding the front-gate...”
“… sorry-Sir…” Paul apologised…
“GET-GOING! Go-now to SeeIn!” The Red-demon ordered…
“Yes-Sir…” Paul acknowledged…
Paul-held Jane’s hand and they ran on-the-field after the-chariot – and-then hearing the-angel’s booming-in-a Sargent-major’s-voice at their-back… AS-A reminiscent-reminder…
“Why are ‘you-2 ‘running’...!!? Go-FLY-LIKE-superheroes!!!”
The battle-hardened horned-demon laughed-aloud at their ‘amateurism’…
… the youngsters dressed in school-uniform and nightgown ‘realised’ that they COULD-DO-that ‘too’ – Jane was the-first to cosmically-fire-up AS STARGIRL and she soared-bright into the-night-skies. Paul next-followed-suit as he-too transformed INTO GEMINI-BLUE…
IN-THE-DARK, the-superheroes touchdown at the far-end of the battlefield – and the-duo saw the-Cube of-Apollo soaring over-them…
SeeIn was ‘not’ there in-the-stationary chariot – and, his-6-horses were-left grazing…
Paul saw the silhouette of the monk under a tree, meditating at-a-knoll – the full-eclipse of the Bloodmoon was ‘about’ to happen in a-brief-moment. The young-superheroes were on-standby ‘waiting’ for-SeeIn’s instructions…
… in-the-wait, Paul ‘heard’ Jane-making annoying crunching-noises, as she was still eating the unripen-mangoes… but in-tolerance he ‘didn’t’ say-a-word…
He-then saw the-old-monk getting-up on his-feet and descending the-hillock… and came-over in-the-dark to them – Paul’s jawdropped that the-monk was ‘NOT’ ALONE…
… about 50-armed Shaolin bare-bodied monks were behind-him…
… SeeIn had resurrected THE SOULS fallen-monks of the Battlefield-in-Kampuchea… to ‘assist’ in-tonight’s [email protected] Garden-Of-Eden…
Paul looked at the-grisly undead army of Shaolin-monks – that reminded him of the period Korean-zombie TV series, called ‘The Kingdom’ that-he watched-on-Netflix…
‘… it’s a good-thing they’re on ‘our’ side – cos’ zombies are ‘really’ vicious-creatures… just like the-ones in Perth, where mom-was-dealing with…’
The old-monk said-then-something in Tibetan – the undead gave-back grunt-sounds of-approval… and they ran-dispersed and vanished in the dark-like-ninjas…
Paul then found-himself in total-darkness as the-moon had ‘fully-eclipsed’ – he-and-Jane were the ‘only-Ones’ illuminated by-their-glows in the middle of the battlefield…
… they-then heard sound of battle-bugles blown-by cupids… and about more-than a 100-tiny cherub-warriors joined the-fight – armed with spears, clubs and bows-and-arrows…
They were-noisy when they-flew and circled the night-skies like ravens at the backdrop of the darken-Luna. The winged-cherubs freaked-out when the-moon’s sudden transformation into the EYE-OF-ARGUS…
… which was Asmodeus’ bio-surveillance and-TRANSPORT VESSEL…
Everyone in the in-the-battlefield for a-moment saw the GIGANTIC-EYEBALL glaring-ire below at them. Nobody ‘knew’ what was going-to-happen ‘next’…
… but the intervention of ariel-flying Pentateuch and the Cube-Of-Apollo ‘responded,’ as the-duo portals initiated the first-blow of attack by shooting cosmic-missiles at the Red-irised Argus…
… the-injured colossal-eyeball teared-up à and it rained heavy-on the-battleground…
The 2-portals circled-back to-commence their 2nd-line of cosmic-artillery attack – where-it, followed-by both John-See and SIMY simultaneously gunned missiles at the huge-mythical eyeball…
… the ocular-creature formed 2-vertical-flaps like eyelids à and it closed-momentarily… and TOTAL DARKNESS set-below on the-raining battlefield…
The eyelids-opened ‘again’ à the Red-iris then EMP-ed massive shock-waves at the mystical duo-portals… to dysfunction-them in-mid-air…
Everyone-below saw the malfunctioning portals spinning out-of-control in the air – and were about-to crash-down in the battleground…
… but both of the-pilots in-their respective-cockpits ‘rectified’ the non-functional errors to get the-vessels ‘started’ – TO AVOID the ground-crash…
Everyone cheered-on as the both-portals soared back in-the-night skies…
The Evil-side then counter-attacked… when the Eye-Of-Argus shot several biological gunk-rheum from its-Red-iris – which fell like-huge stoned-arrows into the battlefield…
… landing upright-pierced in the grass-of-the field – then-the semi-solid eye-boogers rocks formed-crust, which were-then cracking like eggshells… and hatching from the droppings were…
… the African-DEMON ALLIES of Asmodeus…
… the first rock-of the dried-rheum hatched into the demon-T’Maru, who sat on his-dormant African bull-dragon, holding a-long sphere-high above – as-the demon-then screeched-aloud…
… shattering the nearby score-of-gunk boulders in-the-field… cracking it all-open to ‘release’ his fleet of 20-alpha black bull-dragons…
Paul recognised the demonic-entity, T’Maru from the ariel-battle of the Aurora-Australis – that happened on the night-when Jane’s toddler-brother, Samuel-Jaheem was abducted in South-Perth-Zoo @the-OTHER-PERTH…
On-the muddy-field, the recent-birthed of bull-dragons… were-all covered-with slimy-vernix womb-goo – and were-all bellowing deep-roars… and stretched their-leathered wings to take-flight…
SeeIn caught Paul’s attention by pointing UP AT the portals ‘flying’ in-the skies…
… although the-teen did ‘not’ know sign-language – but he-understood the ‘instruction’…
… that the diabolical bull-sized dragons were ‘ABOUT’ TO-ATTACK the-Pentateuch and the Cube-Of-Apollo…
Gemini-Blue turned to the-blind StarGirl, saying…
“This IS-US! Let’s go, Jane!”
