《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 14 [i]: Sunday Dinner with Principal Harris
Chapter 13: Sunday Dinner with Principal Harris
AFTER 2-DAYS OF HEAVY RAINING – it finally stopped on-Sunday morning. The Walker-household missed Sunday-Mass as roads to St Michael church were flooded. Even the middle-class suburb-neighbourhood where the House-Of-Walker stood… had their front-lawns with stagnant-water like paddy-fields…
… in the kitchen, Caroline in her housecoat was-at the stove – cooking scrambled-eggs and bacons for her twin-sons. Peter came down the stairs, and looked-out at the front-lawn submerged in clogged-drain water… displeased, he shook his-head…
… the house was too-quiet, so-Peter switched the TV-on – and, a random-reality show played… but Peter did ‘not’ sit-to-watch it. He wanted TO-DO damage-control assessment … now that his-father’s house deed was ‘under’ his name…
The robotic-armed teen peeked-out from another side-window that had a view of the backyard – and saw the tied-up dog sleeping on the backdoor-mat…
‘… lazy like its-fat Master – hope to chase both of the-useless ‘dogs’ away from ‘my’ house soon…’
He looked at the tall-wall in the-backyard – at-the 2-singe marks… where he suspected his-twin had shot his supe-blasts to the ‘damage his-house – but-the black-mark spots on-the- white-wall were-both GONE… washed-away by the pounding-rain last night…
Peter walked into the kitchen… noticing his inspector-mom on-her day off cooking…
“Mom, is my-brekkie ready…?”
“… ‘not’-yet… another 10-minutes to cook-bacon to-crisp…”
“… just ‘nuke’ it microwaves, Mom… it’s already 9 AM – I’m hungry…”
“WAIT! You ‘silly-boy’ – who-cooks bacon-in the microwave-oven…!?”
“… that’s what you-don’t know – you don’t watch cooking-vids on-YouTube… there’re creative-and-faster ways to cook… update-yourself by-learning from it, Mom…”
“I’m ‘not’ going to watch your-stupid videos to-learn ‘how-to’ cook bacon… you-now ‘wait’ 10-minutes for-it…”
“… it’s your-choice, Mom – remain ignorant as you-are…”
He walked to the fridge to get a-coke… before his eggs-and-bacon were served at the IKEA-table. The opened the door – and saw only ‘one’ can inside…
“MOM! Poe drank-up 3 cans of-coke last night! He would get diabetes-soon sitting still-life in his-tubby fat ass-on his wheelchair… and-would ‘soon’ join our opposite-house neighbour, ol’ man-Kiperman’s One-Legged Boy’s Club, playing world-series hopscotch… if you ‘keep’ letting-him from-finishing my-cans of Coca-Cola…”
“OIII-Peter – don’t be-mean! Poe just recovered from-fever – he probably drank-coke to rehydrate… and, for-your-info – I buy coke for the ‘both’ of-you – you learn TO-SHARE…”
“… well… there is no-more coke in-the-fridge – IT’S SUNDAY, Mom – are you ‘going’ grocery-shopping in the evening…?”
“… why ‘not’… you’re lazy-too…?”
The mother refused to-reply her annoying son as she continued to flip the bacon-strips in the greasy-pan over-the-stove. Peter opened the-coke tab with his black-metallic finger and-was waiting for Caroline’s response to-the facetious-argument…
He saw the door beside the-fridge to the-garage – which everyone ‘seldom’ opened… Peter opened-it – and was shocked by the stagnant flood-water…
“Mom! COME-HERE quick!!!”
“What-NOW!” The annoyed mother responded…
“Look at THIS!!!”
“Look at WHAT…?” The exasperated-mother switched-off the stove and came-over…
“All my collectables are ruined, it’s YOUR FAULT!”
Caroline too was surprised by the entry of the-flood water. She-then saw her-late husband’s books stacked-in tall-piles by the door… and some left to-dry on the elevated-floor and workbench… and, was impressed by-the efforts by her-quadriplegic son…
“How did Poe DO THAT…?”
The robotic-armed teen was upset-and-provoked when his-mother’s attention was-to his-twin – where she DOESN’T KNOW of Paul’s secret supe-identity… Peter shouted-out…
“How do I ‘know’!? Maybe our fat-boy scuba-dived like the-hippo-Taweret, for all-I-know – if he can save dad’s books… why can’t he bloody-save my collectables-too…!!?”
