《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 11: Battlefield Garden Of Eden [Part 3.2]


THE COLD-RAIN TURNED HOT on the battlefield – when precipitation was hailing-falls of fiery black-ice the size of golf-balls, were dropping from the dark-clouds… it was hot as coal…

… the sweltering caused massive-vapour mists that hindered visibility in the fighting between Good-and-Evil…

The old-monk saw the red-glowing tornado was ‘nearing’ TO HIT the battleground – he got on his 6-White-horses chariot and went to confront BlackStar à the Mother-of-Natural-disasters…

… the twister was the generational accumulation of toxic-pollutant of black clouds resulted from mankind’s industrial-damages to Mother-Nature, since the-birth-of the Industrial-Revolution. It emitted red-lightnings glowing in that gigantic blackened-whirlwind…

… it was known in the-Underworld à as the RED-TORNADO…

SeeIn’s chariot was heading towards the diabolic-storm…


In the-windy dark-clouds, the levitating-Gemini-Blue was-on standby in idle in-the-side-line – watching the orange-orb-Pentateuch and the-2nd-zeppelin ‘outdoing’ each-other… and, he cheered – while-turning his-BACK-ON…

… the ‘other-action’ of the Cube-Of-Apollo’s struggles of T’Maru’s attacking vicious bull-dragons…

… but the-superhero didn’t want to ‘either’ SUPPORT-NOR-HELP the Cube-Of-Apollo… as they-were his-betrayers – of ‘what’ they-DID TO his-girlfriend…

… he don’t-care whether the-traitorous All-Women-Trinity SURVIVED-OR-NOT tonight…

‘… hope you-B*****s die…!’

Paul gasped when he saw the-Red-Tornado coming-out from the dark murky-clouds … and in a distance, in the-dark à he-saw the-green-glowing SeeIn’s chariot ‘chasing’ the-twister…

… his-lizard-brain ‘craved’ for adrenalin-action TO BE-IN the passenger-seat with-SeeIn’s action when he-fought the-Red-Tornado ~ anyways, ITS HIS-DREAM… where he ‘could’…

… walk-run-and-fly – and, it-was ‘unfair’ TO-BE-side-lined…

He was startled… when he heard a VOICE-CALLING-him on-his-6…


He turned his-neck to-see StarGirl coming to-him…

… initially, he wanted to chide-her by-asking ‘where-she-went?’ – that would-lead to an-argument… he kept-quiet…

… nonetheless, he had tolerated ‘enough’ of her-defiance…

…but did ‘not’ want to-be in an-an eye-of-the-storm situation with her ‘during’ the-mission … even-though he was displeased that she ‘had’ a-recurring tendency-behaviour to ‘defy’ confirmation-orders…

‘… if she can DO-IT – so-can-I…’

… Paul DID-THAT…

“Jane, you ‘BE’ HERE – SeeIn ‘wants’ MY HELP…”


StarGirl ‘heard’ her-counterpart soaring eastwards – she was glowing-bright in levitation… and-then ‘heard’ activities southwards…

… through her 3rd-Eye, she-saw the Cube-of-Apollo being-pursued by 3 fire-breathing bulldragons, led by the fiendish-demon, T’Maru…

… Jane decided TO ‘HELP’…

She flew-south – even-though it meant succouring the All-Women Trinity ‘betrayers’…

… but she was more-in-pursuing T’Maru – where in her last encounter with the infernal-demon in the Aurora-Australis… IT HAD her ‘caught’ by its bullwhip-end, lassoing-up her in mid-air…

… she did ‘not’ want-to let that-happen-again…

StarGirl wanted to ‘surprise-attack’ the enemy… in-pursuit behind… lurking in the-dark-clouds… ‘seeing’ the fire-breathing flying African-buffaloes scorching the white-portal…

… her 3rd-Eye on her-forehead ‘picked’ 2-targets in ‘confirmed’ firing-range – the shadowing StarGirl from the-rear blasted cosmic-bolts from her-fists… downing 2-bulldragons with accurate-headshots…

The 2-large horned-bovid heads raptured – as-the horrified-demon looked at its-2 headless bulls plummeting-below. T’Maru on his saddle-then saw StarGirl ‘coming’…

… cursing in African-slurs, it turned its ride-back… to go HEAD-FRONT with the superhero…

… the agile demon-warrior STOOD ON the-saddle like a-surfer – and took-out from the belt à his-stingray tailed-tip bullwhip… and snapped to INTIMIDATE…

“We meet-again, Blind-One, HaHaHa – BUT this-time you’re dead!!!”

StarGirl ignored coerce-bullying and-too went HEAD-ON – until the flying-bull regurgitated a jet-stream of liquified-hellfire vomit – the superhero countered and flew zigzag-forward to the- enemy who was using his-whip to ENSNARE HER…

… she avoided the foe’s sleek ‘hooked’ throw-attempt – and flew passed it unscathed…

Meanwhile, in the-Cube – the-pilot SIMY had informed Venus that ‘pregnant-Jane’ was in-confrontation with the demon, T’Maru…

… the 3 women looked-out of the hologram-windshield, with worried-looks…

It was a 2nd-go attempt between Good-&-Evil…


The-nimble StarGirl spun-over swiftly FOR A-quick-comeback… while T’Maru had to slow-steer the-bulldragon to make a rotating-reverse… and the standing-demon was snagged-off its-balance…

The-speeding superhero initiated the first-strike à as she shot a cosmic-bolt at the foe – severing T’Maru’s bullwhip-holding-hand-clean…

… StarGirl-then summersaulted TO AVOID the fiery-vomits of the bat-winged-dragon – and-flew past-it unhurt…

… she heard the demon’s hollering-cries of pain… and thought it would ‘flee’ in-defeat…

… but by the flaps sound of its-wings – it was ‘returning-back’ – and… the-blind superhero was ‘ever-ready’…

… for the 3rd-go attempt between Good-&-Evil…

The injured-T’Maru sat-back on the-saddle… yelling-obscenities and curses as it-approached the collusion-point…

“YOU”RE DEAD B****!!!”

Jane’s trajectory was FOILED – ‘WHEN’ the Cube-of-Apollo took a ‘crack-shot’ at the flying-bull, that missed the-target wide…

… in-return, the intrusion-attempt THAT-HAD… almost scorched the superhero with the bull’s fiery-vomit…

“Fish-You, SIMY! Don’t INTERFERE!!!”

Shouted the pregnant StarGirl… flying behind the bulldragon and wanted to attack-it before it made a U-ie to come face-to-face – then Jane got a ‘TELEPATHIC’ MESSAGE in-her-head…

“Jane! Stop fighting – DON’T ‘RISK’ it… remember the ‘baby’…!!?”

