《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 12: The Intergalactical Council Meeting


Chapter 12: The Intergalactical Council Meeting


THE 2 PORTALS HID IN the dark-side of the moon, and-ESCAPED WHEN Metatron came. The Pentateuch and the-Cube HAD FLED ‘before’ the-monstrous blast happened in the Killing field … and don’t know ‘WHO’ HAD-survived in the garden-paradise…

… 10-minutes-later, they had the-on the ‘ground’ first-contact ‘when’ –SeeIn telepathically contacted the portals…

… ‘informing’ that they wouldn’t come-onboard yet – as the 4 OF THEM were going to check-out the-damage to the-Garden…

As-their backup, SIMY sent 5-drones below…


As the designated-driver, John-See did ‘not’ want TO ‘DISMISS’ both the-exhausted Paul-and-Jane ‘after’ their-supe-mission. He wanted to-stall them as he had planned a ‘debriefing’ meeting-later to discuss the ‘failed’ garden-mission… and he wanted the teen-supes to participate-in…

The bespectacled-monk saw the youngsters were ‘filthy’ with their clothing covered with blood-and-grime – since they ‘had’ some downtime before the debriefing… he offered them bathroom-service by clicking his-universal remote-control…

“… I ‘think’ you-2 should take a bath…”

Paul was ‘impressed’ with the Pentateuch’s defining-its ‘laws-of-space’ as the medium-size portal-ship – that-had a door-opened to a spacious orange-lit bathroom-cum-spa…

“Come-on, you-2 – go-freshen-up…”

There was no-response from both-the tired-teens…

“Do you ‘both’ want go in-together…?” John chuckled…

Paul-then heard his-girlfriend….

“I’ll ‘go’ first…”

Paul heard John instructing blind-Jane to-follow the music playing in-the-bathroom – which-was the same serene-Asian pipe-tune Paul heard in the bonsai-glasshouse where he visited just-now in John-See’s Perth-reality as a Time-traveller’s hideout…

In the-cockpit, Paul slump-dropped on wheelchair exhausted ‘after’ the fighting mission – his lower back hurts-too…

‘… I’m with-you Toby’ Spidey’ McGuire… I ‘feel’ your pain-too…’

But his-mind was-accompanied by-another emotionally-dissatisfaction of…

… the joke John-See ‘had’ cracked which troubled him… of him ‘showering’ with-Jane à AS IT was some-what like the devil-twin’s porn-fantasy – where-else, HE WAS a-certified Catholic-virgin who doesn’t even masturbate… ending, waking-UP IN his-adolescence-mornings, with heavy-wet adult-diapers:

the-point IS THAT, ‘soon’ everybody would-know that Jane was ‘preggo’ based on the circulation the viral-plagued of the Tarzan deep-fake video viewership which-would generate the rumours TO-BE true-confession ‘evidence’ that-- pointing him as the ‘culprit’ TO BE the girlfriend’s baby-daddy in Perth…

‘…oh-noo… I don’t ‘want’ TO-BE another St Joseph…’


John-too sat on the elevated-circular platform which he ‘surfed’ stepping-on when he time-travelled… which-was a legless-stool… in the seatless orange-portal…

John had to ‘keep’ Paul awake and continue his-REM-cycle as they ‘were’ still in the mission as there would be-a debriefing session. The Time-Traveller was praising-Paul who had defeated the notorious Red-Tornado and subsequently killed BlackStar and Popobawa.

But the low-profiled Paul was in NO-MOOD for adulatory-and-flattering – Paul ‘had’ heard it-all before after being-as a recipient of the mayor awards twice in school…

He was distracted by-Jane’s chuckling voice-responding TO A Japanese-woman’s voice inside the-spa…

“… Thank-you soo-much – you can ‘find-me’ in WhatsApp – Boyyo will ‘give-you’ my-#... bye, Popo-and-Pipi… excellent 10-star service!”

Even-though, it was 2 MINUTES – but her nightgown WAS CLEAN-washed in-immaculate bleached-white… Paul WAS BLOWN-away…

‘Wow! Asians do THE-BEST – AND FAST dry-cleaning…’

… he got-off the-wheelchair and went to his-blind girlfriend – who-spoke to-him in a childlike voice…

“… Pauly, Popo played a ‘beautiful’ music just-now – hahaha, Baby ‘danced’ in-my-belly… and, I-then ‘saw’ in my-mind of her-dancing for-me… she ‘got’ that talent from-you…”

Paul was-surprised but-in-rejection …

‘… huh-no… I’m ‘NOT’ THE baby-daddy…’

“… so, I subscribed’ THAT MUSIC to be in-my song-playlist…” Jane concluded her-excitement… which-got Paul thinking…

‘… is there such-a-thing as-an INTERDREAM WORLD music-network subscription…?’

Jane thanked the-host, John in the ‘same’ childlike-voice…

“Thanks-John for letting me have a bath – Pipi’s body-massages were out-of-heaven good…”

“… haha, I’m glad you liked the ‘automation’ services that I had installed-and-modified in the Pentateuch…” John proudly-responded…


Paul was distracted by Jane’s green neon-panties that glowed-silhouetted under the nightgown when she walked to-the-monk…

Before Paul could-SAY A word-of-warning, the clean-dressed blind-Jane SAT ON the wheelchair – that was ‘filthy’ with blood-and-grime from Paul’s dirtied-school uniform…

‘…err… sorry ‘about’ that, dear… Johnno should ‘SERIOUSLY’ INVEST in bucket-seats in his-portal ride…’

He groaned-and-mentally apologized…

At the same-time, the-teen was curious ON HOW THE dry-cleaning works… and also-of the 2-minute-spa… even Jane’s pixie-hair was saloon-blown-and-set to-perfection…

‘… ALL-THAT ‘under’ 2-minutes -- it DEFIES TIME…’

Paul walked in – and was-curious of Japanese woman’s voice he-heard but was greeted-by 2 identical-smiley-faced, 3-foot-tall orange-robots…

… both the male-voiced ‘had’ GLASS-DOME head-on like Mysterio…

… ‘both’ robots were programmed to switch-genders TO SUIT the needs-and-confinements of individual user’s privacy…

The teen was ‘familiar’ with Jane’s AI, Boyyo-and-SIMY…and-even Peter’s own ‘slave’ AI that Kimura-Star gave-him… remembering-also…

… the Alphatron-intel operated self-driving BMW in PERTHLAND after he killed the-owner – the Crowley’s ‘shapeshifter’ attorney, Richard Bradbury when he headed to Stamford-hotel to confront his-devil twin…

Popo-then spoke…

“Master-Paul, you have the-option to ‘see’ our human-faced avatar, if you choose….”

