《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 8: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 1]


Chapter 8: Battlefield Garden of Eden [Part 1]


THAT SATURDAY-NIGHT, THE WOMB did ‘not’ let Jane sleep. The ‘curious’ Seed-of-Apollo wanted to know-more about the nursery-rhyme, ‘Baa-Baa Black Sheep’…

… it telepathically ‘asked’ questions…

… whether-if it was the same ‘sheep’ as in Philip K. Dick’s novel, ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

“I DON’T KNOW! I don’t read novels – I’m BLIND… DON’T ASK ‘any-more’ stupid questions, Apollonia – go to sleep NOW!”

The foetus-then obediently became inactive and settled to-slumber – as Jane rubbed her-tummy genteelly to-soothe it, while wondering of its godlike-abilities…

‘… even-though it has ‘not’ been-born… and yet it ‘knows’ things – now, I feel fishing-stupid…’

Jane did ‘not’ want-to worry-much about its intellectual accelerated-growth, as… she herself-was dealing on a-daily-basis of her ‘hidden secret’ of being preggo to-the-world…

… she yawned, and finally went to-sleep…

… dreaming…


Lilith, the Mother-of-Demons – who was the ‘first’ wife of Adam, from the Garden-of-Eden ‘visited’ the sleeping-Jane’s dream…

… the Babylonian-demoness was the arch-nemesis of Yahweh…

… where she ‘cursed’ Him – that she would-bear the offspring of the 7-princes-of-the Underworld – and serve-them as lieutenants of The Angel-of-Death, Azazel’s legions -- who would spearhead Armageddon during the biblical end-times…

Lilith took blind-Jane to PERTHLAND – where she was a normal-sighted 16-years-old… and, ‘was’ pregnant WITH CHILD.

The ram-horned, serpent à Lilith shapeshifted à to Shelley-Wilson…

… into the ‘BEST’ VARIANT of the 3-mothers of Jane – that she ‘encountered’ while time-travelling to 3-different-Perth – who was-also the most understanding-and-compassionate ‘mother’ of-them-all…


Both mother-and-daughter were sitting on the bed…

“… Jane-dear, you must ‘abort’ this pregnancy – you’re young… still-in-school – please don’t ruin yourself… ‘unless’…”

“… unless ‘what, Mother…?” The sobbing Jane-responded…

“… unless… it’s Peter’s child – Peter is the ‘worthiest’ person for you, to have ‘his’ seed in your womb… for-he’ll rule empires-and-dynasties into-the ‘future’…” The shapeshifter replied…

“WHAT!!? I love ‘ONLY’ MY-boyfriend, Paul Walker ‘not’ Peter – I don’t love Peter at-all… I fishing ‘dumped’ him in the-OTHER-PERTH!!!” Jane’s guttural ‘rebel’ voice-tone reacted back in-disgust to-the ‘choice’…

“… but Peter is a ‘BETTER’ KISSER than his blowfish ‘loser’ twin… you ‘know’ that for-a-fact, don’t you, my-B-Girl, hehehe…” The interloper impostor from-the-Underworld chuckled…

“… no, I don’t get-it – Mummy! What do you ‘mean’ by-that…?” Jane questioned…

“… listen, Jane – Peter is the ‘CHOSEN’ ONE…Let me show you then…”

The Shelley-entity placed her-palm on Jane’s forehead – and instantly her-thoughts fled-to the-OTHER-PERTH when…

… Jane was transported into-a Dream-in-a-Dream…

… as she was cosmically ‘sucked’ into a black-void – where she cartwheeled spirally-down…

An echoed-voice FROM ABOVE-from mouth of the dark-well was tormenting her as she-fell…

“… don’t you remember Peter GIVING YOU-your ‘first’ kiss…? It was heavenly ‘when’ you GOT-IT… and you ‘nearly’ peed yourself, hahaha…!” The cackling-voice ‘exposed’ the teen’s surreptitious-self…

“NO! I didn’t…” Jane denied as she spun-around downwards…

“… hehehe… YOU-DID – and that’s our ‘little’ secret, hahaha…” The voice echoed…

“NO! I ‘only’ love my-boyfriend Paul and ‘no-one’ else! I broke-up-and-dumped fishing-Peter in the-OTHER-PERTH a-long time ago!”

“… but no-doubt, Peter is a better ‘kisser,’ right…hehehe…?”

“… ‘what’ you-mean – I don’t know what you’re ‘saying’…!?”

“… you loved’ those wet-kisses of your ‘first’ love-right…? Hehehe…”

“I don’t ‘know’ what you’re talking-about…!” The girl denied the 3rd-time…

Jane was still-falling into a spiral a black-void… rotating downwards into an endless-pit – hearing the echoing-voice-above, saying…

“Peter is the-One – ‘not’ his-blowfish-twin ‘who’ is the better kisser, hahaha…”

… NO!”

