《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 8: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 1]
Chapter 8: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 1]
THAT SATURDAY-NIGHT, THE WOMB did ‘not’ let Jane sleep. The ‘curious’ Seed-of-Apollo wanted to know-more about the nursery-rhyme, ‘Baa-Baa Black Sheep’…
… it telepathically ‘asked’ questions…
… whether-if it was the same ‘sheep’ as in Philip K. Dick’s novel, ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
“I DON’T KNOW! I don’t read novels – I’m BLIND… DON’T ASK ‘any-more’ stupid questions, Apollonia – go to sleep NOW!”
The foetus-then obediently became inactive and settled to-slumber – as Jane rubbed her-tummy genteelly to-soothe it, while wondering of its godlike-abilities…
‘… even-though it has ‘not’ been-born… and yet it ‘knows’ things – now, I feel fishing-stupid…’
Jane did ‘not’ want-to worry-much about its intellectual accelerated-growth, as… she herself-was dealing on a-daily-basis of her ‘hidden secret’ of being preggo to-the-world…
… she yawned, and finally went to-sleep…
… dreaming…
Lilith, the Mother-of-Demons – who was the ‘first’ wife of Adam, from the Garden-of-Eden ‘visited’ the sleeping-Jane’s dream…
… the Babylonian-demoness was the arch-nemesis of Yahweh…
… where she ‘cursed’ Him – that she would-bear the offspring of the 7-princes-of-the Underworld – and serve-them as lieutenants of The Angel-of-Death, Azazel’s legions -- who would spearhead Armageddon during the biblical end-times…
Lilith took blind-Jane to PERTHLAND – where she was a normal-sighted 16-years-old… and, ‘was’ pregnant WITH CHILD.
The ram-horned, serpent à Lilith shapeshifted à to Shelley-Wilson…
… into the ‘BEST’ VARIANT of the 3-mothers of Jane – that she ‘encountered’ while time-travelling to 3-different-Perth – who was-also the most understanding-and-compassionate ‘mother’ of-them-all…
Both mother-and-daughter were sitting on the bed…
“… Jane-dear, you must ‘abort’ this pregnancy – you’re young… still-in-school – please don’t ruin yourself… ‘unless’…”
“… unless ‘what, Mother…?” The sobbing Jane-responded…
“… unless… it’s Peter’s child – Peter is the ‘worthiest’ person for you, to have ‘his’ seed in your womb… for-he’ll rule empires-and-dynasties into-the ‘future’…” The shapeshifter replied…
“WHAT!!? I love ‘ONLY’ MY-boyfriend, Paul Walker ‘not’ Peter – I don’t love Peter at-all… I fishing ‘dumped’ him in the-OTHER-PERTH!!!” Jane’s guttural ‘rebel’ voice-tone reacted back in-disgust to-the ‘choice’…
“… but Peter is a ‘BETTER’ KISSER than his blowfish ‘loser’ twin… you ‘know’ that for-a-fact, don’t you, my-B-Girl, hehehe…” The interloper impostor from-the-Underworld chuckled…
“… no, I don’t get-it – Mummy! What do you ‘mean’ by-that…?” Jane questioned…
“… listen, Jane – Peter is the ‘CHOSEN’ ONE…Let me show you then…”
The Shelley-entity placed her-palm on Jane’s forehead – and instantly her-thoughts fled-to the-OTHER-PERTH when…
… Jane was transported into-a Dream-in-a-Dream…
… as she was cosmically ‘sucked’ into a black-void – where she cartwheeled spirally-down…
An echoed-voice FROM ABOVE-from mouth of the dark-well was tormenting her as she-fell…
“… don’t you remember Peter GIVING YOU-your ‘first’ kiss…? It was heavenly ‘when’ you GOT-IT… and you ‘nearly’ peed yourself, hahaha…!” The cackling-voice ‘exposed’ the teen’s surreptitious-self…
“NO! I didn’t…” Jane denied as she spun-around downwards…
“… hehehe… YOU-DID – and that’s our ‘little’ secret, hahaha…” The voice echoed…
“NO! I ‘only’ love my-boyfriend Paul and ‘no-one’ else! I broke-up-and-dumped fishing-Peter in the-OTHER-PERTH a-long time ago!”
“… but no-doubt, Peter is a better ‘kisser,’ right…hehehe…?”
“… ‘what’ you-mean – I don’t know what you’re ‘saying’…!?”
“… you loved’ those wet-kisses of your ‘first’ love-right…? Hehehe…”
“I don’t ‘know’ what you’re talking-about…!” The girl denied the 3rd-time…
Jane was still-falling into a spiral a black-void… rotating downwards into an endless-pit – hearing the echoing-voice-above, saying…
“Peter is the-One – ‘not’ his-blowfish-twin ‘who’ is the better kisser, hahaha…”
… NO!”