Both the robots’ glass-domes featured Asian-faces – that reminded Paul of Hiro-and-Taro…

“… no… go-back to ‘smiley-face’…” Paul requested…

… wanting his-privacy – AND ‘NOT’ wanting to be watched-by android’s sentient eyes when he was-naked…

‘… hope these ‘f*****s’ don’t go-rouge – video-me…’

He stepped into a bath-chamber hexagon with 6 wall-mirrors – then pressured-jets of air hit him in-all-directions…

… it was a-shower with-no water but utilised vapour…

… he giggled-as he was ticked by the soft-touching of steam-pressure of more than 1000s to fingertips on his body simultaneously gently-poking him…

The vapours too had a nerve-relief drug that relaxed his tense-body… he looked at the mirrors of the dirt-and-grime washed-away in his 6-pack ab-body….

… he felt like-in a carwash – when a-set of robotic-arms of-brushes of electronic-scrubber worked-next… as it soaped his body and shampooed his-head…

Paul closed his-eyes as it scratched his-scalp… JUST LIKE his-dog back-home would-close its-eyes when… he scratched-Kitty’s head…

‘… aaa-soo-goood…’

Then, a final blow-dry of a-1000 fingertips warm-steam was in-contact to-arid his waterless-shower… followed by a transparent sheet of silk-soft synthetic foamed-material was-then buffering his-damp body-dry…

‘… Johnno is the Tony-Stark – when it ‘came’ to designing bathing-showers…’

… an orange bath-towel was lowered by the mechanical-arm – he wanted to grab the towel but the 2nd-arm ‘swatted’ his hand… and, with both the robotic-arms then-tied the towel around his waist with a firm-knot-fold…

… the hexagon mirrors were lifted – the squeaky-clean Paul felt in-in-heaven like the Eddie-Murphy’s pampered prince from Coming-to-America… who in the-movie, don’t have to lift-a-finger as the palace ‘servants’ do his-cleaning-up…

He felt the air-cond’s cool air ‘after’ his steam-bath – Popo asked…

“Master Paul, it’s time for your-2-hour massage…”

“NO, I don’t want a-massage…” Paul declined – although he ‘had’ backaches…

Even though, Jane had a 2-hour spa treatment…but Paul turned-down his as-he ‘was’ worried about his-unpredictable girlfriend outside in the cockpit…

Remembering St Mike’s chiding him for IRRESPONSIBLY MISSING like just-now… when he looked for Jane who sleep-walked to ‘steal’ sour mangoes outside the-fence of the GOE…

“Master-Paul, have some green-tea then…”

He was thirsty…

“… ‘not’ boiling-hot, please – I can’t be sipping-tea all-day like in ‘that’ Connery-Snipes’ movie…” The time-sensitive teen fussed…

The ‘other’ orange-robot, Pipi-then rolled-over… and brought his-express delivery of his SHS green-uniform – all-washed-and-pressed…

“Wow! Thank-you, guys! EXCELLENT! First-Class dhobi-work...!”

The school-blazer which he-wore, felt toasted-warm in the chill air-cond-ed washroom– Paul was dressed and stood… while drinking-up the infused-tea to-hydrate…

… he thanked the service-robot-duo again – before exiting the spa/bathroom…



Paul walked-out with his-makeover ‘under’ a-minute compared to Jane’s 2. He saw some activity of John ‘communicating’ with SIMY on the comms while, blind-Jane was yawning seated on the wheelchair…

The Time-Traveller monk saw Paul walking-over… John-said…

“We’re going over-to THE CUBE-Of-Apollo…”

“No-mate, take us-BACK HOME– Jane-and-I are very-tired…” Paul rejected… ‘not’ wanting TO-BE in-the-same ‘space’ with the ‘betrayers’…

“Paul, the ‘mission’ is ‘not’ over-yet – you-2 stick-around TO THE-END… then-later, I’ll send you-both ‘home,’ okay….?”

Paul was displeased by the-adult ‘dictating’ him-around – but he saw the-quiet Jane ‘obeying’ the-monk… as she got-up and went-to-John…

The boyfriend sighed-inwards… and he-too followed – ‘noticing’ the back-of Jane’s clean-nightgown was partially-stained by the ‘dirty’ wheelchair…

The-3 Star-trek ‘beamed-up’ to the ‘other’ portal-ship…


In a blink-of-an eye, Paul was in the white-interior of the Cube-Of-Apollo’s cockpit… which was ‘more’ spacious than the Pentateuch – Paul remembered John saying…

… that the-Cube could ‘manipulate’ the law-of-physical-space to ‘fit’ an entire-football stadium by magical-chant of Mother Venus…

Paul-too had ‘been’ inside the Cube before in the-OTHER-PERTH – recognising the corner – where Venus took-him over to-sit… and, interviewed him the-last-time…

Venus was crying with the 2-women over the destruction of the garden-paradise – where she was the landlord…

But-Paul was remorse…

‘… beautiful place à but hate the politics…’