The superhero was disorientated with ‘intervention’ – and lost her-concentration to attack… while the bull made-its-turn – in-return, shooting-out lungsful of its-toxic-flames…

… Jane avoided its-fiery attack again… by somersaulting over the-brute flying-beast – just-like she did in the-Treeton-farm in the-OTHER-PERTH… to escape being-trampled by stampeding-cattle…

She was annoyed-and-yelled out…

“SIMY! Get-out of MY-HEAD – I ‘need’ to focus on-MY-KILL!”

“NO! Fall-out, Jane – it’s dangerous!” The AI-voice in the-head-said…

“FISH YOU ALL – Stay-Away from-ME!!!”

Everyone-in the Cube-Of-Apollo ‘heard’ her-stern announcement message loud-and-clear – as the women ‘saw’ the-stubborn girl going-after the raging-bull in her-5th attempt…

… the Trinity anticipated – and ‘prayed’ for a-favourable-outcome…

The Kali-raged StarGirl WENT HEAD-ON with the one-armed seethed T’Maru… who barked-curses while raising his-severed-stump over-his head, while-using his-good-hand to steer the flying bulldragon – when the bovid-creature jet-SPIT-FIRE…

… the superhero ‘dropped’ altitude to avoid the toxic-projectile… and on-the-turn, StarGirl jetted-up vertically FROM BELOW à to-target an-attack-up to bulldragon’s belly…

In the Cube-Of-Apollo, the 3-women looked-horrified at the tween-superhero in-full-nova… piecing the bull from-below like a COSMIC-MISSILE…

… the winged-creature and its-demon-rider exploded in fragmented-chunks… that fell on the battlefield…

Jane was levitating-above when the-winged carcasses fell – the white-gold flames of StarGirl fizzled-out – and the blind-girl was-back wearing her bloodstained nightgown drenched with body-fluids of both the dragon-and-demon…

… the-BLOODBATH OUTCOME looked like a Brian De Palma’s prom-queen Carrie in the ball-dance scene-tragedy…

At-her-6, the blood-soiled blind-Jane knew the women in-the-Cube were-nearby watching-her… and she didn’t-bother TO-CARE…

‘… go-fish y’all…’

… and she FLEW-AWAY…


Jane’s brother-and-dog were fighting for THEIR LIVES in the Killing-field, which was hit by hailing-storm of black-ice…

The werewolf, Piper was savagely-battling the broken-winged gorillas by biting their necks-and-faceoff – while-occasionally was hurt-too, by their spiked-clubs when the apes band their attacks by-grouping together…

The African-warrior teenager-prince was killing baboons like the-skilled Hazda hunter-tribe – accompanied by his pack of 6 vicious Belgian-Malinois dogs…

… but 3 of the dogs died in battle… slashed-and-hacked by the machete-wielding flying-baboons…

Jaheem was armed with the f-shaped curved Ngombe-Ngulu execution-sword in one-hand, and a short-trusting spear, Iklwa in his-other hand – and was-like his sister…

… in the-midst of bloodbath – fighting with the drones of armed flying-mandrills.


The Pentateuch was still ‘struggling’ to destroy the 2nd-Army carrier airship – and the-blimp was having 50-cannons surrounding-it… and was firing in-every flight-angle Capt. John-See took…

… the ‘alert’ airship’s demon-Commander ‘had’ changed the-coordinates of the ship’s Défense-system ‘when’ John had ‘hacked’ into destructing the first-zeppelin…


The zeppelin’s cannons were shooting red biological-cannonballs, spiked-with molten-mercury… and the Pentateuch was on-autopilot evading in-loops to the deadly biological-weapon’s diabolical near-miss shots… while…

… the-brilliant Time-Traveller hacker was ‘close’ to-successfully hack into-the-algo-codes of the ‘rectified’ system…

… he DID-IT subsequently…

The rapt-John punched-the-air when the-Army-airship exploded… the bespectacled-monk was rejoicing and danced-and-singing to his-Techno-pop tunes…

… while looking-out the windshield at the zeppelin blowing-up the 2nd-time when it ‘crashed’ into the nearby-mountain range…

John ‘felt’ he was in-elation ‘alone’… as Paul was ‘earlier’ cheering-him-on – ‘while’ John was ‘busy’ hacking… was ‘when’ Paul-abandoned his LOOKOUT-POST…

… looking in his night-vision googles… searching-for Gemini-Blue… consequently mentally-phoning him…

“Paul! Hello-Paul… where are you…!?”

John-then changed-mode of the night-vision to-his-6 – and had a rear-feed of the CCTV-view…

… Paul was ‘not’ there-either… but-John kept ‘searching’ IN-THE-pitched-dark gloom…

John-then saw Jane was shooting her cosmic-bolts at a 3rd-Army-starship half-way ‘birthed’ by Argus’ eyelid-vulva…

The Time-traveller used his telepathy call-device to alert StarGirl…

“… Jane! Stop-Shooting! GO-AWAY from there!!!”

… but the Kali-raged Virgo-warrior didn’t-heed THE WARNING…


Fighting-against the-wind, Paul headed TOWARDS THE Red-Tornado – SeeIn’s chariot was ‘not’ at sight…

Gemini-Blue ‘hovered’ in the windy-and-dusty conditions – keeping a lookout…

The HOUR-GLASSED shaped-twister was belly-dancing as-it-advanced… and as-it-neared – was-when Paul saw it as-twerking in-its lower-big bottom, emitting… red-lightnings streaks that-was snaking-up-and around the dark-menacing whirlwind…

“Beauty…!” Even Paul was mesmerised with its ‘seductive’ dance-moves…

Gemini-Blue decided to shoot-up vertically into the dark-skies… before being-in the path-of impact-range of the tornado’s disproportionate-RFD…

He sprung-out above the-clouds – AFTER THE rainclouds ‘attacking’ him by-sprouting sharp-shaped black-hailstones that pelted-him… bring-his worst-life’s 3-seconds-of-pain…

… in the altitude-darkness, Paul was holding-himself tight in-foetus balled-position in the grim-of-agony… from the stab-impact of a-100 frozen ice-picks…

The-reproductive Argus-organism WAS STILL ‘blocking’ the-moon – so-to give Evil an advantage over Good-side to-strike-and-kill in darkness…but as the gigantic biological-eyeball was having it labour-contraction ‘too’ – and-through little light slipped-and-escaped to the surrounding-firmament… ‘giving’ Paul an-advantage-OF-SEEING ‘about’ in-the clouds…

Gemini-Blue recovered-fast and-levitated – and followed the looming light to the windy- heights … squinting-away at blows of dust-and-debris…

… and Paul-then reached the mouth-edge of the gigantic funnelling whirlpool-well of … the crown of dancing-queen, Red-Tornado…

