《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 13: The Blake-Tower Blueprint
Chapter 13: The Blake-Tower Blueprint
HARD-AND-HEAVY RAIN fell in Perth as a-repercussion of the destruction of the garden-Paradise in the realm of the-Dreamworld…
…@the-windowless bedroom of The-Walker House – Paul HAD A FEVER after Battle-Of-GOE…
… a-repercussion of a ‘SELFISH’ NEGATIVE-THOUGHT ‘where’ the teen-supe didn’t help the Cube-Of-Apollo while in-crisis… when attacked by T’Maru’s bulldragons -- with Paul’s Evil-intention of the Death-Of-The All-Women…
He pulled-tight to his comforter to the-cold rain… as he blanketed and shivered in-fever.
Caroline woke her 2nd-son that Saturday-evening… and it was ‘still’ raining heavily-outside…
… Paul was in-2 worlds… when-he opened his-squinty eyes to the bright-florescent room-light – he had a terrible sore throat… by over-screaming in using his ‘new’ supe-Banshee vocal-powers in the-mission…
“Poe, you’ve been ‘sleeping’ for the PAST 21-straight hours – you’ve TO EAT-something and take your fever-meds too…”
… Caroline felt guilty-too that she couldn’t take Paul to-any nearby clinic… and had-to self-medicated him with paracetamol – due to heavy-rain ‘everywhere’ … and main-roads submerged in flood waters…
Paul can’t remember that late morning… 12-hours-ago – of Carol giving him the-meds…
… but the ‘mention’ that he had ‘not’ eaten for the past 21-hours – made his obese-tummy to growl that’ he had missed his breakfast-and-lunch…
… his appetite had returned… and he was famished – recalling his ‘last-meal’ was on-Friday’s pasta-dinner…
Caroline sat-on the bed and told Paul that his-fever had gone-down – by placing her mom-thermometer palm on-his forehead…
“Are you having runny-nose?”
The quiet-Paul shook-his head-no – and kept pointing at his throat… and growled in a low-tone…
“Sore-throat…?” The mother asked – and, Paul nodded as-yes…
The mother stood-up and said…
“Stay in-bed… I’ll serve you dinner here…” She then-heard her-son growl-again… pointing to his adult-diaper…
“… heve-tah peeee…”
She-said as she saw her fat son ‘struggling’ to get into-his wheelchair… she came-forward to help…
“… ankst, Moom…”
He was out-of his door – and-saw Peter at stove… with pepper-grinder…
… Peter saw him and panicked thinking it was Carol who caught-him, modifying her pasta cooking by spicing-up on-the-pepper. When he saw it ‘was-only’ Paul… he continued to grate-in more pepper into the saucepan on slow-fire…
Paul didn’t make any-eye contact WITH THE-DEVIL – and rolled-away to the bathroom.
Levitating, at the-dunny, Paul had-an involuntary-pee gush… urinating ‘not’ in-the-bowl but spayed-beyond the wall-and-floor… he flushed the-toilet and poured-a-small bucket of water on the-floor…
… as it was THE-DEVIL’S HOUSE that he’s ‘staying’ in-now… who, always-complained about the stench-of-Paul’s urine in-the-kitchen…
Paul returned to his-bedroom to-notice his-mother had-changed his bedding-cover… and was picking his clothes to-machine-wash. She said…
“… Poe, get-back to bed. I’ll serve-you dinner in-a-while – and, after dinner, take your-meds and sleep-it-off… WE’RE ‘NOT’ going to church tomorrow, and-apparently, all-the roads to St Michael Church are-flooded…”
From the-kitchen, the eavesdropping, sarcastic-devil-said…
“… too-bad, Mom – I was really-looking forward to the Sunday-mass service – after the 2-months of the zombie-pandemic…’now’ the church is in low-ground with the rainstorm… hope the St-Mike’s Captain, Father Aloysius hadn’t drowned going-down like-the-Titanic… to be onboard God’s church-ship…”
“Stop talking nonsense, Peter…!” Carol-shouted – and looked at Paul… saying in a calmer-voice…
“I’ll serve you-soup…” Caroline-said and left with the-bundled soiled-laundry…
Paul just-nodded as he had a severe-sore throat to thank her-vocally. He closed the door as he doesn’t want to ‘hear’ his twin’s irritating-voice…
The mother was distracted by her laundry-washing – and responding to Peter’s nonsensical banters – while, Paul was starving for his soup…
Finally, moments-later, the mother ‘opened’ the door carrying a yellow-wooden tray which-had four 9” legs…
Paul remembered the yellow-tray from 3-years ago…
… where HIS-THEN alive Dad had ‘served’ Caroline’s Sundays brekkie-in-bed… during their happier times in marriage…
… that TRAY HAD gone-missing for 3-years… in the Walkers’ household – and, today’ remerging from thin-air…
Caroline brought-in the tray with a medium-sized bowl of-soup…
… Paul expected chicken soup – but realised that it was Minestrone-soup… where he had-to ‘shared’ a portion of his-vegan mom’s dinner…
… he ‘knew’ his working-class mother’s ‘shortcut’ recipe of Minestrone-soup – where she used a-can of Campbell Tomato-Soup as the-base of the hearty-soup… then add blanched beans, celery-and-carrots… then, adding a cube-of Knorr’s vegetable bouillon…