As she ‘kept’ denying, Jane ‘read’ in-between-the-line… and ‘knew’ what her ‘mother’ was-meaning by the-secret which she-kept ‘hidden’ to-herself…
… it was the day, @the-OTHER-PERTH – when-Peter CAME TO her-bedroom… ‘inviting’ to teach-her how-to skateboard…
… the-day where she got her amazing ‘FIRST’ KISS… and she almost ‘peed’…
That mind-blowing-and-incredible ‘first’ kiss was the best-of-the-best – and-it was her-benchmark to gauge-and-measure the pleasure of ‘other’ kisses she-had-lipped later…
… although, she had dated Paul in the 2-subsequent Perth – but it was Peter’s ‘first-kiss’ of the-OTHER-PERTH that was memorable to blind-Jane…
… when the ‘first’ kiss was a French-kiss – and ‘nothing’ COULD ‘BEAT’ that… and, there’s NO-GOING-BACK from-that too…
… Paul who-was gentle-and-romantic was a ‘weak’ kisser and couldn’t COME-CLOSE– compared to his hot-blooded ‘amour’ twin when it-came to-kisses…
… and, she liked her-kisses to-be ‘rough’…
“NO! I don’t…” Jane denied, as she spun-around downwards…
“… hehehe… YOU-DO – and that’s our ‘little’ secret, hahaha…” The voice echoed-back…
Jane was unconsciously ‘coming’ over to the OTHER-PERTH – ‘behind’ Paul’s back – to reexperience that episode-moment of Peter’s kiss…
… again…
Jane spun-around and cartwheeled downwards as she-fell…
… she ‘knew’ by-her ‘urge’ that she WAS-GOING – to relive the episode of that ‘glorious’ day of…
… her ‘first’ kiss…
… ‘part’ of her-protested – but for-the-most part…
… she wanted to ‘taste’ the ‘pleasure’ of the forbidden-candy ‘again’…
The pit-less fall ended – when she landed-hard plopping-on soft-mattress of her-Queen-sized bed… and the impact broke the 4-legs of the bed – and, it dropped to the carpeted-floor…
… even-the springs-of the-soft-mattress were bent-inwards… leaving a 3-centimeter hollow imprint on the-surface from Jane’s impactful-drop. She sat-up from her dent ‘shaped’ like stretched-star…
… from her-dark void… Jane was BACK-INTO BEING a blind-tween girl…
… but excited with her-heart racing-fast, as she moved-back towards the Queen-bed’s headboard, her hips crushed to her-pillow as she-backed and rested-firm to the bed-board. In her blind-self, she anticipated Peter to walk-up any-moment from her bedroom-door…
… he was her ‘first’ love…
… a sweet-and-angry boy whom she wanted to give a ‘PURPOSE’ TO when he was ‘lost-and-alone’…
… luring herself into swimming together with-him in his-pond of his-tennis dreams – and it was delightful-moment being with the first-boyfriend OF HER-LIFE who-gave her euphoric-kisses…
… the boyfriend whom for 2-years she had-admired from afar – as a-broken-and-fallen ex-Champ who-was ‘forgotten’…
… and-then, she gave-HIM ‘REDEMPTION’ of-a 2nd-chance in-reengineering his-life…
Blind-Jane was anticipating Peter to come… the enthusiasm made her-toes curl as she recalled her-BFF, Alicia had-mentioned that the one-armed-boy walked in a swaggering-manner – even held her-blind-self’s body to ‘simulate’ Peter’s walk in their girly-pranks moments…
Then, she ‘heard’ Peter coming – Jane was enthusiastic by the-sound of his approaching footsteps… she was in mixed emotions-too of shyness-and-guilt…
… the door opened – and she heard his-voice, calling…
“… Janey-my-love… you came to-me…”
… she imagined him ‘swaggering’ to her…
She felt something soft-raining from the ceiling that was brushing against her-skin in a thousand-arousal touches…
Peter was walked to the broken-bed and it was raining red-rose-petals on Jane – and Peter too was swarmed-by little red-butterflies as… he approached eating an-apple…
… Jane ‘remembered’ the crunching-sound of the-apple – that Peter munched in the OTHER-PERTH on the visit of their skateboarding-day, which he ‘offered’…
“… want a bite, my-Eve…?” Peter said as he sat beside-her…
The wide-grinning blind-Jane blushed and nodded in guilty-pleasure of ‘what’s’ to follow…
… where she took a-bite à and Peter-then French-kissed her – the bitten-fruit was transferred-and-exchanged in their mouths as the juice was in their-saliva… and, while the apple was in Peter’s mouth à the blind-girl gagged-to…
…an APPLE-SEED in her-saliva was at her back-of-her-throat – Jane momentarily broke-off from the kiss… and coughed-out the seed – and continued-back into ‘their’ erotic-kiss…
… the ‘tiny’ fallen apple-seed embed into the carpeted floor à that made the presence of the-incubus with his array of erotic-wet-dreams and also the hide-and-seek games with Jane’s soul…
… but since-then, Lola and her Catholic-priest ‘had’ exorcised the monovalent-spirit from Jane’s bedroom – when the Wilson-residence was ‘under’ renovation…
… but the-incubus was-only ‘temporarily’ gone – as it would-RETURN ‘AGAIN’ cos’ the tiny apple-seed was still implanted-dormant in the bedroom carpet, in the blind-girl’s bedroom.
IN-THAT SATURDAY-NIGHT KIP, PAUL too had a dream… he was in his B-Class during Math-period – it was a rainy-day outside… and his bladder was full and he excused-himself to go to the Boys-room…
… wheelchairing on the 2nd-floor corridor, Paul had a change-of-mind… as he wanted to-spy-on the A-Class… where his-twin ‘SAT’ IN his-former desk behind his girlfriend, Jane…
… recalling the-devil SAYING IN their last-encounter that… ‘Janey-was his-soulmate’…
Paul scoffed to the thought of his-twin who – was a disillusioned-erotomaniac who ‘stalked’ Jane’s dreams thinking-that she ‘still’ loved-him…
‘… you bloody-fool! Jane don’t love-you – in-fact, she hates-you ‘too’ ever-since I told her that you ‘were’ responsible for Dad’s death in that BMW-accident when you ‘distracted’ his-driving…’
When his-wheelchair reached that door of the A-Class – Paul’s jaw-dropped seeing that it was ‘not’ the classroom HE ‘LEFT’ 5-days ago since transferring to B-Class…
… it was like an American public-school detention-class like-of-Netflix teen-shows – where delinquent-students were left under the care of a lacklustre substitute teacher… and the students were ‘not’ studying but sitting around talking… some-even sat on their desk as they chat and joked-aloud…
… the class-teacher, Mrs Staghorn was also seated behind her-desk laughing to the-comedy of an episode of ‘Friends’ on her iPad…
Paul saw a pink force-field globe in his former-desk – inside the-sphere were Jane-and-Peter kissing-passionately…
‘… this is bloody-Peter’s fantasy – ‘not’ Jane’s…’
He-then heard a ‘voice’ in his-head, saying…
‘Yes, Paul – it’s an illusion… walk-away now…’
At first, Paul thought it was his-subconscious thoughts talking-back… but he was confused as it ‘sounded’ more like an ASIAN-MAN…
‘… walk-away, Paul…’
Paul said-out aloud to the ‘invisible-man’…
“WHO are you!!?”