Caroline pointed at the-boxes…
“Look at ‘what’s’ written – you’ve ‘warnings-written’ THAT NOBODY should ‘touch’ your-property – now, what are you complaining ABOUT…?”
Peter whined-out screaming in-defence…
“But-Mom, I’ve-just lost $10,000… and I ‘warned’ you repeatedly that my ‘precious-collectables’ were ‘not’ insured and yet you forced me to store it in this-bloody garage… look-now to ‘what’ happened – it’s your fault and-blame you for my-losses…
“I could have easily-sold my past-millennium newspapers on eBay and Craigslist – I ‘already’ had ready-buyers who would-pay me good-money for-it – NOW – the expensive newspapers are bloody-worthless papier-mache!”
“I told you to store it here cos’ it’s fire-hazard TO KEEP-it in your bedroom like a messy-homeless…” Caroline responded…
“AARRGG! Stop with the-excuses!”
The raged-Peter went-forward and stepped into the water – with his-mother shouting in-the-rear…
“… hey, don’t go-into that dirty-water – you may-fall sick with some E-coli-borne bacteria related disease…”
He was deaf-eared… ripped one of the soggy-box-top that contained old-Tennis magazines – the 13-year-old whimpered-and-moaned in-tears…
“… my-McEnroe First-Edition… all ruined… because of-you…”
“… its just-junk old magazines – you’ll get-over it… now, get-out of the water…!”
“NO-MOM! I want to-be compensated – you pay-me $1000 for my-investment-loss NOW… and we-then call it even!”
“I’m ‘not’ paying-you a single cent – the-flood is an ACT-OF-GOD… it’s lucky you don’t have to-go church-Confessions cos’-of this-flood too…!”
The mother wasn’t happy seeing Peter kissing his equally-delinquent 14-year-old girlfriend sitting-on his-lap… during birthday in front of his-hormone raged cheering Irish-cobber classmates…
… putting a disrespectful immoral-show in ‘front’ of the Inspector-Of-Perth – in ‘her’ house…
Peter included Paul in-his-accusations…
“… he saved worthless-books ‘instead’ of my ‘prized’ collectables – Mom, what are you going TO-DO with all of these-Dad’s books…!?”
“I don’t-know – probably give it to the Salvation Army…” Caroline replied with her animosity to her-late husband…
The eldest-twin then-demanded…
“Give me key to one-of the 2 locked-up guestrooms upstairs – I want to ‘set-up’ an-office for my-collectables!”
“No! You’re ‘not’ HOARDING-JUNK in this-house ever-again…”
“Because I ‘told’ you-so…!”
Kitty at the backyard barked when it heard them quarrel…
The raged-Peter crushed the soggy McEnroe-magazine – and his robotic-arm threw it like a-cricket ball at the stacked-book pile-at the-door… and knocking-down a few-books…
“SHUT-UP, you-dingo! I’m ‘going’ to kill-you!!!”
“Peter, behave yourself!”
“… stupid-Poe ‘saved’ the architecture-books… ‘knowing’ for a-fact that both-of-us can’t be an architect like-dad – that ‘why’ the dunce went to the B-Class, in-the-first place…”
“That was ‘NOT’ WHY Poe ‘was’ transferred to the ‘other’ class!” Caroline defended Paul …
“Hah! But I’m BETTER THAN him – I bet you a $1000, Mom… that I CAN BE the Top-5 in next-week’s Midterm exams… are-you up-to it, Mom…!?”
He was confident that Ken Chan’s Edith-scam during examinations WOULD-WORK – where exam-answers would be ‘whispered’ for him to-ACE-PAPERS…
He got no-reply from Caroline – so he ‘changed’ tactics…
“… okay-Mom, I don’t want your-money – just gimme the key-to the guestroom if I ‘come’ the Top-5 in the midterm, at-least… okay-deal…!?”
“NO!” Caroline was-firm…
“OIII! Listen here, Mom – the house is ‘under’ my-name – I don’t need your-permission for-anything…I’ll-then go to Bella’s unc-Wilford, and get the key-myself!!!