… the ‘same’ Campbell tomato-soup can which the inspector-mom Andy-Warhol-ed her pasta-Bolo recipe-too, as she cooked-in minced-beef… then, added red-wine…
Caroline left the room after serving the soup – proceeded to have dinner on the-IKEA table with Peter. Peter was ‘not’ interested in any-vegetable-soup – and the-teen proceeded with the main-course of the beef-sauced pasta, with lots of grated-Parmigiana cheese for-saltiness in-taste…
In the windowless-bedroom with rain showering-outside, the-hungry Paul stared at the hot-and-steaming bowl-of red-tomato vegetable-soup… with a spoon and a glass-of warm water on the yellow-tray…
… he was impatient to drink-the-soup with a spoon – instead, he picked-the-bowl up and sipped the salinity-tasting-soup… it felt soo-good passing through-his sore-throat to-belly, as it warmed him-up from the chilled-weather…
… he put the bowl down ‘after’ draining the-soup dry…with the rest-of-the of the solid-ingredients of the hearty-soup at the-base of the-bowl. He then-used the spoon and dug-in to eat the vegetables…
… his big-spoonful ‘got’ sloppy with the several chickpea-beans falling-off and rolled on the tray – then, in-less that 2-minutes, he ‘killed’ a bowl of Minestrone-soup…
… it was a messy-affair – and if his-devil twin HAD SEEN-HIM – there was ‘definitely’ a Godzilla-bantering somewhere…
… but Paul was still famished – for the-2ND-COURSE of Pasta-Bolo, for his-mom to serve him-next…
He waited-and-waited… as his tummy-growled – remembering Brit-TV shows on Netflix, where they rang a tiny-bell for ‘service’…
While waiting for the-food, he ‘distracted’ himself. He took his dream-journal notebook from the side-bedside table – to ‘jot’ down the-yesterday’s dream-mission of-GOE, before he ‘could’ forget:
‘… Jane is about 3-weeks preggo-now – HER ‘BUMP’ isn’t showing-yet… think I can buy ‘time’ before hell-on-high water-broke lose… ‘for’ her-fruit of-her-loin comes…’
* GOING TO PERTHLAND – ‘#1-Rule – don’t kill my devil-twin… and ‘play-the-game’ without killing-any-one else…
Paul slapped his-forehead-and sighed…
… as he had ‘forgotten’ to ask John-See of – of HOW-TO ‘exit’ from Bad-Luck realm-of POST-TREETON to level-up to ‘go’ PERTHLAND…???
… it was all question-marks at-this-point… and he-then jotted-down the 3rd-entry…
* BLAKE-TOWER – the Apocalyptic ‘portal’ BLUE-PRINT… in dad’s garage….
‘I ‘need’ to get them…’
His-stomach growled-loud… he-then picked-up the fallen chic-peas on the tray… resulted from his sloppy-eating using a soup-spoon. It was like eating gold-nuggets as he popped in his-mouth and savoured them, thinking…
… of his-mission where his-soul was an athletic able-bodied teenager, who had solid-6-pack abs… where-else in POST-TREETON he was a ‘fat-cripple’…
Paul sighed…
‘… I looked like Rambo going on-missions in my-Dreamworld – I should look like Rocky in real-life, POST-TREETON – I should ‘lose-weight’…’
… he decided to be pro-active in-motivation – and decided to buy a boxing heavy-duty punching-bag and sweat-it-out ‘when’ home-alone…
The door-opened, Caroline came-in with a plate-of steaming hot-pasta. The mother-asked…
“What are-you writing…?”
Paul shook his-head… croaking…
“… noftin… jus-skuu wakk…”
“Your mid-term exams…?”
The surprised-Paul nodded – realising he had-totally ‘forgotten’ about the mid-Term exams next week for 3-days… Wednesday-to-Friday – and he was ‘not’ prepared too…
“Get well soon…” Carol said as she placed her-palm on Paul's forehead…
The son-nodded…
“… hankz, mumm…”
“Eat your-pasta, and Poe… don’t forget to take your-med. You’ll be ‘well’ for your-exams, okay…?”
Paul nodded…
“… good-boy…”
He saw his-mother leaving the-room with the empty soup-bowl. Paul ‘FELT’ LOVED when Caroline called-him ‘a’ good-boy – and wondered if his-mother had ‘forgiven’ him for the deep-fake Tarzan-sex video-mess… that featured a fat-midget lookalike…
… and, remembered-too THE SLAP he-got when the inspector-mother ‘interrogated’ him, in Principal Harris’ office…
He saw the heavy-beef sauced-pasta in his-tray… his-stomach trumpeted in-delight as he sat, even had a mild-flatulence indication the-colon that the Minestrone is-in-fibre process for tomorrow’s dunny-business…
He went for-it…
Twirling the-noodle with his-fork, Paul ate his first-mouthful of the pasta – in teary-eyes he spat-out ‘half’ of-it on-the-plate… as he felt the stings of red-hot spiciness that burnt his tongue and even his-sore throat-too… when he-had swallowed-half…
… saliva-built-up and his-tongue was swelling, and he drank the glass-of-warm water… and, wished that Caroline had served him iced-cubed cold-water instead…
… thick-mucus formed in his-sore-throat – and he swallowed-it in-pain, while remembering…
… going to the bathroom just-now – where HE ‘CAUGHT’ his devil-twin modifying the pasta-Bolo behind Caroline’s back by grinding-in black-pepper…
He was-pissed angry…
‘Are you trying to Putin-poison me… you bloody-devil…?'
