《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 7: Mates-4-Life


Chapter 7: Mates-4-Life


THAT-SATURDAY-MORNING, Peter went to SHS for his training. He was on his ‘comeback’ path after 3-years absence from school competitions ‘since’ he lost-his tennis-arm in the BMW road-accident…

… he was confident with the Kimura-Star’s robotic-arm that he would regain his ‘lost’ dignity – and qualify to play for SHS-again. It was-now back-2-basics… as he had to ‘eliminate’ the best-of the current crop-of-talents – before representing the school for the-single ‘spot’ entry…

Walking-along the corridor of the-Westwing, dressed in full red-tracksuit – with his dark hair grown-long… where he tied-it to a ponytail for his-rockstar-image…

He swaggered and entered the gym-auditorium – there was a basketball training-match in progress… where someone was doing-sleek moves before he slam-dunked…

… Peter recognised him as his-minion from the-OTHER-PERTH who ‘made’ him famous with the ‘Perth-Famous-Couple’ tennis-doubles viral-video – where he teamed-up with his-Janey as the handicaped-duo who defeated the abled-bodied school-selected mixed-doubles… Dougie-and-Zoe…

Walking-along the basketball court, he saw the ex-minion scoring-again a 3-pointer and his-teammates rejoiced…

… Peter was ‘recalling’ his-name which had slipped his-mind… but the-minion was ‘not’ in-the ‘first-team’ in the other-realm – as Coach-Jonah DID-NOT SELECT him as the first-6…

Finally, Peter ‘remembered’ the-minion’s name…

‘… yes, it’s Jason… what-ever your last-name was – so, in-this POST-TREETON you’re a slam-dunk superstar… kudos to you as I sprinkle my ‘good-luck’ magick-spell for you to ‘excel’ here in this-realm for the ‘service’ you’ve-rendered to-me in the-OTHER-PERTH, hehehe…’

He was rewarding the-contributions of past-minions of the other-realm – by…

… Paying-Forward – just-like he ‘did’ with Jimbo-the-tweaker @Maccas…


He opened the door to go to-the outdoor tennis-courts… it was a sunny-day with less-humidity which was an-ideal condition for his-training. He wanted to use the Spitfire ball-machine… but both machines were utilized by his-rivals – Douglas Zimmerman and Zubeer Khan…

Peter had ‘done’ his-research of his-rivals in POST-TREETON where… the reigning #1 in the OTHER-PERTH Oliver… whatever-his-last-name was… ‘didn’t’ exist in-this-realm – which made Dougie-Zim as the #1 player… of Coach Jonah’s choice to make for-selections to compete in the school-district tournament…

… he rated Dougie’s talent as above-average… where for the-past 3-years, the country-club trained ‘rich-kid’ who could ‘not’ pass the quarter-finals – where-else, prior 3 years-ago… Peter won the district-championship ‘before’ his-tragic road accident…

In-further research of Dougie-Zim, Peter weighted his pros-and-cons of the different-realm:

In the-OTHER-PERTH – Dougie played with doubles-partner Zoe-Williams, where Peter challenged them to play-against him and the AI-assisted blind-Janey… where Peter ‘won’ @SHS tennis-court In PERTHLAND – despite ‘being’ an-able-bodied teenager… he was ‘cursed’ by ‘not’ having tennis-playing skills-nor-talent – where Dougie ‘trashed’ him by a humiliating 6-0 @the-country club

The stat-score was ‘even’ @1 – 1…

… Peter was determined he ‘can’ beat Dougie in POST-TREETON in the-qualifiers – but he WOULD ‘NOT’ take him-down today…

… as he eyed his-menu-pick in Zubeer Khan… the school’s rising-star being #2 in the school’s ranking…

… whom-Peter ‘had’ a VENGEFUL SCORE to-settle as the Zubeer-variant of the-OTHER-PERTH and his fellow-cohorts have ‘cheated’ him in a-match… where he ‘lost’ his-temper – and Peter ‘hit’ him-with his tennis-racquet, resulting Coach-Jonah dragged-and-reported-him to Principal-Harris…

… ‘not’ only-that…

… the-Zubeer variant had-even ‘RATTED’ HIM-too… ‘when’ he made a $20-bet wager – citing the crime-of illegal sports-gambling…

… which resulted in his inspector-mom and her-boyfriend, Principal-Harris to punish-him with a term of ban from-tennis and… attend anger-management counselling…

