《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 12: The Intergalactical Council Meeting
Chapter 12: The Intergalactical Council Meeting
THE 2 PORTALS HID IN the dark-side of the moon, and-ESCAPED WHEN Metatron came. The Pentateuch and the-Cube HAD FLED ‘before’ the-monstrous blast happened in the Killing field … and don’t know ‘WHO’ HAD-survived in the garden-paradise…
… 10-minutes-later, they had the-on the ‘ground’ first-contact ‘when’ –SeeIn telepathically contacted the portals…
… ‘informing’ that they wouldn’t come-onboard yet – as the 4 OF THEM were going to check-out the-damage to the-Garden…
As-their backup, SIMY sent 5-drones below…
As the designated-driver, John-See did ‘not’ want TO ‘DISMISS’ both the-exhausted Paul-and-Jane ‘after’ their-supe-mission. He wanted to-stall them as he had planned a ‘debriefing’ meeting-later to discuss the ‘failed’ garden-mission… and he wanted the teen-supes to participate-in…
The bespectacled-monk saw the youngsters were ‘filthy’ with their clothing covered with blood-and-grime – since they ‘had’ some downtime before the debriefing… he offered them bathroom-service by clicking his-universal remote-control…
“… I ‘think’ you-2 should take a bath…”
Paul was ‘impressed’ with the Pentateuch’s defining-its ‘laws-of-space’ as the medium-size portal-ship – that-had a door-opened to a spacious orange-lit bathroom-cum-spa…
“Come-on, you-2 – go-freshen-up…”
There was no-response from both-the tired-teens…
“Do you ‘both’ want go in-together…?” John chuckled…
Paul-then heard his-girlfriend….
“I’ll ‘go’ first…”
Paul heard John instructing blind-Jane to-follow the music playing in-the-bathroom – which-was the same serene-Asian pipe-tune Paul heard in the bonsai-glasshouse where he visited just-now in John-See’s Perth-reality as a Time-traveller’s hideout…
In the-cockpit, Paul slump-dropped on wheelchair exhausted ‘after’ the fighting mission – his lower back hurts-too…
‘… I’m with-you Toby’ Spidey’ McGuire… I ‘feel’ your pain-too…’
But his-mind was-accompanied by-another emotionally-dissatisfaction of…
… the joke John-See ‘had’ cracked which troubled him… of him ‘showering’ with-Jane à AS IT was some-what like the devil-twin’s porn-fantasy – where-else, HE WAS a-certified Catholic-virgin who doesn’t even masturbate… ending, waking-UP IN his-adolescence-mornings, with heavy-wet adult-diapers:
the-point IS THAT, ‘soon’ everybody would-know that Jane was ‘preggo’ based on the circulation the viral-plagued of the Tarzan deep-fake video viewership which-would generate the rumours TO-BE true-confession ‘evidence’ that-- pointing him as the ‘culprit’ TO BE the girlfriend’s baby-daddy in Perth…
‘…oh-noo… I don’t ‘want’ TO-BE another St Joseph…’
John-too sat on the elevated-circular platform which he ‘surfed’ stepping-on when he time-travelled… which-was a legless-stool… in the seatless orange-portal…
John had to ‘keep’ Paul awake and continue his-REM-cycle as they ‘were’ still in the mission as there would be-a debriefing session. The Time-Traveller was praising-Paul who had defeated the notorious Red-Tornado and subsequently killed BlackStar and Popobawa.
But the low-profiled Paul was in NO-MOOD for adulatory-and-flattering – Paul ‘had’ heard it-all before after being-as a recipient of the mayor awards twice in school…
He was distracted by-Jane’s chuckling voice-responding TO A Japanese-woman’s voice inside the-spa…
“… Thank-you soo-much – you can ‘find-me’ in WhatsApp – Boyyo will ‘give-you’ my-#... bye, Popo-and-Pipi… excellent 10-star service!”
Even-though, it was 2 MINUTES – but her nightgown WAS CLEAN-washed in-immaculate bleached-white… Paul WAS BLOWN-away…
‘Wow! Asians do THE-BEST – AND FAST dry-cleaning…’
… he got-off the-wheelchair and went to his-blind girlfriend – who-spoke to-him in a childlike voice…
“… Pauly, Popo played a ‘beautiful’ music just-now – hahaha, Baby ‘danced’ in-my-belly… and, I-then ‘saw’ in my-mind of her-dancing for-me… she ‘got’ that talent from-you…”
Paul was-surprised but-in-rejection …
‘… huh-no… I’m ‘NOT’ THE baby-daddy…’
“… so, I subscribed’ THAT MUSIC to be in-my song-playlist…” Jane concluded her-excitement… which-got Paul thinking…
‘… is there such-a-thing as-an INTERDREAM WORLD music-network subscription…?’
Jane thanked the-host, John in the ‘same’ childlike-voice…
“Thanks-John for letting me have a bath – Pipi’s body-massages were out-of-heaven good…”
“… haha, I’m glad you liked the ‘automation’ services that I had installed-and-modified in the Pentateuch…” John proudly-responded…
Paul was distracted by Jane’s green neon-panties that glowed-silhouetted under the nightgown when she walked to-the-monk…
Before Paul could-SAY A word-of-warning, the clean-dressed blind-Jane SAT ON the wheelchair – that was ‘filthy’ with blood-and-grime from Paul’s dirtied-school uniform…
‘…err… sorry ‘about’ that, dear… Johnno should ‘SERIOUSLY’ INVEST in bucket-seats in his-portal ride…’
He groaned-and-mentally apologized…
At the same-time, the-teen was curious ON HOW THE dry-cleaning works… and also-of the 2-minute-spa… even Jane’s pixie-hair was saloon-blown-and-set to-perfection…
‘… ALL-THAT ‘under’ 2-minutes -- it DEFIES TIME…’
Paul walked in – and was-curious of Japanese woman’s voice he-heard but was greeted-by 2 identical-smiley-faced, 3-foot-tall orange-robots…
… both the male-voiced ‘had’ GLASS-DOME head-on like Mysterio…
… ‘both’ robots were programmed to switch-genders TO SUIT the needs-and-confinements of individual user’s privacy…
The teen was ‘familiar’ with Jane’s AI, Boyyo-and-SIMY…and-even Peter’s own ‘slave’ AI that Kimura-Star gave-him… remembering-also…
… the Alphatron-intel operated self-driving BMW in PERTHLAND after he killed the-owner – the Crowley’s ‘shapeshifter’ attorney, Richard Bradbury when he headed to Stamford-hotel to confront his-devil twin…
Popo-then spoke…
“Master-Paul, you have the-option to ‘see’ our human-faced avatar, if you choose….”