Caroline slammed the-door at Peter – and-went back to the kitchen to do-her cooking. She heard her firstborn ‘even’ more furious-shouting behind the-door…
… with the barks of the-dog accompanying-him…
At around 9:15. Caroline came into the windowless-bedroom to check-on the-sleeping Paul. He was awake when he felt a hand on his forehead…
“Your fever’s gone – I made scramble eggs and bacon… come-eat…”
The 2nd-born shook his-head… pointing to his-throat… saying…
“… can’t eat bacon… can’t swallow… sore-throat…”
Paul was glad that he can form 3-worded-sentences to communicate – where-else, last-night he totally-couldn’t talk-well… and did-so in-pain of ‘after’ all the shrieking-banshee superhero-screams which-he had ‘done’ the previous-night’s GOE’s mission…
His mother-then asked him…
“How on-earth did you manage to pulled-the books from-the-flood – it must have taken you hours…?”
Paul was stumped for a reply… he didn’t want his-mom TO KNOW that her cripple-son had flight-and-levitation supe-powers – instead he gave a generic-answer…
“… when there’s a-will… there’s a-way – dad’s books… needed saving… I DID IT… whole-night… cos’ I… couldn’t sleep…”
The mother nodded to him – and thought of her-reply to Peter just-now… that those-books would-be ‘GIVEN-AWAY’ to the Salvation Army… but she did ‘not’ say-that to Paul, instead she told…
“Good-boy, now that your-fever has ‘gone-down’ – come for breakfast at the-table…”
“… later, Mom – going-potty… in the-dunny…”
He struggled his-big-frame to his-wheelchair – and Caroline partially lifted-him to the-chair… he nodded-his thanks…
“I’ll make you French-toast… would you like-that…?”
Paul nodded and said…
“… black-coffee too…”
The mother remained-back as she straighten-his room, while he exited the-door – as the-door closed, Caroline saw a wicker basket with her-late husband’s blueprints in his-room.
He saw Peter having his brekkie at the table – the devil was staring at him with angry eyes… Paul wasn’t bothered and didn’t make eye-contact…
‘… dad’s books were worth-saving… ‘not’ your-stuff… sorry…’
Paul locked-himself in the bathroom – he levitated out-of the wheelchair and sat on the toilet-bowl…
He recalled the pregnant Kali-Jane entity ‘visiting’ him in-his-dreams last-night – and gave-him a conflicting thought that Peter was trying to ‘kill’ the unborn-Godhead womb –and, to ‘stop’ his devil-twin was to-kill him in-POST-TREETON…
But he decided to ‘stick’ with the Time-Traveller, John-See’s gameplan to LEVEL-UP in his ‘next’ phase mission of the Dark-Tower @PERTHLAND – and ‘not’ TO-TRUST his girlfriend à who was the 50-50 Cursed-TRIO MEMBER…
… it was ‘evidence’ in the GOE-mission that Jane was erratic in behaviour and actions when she didn’t ‘obey’ SeeIn’s battle-plan to-guard the ariel space – instead, she went berserk-and-amok in the battlefield below as the Warrior-Virgo…
‘… you got into trouble-too ‘when’ you were TAKEN BY the centaur horsemen-demons – and I’ve to rescue-you for the ‘first-time’… but we didn’t have that problem-before in ‘our’ past-missions… why-now, Jane…!?’
The boyfriend ‘suspected’ her-rebellious hormonal-imbalance started ever-since she ‘ate’ the bad-apple and became pregnant…
The worrying-Paul recalled too of the-Time-Traveller mentioning-that he would run ‘future-missions ‘solo’ – WITHOUT HIS-partner, Jane…
‘… oh-God…how can I DO-IT ALONE without my-ally…? Jane is twice as powerful than-me… I ‘NEED’ HER…’
He came out from the bathroom – and ‘heard’ a local quiz-show, ‘Have You Been Paying Attention’ on Network-10, playing aloud in the big-LED TV in the living-room…
Caroline had made 4-slices of French-toast with battered-eggs and milk and fried-then it over the ‘previous’ bacon-oiled saucepan for the-umami-taste…
Peter was still at the IKEA-table – when Paul-rolled to the dining-area… he ‘requested’…
“Mom, can… I eat outside – some fresh-air… sunshine and Kitty – I’ve ‘haven’t’ seen… her since Friday…?”