The Peter in POST-TREETON behaved-himself – but was cunning-too… when he plotted his-revenge without the use-of-violence – and he resorted a friendly-approach… by asking Zubeer if he ‘could’ train with-him… as the whipping-boy to the SHS’ #2-player…

The newcomer saw Peter as ‘not’ a-threat… but was ‘aware’ that he was a ‘former’ champion 3-YEARS-AGO… an old-story which-was eons-ago in the past like-of-an old-silent Chaplin-movies in-tennis…


… he also thought-less of Peter’s metal prosthetics-arm could-make him ‘win’… and Zubeer-even ridiculed – if robotic-arm would-malfunction and strangled it’s-owner…

Peter laughed at his-puerile jokes, and called him-out aloud…

“Ha-Ha-Ha, you’re so-funny, Zubeer – now, let’s PLAY-BALL…!”

Peter took-out his old-faithful Babolat from his-backpack… and walked into the-court…

His loud-voice had attracted a crowd-of students who were there in-their sports-training. From the West-wing 2nd-level windows they witnessed with-curiosity below in the court…of Peter-with a-black-metallic robotic-arm entering the green-fenced gate and-preparing to ‘duke’ with the SHS’s #2 – even Ken Chan and his Taekwondo mates were there…

The over-confident-teen entered the-match no warm-up – and was left-flatfooted with Zubeer’s cunning-shots – and the crowd cheered him… their-SHS-#2…

… but it did ‘not’ bother Peter as he had the willpower of vengeance to best-Zubeer – as the ‘other’ variant of-Zubeer had ‘cheated’ him of-victory in the OTHER-PERTH…

Peter was-soon focused and was reading his-opponent’s tactical-moves like a-boxing prized-fighter as the match-progressed… as Zubeer was his first-opponent after the 2-month’s zombie-lockdown but he diligently self-practiced at home – hitting the tenno against the Walker-house wall outdoors…

… he was getting the-grooves as the robotic-arm ‘responded’ well to Zubeer’s crafty-clever-shots as – his singled-gloved metallic-leftie was scoring points-too… the crowd-were now cheering for-him…

“… is that all you-got, Zubie-Habibi – I WANT more… you ‘got’ more!!?” Peter taunted him as a-fright-tactic where prized-boxers used to-scare opponents…

… Peter-then swaggered-tall as he entertaining his-crowd like a-rockstar on-stage…

… tapping into his-gladiator warrior-soul of an ex-champion who had ‘once’ defeated an-expat English-boy from Wimbledon in the finals… where the Aussie-crowd silenced the English-supporters when he ‘won’ the championship 3 years-ago…

The match ended with Peter beating Zubeer 6-1 – and the senior-student quit ‘no mas’ in his-stool… when he discontinued playing the 2nd-set…

The Taekwondo-team and ‘new’ supporters of the robotic-arm of Peter… stormed into-the-court to-congratulate him…

… and egoistic-pride got-into the teenager’s head – and Peter was-then arrogant like of a victorious boxing prized-fighter… where the ‘warrior’ CALLED-OUT his next ‘opponent’…

Holding the Babolat in his metallic-wrist, Peter pointed-at Douglas Zimmerman – who was standing ‘outside’ the green-fence…


A thunder cracked, and the outdoor cloud-lines gloomed with blowing-wind… plodding-and-approaching of an-imminent thunderstorm…

… when the senior-student walked-into the court to-confront the ‘caller’ – as the pissed-off Dougie came-forward… and pointing his-accusing finger at Peter…

“Peter Walker, you cheated! You should-be BE DISQUALIFIED for the selections!”

“…w-what cheating…? What ya-bloody mean – I DON’T CHEAT, you moron rich-kid!”

Thunder roared-in-the skies… as most of-the crowd ran-against the wind to-go indoors of the West-wing building…

Douglas shouted…

“You’ve illegally-used enhanced-technology and you defeated-Zubeer just-now – where is the sports-ethic in that-where puts this disadvantage-to ‘us’…!!”

The weather turned to thick drizzle…as the robust-winds blew-at… the remaining boys who got-wet, as every-one else ran towards the-building… but-except for a-few supporters senior-students of Douglas-and-Zubeer – and Ken-Chan and… a-few of his Taekwondo-mates…

… as they stood in front-of the raging-Peter who held the Babolat as his-warrior sword… shouting TO ARGUE…

“Ooiii!!! I’m the ‘one’ who is THE-VICTIM-here for ‘being’ a-handicap – I used my-robotic-arm so that I can play someday at international-level… now ‘where’ is MY-LOGIC TO your bloody-sports ethics…!!?”