Both the robots’ glass-domes featured Asian-faces – that reminded Paul of Hiro-and-Taro…
“… no… go-back to ‘smiley-face’…” Paul requested…
… wanting his-privacy – AND ‘NOT’ wanting to be watched-by android’s sentient eyes when he was-naked…
‘… hope these ‘f*****s’ don’t go-rouge – video-me…’
He stepped into a bath-chamber hexagon with 6 wall-mirrors – then pressured-jets of air hit him in-all-directions…
… it was a-shower with-no water but utilised vapour…
… he giggled-as he was ticked by the soft-touching of steam-pressure of more than 1000s to fingertips on his body simultaneously gently-poking him…
The vapours too had a nerve-relief drug that relaxed his tense-body… he looked at the mirrors of the dirt-and-grime washed-away in his 6-pack ab-body….
… he felt like-in a carwash – when a-set of robotic-arms of-brushes of electronic-scrubber worked-next… as it soaped his body and shampooed his-head…
Paul closed his-eyes as it scratched his-scalp… JUST LIKE his-dog back-home would-close its-eyes when… he scratched-Kitty’s head…
‘… aaa-soo-goood…’
Then, a final blow-dry of a-1000 fingertips warm-steam was in-contact to-arid his waterless-shower… followed by a transparent sheet of silk-soft synthetic foamed-material was-then buffering his-damp body-dry…
‘… Johnno is the Tony-Stark – when it ‘came’ to designing bathing-showers…’
… an orange bath-towel was lowered by the mechanical-arm – he wanted to grab the towel but the 2nd-arm ‘swatted’ his hand… and, with both the robotic-arms then-tied the towel around his waist with a firm-knot-fold…
… the hexagon mirrors were lifted – the squeaky-clean Paul felt in-in-heaven like the Eddie-Murphy’s pampered prince from Coming-to-America… who in the-movie, don’t have to lift-a-finger as the palace ‘servants’ do his-cleaning-up…
He felt the air-cond’s cool air ‘after’ his steam-bath – Popo asked…
“Master Paul, it’s time for your-2-hour massage…”
“NO, I don’t want a-massage…” Paul declined – although he ‘had’ backaches…
Even though, Jane had a 2-hour spa treatment…but Paul turned-down his as-he ‘was’ worried about his-unpredictable girlfriend outside in the cockpit…
Remembering St Mike’s chiding him for IRRESPONSIBLY MISSING like just-now… when he looked for Jane who sleep-walked to ‘steal’ sour mangoes outside the-fence of the GOE…
“Master-Paul, have some green-tea then…”
He was thirsty…
“… ‘not’ boiling-hot, please – I can’t be sipping-tea all-day like in ‘that’ Connery-Snipes’ movie…” The time-sensitive teen fussed…
The ‘other’ orange-robot, Pipi-then rolled-over… and brought his-express delivery of his SHS green-uniform – all-washed-and-pressed…
“Wow! Thank-you, guys! EXCELLENT! First-Class dhobi-work...!”
The school-blazer which he-wore, felt toasted-warm in the chill air-cond-ed washroom– Paul was dressed and stood… while drinking-up the infused-tea to-hydrate…
… he thanked the service-robot-duo again – before exiting the spa/bathroom…
Paul walked-out with his-makeover ‘under’ a-minute compared to Jane’s 2. He saw some activity of John ‘communicating’ with SIMY on the comms while, blind-Jane was yawning seated on the wheelchair…
The Time-Traveller monk saw Paul walking-over… John-said…
“We’re going over-to THE CUBE-Of-Apollo…”
“No-mate, take us-BACK HOME– Jane-and-I are very-tired…” Paul rejected… ‘not’ wanting TO-BE in-the-same ‘space’ with the ‘betrayers’…
“Paul, the ‘mission’ is ‘not’ over-yet – you-2 stick-around TO THE-END… then-later, I’ll send you-both ‘home,’ okay….?”
Paul was displeased by the-adult ‘dictating’ him-around – but he saw the-quiet Jane ‘obeying’ the-monk… as she got-up and went-to-John…
The boyfriend sighed-inwards… and he-too followed – ‘noticing’ the back-of Jane’s clean-nightgown was partially-stained by the ‘dirty’ wheelchair…
The-3 Star-trek ‘beamed-up’ to the ‘other’ portal-ship…
In a blink-of-an eye, Paul was in the white-interior of the Cube-Of-Apollo’s cockpit… which was ‘more’ spacious than the Pentateuch – Paul remembered John saying…
… that the-Cube could ‘manipulate’ the law-of-physical-space to ‘fit’ an entire-football stadium by magical-chant of Mother Venus…
Paul-too had ‘been’ inside the Cube before in the-OTHER-PERTH – recognising the corner – where Venus took-him over to-sit… and, interviewed him the-last-time…
Venus was crying with the 2-women over the destruction of the garden-paradise – where she was the landlord…
But-Paul was remorse…
‘… beautiful place à but hate the politics…’
… covering-up the hatred-and-angst, the poker-faced teen was-glad that-the ‘betrayer’ Kerubiel who ‘tricked’ him with bad-apple was ‘now’ dead…
From the-rear of the cockpit, Paul observed the 5-holograms that displayed as feed-monitors:
The TREE-OF-KNOWLEDGE in cam-feed-A – showed St Michael and the Wolf-man ‘had’ the discovering the skeletal-remains of Kerubiel… with-his charred elongated-big skull biting a burnt-apple
Paul saw the-freaky smiling-skull – like he was having the ‘last-laugh’ as he successfully made Jane ‘preggo’ by the bad-luck bad-apple…
The TREE-OF-LIFE in cam-feed-B – showed the monk-SeeIn and the Red-demon beside the mango-tree was partially-scorched to the-earth
Paul recognised that ‘same’ tree by his-carvings on its-bark… ‘when’ in the 2-virgins’ failed visit to the garden to have-sex – ‘where’ Paul later excused himself to go-pee… under the mango-tree, where he-then took a sharp-tipped stone and ‘carved’ both his-and-Jane’s initials on the bark to ‘signify’ their visit to Eden…
The 3 CAVES-OF-CUPIDS in cam-feed-C – was the passage-view in the dark interconnecting-caves… the lighted-probe cam showed the killing the populous of 7,777 cherubs – huddling-each other at the time they were all-incinerated by Metatron ‘dropping’ the bomb
Jane cried – the caves were the safe haven during her Peter-the-incubus’ nightmares in Eden … where the slumbering-cherubs hid the blind-soul by stacking themselves on the sleeping-Jane to shrouded from-the Evil virginity-hunter incubus…
The FLORA-FAUNA in cam-feed-D – was-an ariel view of the major destruction of the Garden-Of-Eden which showed the devastation of ‘all’ trees-and-animals… which were the ‘prototype-origins’ of the-creation of Mother Nature’s produce-on-earth
Everyone gasped in-silence looking at the devastation in-the live-footages… even Paul ‘felt’ sorry for the ‘furry’ animals that-died…
The JURASSIC-WORLD in cam-feed-E – that showed ‘dead’ dinosaurs littered in the backyard of Eden
Paul was astounded-by the presences of these massive-reptiles ‘existence’ in the garden – even-though the Bible-had ‘never’ once-mention of their-knowledge of -exisistnce....