As she ‘kept’ denying, Jane ‘read’ in-between-the-line… and ‘knew’ what her ‘mother’ was-meaning by the-secret which she-kept ‘hidden’ to-herself…


… it was the day, @the-OTHER-PERTH – when-Peter CAME TO her-bedroom… ‘inviting’ to teach-her how-to skateboard…

… the-day where she got her amazing ‘FIRST’ KISS… and she almost ‘peed’…

That mind-blowing-and-incredible ‘first’ kiss was the best-of-the-best – and-it was her-benchmark to gauge-and-measure the pleasure of ‘other’ kisses she-had-lipped later…

… although, she had dated Paul in the 2-subsequent Perth – but it was Peter’s ‘first-kiss’ of the-OTHER-PERTH that was memorable to blind-Jane…

… when the ‘first’ kiss was a French-kiss – and ‘nothing’ COULD ‘BEAT’ that… and, there’s NO-GOING-BACK from-that too…

… Paul who-was gentle-and-romantic was a ‘weak’ kisser and couldn’t COME-CLOSE– compared to his hot-blooded ‘amour’ twin when it-came to-kisses…

… and, she liked her-kisses to-be ‘rough’…

“NO! I don’t…” Jane denied, as she spun-around downwards…

“… hehehe… YOU-DO – and that’s our ‘little’ secret, hahaha…” The voice echoed-back…

Jane was unconsciously ‘coming’ over to the OTHER-PERTH – ‘behind’ Paul’s back – to reexperience that episode-moment of Peter’s kiss…

… again…

Jane spun-around and cartwheeled downwards as she-fell…

… she ‘knew’ by-her ‘urge’ that she WAS-GOING – to relive the episode of that ‘glorious’ day of…

… her ‘first’ kiss…

… ‘part’ of her-protested – but for-the-most part…

… she wanted to ‘taste’ the ‘pleasure’ of the forbidden-candy ‘again’…


The pit-less fall ended – when she landed-hard plopping-on soft-mattress of her-Queen-sized bed… and the impact broke the 4-legs of the bed – and, it dropped to the carpeted-floor…

… even-the springs-of the-soft-mattress were bent-inwards… leaving a 3-centimeter hollow imprint on the-surface from Jane’s impactful-drop. She sat-up from her dent ‘shaped’ like stretched-star…

… from her-dark void… Jane was BACK-INTO BEING a blind-tween girl…

… but excited with her-heart racing-fast, as she moved-back towards the Queen-bed’s headboard, her hips crushed to her-pillow as she-backed and rested-firm to the bed-board. In her blind-self, she anticipated Peter to walk-up any-moment from her bedroom-door…

… he was her ‘first’ love…

… a sweet-and-angry boy whom she wanted to give a ‘PURPOSE’ TO when he was ‘lost-and-alone’…

… luring herself into swimming together with-him in his-pond of his-tennis dreams – and it was delightful-moment being with the first-boyfriend OF HER-LIFE who-gave her euphoric-kisses…

… the boyfriend whom for 2-years she had-admired from afar – as a-broken-and-fallen ex-Champ who-was ‘forgotten’…

… and-then, she gave-HIM ‘REDEMPTION’ of-a 2nd-chance in-reengineering his-life…

Blind-Jane was anticipating Peter to come… the enthusiasm made her-toes curl as she recalled her-BFF, Alicia had-mentioned that the one-armed-boy walked in a swaggering-manner – even held her-blind-self’s body to ‘simulate’ Peter’s walk in their girly-pranks moments…

Then, she ‘heard’ Peter coming – Jane was enthusiastic by the-sound of his approaching footsteps… she was in mixed emotions-too of shyness-and-guilt…

… the door opened – and she heard his-voice, calling…

“… Janey-my-love… you came to-me…”

… she imagined him ‘swaggering’ to her…

She felt something soft-raining from the ceiling that was brushing against her-skin in a thousand-arousal touches…

Peter was walked to the broken-bed and it was raining red-rose-petals on Jane – and Peter too was swarmed-by little red-butterflies as… he approached eating an-apple…

… Jane ‘remembered’ the crunching-sound of the-apple – that Peter munched in the OTHER-PERTH on the visit of their skateboarding-day, which he ‘offered’…

“… want a bite, my-Eve…?” Peter said as he sat beside-her…

The wide-grinning blind-Jane blushed and nodded in guilty-pleasure of ‘what’s’ to follow…

… where she took a-bite à and Peter-then French-kissed her – the bitten-fruit was transferred-and-exchanged in their mouths as the juice was in their-saliva… and, while the apple was in Peter’s mouth à the blind-girl gagged-to…

…an APPLE-SEED in her-saliva was at her back-of-her-throat – Jane momentarily broke-off from the kiss… and coughed-out the seed – and continued-back into ‘their’ erotic-kiss…


… the ‘tiny’ fallen apple-seed embed into the carpeted floor à that made the presence of the-incubus with his array of erotic-wet-dreams and also the hide-and-seek games with Jane’s soul…

… but since-then, Lola and her Catholic-priest ‘had’ exorcised the monovalent-spirit from Jane’s bedroom – when the Wilson-residence was ‘under’ renovation…

… but the-incubus was-only ‘temporarily’ gone – as it would-RETURN ‘AGAIN’ cos’ the tiny apple-seed was still implanted-dormant in the bedroom carpet, in the blind-girl’s bedroom.