Mrs Staghorn and his former-classmates ‘heard’ him – they-all chorused a response…
“Go-away, bloody-Tarzan – Jane is Peter’s Soulmate...!”
“NO!!!” Paul shouted at-them…
From the door-entrance, Paul saw ‘another’ illusion – the classroom was below-sea level with fishes swimming-about… even the teacher-and-students were breathing out bubbles like guppies in a fish-tank…
… the entire-classroom became a virtual-reality hologram of Peter riding a jet ski on the surface – chasing the swimming-Jane…
Paul’s jaw dropped-again – where Jane was A MERMAID…
The crippled-boyfriend saw Jane summersaulting at classroom’s ceiling – and splashing-fanned-tail back into the water, giggling – she was in her-playful mood as she enjoyed Peter pursuing-her in-circles on his-jet ski…
‘… huh…!? What is this…? Is the-devil creating a Disney-porn of the Little-Mermaid…?’
He saw his-twin was playing-naughty-too… trying to make her topless by grabbing her seashell-made bikini-top – and he eventually succeeded…
… he lifted the ‘trophy’ in one hand and shouted-back at Paul…
“Hey-Poe, I ‘got’ it, hahaha!!!”
The topless mermaid-Jane too teased-Paul by flashing her-boobs… just like she ‘joshed’ him ‘before’ in the videocall in her-bathtub when she WAS-DRUNK…
“NO!!!” Paul WAS-ANGRY…
Mrs Staghorn-and-students swam to the door-and plastered their bodies so-that Paul on-the wheelchair outside COULD ‘NOT’ see Peter frolicking with his-girlfriend…
They chorused-again…
“Go away, bloody-Tarzan – this is a ‘closed-door’ affair…”
‘… walk-away, Paul – he’s just trying to make you jealous…’
The door-closed and Paul was pounding his fist-on-it, shouting…
“HOI!!! Open-up!”
‘… walk-away, Paul – it’s just-a Blackmagic illusion…’
“… WHO are you!!? Stop talking in-my-head!!!”
The envious-and-bitter Paul was back pounding-the-door to get his-girlfriend back. The voice in-his-head cautioned…
‘… instead-of running in-circles and chasing illusions – why don’t you come and ‘help’ St Michael instead…?’
“… wha… what you-said…? YOU ‘KNOW’ St Michael…?” Paul’s lizard-brain finally-listened…
“… just follow my-voice – St Michael ‘needs’ you…”
The crippled-teen hesitated… when the last-time HE ‘FOLLOWED’ a-voice – he was ‘tricked’ by the Humpty-Dumpty Kerubiel who gave a ‘BAD’ APPLE that brought bad-luck to the DEFENDERS-OF-PERTH…
“… WHO are you…!?”
‘… come to me, and I’ll ‘tell’ you who-I-am – I’m in the-ground floor @the-janitor’s room… this is ‘your’ school, you know-THE-WAY – hurry-up, Paul… I’m leaving-soon…’
Paul finally-moved… as he was curious OF ‘WHO’ the voice-of-Asian man was… and he reached the 2nd-floor staircase to the lower-foyer. THE VOICE telepathically-spoke again…
‘… use the stairs….’
Paul paused-and-delayed of-fear-of falling from-the-height…
… his mind-related to ‘many’ Netflix-comedy for-LAUGHS-SCENARIOS of the-victim on a-wheelchair going-down the-staircase – bouncing-on every-steps – but-in reality, there WAS ‘GRAVITY’ – that would-tumble humpty-dumpty head-first…
“… I think… I’ll take the-elevator…”
‘Paul, this is YOUR ‘DREAM’ – have a leap-of-faith, and take the stairs… you can do-whatever you want in your-dreamworld…
“… you’re a superhero – you ‘can’ levitate-and-fly, my-boy – just-do-it, as Nike-says…”
At the edge-of-the staircase, Paul took a deep-breath… as he ‘trusted’ the motivating-voice…
‘… here-goes-nothing… the worst case-scenario… I break my-head and go-unconscious – AND ‘ESCAPE’ this nightmare…’
The fearful-Paul froze-and-was indecisive ‘again’ if someone ‘WOULD’ SEE-him… which would ‘expose’ his secret identity…
‘… no-worries – I’ve disengaged the-CCTV cameras…’
Paul was astonished…
‘… whoa… he just ‘read’ my-mind – ‘WHO’ is this-person…!?’