... but instead mentioned a host-legion of ‘other’ monsters…
The Cube-Of-Apollo was on-autopilot…
Moments later, the Archangel-Michael and the Wolf-man beamed-up to the-Cube – and, a quarrel broke-out between the werewolf and the time-traveller monk…
John was heard-saying…
“I made a-stupid ‘mistake’ by being on Asmodeus’ ‘radar’… when-then I VISITED THE ‘future’ prophet in her-dreams in Malaysia – and, the Evil-One then unleashed his Fu-Dogs hellhounds, which ‘almost’ got her-killed…
“… the ‘prophet’ is MY-DAUGHTER – I was concern for her as-A-FATHER…”
… some-how Paul reckoned that the argument was about Alicia’s new-found twin sister… MAGGI – WHO derived-mysteriously ‘after’ a dozen-years ‘lost’ in Malaysia… but ‘now’ immigrated to Perth…
Paul-then listened to John-See’s true-confession, where…
… the time-traveller ‘had’ visited Singapore 12-years-ago – AND IMPREGNATED the-mother of the future-prophet, while creating an-extramarital affair to the then-married woman’s life over-there… who later ‘bore’ a set-of twin-girls…
… where the blind-baby prophet was GIVEN-OUT for adoption among-relatives… and ‘was’ taken-away to Malaysia…
The Wolf-man still seething-IN-RAGE but… the-injured St Michael ‘restrained’ him – with John further apologising…
“I’m sorry, Lang-ren – the Fu-dogs was my-mistake… I SHOULD ‘NOT’-HAVE interfered with your ‘duties’ of the animal-guardian ‘spirit’ TO BOTH-OF the blind-girls. I promise from-now-on to step-back -- and let YOU BE THE-protector of the-Prophet and the future-mother OF THE-Saviour-daughter…!”
The lycan finally-calmed-down – JOHN NOTICED that Paul was nearby eavesdropping… the time-traveller approached the teen-superhero in-person…
“… Paul! Listen-here… you should ‘not’ tell both Maggi-and-Alicia that I’m ‘their’ father… or they’ll be in-danger if they knew – and don’t tell Jane-too… her rash-counter-actions may ‘alter,’ and-may change the ‘written’ narrative-script in Perthland’s BOOK-8… are you listening, Paul…? Promise-me that…?” The Record-keeper requested…
“… kay’…” Paul nodded and walked-away…
… he thought-back that it made-sense – Alicia-and-Maggi have ‘resemblance’ looks to John … and ‘not’ Albert-Wang – as ‘their’ alleged-father in POST-TREETON Perth…
Blind-Jane ‘saw’ the blue-glow approaching…
“Pauly, ‘why’ was Piper angry just-now…?”
“… aah, don’t worry about-it – these ‘entities’ have their-beef amongst them… it’s best ‘not’ to interfere…”
… he ‘lied’ to his-girlfriend so that, Jane WOULDN’T UNPREDICTABLY-react – just like she was a-notch-up rebellious ‘JUST-NOW’ @the-battlegound mission… where he ‘suspected’ her-mood swings and-imbalances WERE DUE TO-her ‘being’ preggo…
Finally, the old-monk and the one-armed Red-demon beamed-up – John approached the supe-duo….