IN-THAT SATURDAY-NIGHT KIP, PAUL too had a dream… he was in his B-Class during Math-period – it was a rainy-day outside… and his bladder was full and he excused-himself to go to the Boys-room…

… wheelchairing on the 2nd-floor corridor, Paul had a change-of-mind… as he wanted to-spy-on the A-Class… where his-twin ‘SAT’ IN his-former desk behind his girlfriend, Jane…

… recalling the-devil SAYING IN their last-encounter that… ‘Janey-was his-soulmate’…

Paul scoffed to the thought of his-twin who – was a disillusioned-erotomaniac who ‘stalked’ Jane’s dreams thinking-that she ‘still’ loved-him…

‘… you bloody-fool! Jane don’t love-you – in-fact, she hates-you ‘too’ ever-since I told her that you ‘were’ responsible for Dad’s death in that BMW-accident when you ‘distracted’ his-driving…’

When his-wheelchair reached that door of the A-Class – Paul’s jaw-dropped seeing that it was ‘not’ the classroom HE ‘LEFT’ 5-days ago since transferring to B-Class…

… it was like an American public-school detention-class like-of-Netflix teen-shows – where delinquent-students were left under the care of a lacklustre substitute teacher… and the students were ‘not’ studying but sitting around talking… some-even sat on their desk as they chat and joked-aloud…

… the class-teacher, Mrs Staghorn was also seated behind her-desk laughing to the-comedy of an episode of ‘Friends’ on her iPad…

Paul saw a pink force-field globe in his former-desk – inside the-sphere were Jane-and-Peter kissing-passionately…

‘… this is bloody-Peter’s fantasy – ‘not’ Jane’s…’

He-then heard a ‘voice’ in his-head, saying…

‘Yes, Paul – it’s an illusion… walk-away now…’

At first, Paul thought it was his-subconscious thoughts talking-back… but he was confused as it ‘sounded’ more like an ASIAN-MAN…

‘… walk-away, Paul…’

Paul said-out aloud to the ‘invisible-man’…

“WHO are you!!?”

Mrs Staghorn and his former-classmates ‘heard’ him – they-all chorused a response…

“Go-away, bloody-Tarzan – Jane is Peter’s Soulmate...!”

“NO!!!” Paul shouted at-them…

From the door-entrance, Paul saw ‘another’ illusion – the classroom was below-sea level with fishes swimming-about… even the teacher-and-students were breathing out bubbles like guppies in a fish-tank…

… the entire-classroom became a virtual-reality hologram of Peter riding a jet ski on the surface – chasing the swimming-Jane…

Paul’s jaw dropped-again – where Jane was A MERMAID…

The crippled-boyfriend saw Jane summersaulting at classroom’s ceiling – and splashing-fanned-tail back into the water, giggling – she was in her-playful mood as she enjoyed Peter pursuing-her in-circles on his-jet ski…

‘… huh…!? What is this…? Is the-devil creating a Disney-porn of the Little-Mermaid…?’

He saw his-twin was playing-naughty-too… trying to make her topless by grabbing her seashell-made bikini-top – and he eventually succeeded…

… he lifted the ‘trophy’ in one hand and shouted-back at Paul…

“Hey-Poe, I ‘got’ it, hahaha!!!”

The topless mermaid-Jane too teased-Paul by flashing her-boobs… just like she ‘joshed’ him ‘before’ in the videocall in her-bathtub when she WAS-DRUNK…

“NO!!!” Paul WAS-ANGRY…

Mrs Staghorn-and-students swam to the door-and plastered their bodies so-that Paul on-the wheelchair outside COULD ‘NOT’ see Peter frolicking with his-girlfriend…

They chorused-again…

“Go away, bloody-Tarzan – this is a ‘closed-door’ affair…”

‘… walk-away, Paul – he’s just trying to make you jealous…’

The door-closed and Paul was pounding his fist-on-it, shouting…

“HOI!!! Open-up!”

‘… walk-away, Paul – it’s just-a Blackmagic illusion…’

“… WHO are you!!? Stop talking in-my-head!!!”

The envious-and-bitter Paul was back pounding-the-door to get his-girlfriend back. The voice in-his-head cautioned…

‘… instead-of running in-circles and chasing illusions – why don’t you come and ‘help’ St Michael instead…?’

“… wha… what you-said…? YOU ‘KNOW’ St Michael…?” Paul’s lizard-brain finally-listened…

“… just follow my-voice – St Michael ‘needs’ you…”

The crippled-teen hesitated… when the last-time HE ‘FOLLOWED’ a-voice – he was ‘tricked’ by the Humpty-Dumpty Kerubiel who gave a ‘BAD’ APPLE that brought bad-luck to the DEFENDERS-OF-PERTH…

“… WHO are you…!?”

‘… come to me, and I’ll ‘tell’ you who-I-am – I’m in the-ground floor @the-janitor’s room… this is ‘your’ school, you know-THE-WAY – hurry-up, Paul… I’m leaving-soon…’

Paul finally-moved… as he was curious OF ‘WHO’ the voice-of-Asian man was… and he reached the 2nd-floor staircase to the lower-foyer. THE VOICE telepathically-spoke again…

‘… use the stairs….’