Paul’s jaw-dropped to-BE AMAZED – of its enormous diameter of over 5-kilometers of fast-churning rotation of-toxic black-smoke – that lit-at the-same time like a Christmas-tree by red-snaking-lightning streaks…

… then the superhero saw an ‘abnormality’ of a ‘green’ glowing speck at a distance, in the huge tunnelling-vertigo of blackness – realising IT WAS SeeIn in his White-horsed chariot ‘entering’ the inner-region of the-tornado called the ‘DEAD-ZONE’…

… he gasped…

‘… huh… is the poor-feller ‘sucked-in’ – or is SeeIn indestructible…!? According to the storm-chaser documentary, the Death-Zone has low-temperature and oxygen-levels – the intensity of the whirlwind-itself could-mutilate by ripping a human face-and-cavities off…’

The teenager WAS TERRIFIED FOR the old-monk’s safety – saying a mental prayer for his-safe security à then ‘reassuring’ himself-after saying-Amen… that…

‘… SeeIn is a Watcher, therefore he’s ‘indestructible’ – he ‘knows’ what-he’s-doing…!’

Paul slowly-nodded to the positive-thoughts – then his-mind counter-questioned like-Jane ‘would’…

‘… Pauly, what’re YOU ‘DOING’ here…!?’

… he was a speechless-superhero… as remembering himself ‘saying’ TO HER ‘just-now’ that he was going to ‘help’ SeeIn… ‘NOW’ TOO- afraid to ‘follow,’ based on a natural-disaster documentary-that HE WATCHED…

In defiance to his fear… track-record of – his-mission-rusty of 7-months of ‘inactivity’ in realm of the POST-TREETON, which – had made him-soft with insecurity in his self-confidence – the teen-then…

… ‘self-motivated’ himself – BY YELLING at his-inner cowardice…

“I’m a superhero too – A MEMBER-OF the Defenders-of-Perth… I’m Gemini-Blue – and, I’m INDESTRUCTIBLE-too!!!”

He then-took a leap-of-faith – and jumped…

… like a stuntman in-a-barrel, that dropped from atop of the Niagara Fall…

… plummeting-below into the dark-void of the African witch-BlackStar’s brewing pot of nature-calamites…

… so-to ‘RACE-OVER’ to-catchup with the monk’s chariot…


In the muddy Killing-Field, the Red-demon was left FOR DEAD – burnt-to-charr – trampled-on by the sand-dragon… with major ‘broken’ bones … in-additional, impaled-by 5 arrows on his back, shot by-baboon…

While Ammit was attacking the werewolf and the Kenyan prince-warrior – the half-dead sprawled Mercury WAS REJUVENATING… mending ‘every’ shattered-bones…

The recuperated one-armed Red-demon picked-UP HIS-burning-weapon… and ‘planned’ a-sneak attack from behind – and-then, severed its Archilles-tendon of its-left hindleg…

… when the dragon roared-IN-PAIN – Mercury sprung-up to Ammit’s head…

… surprising-the rider, Ammut à was ‘quartered’ with 2-X-cuts by the burning-sword… precise-incisions from opposite-slashes, clean from-the shoulders-to-hips – and, the 4-parts on Egyptian She-demon warrior fell in muddy-field…

The limping Ammit was in-rage, as it saw its-Master dead, and IT-RETALIATED…

… Mercury ran – when the raging creature turned-on the one-armed Red-demon fleeing to its looming-advancement… but-ran zigzag into the-waiting arms of 3 broken-wings gorillas…

The desert-dragon used its-massive croc-tail TO SWAT Mercury-and-the gorilla-trio…

… it was good-thing that-the golf-ball sized-brain Middle-Eastern brute-creature ‘couldn’t’ distinguish that the African-gorillas were allies and continued to fight-and-burn them as it’s in its-destruction path…

Mercury took-the prospect-moment to sneak-up ‘again’ on-the berserking-hybrid reptile for another surprise-attack…

… running-on the creature’s blind-spots at-the-rear, the Red-demon held his flaming sword like a Samurai’s katana – and-then big-leaped to land on Ammit’s backbone, and ran upstairs on the jagged-spine to-reach the beast’s head…

… Mercury was bewildered when he got-there… seeing 2 ‘ambitious’ flying-baboons with-each steering the-chained rein to-control Ammit ‘after’ its-Master, Ammut had fallen-dead. The simians were pulling the chains so that the hulking-beast would ‘not’ KILL MORE of the African gorillas-allies…

… the Red-demon belly-laughed at the-duo’s incompetency as the SUBSTITUTE-RIDER to the dead Egyptian She-demon warrior. One of the mandrills holding the-left-chain ‘heard’ him jeer… and alerted the other-baboon of the danger on-their-6…

… before the either-monkeys could react, they were decapitated with a single-hew of the flaming blade. Mercury-then STOOD ON-the-saddle at the helm, and grabbed the chains – enjoy the view of croc-head dragon terrorizing-and-devastating the fighting the broken-winged gorillas BELOW…

… the raging-Ammit was biting-and-spitting-out the mangled apes’ cadavers… as it advanced limping on the battleground.

The one-armed Mercury saw 3 flying-gorillas heading his way, and dropped the-chain… and took-out his sword and fired-it-up. The Red-demon anticipated-them… and summersaulted to slash his-strikes…

… he ‘stuck’ to his battle-strategy of maiming their wings… as broken-winged gorillas were ‘easier’ to-kill ‘later’ than of the flying-ones…

He landed back on Ammit’s saddle after a couple-of-flips – resulting the-trio of apes with chopped wings falling-forward on the stampede-path of the desert-dragon…

The one-armed horned-demon decided TO END-his-joyride – he jumped-high from the saddle to the beast’s neck à and stabbed-down his burning sword at-its-cranium beneath the lion’s mane…

…the caiman’s skull cracked on-the-HARD-IMPACT… and skewered-and-fried the golf-sized-brain…

With eyes rolled-up, Ammit’s massive hippopotamus body thumped-hard on the Killing-field… bringing down Mercury who stumbled on the wet-grass. The sprawled demon was weapon-less when he saw the apes rushing to-him, armed with spike-clubs…

… seeing his flaming sword spiked on the dead-dragon’s head like a cross-on-hilltop. Mercury-then sprung up fast to retrieve his-trusted sword – hopping-on the lifeless-monster’s snouted-head and pulled-out the blade, and waving at the African-foes…

… intimidating and spewing slurs in Sumerian-language at THE BIG-APES – ‘claiming’ that the kill-of the desert-dragon WAS HIS…

… the threats were ‘WORKING’…

… the gorillas ‘backed-off’ – as the Red-demon ‘did’ killed that gigantic-beast ‘single-handedly’… and, the apes then ran-off to fight the lesser-and-weaker opponents of the werewolf-and-the boy-prince in the otherside of the-field…

With the ‘nuisance’ gone, the delighted demon dismounted the huge lifeless croc’s head …and had a peace-of-mind to enjoy-his-spoils… singing limericks in his-demonic-tongue, the one-armed Mercury stabbed-and-gutted the dead-Ammit’s side…

… to ‘gain’ his prized gastronomic trophy – of the hefty-pumpkin sized liver-of-Ammit.