Paul calmed-down his negative emotions – and, thought ‘straight,’ that…
… Peter was ‘not’ poisoning-him… as he had the ‘SAME’ MEAL – where the-devil loved his-pasta pepper-spiced-up… while Paul like it moderate-spiced – as he feared-constipation…
… he-then ‘remembered’ a YouTube weight-loss video… where it mentioned that black-pepper was a good-spice as fat-burners…
‘… huh… no wonder the-devil HAS A 6-pack ab…’
Paul was ‘glad’ he had learnt a ‘new’ trick… from his-devil twin…
‘… if it-works FOR HIM – it should work ‘for’ me-too… cos’ we’re Gemini-Twins…
The obese-teen made-a diet-change, and learned-to savour the acquired-taste of his-devil twin – and in no-time, he was sweating and salivating a-lot… while wiped the platter-clean while his-rebellious tummy did a Dickens’ Oliver-Twist of ‘begging’ for more…
But-Paul refrained from asking his-mother for a 2nd-serving as he was ‘serious’ about losing-weight. He switched on-his iPad and searched for a heavy-duty punching-bag to-buy online…
… he looked at the high-end brand ‘Everlast,’ and his-jaw dropped as it cost ‘both’ his arms-and-legs… leaving him-limbless – and he then-settled with a China-made brand that wouldn’t blow his allowance-budget…
… he pressed the ADD-TO-Cart button for a Monday-delivery… an-initial effort to his barrel-shaped belly to-be ‘transformed’ soon-into 6-pack-abs…
Paul laid-back in the-bed… while his belly was generating good-feeling warmth to his-entire body in the chilled rainy weather. Before he got-into a carb-coma – Caroline walked in to collect the food-tray… and reminding-him to take the paracetamol and to-sleep it off…
Paul obliged to her-suggestions…
The mother bent-and ‘kissed’ his forehead and took-out the food-tray and – it was lights-out for him @9:11 pm…
Paul ‘smiled’ to-himself in the darkened-room…
‘… she ‘did’ forgive-me…’
… there WAS ‘SOMETHING’ about the yellow food-tray that ‘made’ the-connection… which was ‘missing’ for 3-years since his-dad died…
… where-else, the-rest of his-personal things were ‘stored’ in the-garage, ever-since Solomon-Walker ‘died’ in the BMW-road crash…
Paul chuckled as he ‘suspected’ that his-mother HAD ‘KEPT’ the yellow-tray in her bedroom… as a-romantic gesture MEMENTO… of-remembrance that her late-hubby who-had ‘once’ served-her brekkie in-bed on THAT TRAY…
The teen-then yawned-deep… and released a silent-fart before – drifting to-sleep in the chilled-rainy-weather.
3 HOURS LATER, after-midnight – the teenager rudely-woke to the sound-of a deafening-thunder outside… that reminded of his-mission…
… in just-now’s Battle-in The Garden-Of-Eden – of unexpected loud-sounds were-heard in the-dark… where Evil ‘forced’ Good into blindness of the darkness caused by the-diabolical Red Moon-eclipse…
Paul was WIDE-AWAKE thinking of the-terrifying demons he fought-in-the-dark… and before he developed PTSD, he thought-of-happy thoughts of victory, like…
… he rescued Jane from the-incubus – that was ‘disturbing’ her in her sleep, in-her-bedroom… he even ‘defeated-and-wounded’ the entity that-escaped – Jane-then rewarded him a passionate-kiss, where he was her-knight in shiny-armour…
He laid in the-dark thinking of his-girlfriend… who ‘had’ called-him, Saturday @3:37 PM earlier… when he was ‘out-cold’ KO-ed by fever for-sleeping 21-straight hours…
‘… didn’t you get a ‘fever-too,’ Jane…? But you were tired and-weak after the-battle – remember, I ‘RESCUED’ YOU from-being taken by-the centaur-horsemen…? Yea, I-then carried-you in-my-arms to the-Pentateuch – then later in that ‘boring’ meeting… you dozed-off tired…’
… he remembered the Wolfman’s fierce-growls when he ‘tried’ to wake-her-up during the-meeting – then-later, the protector-werewolf carried the-sleeping Jane in-his-arms ‘back’ to the-Pentateuch…
Paul looked at the time in the-dark – it was 12:13 Sunday-AM. He saw the journal-notebook beside the alarm-clock – where he had ‘jotted-down’ tasks to perform in POST-TREETON in order to ‘level-up’ in PERTHLAND…
… the motivated-teen sprung-up from his-bed – levitated in the dark, and heard the hard-rain pouring-outside… but-first he needed to-pee. Paul opened the room-door-slightly ajar to peek-out…
… the kitchen-lights were off – indicating his inspector-mom and the-devil-twin were upstairs sleeping in-the rainy-night. Paul left his wheelchair behind in the-room… and levitated to get to the-bathroom. He was aware that there were no home-surveillance-cameras ‘recording’ his-secret-feat…
After peeing, Paul returned in-the-darkness to the kitchen to peek-at his dog in the backyard. He realized that Caroline had tied the-mutt at the backdoor’s wash-basin ‘away’ from the-rain. He saw though-the window that Kitty was sleeping on the backdoor’s rug in the stormy-weather…
‘… poor-girl…’
The 21-hours of sleep ‘did-good’ for the-teen as he was-now focused to think-clear – of John-See’s instructions of finding the architectural blueprints of the Blake-Tower… for his ‘homework’ assignment to memorise-it – for his-PERTHLAND’s mission…
There was A SIDE-DOOR from the kitchen-to the outside-garage – behind the marbled kitchen-counter, near the fridge. Paul was thirsty and grabbed a-coke and drank-half… as he-then proceed-to open the side-door…
… it was dark when he stepped into-the garage – it stank – Paul placed his coke-can on the long workbench… and, pulled the cord of the tungsten lightbulb – his jaw-dropped when he saw that the-flood rainwater from the front-lawn had seeped under the garage-door…
… to form a pool in the centre of the-garage of 3” drain-stinking water… and all of the stored-cardboard boxes of his-father’s home-office personal items along… with Peter’s boxes of collectables WERE-ALL WET in-the-rising pool of water…