The Eye-Of-Argus-next acted like a-pirate cannon that blasted a-barrage of gunpowder discharge, which-were the size-of-oblong boulders of rheum-gunk… into the battlefield – and. Shaolin-monks and the-cupid warriors took-cover from the hundreds of molten red-hot shrapnel…
The biological-gunpowder of flaming-discharges, rolled-and-hissed by the-100s in the wet-grass of the battlefield – and the oblong-rheum-too ‘stood-upright,’ like the Terracotta-army of the Qin-dynasty…
In the foggy-field of hissing-vapour, everyone chanced that-those biological-rheum were pods of an-platoon of flying silverback gorillas and hundreds of vicious baboons in hibernation-state inside…
In-one-of the cocoon was – Popobawa the African bat-like vampire…
The zombie-monks and the naked-cupids ‘decided’ to kill them… with their broad-swords, Qiang axe-spears and arrows – to-execute ‘the-unborn’ by hacking-and-stabbing the biological-pods, before its-fruition…
But they were-slow, and also out-numbered with hundreds of gunk-cocoons scattered-around, which were-then simultaneously-hatching…
The old-monk saw a tornado-too was coming from a-distance – it-was BlackStar…
… the Mother-of Natural-disasters – the enemy-of Mother-Nature.
In-the teeming rain, StarGirl and Gemini-Blue soared in-the-dark skies in-pursuit of the 21-dragons ahead. The hexed-rain from-the tears-of-Argus was weakening the the-effort of the cosmic superheroes’ speed-of-chase…
In-the pursuit, the 3rd-Eye of Stargirl ‘opened’ – as-it enlightened the ‘presence’ of T’Maru – the-demon who brandish a-sharp-ended bullwhip, where in-their ‘last’ encountered in the Aurora-Australis ariel-battle… the-entity lassoed her-legs with-the-weapon, and spun her…
T’Maru who ‘led’ the portals-attack was saddling his winged-steer African-buffalo – then-looked over his-shoulder… and-cursed…
“YOU meddling Defenders-of-Perth – But This-time, I’m ‘ready’ for you-both!!!”
Asmodeus’ aerial general deployed half-of his-fleet TO ‘ATTACK’ the-superheroes – whilst, T’Maru led the rest of his 10-bulldragons TO DEFEAT-the-flying portals…
… the-demon wanted TO TAKEDOWN the ‘menacing’ All-Women-Trinity rebels riding-in the Cube-Of-Apollo…
The Pentateuch was-on autopilot – John-See was in the below-deck, siting at the tight-cockpit-hatch… as the monk lock-and-loaded the rail-gun…
… John CAN’T GET a-clear line-of-shot of the bulldragons – cos’ the superheroes were in-the-way…
The-frantic Time-traveller made a mental-phone-call to Paul on-his-device…
“Paul, you are in range of my-shot – you-and-Jane… Get-Out off-my-way!!!
Gemini-Blue heeded-the-telepathic call… and he-and-StarGirl went-split into left-right – for the Pentateuch TO MAKE its trajectory-shots in-between…
… John blasted the-string of cosmic-high-calibre bullets at the incoming-T’Maru’s fleet – nailing-2-of the flying-buffaloes dead…
StarGirl and Gemini-Blue-too were faced with an-oncoming herd of FIRE-BREATHING bulls – the-duo dodged the-flames and counter-backed…
… as they blasted their cosmic-shots from-their-fists – at the onrushing flying horned-black-beasts…
The projectile of-bloodied litters of the-dead buffaloes falling from-above… crashing-below into the battlefield ‘were’ causing friendly-fire casualties among SeeIn’s Undead-Shaolin army…
… the dead-heavy bulls landed on 2-monks which broke their-backs – leaving the crawling-zombies to be-easy targets of the flying-gorillas – by-smashing their-heads with spiked-clubs…
… their demises were SeeIn’s collateral damage-casualties of-the-battle…
At the gate, St Michael and the Red-demon were looking at the ariel dogfight of the portals-and-superheroes battling the-circling bat-winged fire-breathing bulls – and…
… on-the battleground…
… where the Shaolin-monks and the warrior-cupids were killing the ‘hatchlings’ of-the still-hibernating gorillas-and-baboons ‘inside’ their gunk-cocoons…
At the centre-of-the muddy-grounds was the Field-General Popobawa, the-African vampire-demon – screeching-HIGH-PITCHED… so that to-speedup the cocoons-hatching…
… In-prep-for the battle-of the Garden-Of-Eden, Asmodeus had given Popobawa ‘powerful’ Blackmagik-spell for its-Bat-hybreeds – by feeding the animals WITH APPLES from the Tree-of-Knowledge – resulting:
Its bat-winged gorillas-warriors – were now ‘genetically’ bigger – fitted with large-oblong Zulu-battle shields to ‘DEFEND’ themselves in-their spiked-club-attacks Its bat-winged baboons-warriors – were the fallen-souls of the terrorist machete-wielding Boko-Haram GROUP… THE HYBRID-making of-the baboon-species as intelligent as the chimpanzee-counterpart simians, to-use-weapons to-fight
The one-armed Mercury saw the vampire-demon’s loud screeching-pitch in the rain that made all-of the-rest-of the clay-placenta-pods to explode with the rheum-goo splashes high in-the-air…
… with the-rapturing of-the bio-synthetic-cocoons in the bigger-gunk boulders… were the birth the club wielding battle-ready savage-gorillas…
The Red-demon who had-fought the ‘hybreed’ before… ‘thought’ that it was-a No-Match for SeeIn’s monks TO-DEFEAT the formidable-in-strength of the ferocious-and-brutal flying apes…
“MIKAEL! You stay here… and be the-Last-Man – I’m GOING-IN!”