Paul paused-and-delayed of-fear-of falling from-the-height…

… his mind-related to ‘many’ Netflix-comedy for-LAUGHS-SCENARIOS of the-victim on a-wheelchair going-down the-staircase – bouncing-on every-steps – but-in reality, there WAS ‘GRAVITY’ – that would-tumble humpty-dumpty head-first…

“… I think… I’ll take the-elevator…”

‘Paul, this is YOUR ‘DREAM’ – have a leap-of-faith, and take the stairs… you can do-whatever you want in your-dreamworld…

“… you’re a superhero – you ‘can’ levitate-and-fly, my-boy – just-do-it, as Nike-says…”

At the edge-of-the staircase, Paul took a deep-breath… as he ‘trusted’ the motivating-voice…

‘… here-goes-nothing… the worst case-scenario… I break my-head and go-unconscious – AND ‘ESCAPE’ this nightmare…’

The fearful-Paul froze-and-was indecisive ‘again’ if someone ‘WOULD’ SEE-him… which would ‘expose’ his secret identity…

‘… no-worries – I’ve disengaged the-CCTV cameras…’

Paul was astonished…

‘… whoa… he just ‘read’ my-mind – ‘WHO’ is this-person…!?’

The fear-of-falling WAS STILL in the back-of his-mind as he ‘was’ superpowerless in his-twin’s nightmares where the incubus ‘beat’ him to a-pulp… and even have ‘not’ lost his amputated-legs either from Nurse-Joker’s chainsaw…

… that-he subsequently awoke-always with ‘no’ injuries sustained from the-dreamworld…

‘… as the ‘betrayer’ Mercury once-said ­­à that no-entity ‘could’ physically harm an OBE who ‘travelled’ into the dream-realm… but ‘only’ mentally harm them…’

Paul picked-up his-courage and focus… before taking his-leap-of-faith as he rolled-towards the stairs – he was relieved…

… that COULD ‘LEVITATE’ in-this-realm…

… he hung-on to-both of the falling-chair’s arm-rest as he floated-down – time-seemed to be in slow-mo as he looked-down while gliding-and-descending below…

The rapt obese-teen had a soft-landing as he touched-down at the foot-of the stairs… and racing as he wheelchaired-and-headed to the janitor’s room…

… he had ‘rarely’ used his-supe powers in school – EXCEPT-FOR ‘when’ he-had rescued Douglas Zimmerman from-his-death in the-OTHER-PERTH… when the-devil Sparta-kicked him to fall from THESE-VERY foyer-staircase…

… he shillyshallied and looked around for Mr Quigley-the-janitor… who always-there mopping the hallways when classes were in-progress…

… but he was ‘nowhere’ around – probably taking his cheroot-break ‘outside’ the canteen…

Paul reaching the janitor’s closet-room…

… the very-place that ‘almost’ got him into-trouble the ‘last’ time…

… when he insisted Jane in POST-TREETON to ‘display’ her new-powers of shooting fiery-bolt from her 3rd-eye forehead scar – THEN ALMOST razed the place with burning toilet-rolls…

… but a Douglas Zimmerman ‘variant’ of this-realm fire-fought, on Paul-and-Janes’ behalf…

At the door, he faltered ‘again’ in-caution to-be-sure that the janitor WAS ‘NOT’ inside – before Paul turned the doorknob – to see the medium-spaced room filled with over-supplies of amenities was-empty…

“… hello… hey, where are you…?”

He wheelchaired in and close the-door…

“… err… hello…!”

… the cautionary wheelchair inched further to middle of the small-and-cramped area – then a SUDDEN ‘VISUAL’ hit-him… when an-amber FLASH BOLTED into the-room to-then materialise into a plexi-glassed-dome with an-orange forcefield behind-it…

… the terrified Paul jumped out in-fright of the instant-appearance of the physical-vessel within the tight-space… that was-also emitting chilling-cold air as it glowed in-amber…

… there was a-line-of futuristic-font letters on the glass, that read…


A vertigo-spiralling circle-door opened – and out-came a short, bespectacled bald-man in a Buddhist monk’s robe who looked like… a younger-version of the Dalai Lama…

“Greetings, Paul Walker…”

The befuddled-and-mystified 13-year-old had a perplexed-question…

“… HOW DID you read my-mind just-now – and, ‘who’ are you…!?”

The monk chuckled and responded… as he showed Paul a gadget…

“I’m John See, a fellow time-traveller – and I used this device-from the-future… where humanity replace the mobile-cellphones and communicate ‘directly’ into each-others’ minds…”

“And, that how you read my-mind…?”

The Time-traveller grinned…

“… err… you’re dressed-up like SeeIn – are you with-him…?”

John See chuckled-and-nodded…

“… you ‘still’ remember SeeIn-the-Grand Watcher, haha – I’m the disciple of His-Holiness and I’m also His-Recordkeeper of-events – just-as I said… I’m a long-distance time-traveller who records-events happening in-the-distance ‘between’ the beginning-of the-Alpha and the ‘near’ future-end-of Omega…

“… I’m also a ‘fixer’ of fracture timelines… a duty to keep the-balance of humanity of the-universe, by securing their-mortal ‘lives’ from Evil of-the-Underworld…

“… tonight, I come to you, Paul-Walker – cos’ I’ve A MISSION – and I ‘need’ VOLUNTEERS who I can ‘recruit’…”

Paul sighed-inwards as the was put-off by the word ‘recruit’ – as he had too-much in his-own plate to-deal with in POST-TREETON with Jane pregnant – and the possibility of his-Tarzan-fame being the ‘accused’ as-the father-of-her-child…

‘… but he mentioned ‘St Michael’ needing-my-help…’

John See ‘read’ his-mind, replying…

“Yes-Paul, do you still ‘remember’ Egypt? Your-superhero mission in the OTHER-PERTH where you successfully ‘destroyed’ the Blood-of-Peter in Asmodeus’ REJUVENATION-attempt @the Dark Tower in the desert, during’ the Blood-MOON ECLIPSE in Egypt…?