Paul counted 12 boxes:
5 OF SOLOMON’s – they were large sealed cardboard-boxes which were wet in the-bottom, submerged into the 3’’-water. There was an open-box with a large-wicker basket of over-50 scrolls of blueprints of his architect-father à that were ‘worth’ saving 7 OF PETER’s – with the-devil’s bolded handwriting of ‘PROPERTY OF PETER W. – DON’T TOUCH!!!’ on-top of all 7-light-weight cardboard-boxes… which-were all floating like model sailboats in the pool of stagnant-drain water. The ‘loots’ were the devil’s ‘perceived’ prized hoarding possessions à that were ‘not’ worth saving
Paul levitated over the ‘floating’ boxes – and wanted to ‘rescue’ the-blueprints first… but made a mistake of carrying the wet-box – where the bottom broke with Paul falling-back… splashing into 3” water, trying – to ‘save’ the wicker-basket of vertically stacked-scrolls from being-wet…
… Paul levitated-back carrying the wicker-basket and placed it on the work-bench… cursing that he was ‘wet’ in the stinking-water. He took a sip of the carbonated-coke drink and looked-over at his late father’s OTHER-4 sealed-boxes… and ‘felt’ sad, as everything would be deemed-ruined and thrown-away – ‘when’ the damage-control inspector-mom woke-up later in the-morning…
He decided to ‘save’ all-the items in the-other 4 sealed-big boxes. Paul took a screwdriver from the tool-rack and flew-over and rested his cripple-body in-top on one of-the boxes – with one-hand, holding the-screwdriver… ripping the-strip on-the sealed duct-tape…
… it was architectural-books from Solomon’s library in his home-office – that reminded Paul when he was 9-year-old… seeing the office with racks filled-with books about his dad’s passionate-profession…
‘… it’s worth ‘saving’…’
Paul had to manually-haul the hardcopy books to safety… without ‘getting’ clumsy and dropping books in-the-water. He cursed when he had to splosh-into the filthy-water to do the task -- of carrying 10 of books at-a-time to the higher one-step level at the kitchen-door…where the work-bench was. The obese-teen was sweating as he heavier the books by piling them-into several-stacks beside the door…
… he could ‘only save ¾ of the books while the other rest of the ¼ were soaked-wet ‘that’ couldn’t be saved. Paul-then ripped the 2nd-big cardboard-box…
… to ‘find a set of Architectural-Encyclopaedia in the carton-box… IT REMINDED Paul of the destruction of the Tree-of-Knowledge ‘yesterday’ during the BATTLE-OF-GOE when Metatron dropped the bomb--so that mankind WOULDN’T HAVE ‘future-knowledge’ to rebuild civilization when eminent DESTRUCTIONS OCCURRED…
‘… it’s worth saving…’
… he justified-that by without the Tree-Of-Wisdom ‘existence’ any-more – he SHOULD RESPECT the little-knowledge of the ‘PRESENT’ WISDOM-of-books…
… ‘after’ regretting…
… where he-himself once wanted to CHOP-DOWN the Tree-Of-Knowledge – ‘when’ in-raged with the Keeper-Of-Garden, Kerubiel… who ‘TRICKED’ HIM by giving a ‘bad-apple,’ but fortunately-he was ‘STOPPED’ BY the Red-demon from taking-down the-Tree…
… and ‘now’ the-irony was-that – the-Tree WAS-DEAD… when Metatron dropped-the-BOMB…
‘… it’s worth saving…’
… was his mental-mantra…
He carried 5 heavy books at a-time and ‘not-be a heavy-handed-gauche… and made a ‘new’ stacked at the door that was up-to his waist.
Paul made 5 trips carrying the encyclopaedia-books and found 8-books were underwater – and felt heartbroken. He decided to SAVE-IT ‘ALL’ so that there was a ‘complete’ full-volume…
He ripped the semi-soaked cardboard-box – and struggled to lift the well-sealed-box aided by water-pressure gravity – he found-his Godzilla-strength and the-box’s bottom-then ripped and he heaved-it over his head, and threw it at the garage-door where, the stinking-flood water was-seeped…
… he ‘rescued’ the 8 hardcover books – he laid them open-paged to dry and placed tools like a carpentry-hammer and wrenches as dead-weight on the book. Paul panted as he perspired a-lot where-else it was rainy-weather ‘outside’ – BUT FELT satisfied at the row of books drying on the floor, while sipping his coke…
… his heart-pricked that he could ‘not’ save ‘more’ of Solomon’s books from the first-box – so the teen decided to next ‘rescue’ the ¼ box of soaked books…
… Paul ‘rescued’ over 40-books – he arranged them open-paged in a-row at the high-ground – before proceeding to open the 3rd-box, which-was medium sized-box. He ripped and slashed the top of the carton to discover manuscripts of the architectural projects that his-late dad ‘had’ built…
‘… it’s worth saving…’
… but the manuscripts were ‘badly’ damaged – but Paul carried-back 10-of the wet-books in a-single trip… and stacked them on the long workbench…
After 30 manuscripts – Paul proceeded to open THE 4TH-BOX that was medium-sized too. The screwdriver ripped the sticky-tape… and, Paul discovered more manuscripts. He carried the soaked-paged content-over to the work-bench…
… now there were slightly more than 50-manuscripts – the sweaty fat-teen panted as he discovered that his while T-shirt was black-stained with the black-ink of his father’s manuscripts…
… he looked-over at THE ‘FINAL’ carton, floating towards the-devil’s boxes at the garage-door…
Paul flew-over with the screwdriver in his-back shorts’ pocket – the ripping the box to see the tools-of-the-trade stationaries of an-architect… among other things…
… Paul remembered the tabletop world-globe on Solomon’s table – an incident 3-years-ago where his-dad had-scolded the-devil when he was rough in ‘spinning’ it… telling him that it was ‘not’ a-toy – Peter-then asked him if time-could BE ‘REVERSED’ if the-globe spun counter clockwise just-like in the Superman’ movie…?