The mother-too knew that-Peter ‘would’ pick-a-fight with Paul ‘over’ his damaged collectables – and, ‘granted’ his-request…
“Okay, that’ll do you good, Poe…”
The mother took the plate of French-toast and black-coffee – and followed the wheelchair that led-the-way to the backdoor…
The chained to the post-Kitty was delighted to see Paul – and was super-excited too, when it ‘sniffed’ human-food nearby and barked…
“Hiya-girl…” Paul-stalled and acknowledged the canine…
… he saw Caroline set the plate on the table of the outdoor-furniture under the backyard’s covered patio. While he rolled the-wheelchair to-her, Paul smelled the pleasant petrichor earthy-grass scent after rain. And, also noticed the sunshining bright on the white-wall that was bleached – with the 2 dark-spots singes of his electro-blasts were ‘gone’ too washed by the rain…
“Now-eat – and-don’t feed the-dog…” His mother-said before walking into the-house…
… Paul nodded…
The moment she was ‘gone,’ Paul bit half of the eggy-bread and tossed the rest to the Belgian Malinois… the dog jumped-up and caught the toast in mid-air… wagging its-tail and wanting for more…
Sipping his coffee, Paul looked up at the horizontal-beam of the backyard covered-patio ceiling… that was ‘ideal’ to hang-up the online-ordered 5-foot heavy punching-bag which would be delivered tomorrow-afternoon ‘when’ he was home-alone…
“I’m going to be Rocky-Paul-Walker Balboa ‘soon’ – you’ll be ‘jealous’ of my 6-pack abs… eat-up and-be a fat girl…” Paul chucked as he tossed the-bread to Kitty…
Then he heard his-mom’s voice calling him from inside the-Walker House…
“Poe! Your phone IS RINGING in-your-room!”
… he panicked…
… the only person who ‘would’ call-him was Jane – but ‘after’ the Tarzan deep-fake video, Paul WAS ORDERED to ‘delete’ her-phone #-in-his contact-list – and he was in-contact with his blind-girlfriend secretly ‘behind’ the-adults’ back… and stored her name in-the-pseudonym, Starr… short-for StarGirl…
Before he rushed-in to attend his-call – he tossed the rest of the food to the eagerly-waiting Kitty – and exited from the backyard.
Paul noticed-that the IKEA table was unoccupied – the devil-twin wasn’t there. He rushed to the sound of his ringing iPhone in the room… and, heard his-mother’s voice in the front-door in-the living-room…
“OIII! You’re ‘not’ cycling-out to THE STORE – the-road is flooded with dirty-water – you’ll ‘get’ sick like Poe-did…”
“I don’t-care, Mom! Since you’re ‘not’ grocery-shopping today – I’m buy my own-coke then, okay!?” Peter responded-and-left…
‘… good-riddance – go! Just-get out-of my face…’
Paul thought-and locked himself in the windowless-bedroom…
The crippled-teen then levitated in-a-hurry to the ringing cellphone, which was-also vibrating-and-moving on the bedside tabletop…
… there was a-mutual understanding between the handicapped-lovers that they’ll give each-other time to pick-up their-calls due to their-disabilities…
After the 30-something-rings later, Paul picked-up the call…
Jane was delighted-to hear his-voice…
“Pauly, I called-yesterday – you didn’t pick-up…”
The boyfriend replied with his croaking-voice…
“… had fever-yesterday… still-sick… with sore throat… recovering…”
“You poor-thing...”
The girlfriend told that her-father, Anthony had gone-out the Sunday for his-business’ investor-meeting. Paul then asked…
“… ‘how’ was the… supe-mission … the other-night…?”
“… huh… what-mission? Did we go on a-mission…?”
Paul reminded the blind-tween…
“… yea, with John-See in his-Pentateuch…”
“… who’s John…? Panties-touch…? What’s-that…? Is John a panties-salesman, hehehe…!?”