“… well, the eclipse is happening ‘again’ tonight in POST-TREETON!

“Asmodeus’ Middle-eastern demons and aided BY ALLIES OF the African-demons… would-be be coming-out from the-Underworld’s abyss-pit – ‘when’ the ECLIPSE-HAPPENS… they’ll-be attacking the Garden-of-Eden soon…

“His-Holiness, SeeIn and the ex-communicado, St Michael – are the-2 ‘frontliners’ defending the-Garden…

“… ‘not’ only they both-fight the Asmodeus’ hordes – but ‘also’ Yahweh’s Metatron and St Gabriel-and-his brothers… who-are also after St Michael’s blood…”

Paul exclaimed-out, saying…

“WHAT!!? Archangel-Gabriel is going-TO KILL St Michael…!? Aren’t they-both supposed to-be in the same-Good-side – and fight-against the Evil-Ones of-Asmodeus…? Since when-is-this Good-versus-Good, and aided by-Evil going-on…!?”

John See sighed and responded…

“Paul, those’re the ‘messy’ politics of Heaven-and-Hell created by the-insidious, Yaldabaoth – where, the unrecorded-events are ‘not’ black-and-white – for one-moment Good-fights-Evil… and-later ‘befriends’ them to form ‘allies’ – to fight-against the ‘NEXT’ FACTION…

“… in-their machoistic love-hate bromance of-male-power-play…”

Paul was ‘confused’ and HE THOUGHT in black-and-white as being indoctrinated since birth – reading the-Bible that Good-and-Evil were in-opposing-sides… but he was-quiet, as he listened to the Buddhist time-traveller revealing…

“… it’ll will go-on-and-on, until… the 7-Seals are-finally ‘broken,’ and Water-bowls ‘poured’ for the ‘ultimate’ End-times of-humanity to-happen…

“… but…

“… Paul, these are the-exciting times to be a superhero – as the 21st-century MODERN-DAY Guardian-angel to your Perth-earth realty-realm…”

Paul WAS OVERWHELMED by John’s response, thinking…

‘… what is Johnno ‘upselling’? I’m ‘just’ a kid… I don’t wanna-be a Guardian-angel ‘nor’ wanted-be a bloody superhero in-the first-place – and, ‘WHO’ THE-HELL is Yaldabaoth…!? His-name sounds so-corny like a-cartoon-villain character in a-low-budget B-movie…’

The SHS’ building-then shook in a SLIGHT-TREMOR and Paul panicked in-his-wheelchair as he was trapped’ in the janitor’s closet-room… seeing rolls of toilet-paper reeling on the floor…

“Oh-My-God! What is that…? Is ‘that’ the wrath-of-God…!?”

John See calmed-him down…

“… don’t-panic, Paul or you’ll-go-clinic… you’re IN NO-DANGER, boy – the tremor was the aftermath of the ‘testing’ of-THE PORTAL that they are ‘building’ with Black-art magic-technology in Washington…

“… it is FOR THE LEGIONS-of-demons from the Underworld TO BE teleported into the-realms of PERTHLAND during the End-times…”

Paul panicked-even more…

“WHAT!!? The End-times in PERTHLAND…!!?”

“Don’t worry-about PERTHLAND – it’s for ‘BOOK-8,’ that happens in-the-future… let’s focus on-the current ‘BOOK-7,’ where…

… of POST-TREETON’s Blood-moon in the Garden-Of-Eden’s ECLIPSE THAT is going to-happen any-time soon, okay…?”

The confused-Paul then-questioned…

“What’s Book-7…!? Book-8…?”

“… don’t worry-about that, either – I’m the-official Recordkeeper… let me worry about ‘categorising’ that – RIGHT-NOW, St Michael HAD VOUCHED that you’ll ‘help’ – so-Paul, are you volunteering for-the ‘protecting’ the Garden-of-Eden mission… and help St Michael in their-fighting later…?”

… Paul ‘felt’ it’s a Christian-thing to-do-TO ‘HELP’ HIS-Guardian-angel – who was-in-His time-OF-NEED…

“… okay, I’m ‘in’…” The Catholic-boy confirmed his-participation…

“Haha, excellent! Step-right up-in the Pentateuch – and I’ll TAKE YOU to the battlefield!” The pleased time-traveller said…

“…err… what’s Pen-ta-teuch…?” The Catholic-boy asked as he wheelchaired into the orange astral-vehicle…

“… it’s Jewish, and ‘this’ vehicle ‘used’ to be the war-chariot of the Prophet King Solomon which I borrowed…”

“…huh … you ‘know’ King-Solomon…?”

“… yea-mate, we had adventures together ‘when’ we faced the demon-Asmodeus… ‘not’ once-BUT-TWICE – when he was the King-of-Djinns during the Islamic-era, then… and ‘we’ defeated him for the 2nd-time too, hahaha…

“… then-I ‘borrowed’ this-vessel and modified it to-be the state-of-art time-travel portal for my ‘personal’ use – but I’ll return-it soon to Prophet-Solomon once he ‘returns’ to Perthland…”

“… huh-what…! King Solomon is coming to Perthland…!?”