“… both of you… SeeIn wants an-emergency Council-Meeting to discuss ‘our’ failed-mission of the Garden-Of-Eden – please follow-us to the meeting-room…”
Paul trailed-behind with ‘grumbling’ thoughts when he-heard Johnno used the-words – FAILED-MISSION – where-else everyone did deserve a well-earned victory… as HE-TOO killed BlackStar, her Red-tornado, and her-pet chump vampire-bat, Popobawa…
… it all-went-well to-the-tee… until the Good-side conceded to-a LAST-ROUND KO – when the ‘sneaky-gut-punch’… that floored-them – when the-seraph Metatron dropped the nuclear-apple bomb…
… that destructed the paradise-garden…
The group walked into a-dim white-walled room with a WHITE-COUCH… Paul remembered ‘being’ in the-room before in the-OTHER-PERTH…
… when Mercury brought Paul to the Underworld to meet Venus… with her-then partner, was Leo, the ‘jealous’ Black-lion. While the 2-loincloth entities settled their machoistic-differences of masculinity-pride –
Venus telepathically brought Paul-away TO THE Cube-Of-Apollo – where they-both sat on the ‘same’ WHITE-COUCH… and, Venus ‘interviewed’ him of his-devil twin…
Paul was walked in the rear following Jane… with her ‘stained’ nightgown – hearing-along of the chummies Mercury-and-St Michael comparing battle-traumas sustained in just-now’s mission inflicted by St Raphael…
… where Mercury ‘could-not’ completely self-generate TO HEAL… to which, the injured-too big-winged St Michael-responded… that wounds caused by an ANGEL’S SWORD took 3 days to-FULLY CURE…
A door slide-open and the-group walked into a spacious, smoky bigger white-room. Paul noticed a unique BOARD-ROOM white-table…
… it was a Reversed-Triangle in shape – with 12 SEATS – and, the table had a ‘cut-out’ in the middle with a-pit-pyre that burnt herbs-and-incenses – that acted like a truth-serum which induced a pseudo-hallucination nature – for the mind to-speak ‘freely’…
At the head-of-the-overturned 3-pointed table, seated…
SEEIN the Buddhist-Watcher – who sat beside the-All-Women-Trinity: MOTHER VENUS – representing the Roman Godhead DORA – representing the Dead-Souls SIMY – representing the AI-Sentients
The quartet sat-and-faced the right-side of:
MERCURY – the ‘repented’ demon ST MICHAEL – the ex-communicado angel PAUL WALKER – the superhero, Gemini-Blue JANE WILSON – the superhero, StarGirl
… on the left-side:
JOHN SEE – the Time-traveller-cum-moderator WOLF-MAN – representing the Animal-Spirits
… there were 2 ‘absentees’ vacant seats:
Paul sat in-between his-girlfriend and-archangel. And-noticing Jane at the far-end of pointed triaged-table, ‘looking-away’… opposite-her was her-watchful protector, the-Wolf-Man. Blind-Jane was ‘quiet,’ with closed-up body-language posture, and occasionally-yawning in-somnolence …
‘… yea-bummer, I’m ‘tired’ too, dear… and ‘want’ to-go home…’
… then-he put a hand on her-shoulder… expecting she would-look AT-HIM – but-her terse body tensed-tight… and he ‘KNEW’ THE CAUSE-of-it…
… it WAS THE ALL-WOMEN-TRINITY – who were at the-head of the-table… staring-and-scrutinising her every-move…
… especially, the hologram-SIMY who took-on THE AVATAR of her-doctor-mother… whom she-despised…
Paul DIDN’T ‘KNOW’ the 3rd-woman in-the-trio – who was ‘opaque’ in-nature…
… the soul-of-Dora was a ‘stranger’ to-him – but was an INTEGRAL PART of Jane’s 666th-Bride-of-Asmodeus’ rescue conquest… when she was ‘TAKEN’ IN-her-dreams…
The teen-superhero ‘felt’ weird sitting at the-table, ‘seeing-a-dead-person,’ WHO WAS on-board of the committee of-Watchers’ Council – anyways, he fought-along the GOOD-SIDE of SeeIn’s army on the Undead zombie-monks JUST-NOW…
… but he ‘couldn’t’ understand ‘WHAT’ THE Watcher’s ministry of the New-Religion – the All-Women-Trinity WAS ‘ABOUT’ – where, Venus was proclaimed TO-BE...
... the-Mother-of the Living-and-the ‘Dead’…
The lights went-down…
And, a grim-and-sombre John stood-up as the moderator – chocking in tears, he-spoke…
“… today is a sad-and-heart-breaking time for the-WATCHERS’-CAUSE à with the destruction of Mother Venus’ GARDEN-OF-EDEN… wretchedly killed-all the-trees, animals and the cupid-workers…”
He looked-at the Trinity-Women sobbing at the head-of the-reversed-triangled table… and switched-on the boardroom’s slide-projector – Paul felt-like he was @biology-classroom watching running-slides of environmental-disaster of Flora-and-Fauna…
John-See spoke-again…
“… and, tonight’s garden-paradise destruction would be-felt on earth… with its ramification-affect would-be ‘even-more’ detrimental in the POOR-HEALTH of the aged-Mother Nature. Scientists would-soon discover a ‘new’ disease that gives CLIMATE-SICKNESS which would severely-effect the-nature of plants-and-animals on-earth…
“…and that diabolical disease would-be called The-METATRON-VIRUS…
“… soon…
“… the catastrophic-effects would manifest where all-the species of insects would-die in the FIRST-YEAR à which follows by declining in-vegetations, with a lack of-pollination where crops don’t grow-well worldwide – resulting famine-and-war in starving-nations…
“… by the 3RD-YEAR – the cursed-Metatron-virus would ‘poison’ the water with deadly-organisms of bacteria à where marine-life would perish in rivers, seas, and oceans – that would-further levitate WORLD-HUNGER… and the-then superior-nations invade the-weak to plunder-resources…
“… before the 5TH-YEAR – Metatron-Virus would-have killed the-weaker of entire mammal-species on-land, reptiles-included à except for the handful of ANIMAL-SPIRIT SPECIES… and, the avian-raptors of birds in the sky would-be the ‘last’ to-extinct in the 7TH-YEAR…
“… then…
“… the ‘BIG-BOMBS’ GO-off in Perth-earth – where the Metatron-Virus then ‘mutates’ – the ‘survivors’ of the strongest-in-top of the food-chain of mammals-and-reptiles à would ‘evolve’ where they MATE-AMONG each-other – into offspring of diabolic species-of-hybreeds…that ‘prey’ on mankind for-food…
Paul remembered the bomb-devastation IN HIS apocalyptic-Perth dream… where he flew to the Dark-tower in-finding FOR-JANE – where they were ‘attacked’ by a hungry pact of 2-HEADED mutant-hybreed pit-bulls…
“Paul, do you WANT TO LIVE in ‘that’ world – where you’re on-the-run, as-you’re constantly-hunted…? Where, you’re ‘left’ in your-wheelchair…hungry-and-alone to scavage your-next meal in the streets, like an-outcast citizen similar-to the Untouchables-of-Calcutta – while, the-rich ‘ate’ their GMO and lab-processed tofu-toast with avocado…
“Paul, do you ‘want’ TO LIVE in that ‘unjust’ world… that is full-of-hardship, suffering, and sorrows in lower-rung of-society…?”
“… huh…?”
The teen-supe was speechless… ‘noticing’ every adult- eyes were-ON-HIM in the boardroom – he-then ‘looked-away’ TO SEE his blind-girlfriend’s ‘reactions.’ Paul spotted-that Jane ‘had’ already fallen-asleep AT THE-table…
“Don’t look at Jane – we’re talking to you, Paul – the-Counsel want to-know ‘if’ YOU DO want to live in that world of- misery-and-agony…?”