Leaves and dust blew-across the court-floor as the-teenaged boys were fierce-in-argument… as Douglas responded a-rant…

“… nobody’s interested in your-glorious superstar-ambition – you go ‘tell’ those gloating stories to your-Master AI-whom YOU-SERVE, as you-now ‘play-by’ their rules when you’re their-hybreed Beta-participants ‘using’ their-enhanced-technology…

“… maybe your-Master WOULD ‘CREATE’ Cyborg-Olympics… and you can compete with other robotic one-armed tennis-player…


“… but don’t you-ever step foot TO-COMPETE in our ‘normal’ abled-bodied person tennis-sports…”

Even the loser-Zubeer too voiced-out backing Dougie…

“… yes, it WILL BE a ‘new’ Paralympics2.0… you ‘go’ join them, and DON’T COME-back!”

Waving the tennis-racquet, Peter barked-out…

“What DID YOU JUST-say, kebab-naan…? No, I’m-still PLAYING-IN your ‘category’ cos’ my goals-and-dreams still-lives-strong in me – I was ‘born’ to-be an international calibre-player who… wouldn’t be-bloody compromised by SOME-OF your handicap-discriminatory conned-ideology – certainly ‘not’ coming from you-all, you bloody mediocre-losers…”

Ken-Chan saw the-tension rising to the standoff of the senior-students ganging-up on Peter – the martial-art SHS-student was on-standby… to break-them up if there was any-fight…

“Oh-yeah, we’ll see ‘who’ the loser-is once – I REPORT-YOU to Coach Jonah…!” Dougie threatened…

Peter scoffed…

“I don’t give a f***ing-shit if you reported to Coach-Jonah’s mother-too, per-say… or even the bloody Sports-Council-of Australia for-the matter – I will certainly ‘not’ be a victim of-your superior moral-pride of able-bodied people, who LOOKED-DOWN on those who’re handicaps… and put us in-peg-holes…!!!”

Zubeer who had underestimated Peter’s robotic-arm ‘earlier’ … had his-final-say too – to SECURE HIS-#2 ranking for the Boys-selections… and-he blurted-out…

“Get-out of ‘our’ sports – and bloody-GO COMPETE in your-Cyborglympics, you ‘cheating one-armed loser!”

“What did YOU-SAY, you bloody Budokan!!?”

For a glimpse of a second, Peter’s FACE TRANSFORMED into the hideous-and-ferocious Iskurr-the-incubus that terrified the small-group of senior-boys in the court… some ran-away in-fright…

Peter pounced at Zubeer and wanted to bludgeon him with his tennis-racquet…as he did-so in the-OTHER-PERTH…

… but in-mid-air, Ken-Chan intervened and lunged-forward at the raged 13-year-old… and bringing Peter-down…

The Chinese youth pinned-him from his-back… and kneed on the robotic-arm to subdue the raging-Peter – then, whispering into his-ears…

“… calm-down, Peter… YOU’VE ‘WON’ – and, you don’t have to-prove-anything to-them… walk-away in-victory – and don’t headhunt and create-a-fight, and be-expelled…”

Peter had calmed-down his-fuming spell… and KC released his chokehold… and both the teenagers were in the-only-ones left in the court as the-remaining senior-boys had-left. And, the storm-too ‘had’ passed with the-sun coming-out behind the-clouds…

The Chinese-youth felt that Peter ‘had’ enough of Saturday’s training – and wanted to-take him out-of-school… fearing that the-13-year-old berserker would instigate any-later raged incident with either Dougie-or-Zubeer…

“Come-Pete, let’s get-out of here…”

Moments-later, KC-and-Peter left SHS in the Kawasaki-Ninja…


AT THE-SCARBOROUGH BEACH, Ken Chan taught Peter on-how to ‘ride’ a-superbike. Peter was excited to-learn the-skill…

… he trusted KC – and did ‘not’ see him as-a minion but as-a peer partner to look-up to… believing him, as-the ‘brotherhood student-of-SHS…

In the-past 7-months in POST-TREETON, the only partner-in-crime ‘friend’ Peter had-was Daniel Burnett of Hateful-8… but had a fallout after failed-promises to fortune… both in his-father’s underground-bunker and, the Zimmerman’s nude-polaroid extortion failures…

The Terry-variant of PERTHLAND was his hangout-buddy in THAT REALM – and they smoked-meth and cruised-together ‘after’ school in the classic-DeLorean – ‘until’ Peter stole his dream-girl… and, the friendship-soured…