“NO! Mercury, stick to the Game-plan!” Shouted the Archangel…
The loinclothed Red-demon ‘ignored’ his-counterpart… and raced-over as the ‘back-up’ force in-the battleground front…
In the dark-skies, StarGirl and Gemini-Blue ‘fought’ AS-A-TEAM – levitating back-2-back to have a-shared 360-view of the 10-bulldragons which T’Maru deployed.
Nearby, John’s Pentateuch took a few-hit… the-portal was-rocked by the blasts of the hellfire projectile from the-mouths 3-flyingAfrican buffaloes.
The-Cube was evading in-circles from the-stalking T’Maru’s pack-of-fire-breathing hybrid-bulls on-its-tail…
… SIMY-then detected an abnormality happening IN-FRONT-of its-sentient-sensory eyes…
Argus’ eyelids-pouted… and were transforming into the lips of-a reproductive-organ to give ‘birth-to-bigger’ boulder-gunk…
… to COME-OUT of its-red iris’ pupil…
The-AI pilot, SIMY blasted several plasma-blasts at the enormous-eyeball… to-eradicate the ‘birth’ of the biological-entity at-its-core…
In the teeming-rain, the superior-50 feral-gorillas with clubs-and-shields were facing-off with the-cupids, SeeIn and his surviving-undead Shaolin-warriors…
In the tempest, Mercury was still running-ahead towards the Killing-field – but his mind was-stuck way-back @Egypt in-the OTHER-PERTH…
… where he broke-a-horn when the gorillas clubbed-his head – and, he-too lost a-few of his good-meat-eating teeth – and-also, for a brief-moment… losing his burning-sword in the-desert-sand brawl with the-apes – where one bit-deep into his-one-arm’s wrist that held his-blade…
The One-armed Red-demon had-learnt his-lessons – and went-berserking beast-mode in-his Round-2-when he reached the bloodied-field…
In war-cries, Mercury leapt-high with his-one-arm raised high-with his flaming-sword pointing at a pact of 6-winged gorillas-below, that were-engrossed into ‘group-attack’ guerrilla-tactics – as-the Red-demon ‘surprise-attacked’ the-apes from-behind…
… slashing their black leathered-wings to lacerate their-flight-abilities – before-bloodied hewing-and-chopping their furry-craniums like-melons…
Jane’s maternity instinct kicked in ‘when’ SHE-HEARD cries of babies-dying below…
Her-3rd-eye shot cosmic-blasts from her-forehead which-exterminated 3 bull-dragons – with their horned-heads blown-off… their lifeless-winged bodies plummeting-below, in slow-gyrating-motion to the battlefield…
Dodging his fair-share of fire-breathing ‘monstrosity’ of bad-luck to given-danger – Paul then-saw StarGirl-DIVING NOSE-down-to the battlefield…
“Hey! Jane COME-BACK – where-you-going…!!?”
Paul sighed at her rebellious nature of-breaking ‘set’ orders-and-rules – so, he decided ‘NOT’ TO go-after-her… as his-path was to-wanting to ‘prove’ himself as a capable superhero-soldier if he ‘were’ to progress to the next-level fight to ‘come’ in PERTHLAND…
‘… the Time-traveller called it Book-8 – unless the set of rules doesn’t change over-there ‘too’…’
Gemini-Blue decided to follow SeeIn’s ‘given’ orders to be with the Pentateuch and Cube-of-Apollo portals – to protect the-ariel space of-the-mission in-the Garden-Of-Eden…
As he was in-flight, dodging the bulls’ hellfire – Paul’s keeping an-eye of his-girlfriend soaring below in bright-yellow frames…
… but he was-taken-aback by the sight-of the intense fighting below in the battlefield – and, felt how a Hollywood’s drone-shot camera-operator would ‘shoot’ a Viking-battleground series-scenario…
… his jaw dropped when he saw his former-adversaries – the flying-gorillas – were back… and the Red-demon was-there fighting a-dozen of-them…but…
… they’ve grown bigger-too, like the size of LOTR’s orcs… ‘evolving’ gorillas into size of upright-walking Bondo-apes…
‘… Jane ‘can’ take-care of herself… she’s far ‘more’ powerful superhero than-me…’
… while in-the-rain, skirting-and-evading the streams-of-hellfire with his dance-moves – Paul-then saw a GREEN-PORTAL ‘transforming’ in the westside of the garden…
… he groaned…
‘… OMG! Please… please no-more of bad-luck.…’
… indeed, it was ‘good-luck’…
… when seeing Jane’s dog, Piper running in the field before-its-transformation into the silver-backed werewolf… leaping-and-biting the heads-of a couple-of winged-gorillas who had massacred several hapless-monks…
Then-a black-teen dressed in an-African-warrior outfit with face-paint, accompanied by 6-male Belgian-Malinois joined-in the ally’s fight-side… facing-off with the machete-wielding baboon hacking the puny-cupids to-bits…
From-above – Paul recognized-him…
‘… huh! Is that Jane’s ‘brother’ from PERTHLAND…!?’