… covering-up the hatred-and-angst, the poker-faced teen was-glad that-the ‘betrayer’ Kerubiel who ‘tricked’ him with bad-apple was ‘now’ dead…

From the-rear of the cockpit, Paul observed the 5-holograms that displayed as feed-monitors:

The TREE-OF-KNOWLEDGE in cam-feed-A – showed St Michael and the Wolf-man ‘had’ the discovering the skeletal-remains of Kerubiel… with-his charred elongated-big skull biting a burnt-apple

Paul saw the-freaky smiling-skull – like he was having the ‘last-laugh’ as he successfully made Jane ‘preggo’ by the bad-luck bad-apple…

The TREE-OF-LIFE in cam-feed-B – showed the monk-SeeIn and the Red-demon beside the mango-tree was partially-scorched to the-earth

Paul recognised that ‘same’ tree by his-carvings on its-bark… ‘when’ in the 2-virgins’ failed visit to the garden to have-sex – ‘where’ Paul later excused himself to go-pee… under the mango-tree, where he-then took a sharp-tipped stone and ‘carved’ both his-and-Jane’s initials on the bark to ‘signify’ their visit to Eden…

The 3 CAVES-OF-CUPIDS in cam-feed-C – was the passage-view in the dark interconnecting-caves… the lighted-probe cam showed the killing the populous of 7,777 cherubs – huddling-each other at the time they were all-incinerated by Metatron ‘dropping’ the bomb

Jane cried – the caves were the safe haven during her Peter-the-incubus’ nightmares in Eden … where the slumbering-cherubs hid the blind-soul by stacking themselves on the sleeping-Jane to shrouded from-the Evil virginity-hunter incubus…

The FLORA-FAUNA in cam-feed-D – was-an ariel view of the major destruction of the Garden-Of-Eden which showed the devastation of ‘all’ trees-and-animals… which were the ‘prototype-origins’ of the-creation of Mother Nature’s produce-on-earth

Everyone gasped in-silence looking at the devastation in-the live-footages… even Paul ‘felt’ sorry for the ‘furry’ animals that-died…

The JURASSIC-WORLD in cam-feed-E – that showed ‘dead’ dinosaurs littered in the backyard of Eden

Paul was astounded-by the presences of these massive-reptiles ‘existence’ in the garden – even-though the Bible-had ‘never’ once-mention of their-knowledge of -exisistnce....

... but instead mentioned a host-legion of ‘other’ monsters…


The Cube-Of-Apollo was on-autopilot…

Moments later, the Archangel-Michael and the Wolf-man beamed-up to the-Cube – and, a quarrel broke-out between the werewolf and the time-traveller monk…

John was heard-saying…

“I made a-stupid ‘mistake’ by being on Asmodeus’ ‘radar’… when-then I VISITED THE ‘future’ prophet in her-dreams in Malaysia – and, the Evil-One then unleashed his Fu-Dogs hellhounds, which ‘almost’ got her-killed…


“… the ‘prophet’ is MY-DAUGHTER – I was concern for her as-A-FATHER…”

… some-how Paul reckoned that the argument was about Alicia’s new-found twin sister… MAGGI – WHO derived-mysteriously ‘after’ a dozen-years ‘lost’ in Malaysia… but ‘now’ immigrated to Perth…

Paul-then listened to John-See’s true-confession, where…

… the time-traveller ‘had’ visited Singapore 12-years-ago – AND IMPREGNATED the-mother of the future-prophet, while creating an-extramarital affair to the then-married woman’s life over-there… who later ‘bore’ a set-of twin-girls…

… where the blind-baby prophet was GIVEN-OUT for adoption among-relatives… and ‘was’ taken-away to Malaysia…

The Wolf-man still seething-IN-RAGE but… the-injured St Michael ‘restrained’ him – with John further apologising…

“I’m sorry, Lang-ren – the Fu-dogs was my-mistake… I SHOULD ‘NOT’-HAVE interfered with your ‘duties’ of the animal-guardian ‘spirit’ TO BOTH-OF the blind-girls. I promise from-now-on to step-back -- and let YOU BE THE-protector of the-Prophet and the future-mother OF THE-Saviour-daughter…!”

The lycan finally-calmed-down – JOHN NOTICED that Paul was nearby eavesdropping… the time-traveller approached the teen-superhero in-person…

“… Paul! Listen-here… you should ‘not’ tell both Maggi-and-Alicia that I’m ‘their’ father… or they’ll be in-danger if they knew – and don’t tell Jane-too… her rash-counter-actions may ‘alter,’ and-may change the ‘written’ narrative-script in Perthland’s BOOK-8… are you listening, Paul…? Promise-me that…?” The Record-keeper requested…

“… kay’…” Paul nodded and walked-away…

… he thought-back that it made-sense – Alicia-and-Maggi have ‘resemblance’ looks to John … and ‘not’ Albert-Wang – as ‘their’ alleged-father in POST-TREETON Perth…

Blind-Jane ‘saw’ the blue-glow approaching…

“Pauly, ‘why’ was Piper angry just-now…?”

“… aah, don’t worry about-it – these ‘entities’ have their-beef amongst them… it’s best ‘not’ to interfere…”

… he ‘lied’ to his-girlfriend so that, Jane WOULDN’T UNPREDICTABLY-react – just like she was a-notch-up rebellious ‘JUST-NOW’ @the-battlegound mission… where he ‘suspected’ her-mood swings and-imbalances WERE DUE TO-her ‘being’ preggo…

Finally, the old-monk and the one-armed Red-demon beamed-up – John approached the supe-duo….