John-See in the portal’s cockpit, was ‘hunted-and-pursued’ by the 3nd-airship Army-carrier – after his-failed attempt to hack-into the-defence system mainframe of the enemy-carrier… to cause it-to self-destruct…

… ‘when’ the Time-traveller had-detonated the first-2 zeppelins in-mid-air – immediately Asmodeus’ commander in the-carrier ‘too’ changed THE-CODES, to deny the-hacker’s masterplan strategy-ploy to obliterate the Army-of-Asmodeus….

The black-massive zeppelin was shooting red-cannonballs – and the tiny fleeting orange-Pentateuch that-was the ‘hunted-target’ in the-aerial night-firmament chase…

Meanwhile, in THE OTHERSIDE of the shadowed-moon… ‘was’ the gigantic-eyeball, Argus trying to birth-its 4th-starship from its prodding ocular-vulva…

… StarGirl was ‘attracted’ to the-entity Argus, AS IT of Jane-too – the ‘escaped’ 666th-bride-of its-Master, Asmodeus…

… there was an ‘order’ TO CAPTURE THE-SOUL-of Jane-Wilson by the-groom in-the-Underworld…

… where there was ‘recent-interest’ in the growing-seed in the blind-girl’s belly – and, ‘plan’ to ‘kill’ THE PARASITE Saviour-Daughter…

… who-someday was a ‘super-being,’ that-was capable-of defeating the entire 7-Princes-of-Hell…


Paul was sucked-into the belly of the-Red-Tornado, called the Dead-Zone. Inside the massive dark rotating-funnel was sub-zero temperature and the air was thinning. Paul held to the lungful-of-air inhaled ‘before’ he jumped-in… as he knew-of the ‘difficult’ breathing-conditions which-he learned from the deadly-tornado documentary…

He curled-himself as a-ball – as he dropped like-a-hot potato that-glowed-blue in the dark-into the-windy churning-abyss… while enduring-pain of the storm’s debris of projectile tree branches, stones-and-rocks pelted at-him in the kick-up…

… where in-that moment, he thought he was going-TO-DIE…

Soon he felt lesser bombarded-and-shelling of fragments when he went further-down… he-then opened his dust-squint-eyes to see afar – the glimpse of a vibrating GREEN-GLOW…

‘… it’s SeeIn’s ride…’

He straightened-himself… and did a parachute-less ‘sky-jump’ by placing both hands-on his-sides to gain-momentum…

… it was working as he-gained-speed…

… but he felt his-cheeks fluttering and his mouth-involuntarily opened wide, with his-teeth loosening from the-gums… and he drooled a lot wetting his-face. The blue-flames too were fading as-of the lack of oxygen in the twirling-pit… Paul was-now sucked-into whirlwind in his SHS school-uniform… wetting his-pants in-the terrifying journey-below…

He caught-up with SeeIn’s chariot that looked more like the-Ben Hur’s, but with 6 mystical White-stallions. Although-with limited-sight due the blowing-dust – the teen ‘knew’ the monk ahead of him WAS IN-TROUBLE in-controlling the spooked-up horses that were ‘sucked’ deep-into twirling-funnel…

… Paul decided TO HELP the old-monk, and hopped-into the open-buggy carriage… SeeIn was surprised TO SEE him behind, and was grabbing the rein-with him… and the teen shut his-eyes and was using all-of his-might to taut-back the-tense bridle…

… the oxygen was ‘thinning’…

Paul was hit by a ‘sudden’ heatwave in the freezing-belly of the-tornado – his eyes nearly popped when he saw the diabolical-danger ahead… there was a-massive flaming rotating-6-sided sharp blades, 50-metres ahead that operated as A ‘CAVITY’ suction-exhaust fan… powered by the red-lightnings…

The helpless horses neighed-terrified, in hoping their-struggling monk-master would steer-them away to-safety instead of being swallow-in-and-gutted alive… Paul ‘knew’ that it was a GONE-CASE of hope for survival…

… the oxygen was ‘depleting’…

Into 3-seconds to-impact, Paul ‘decided’ to bail-out – as he grabbed SeeIn by THE-WAIST and flew-off from-the-platform… leaving the carriage-horses to be shredded – into horse-meat and chipped-wood…

… litres of blood-bespattered …

… due to-the stallions were mythical in-nature of BEING PURE-WHITE – their blood was the colour-of rainbow… that spattered Paul-wet…

… it was LIKE AN-abstract splatter-painting – and he-then looked like the Polka-Dot-Man from the Suicide-Squad movie.

Paul flew-up 300-metres vertically, pulling the light-weighted Asian-monk along-in fiendish Dead-Zone… escaping the-death from BlackStar’s kitchen-sink food-disposer. As they reached the brim of the tornado’s gapping-mouth… with the-light oxygen-availability, Paul had partial-supe abilities, as his-torso flamed-up blue like an-afterburner, he then rocketed-up…

They FLEW-OUT of the massive 5-kilometre dark-funnel… and respirated in the night-clouds. Paul was panting-hard as he was in the Dead-Zone ‘breathless,’ for almost 90-seconds…

In silence, they both watched the red-twister that-was at the distance of 200-metres… forwarding-into the ‘active’ battlefield to-crossover…

… heading to destroy the Garden-Of-Eden…

“OMG ~ St Michael is-there…!?” Paul vaguely-exclaimed…

He-then had-an-apple of-an-idea… and pleaded to SeeIn…

“Sir! I don’t know if you can ‘understand’ me cos’ – you ‘had’ side-lined-me when discussing-strategies just-now – but here-I-am ‘now’ informing… that-I’ve ‘defeated’ that bloody-BlackStar before, in the ‘other’ Bloodmoon-eclipse in Egypt… I can DO-IT-AGAIN! You’ve to ‘believe’ in-me!”

The youngster-superhero was gesturing-with hand-signs to ‘explain’ to the old-monk of his ‘past’ winning-strategy – spinning his index-finger-up ‘both’ counter-and anti-counter movements to SeeIn…

“… Sir, will you ‘HELP’ ME…?”

The Old-monk nodded.