“… no…” Paul in a ‘Hot-spot,’ responded-softly…
“Good! Then you’ll have to ‘level-up’ when you’ll soon be ‘playing’ the-Perth’s Accidental Superheroes-game… PASH for-short… ‘when’ you’ll continue the duties in-Book-8, PERTHLAND – as the superhero-cum-guardian-angel ‘both’ in-the-reality and the-Dreamworld…
“… but ‘before’ that… the-Counsel would want you to do-a-task in POST-TREETON – where you SHOULD ‘SECURE’ the blueprint of Blake-Tower which is ‘where’ the interdimensional travel-portal of the END-TIMES – where Azrael would lead his 72-legions of hell-demons into PERTHLAND, to welcome the-Coming-of the Morning-Star, Lucifer…
“That blueprint is ‘very’ important – as it’s the schematics of the-Dark-Tower that satellites the coordinates of the transportation portal of demons to-Perthland. You’ve to ‘get’ that and ‘study’ it where – in one of the 99th-floor is the ‘portal’…
“…where, your ‘mission’ in Book-8, PERTHLAND is to infiltrate the Blake-Tower and ‘destroy’ the diabolical portal TO-STOP the 7-Princes to ‘step’ onto Perth-earth…”
“… err, pardon-me… John, where do I ‘FIND’ this blueprint…!?” The teenager interrupted…
John chuckled…
“Fortunately, in-POST-TREETON, you’ve been living WITH IT all-along in your father’s house – it’s in the garage of the House-Of-Walker… secure-it – and, study-it… memorize-it…!”
Paul’s jaw-dropped when he thought OF ‘HOW’ his-late dad, Solomon… came to have in-HIS ‘POSSESSION’ – the blueprint to the 7-Princes of Hell’s entry-portal in the Apocalypse’s End-Times…?
John interrupted by-saying…
“Paul, listen – the key Person-Of-Interest in your ‘next’ mission is John Blake… the Prime-Minister of Perthland… don’t ‘suspect’ anymore of Lord Stamford-Crowley, where, the ‘rules’ of engagement have ‘changed’ – Asmodeus ‘since-then’ had shapeshifted to the prime-minister instead… are you ‘clear’ Paul…?”
The teenager nodded…
“You’re ‘now’ the 12th-member of the-Counsel – KEEP-SUPPORTING our-Cause… which is the-Birth of the All-Women religion named THE-VENUSIAN TRINITY – so that 20-years from now, the-Saviour-Daughter, Apolonia… would FULFIL HER-MISSION ‘before’ the Big-bombs destruct PERTH-EARTH…”
The teenager ‘stopped’ nodding…
“Paul. let’s ‘now’ talk of a ‘DIFFERENT’ TOPIC… and, address the ‘elephant-in-the-room’ – it came to the-Counsel’s knowledge that YOU’VE BUSY in-purchasing abortion-pills for Jane -- so that you could ‘KILL’ THE FUTURE Saviour-and-Redeemer of the-world…?”
The shocked-Paul gasped for-air… speechless and in-guilt IN FRONT of the 10-adults – whose-stares ‘peered’ into-his-soul -- that had committed the SINFUL-CRIME…
… he avoided looking at the hologram, SIMY – who ‘chose’ THE AVATAR-of Jane’s doctor-mother -- and-was a Counsel-member…
‘… she ‘spoke’ like a bitter-angry madwoman in Principal Harris-office – ‘ACCUSING’ ME – FOR the deep-fake Tarzan-video…’
Paul was distracted ‘when’ the Time-traveller said…
“Why are you trying to ‘poison’ the Godhead’s child…?”
Paul stood-up and he-reasoned…
“… cos’ Jane-and-I are ‘minors’ – you-all tricked-and-deceived us to have ‘this’ child – it’s ‘not’ fair-and-just to bring this-burden into our-lives. Jane has a ‘right’ to her-own-body… now that it has ‘been’ body-snatched…”
The boyfriend tugged-on the shoulder of sleeping blind-girl at the table, calling her name to ‘WAKE-HER’ up – but Jane was unresponsive in her deep-REM… so, he shook-her even rougher…
… from the opposite-end of the triangled-table, the provoked Wolf-Man did ‘NOT’ LIKE Jane ‘disturbed’ by Paul. It growled loud at-him to back-off…
The terrified-Paul sat back in his-chair ‘after’ Piper’s intimidation… as being the Guardian-Spirit Animal-Protector of its blind-Master…
“Settle-down you-both – and-Paul, nobody ‘CAN’ KILL the Godhead Saviour-child… as the womb would ‘not’ allow-it… and would RETALIATE TO ITS own-right to live…
“… the-Counsel is ‘concerned’ that you planned TO ‘TAKE’ Jane to an-abortion clinic – is that ‘TRUE’…!?”
The guilt-agonised Paul peeked at the angry-eyes of the All-Women Trinity @the-head-of the table… Paul groaned-and-mumbled…
“… this is ‘not’ fair-and-just – we-just want ‘our’ lives back…”
“… but life is ‘not’ fair, Paul, you CAN’T GET ‘everything’ you-want… we already ‘know’ the outcome of Jane’s decision in-concern of the Immaculate-Conception… BUT YOU – we ‘have’ A PROBLEM…”
The Time-Traveller monk stood-up and reached-under the table… and brought-back the ancient-and-timeworn crystal ball-device, the Chrono-Visor – placing it on the tabletop…
Paul was familiar with the ‘predict-the-future’ small-TV device that-he was-told was the ‘prototype’ device of the Vatican’s Secret-vault – as John had shown-him ‘events’ just-now @the-Pentateuch…
… where 3-handicap SHS’ students and an Army-veteran ‘DIED’ IN a freak-electrical storm in the Treeton dairy-farm…
The hairs on Paul’s nape stood as John switched on the device, as the Time-Traveller narrated… to the ‘future’ events where images of Paul-and-Jane ‘VISITING’ AN abortion-clinic…
“… this ‘happened’ 3-DAYS from-now…”
The teen saw images inside the surgery-room… where his pregnant-girlfriend was sleeping-with her-legs ‘SPREAD-WIDE’ on the operating-table… where beside-her was Paul –holding-her hand, to give moral-support to blind-Jane…
… when a doctor-and-nurse were ‘about’ to carry-on with the procedure – THE-WOMB ‘retaliated’ where à Venus’ protective chastity-belt ‘shot’ lasers – and ‘KILLED’ THE 2-medical-staff…
Paul gasped-aloud to the gruesome-images – which were broadcasted in the Chrono-Visor… seeing the 2-heads explode and left bloodied-walls of the surgery-room…
… before John SWITCHED-OFF the Chrono-Visor – the teen got-to catch a glimpse of the national evening---ews of…
… the infamous Perth’s minor-couple – Tarzan-Paul-and-Jane -- being-detained for ‘questioning’ for 2-DEATHS in the-abortion clinic…
The panic-attacked Paul had a ‘breakdown’ – he cried-uncontrollably… hitting-his own-head ‘several’ times…
“… NOOO!!! This-is ‘totally’ mental – my-Mom IS ‘GOING’ to bloody-arrest and disown me… no-no-no…”
John-then said to ‘calm’ the-boy-down…
“This gruesome tragedy – the meat-wagon entrail-disaster @the-CLINIC COULD BE ‘erased’ à if you could-only comply TO ACCEPT the-Venusian Trinity’s immaculate-conception blessing – AND, PROTECT the Saviour-daughter and Jane from any-Evil harm… Paul, can YOU ‘PROMISE’ the-Counsel that…!?”