“… both of you… SeeIn wants an-emergency Council-Meeting to discuss ‘our’ failed-mission of the Garden-Of-Eden – please follow-us to the meeting-room…”

Paul trailed-behind with ‘grumbling’ thoughts when he-heard Johnno used the-words – FAILED-MISSION – where-else everyone did deserve a well-earned victory… as HE-TOO killed BlackStar, her Red-tornado, and her-pet chump vampire-bat, Popobawa…

… it all-went-well to-the-tee… until the Good-side conceded to-a LAST-ROUND KO – when the ‘sneaky-gut-punch’… that floored-them – when the-seraph Metatron dropped the nuclear-apple bomb…

… that destructed the paradise-garden…


The group walked into a-dim white-walled room with a WHITE-COUCH… Paul remembered ‘being’ in the-room before in the-OTHER-PERTH…

… when Mercury brought Paul to the Underworld to meet Venus… with her-then partner, was Leo, the ‘jealous’ Black-lion. While the 2-loincloth entities settled their machoistic-differences of masculinity-pride –

Venus telepathically brought Paul-away TO THE Cube-Of-Apollo – where they-both sat on the ‘same’ WHITE-COUCH… and, Venus ‘interviewed’ him of his-devil twin…

Paul was walked in the rear following Jane… with her ‘stained’ nightgown – hearing-along of the chummies Mercury-and-St Michael comparing battle-traumas sustained in just-now’s mission inflicted by St Raphael…

… where Mercury ‘could-not’ completely self-generate TO HEAL… to which, the injured-too big-winged St Michael-responded… that wounds caused by an ANGEL’S SWORD took 3 days to-FULLY CURE…

A door slide-open and the-group walked into a spacious, smoky bigger white-room. Paul noticed a unique BOARD-ROOM white-table…

… it was a Reversed-Triangle in shape – with 12 SEATS – and, the table had a ‘cut-out’ in the middle with a-pit-pyre that burnt herbs-and-incenses – that acted like a truth-serum which induced a pseudo-hallucination nature – for the mind to-speak ‘freely’…

At the head-of-the-overturned 3-pointed table, seated…

SEEIN the Buddhist-Watcher – who sat beside the-All-Women-Trinity: MOTHER VENUS – representing the Roman Godhead DORA – representing the Dead-Souls SIMY – representing the AI-Sentients

The quartet sat-and-faced the right-side of:

MERCURY – the ‘repented’ demon ST MICHAEL – the ex-communicado angel PAUL WALKER – the superhero, Gemini-Blue JANE WILSON – the superhero, StarGirl

… on the left-side:

JOHN SEE – the Time-traveller-cum-moderator WOLF-MAN – representing the Animal-Spirits

… there were 2 ‘absentees’ vacant seats:



Paul sat in-between his-girlfriend and-archangel. And-noticing Jane at the far-end of pointed triaged-table, ‘looking-away’… opposite-her was her-watchful protector, the-Wolf-Man. Blind-Jane was ‘quiet,’ with closed-up body-language posture, and occasionally-yawning in-somnolence …

‘… yea-bummer, I’m ‘tired’ too, dear… and ‘want’ to-go home…’

… then-he put a hand on her-shoulder… expecting she would-look AT-HIM – but-her terse body tensed-tight… and he ‘KNEW’ THE CAUSE-of-it…

… it WAS THE ALL-WOMEN-TRINITY – who were at the-head of the-table… staring-and-scrutinising her every-move…

… especially, the hologram-SIMY who took-on THE AVATAR of her-doctor-mother… whom she-despised…

Paul DIDN’T ‘KNOW’ the 3rd-woman in-the-trio – who was ‘opaque’ in-nature…

… the soul-of-Dora was a ‘stranger’ to-him – but was an INTEGRAL PART of Jane’s 666th-Bride-of-Asmodeus’ rescue conquest… when she was ‘TAKEN’ IN-her-dreams…

The teen-superhero ‘felt’ weird sitting at the-table, ‘seeing-a-dead-person,’ WHO WAS on-board of the committee of-Watchers’ Council – anyways, he fought-along the GOOD-SIDE of SeeIn’s army on the Undead zombie-monks JUST-NOW…

… but he ‘couldn’t’ understand ‘WHAT’ THE Watcher’s ministry of the New-Religion – the All-Women-Trinity WAS ‘ABOUT’ – where, Venus was proclaimed TO-BE...

... the-Mother-of the Living-and-the ‘Dead’…


The lights went-down…

And, a grim-and-sombre John stood-up as the moderator – chocking in tears, he-spoke…

“… today is a sad-and-heart-breaking time for the-WATCHERS’-CAUSE à with the destruction of Mother Venus’ GARDEN-OF-EDEN… wretchedly killed-all the-trees, animals and the cupid-workers…”

He looked-at the Trinity-Women sobbing at the head-of the-reversed-triangled table… and switched-on the boardroom’s slide-projector – Paul felt-like he was @biology-classroom watching running-slides of environmental-disaster of Flora-and-Fauna…

John-See spoke-again…

“… and, tonight’s garden-paradise destruction would be-felt on earth… with its ramification-affect would-be ‘even-more’ detrimental in the POOR-HEALTH of the aged-Mother Nature. Scientists would-soon discover a ‘new’ disease that gives CLIMATE-SICKNESS which would severely-effect the-nature of plants-and-animals on-earth…

“…and that diabolical disease would-be called The-METATRON-VIRUS…

“… soon…

“… the catastrophic-effects would manifest where all-the species of insects would-die in the FIRST-YEAR à which follows by declining in-vegetations, with a lack of-pollination where crops don’t grow-well worldwide – resulting famine-and-war in starving-nations…

“… by the 3RD-YEAR – the cursed-Metatron-virus would ‘poison’ the water with deadly-organisms of bacteria à where marine-life would perish in rivers, seas, and oceans – that would-further levitate WORLD-HUNGER… and the-then superior-nations invade the-weak to plunder-resources…

“… before the 5TH-YEAR – Metatron-Virus would-have killed the-weaker of entire mammal-species on-land, reptiles-included à except for the handful of ANIMAL-SPIRIT SPECIES… and, the avian-raptors of birds in the sky would-be the ‘last’ to-extinct in the 7TH-YEAR…