Paul can’t remember ‘what’ his father’s time-reversal answer-was – but from-that day-onwards, Solomon’s home-office was OUT-OF-BOUND to his pesky Gemini-Twin-sons… and he would shout-out to ‘deter’ both-of-them from ‘disturbing’ him…
He’ll take the table-top globe as a memento – as his-hand scavenged the bottom of the soggy-box to see if ‘anything-else’ that would-be a keepsake in ‘remembrance’ to his-late-father – who went ‘too-soon,’ @young-age of 38…
The teen ‘found’ something – as he pulled-out Solomon’s iPhone-8 from being grubby-water – he was ‘overjoyed’ when he found-it…
‘… finder-keepers…’
He put it into his back-pocket of his drenched-wet shorts. Paul accumulated as many of the architect-father’s personal-items – and hid it ‘under’ the work-bench… for ‘them’ to dry…
Paul-then levitated to the ceiling – for one ‘LAST’ CHECK… and only saw the-devil’s 7-boxes in the squalid water… 2 of the lightweight-boxes were spinning-circles like ice-rink skaters in the pool of the ‘rising’ rain-water…
… he was extremely-tired ‘after’ more than an-hour sorting-out… ‘when’ rescuing his-father’s personal-items – and he needed A-HOT shower badly, as he smelt-funky. Paul drank-up his coke… crushed the-can and left-it on the workbench…
He-then grabbed the wicker-basket of scrolled-blueprints…
… switched-off the tungsten-light – to make-way in the gloom… to GO-TO his windowless bedroom….
… when, everyone-else in the House-Of-Walker was sound-asleep in the cold-Sunday witching-hours.
THE PLUS-SIZED TEENAGER was wearing only-a towel… as he-levitated in the-dark, ‘after’ having a shampoo and brush-scrubbed his-body of the-stench, in the-hot-shower. He opened the-room door… and saw that alarm-clock, displaying – 3:13-AM…
… a thunder-crashed and the storm-winds blew hard over the roof-of the… giving-vibrations TO THE-walls of the Walker-House…
Paul was wide awake, having his 2nd-can of-coke – in his-towel, he sat on the wheelchair… and was-in mission-mode – to find the blueprint to Mayor John-Blake’s pharmaceutical Blake-Tower building…
… the wicker-basket of over-50 architectural blueprints was beside him… of the ‘only’ items that he ‘rescued’ that was-luckily ‘not’ wet. He began to un-scroll the first blueprint on his single-bed as a table…
After the 10th-blueprint scroll, Paul was blown-away by his-dad’s accomplishments in his architectural-works which were mainly in other cities and towns in Western-Australia, outside Perth-city…
… where he was involved in the port-projects in the coasts of Coral-Bay and Port Hedland. A public-school in Laverton, and a shopping mall in Leonora… factories in Halls-Creek and Newman…
… Solomon’s name and signature was in every-blueprint – except-for mega-projects where there were several ‘joint’ co-architects – THAT-HAD ‘motivated’ Paul to pursue his father’s profession…
… he sighed as it ‘involved’ Math – his WEAKEST SUBJECT… that led-him to a cluster-of ‘negative-thoughts’ OF ‘NOT’ graduating from SHS…
‘… you ‘were’ soo-successful, Dad – where did your-money go…? Oh-yea, you had a gambling-addiction… and mom was dealing with the-BANK DEBTS that you-left-us behind ‘after’ you-died – she said you ‘blew-away’ our education-fund, and… she could ‘not’ afford to send ‘either’ of us to pursue private-courses as Plan-B… IN-CASE, we don’t graduate in SHS…
‘… well-DON’T TALK about your-favourite-son, the-Devil – he’s ‘got’ a rich-girlfriend whose uncle-Jared just ‘optioned’ our-house – and transferred the deed to Peter’s name…
‘… what ABOUT ME, Dad – ‘where’ WOULD I GO from-here…!!?’