“NOOO!!!” The mentally-broken youngster cried-out…
… the crying-boy was still beating his-own head – choking in his-mucus as he growled-out…
“This is TOO-BIG for me!!! I’m ‘not’ ready to-be a ‘surrogate’ father -- and ‘take’ the blame – I WANT OUT… I don’t want to play your-superhero ‘videogame’ any-more – how ‘do-I’ Game-Over myself!!? I WANT OUT!!! Don’t anyone ‘revive’ me-back in Treeton dairy-farm – it’s the day I peacefully ‘died’ on the-OTHER-PERTH. Please-John, I ‘quit’…!!!”
The still-standing with the Chrono-Visor, Time-Traveling-monk protested…
“You’re the key-player, Paul – you can’t ‘QUIT’ MIDWAY…!!? There will be-consequences of natural-disasters in POST-TREETON that will kill everyone you love – your-mom ‘would’ die, and so-would JANE… THE-BABY… Jane’s parents…
“… and ‘even’ my 2-daughters… Maggi-and-Alicia too…”
The ‘quitter’ countered-John, by-saying…
“I didn’t ask you-all TO TRANSFER my-consciousness into a videogame, ‘after’ I died in Treeton field-trip… WHY DID YOU-ALL do that ‘against’ my-will!!? I should be-having a Christian burial in Karrakatta Cemetery, next to my-father’s grave – instead-you…
“… drag my-soul and make me ‘play’ this videogame ‘AGAINST’ MY WILL – with missions that I didn’t ‘sign-up-for’ that I’m ‘NOT’ READY cos’ I’m just a minor… just-a ‘kid’ who ‘still’ wet his-pants… THAT’S ‘WHY’ I’ve no-business to-be involved in some galactic-sized Armageddon END-OF-THE-WORLD videogame, and…
“… I don’t want your ‘superpowers’ too – it’s A-BLOODY ‘CURSE’ – that brought-me ‘bad-luck’ in every-Perth I ‘go’… I rather be A ‘CRIPPLE-BOY,’ than to-bear the burden of being the Protector-of-Perth… and THE-GUILT I-TOO ‘BEAR’ to my-Christian-soul – by some-of-the things I’ve DONE-AND-REGRETTED as Gemini-Blue…
“I QUIT! My ‘failures’ is ON-YOU-ALL – you can’t TAINT-THAT-GUILT of my-loved-ones dying on-me… cos’ I ‘NEVER’ WANTED TO-PLAY ‘your’ videogame in-the-first place…!!!! You-all ‘forced’ me into the game ‘WHEN’ I WAS DEAD – and ‘now’ blame me for natural-disaster that’s about to ‘kill’ everyone in POST-TREETON…!? Is that ‘fair’ for me-or y’all, by ‘making’ me a ‘SLAVE’ TO THIS-game, huh…!?
“… BRING-ON THOSE terrifying natural-disasters – I’m ‘already’ dead, am I ‘not’…!? And I don’t ‘mind’ dying a 2ND-TIME WITH my-loved-ones – BRING-IT-ON! Tonight, everyone in that ‘cursed’ POST-TREETON dies – and, a ‘bad-luck’ GAME-OVER for-everyone…!!!”
Everyone-then heard a ‘woman’s’ voice SPEAK FROM the head-of-the triangled-table – it was the-Messenger of the All-Women, Venusian-Trinity…
… SIMY lashed-out at the-teen ‘Quitter’…
“SHAME-ON YOU! You selfish-and-wicked boy! You’re are the ‘weakest-link’ in the formation of Defenders-Of-Perth superheroes. You ungrateful-crippled-boy -- who would be-given 2nd-chance among the thousands of ‘other’ crippled-boys like-you… who would-dying TO BE in you-shoes, ‘as’ a superhero in their-lives…
… and-here you ‘are,’ when-we ‘got’ a ‘quitter’ candidate named Paul-Walker – a heartless ‘loser’ –who don’t-care nor love those around-him…
The hologram of the doctor-mother ‘avatar, ‘AI-continued ‘slamming’ Paul with lambastes…
“Where is your unconditional-love for Jane, Paul-Walker, hah….!!? She would ‘die’-- IF YOU-QUIT ‘now, you-fool…!!! And, you don’t seem TO-BE in ‘love-with-her,’ ever-since the Immaculate-Conception – no-wonder – you had ‘poisoned’ her with ‘your’ abortion-pills…
“You don’t deserve her-too – while your-possessed-twin, Peter had-manifest into a vile-incubus -- who ‘would’ have ‘MORE’ CONTROL in-his attacks in her-sleep… why aren’t you ‘defending’ her from Peter’s corrupted-nightmares…!!?”
SIMY continued to-berate…
“You’re the ‘future’ KEY-PLAYER in Perthland… for ‘you’ to destroy the Evil-transport portal @the-Blake-Tower -- and ‘yet’ YOU-NOW QUIT à with repercussions-of it-are that the 7-Princes’ End-Times-War TO-BE ‘happening’ even-sooner!!!