A massive huge-gunk that was jutting 3-Quarter-way out-from Argus’ ocular-vulva – and, with the lubrications of-the tear-duct – and a final-contraction push… it-was-birthed…
… a rectangular-oblong shaped hulking-boulder popped-out from-the-vag…and-darted in the air – and the slippery-rock then-fell on the grass… and skidded in the mud with more collateral-damages on both-sides, by-killing multiple baboons-and-cupids… as it steamrolled in the ground-impact…
Everyone ignored the-stationary black colossal-boulder that entered-the-picture… as-they were fighting each-other around it. The hovering flying-gorillas used it as-a high-ground with their-shields against the-attacking zombie-monks’ broad-blades and the cupid-arrows …
… before countering by hitting-and-smashing the undead Shaolin-and-cupids in the-heads from-above with their spiked-clubs…
The blood-thirsting Red-demon was in-beast-mode as he leaped-around like the-Wolverine, retaliating by hacking-and-decapitating the-army of bat-winged gorillas in-his-way…
… ‘not’ further than-him, Stargirl made her touchdown in the hard-raining battlefield – ‘after’ being distracted by distraught-CRIES OF BABIES…
Blind-Jane ‘saw’ the carnage of the dead cupids – that made her go-Goddess KALI-RAGE… and she screamed-and-ran amok-in-vengeance by blasting-dead the-responsible aggressors of the African gorillas-and-baboons…
Paul was still dodging the 4-bull-dragons who-were attacking from-the 4-corners of the eclipsed night-skies. What was-more frustrating was when he COUNTER-ATTACKED… the-efforts went wasted …
…with the skilful-elusion-and-evasion of the-bulls using slick flight-flairs in-response towards his electro-blasts – causing numerous-inept misses from the-kill target…
… he was pissed-too that StarGirl wasn’t around to ‘help,’ as his-backup…
The vexing Gemini-Blue screamed-aggravating at the-nearby evading bulldragon…
… its-horned-HEAD EXPLODED at his-sonic pitched-shrill…
Paul was both surprised-and-delighted of the astonishing-result – and felt like the necromancer in-the ‘Raised-by-Wolves’ TV-series – that he also-had ‘forgotten’ all-about-his ‘new’ banshee-superpower bestowed in the-OTHER-TREETON…
… which had ‘done’ the-amazing WORK-NOW, as a fluke-shot…
The now-strategized Gemini-Blue-then chased-around the last-3 fire-breathing bulls from-above and ‘shout-aloud’ obscenities TO ‘POP-off’ their heads like-balloons…
Looking-up, he saw the Pentateuch railgun missing targets-of 4-fire-breathing bulls – the-teen superhero decided TO HELP John, who was shooting aimlessly in-the-dark…
‘… are his bullets ‘unlimited’…!?’
In the-gunner hatch, wearing night-vision-googles, John-See’s railgun attacked-in the gloom of the eclipse… with-the illumination, of the portal’s panning 360-firepower-glows, Paul used-it as a-beacon-guide to the dark-surrounding – and-to be in-caution-too…
… of ‘not’ getting-KILLED IN-the-friendly fire...
Paul soared-across in the murk – the nearby brightness showed the-saddled T’Maru and his 2 fire-breathing dragons – were ‘attacking’ the Cube-Of-Apollo…
… but ‘another’ sight-in-the-dark, of something bizarre caught his-attention-also…
… his jawdropped when he looked further-above of the ‘presence’ of the gargantuan Argus-Eyeball in the skies ‘covering’ the-path-of the-moon – the biological supernatural-creature from the-Underworld was-also busy – in-further GIVING-BIRTH…
… its optic-nerve muscle with its contracting-hymen ‘HAD’ SHOT OUT a carrier… that looked somewhat like WW2 zeppelin airship…
Paul gasped at the BAD-LUCK…
‘… Asmodeus’ Army IS ‘COMING’ next…!’