The gigantic-eyeball, Argus was prick-waving to ‘entice’ the-superhero…

StarGirl was-still pissed at the ‘betrayers’ that were ‘watching’ her… when the-Cube was-following her – to MAKE-SURE that their ‘PRIZED-ASSET’ in her-belly was ‘not’ threatened…

The black-zeppelin was like an erected-penile prodding-out of the eyeball’s ocular-vulva –as it was 70-percent ‘birthed’… WITH ITS-HEAD waiting like a-lurking carnivorous Venus-flytrap…

Flying-over, Jane-then landed and-squatted like a spider-monkey on-her-4s on the head-of the-blimp…

… and-then, WENT ‘NOVA’ – her cosmic-glow was sparkling white-gold – when she used all-of her mighty-and-anger to obliterate the black oblong-shaped zeppelin…

Her-palms of her-2-hands were in-contact with the-airship’s surface, releasing her-cosmic-powers… with her 3rd-Eye of-her forehead-too lasering the exterior-shell of the-hexed blimp of Asmodeus…

… her-rage was to BRING ‘JUSTICE’ for the slaughter-of the cupids fallen-below in the Killing-Field…

The phallic-shaped zeppelin’s defence-system was destructed-internally… and it grew flaccid when-it dropped out-off the eyeball’s vulva, bringing along-Jane to plunge-below…

Nearby, John-See and the women saw the pregnant-superhero holding-on to the downward-spiralling black airship… ‘falling’ to HER-DEATH – they CAN’T DO anything to-aid-her… but ‘only’ gasp…

But 50-metres to ground-impact… StarGirl soared-up to everyone’s’ relief…

… the zeppelin crashed in a swamp in the-boarder of the battlefield – but the hexed-blimp DIDN’T-EXPLODE. Then, StarGirl and everyone’s attention was caught-by the incoming Red-tornado’s path of devastation…

Both of-the Pentateuch and the Cube-of-Apollo took-cover from the violent-twister that was crossing-over the battleground… TO ITS final-destination ~ the Garden-Of-Eden…

Jane saw with her-3rd-Eye below at the fallen-but-intact airship in the swamp – a carrier with the capacity of transporting 250 of Asmo’s demon-soldiers…

… which-HAD SURVIVORS of more than a-hundred…

… the superhero saw the horde of the demon-soldiers running in the battlefield to assist the remaining gorillas-and-baboons, who WERE FIGHTING the silverback werewolf and the Kenyan prince-warrior…

‘… oh-fish! What have I ‘DONE’…!? Piper-and-Jaheem are ‘going’ to BE KILLED…’

… StarGirl dove-down to the Killing-Field – into the Red-Tornado’s wreckage-path…

… to rectify her ‘mistake’…


UP-ABOVE, SeeIn was levitated-and-sat cross-legged in-meditation pose, ON-TOP of the rotating 5-kilometre-wide circumference-ed Red-Tornado… with both palms-clasped, chanting Buddhist prayer-chants that…

… was ‘channelled’ mythically TO-DYNAMO the speed-velocity of Gemini-Blue, who-flew counter clockwise TO-WEAKEN BlackStar’s diabolical-twister…


DOWN-BELOW… StarGirl was zigzagging in-and-out from the-path of the might red-Twister, sweeping-majestically across the battlefield – while she was killing-off the running demon-soldiers, armed with deadly-medieval weaponries…

… shooting cosmic-blasts from her fists-and-forehead at heads of the advancing foot-soldiers in the kill-zone – splatting brains of their-monster purple-blood when-they-fell…

At-the-edge of the-twister, blind-Jane looked-up and ‘saw’ through the-3rd-Eye… at her boyfriend circling-blue at high-speed to ‘counter’ the Red-Tornado…


“… hehehe…Go – Pauly, Go!” She-cheered-on…


The tiny-speck of blue-light travelled 3-times faster than the-huge Red-Tornado to ‘choke’ it – while losing its-intensity… the-crimson twister ‘was’ slowing with its dark-nature-appearance to-of a paler-violet…

… the African-entity, BlackStar noticed Blue-Gemini’s counteractions were dampening the red-lightnings that-surrounded the-twister like-dark-matter ringed-veils. The weakened tornado-then ceased moving… and belly-danced in the-centre of the battlefield…

… the evil-entity then transformed from a whirlwind à into a gigantic-serpent…

… the swaying colossal-sized female King-cobra stood on-its-tail… and it roared-hiss at the-superhero, who was still rotating-around it with his-anti clockwise neutralisations. It-then tried biting the tiny-blue glow, but Paul evaded its fanged-strikes…

‘… not-today, Snaky!’

The hooded-reptile then spitted streams of acidic-venom at his-direction – but SeeIn from-above casted a protective-spell à so that the superhero had a BUBBLE-OF-PROTECTION …

… the miniature-sized Gemini-Blue rotated in a-defence-shell… like-a miniscule blue-lit sperm-tadpole, that was GYRATING AT the snake’s counterattacking head…

…by-creating a vacuum FOR-IT…

The-cobra weaken as it was ‘poisoned’ by choking in ITS-OWN acid-toxic venom… and, it-then faded slowly-by vanishing-out in existence – leaving…

… the African-witch… who was dressed in a-horned rhino cloak TO-FALL – in the Killing-Field…

… Paul saw the-old woman plummeting 500-metres to-her-death, head-first…

“I-DID-IT!!! Huh-err ~ WE DID IT!” Paul punched the-air victorious… as he flew his-final lap like an F1-race-driver to the chequered-flag…

He shot upwards to the clouds TO ‘CELEBRATE’ with his-ally, SeeIn,’ the ‘Man’…

… the ‘Monk-Man,’ who had assisted-in THE-PLAN – ‘after’ listening to his-strategy ‘of-HOW-TO’ defeat BlackStar in her tornado-MANIFESTATION…

After so-many multitudes of ‘merry-go-round’ spins, Paul felt lightheaded, but that did ‘not’ stop…

… the rapt-and laughing superhero grabbing the frail-weighing long-bearded monk, and gave him-more than a couple of carousel-spins… and-then, embraced-him…

In-the DARK-SILENCE, Paul felt a sense of-relief from chaos with the ‘victory,’ when he hugged the-monk ~ now, the soundtrack of thundering-roars of the Red-Tornado GONE… ‘WHEN’ he Dolby-cancelled BlackStar…

… a ‘meaningful’ peace at-last – in the calm-of-darkness…

In the quietness, the levitating Paul heard DISTANT ‘CRIES’…

… although he had ‘fixed’ the sound – BUT ‘NOT’ the visuals, as the-domineering eyeball entity, Argus – was ‘still’ blocking-the the moonlight…

…creating the pitched-blind darkness everywhere…

In the gloom, Paul ‘heard’ more cries coming from 500-metres below, where the ‘active’ Killing-Fields was-still in-progress… and his-first thought was…

‘… Jane…!?’