The boyfriend-too joined and laughed as he thought of the green-neon panties which Jane wore in the ‘mission’ under her white nightgown – while also-recalling the Time-Traveller’s crystal-ball… the Chronovisor – that telecasted the future-events @the-abortion clinic… where her-neon panties ‘shot-laser-bolts’ and killed the doctor-and-nurse…
“… that’s funny… how-come I don’t remember going on ‘any’ mission yesterday…?” The confused-Jane said-out…
Paul too-was surprised that SHE CAN’T remember the Garden-Of-Eden mission… where, her-dog, Piper was the ferocious Wolman who fought-along with her-kid brother, the African Prince-Jaheem to defeat the forces-Of-Evil…
“Pauly, did we ‘win’…?” Jane asked…
“… yea… we ‘won’…” Paul lied…
“YAYY! We won.!” Jane rejoiced…
The silenced-boyfriend then sighed-inwards… recalling that they actually ‘lost’ when the diabolic ‘bomb’ was dropped and-nuke-destructed the ‘entire’ Abrahamic-Paradise-garden…
Then he-realised that John-See saying that the GOE-mission was HIS-DREAM – that he ‘invited’ Jane to-assist him, the MAIN-CHARACTER…
… meaning that Jane was just-a NPC – a Non-Player-Character in-the-mission… and that was ‘WHY’ SHE ‘operated’ off-the-book like a ‘wildcard,’ without abiding ‘the-rule’ of the game…
… who also-could ‘not’ BE-TRUSTED AS she was a 50-50 Cursed-Trio ‘member’ à a ‘split’ personality Soulmate-for-2, in the-Dreamworld…
“Pauly, you’re so ‘quiet’ – talk to-me…” Blind-Jane teased…
‘… what do-you want me to-say, dear? – that you’ve an alter-ego as a vengeful Warrior-Virgo à with the avatar of the Hindu-Goddess, Kali – and, you VISITED-ME last-night… saying that I should ‘break’ the Game-Rules BY ‘KILLING’ my-devil twin… and that’s Game-Over for me… ‘to’ levelling-up to the ‘next’ Perthland-mission…’
The chuckling boyfriend made an-excuse…
“… I-can’t… have sore-throat… haha, you talk… I ‘listen’…”
“I’m looking forward to Maggi coming to our-class tomorrow… you’ve met Alicia’s twin sister the other-day, right…?” The girlfriend said…
‘… ‘your’ class, ‘not’ ours – I’ve ‘been’ demoted to B-Class, remember…?’
… Paul thought the ‘new’ student from-Malaysia, who ‘wasn’t’ a threat – and furthermore, she and Alicia’s were both the Time-Traveller’s twin-daughters. He too ‘had’ promised John-See ‘not’ to divulge that-secret to his-girlfriend of ‘who’ was the girls’ father…
Paul changed the-subject and spoke of yesterday’s heavy-rains and flood… where he had rescued his late-father’s architectural books and belongings – but did ‘not’ mention about the Solomon’s blueprints of the Blake Tower… where he ‘had-to’ destroy a gateway-portal of Lucifer’s legions to travel-over to Perth, during the-END-OF-DAYS…
… but he’ll ‘tell’ Jane when-by chance, when SHE ‘JOINED’ him in Perthland…
Paul sighed at the burden of too-much secrecy that he-to carry – from ‘not’ telling the gameplan-of the ‘next’ mission to his counterpart supe-partner of the-Defender’s-Of-Perth …
Jane-then asked…
“Pauly, our midterm-papers are ‘next’ week – have you ‘been’ preparing for it…?”
Paul lied-again…
“… yea… here-and-there…”
… but he had ‘not’ been studying like he used-to… since he went to B-Class – where he had spent long-hours after-school by playing Ghostbusters in his Nintendo…
“Do you want ‘us’ to go-into the Math revisions…?”