The fear-of-falling WAS STILL in the back-of his-mind as he ‘was’ superpowerless in his-twin’s nightmares where the incubus ‘beat’ him to a-pulp… and even have ‘not’ lost his amputated-legs either from Nurse-Joker’s chainsaw…
… that-he subsequently awoke-always with ‘no’ injuries sustained from the-dreamworld…
‘… as the ‘betrayer’ Mercury once-said à that no-entity ‘could’ physically harm an OBE who ‘travelled’ into the dream-realm… but ‘only’ mentally harm them…’
Paul picked-up his-courage and focus… before taking his-leap-of-faith as he rolled-towards the stairs – he was relieved…
… that COULD ‘LEVITATE’ in-this-realm…
… he hung-on to-both of the falling-chair’s arm-rest as he floated-down – time-seemed to be in slow-mo as he looked-down while gliding-and-descending below…
The rapt obese-teen had a soft-landing as he touched-down at the foot-of the stairs… and racing as he wheelchaired-and-headed to the janitor’s room…
… he had ‘rarely’ used his-supe powers in school – EXCEPT-FOR ‘when’ he-had rescued Douglas Zimmerman from-his-death in the-OTHER-PERTH… when the-devil Sparta-kicked him to fall from THESE-VERY foyer-staircase…
… he shillyshallied and looked around for Mr Quigley-the-janitor… who always-there mopping the hallways when classes were in-progress…
… but he was ‘nowhere’ around – probably taking his cheroot-break ‘outside’ the canteen…
Paul reaching the janitor’s closet-room…
… the very-place that ‘almost’ got him into-trouble the ‘last’ time…
… when he insisted Jane in POST-TREETON to ‘display’ her new-powers of shooting fiery-bolt from her 3rd-eye forehead scar – THEN ALMOST razed the place with burning toilet-rolls…
… but a Douglas Zimmerman ‘variant’ of this-realm fire-fought, on Paul-and-Janes’ behalf…
At the door, he faltered ‘again’ in-caution to-be-sure that the janitor WAS ‘NOT’ inside – before Paul turned the doorknob – to see the medium-spaced room filled with over-supplies of amenities was-empty…
“… hello… hey, where are you…?”
He wheelchaired in and close the-door…
“… err… hello…!”
… the cautionary wheelchair inched further to middle of the small-and-cramped area – then a SUDDEN ‘VISUAL’ hit-him… when an-amber FLASH BOLTED into the-room to-then materialise into a plexi-glassed-dome with an-orange forcefield behind-it…
… the terrified Paul jumped out in-fright of the instant-appearance of the physical-vessel within the tight-space… that was-also emitting chilling-cold air as it glowed in-amber…
… there was a-line-of futuristic-font letters on the glass, that read…
A vertigo-spiralling circle-door opened – and out-came a short, bespectacled bald-man in a Buddhist monk’s robe who looked like… a younger-version of the Dalai Lama…
“Greetings, Paul Walker…”
The befuddled-and-mystified 13-year-old had a perplexed-question…
“… HOW DID you read my-mind just-now – and, ‘who’ are you…!?”
The monk chuckled and responded… as he showed Paul a gadget…
“I’m John See, a fellow time-traveller – and I used this device-from the-future… where humanity replace the mobile-cellphones and communicate ‘directly’ into each-others’ minds…”
“And, that how you read my-mind…?”
The Time-traveller grinned…
“… err… you’re dressed-up like SeeIn – are you with-him…?”
John See chuckled-and-nodded…
“… you ‘still’ remember SeeIn-the-Grand Watcher, haha – I’m the disciple of His-Holiness and I’m also His-Recordkeeper of-events – just-as I said… I’m a long-distance time-traveller who records-events happening in-the-distance ‘between’ the beginning-of the-Alpha and the ‘near’ future-end-of Omega…
“… I’m also a ‘fixer’ of fracture timelines… a duty to keep the-balance of humanity of the-universe, by securing their-mortal ‘lives’ from Evil of-the-Underworld…
“… tonight, I come to you, Paul-Walker – cos’ I’ve A MISSION – and I ‘need’ VOLUNTEERS who I can ‘recruit’…”
Paul sighed-inwards as the was put-off by the word ‘recruit’ – as he had too-much in his-own plate to-deal with in POST-TREETON with Jane pregnant – and the possibility of his-Tarzan-fame being the ‘accused’ as-the father-of-her-child…
‘… but he mentioned ‘St Michael’ needing-my-help…’
John See ‘read’ his-mind, replying…
“Yes-Paul, do you still ‘remember’ Egypt? Your-superhero mission in the OTHER-PERTH where you successfully ‘destroyed’ the Blood-of-Peter in Asmodeus’ REJUVENATION-attempt @the Dark Tower in the desert, during’ the Blood-MOON ECLIPSE in Egypt…?
“… well, the eclipse is happening ‘again’ tonight in POST-TREETON!
“Asmodeus’ Middle-eastern demons and aided BY ALLIES OF the African-demons… would-be be coming-out from the-Underworld’s abyss-pit – ‘when’ the ECLIPSE-HAPPENS… they’ll-be attacking the Garden-of-Eden soon…
“His-Holiness, SeeIn and the ex-communicado, St Michael – are the-2 ‘frontliners’ defending the-Garden…
“… ‘not’ only they both-fight the Asmodeus’ hordes – but ‘also’ Yahweh’s Metatron and St Gabriel-and-his brothers… who-are also after St Michael’s blood…”
Paul exclaimed-out, saying…
“WHAT!!? Archangel-Gabriel is going-TO KILL St Michael…!? Aren’t they-both supposed to-be in the same-Good-side – and fight-against the Evil-Ones of-Asmodeus…? Since when-is-this Good-versus-Good, and aided by-Evil going-on…!?”