He glanced at the SeeIn, saying in-a-hurry…

“I got-to go to her…”

The old-monk saw the superhero plummeting-below into the dark-clouds…


Paul fired-up as Gemini-Blue… as he plunging-and-flew below into the clouds, that-hindered his-visibility into the pitch-black milieu… glowing bright-blue as he-then soared across the battlefield – even-though as-a superhero… he-had to fly-low FOR-VISIBILITY, as he saw-as he went cruising…

… making a quick-overall ‘ground-assessment’… before engaging:

he ‘saw’ Jane’s dog – in its-werewolf-manifestation, battling several broken-winged gorillas… biting their faces-off he-then saw Jane’s teenaged brother – in his African-warrior outfit, slashing flying baboons with his curve-shaped sword he was ‘glad’ too that the fire-breathing monster was dead – the MAJOR-THREAT, that was ‘probably’ killed by the Red-demon

‘… where-are you, Jane…!?’

He made another circling-round in the-dark muddy-locale… in-search-for his-girlfriend. In the-midst-of darkness, filled with-random chaotic sounds of war-cries – was a girl shrilling…

… in the total-darkness… Gemini-Blue flew-toward THE ‘VOICE’…

Then-ahead, he saw a zigzagging green-glows movements across-the-battlefield, as he ‘recognised’…

‘… its Jane’s neon-panties…’

He flew-over ‘guided’ in-the-dark, by Venus’ chastity-belt that Jane ‘wore’… while coming-close to-realise-that…

… she-had ‘weakened’ and wasn’t fired-up as StarGirl… wearing her besmudged nightgown ‘stained’ by the blood of her-kills… as she ran barefooted in the mud from the Army centaur guards who… were chasing-to-capture – the ‘escaped’ bride-of-Asmodeus…

“I’m coming, Jane!”

… he cried-out as he flew to her – but he was tackled in mid-air by a human-sized bat… where Popobawa surprised him with a sneak-attack…

… he fell on the mud, with the vampire-beast on-top… pinning him-down to-the-ground. Popobawa then-choked TO STRANGLE, while Paul reciprocated by choking it-too… by emitting weak blue electric-shocks…

… it was barely-hurt by-it…

… the screeching Popobawa-then smothered Gemini-Blue by collapsing its large-wings… he was-then asphyxiated-choking… as he was losing his-supe powers, and transformed into as school uniformed-teen. Inside, its-dark covered-wings, Paul felt the sharp-bat clawed-talons skewering his jugular-vein, and its wide-opened fanged mouth wanting TO BITE his face-off…

… the teen saw-HIS-DEATH in its red-gleaming eyes…

… mustering-up his last-courage, the helpless-Paul shouted AT ITS-FACE…

“THIS IS ‘my’ dream – and, I WON’T die-today, you b****!!!”

… activating his-banshee-screams – that was deafening to explode the VAMPIRE’S head-off…

In the muddy-field, Paul was sprawled-over and gasping for air, with the maroon-blood of the vampire cadaver all over-him. Dazed, as he sat-up in the warmth of its reddish purple bodily-fluids, all over his already besmudged-uniform of the White-stallions’ rainbow-blood…

… unsteadily, he GOT-UP on his feet, holding a-large broken bat-wing that was on him – he flung it-away like a-frisbee, AND RAN-in-the dark towards the green-glow – his GPS of the chastity-belt to ‘find’ Jane in THE-MURK…

… all-Paul ‘heard’ was running HOOF-STEPS and Jane’s SHRILLING-SCREAM in the darkness… but-the sounds were fading…


Paul took-flight and glided-low in the muddy-field – and, gauged-in-thoughts à of the ‘UNKNOWN’ adversaries he would-fight next…

‘… horses… was Jane been ‘abducted’ by some ‘not’ Good-but Bad-Ugly Cowboy-Bebop-demons…?’

In the obscurity, he ‘heard’ the running-hoofs on-his-9… and went-flying by cutting-across the-field…

Flying above in-the-dark, Paul was astonished TO-SEE the backs of 3 centaur-horsemen…

… and-noticed-too, the unconscious-Jane was lying-ACROSS ONE of the horsebacks…

‘Holy-Sagittarius-shit! Am I in Percy-Jackson’s world…!!?’

Since the brutish-centaurs were ‘not’ aware of Paul’s presence – he wanted TO-FLY-ahead and ‘ambush’ them… as-he had the horsepower-too TO-FLY ahead for a 5-second head-start…

His school-shoes squashed-wet when he landed in-the puddled-field… a quick-glance on-his-6… ‘not’ wanting-another demon making a-Popobawa-sneak-attack behind-his-back…

… 3 seconds to HEAD-ON…


Paul burst-into his blue-flaming superhero-persona – frightening the horsemen to stand-on their-hindlegs with 2-forehoofed-legs on-the-air… causing the catatonic-Jane TO FALL-in the mud…

‘… sorry-about that…’

… he mentally-apologised, as he saw the horse-trio were holding-spears – ‘ready’ to-rush-in to kill-him – he-then went-offensive by banshee-screaming… panning his head L-to-R à as 3-human-heads of the mythical hybrid-horses splattered…

After his-kills, he squinted TO SEE-Jane was sitting-up, with her hands clasping her-ears…

“Jane – you-alright…!?” Paul ran to-her…

… seeing his-blind girlfriend on-the-mud, chuckling…

“… you’re soo-loud… that could deafen-me, hehehe – I’ll ‘later’ BE-LIKE Helen-Keller when I-get ‘married’ to you someday…”

“Sorry-about ‘that,’ dear – I’m ‘still’ figuring-out how-to control my-volume though…” Paul was helping the tween-on-her feet.

Blind-Jane grabbed-him by his-neck – and kiss-him…

“… thanks-for ‘coming, Pauly’ – they were-going to ‘take’ me…”

Paul caught-her when her-knees buckled… seeing-her becoming unstable-and-weak…

“… dear, you-alright, Jane…!?”

… she gasped…

“… I’m… soo-tired, Paul – I want… to-go-home…”

“… so-do I, dear… we’re going-home soon…”

The boyfriend responded-casually before he scooped her-off her-feet and carried her. He noticed her shallow-breathing in-his chest. Paul then looked-up at the night-skies to see a zeppelin exploding, brightening-up the firmaments…

He chuckled…

“… good-job, my-man-Johnno, hehehe…!”

Paul too-was extremely-tired and yearned to GO-HOME – and hit-the-pillow in his cosy-mattress in his-windowless bedroom – NOW-THAT the Good-Guys-Had-Won…

‘…Johnno! Are YOU ‘THERE’? – we’re worn-out ‘spent’… PLEASE TAKE-us-home…’

Paul ‘attempted’ to mentally-contact the Pentateuch… as he walked-and-carrying Jane in the pitched-dark Killing-Field…

He then-turned his-head to THE SOUND of blaring-trumpets coming from-a-distance westwards – that ‘woke’ blind-Jane-up…

“… huh-Pauly… is that-John blowing the-trumpet…?”