… the Terry-variant in POST-TREETON over-here…

… and-the Irish boys and ‘only’ mix with-Caucasians and look down on ‘non’ whites – Peter used to BE ‘LIKE’ them… until he befriended KC since the Rotto-trio… where it ‘provoked’ the pure-blooded Irish-cohorts…

… and the-racist Terry-and-the Irish-cobbers even LOOKED-DOWN on Peter for being a half-Irish… as he was half-English…

… just like they-shunned Churros too, the half-Latino Irish who was-in the-B-Class, where… his-twin was-BEEN OUTCASTED-to presently…

… thanks to Churros ‘for’ sharing the-file of the ‘infamous’ kissing-video video – that Peter made viral-in-YouTube…

… and having the good-luck ‘so’ far – to ‘substitute’ Paul by-sitting at his-former-desk in class, behind his-Janey.


KC treated Peter lunch @A-&-W… where they had a big-meal to refuel their-bodies for the heavy-training endurance in the school’ gym…

… they-both had Papa-burgers, hickory-smoked-bacon cheeseburgers, Coney cheese-dogs, corn-dog nuggets and root beer-floats – Peter ate and was analysing THE ‘CONS’ of the bromance he had with KC…

… he only came out with ‘one’…

… where Peter doesn’t like his girlfriend, Chinatown-Wong – whom-coincidently Paul had- dated in the-OTHER-PERTH…

Peter started the-conversation… to know THEIR-STATUS…

“… KC, how is ‘your’ girlfriend, Alicia-Wong…?”

The 17-year-old chuckled and replied Alicia WAS ‘NOT’ his-girlfriend – and further-told that since he came from-Taipei 3-months-ago… Alicia was the first-friend the ‘community’ introduced since they went to the ‘same’ school…

… and he had so-much in common with Alicia, where they-have Sundays-hangout playing videogames and were-into cosplay – but being SHS’ minorities, they ‘were’ noticeable… leading to-gossip that they were a-couple…

Peter wasn’t convinced…

“… come-on mate, the way I see her ‘looking’ at-you – I think Alicia is head-over-heels in-love with you…”

“Hahaha, Peter the master of body-language expert of the opposite sex – you sound like-a-player, hahaha… but there is nothing going-on between her-and-me – let’s talk about you… how’s Bella…?”

Peter scoffed-and-sighed with shaking his-head…

“… she seems like a nuisance-and-distraction to my-goals…”

“Why – what happened, Pete…? But-I see you both-together in the canteen-breaks…”

Peter sighed-more, before rambling his-grievances…

“… yea… but our interests are-totally the opposite – what’s common-is that we ‘love’ the sex… but-KC, I don’t love her and might dump her soon… but… I CAN’T – cos’ her uncle Jared option my-house from-the FAMILY-DEBT… so, I ‘owe’ a debt to-her… I seriously don’t know ‘what’s’ going-on with-Bella in-my life… I seriously-don’t…” Peter groaned to his ‘teen-life’ crisis…

They-both were quiet – Peter was back reminiscing the time… 3-months-ago ‘before’ the zombie-lockdown, where Bella had used a motel as the-Hateful-8 HQ, where they got drunk and-had unprotective-sex – when the intoxicated Peter told-her of his time-traveller’s tales – ‘remembering’ that he-also mentioned about his-rival time-traveller, Paul who dated Alicia in the OTHER-PERTH…

“KC… now, I’m IN LOVE with another girl in-class…”


“… my ‘ex’ – Jane Wilson…”

… Peter made-up a ‘story’ by mixing-events from 2-Perth-realms… and-plus HE LIED…

“… we used to date 3 years-ago in-primary school – when-later I won the Inter-school Championship we hooked-up – and in the same year… I got into a tragic-accident and lost my-arm, and Jane dumped-me because I’m a ‘cripple’…

“… just imagine-that… a blind-girl ‘dumping’ me as a handicap-cripple – she said-hurting things-too during our breakup… that is hurting-till now…”

“… a tongue has no-bone, but its strong-enough to break a heart…” KC responded while sipping his root-beer float…

… Peter doesn’t want to hear KC’s Bruce-Lee philosophy – but his-advice on ‘how-to’ win her-heart – so-that he ‘could’ have SUPE-BABIES with her in-the-future…

“… how-do I get her-back, bro – I’m ‘suffering’ now-in this one-sided love seesaw…?”