John See sighed and responded…
“Paul, those’re the ‘messy’ politics of Heaven-and-Hell created by the-insidious, Yaldabaoth – where, the unrecorded-events are ‘not’ black-and-white – for one-moment Good-fights-Evil… and-later ‘befriends’ them to form ‘allies’ – to fight-against the ‘NEXT’ FACTION…
“… in-their machoistic love-hate bromance of-male-power-play…”
Paul was ‘confused’ and HE THOUGHT in black-and-white as being indoctrinated since birth – reading the-Bible that Good-and-Evil were in-opposing-sides… but he was-quiet, as he listened to the Buddhist time-traveller revealing…
“… it’ll will go-on-and-on, until… the 7-Seals are-finally ‘broken,’ and Water-bowls ‘poured’ for the ‘ultimate’ End-times of-humanity to-happen…
“… but…
“… Paul, these are the-exciting times to be a superhero – as the 21st-century MODERN-DAY Guardian-angel to your Perth-earth realty-realm…”
Paul WAS OVERWHELMED by John’s response, thinking…
‘… what is Johnno ‘upselling’? I’m ‘just’ a kid… I don’t wanna-be a Guardian-angel ‘nor’ wanted-be a bloody superhero in-the first-place – and, ‘WHO’ THE-HELL is Yaldabaoth…!? His-name sounds so-corny like a-cartoon-villain character in a-low-budget B-movie…’
The SHS’ building-then shook in a SLIGHT-TREMOR and Paul panicked in-his-wheelchair as he was trapped’ in the janitor’s closet-room… seeing rolls of toilet-paper reeling on the floor…
“Oh-My-God! What is that…? Is ‘that’ the wrath-of-God…!?”
John See calmed-him down…
“… don’t-panic, Paul or you’ll-go-clinic… you’re IN NO-DANGER, boy – the tremor was the aftermath of the ‘testing’ of-THE PORTAL that they are ‘building’ with Black-art magic-technology in Washington…
“… it is FOR THE LEGIONS-of-demons from the Underworld TO BE teleported into the-realms of PERTHLAND during the End-times…”
Paul panicked-even more…
“WHAT!!? The End-times in PERTHLAND…!!?”
“Don’t worry-about PERTHLAND – it’s for ‘BOOK-8,’ that happens in-the-future… let’s focus on-the current ‘BOOK-7,’ where…
… of POST-TREETON’s Blood-moon in the Garden-Of-Eden’s ECLIPSE THAT is going to-happen any-time soon, okay…?”
The confused-Paul then-questioned…
“What’s Book-7…!? Book-8…?”
“… don’t worry-about that, either – I’m the-official Recordkeeper… let me worry about ‘categorising’ that – RIGHT-NOW, St Michael HAD VOUCHED that you’ll ‘help’ – so-Paul, are you volunteering for-the ‘protecting’ the Garden-of-Eden mission… and help St Michael in their-fighting later…?”
… Paul ‘felt’ it’s a Christian-thing to-do-TO ‘HELP’ HIS-Guardian-angel – who was-in-His time-OF-NEED…
“… okay, I’m ‘in’…” The Catholic-boy confirmed his-participation…
“Haha, excellent! Step-right up-in the Pentateuch – and I’ll TAKE YOU to the battlefield!” The pleased time-traveller said…
“…err… what’s Pen-ta-teuch…?” The Catholic-boy asked as he wheelchaired into the orange astral-vehicle…
“… it’s Jewish, and ‘this’ vehicle ‘used’ to be the war-chariot of the Prophet King Solomon which I borrowed…”
“…huh … you ‘know’ King-Solomon…?”
“… yea-mate, we had adventures together ‘when’ we faced the demon-Asmodeus… ‘not’ once-BUT-TWICE – when he was the King-of-Djinns during the Islamic-era, then… and ‘we’ defeated him for the 2nd-time too, hahaha…
“… then-I ‘borrowed’ this-vessel and modified it to-be the state-of-art time-travel portal for my ‘personal’ use – but I’ll return-it soon to Prophet-Solomon once he ‘returns’ to Perthland…”
“… huh-what…! King Solomon is coming to Perthland…!?”
“No, not-yet… but he’ll do-so in BOOK-8…” John See replied casually, and used a hand-held remote control to HATCH-UP the circular-portal door…
… Paul sat in-his-wheelchair momentarily in total-darkness – before John switched-on the Pentateuch’s interior lights.
The crippled-boy was dazed as he saw the space was all-bright orange in-its bare-empty interior circular-surrounding – with various multiple hues-of-ochre tints and the darkest was the-colour, light-brown.
Paul was astonished-too that the-inside interior was ‘bigger’ than the-outer exterior… where it was defying the LAWS OF SPACE-dimension…
The dumbfound-teen compared the empty-portal to Star-Trek…
‘… where is the Captain-Kirk’s chair…? Would we ‘fall-back’ when this-orange tenno-bounce-ball flies…?’
John See chuckled as he ‘read’ Paul’s thoughts…
“… haha, no X-Men space-shuttle seatbelts to buckle-up either… neither would you be-in an anti-gravity free-falling, as we’re ‘not’ space-trucking but DREAM-SURFING. But you ‘need these-though…”
John tossed something that fell on the wheelchaired-Paul’s lap – it was a-set of VR-googles …
… the last-time he wore one-was, when Jane borrowed her SIMY AI-darkglasses, where he used it on a-mission in the-OTHER-PERTH…
The moment Paul put-on the googles – his-jawdropped as all-of the interior orange lights turned-green – as there were glowing runes of Buddhist-inscriptions symbols on the wall. At the centre of the circular-vessel were 6-surrounding VR-monitors – John-then stood in the middle on a rounded surface that was raising-pedestal… it-then lifted the short-monk to-operated the monitors…
John-then apologised…
“… sorry, Paul… I’ve been very-forgetful today – we’ll have-to make A STOPOVER to grab my-record keeping cellphone, and in no-time we’ll be off into-mission… alright…?”
The Asian-man in the green-robe used a device to activate the-vessel and it sounding-like a purring kitten… then a panel-opened as the hologram-windshield that projected that the portal was still-in in Mr Quigley’s janitor’s utility-room…
“Let’s have some ‘road-trip’ music…”
The time-travelled played some rave-techno-music – Paul saw the monk on the raised-pedestal grooving to-the loud bass-driven music. He then used the-Universal-remote to-active the portal…
“… here-we-go – the Pentateuch has JUST ‘LEFT’ the building, haha…!”