“… then…

“… the ‘BIG-BOMBS’ GO-off in Perth-earth – where the Metatron-Virus then ‘mutates’ – the ‘survivors’ of the strongest-in-top of the food-chain of mammals-and-reptiles à would ‘evolve’ where they MATE-AMONG each-other – into offspring of diabolic species-of-hybreeds…that ‘prey’ on mankind for-food…

Paul remembered the bomb-devastation IN HIS apocalyptic-Perth dream… where he flew to the Dark-tower in-finding FOR-JANE – where they were ‘attacked’ by a hungry pact of 2-HEADED mutant-hybreed pit-bulls…

“Paul, do you WANT TO LIVE in ‘that’ world – where you’re on-the-run, as-you’re constantly-hunted…? Where, you’re ‘left’ in your-wheelchair…hungry-and-alone to scavage your-next meal in the streets, like an-outcast citizen similar-to the Untouchables-of-Calcutta – while, the-rich ‘ate’ their GMO and lab-processed tofu-toast with avocado…

“Paul, do you ‘want’ TO LIVE in that ‘unjust’ world… that is full-of-hardship, suffering, and sorrows in lower-rung of-society…?”

“… huh…?”

The teen-supe was speechless… ‘noticing’ every adult- eyes were-ON-HIM in the boardroom – he-then ‘looked-away’ TO SEE his blind-girlfriend’s ‘reactions.’ Paul spotted-that Jane ‘had’ already fallen-asleep AT THE-table…

“Don’t look at Jane – we’re talking to you, Paul – the-Counsel want to-know ‘if’ YOU DO want to live in that world of- misery-and-agony…?”

“… no…” Paul in a ‘Hot-spot,’ responded-softly…

“Good! Then you’ll have to ‘level-up’ when you’ll soon be ‘playing’ the-Perth’s Accidental Superheroes-game… PASH for-short… ‘when’ you’ll continue the duties in-Book-8, PERTHLAND – as the superhero-cum-guardian-angel ‘both’ in-the-reality and the-Dreamworld…

“… but ‘before’ that… the-Counsel would want you to do-a-task in POST-TREETON – where you SHOULD ‘SECURE’ the blueprint of Blake-Tower which is ‘where’ the interdimensional travel-portal of the END-TIMES – where Azrael would lead his 72-legions of hell-demons into PERTHLAND, to welcome the-Coming-of the Morning-Star, Lucifer…

“That blueprint is ‘very’ important – as it’s the schematics of the-Dark-Tower that satellites the coordinates of the transportation portal of demons to-Perthland. You’ve to ‘get’ that and ‘study’ it where – in one of the 99th-floor is the ‘portal’…

“…where, your ‘mission’ in Book-8, PERTHLAND is to infiltrate the Blake-Tower and ‘destroy’ the diabolical portal TO-STOP the 7-Princes to ‘step’ onto Perth-earth…”

“… err, pardon-me… John, where do I ‘FIND’ this blueprint…!?” The teenager interrupted…

John chuckled…

“Fortunately, in-POST-TREETON, you’ve been living WITH IT all-along in your father’s house – it’s in the garage of the House-Of-Walker… secure-it – and, study-it… memorize-it…!”

Paul’s jaw-dropped when he thought OF ‘HOW’ his-late dad, Solomon… came to have in-HIS ‘POSSESSION’ – the blueprint to the 7-Princes of Hell’s entry-portal in the Apocalypse’s End-Times…?

John interrupted by-saying…

“Paul, listen – the key Person-Of-Interest in your ‘next’ mission is John Blake… the Prime-Minister of Perthland… don’t ‘suspect’ anymore of Lord Stamford-Crowley, where, the ‘rules’ of engagement have ‘changed’ – Asmodeus ‘since-then’ had shapeshifted to the prime-minister instead… are you ‘clear’ Paul…?”

The teenager nodded…

“You’re ‘now’ the 12th-member of the-Counsel – KEEP-SUPPORTING our-Cause… which is the-Birth of the All-Women religion named THE-VENUSIAN TRINITY – so that 20-years from now, the-Saviour-Daughter, Apolonia… would FULFIL HER-MISSION ‘before’ the Big-bombs destruct PERTH-EARTH…”

The teenager ‘stopped’ nodding…

“Paul. let’s ‘now’ talk of a ‘DIFFERENT’ TOPIC… and, address the ‘elephant-in-the-room’ – it came to the-Counsel’s knowledge that YOU’VE BUSY in-purchasing abortion-pills for Jane -- so that you could ‘KILL’ THE FUTURE Saviour-and-Redeemer of the-world…?”

The shocked-Paul gasped for-air… speechless and in-guilt IN FRONT of the 10-adults – whose-stares ‘peered’ into-his-soul -- that had committed the SINFUL-CRIME…

… he avoided looking at the hologram, SIMY – who ‘chose’ THE AVATAR-of Jane’s doctor-mother -- and-was a Counsel-member…

‘… she ‘spoke’ like a bitter-angry madwoman in Principal Harris-office – ‘ACCUSING’ ME – FOR the deep-fake Tarzan-video…’

Paul was distracted ‘when’ the Time-traveller said…

“Why are you trying to ‘poison’ the Godhead’s child…?”

Paul stood-up and he-reasoned…

“… cos’ Jane-and-I are ‘minors’ – you-all tricked-and-deceived us to have ‘this’ child – it’s ‘not’ fair-and-just to bring this-burden into our-lives. Jane has a ‘right’ to her-own-body… now that it has ‘been’ body-snatched…”

The boyfriend tugged-on the shoulder of sleeping blind-girl at the table, calling her name to ‘WAKE-HER’ up – but Jane was unresponsive in her deep-REM… so, he shook-her even rougher…

… from the opposite-end of the triangled-table, the provoked Wolf-Man did ‘NOT’ LIKE Jane ‘disturbed’ by Paul. It growled loud at-him to back-off…

The terrified-Paul sat back in his-chair ‘after’ Piper’s intimidation… as being the Guardian-Spirit Animal-Protector of its blind-Master…


“Settle-down you-both – and-Paul, nobody ‘CAN’ KILL the Godhead Saviour-child… as the womb would ‘not’ allow-it… and would RETALIATE TO ITS own-right to live…

“… the-Counsel is ‘concerned’ that you planned TO ‘TAKE’ Jane to an-abortion clinic – is that ‘TRUE’…!?”