After a brief-moment of-thought, the Chinese-youth responded…

“… hmm… since the both have ‘similar’ AI-devices – your best-option TO IMPRESS-HER is with ‘excellent’ studies-results in the coming mid-term exams…”

“… huh…” Peter was-dumbfounded…

… as-he an-average middle-of-class grader – while his ‘Janey’ was #4 – it-was a long-way to catch-up and ‘prove’ results for the ‘coming’ term exams which-was in 2 weeks… and-also, his tennis-training was an important-priority too…

Peter said-the ‘excuses’ from-above – to-which KC replied with a-laughter…

“Hahaha, who studies for exams these-days, Pete – I DON’T… but I still pass…”

“… you’ve a photographic-memory like Alicia…?” Peter was-curious…

“… hahaha, no-but I USE THIS…” KC said, and brought-out a-regular spectacles from his jacket-pocket…

“… put it-on…and, you’ll be a-genius…”

Peter wore the no-branded, powerless eye-glasses – and ‘realised’ that KC had-pranked-him…

“… Ha-ha-ha… you ‘got’ me – very ‘funny’ – I ‘look’ like a nerdy-genius…” The-teen was annoyed and was about to-remove the-spectacles…


KC reached-out to Peter’s face – and his fingers pressed-the left-frame of-the-spectacles…

…that freeze-framed the left-side of the-glasses – that made Peter jumped-off-his seat surprised… when he ‘SAW’ 2-IMAGES of KC…

…one-moving… and the ‘other’ freeze-framed…

“Whoa! WHAT IS-this…!!?

The Chinese-teenager laughed as he revealed the intrinsic China-made ‘SPY-CAMERA’ Bluetooth technology… which KC called as-his-version of Iron-man’s tech, Edith. Then, KC exposed-the-secrets of ‘how-to’ cheat in the-upcoming mid-term examination:

… where the ‘user’ utilised the freeze-frame-mode to ‘SCREEN-CAPTURE’ the questions of the test-paper… … and ‘feed’ would-be sent to AN ‘OUTSIDE’ 3rd-party – who would give the ‘answers’ by-reading-it… … and, the ‘user’ listened via the ‘MICROPHONES’ situated-at the both-end of the spectacle-frames… and-then ‘wrote’ the ‘given’ answers…

… Peter was rejoiced to learn-about the ‘effortless’ way of passing-exam where he had ‘MORE’ TIME in his-tennis training for-the-selections…

KC then cherry-topped the-scheme by-saying…

“… the 3rd-party would ‘charge’ $500 for your-exam – and I’ll PAY-THAT for you-too…!”

The overjoyed-Peter hugged-him…

“… Wow! You’ll DO-THAT…? You’re my-saviour in-all of my-problems…”

“… no-worries, Pete… I ‘owe-you’ a life-long-debt when you ‘saved’ me from drowning-in-the sea – it’s my-way of-gratitude by INVESTING IN-YOU to succeed in ‘whatever’ your goals-and-dreams that you-desire…”

Peter was in-7th-heaven in the bromance-relationship where he was bestowed in ‘more-and-more’ good-luck by receiving the Edith-spy camera spectacles – where the other providence-blessings were being his father’s house in-his-name… and-also, his father’s Blackmagick Spell-book that he-practised…

… the 13-year-old wanted to ‘permanently’ stay in the-POST-TREETON-realm as it was the ideal dimension to launch his superstardom-dreams… where ‘good-lucks’ were abundant…

… all he had to-do, is to stay-alive and be vigilant of his jealous-evil twin… would ‘not’ hesitate to kill-him like he did-last in-PERTHLAND…

Peter’s reveries ‘poofed’ when distracted by one of the-3 KC’s cellphones on the table-which ranged… the Chinese teenager answered – and spoke to-Peter…

“… hey, I’ve been invited for a birthday-party in a club… and you’re coming-too – let’s go…”

… the invitation got Peter-in thoughts of his-last birthday-invite which was-of Charlie Ross-the-Horse of the Hateful-8 – that didn’t go-well for the-horse who was killed by a riled-up silverback-gorilla in their failed ‘mission’ to rescue the caged apes-and-monkeys @the South Perth-Zoo…

The superstitious-Peter declined the-offer…

“Why…?” Ken-asked…

Peter’s excuse that he was sweaty-in a tracky-dax…

“… so am-I… come-on, we’re the Tracksuit-mafia-Bros – let’s go, Pete…there are hot-girls there!”