… it shot-off to the roof like a NASA-rocket – and-Paul’s innards were in-his throat by the sudden thrust of the-take-off – and he shut his-eyes-tight, and holding-onto the arm-rests of the-wheelchair…
…when he opened-his-eyes again – everything was out-of-the-world bizarre-and loud like-of Dr Strange’s psychedelic-madness ‘tripping’ – as THEY WERE rocketed vertically into the Dreamworld’s multi-verses realms in-the-Pentateuch…
The VR-visuals moved-fast and coupled-with the techno-pounding music that made the-passenger, Paul car-sick…
John See ‘read’ his-mind… and chuckled…
“… it’ll get some-used-TO ‘WHEN’ travelling at the speed of-cosmic light… by-the-way, there is a washroom if you want TO-USE…”
Paul was in-2-minds…
John pressed the Universal-button and a circular door on-the-wall opened… to a lighted washroom…Paul literally-GOT-OFF from the wheelchair and ‘ran’ over…
… he felt a ‘similar’ unwellness like he-was in PERTHLAND – when his pranking devil-twin ‘offered’ him a spiked drink with Gochi…
The circular bathroom-door automatically closed for-his-privacy.
Inside the closed WC, the door was an-auto noise-cancellation from the the-ruckus outside. In the silent-void, Paul realised that his-wheelchair was-OUTSIDE…
‘… huh… I CAN ‘WALK’…!?’
The teen was overjoyed – and urge-of-dancing which he ‘missed’ came-to-his mind… and, the big-boy bopped, jigged-and pirouetted in front of-the bathroom mirror…
‘… this is ‘MY’ DREAM, hahaha – in-which I ‘can’ walk… and even dance… haha…!’
He didn’t feel like-vomiting – but needed to pee… badly…
… recalling just-now, when he ‘had’ excused himself from his-B-Class to go-to the Boys’-Room… that-was distracted by the-devil’s fantasy-gambol – which subsequently ‘led’ him to follow the voice of the time-traveller…
… ‘not’ wanting to make a ‘mess’ urinating-while-standing, Paul sat on-the-dunny and peed to his heart-and-bowel-content – soon-after, he felt like taking-a-dump…
After-doing his-business, Paul looked-around…
‘… huh… no-toilet-paper…!’
He didn’t want to-panic as there were ‘other’ solutions – because he was ‘sitting’ on a state-of-the-art smart-toilet seat that had built-in butt-warmers … it-also had a panel-of-buttons…
Automatic tampon-remover
‘Yikes! I might lose-my-balls if I had ‘accidentally’ hit that-button…’
Paul ‘knew’ what a-bidet-was – but had ‘not’ used-it before…
‘… there is a ‘first-time’ for everything… here-it-goes…’
… it had an option of cold-and-warm water – Paul pressed the-latter…
… for the next 2-whole-minutes of ‘privacy’ – Paul smiled-wide as-he was in-cloud-9… when the jet of warm-water ‘tickled’ his-orifice, as the-device washed his-big buttocks…
His sensual-reveries ‘poofed’ when he felt a-slight ‘jerk’ in the soles of his-feet… and the humming-sensation in his-guts too-ceased…
‘… Johnno had ‘made’ a-touchdown – to get his-phone…’
Paul stood-up and pulled his black SHS-uniform pants-up – and came-out from the toilet…
“… John…?”
… he was ‘NOT’ THERE…
The parked-Pentateuch’s interior was dark… and the only-light coming was-from-outside through the-side opened-door…
Paul was curious-of ‘where’ the time-traveller lived…
… he was guessing it might-BE IN some monastery or in a fortress like the-Mandarin in the Shang-Chi movie…
He peeked his-head out… realising that ‘both’ of his-guesses were wrong – John-See lived in the suburbs…
Paul was-then in his-Batman detective-mode and – stepped-out to ‘explore’…
The Pentateuch was in stealth-mode and was invisible-in-naked eyes – parked-discreet behind the shrubs, facing a row-of-houses…
Paul noticed ‘some’ abnormalities in himself… at-first, he thought it was-gravity, as he ‘felt’ lighter… but the-thought-of…
… him ‘seeing’ his-feet that surprised-him…
… even-when he levitated in the Perth-realms… he COULD ‘NOT’ see his-feet cos’ it was ‘obstructed’ FROM-VIEW-by his fat-belly and his big-boy-boobs…
The-teen placed his hands on-his-stomach to realise that it was flat-and-hard – with his-own 6-PACK-ABS…
He was overjoyed…
‘… hahaha, this-is-my ‘good-luck realm’ – I ‘can’ walk, ‘can’ dance… and, I’m ‘not’ fat, hahaha!!!”
Paul continued his-reconnoitre – and felt another ‘similarity’ like HE ‘WAS’ in the-middle of the neighbourhood that-HE LIVED…
‘… which Perth is-this…?’
Paul grew inquisitive and wanted TO-SEE his-house – but the Kipermans’ building was ‘obstructing’ his-view… Paul walked toward the vicinity…
… when he ‘passed the hindering-building, he heard a ‘voice’ calling-over from the picket-fence…
“Hi Paul!”