Paul sighed-again to ‘his’ BLAME-GAME negative-thoughts – and he-then thought ‘clearer to boost-up his-moral and-he self-motivated himself…
‘… I don’t blame-you… gambling-is-a-sickness, as I’m-told – but I love you, Dad, ‘no-matter’ what… and… I want to be in your-creative and rewarding career! But to DO-SO, I’ve to buck-up on my-Math subject in-school…
‘… yea, I’ll ‘figure’ it-out, Dad… even-if I don’t-graduate, I’ll self-finance to study a ‘draftsmen’ course and work-myself up to your-beacon of profession of-architecture… probably working as a-draftsman in-the-shadow of ‘who’s-who’ architects of-Perth…
‘… I ‘promise’… I won’t let-you down… as a ‘loser’ son…’
Paul realised that he-was crying as he ‘got’ too-emo… ever-since he ‘rescued’ his-father’s treasured books and personal-items in the-garage. He wiped his tears… and felt chilly by the cold-walls – but Paul was too-LAZY TO LEVITATE to-the-closet to get either-a T-shirt-or-sweater…
… the half-naked fat teen in his-yellow towel, sat like the-Buddha in the-wheelchair – still thinking of his father, Solomon… in happier-times ‘while’ alive – where, Paul-and-Peter watched Sunday-cartoon on-TV, while dad carried the-yellow-tray of brekkie for-mom…
Paul looked at the table-clock – 4:06-AM… and realised that he had-unconsciously looked at over-40 blueprints while reminiscing his-late father. He looked at the wicker-basket with ‘only’ a dozen ‘more’ scrolls that stood-vertical in-it…
… he sipped his-coke as he ‘pulled’ the next-blueprint and spread-it on his-bed… he almost spat his-drink in-surprise – as HE HAD ‘un-scrolled’ the blueprint of The-Blake-Tower…
In his mission-mode, Paul focused and studied the ‘layout’ – with his-father’s name imprinted, with his signature, as the-design-creator. The teen went-back to his-blame-game…
‘How could you, Dad!!? They’re building a ‘portal’ of Satan’s army for the End-Times… where ‘your’ designed-building is the gateway from Underworld to-Perth…!’
Paul then-thought clearer-and-rationally…
‘… wait-a-minute – dad ‘died’ 3-years-ago… it’s ‘ONLY’ NOW, they are building the-diabolic ‘portal’ in Washington DC – therefore, dad is ‘NOT’ INVOLVED in this ‘future’ atrocious-crimes of biblical-proportionà dad should ‘NOT’ BE-BLAMED for the-Evil’s side’s ruthless intentions to ‘wipe-out’ mankind on-earth… he’s JUST AN-innocent architect who was commissioned with the building ‘the’ project… OR, IS he…!?’
The confused youngster took another-sip of coke – and went-back to-study the layout of the Blake-building… his untrained-eyes could ‘only’ see a vertical building with 99-floors. Paul looked at the architectural-markings ‘appeared’ similar in each-floor…
… the teen-then looked for ‘any’ odd-anomalies in the architectural-markings itself – and soon found-one @the-33rd-Floor… with an ‘Omega’ sign…
The 33rd-floor had no-access TO THE ‘OTHER’ FLOORS… vice-verse – ‘except’ the penthouse-suite office @the 99th-floor, WHICH ‘DOES’ – where IT HAD an-elevator access of travelling 66-floors to the-33rd-floor…
Every-hair in the half-naked Paul-stood…
‘… this is ‘where’ THE-ACTION IS in Perthland…’
… he ‘imagined’ Tom-Cruise of Mission Impossible – who hung-on-cables when he was ‘dropped’ into the CIA-fortress… Cruise ‘fell’ from-above and was inches-away floating ‘above’ from the-floor – that-would ‘triggered’ the intruder-alarm…
… Paul ‘visualised’ himself-doing Cruise’s cable-stunt as he-too dropped from-above… but the alarm-bell went-off when his flabby-belly ‘scrapped’ the-floor – leading to John-Blake’s henchmen ‘capturing’ him and ‘executing’ him -- Game-Over…
… just-like Lord-Stamford’s bodyguards-too ‘shot-him-dead’ -- Game-Over @the Stamford-Hotel in PERTHLAND…
… punching-hard on-his own-belly – he thought-in-conviction…
‘… I ‘seriously’ got-to lose weight… and have-my 6-pack abs to go-to ‘that’ Perthland mission…’
… he-then patted his-back – that he had been-proactive in losing-weight as he-had ‘ordered’ his punching heavy-bag à that came with a FREE pair-of UFC/MMA half-finger gloves… that ‘saved’ his-budget of buying the-gloves separately…
‘… I ‘seriously’ got-to lose weight – even-though, I seriously-too don’t like-any fighting especially, getting punched in the face… yea, IN THAT-Battle-Of-GOE in the Dreamworld… I was fast-and-agile as Gemini-Blue cos’ I had 6-pack abs instead of a-Beer-barrel…
‘… it was THE-ONLY mission-battle, I didn’t get ‘hit’ in-the-face – I kept-the-distance, and used my ‘sweet-science’ superpower to-kill…’
Smiling to-himself, Paul sat-back comfy in his-wheelchair… feeling-good as he-did-well as-a-supe in his mission-role under the-command of High-monk, SeeIn. Paul grinned as he-then looked left at the wicker-basket – with a-dozen-odd remaining blueprints-left…
… an odd-anomaly ‘caught’ his-eye – it was a small red-marking on the sleeve-of ‘one’ of the blueprints…
… that was the symbol of ‘Ω’…
Paul jumped in-joy…
‘… you’re leaving-me ‘clues,’ aren’t you, Dad…!!?’