The Red-demon was drenched red-in the bloodbath – after slaughtering half-of-the flying gorilla-platoon… ‘single-handedly’ with his-flaming-sword…
… then-an explosion rocked the battlefield – and it rained hard rocks-and-pebbles of gunk – Mercury saw the-idle colossal-oblong boulder ‘HAD’ HATCHED into-a massive-placenta-womb, that next-exploded-too…
Like a wet-dog… the giant creature-beneath was shaking-off the placenta-goo – to reveal its hulking body of the lion-maned hippopotamus-dinosaur. with the head-and-tail of a-gigantic crocodile…
… it was the-fire-breathing Ammit, the-Middle-Eastern SAND-DRAGON…
Seated-above, on the-saddle was its-Master – the beautiful She-demon warrior, Ammut… holding the chained-reins of her-pet mythical hybrid-creature – that roared-OUT LOUD, and was-ready for battle…
At the other-field-end in the-tempest was… the mesmerized à one-armed Red-demon – captivated-and-spellbound seeing the prospect of-THE ‘ONLY’ dinosaur in-da-house…
… that was every-Hunter-demon’s dream-prized-trophy – was to-eat ITS LIVER… a rare-delicacy that was-even ‘tastier’ and-primed… when it was rancid-and-decomposed by the celestial ‘soul-eating’ worms-and-maggots…
The-enthralled Mercury WAS NO-longer interested in fighting the flying-gorillas… and, ‘letting’ the amok-running StarGirl to ‘take-care’ OF THEM…
… instead, the-drooling loinclothed Red-demon RAN ACROSS the battleground in the rain to fight the-huge creature…
… and, to ‘bag’ its-liver, once he ‘killed’ it…
The avenging Kali-berserking superhero was in her KILL-MODE… by-the scores the flying-gorillas and-baboons were-littered in the rainy field…
… falling-dead in the explosion of their-chest-and head-shots, by StarGirl’s cosmic-blasts.
Most of the flying-apes WERE ‘AFRAID’ of the superhero’s rage… and began to-escape from the battle-ground and flew-up into the night-skies… Popobawa-then led-some of the gorillas to ‘fight’ the lesser-threatening opponents of Gemini-Blue and the-portals…
She was going weak-and-limp in exhaustion – the flaming-glow in StarGirl fizzled-out and she TRANSFORMED-BACK to her-mortal-form of Jane in-her nightgown. The barefooted blind-tween was crying when she fell-on her-knees, on the blood-puddles of the rainy muddy-field…
A badly-injured cupid in mud was crying-out in-pain-to her – the-celestial baby had one-of its-wing severed and both-legs chopped-off-too, by the machete-wielding flying-baboons…
… the crying-cherub held its arms out to her – Jane ‘recognised’ ITS VOICE from-her Dreamworld visits to the-garden… its-name was ‘Juniper’ – where on-one-occasion, the ‘cupid’ told that bad-Peeta killed 2-cupids and dumped the-bodies in-the-lake…
Blind-Jane picked-up the limbless child and stood-up… placing it on her chest and comforting it-of-its miseries while she heard THE-SOUNDS of fighting around-her…
… then a running-voice called her…
“SIS! Sis…”
“… huh… Jaheem…!?”
“… yes, it’s me, Prince-Jaheem – MY ‘SISTER’ of another-mother…”
Jane hugged her-teen Black-brother of PERTHLAND – but he was wearing the-clothes of a-Kenyan tribe-warrior…
… the blind-tween ‘remembered-in’ HER-DREAMS when she ‘visited’ her-brother – where he ‘claimed’ being A PRINCE of an-African tribe…
She didn’t care of ‘which’ variant that-WAS PRESENT – but she ‘deeply’ missed her baby-brother… and HUGGED-HIM tighter… sobbing…
“… Jaa, I miss-you ‘since’ Mummy took-you away-from-us – Daddy ‘loves’ you-too…”
“I miss you-too, Sis – but-focus… Paul ‘needs’ you – go to-him… Piper-and-I got-it covered here!”
“… huh… Piper is ‘here’…!?” She exclaimed…
“… Yah…”
The Black-boy held her by-her-chin… and ‘guided’ her-head to-look – through her-3rd-Eye she ‘saw’ the ferocious werewolf leaping at-battle… biting a gorilla’s face-off…
“… ooo-Piper – my ‘loyal’ protector…” She praised…
“… Sis, you gotta go-now…”
“… Okayy-I’m going…”
Jane gave the injured-cupid to her brother… kissing the cherub’s forehead…
“… you’re safe ‘now,’ Juniper… no-worries, Jaa is ‘here’…”
She flamed-on – StarGirl then soared-brightly above in the dark-skies…
Mercury ‘wanted’ to surprise-attack the sand-dragon – but ‘wanted’ to-size the-kill first…
.. it was a smaller Ammit, than the one he-killed-in the other encounter during the Perth’s Great-Fire… where the last time, its-Master, Ammut didn’t sit on its-saddle, where the-former-beast was well combat-trained – but ‘not’ this latter-and-smaller one…
where it was fitted a nose-ring on the croc’s snout… where the rider controlled it with 2 chains to control its-fire breathing head L-and-R…
The Red-demon’s strategy was to-sneak up… and TO KILL its warrior-Master so-to disorientate the inexperienced-pet which… was still a work-in-progress…
By-definition, according to Mercury’s hunter-instinct – the ‘hybreed’ sand-dragons were lazy creatures in nature – just-like a male-lion who wasn’t in the-hunting-pack… and ‘also’ as-lazy as a Nile-crocodile that ‘expected’ its food-prey to come-to-it…
A group of armed-baboons were acting like-the oxpecker-birds, and sat on the hippo-back, piggybacking in the jagged-spine – as the majestic lion-manned hybreed moved-and swayed its-croc-dragon tail. Mercury too-then landed on the creature back… and ran on the jagged-spine like a staircase and slashing the ally-baboons… who were in-symbiosis to Ammit…
At the-helm, Ammut turn-her-head to the-commotion in the-rear… and to-her-surprise…
“… still remember-me, my desert-beauty…?” The mischief-demon winked as he somersaulted towards her, while ready to capitate Ammut oh-the-fly…
… but the Egyptian She-demon was fast thinking – avoided the on-swinging burning-blade… and she SIMULTANEOUSLY drop-kicked the Red-demon off her-ride…
… Mercury fell-down on his-back on the muddy-ground – Ammut steered her-chained reins of the-creature to ‘burn’ the one-armed traitor-rebel…
Immediately, Ammit realized the threatening-enemy on-the-ground… opening its-massive croc-jaws – and-then incinerated Mercury with hell-fire…
Meanwhile, up-above in the night-skies, Paul ‘used’ his banshee-screams and killed 3 bulldragons that terrorised the Pentateuch.