“… no…I don’t think-so…”

“… what’ IS-IT then…?”

“… I don’t know…”


Red-Demon was wolfing the ‘spoit’ of the-mission… he had eaten a-quarter of the slain-Ammit’s sized-liver. The-selfish seasoned-warrior DID ‘NOT’ help-much in the battlefield but he ‘had’ prior-sliced the-wings to ‘incapacitate’ the flying-apes – letting the-newbies of SeeIn’s recruits of warriors-and-superheroes to ‘cut-their-teeth in learning their battle-experience on-their ‘own’…

Then, he-too heard the distant-trumpets – grinning-devilish, he packed the remaining-liver into his satchel to-snack-and-pickle the organ-later…

“It’s Showtime!!!”

The one-armed, loinclothed Red-demon with his-flaming sword… ran across the Killing-Field – heading to-the front-gate of the Garden-Of-Eden…


Upon-hearing the distant-trumpets, Argus slowly ‘descended’ from the night-skies – when the-gigantic biological-eyeball came-down à moonlight was finally-restored to ‘light-up’ the battlefield-stage for the-first-time on-that-night…

The-commanding Cube-Of-Apollo ‘radioed’ the Pentateuch TO ‘EVACUATE’ the-ground troops… like a Nam-chopper, the orange portal descended-and-landed on the-field.

… while at the other-end of the-field, the-massive eyeball-too appeared, and hovered on-top of the-grass… as it too was on an Evacuation-Op for the-Evil-side. Argus’ iris opened-wide like-a-door portal to welcome the remaining of Asmo’s zeppelin-swamp-crashed soldiers-and-centaurs – and also the African-ally’s ‘reduced-army’ of broken-winged gorillas and a-couple of-score of baboons which survived from-the-100s deployed…

… the losers WERE ‘CHASED’ by a dozen-of-flying warrior cupids and the grey-Alsatian – before-they ‘escaped’ when the eyeball-portal DOOR-CLOSED… leaving Piper barking-mad and the-cursing cupids-too pelting the-concaved door with rocks…


John opened his orb-shaped portal’s door… gazing at the enormous-eyeball shooting-up vertically to the night-skies – but it was intercepted by the tiny-Cube-Of-Apollo shooting green cosmic-light-bolts at-it… but TO-NO prevail as the eyeball-carrier had fortification of Blackmagik protected-forcefield…

… it-then ‘VANISHED’ BEHIND the full-moon…

Prince-Jaheem was first to-arrive, and ‘reported’ to John-See. The Kenyan-teen was carrying his injured-dog on his shoulder like a shepherd-would to-a-sheep… in his arms-too was the wounded-cupid, Juniper – and following-him was Anpu, his-faithful alpha Belgian-Malinois…

… the warrior-teen was telling John of his-battlefield colleterial-damage of ‘losing’ his 4-dogs that-died after being-either slashed-stabbed-and clubbed to-death.

The monk replied-and guaranteed…

“Prince, you don’t-worry… the dead-dogs would be ‘restored’ in your next-set of litters born – the animal-spirit of the African-jackal, Anpu would-be reincarnated into-them, so that you have a lifetime of a-pack of 6-dogs to fight-along beside-you…”

John then saw the soaring Paul-CARRYING-JANE, as the-supes approached… and the Time-traveller acknowledged-them…

“Are you-both okay…!?”

“Yea, we’re ‘good’…” Paul replied and-lower Jane to-walk…

As the owner of a Belgian-Malinois, Paul was excited to see the male-canine dogs – he approached to ‘pet’ the alpha-Anpu… but the dog snared-its-teeth. Paul backed-off…

“… okay, I get-it, boy – I’m ‘not’ your-daddy…”

Then EVERYONE-HEARD the 2nd-wave of distant-trumpets… the curious-Paul asked the panicking-John…

“… Johnno, what are ‘those’ trumpets…?”

“The Clash-of-Titans is going to happen-next – Yahweh’s 4-Archangels are ‘here’ soon to kill St Michael… but ‘not’ to worry cos’ SEEIN AND-MERCURY will be aiding-him…”

Paul chested-up and rejoindered…

“I ‘want’ to help!”

John shook-his head and discouraged…

“This is way ‘above’ our paygrade of commitments to-participate – it’s-best we retreat-back, and let the-experts TAKE CARE of ‘this’…

Paul still stubbornly-insisted…

“… but the battle IS ‘NOT’ over-yet – I can ‘still’ help!”

John dejected the ‘request’…

“Do you ‘want’ TO DIE, fool!? These are higher-celestials fighting to the-death – you can be-killed, Paul… it’s best you sit-this-one out!”

Paul nodded…thinking-back…

… as a-Catholic, he should ‘not’ interfere with Christianity’s internal-affairs… and politics. He-then offered a mental prayer so that St Michael, the Guardian-angel would ‘NOT’ DIE tonight on the battlefield…

Paul was distracted when John ‘instructed’ Jaheem…

“… Prince, GO-BACK to the-portal that you came-here – it’s the SAFEST-PASSAGE home…”

“Yes, Capt. See!” The teen-obeyed…

The Kenyan-warrior turned to his blind-Sister and gave-her the-injured Juniper… whose limbless-legs were treated with African-herbs, tourniquet-and-bandaged. Jane in-returned hugged her-brother, sobbing…

“… take-care, Jaa – I’ll ‘miss’ you…”

“… don’t-worry, Sis – I’ll VISIT-YOU in your-dreams…” The embracing-adopted brother responded… even the injured-dog ON HIS shoulder licked blind-Jane’s face…

Paul went to hold-Jane – as they SAW THE boy and-dogs headed to a ‘waiting’ green-portal 300-metres southwards in the battlefield…

John blew-a-whistle to the rest-of the surviving-cupids TO COME-aboard the-Pentateuch – a bunch of cherubs raced to the-orange portal… while JANE-TOO called Piper – but the dog didn’t come… instead it was barking-and-howling at the-moon…

… it then saw the Red-demon in-a-distance running – and, the Alsatian-too ran-over…

John said to-Jane…

“… let him go – he’s an ANIMAL-SPIRIT… he ‘knows’ HOW-TO find his-way home to you…”

The Pentateuch closed its hatched-door – and flew-up to the night-skies to join the hovering Cube-Of-Apollo in-the-clouds.