Paul saw the hologram-of-SIMY, projecting calculations of numbers-in-equations in-the algorithm of Ontology-Mathematics… the waves-of-numbers ‘crawled’ on the face of the avatar of Jane’s doctor-mother… as the AI ‘predicted’…
“Those 7-Demonic-brothers ‘would’ cause billions-of-death of men, women-and-children worldwide – if ‘those’ Evils ‘walked’ thought the Gateway-portal @Perth-earth -- then, humanity’s blood is ON-YOU, Paul Walker!!!
“You better GET-BACK in line, boy… and ‘accept’ the Order of The Venusian-Trinity’s Cause to the world – which-is to free-minds from ‘slavery’ of Wicked-dictators of-both…Earth-and-Underworld – this ‘new’ religion is ‘both’ blessing-and A ‘CURE’ to the ‘future’ humanity-- with the Coming-of-the Redeemer, Saviour-Daughter…
“Paul! Accept the ‘fruit’ of Jane’s womb, Apollonia-- IF ‘NOT’ – BE ‘condemned,’ by letting your ‘crooked’ Christian-soul TO-BE doomed ‘along’ with your-war criminal father, who-was the ‘inventor’ of the-Blueprint of the-Cursed-portal… ‘where’ YOU-WITH Solomon-Walker WOULD-BOTH-suffer and-be-damned-in Purgatory…!"
The teen-supe youngster trembled by the-wrath of the AI’s digital-voice lashing-at him for ‘submission’ – he-then turned-to his-right to his-Guardian-angel, St Michael and-seek-counsel…
“St Mike, what DO-YOU ‘think’ WOULD-HAPPEN at the-End-Times…!!?”
The Archangel shrugged his-wings, as he spoke-out…
“Well, O’Good-Paul ... right-now, the Christian-Heaven is upside-down – with the presence of the false Trickster-God, Yaldabaoth, ‘imposter-ing’ as the Almighty-Yahweh -- and have ‘CONTROL’ OF Heaven’s Army...
“... if I go-over there, I’ll BE ‘DEAD’ – so, I rather be ‘with’ The-Holy SeeIn – and be-part of humanity’s new-religion, and ‘support’ the-Cause of the Venusian-Trinity’s Immaculate Conception – of ‘welcoming’ the Redeemer -- the Saviour-Daughter Of-the-Roman Godhead-superhero...
“... who ‘would’ in 20-years TO ‘COME’ – who ‘would’ put-an-end to Lucifer’s reign in Perth-earth!!!”
Paul WASN’T ‘LIKING’ of-what he-was ‘hearing’… and interrupted…
“Are you ‘seriously’ going TO ‘JOIN’ this All-Women religion. O’ St Michael…!!?”
The angel chucked…
“... O’ Paul, isn’t ALL RELIGIONS on God’s earth – having ‘all’ good-and-pure virtues for mortals LIKE-YOU -- to ‘pick-and-choose’ its-nuggets to shape your ‘OWN’ INDIVIDUAL gems-of-beliefs towards the Goodness-of-humanity ...?
“Even-though I’m a true-blood Christian for eons – ever-since the Monad-Mind ‘created’ earth-among ‘other’ galaxies ... BUT I DO ‘accept’ progressive-beliefs too, especially...
“... if I can find ‘ALLIES’ TO-AID ‘in-what’ I was trained-TO-DO as the Head-Of-Yahweh’s army -- and, to defeat the ‘future’ Coming-of Lucifer with his-legions of his-Dark-army, in the End-Times...
“I’m ‘blessed’ TO-HAVE ‘allies-of:
The Godhead-superhero -- Apollonia Her-mother -- the StarGirl, Jane ... and, even you-too... Paul as -- Gemini-Blue
“Start ‘believing’ in your powers, Paul – and make-us ‘proud’ in Perthland as the ‘Guardian-angel-duo ‘when’ protecting-humanity...
“We’re the 2-CATHOLICS in this-Council-Of-Watchers – we have ‘each-other’s’ back... and-Paul, you won’t be ‘alone’ in-your mission-journey...”
The-encouraging Archangel patted the-teen’s shoulder – the-exciting Time-Traveller monk-then stood-up, and rejoindered…
“So-Paul, ARE YOU continuing with levelling-up – for Book-8…!?”
Paul did ‘not’ make eye-contact… as he NODDED-SLOWLY to-them…
Even-though the-lingering ‘problem’ in his-head ‘STILL’ PREVAILED -- that his girlfriend -- a ‘juvenile’ – who WAS-PREGGO in the ‘new’ religion-Cause, as the WATCHERS’ PAWN…
But he saw Jane who had-slept through-out the debriefing-Council-meeting… Paul sighed…
‘… hah-'again'?… enjoy my-problems…’
John-See spoke-again…
“So, for my-Record-keeping entry… I ‘state’ that Paul Walker had ‘AGREED’ to-go through ‘next-level’ in PERTHLAND -- and-to ‘proceed’ with the-Counsel’s WAR-CAUSE-waged ‘against’ the 7-Princes of the Underworld… in the Armageddon’s END-GAME…!!!”