“Thanks, Paul – you’re doing ‘great’…”
They both-then saw the huge Asmodeus’ Army-zeppelin airship shooting at the ‘good-guys’ in the battleground…
“Paul, you stay-here – I’ve the schematic-codes to destroy-and-explode ‘that’ ship in-mid-air…”
“John, let me follow-you…” Gemini-Blue asked…
“No! You may mess-up my-coordinates… those ships should ‘not’ reach the-ground like THEY-DID in-Kampuchea – they ‘must-be’ destroyed ‘only’ in-mid-air – be-here, Paul… keep-an-eye of the air-space, that’s an-order!”
… the perplexed-superhero watched orange-orb flying towards the giant-zeppelin…
‘… what happened in Kampuchea…?’
Levitating-idle in the passing clouds – Paul saw down at the pitched-dark battlefield that was lit in flames by Ammit… he-gasped…
“…it’s THAT MONSTER that attacked Perth’s Forest with the Great-Fire – it’s back ‘again’…!!”
… he was contemplating to help the ground-troops – but since Jane WAS BELOW… and he too didn’t-want to abandon-the-post of guarding the air-space…
… Gemini-Blue looked over his-shoulders at the east side-of the battleground where the colossal-eyeball was that was-still covering-the-full moon ‘AFTER’ THE-ECLIPSE… to have the ‘advantage’ OF DARKNESS…
… ‘NOT’ ONLY that – it was ‘multitasking…
… he squinted in-the-gloom and gasped again – to witness that prodding-out from-the shutted-straining vulva-eyelids was a 2nd-Army-airship – that was a-quarter-way to be ‘BORNE’…
Paul decided to ‘intervene’ with the-delivery-process – to give it an-ABORTION…
Gemini-Blue flew-over to the gigantic Argus… once he was in-a-safe distance – he released his-full breath of his banshee-SKREICHES OF…
… releasing his ‘own’ frustration of the betrayal Immaculate-conception ploy he was facing-currently in his waking-hours in POST-TREETON – he was now an-advocate of ‘preventing’ of abomination(s) to litter in-Perth…
His shrieks were reduced to squeals à as he gassed-out – where his ‘new’ superpower was ‘not’ working TO ‘EXPLODE’ the massive-ship…
… he panted in-exhaustion while ‘hearing’ a loud- blast behind him… the Pentateuch had BLOWN-UP the first-ship of Asmodeus’ army…
“… yay-Johnno – one-for us-Good-guys…!!!” Paul huffed-and-gasping…
Gemini-Blue decided to have a 2nd-go of his supe-shrieks – only to realise he was ‘not’ loud-as-before and furthermore – he was developing a sore-throat…
… then he heard John-See in his-head…
“… what are-you ‘doing’ here, Paul…!? ~ it’s dangerous… these ship’s missiles ‘could’ even-kill a superhero… go-back to your post now…!”
“… sorry-John… I ‘thought’ I could-help…” Apologised-Paul who-then flew-away… and, left the huge-eyeball ‘alone’ in its-birthing-process…
Paul sighed, as he ‘failed’ to-prove himself…
‘… at-least, I tried… or-maybe my ‘best’ is ‘not’ good-enough…’
ST MICHAEL STOOD-GUARD and vigilant at the front gate of the Garden-Of-Eden – waiting for Yahweh’s ‘assassin’ angels to COME-TO-kill him… where those-angels who-were ‘tricked’ BY THE shapeshifter, Yaldabaoth – that-they believed that ‘Yahweh’ had commanded-them TO-THE-KILL mission…
… as-the doppelganger from the realm-of-reversed-heaven… had meanwhile imprisoned the Abrahamic-Creator in a ‘spell-protected’ dungeon – while, the imposter Yaldabaoth instead-sat on Heaven’s throne…
The Archangel weighed-the-situation of ‘being’ IN THE losing side-where – the Asmodeus’ army were ‘here’ now – while both the African-and-MiddleEastern demons were the first-to-arrive as the frontline predecessors of the-battlefront…
…but the GOD’S ANGELS were ‘NOT’ HERE YET – but St Michael ‘had’ a strategy to ‘defeat’ 3-swordmen-angels… but he has ‘ONLY’ 1-MINUTE to defeat the trio-fellow archangel ‘before’ Metatron-the-Merciless came…
… who was ‘slower’ in-flight cos’ of his heavy-armour. Michael ‘knew’ he had a daunting task when facing Metatron…who was God’s loyal Bodyguard. But he before-that, Michael ‘must’ face:
Gabriel – their-leader, ‘only’ by-his superiority… who-was an-average swordsman – and-more-of God’s Messenger à the gossiper who arrogantly ‘believe’ his-word-was ‘mightier’ than-a-sword… the ‘blabber’ would-be an easier-fall ‘later’ Uriel – the leader of God’s Army ever-since St Michael was banished as an-ex-communicado for his-disobedience à but Uriel was a ‘good’ swordsman… to watch-out-for ‘later’ Raphael – a dear-old friend… who hung-up his-sword to be God’s Healer ever-since he was baptized in the Pool-Of-Bethesda… but in recent-times he was ‘called-back’ for-duty… and, been bestowed with the ‘grace’ of-improving the Army-defence abilities à a wildcard who might-be surprise ‘later’
Michael had 1-CRUCIAL MINUTE to defeat the-trio…
… he was ‘saddened’ by the thought-of-it, when it came to-battling his ‘own’ brethren of Yahweh’s Creation… the-quartet whose-existence was before the-Maker ‘made’ earth… they-were the ‘original-4’ Archangels, CREATED-EQUAL à Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel…
… but over-the-eons, there was A ‘RIFT’ BETWEEN ‘them,’ ever-since Yahweh ‘listened-and-trusted’ GABRIEL-MORE… and Michael ‘hated’ the gossipmonger à as Gabriel-had the ‘ability’ to-influence Yahweh’s decisions – which does ‘not’ favour Michael in-the end of most instances…
… now…
… during the End-Times, it came to the-NEVER-HAPPENED ‘before-state of affairs’ of angel-vs-angel… to be FIRST-IN-STAGE tonight @the-Battle-Of The-Garden-of-Eden…
… where an-angel ‘would’ kill an-angel…
‘Gabriel, you’re going-down tonight…!’