The enthusiastic-teen un-scrolled the omega-symbolled blueprint on his-bed. The 33rd-floor was called THE OMEGA-LEVEL – that was a secret ‘restricted’ floor… that can ‘only’ be accessed from the 99th-floor, by a private-elevator…
Even-though, he wasn’t trained, where he ‘couldn’t’ read-manuscripts – but Paul ‘made’ educated-guesses based on John-See’s time-travelling mission-intel…
… that an arc-reactor would-be in the 33rd-floor, Omega-Level – which would power the diabolic Doomsday-portal on the roof-of-the Blake-Tower in the-next PERTHLAND… Paul’s Mission-Impossible role was to ‘destroy’ the arc-reactor…
Paul was overwhelmed with defeating-thoughts of ‘NOT’ READY for the future mission – and went-on his blame-game…
‘… that bloody-MAYOR MISUSED dad’s architectural schematics – of the Omega-level, with Evil-intentions of destroying mankind…’
He looked-back at the-scroll for-odd anomalies – and found it too different from the other-98-floors… as the Omega-level was hexagon-shaped in-its interior, with-exterior of concrete-reinforcement so-that the 33rd-floor was a fortified-fortress…
Paul had seen the black-coloured pharmaceutical Blake-Tower before – located in uptown city-district in Perth. The tall-building was rectangle-shaped in exterior…
‘… why’s the Omega-Level hexagon in-its interior…?’
Paul then-assumed…
‘… I’m guessing – maybe the Underworld’s Blackmagic worked-well if it’s hexagon-shaped … to POWER-UP ‘rooftop’ the portal…’
… the youngster had wandered-off into ‘other’ dimensions before in his-OBE REM-sleeps – where he came to the radioactive post-nuclear Perth – where, the entire-city was ruined… except-for the Dark-Tower, Blake-Tower – the ONLY-BUILDING standing ‘after’ the Big-Nuke-blast…
… 20-years in-the-future…
… on-the rooftop was A GIANT-EYE – just like the Eye-Of-Sauron from the Lord-Of-The-Rings movies – keeping surveillance of OUTSIDE-THREATS to the Dark-Tower…
Paul put 2-and-2 together…
‘… the eyeball monster that was in the Battle-Of-GOE’s Red-Moon Eclipse – IT WOULD-be in PERTHLAND too… keeping a lookout for-the-portal – HOW AM I gonna get-in to the 99th-floor elevator…?’
His confidence-level dropped like a-potato falling-off from a grocery-bag…
Paul-then thought-in the-positive…
‘… I’ll figure it-out ‘when’ I get to-PERTHLAND – no-need to get-my diapers in-a-bunch -- as I GOT ‘MORE’ immediate-problems in my-silver platter in-POST-TREETON… of Jane ‘being’ preggo…’
Paul sighed-deep…
‘… enjoy my-problems… as always…’
The teenager finished his-coke…and crushed-the-can in-conviction that-he’ll find-a-way to ‘infiltrate’ the Blake-Tower…
He-then yawned, and looked at his alarm-clock – 5:14 AM… with rain still showering outside. Paul was mentally-tired and looked at the floor with over-50 scrolls scattered in his windowless-room…
… he decided to ‘clear’ the mess before he went-to-bed – it would be ‘disrespectful’ to leave his late-dad’s treasured-legacy-works in the-floor… in his-towel, he levitated below to pick-up the blueprints to gather them in the large-wicker basket…
… Paul decided to keep the basket of scrolls in his-bedroom as A MEMENTO – and also a visual-reminder to anchor-a ‘reminder’ that… he ‘should’ pay-attention to his dreaded Math-subject – if his-ambition was TO BE ‘PART’ of Solomon-Walker’s architectural legacy…
… a Next-Gen of world-builder…
Paul got-off the-towel and put on his-night clothes to go to-bed.
He floated to his-bed with the 2 Blake-Tower blueprints on-top– and decided that his-next’ after-dark’ mission in the Walker-House was to ‘sneak’ to the-garage… and gather intel of the Blake-Tower in the drying WET-MANUSCRIPTS on the-workbench…
He yawned and placed the Blake-Tower blueprints ‘under’ the-bed… for save-keeping. He looked at the-time – 5:28 AM – and switched-off the table-lamp and sat on-the bed in the-dark…
… Paul pulled his-lifeless legs and blanketed the-lower limbs, as he collapsed-slowly to the pillow… and his backache began-to shoot and he slept on-his-side to ease the-pain…
… thinking of ‘more’ than an-hour-long labour-of-love in-rescuing his-dad’s books just-now…
… and, regretting-too in-guilt – that 1/3 of his father’s belongings were wet…
… before-long, Paul drifted to-slumber…
A 16-YEAR-OLD, Jane visited Paul in-his-sleep – in the avatar of the Hindu-Goddess, Kali form. She was dressed in an-Indian saree-costume. The entity was making clinking bell-sounds in the-dark from her ankle-bracelets and-wrist-bangles, when she walked to his-bed…
… she was dark-skinned… but had long-flowing blonde-hair from-head-to her waist – and she was-6 months-pregnant…
…her forehead had a-long vertical-crimson Bindi with an-eyeball of the-3rd-eye. She had other Indian cosmetic-ornament in-her-face like a big-nose-ring piercing – wearing heavy glittering gold-jewellery in his necklaces and boubled-shaped earrings. The Kali-Jane was-in blood-red lipstick… and her 8” tongue hung-out her-mouth, with 2” fangs…
She got into the-bed beside the sleeping-Paul and started to kiss-him – and touching his private-part. Paul was-rudely awakened by the arousal… opening his-eyes in the-gloom-to an up-close of a dark-skinned woman with 3-eyes…
… the terrified-Paul shrieked and jumped-out the bed, holding his-chest with his fast-beating heart – and-then put his-hands to his-belly that was rock-hard…
‘… it’s a ‘dream’ – I only-have 6-pack-abs in my-dream…’
The entity was giggling on the-bed… and Paul looked-hard to-see that it WAS-JANE – but with a skin-complexion ‘similar’ to the Australian-Aborigine – she was older like the sexy teenager, Jane-variant of PERTHLAND… because the entity had big-boobs…
… but what was prominent was her-long bushy blonde-mane… that contrasted-odd with her black-skin – looking like the X-men’s Mystique, who-too had dark-skin and red-hair…
‘… but Jane cut her-hair short recently…’
He picked-up his-courage, to-ask…
“Jane! Is that ‘you’…!?”