It was Mr Kiperman – but A YOUNGER-variant who was ‘not’ wheelchair-bound. He stood on his-feet, and-was watering his-garden… Paul waved back and STRODE-ON…
… Paul was scared of the-man in his-Perth reality – who was a wheelchaired ‘boogie-man’ of Peter’s scares, that he-too would eventually lose his-legs from diabetic-amputation cos’ Paul had his sweet-tooth habit…
From the corner-of-his eyes, he saw the man’s ‘only’ son, Kirk… who was ‘still’ a toddler playing with his-toys in the-porch…
… who later-in-life… ‘would’ become a METH-ADDICT…
Once he passed the blocking Kipermans’ place… Paul’s jawdropped as the big House-of-Walkers wasn’t standing in the plot – but instead there were 2 smaller-houses in the-land…
‘… this is-DEFINITELY ‘NOT’ my-Perth…’
… he-then recalled the house’s history… of his-architect dad ‘who’ BOUGHT THE 2-smaller houses and demolishing-them… to ‘build’ his-dream-house for his-family…
‘… God-rest-your-soul, Dad…’ Paul-prayed as he crossed-the-road…
The wandering-thoughts were distracted by a sharp-hoot coming from an-approaching white-vehicle…
… it was THE ‘SAME’ Methodist-church van that took ‘them’ to the Treeton dairy-farm for the school’s field-trip…
“… Hiya-Paul, we’re in a hurry – see you soon in-PERTHLAND…” Mr Hart called-out…
“… we’re rooting for-you – our favourite superhero – GO-GEMINI-GO…!” Mrs Hart, on the passenger-seat rejoindered…
Paul was-left astounded when-the van passed him…
‘… how did-they ‘know’ that I’m a ‘supe’ in this realm…!? What’s happened in PERTHLAND… I-I DIDN’T HAVE superpowers there…!?’
The school-uniformed-teen stood in-between the gates of the 2-houses. One house looked depleted-and-vacant with unkempt front-lawn with overgrowth of creeping-weed. The other had high-walls where Paul couldn’t-see beyond…
… but ‘heard’ a familiar TECHNO-RAVE music playing-inside…
‘… I found you, Johnno…’
Paul opened the front-gate and was in-the glasshouse of a botany-sanatorium… with a lot of white-butterflies…
‘… I get-it, Johnno… the high-walls were for-from to keep-off people, from throwing-stones in your-glasshouse because you’re an Asian living in a White-neighbourhood…’
He walked-in the tranquil garden with wind-chimes, water-fountains and red ‘good-luck’ hanging-lanterns – he was marvelled-and-awed with the greenery of the multi-coloured flowers of the bud-grafted Bougainville bonsai, that were-plentiful on-rows of tables…
… it put a-weak smile on his-face… and sadly, he-sighed…
‘… you love gardening… reminds of dad-and-mom… they love gardening too…’
Paul felt-peace for a while in another-man’s paradise and – was revered at the hard-works and-dedications that-went-IN FOR the green-fingered gardener of the bonsai garden… that had-taken years to create-and-shape the-plants to-its miniature-form of beauty…
‘…Johnno, you ‘have’ the-patience like Mr Miyagi in the Karate Kid-movie…’
The moment he touched-and-gently caressed the bougainvillea’s transparent paper-like petals… and Paul-was instantly TRIPPING…
… with-the LOUD-TECHNO MUSIC where the bountiful-of-bonsais in-rectangular pots were vibrating as if-were headbanging to the rhythmic-beats – every hanging-lanterns were swaying as it too-were dancing… the water-fountains were swinging spiral vertically like columnar vortex waterspouts with the wind-chimes coordinating with the thumping tempo of techno’s 4/4 beats…
… Paul’s 3rd-Eye opened with his-penial gland was-having an ‘orgasm’ of melatonin…
… and his-SOUL WAS transported to a-techno dance-club, where he too was headbanging and dancing fervently with his dancing-moves in the crowd of miniature Groot-like bougainvillea-plant flora-colossus dancers, who ‘have’ jumped-out from their clay-pots to dance with-him…
Paul’s rave-partying reveries ‘poofed’ when a HAND TOUCHED his shoulders… which distracted him-from-dancing… the 13-year-old turned around with dilated-eyes… to see John-See talking to him…
Paul noticed the euphoric-clubbing excitement too had DIED-OFF – and the plants went into-their motionless still-life mode in their respective clay-pots…
“Ooh, you finished your toilet-business, haha…” John-said…
“Johnno, is this Perthland!?” The dazed Paul-asked…
“Yes, but this is ‘my’ Perth-reality… which I had ‘invited’ YOU-IN…”
The teenager then-queried …
“… is King Solomon here-too…?”
“… no, not’ yet – he will-be in BOOK-8…”
… the boy-superhero was disappointed as he wanted TO MEET-UP the prophet-status Christian-icon’s incarnation in his-Dreamworld… where he ‘HAD’ MET-before with ‘another’ religious embodiment – of his idol Guardian-angel, St Michael IN HIS-dreams in the-OTHER-PERTH…
“Whoa, we’re RUNNING-LATE – I got my Recordkeeper-phone… let’s go-now to the-Garden-of-Eden…!” John exclaimed looking at his-Swatch…
The time-traveller monk switched-a-button on his Universal-device – the orange-portal was reanimating in the ‘MIDDLE’ OF in the botany-sanatorium… with its kitten-purring sound…
Paul was blown-away by the-magic…
They both stepped-in the Pentateuch – and, before the take-off John asked Paul…
“… we’re still A-RECRUIT short… do you think Jane Wilson would ‘join’ our-mission…?”