Michael-then thought of Metatron – the seraphim with 3-pair of wings… who-was Yahweh’s hybreed creation of crossing-over the-mind of-the old-and-flailed Prophet Enoch into the body of his MIGHTIEST-ANGEL à the ‘clone’ of Michael-himself…
… which was-even ‘more’ daunting – as he ‘envisaged’ his-death à ‘happening’ tonight-too…
The Archangel need-a-drink TO CALM his nerve – the-thoughts of the addictive spicy-taste of the Underworld-mead was clouding Michael’s senses…
… he got down-on his-knees to-pray to overcome his-addiction and fazing-courage…
His prayers were ‘interrupted’ by a telepathic-voice of AN-INFANT…
“... O’ St Michael, is my-father ‘there’...?”
It was the voice of the groundkeeper of the garden, Kerubiel-the-cupid – who was deformed with a massive-head cos’ he ate too-many-apples from the Tree-Of-Knowledge…
… the Archangel having his-prayer-moment interrupted… gave SHORT-ANSWERS…
“...is he ‘winning...?”
“... no...”
“...oh-dear – I’ve ‘sent’ all of the-warrior cupids to AID-HIM – are they-winning...?”
“... no, they’re ‘not...”
“... oh-dear-me... to Jupiter I ‘pray’… that ‘everything’ would-end well…”
… the Archangel didn’t reply and went ‘back’ to his-Hebrew-prayers – and a moment-later, the cherub spoke-again…
“... are those’ angels here-yet...?”
“... ‘not’ here yet...”
In his-disappointed voice, Kerubiel ranted…
“… when Good is ‘led’ to Evil… it’s disastrous à the Evil of the Underworld had ‘been’ stealing apples from ‘OVER-HERE’ ever-since the dawn-of-times – ‘when’ the ‘first’ man-and-his 2nd-wife were driven-away from the Garden-Of-Paradise…
“…back ‘OVER-THERE,’ in the 7-Princes’ Underworld à they’ve stockpiled ‘our’ apples and have ‘enough-knowledge’ TO WIN the Armageddon-War during-times…
“… it was A PLOY from the leader-Lucifer himself… to ‘release’ Yaldabaoth into the realms-of the Abrahamic-Heaven à and the False-God had-been ‘fooling’ everyone there ‘ever-since’ Yahweh took Sabbatical to ‘grieve’ his-dead son…
“… in that ‘same’ Garden-of-Gethsemane, Yahweh was-captured à by the Reversed-False-God…
“… and-sitting on the-Throne à Yaldabaoth HAD-NOW ‘ordered’ the attack of the Garden-Of-Eden… as-a ‘collaboraburating-conspirer’ in Lucifer’s chessboard ‘game’ to bring-forth the End-times even faster…
“… but FIRST TO-happen à was the destruction-here of the Garden… so that ‘both’ the trees-of Life-and-Wisdom would-fall-and-be scorched… where men-and-women of-earth would no-longer have the knowledge to seek solution of ‘HOW-TO’ fight Lucifer ‘when’ he-arrives…”
Michael ‘heard’ Kerubiel sobbed in-HIS-MIND – then-pleading…
“… O’ St Michael… you must ‘protect’ Yahweh’s Garden with your-life – you must ‘not’ let-it ‘fall’ or it-is doom FOR-US-ALL… and-also the-holy ‘Trees’ and the poor-animals would-all be annihilated… and à the Old-woman, Mother-Nature would next ‘slowly’ die-too on-Earth…
“… please, O’ Mikael… protect us – don’t worry, my-father will stand-on-your side… and you both would fight to THE-END to protect the-Garden from ‘falling’ – so-to prevent the ‘begin’ the-era of Morning-Star, Lucifer’s stepping-on-earth…
“… which ‘would’ lead to the 2nd-BigBang àTHAT IS catastrophically to the-Monad Universe…”
The Archangel stopped his-prayers, and got on his feet – and, stretched his-might-white wing… and TOOK-FLIGHT…
“St Michael! Where’re going….!!?”