The guilt-agonised Paul peeked at the angry-eyes of the All-Women Trinity @the-head-of the table… Paul groaned-and-mumbled…

“… this is ‘not’ fair-and-just – we-just want ‘our’ lives back…”

“… but life is ‘not’ fair, Paul, you CAN’T GET ‘everything’ you-want… we already ‘know’ the outcome of Jane’s decision in-concern of the Immaculate-Conception… BUT YOU – we ‘have’ A PROBLEM…”

The Time-Traveller monk stood-up and reached-under the table… and brought-back the ancient-and-timeworn crystal ball-device, the Chrono-Visor – placing it on the tabletop…

Paul was familiar with the ‘predict-the-future’ small-TV device that-he was-told was the ‘prototype’ device of the Vatican’s Secret-vault – as John had shown-him ‘events’ just-now @the-Pentateuch…

… where 3-handicap SHS’ students and an Army-veteran ‘DIED’ IN a freak-electrical storm in the Treeton dairy-farm…

The hairs on Paul’s nape stood as John switched on the device, as the Time-Traveller narrated… to the ‘future’ events where images of Paul-and-Jane ‘VISITING’ AN abortion-clinic…

“… this ‘happened’ 3-DAYS from-now…”

The teen saw images inside the surgery-room… where his pregnant-girlfriend was sleeping-with her-legs ‘SPREAD-WIDE’ on the operating-table… where beside-her was Paul –holding-her hand, to give moral-support to blind-Jane…

… when a doctor-and-nurse were ‘about’ to carry-on with the procedure – THE-WOMB ‘retaliated’ where à Venus’ protective chastity-belt ‘shot’ lasers – and ‘KILLED’ THE 2-medical-staff…

Paul gasped-aloud to the gruesome-images – which were broadcasted in the Chrono-Visor… seeing the 2-heads explode and left bloodied-walls of the surgery-room…

… before John SWITCHED-OFF the Chrono-Visor – the teen got-to catch a glimpse of the national evening---ews of…

… the infamous Perth’s minor-couple – Tarzan-Paul-and-Jane -- being-detained for ‘questioning’ for 2-DEATHS in the-abortion clinic…

The panic-attacked Paul had a ‘breakdown’ – he cried-uncontrollably… hitting-his own-head ‘several’ times…

“… NOOO!!! This-is ‘totally’ mental – my-Mom IS ‘GOING’ to bloody-arrest and disown me… no-no-no…”

John-then said to ‘calm’ the-boy-down…

“This gruesome tragedy – the meat-wagon entrail-disaster @the-CLINIC COULD BE ‘erased’ à if you could-only comply TO ACCEPT the-Venusian Trinity’s immaculate-conception blessing – AND, PROTECT the Saviour-daughter and Jane from any-Evil harm… Paul, can YOU ‘PROMISE’ the-Counsel that…!?”

“NOOO!!!” The mentally-broken youngster cried-out…

… the crying-boy was still beating his-own head – choking in his-mucus as he growled-out…

“This is TOO-BIG for me!!! I’m ‘not’ ready to-be a ‘surrogate’ father -- and ‘take’ the blame – I WANT OUT… I don’t want to play your-superhero ‘videogame’ any-more – how ‘do-I’ Game-Over myself!!? I WANT OUT!!! Don’t anyone ‘revive’ me-back in Treeton dairy-farm – it’s the day I peacefully ‘died’ on the-OTHER-PERTH. Please-John, I ‘quit’…!!!”

The still-standing with the Chrono-Visor, Time-Traveling-monk protested…

“You’re the key-player, Paul – you can’t ‘QUIT’ MIDWAY…!!? There will be-consequences of natural-disasters in POST-TREETON that will kill everyone you love – your-mom ‘would’ die, and so-would JANE… THE-BABY… Jane’s parents…

“… and ‘even’ my 2-daughters… Maggi-and-Alicia too…”

The ‘quitter’ countered-John, by-saying…

“I didn’t ask you-all TO TRANSFER my-consciousness into a videogame, ‘after’ I died in Treeton field-trip… WHY DID YOU-ALL do that ‘against’ my-will!!? I should be-having a Christian burial in Karrakatta Cemetery, next to my-father’s grave – instead-you…

“… drag my-soul and make me ‘play’ this videogame ‘AGAINST’ MY WILL – with missions that I didn’t ‘sign-up-for’ that I’m ‘NOT’ READY cos’ I’m just a minor… just-a ‘kid’ who ‘still’ wet his-pants… THAT’S ‘WHY’ I’ve no-business to-be involved in some galactic-sized Armageddon END-OF-THE-WORLD videogame, and…

“… I don’t want your ‘superpowers’ too – it’s A-BLOODY ‘CURSE’ – that brought-me ‘bad-luck’ in every-Perth I ‘go’… I rather be A ‘CRIPPLE-BOY,’ than to-bear the burden of being the Protector-of-Perth… and THE-GUILT I-TOO ‘BEAR’ to my-Christian-soul – by some-of-the things I’ve DONE-AND-REGRETTED as Gemini-Blue…

“I QUIT! My ‘failures’ is ON-YOU-ALL – you can’t TAINT-THAT-GUILT of my-loved-ones dying on-me… cos’ I ‘NEVER’ WANTED TO-PLAY ‘your’ videogame in-the-first place…!!!! You-all ‘forced’ me into the game ‘WHEN’ I WAS DEAD – and ‘now’ blame me for natural-disaster that’s about to ‘kill’ everyone in POST-TREETON…!? Is that ‘fair’ for me-or y’all, by ‘making’ me a ‘SLAVE’ TO THIS-game, huh…!?