“… hehehe, ‘who-else’ were you ‘expecting’ – come to-bed, Pauly…”
“… but… you ‘look’ different’…!’
“… hehehe – don’t we all… come to-bed, my-love…”
Paul refused to-move – and-noticing her elongated-tongue and-fangs…
“… err-Jane, can you put your-tongue-in please – it’s scary to-look…”
“… Okay-dear, I’ll be ‘less’ scary, hehehe…”
He remembered the-Time-Traveller saying the Jane-Wilson had the ‘other’ avatar of the raging-Hindu Goddess, Kali…
… he remembered-too ‘meeting’ the OG-Kali in Samsara, the Hindu-heaven – where she had 6-arms holding-weapons of machetes-and-spears – that-then decapitated the-sacrificial WHITE-GOAT… and drank its-blood – and the rampaging mad-woman was-finally ‘killed’ by another Hindu-deity on a white-horse…
… it was a divine-intervention THAT ‘FREED’ his-father, Solomon from his-333-years of reincarnation-cycles – an instant-Karma of unleashing his-soul too in Purgatory – to-be ‘REBORN’ AS a-man in the ‘next-life’…
Paul asked…
“Jane, what DO-YOU ‘want’…!?”
He saw the-entity sobbing before getting-off the-bed – the terrified-Paul backed-away to the wall when the crying-preggo entity came-closer to him…
“It’s your devil-twin – Peter is ‘going’ to kill OUR-BABY – we’ve to stop him… we ‘must’ kill Peter first…!!!”
It confused the 13-year-old – who was told by John-See to ‘NOT’ TO kill-anyone in playing-the-game. A mistake he ‘made’ in PERTHLAND where he ‘killed’ 3-people – with repercussions of daily-bad-luck in POST-TREETON…
“We must kill him, Pauly…!”
He realised that the-entity was ‘misguiding’ him… so-that, he WOULDN’T LEVEL-UP to continue his-mission as Perth’s Accidental-superhero…
… he doesn’t ‘TRUST’ HIS girlfriend either…
‘… she’s 50-50 of the Cursed-Trio – a Soulmate-Of-2…’
Tempest Rising : Cove of Deceit
Trouble is brewing in Alfia. The multiverse is in unfathomable danger but not a soul knows. Plots run deep and secrets abound at every turn. In the middle of the chaotic trouble are four youths who have no feeling of solidarity at all. So long as it meant furthering their own personal agendas they would gladly do in each other. But Alfia's fate rests on this group of dishonest youths (mainly because they gave fate no other option).But.... ...Was it also mentioned that this dishonest group are neither the strongest nor smartest nor bravest in all of Alfia? Alfia's fate against the greatest foe it has ever known seems set. It is going to fall. Hard.
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Virilia: The Untold Tales
Like most people in the world, Kaze was living a mediocre life. Although he had a decent job that gave above average pay, he still wanted something more. So when the new VRMMORPG Virilia came out, he knew he had to get it. The game promised a new exciting life, and he wanted to see if it could keep its promise. The motto of the game was “Different Choices, Different Paths, Different Possibilities.” Thanks to the high tech AI that helped the game run, no one’s play through would ever be the same. Do you want to be a hero, a villain, or just go off and live in seclusion? It was your choice! You could do whatever you wanted. The races you could choose from were vast and plentiful. Were you tired of playing as an elf? As a human? Did you want to try something new? Then play as a golem, a walking shark, a centaur, or a lizardman. If you didn’t like any of these choices, then just choose a different one. The choice was yours to make.
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Prio's Notable Past
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Narrative notes written in the perspective of Prio from before she met Ted. This is a Respec Ted sidestory. This book follows Rita, a filipino nursing student, who, with her brother, enters "Mayhem of the Macrocosm". She eventually becomes Prio, the golden haired soaring monkey, as seen in Respec Ted. Please be aware: Prio's Notable Past is written as part of Royal Road's Writathon 2021, I recommend using the "Read Later" button and read it after the marathon, as I may be shuffling around and writing additions to all the chapters throughout the marathon.
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Fate/Apocrypha is a story based around a Holy Grail War separate from that of the five Fuyuki Wars. The original chapter 1 "Unbirth" focuses on Jack the Ripper. Though elements from this chapter exists in the official story, this chapter is not related to the official plot of the story.
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The Living Weapons
Daniel Shanahan has decided that drinking away his memories is the best thing he can do. Wandering the streets by day, and hiding in his hole in the wall place at night, the only thing he worries about is getting enough money for his next drink. When a damsel in distress crosses his path, old fury and buried hate push him to take a human monster's ability and become one of the twelve living weapons.
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Ones Who Love You
this is a poly brightlights fic, didn't see anything on here that was what i wanted to i wrote my own.
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