“No, not-yet… but he’ll do-so in BOOK-8…” John See replied casually, and used a hand-held remote control to HATCH-UP the circular-portal door…

… Paul sat in-his-wheelchair momentarily in total-darkness – before John switched-on the Pentateuch’s interior lights.

The crippled-boy was dazed as he saw the space was all-bright orange in-its bare-empty interior circular-surrounding – with various multiple hues-of-ochre tints and the darkest was the-colour, light-brown.

Paul was astonished-too that the-inside interior was ‘bigger’ than the-outer exterior… where it was defying the LAWS OF SPACE-dimension…

The dumbfound-teen compared the empty-portal to Star-Trek…

‘… where is the Captain-Kirk’s chair…? Would we ‘fall-back’ when this-orange tenno-bounce-ball flies…?’

John See chuckled as he ‘read’ Paul’s thoughts…

“… haha, no X-Men space-shuttle seatbelts to buckle-up either… neither would you be-in an anti-gravity free-falling, as we’re ‘not’ space-trucking but DREAM-SURFING. But you ‘need these-though…”

John tossed something that fell on the wheelchaired-Paul’s lap – it was a-set of VR-googles …

… the last-time he wore one-was, when Jane borrowed her SIMY AI-darkglasses, where he used it on a-mission in the-OTHER-PERTH…

The moment Paul put-on the googles – his-jawdropped as all-of the interior orange lights turned-green – as there were glowing runes of Buddhist-inscriptions symbols on the wall. At the centre of the circular-vessel were 6-surrounding VR-monitors – John-then stood in the middle on a rounded surface that was raising-pedestal… it-then lifted the short-monk to-operated the monitors…

John-then apologised…

“… sorry, Paul… I’ve been very-forgetful today – we’ll have-to make A STOPOVER to grab my-record keeping cellphone, and in no-time we’ll be off into-mission… alright…?”

The Asian-man in the green-robe used a device to activate the-vessel and it sounding-like a purring kitten… then a panel-opened as the hologram-windshield that projected that the portal was still-in in Mr Quigley’s janitor’s utility-room…

“Let’s have some ‘road-trip’ music…”

The time-travelled played some rave-techno-music – Paul saw the monk on the raised-pedestal grooving to-the loud bass-driven music. He then used the-Universal-remote to-active the portal…

“… here-we-go – the Pentateuch has JUST ‘LEFT’ the building, haha…!”

… it shot-off to the roof like a NASA-rocket – and-Paul’s innards were in-his throat by the sudden thrust of the-take-off – and he shut his-eyes-tight, and holding-onto the arm-rests of the-wheelchair…

…when he opened-his-eyes again – everything was out-of-the-world bizarre-and loud like-of Dr Strange’s psychedelic-madness ‘tripping’ – as THEY WERE rocketed vertically into the Dreamworld’s multi-verses realms in-the-Pentateuch…

The VR-visuals moved-fast and coupled-with the techno-pounding music that made the-passenger, Paul car-sick…

John See ‘read’ his-mind… and chuckled…

“… it’ll get some-used-TO ‘WHEN’ travelling at the speed of-cosmic light… by-the-way, there is a washroom if you want TO-USE…”

Paul was in-2-minds…

John pressed the Universal-button and a circular door on-the-wall opened… to a lighted washroom…Paul literally-GOT-OFF from the wheelchair and ‘ran’ over…

… he felt a ‘similar’ unwellness like he-was in PERTHLAND – when his pranking devil-twin ‘offered’ him a spiked drink with Gochi…

The circular bathroom-door automatically closed for-his-privacy.


Inside the closed WC, the door was an-auto noise-cancellation from the the-ruckus outside. In the silent-void, Paul realised that his-wheelchair was-OUTSIDE…

‘… huh… I CAN ‘WALK’…!?’

The teen was overjoyed – and urge-of-dancing which he ‘missed’ came-to-his mind… and, the big-boy bopped, jigged-and pirouetted in front of-the bathroom mirror…

‘… this is ‘MY’ DREAM, hahaha – in-which I ‘can’ walk… and even dance… haha…!’

He didn’t feel like-vomiting – but needed to pee… badly…

… recalling just-now, when he ‘had’ excused himself from his-B-Class to go-to the Boys’-Room… that-was distracted by the-devil’s fantasy-gambol – which subsequently ‘led’ him to follow the voice of the time-traveller…

… ‘not’ wanting to make a ‘mess’ urinating-while-standing, Paul sat on-the-dunny and peed to his heart-and-bowel-content – soon-after, he felt like taking-a-dump…

After-doing his-business, Paul looked-around…

‘… huh… no-toilet-paper…!’

He didn’t want to-panic as there were ‘other’ solutions – because he was ‘sitting’ on a state-of-the-art smart-toilet seat that had built-in butt-warmers … it-also had a panel-of-buttons…


Automatic tampon-remover

‘Yikes! I might lose-my-balls if I had ‘accidentally’ hit that-button…’


Paul ‘knew’ what a-bidet-was – but had ‘not’ used-it before…

‘… there is a ‘first-time’ for everything… here-it-goes…’

… it had an option of cold-and-warm water – Paul pressed the-latter…

… for the next 2-whole-minutes of ‘privacy’ – Paul smiled-wide as-he was in-cloud-9… when the jet of warm-water ‘tickled’ his-orifice, as the-device washed his-big buttocks…

His sensual-reveries ‘poofed’ when he felt a-slight ‘jerk’ in the soles of his-feet… and the humming-sensation in his-guts too-ceased…

‘… Johnno had ‘made’ a-touchdown – to get his-phone…’

Paul stood-up and pulled his black SHS-uniform pants-up – and came-out from the toilet…

“… John…?”