“… BRING-ON THOSE terrifying natural-disasters – I’m ‘already’ dead, am I ‘not’…!? And I don’t ‘mind’ dying a 2ND-TIME WITH my-loved-ones – BRING-IT-ON! Tonight, everyone in that ‘cursed’ POST-TREETON dies – and, a ‘bad-luck’ GAME-OVER for-everyone…!!!”

Everyone-then heard a ‘woman’s’ voice SPEAK FROM the head-of-the triangled-table – it was the-Messenger of the All-Women, Venusian-Trinity…

… SIMY lashed-out at the-teen ‘Quitter’…

“SHAME-ON YOU! You selfish-and-wicked boy! You’re are the ‘weakest-link’ in the formation of Defenders-Of-Perth superheroes. You ungrateful-crippled-boy -- who would be-given 2nd-chance among the thousands of ‘other’ crippled-boys like-you… who would-dying TO BE in you-shoes, ‘as’ a superhero in their-lives…

… and-here you ‘are,’ when-we ‘got’ a ‘quitter’ candidate named Paul-Walker – a heartless ‘loser’ –who don’t-care nor love those around-him…

The hologram of the doctor-mother ‘avatar, ‘AI-continued ‘slamming’ Paul with lambastes…

“Where is your unconditional-love for Jane, Paul-Walker, hah….!!? She would ‘die’-- IF YOU-QUIT ‘now, you-fool…!!! And, you don’t seem TO-BE in ‘love-with-her,’ ever-since the Immaculate-Conception – no-wonder – you had ‘poisoned’ her with ‘your’ abortion-pills…

“You don’t deserve her-too – while your-possessed-twin, Peter had-manifest into a vile-incubus -- who ‘would’ have ‘MORE’ CONTROL in-his attacks in her-sleep… why aren’t you ‘defending’ her from Peter’s corrupted-nightmares…!!?”

SIMY continued to-berate…

“You’re the ‘future’ KEY-PLAYER in Perthland… for ‘you’ to destroy the Evil-transport portal @the-Blake-Tower -- and ‘yet’ YOU-NOW QUIT à with repercussions-of it-are that the 7-Princes’ End-Times-War TO-BE ‘happening’ even-sooner!!!

Paul saw the hologram-of-SIMY, projecting calculations of numbers-in-equations in-the algorithm of Ontology-Mathematics… the waves-of-numbers ‘crawled’ on the face of the avatar of Jane’s doctor-mother… as the AI ‘predicted’…

“Those 7-Demonic-brothers ‘would’ cause billions-of-death of men, women-and-children worldwide – if ‘those’ Evils ‘walked’ thought the Gateway-portal @Perth-earth -- then, humanity’s blood is ON-YOU, Paul Walker!!!

“You better GET-BACK in line, boy… and ‘accept’ the Order of The Venusian-Trinity’s Cause to the world – which-is to free-minds from ‘slavery’ of Wicked-dictators of-both…Earth-and-Underworld – this ‘new’ religion is ‘both’ blessing-and A ‘CURE’ to the ‘future’ humanity-- with the Coming-of-the Redeemer, Saviour-Daughter…

“Paul! Accept the ‘fruit’ of Jane’s womb, Apollonia-- IF ‘NOT’ – BE ‘condemned,’ by letting your ‘crooked’ Christian-soul TO-BE doomed ‘along’ with your-war criminal father, who-was the ‘inventor’ of the-Blueprint of the-Cursed-portal… ‘where’ YOU-WITH Solomon-Walker WOULD-BOTH-suffer and-be-damned-in Purgatory…!"

The teen-supe youngster trembled by the-wrath of the AI’s digital-voice lashing-at him for ‘submission’ – he-then turned-to his-right to his-Guardian-angel, St Michael and-seek-counsel…

“St Mike, what DO-YOU ‘think’ WOULD-HAPPEN at the-End-Times…!!?”

The Archangel shrugged his-wings, as he spoke-out…

“Well, O’Good-Paul ... right-now, the Christian-Heaven is upside-down – with the presence of the false Trickster-God, Yaldabaoth, ‘imposter-ing’ as the Almighty-Yahweh -- and have ‘CONTROL’ OF Heaven’s Army...

“... if I go-over there, I’ll BE ‘DEAD’ – so, I rather be ‘with’ The-Holy SeeIn – and be-part of humanity’s new-religion, and ‘support’ the-Cause of the Venusian-Trinity’s Immaculate Conception – of ‘welcoming’ the Redeemer -- the Saviour-Daughter Of-the-Roman Godhead-superhero...

“... who ‘would’ in 20-years TO ‘COME’ – who ‘would’ put-an-end to Lucifer’s reign in Perth-earth!!!”

Paul WASN’T ‘LIKING’ of-what he-was ‘hearing’… and interrupted…

“Are you ‘seriously’ going TO ‘JOIN’ this All-Women religion. O’ St Michael…!!?”

The angel chucked…

“... O’ Paul, isn’t ALL RELIGIONS on God’s earth – having ‘all’ good-and-pure virtues for mortals LIKE-YOU -- to ‘pick-and-choose’ its-nuggets to shape your ‘OWN’ INDIVIDUAL gems-of-beliefs towards the Goodness-of-humanity ...?

“Even-though I’m a true-blood Christian for eons – ever-since the Monad-Mind ‘created’ earth-among ‘other’ galaxies ... BUT I DO ‘accept’ progressive-beliefs too, especially...

“... if I can find ‘ALLIES’ TO-AID ‘in-what’ I was trained-TO-DO as the Head-Of-Yahweh’s army -- and, to defeat the ‘future’ Coming-of Lucifer with his-legions of his-Dark-army, in the End-Times...