The 3rd-wave of trumpets WERE HEARD in the battleground…

At the main-gate of the Garden-Of-Eden, St Michael eagle-eyed the 3-ANGELS appearing in-the-horizon…

… he had one ‘crucial’ minute to ‘defeat’ the trio – before Yahweh’s Angel-Of-Death, seraph-Metatron arrived…

The nervy-Archangel then smiled – when he saw the-Calvary-cometh…

… with Piper and the Red-demon were running-near – while SeeIn-was flying-above-them…

‘… they can ‘BUY’ ME precious-time…’

… 59 seconds…


St Gabriel and Uriel flew at-top speed over the ‘calvary,’ while – St Raphael made a pitstop … and landed on the-field…

… the Archangel was standing-by TO ‘INTERCEPT’ head-on with meddling interlopers – of the dog, demon and-monk – St Raphael chanted a-Hebrew-spell that created a forcefield to keep-out the trespassers from gate-crashing the ‘execution’ of the-betrayer, Michael…

… the ‘order’ was the traitor should die – and his-head-too – be-served in a silver-platter like John-the-Baptist by-the-end of-mission…

… 55 seconds…

St Michael had his-first encounter when Uriel landed and rushed on-him… while Gabriel backed-the attack…

In the-nearby field, the grey-werewolf and the Red-demon faced an impenetrable high-wall … they clobbered-and-plummeted their-fists with no-prevail – and decided to GO-AROUND it…

… Piper ran along the outer forcefield-wall on the-right-side… while Mercury on-left – but St Rafael’s defence-wall spell was ‘EXTENDING’ FURTHER in length, matching their subsequent pacing…

… realising their efforts were futile-and-vain – they turned back… TO ‘FIND’…

… SeeIn vs Ralph… Buddhist-chants vs Hebrew-chants…


In the-Pentateuch hovering in the clouds – Paul saw the nail-biting action of angel fighting angels…

… it reminded him of the dark-comedy of Jay-and Silent-Bob’s Dogma – where 2-angels of Matt-Damon and Ben Affleck fought in-the-movie…

‘…duh… art ‘imitating’ life…?’

… 43 seconds…

It was an intense-fight as Michael sword-battled Uriel… a formidable angel-warrior who-was a replacement-leader of Yahweh’s Army since ‘Mike-went-rogue’… and, backing Uriel was the fraidy-Gabriel who was cautious of his-life…

… knowing the-fact-of-the truth – that ‘only’ an angel COULD-KILL an angel…

In the muddy field, the werewolf and the one-armed demon saw their-counterpart, SeeIn levitating cross-legged in the-air chanting-spells to ‘counter’ Raphael, who-too was chanting his-incantations that ‘grew’ the-height-of forcefield-wall…

… then the old-monk’s Buddhist monk-robe’s sleeves magically-grew like 2-tentacles à that-went below at-the-field and strapped around both of the werewolf-and-the one-armed demon’s wrists…

In-levitation upwards, SeeIn’s sleeves was pulling-along both Piper-and-Mercury… who don’t have flight-alibies à and-to THROW-THEM-over-the wall to help-St Mike – but the Hebrew-spells of Ralph was the-hindrance… that grew-more warding ‘bricks-and-tiles’ in escalating the height-of the cosmic-defence-wall.


At the centre-of the Garden-Of-Eden, under the Tree-Of-Knowledge was the-obese Humpty-Dumpty, Kerubiel who ate apples – while watching the ‘Battle-of-Angels’ @the-front-gate… televised-live telepathically into his mind’s eye…

“Kill them, O’ St Michael – they are ‘servants’ of Yaldabaoth – they are ‘EVIL’…!!!”

… 29 seconds…


At front gate, the-superior swordsman, Michael injured Uriel BY-SLASHING his sword-fighting arm.

The mystical-SeeIn FLUNG BOTH the werewolf-and-demon over-the-wall… the falling-lycan next-attacked the angel below who was using-his white-magic – but was no-match to the Raphael’s mighty-strength that trashed the werewolf to-the-ground…

Raphael-then saw the one-armed Red-demon with his-flaming sword running towards the main-gate where the angels-battled. At super-flight speed, Raphael flew to Mercury for a surprise-attack – and stabbed the demon’s back…

… 16 seconds…


Michael then heard the 4th-wave of trumpets… the ‘ARRIVAL’ OF METATRON…

… to realise that the sound WAS ‘COMING’ from the-backdoor of the Garden-Of-Eden… and he ‘had’ been deceived by the angel-trio AS DECOYS – while Metatron ‘launched’ his-ATTACK ON-the-garden.

“You-all tricked-me!!!”

The raged-Michael fought-on… and disarmed Uriel, who fell-down to the ground – Michael was going to-decapitate him…


Gabriel yelled… and rushed to fall-on Uriel to ‘protect’ him – and was in the path of Michael’s strong-hew – that chopped-off Gabriel’s right-wing…

Then, Raphael flew-over in lightning-speed for his 2nd-surprise attack – AND STABBED Michael in-his-back…

… Michael dropped-down in pain… and further-realised…

… HIS-MISTAKE that the-battle of the Garden-Of-Eden WASN’T-ABOUT ‘killing-him’ – but to annihilate-and-raze the-garden-itself. Kerubiel ‘even’ had WARNED-him just-now… but he didn’t ‘listen’…

Raphael-the-Healer attached Gabriel’s severed-wing TO HIS shoulder – and-next ‘created’ a white-escape-portal for his-injured brothers-and-himself to-flee…

The monk, the-lycan and the-demon arrived at the main-gate to help the injured-Michael…

… 9 seconds…


In the Pentateuch-cockpit, John looked-out at-the next-threat – METATRON-COMETH…

… the giant-seraphim was the SIZE-OF a Nephilim – in-black-angel robe, with 3-sets of white-big wings – and was soaring like a-condor over-the-garden…

… it was carrying a GOLDEN-APPLE that weighed a megaton, by the way, the seraphim’s grimacing-face – ‘when’ carried the mass-burden load…

The Time-traveller didn’t like what he-saw – and ‘radioed’ SIMY of the Cube-of-Apollo…

“…we gotta go ‘now’!”

Both of the orange-and-white portals SHOT-UP further into the night-skies, from the next-imminent-danger…

SeeIn-too uttered a forcefield-chant – AND CREATING a-green protective-shield bubble for himself along with Mercury, St Michael and Piper…


3 seconds…

Under the-Tree-Of-Wisdom, Kerubiel took a ‘last-bite’ of his-apple – and-foresaw the inevitable-demise of the entire garden-of-inhabitancy of the trees, animals, and cupids…

… when Metatron ‘dropped’ THE BOMB’…

… the-cherub’s baby-voiced last-words were…

“Blessed-be Thy-Womb, O’ Blind-One – and, Blessed be the ‘Coming’ of the-Saviour-Daughter, Apollonia – to seek Revenge, Redemption, and Justice for us-all…

… Amen…”

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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