“… yes, please…”
Paul was deeply grateful that his-girlfriend was the ‘only’ one in POST-TREETON who was helping-him in his studies. Now-that ‘after’ rescuing his-late father’s books last-night, the crippled-teen had the ambition to be an-architect like Solomon… where it ‘prioritised’ Math in-calculations in the profession…
For the next-hour, Paul was focused – ‘listening’ to Jane-and-her AI, Boyyo going-through the lesson… until – his-girlfriend ‘got’ a call from Lola… who, checked-on Jane regularly-since the doctor-mother ‘moved-out’ from the Wilson-residence 2-months ago, taking her-toddler brother. Jane promised her-boyfriend to call-back later… and hung-up…
Paul was-back ‘alone’ in the windowless bedroom… feeling-giddy with Math-numbers playing in his-head due-to ‘lack’ of caffeine in his-system, as he hardly-drank it just-now @the-backyard when he had brekkie with his-dog…
He put the iPhone in his-pocket and levitated to the wheelchair to go-to the backyard to finish his ‘now’ cold-coffee at the outdoor-table. He passed the kitchen and saw Caroline washing the dishes with the steel-mesh gauze… scrapping-clean of the bacon-residue stuck in the frying-pan…
… he opened the backdoor to the delighted-Kitty, wagging its-tail – and noticed that Caroline had cleared his-coffee mug in-the outdoors. He locked the door and looked over at the coffee-machine that was washed-clean too. He asked…
“… err-Mom, did you ‘clear’ my-coffee…?”
… he got a backlash-response of his mother’s voice that changed like-to… Jekyll/Hyde or Banner/Hulk mode – as Caroline was ‘not’ at-all happy of the rebellious Peter ‘had’ DISOBEYED HER by going-out in-the-flood to get his-Coca-Cola…
“Poe! You don’t drink a-lot of coffee – you’re ‘still’ an-underaged-boy! You also stop drinking 3-cans of Coca-Cola in a-day-too – because it’s bad for your health! Understood…!?”
“… okay-Mom – I won’t…”
Paul left the kitchen as he wheelchaired to the bathroom… and, he ‘cursed’ to-himself that the-devil twin – who went-against Caroline’s orders-and-wishes…
… where she was no-longer the gentle-and-caring mom, who TOOK-CARE of him ‘when’ he-had a fever yesterday… where her-mood had-now transformed THE ‘ONE’-of the inspector-Of-Perth… who was ‘suspicious’ of her 2-antagonistic TWIN-SONS’ behaviours…
… who ‘had’ even slapped-him hard at @the-principal’s office, a fortnight-ago…
A saddened-Paul locked himself in the bathroom.
He flushed the-dunny before exiting the bathroom – Paul ‘heard’ his mother’s voice in the living-room. He slowed-down to get a glimpse at the muted-TV that played the series ‘Desperate-Housewives’ – with Caroline on-the-couch…speaking lovey-dovey in her iPhone…
… he-then proceeded to his bedroom as he does ‘not’ WANT TO eavesdrop-into her-conversation to her-boyfriend, the-principal… as his-mom had ‘MOVED-ON’ with her life ‘after’ the death of his-father 3 YEARS ago…
Inside his-bedroom, the heavyhearted crippled teen dealt with his crippling-insecurities of the-possibilities of his-life ‘could-go,’ if his-MOM ‘MARRIED’ to Tom-Harris. After 15-seconds of soul-searching, Paul decided to think-positive to have a ‘purpose’ in life… by studying-hard in-school and ‘chase’ after his-AMBITION OF BEING an-architect like his late-father…
He focused his-priorities to do-well in his next-week’s midterm-exam on Wednesday – where he had only-3 days ‘more’ to mug his-studies… but first-things-first where – he had to deal with his-addictive distractions…
… he ‘locked-away’ his Nintendo videogame-console – and also his iPad where he had time-wasted by-watching too-many dog-videos in YouTube… and, both the devices were ‘locked’ in the bedside drawer…
Next, he organised-and-stacked the school books in his desk… of the 8-papers for the 3-days – Wednesday-to-Friday, in his midterm-exams…
Caroline-then walked-into the windowless-bedroom unannounced, without knocking-the-door – he was ‘lucky’ that he was in-his wheelchair and ‘not’ levitating. Turning his-head to her when she spoke…
“Tom is treating us-dinner this evening with food catered from the country-club. Poe, be-ready by 7, okay…?” The excited mother informed-and-left…
“… okay, Mom…”
‘… good ol’ rich-food from John-Blake Country-Club – there goes my Rocky-Balboa staying-in-shape regime…’
The teen sighed… and soon, he was smiling when he thought of the John-Blake Tower in PERTHLAND… where his Mission Impossible-duty was to infiltrate the-Dark-tower fortress – and, to destroy a Blackmagic-portal, at the 33rd-floor, on the Omega-Level…
‘… Johnno, SeeIn and his-Council are ‘counting’ ON-ME on this-one – when I ‘level-up’ in-POST-TREETON by being-positive…’
THE MOTHER PREPARED pork-burgers for lunch. Peter was ‘not’ at-home, since-gone for 2-hours that-morning. Paul came to the IKEA-table to have lunch with-Caroline – and was delighted that his-mom had-made French-fries too, a favourite-food he missed very-much…
… both mother-and-son had a quiet-and-peaceful lunch without the annoyance of Peter’s presence in-their ‘spaces’. Enjoying his fries-in-mustard sauce, the crippled-teen didn’t say-much at the-table… as he felt ‘guilty’ to do-so…
… where ‘next’ week was his midterm exams… and he neglected his-studies since going to B-Class. Now with his last-moment to-prep with 3-days-more to-go… and, being an average-student with grades that made him the 10th-boy in-class in the last-term in the A-Class…
… would he maintain that-or BE ‘BETTER in B-Class, where there were ‘equal’ diligent-classmates who were ‘prepared’ for the midterms – while he had an ‘only’ a suffocating-deadline of 3-days ‘more’ to-go?