… he was ‘NOT’ THERE…

The parked-Pentateuch’s interior was dark… and the only-light coming was-from-outside through the-side opened-door…

Paul was curious-of ‘where’ the time-traveller lived…

… he was guessing it might-BE IN some monastery or in a fortress like the-Mandarin in the Shang-Chi movie…

He peeked his-head out… realising that ‘both’ of his-guesses were wrong – John-See lived in the suburbs…

Paul was-then in his-Batman detective-mode and – stepped-out to ‘explore’…


The Pentateuch was in stealth-mode and was invisible-in-naked eyes – parked-discreet behind the shrubs, facing a row-of-houses…

Paul noticed ‘some’ abnormalities in himself… at-first, he thought it was-gravity, as he ‘felt’ lighter… but the-thought-of…

… him ‘seeing’ his-feet that surprised-him…

… even-when he levitated in the Perth-realms… he COULD ‘NOT’ see his-feet cos’ it was ‘obstructed’ FROM-VIEW-by his fat-belly and his big-boy-boobs…

The-teen placed his hands on-his-stomach to realise that it was flat-and-hard – with his-own 6-PACK-ABS…

He was overjoyed…

‘… hahaha, this-is-my ‘good-luck realm’ – I ‘can’ walk, ‘can’ dance… and, I’m ‘not’ fat, hahaha!!!”

Paul continued his-reconnoitre – and felt another ‘similarity’ like HE ‘WAS’ in the-middle of the neighbourhood that-HE LIVED…

‘… which Perth is-this…?’

Paul grew inquisitive and wanted TO-SEE his-house – but the Kipermans’ building was ‘obstructing’ his-view… Paul walked toward the vicinity…

… when he ‘passed the hindering-building, he heard a ‘voice’ calling-over from the picket-fence…

“Hi Paul!”

It was Mr Kiperman – but A YOUNGER-variant who was ‘not’ wheelchair-bound. He stood on his-feet, and-was watering his-garden… Paul waved back and STRODE-ON…

… Paul was scared of the-man in his-Perth reality – who was a wheelchaired ‘boogie-man’ of Peter’s scares, that he-too would eventually lose his-legs from diabetic-amputation cos’ Paul had his sweet-tooth habit…

From the corner-of-his eyes, he saw the man’s ‘only’ son, Kirk… who was ‘still’ a toddler playing with his-toys in the-porch…

… who later-in-life… ‘would’ become a METH-ADDICT…

Once he passed the blocking Kipermans’ place… Paul’s jawdropped as the big House-of-Walkers wasn’t standing in the plot – but instead there were 2 smaller-houses in the-land…

‘… this is-DEFINITELY ‘NOT’ my-Perth…’

… he-then recalled the house’s history… of his-architect dad ‘who’ BOUGHT THE 2-smaller houses and demolishing-them… to ‘build’ his-dream-house for his-family…

‘… God-rest-your-soul, Dad…’ Paul-prayed as he crossed-the-road…

The wandering-thoughts were distracted by a sharp-hoot coming from an-approaching white-vehicle…

… it was THE ‘SAME’ Methodist-church van that took ‘them’ to the Treeton dairy-farm for the school’s field-trip…

“… Hiya-Paul, we’re in a hurry – see you soon in-PERTHLAND…” Mr Hart called-out…

“… we’re rooting for-you – our favourite superhero – GO-GEMINI-GO…!” Mrs Hart, on the passenger-seat rejoindered…

Paul was-left astounded when-the van passed him…

‘… how did-they ‘know’ that I’m a ‘supe’ in this realm…!? What’s happened in PERTHLAND… I-I DIDN’T HAVE superpowers there…!?’

The school-uniformed-teen stood in-between the gates of the 2-houses. One house looked depleted-and-vacant with unkempt front-lawn with overgrowth of creeping-weed. The other had high-walls where Paul couldn’t-see beyond…

… but ‘heard’ a familiar TECHNO-RAVE music playing-inside…

‘… I found you, Johnno…’

Paul opened the front-gate and was in-the glasshouse of a botany-sanatorium… with a lot of white-butterflies…

‘… I get-it, Johnno… the high-walls were for-from to keep-off people, from throwing-stones in your-glasshouse because you’re an Asian living in a White-neighbourhood…’

He walked-in the tranquil garden with wind-chimes, water-fountains and red ‘good-luck’ hanging-lanterns – he was marvelled-and-awed with the greenery of the multi-coloured flowers of the bud-grafted Bougainville bonsai, that were-plentiful on-rows of tables…

… it put a-weak smile on his-face… and sadly, he-sighed…

‘… you love gardening… reminds of dad-and-mom… they love gardening too…’

Paul felt-peace for a while in another-man’s paradise and – was revered at the hard-works and-dedications that-went-IN FOR the green-fingered gardener of the bonsai garden… that had-taken years to create-and-shape the-plants to-its miniature-form of beauty…