The cherub GOT ‘NO’ reply…
Michael landed at the border of the active-battlefield…
…away from Kerubiel’s telepathic-frequency – where the rambling-cherub ‘made’ him GUILTY WHENEVER mentioning ‘Lucifer’…
… because the leader-of-the Underworld ‘was’ his-TWIN-BROTHER… from his-mother sired-by a Nephilim in the Land-Of-Nod…
… the ‘twin’ whom he-LATER ‘DEFEATED’ and casted-out from Heaven – and brought ‘victory’ to Yahweh…
Michael was-back pissed-off with Gabriel WHO ‘DROPPED’ his-twin’s name often too – as the-Yahweh’s messenger ‘trolled’ frequently in the angel-telepathic broadcast-frequency…
… to make him FEEL ‘GUILTY’…
… ‘demanding’ his-surrender and ‘stop’ being an ex-communicado – or ‘lose’ HIS-GRACE like his banished-twin, Lucifer-of-Hell…
… but what ‘the-Fool’ Gabriel DOESN’T KNOW-was – that, he was ‘now’ serving the shapeshifter FALSE-GOD…
… and ‘NOT’ YAHWEH…
Standing on the battlefield’s side-line, the Archangel scaled-and-weighed the ‘losing’ battle… of ‘both’ aerial-and-ground combat…
In the aerial-fight – was led by Mother Venus, who were struggling-above with the backup Pentateuch and superheroes – as they battled Asmodeus’ Black-airships… and the African-ally’s bulldragons… On the ground-fight – was led by SeeIn, who were struggling-below… with the ‘additional’ ally-volunteers of the Lone Wolf-spirit and the African-Prince-warrior – fighting the African-ally’s hybreed gorillas-and-baboons – where…
… even-the MiddleEastern sand-dragon-too was formidable in-the-combat…
Michael gazed across-the Killing-field – at the-roaring fire-breathing Ammit trampling on-the fallen Red-demon with its massive forepaws…
The Archangel concluded that despite having a ‘good’ battleplan – but they were ‘seriously’ OUTNUMBERED 100-1…
… and the Evil-side too ‘ate’ their apples, in-their ‘battle-preparation’ – that steroid-them into gallant-high-performing predatory-demons …
Michael was disturbed by the defeating-outcome thoughts… where TOO-MUCH was ‘asked-and-expected’ with the Good-side… who-were ‘not’ capable TO-DELIVER…
… his hand was trembling as he held the hilt-of his sword on his-belt… that made Michael wonder-it it-was his alcoholic-nerves OR WAS he anxious of the facing the fearsome-clone Metatron later @the Gates…
He prayed…
“... O’ Blessed Monad – please...I ‘don’t’ want to die today...”
At 6:08 PM, the superhero team known as VINES will die. The building they’re in will explode. How? Why? Who would do such a thing? They wish they knew...
8 145 -
Dimensional Paradise
Awakening in a strange place, Aleen is forced to fight for his life in a strange game filled with beasts, monsters, and bloodthirsty killers. But while he tries to survive that nightmare, things more important than his life are at stake; and the safety of his loved ones will depend on how much power he can obtain.
8 217 -
Sovereign of the Eight Realms
In the year 2061, the leading expert in virtual reality dies to leave behind numerous inventions that revolutionized the industry of technology and gaming, among those, there is it's most famous and groundbreaking of them all. The NET-Realm, where your consciousness can be uploaded and people can enjoy the after-life knowing that they will neither go to heaven nor hell. But a place where one becomes immortal. Expecting this fate that he created himself, Mathew now old and dead must face an unexpected event and decide if he is actually in the NET-Realm or if he actually was taken against his will to another place. Additional Genres: Adventure; Romance and a bit of Drama. Author: Hello, I would like to thank you for considering reading my story and if you like it please come for more. Disclaimer: I do not own the image used as a cover.
8 147 -
The Charm Fable: Mousey and the Golden Book
Mousefred Souris lives in a world without humanity, and animals have risen to become like people. Mice like him live as slaves under the rule of a cruel cat, who lords over them with her armies of weasels and bats. For the crime of helping an injured stranger, Mousey is imprisoned and told he must either join the evil queen's army or die. But a chance encounter with a golden book sets Mousey on the path to freedom. The book teaches Mousey the secrets of magic, and with these newfound secrets he sets out on a journey to become the hero he was born to be.Note: This story is available in its absolute, complete form on Amazon.com, but most of the chapters can be read for free here.
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The Troll of Oium: A Norse Saga
The lands of Midgard have grown cold and choked with ice as freezing mist covers all. Only a sacrifice can bring the warmth of summer, one from each tribe of Germa in their turn until The Vargr Tribe's treachery forces all into war. But in the mitts of battle, something rages beneath a Jarl's skin turning his skin gray, eyes red, and bringing forth a craving for flesh. All the while Odin guides the future, preparing for the visions plaguing him for a millennium. A black-furred wolf, large like a mammoth, and a necromancer with green flames burning in his eyes would come for him. The battle's name would be Ragnarök and will end the world unless he claims victory by any means necessary.
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Senior Year
Summer is over and school has started. It's y/n's last year of high school. There will be Friday night lights, pep rallies, school dances, college decisions, and some unexpected surprises. This book shows what y/n and the cast will be doing during the time between the Scorch Trials and the Death Cure. This is the second book in the Once in a Lifetime Opportunity series!
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