“… yea, we could ask her – cos’ she’s a more-powerful superhero than-I-am… it was Jane who had single-handedly defeated those African-demons during the OTHER-PERTH’s Blood-moon eclipse in Egypt-mission… then @the-Dark Tower she was the-one who ‘destroyed’ the Blood-of-Peter vial – yea, it’s a safe-bet of success if we take her-along…” Paul vouched…
“But WHAT ABOUT her-mental-state – now that, she’s pregnant…?” John asked…
The ‘boyfriend’ was speechless to the-thought-of the time-traveller ‘being’ the-3rdperson who HAD ‘KNOWN’ the ‘secret’ of Jane’s preggo other than-themselves – where-else, the-rest-of Perthians of this-realm ‘don’t’ know…
“… I donno… you’ve TO ‘ASK’ her-that yourself… ‘maybe’ she won’t… come…” Paul mumbled in-guilt…
“… okay then, we’ll GO TO her ‘dream’ à and ASK HER ourselves…” John confirmed and navigated the coordinates of the-portal-to the ‘next’ destination…
… to the Wilson-residence…
IN THE REVERSED-HEAVEN, THE SHAPESHIFTER, Yaldabaoth was playing video-games, while sitting on the Yahweh’s throne. He was frustrated when he was ‘stuck’ in the difficult-level in the ‘Perth’s Accidental Superheroes’ game…
… where he took the ‘avatar’ of Iskurr-the-incubus as he hunted Jane in the suburbs in the game of Hide&Seek… where each-time the long-tailed entity cornered the Blind-One – it could ‘not’ DEFILE-HER…
… cos’ the meddling Mother-of-Virgo, Venus was ‘protecting’ Jane in-her-sleep by fitting her-with a-White-magic CHASTITY-BELT – so-that no-Dark forces would ravish-her in Jane’s night time-dreams…
Yaldabaoth was aggravated in his fruitless rape-attempts and then put-the-game down. He looked-into the-bowl of Water-of-Life – which seemingly-was Yahweh’s CCTV-camera to his-Creation of Earth2.0… where the shapeshifter-saw…
… the Barbelo-realm of MULTIVERSE…
…the eclipse of the Blood-moon was in-fruition to-happen in the next 10-minutes – where his-counterpart, Asmodeus would unleash his-hordes of demons TO INVADE the Garden-of-Eden…
The proteus used his index-finger and stirred the surface of the water in-the-bowl… when the ripples-settled…
… it showed ‘another’ close-visual – this time-it was the Garden-of-Eden’s main-gate – which was guarded by the warrior-Archangel, ST MICHAEL…
Yaldabaoth scoffed-AND-CURSED…
“I’m finally going-TO KILL YOU-you… disobedient rogue-servant…!
“… Metatron IS ‘COMING’ for you!!!”
In a cave in the middle of nowhere, a greenskinned, sharp-fanged creature named Steal is born unceremoniously into the world of Kyros. Talentless, he finds his first mentor in Bluud, a goblin born at the same time as him, though one that seems awfully more put together. Bluud will only be the first of many to show Steal the ropes and how to survive and thrive in the world of Kyros. I'm proud to announce that Greenskin is officially part of The WriTEr's Pledge Cover Art by Yosi Saputra
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CHRONICLES of a PC Gamer Stuck Inside an RPG (Book Two: Successor)
[2/28/19 Update: The CHRONICLES series has been removed from Amazon Kindle Unlimited. This means the beta version of the entire series is available on RR. Enjoy!] Book Two: Successor of CHRONICLES of a PC Gamer Stuck Inside an RPG continues the (mis)adventures of Lawrence Eugene Mulligan, who was brought to a new world by a divine entity known as the Gamemaster. Our main character ("MC") has only one objective: to become the King of the Kingdom of Merlin in order to return home. Luckily for our MC, he has developed strong relationships with numerous Non-Player Characters ("NPCs"), organizations, and even Gods (!) to help Lawrence achieve his ultimate goal. CHRONICLES of a PC Gamer Stuck Inside an RPG is a hardcore slice-of-life genre story which focuses on our unlikely MC as he handles quests and events that the Gamemaster constantly throws at the MC. All in the name of entertainment for the Gamemaster. Book Two: Successor is a sequel which continues the events of the final chapter of the previous book. And thus, it is important for readers to finish the previous work before delving into this next book. The official Amazon release (which includes an exclusive 2k words side story) is available at: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07KDJXF4K
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Age of Cultivation Online
Story Synopsis Juewang Guan was born with an incurable illness at a young age that permanently robbed him of his sight and hearing, but with the modern-day prosthetic technology developed in recent years, he was able to recover his sense of sight with robotic eyes. Deemed to be a hopeless child and valueless, he was thereby cast away by the friends and families he once trusts, and the world ignored him. In this grown-up (adult) world, where value is determined by achievement and wealth. So a decrepit cripple like him is worthless. And only his younger sister still cares for him. Watch as this individual reaches the apex of cultivation within 'Age of Cultivation Online', the hottest new VRMMORPG game in Asia (China). Thereby transcending reality and becoming a legendary figure in both in-game and the real worlds. Disclaimer: I am not a very experienced writer, neither do I have any professional help nor assistance from another author in writing my stories. So there is expected to be a few grammars mistakes or some misspellings on my part. Otherwise please enjoy my work. The artwork is owned by Gearous himself. I'm only using it as a cover art depicting what the main protagonist (Juewang Guan) looks like in my novel. Word count: 1500 words/chapter Release rate: 1 chapter/day Book 1 - Age of Cultivation Online Book 2
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End Game[EG]
What happens when a young person gets bored? he looks for ways to have fun. So why not create a system and give it to lucky mortals? "Mortals, which one of you will be lucky enough to get my little gift?" And so begins the rise of ordinary peoples to supremacy. --------- Warning!! This novel will have several more protagonists, that is, you can hate some and like others. Do you hate harem? then it will have protagonists and a story that will not have a harem. do you like harem? will have a protagonist with harens. Anyway... you will have different points of view this novel will also have elements of cultivation, magic, alchemy, supernatural powers, etc. English is not my native language, I apologize for the spelling errors _ Cover credits: ???
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Playing with the Dead: The Dark Art of Bullshit
No one dreams of digging up the dead. No one fantasizes about the stench of rotting corpses. The truth is that the path to becoming a Necromancer is a series of mistakes and mishaps that eventually lead to fighting stuck up Paladins. This is a first hand account of what not to do on your journey to becoming an Undead Overlord. Calcium deficient readers beware. Updates on Thursdays, Saturdays, Mondays depending on when I have the time to write chapters
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tiny todoroki
after blocking a quirk hit for aizawa, class 1a and aizawa are responsible for looking after a younger todoroki
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