‘…Johnno, you ‘have’ the-patience like Mr Miyagi in the Karate Kid-movie…’

The moment he touched-and-gently caressed the bougainvillea’s transparent paper-like petals… and Paul-was instantly TRIPPING…

… with-the LOUD-TECHNO MUSIC where the bountiful-of-bonsais in-rectangular pots were vibrating as if-were headbanging to the rhythmic-beats – every hanging-lanterns were swaying as it too-were dancing… the water-fountains were swinging spiral vertically like columnar vortex waterspouts with the wind-chimes coordinating with the thumping tempo of techno’s 4/4 beats…

… Paul’s 3rd-Eye opened with his-penial gland was-having an ‘orgasm’ of melatonin…

… and his-SOUL WAS transported to a-techno dance-club, where he too was headbanging and dancing fervently with his dancing-moves in the crowd of miniature Groot-like bougainvillea-plant flora-colossus dancers, who ‘have’ jumped-out from their clay-pots to dance with-him…

Paul’s rave-partying reveries ‘poofed’ when a HAND TOUCHED his shoulders… which distracted him-from-dancing… the 13-year-old turned around with dilated-eyes… to see John-See talking to him…

Paul noticed the euphoric-clubbing excitement too had DIED-OFF – and the plants went into-their motionless still-life mode in their respective clay-pots…

“Ooh, you finished your toilet-business, haha…” John-said…

“Johnno, is this Perthland!?” The dazed Paul-asked…

“Yes, but this is ‘my’ Perth-reality… which I had ‘invited’ YOU-IN…”

The teenager then-queried …

“… is King Solomon here-too…?”

“… no, not’ yet – he will-be in BOOK-8…”

… the boy-superhero was disappointed as he wanted TO MEET-UP the prophet-status Christian-icon’s incarnation in his-Dreamworld… where he ‘HAD’ MET-before with ‘another’ religious embodiment – of his idol Guardian-angel, St Michael IN HIS-dreams in the-OTHER-PERTH…

“Whoa, we’re RUNNING-LATE – I got my Recordkeeper-phone… let’s go-now to the-Garden-of-Eden…!” John exclaimed looking at his-Swatch…

The time-traveller monk switched-a-button on his Universal-device – the orange-portal was reanimating in the ‘MIDDLE’ OF in the botany-sanatorium… with its kitten-purring sound…

Paul was blown-away by the-magic…

They both stepped-in the Pentateuch – and, before the take-off John asked Paul…

“… we’re still A-RECRUIT short… do you think Jane Wilson would ‘join’ our-mission…?”

“… yea, we could ask her – cos’ she’s a more-powerful superhero than-I-am… it was Jane who had single-handedly defeated those African-demons during the OTHER-PERTH’s Blood-moon eclipse in Egypt-mission… then @the-Dark Tower she was the-one who ‘destroyed’ the Blood-of-Peter vial – yea, it’s a safe-bet of success if we take her-along…” Paul vouched…

“But WHAT ABOUT her-mental-state – now that, she’s pregnant…?” John asked…

The ‘boyfriend’ was speechless to the-thought-of the time-traveller ‘being’ the-3rdperson who HAD ‘KNOWN’ the ‘secret’ of Jane’s preggo other than-themselves – where-else, the-rest-of Perthians of this-realm ‘don’t’ know…

“… I donno… you’ve TO ‘ASK’ her-that yourself… ‘maybe’ she won’t… come…” Paul mumbled in-guilt…

“… okay then, we’ll GO TO her ‘dream’ à and ASK HER ourselves…” John confirmed and navigated the coordinates of the-portal-to the ‘next’ destination…

… to the Wilson-residence…


IN THE REVERSED-HEAVEN, THE SHAPESHIFTER, Yaldabaoth was playing video-games, while sitting on the Yahweh’s throne. He was frustrated when he was ‘stuck’ in the difficult-level in the ‘Perth’s Accidental Superheroes’ game…

… where he took the ‘avatar’ of Iskurr-the-incubus as he hunted Jane in the suburbs in the game of Hide&Seek… where each-time the long-tailed entity cornered the Blind-One – it could ‘not’ DEFILE-HER…

… cos’ the meddling Mother-of-Virgo, Venus was ‘protecting’ Jane in-her-sleep by fitting her-with a-White-magic CHASTITY-BELT – so-that no-Dark forces would ravish-her in Jane’s night time-dreams…

Yaldabaoth was aggravated in his fruitless rape-attempts and then put-the-game down. He looked-into the-bowl of Water-of-Life – which seemingly-was Yahweh’s CCTV-camera to his-Creation of Earth2.0… where the shapeshifter-saw…

… the Barbelo-realm of MULTIVERSE…

…the eclipse of the Blood-moon was in-fruition to-happen in the next 10-minutes – where his-counterpart, Asmodeus would unleash his-hordes of demons TO INVADE the Garden-of-Eden…

The proteus used his index-finger and stirred the surface of the water in-the-bowl… when the ripples-settled…

… it showed ‘another’ close-visual – this time-it was the Garden-of-Eden’s main-gate – which was guarded by the warrior-Archangel, ST MICHAEL…

Yaldabaoth scoffed-AND-CURSED…

“I’m finally going-TO KILL YOU-you… disobedient rogue-servant…!

“… Metatron IS ‘COMING’ for you!!!”

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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