Caroline finished her Arugula-salad with braised-beans, and was away from the table to-wash dishes. Paul sat alone with his sanger-and-fries in a slow-and-chill fine-dining mode… soon-as he finished his ‘last’ fries, and he thanked-his mom… and excused himself…
… wheelchairing to his-bedroom…
The mother ‘reminded’ him again-of the Sunday-dinner at 7-sharp…
“… okay-Mom…”
Sett, like many other of his age, dreamt of adventure and glory. This dream, however, would all too soon turn into a horror filled nightmare. Chaos erupts all around Sett as an entire town turns into a no man’s land where only monsters thrive. Sett will struggle and bleed, but also uncover many secrets along the way, some of which were never meant to be revealed. Who is Sett truly? Who or what is his father whom he had never met? Why is his mother’s former life shrouded in mystery? Only time will tell…
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Heroism and Bad Decisions
When superpowers appeared, the only reason civilization did not collapse was a century of comic books and movies making the new reality familiar and even welcome. When threats out of fantasy and science fiction became truth, people with powers rose up to the challenge because it was both a dream come true and the culturally acceptable thing to do. But not all is well in the new world. Monsters, power-related accidents and villains are on the rise. Governments, companies and opportunists are not staying idle. In this slowly darkening New Age, Valley Grant just discovered she has powers. Joining the ranks of heroes is the next step, right? What do you mean she's not qualified? Why won't hero teams let her join and why are superhero costumes more expensive than cars?! And above all else, why do cape fights keep ruining her make-up? Updates 3 times a week.
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Whistleblower ✓
A journalism major gets tangled up with the beloved quarterback of her university's football team when she uncovers a scandal involving his coach.*****(Currently free to read, will be published by Wattpad Books in 2021!)Laurel Cates is a people-watcher. She's determined to get through college without stepping on any toes or causing a scene, and so far, it's going pretty well. But when Laurel uncovers a scandal involving the head coach of Garland University's beloved football team, she knows she has to do the right thing.Even if her classmates don't believe her.Even if her boss tries to fire her from the side job she desperately needs.Even if the heart-of-gold quarterback, Bodie St. James, seems hell-bent on hating her for writing the article that got Coach Vaughn put under criminal investigation (a feat which proves difficult when Laurel and Bodie wind up in the same group for a class project in BIO 108: Human Sexuality).(#9 NewAdult, #3 TeenFiction. The Fiction Awards nominee for Best Romance, Best Diverse, and Best Overall. Reader's Choice Award finalist.)© 2020 Kate Marchant
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Invisible Threads ~ Dream SMP x Reader ~ Book II
"And if I was going to fall, I would bring the world down with me for those I loved."You've fought in the wars, battled your own friends, but that was just the beginning. Old allies are changing, forming new, unlikely ones. And in a world full of strings, you better pull on the right ones or even your supernatural powers won't be able to keep you safe. Warnings- Violence/blood/swearingcover art is by me :) if you have any fan art, message me!This story uses a female character and does not follow the Dream SMP storyline strictly
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