“I’m ‘blessed’ TO-HAVE ‘allies-of:

The Godhead-superhero -- Apollonia Her-mother -- the StarGirl, Jane ... and, even you-too... Paul as -- Gemini-Blue

“Start ‘believing’ in your powers, Paul – and make-us ‘proud’ in Perthland as the ‘Guardian-angel-duo ‘when’ protecting-humanity...

“We’re the 2-CATHOLICS in this-Council-Of-Watchers – we have ‘each-other’s’ back... and-Paul, you won’t be ‘alone’ in-your mission-journey...”

The-encouraging Archangel patted the-teen’s shoulder – the-exciting Time-Traveller monk-then stood-up, and rejoindered…

“So-Paul, ARE YOU continuing with levelling-up – for Book-8…!?”

Paul did ‘not’ make eye-contact… as he NODDED-SLOWLY to-them…

Even-though the-lingering ‘problem’ in his-head ‘STILL’ PREVAILED -- that his girlfriend -- a ‘juvenile’ – who WAS-PREGGO in the ‘new’ religion-Cause, as the WATCHERS’ PAWN…

But he saw Jane who had-slept through-out the debriefing-Council-meeting… Paul sighed…

‘… hah-'again'?… enjoy my-problems…’

John-See spoke-again…

“So, for my-Record-keeping entry… I ‘state’ that Paul Walker had ‘AGREED’ to-go through ‘next-level’ in PERTHLAND -- and-to ‘proceed’ with the-Counsel’s WAR-CAUSE-waged ‘against’ the 7-Princes of the Underworld… in the Armageddon’s END-GAME…!!!”

Paul-then heard the-seated Red-demon ululating a war-song in his-Sumerian tongue, while pounding the table with-his one-arm… in-favour of Paul – finally ‘proceeding’ to the ‘NEXT’ MISSION in PERTHLAND…

He-then saw St Michael and-the Wolfman standing and clapping-aloud with John-See – while his unconscious-girlfriend, still-slept soundly at the-table…

… finally, the old-bearded monk, SeeIn too stood, chanting, raising-both his arms TO GIVE the teen-supe HIS-BLESSINGS, along with the…

… All-Women Trinity too-rose from-their chairs… to applaud to PAUL’S DECISION – to ‘not’ quit-midway -- and take ‘responsibilities’ in HIS 2ND-CHANCE in life as Perth’s ‘Accidental’ SUPERHERO…


THE MEETING OF THE Watchers’ Council ended-up in a good-note – with Paul-Walker ‘agreeing’ to continue level-up in ‘future’ missions in PERTHLAND. The Time-Traveller, Paul, with the Wolfman… who carried its-Master, the sleeping Jane – and, the-4 ‘beamed-up’ from the-Cube to-their orange-portal…

… John-See, the designated-driver had to bring-the youngsters-and-Piper from the ‘dream-in-a’ Dreamworld-dimension – BACK-TO to their ‘respective’ homes @Perth-earth…

They were inside the hovering-on autopilot, Pentateuch’s spacious-cockpit that-was dim-lighted. John powered-it up and ‘set’ the course-coordinates to-Perth. While, Paul saw the Wolfman ‘transforming’ into a-grey Shepsky… of-the mixed-breed big-dog husky. Then, on the floor, Jane slept-in a foetal-position cuddling her-dog for-warmth in-the aircon portal… while the pooch-too was tired ‘after’ battling hordes-of flying-gorillas in the Killing-Field just-now…

Paul-too was extremely-TIRED ‘AFTER’ the 3-hour of aerial-battle… especially, the monstrous-clash with BlackStar’s Red-Tornado – that left the teen-supe weary and weak-in the-knees… ‘feeling’ like-a cripple-again…

He collapse-and-slumped in his-wheelchair… yawning in dead beat fatigue – he then-heard ‘loud’ snoring… first-thinking it was the big-dog – but it was-Jane…

John chuckled at the bushed-blind tween’s stertors, saying…

“… poor-girl is ‘tired’ – SHE ‘FOUGHT’ a good-fight just-now…”

‘… so-did I…’

Paul-too was dozing-off in thoughts of the ‘failed’ mission – despite, he-had efficaciously ‘rescued’ SeeIn from the ‘belly-Of The-Red-Tornado…


… it ‘was’ the emotional-rollercoaster in argument @the Council-debrief meeting which-was even-more exhausting – where HE ‘GOT’ the short-end of the stick…

‘… enjoy-my problems…’

“Paul, are you-awake…?” The-monk-then asked…


“A little-piece of advice – if you’re willing-to-listen…?”

“… Yeahh...”

‘… talk-away, Johnno – as-long you don’t-play your awful-taste of-road music…”

The Time-Traveller monk spoke…

“Remember-always, Paul – that you’re THE GOOD-ONE in the-Cursed-Trio… and, even Jane is 50-50 -- so, STAY GOOD-always… and don’t ‘stray’ with your-negative thoughts-and-actions…

“… I know it’s difficult-to-hard TO BE a-Good ‘person’ à with-all the-negative emotions of the 7-Sins of Evil ‘hanging-out’ daily in your ‘own’ playground of life’s reality…

“… therefore, practice the-meditation that Adiyogi had ‘TAUGHT-YOU’ à most of-all, practice ‘patience’ and unconditional-forgiveness…

“… live ‘your-life’ as a saint ‘would,’ Paul -- and have-control on ‘every’ thought-and-action that ‘strays’ to-negative…

“Just say-ALOUD NO -- when-ever you’re ‘disturbed by Evil-thoughts – can you do-that, Paul…? Huh… are you awake…?”

The teen didn’t-reply… and ‘pretended’ to-sleep…

‘… it won’t be-easy, Johnno… it ‘sure’ won’t be-easy…’

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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