Paul-then heard the-seated Red-demon ululating a war-song in his-Sumerian tongue, while pounding the table with-his one-arm… in-favour of Paul – finally ‘proceeding’ to the ‘NEXT’ MISSION in PERTHLAND…
He-then saw St Michael and-the Wolfman standing and clapping-aloud with John-See – while his unconscious-girlfriend, still-slept soundly at the-table…
… finally, the old-bearded monk, SeeIn too stood, chanting, raising-both his arms TO GIVE the teen-supe HIS-BLESSINGS, along with the…
… All-Women Trinity too-rose from-their chairs… to applaud to PAUL’S DECISION – to ‘not’ quit-midway -- and take ‘responsibilities’ in HIS 2ND-CHANCE in life as Perth’s ‘Accidental’ SUPERHERO…
THE MEETING OF THE Watchers’ Council ended-up in a good-note – with Paul-Walker ‘agreeing’ to continue level-up in ‘future’ missions in PERTHLAND. The Time-Traveller, Paul, with the Wolfman… who carried its-Master, the sleeping Jane – and, the-4 ‘beamed-up’ from the-Cube to-their orange-portal…
… John-See, the designated-driver had to bring-the youngsters-and-Piper from the ‘dream-in-a’ Dreamworld-dimension – BACK-TO to their ‘respective’ homes @Perth-earth…
They were inside the hovering-on autopilot, Pentateuch’s spacious-cockpit that-was dim-lighted. John powered-it up and ‘set’ the course-coordinates to-Perth. While, Paul saw the Wolfman ‘transforming’ into a-grey Shepsky… of-the mixed-breed big-dog husky. Then, on the floor, Jane slept-in a foetal-position cuddling her-dog for-warmth in-the aircon portal… while the pooch-too was tired ‘after’ battling hordes-of flying-gorillas in the Killing-Field just-now…
Paul-too was extremely-TIRED ‘AFTER’ the 3-hour of aerial-battle… especially, the monstrous-clash with BlackStar’s Red-Tornado – that left the teen-supe weary and weak-in the-knees… ‘feeling’ like-a cripple-again…
He collapse-and-slumped in his-wheelchair… yawning in dead beat fatigue – he then-heard ‘loud’ snoring… first-thinking it was the big-dog – but it was-Jane…
John chuckled at the bushed-blind tween’s stertors, saying…
“… poor-girl is ‘tired’ – SHE ‘FOUGHT’ a good-fight just-now…”
‘… so-did I…’
Paul-too was dozing-off in thoughts of the ‘failed’ mission – despite, he-had efficaciously ‘rescued’ SeeIn from the ‘belly-Of The-Red-Tornado…
… it ‘was’ the emotional-rollercoaster in argument @the Council-debrief meeting which-was even-more exhausting – where HE ‘GOT’ the short-end of the stick…
‘… enjoy-my problems…’
“Paul, are you-awake…?” The-monk-then asked…
“A little-piece of advice – if you’re willing-to-listen…?”
“… Yeahh...”
‘… talk-away, Johnno – as-long you don’t-play your awful-taste of-road music…”
The Time-Traveller monk spoke…
“Remember-always, Paul – that you’re THE GOOD-ONE in the-Cursed-Trio… and, even Jane is 50-50 -- so, STAY GOOD-always… and don’t ‘stray’ with your-negative thoughts-and-actions…
“… I know it’s difficult-to-hard TO BE a-Good ‘person’ à with-all the-negative emotions of the 7-Sins of Evil ‘hanging-out’ daily in your ‘own’ playground of life’s reality…
“… therefore, practice the-meditation that Adiyogi had ‘TAUGHT-YOU’ à most of-all, practice ‘patience’ and unconditional-forgiveness…
“… live ‘your-life’ as a saint ‘would,’ Paul -- and have-control on ‘every’ thought-and-action that ‘strays’ to-negative…
“Just say-ALOUD NO -- when-ever you’re ‘disturbed by Evil-thoughts – can you do-that, Paul…? Huh… are you awake…?”
The teen didn’t-reply… and ‘pretended’ to-sleep…
‘… it won’t be-easy, Johnno… it ‘sure’ won’t be-easy…’
Returning To The Cultivation World Through A Game
Qin Tian, a genius in the cultivation world who failed to become a Heavenly Emperor, ended up dying at the hands of his enemy who succeeded in becoming a Heavenly Emperor.
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Out of Foxes to Give
When you’re reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki you do one of two things: cheer because you remember the story and are able to abuse your future knowledge, or realize that you’re in a world where they train child soldiers who throw fireballs and explosions around like candy and reasonably freak out. In a sense you’re either screwed or screwed but you know why. I didn’t really read Naruto when I was a kid. However, had I known that it would be useful in death, I would have! And I’m certainly regretting it now! ———————————— A definite AU for Naruto. I’m going to remove some parts and add some others for the sake of plot holes(so if something doesn't seem quite right it's probably intended... maybe), but I’ll try to stick to as close to how the Naruto-verse works. Also, say goodbye to canon! Also, disclaimer, I do not own Naruto as that belongs solely to Kishimoto. I do, however, own this story. Source for the pictures(as in I can't draw that well and they are not mine): Kurama:http://orig10.deviantart.net/2baa/f/2013/258/2/e/pup_kurama__nine_tailed_fox___naruto__by_dennismennis13-d6mfjuu.png Naruto:https://www.deviantart.com/byhatakekakashi/art/naruto-chibi-327169893
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Game Master - Unlocked (Terror Infinity) (Old Version)
Taking some inspiration from the guy who made Terror Infinite - Side B. Jin can't remember how he arrived, playing a twisted game for who knows why. All he knows is he needs to survive. A place where the, 'Game Masters', decides the fate all those who arrive. Would you Kindly, ________________? Yes/No?
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Rate The Ship (Countryhumans edition)
Art cover by: clowningon on Instagram
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Our Little Moon
Meet Artemis "Luna" Selene De luca, a 5 years old, bubbly little girl and full of life until one day her my mom died. And now she has to live with her oldest brother; Ares De Luca.Actually they are 5.She has no idea how they look, but it doesn't matter.She doesn't know anything about them but their names. So what will happen when she starts living with them? Will they going to accept her? so why not join with her journey to find out?This is Luna's story and she's happy to share it with you all. ***************************************************This is another book of mine and I hope you will give it a shot. ⚠️Please dont copyDate created: March 11, 2022Date finished: All the pictures were not mine and all the language other than english, come from translator google.🌙*************500➡️march 18,20225k. ➡️march 21,202210k➡️march 23 202220k➡️march 26 202238k➡️march 30 202249k➡️april 1 202270k➡️april 7 202284k➡️april 10100k➡️april 14140k➡️april 27200k➡️june 4240k➡️june22280k➡️july 23🥇cuteness➡️march 20 🥇little sister➡️march 244🎖teenfiction➡️march 30🥈olderbrothers➡️apr 1🥇luna ➡️april 10🥇babysister➡️april 11🥇siblings➡️april 13🥇olderbrothers➡️june 25
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i hate u | rosekook
From high school rivalry to petty college bickering, Jungkook and Rosie hate each others' guts but somehow, their constant spats lead them to understand and explore more about each other.genre: social media au, college au, enemies to lovers, taerose!bestieswarnings: none
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