THE KAWASAKI-NINJA WAS doing 310 km/h to the city-centre – before it venturing into back-alleys of main-roads to places-which Peter had ‘not’ known-existed in-Perth…

… and eventually landed-in Red-Prism, a striptease-club that had the dancers who-were gorgeous doll-faced Russian-girls…

Peter who-had ‘not’ been to a strip-club before, but did watch it-only in the Netflix-shows – he-was ‘now’ there in-the-flesh… ogling and-mesmerised – of the setup of a-big circular-stage with a bar in-it… surrounded by 6 pole-dancers ‘doing’ their-thing…

… young-Peter’s jaw-dropped – and was ‘titillated’ by their-arousing carefree-groves of jiggling their-bare asses-and-titties… like there was no-hedonistic guilt-nor care-to-it...

The place was-also crawling with fluffer-girls of-every Russian-region where-there-was… who-were over here in-Red-Prism in the underground red-light-area of Perth – where they ‘flirt’ with customers… OFFERING-THEM sensual ‘lap-dances’… and-more…

… there was a lot-of darked-haired girls mingling-about – but Peter single-out ‘only’ the blondes… that reminded him of his-Janey…

The ‘birthday-boy’ was Jimmy whose last-name he could ‘not’ remember but ‘knew’ him as he-was in KC’s Taekwondo-team. They had already blown-the-candles and Peter had a slice-of-cake which he ate, that… was delicious as the blonde-dancer on-stage whom he fixated-on.

Peter had a-beer – as he was training-for the-selections…

… but KC was having whiskey and tequila shots which Peter-passed… as he was into a strict 2-beer-regime. An hour-later, KC was doing cocaine with his-buddies and Peter-passed that too as he had ‘bad’ experience with various hard-drugs…

… in PERTHLAND with Terry-and-Jezebel…

The 13-year-old was drunk on his-2nd beer, and had the liquid-courage to talk with the-blonde-dancer when she got-off the stage to take her break… she spoke broken-English when Peter asked her-name…

… she told it’s Yelena – to which he made an-MCU-joke relating to-the ‘Black Widow’ – and Peter requested-her for a lap-dance… soon after-that, the aroused-teen asked for ‘SPECIAL-SERVICE’…

Yelena took him to a room at the back-area… where she performed oral-sex on him – and he ‘finished-off’ on-her-face before… emptying the-content in-his wallet of $114, with tips – and walked-out the door, with coins jingling in his pocket… and he went back to the boys-partying at the bar…

The Taekwondo-boys were bingeing into their 3th bottle-of-whiskey plus-doing more Tequilas-shots, and cocaine-snorts… and were merrymaking ‘since’ the 6-o’clock zombie-curfew was lifted. But Peter had to go-back or-else his inspector-mom would-be suspicious of his whereabouts ‘after’ tennis-training…

… he wanted to call for an-Uber but – he blew all-of his money-away into Yelena’s-mouth … so, he sat-quiet with the boisterous boys – ‘pretending’ to-be bored…

He was-in luck, when one-of KC’s-cellphones rang – and KC had to-go back for an-emergency… ending his drunk-bromance bout with his Taekwondo-mates – after the one-for-the-road whiskey-drink, KC left to hit the road, with Peter following-him out-of Red-Prism…

Outside the strip-club, Peter reminded the sloshed-KC that his-bicycle was at school…

He then regret saying-so ‘when’ the speedometer max-ed to 340 km/h, ‘when’ KC turned himself-into a speed-demon under-the-influence – riding the Kawa-Ninja at neck-break speed. The terrified-Peter, the pillion-rider’s testicles ‘literally’ shrunk in the-torque force-race…

… he regret-too of the-suggestion cos’ the school was 6 KM FURTHER – where the it was ‘nearer’ to the House-of-Walker…

… for him to get-off demon-bike,’ FEARING OF-being in…

… a 2nd accident… and to-be A ‘CRIPPLE’ LIKE his-twin…

… Peter was-then amazed when KC took the Jim-Wong-trail ‘shortcut’…

‘… whoa, he ‘knows’ my-route… the route to my-dark secret which I wouldn’t say to you, KC – that I bludgeon Chinatown-Wong, ‘your’ b**** girlfriend… RIGHT-HERE into-a-coma in the OTHER-PERTH…’

Soon they reached the school’s parking-bay after-dark – and Peter thanked him for spending time with him and taking him-places… and for the gift of the low-tech AI Edith spy-camera spectacles…

“… no worries…” the distracted-KC said and fist-bumped… and left-in-a hurry…

‘… off-he-goes – just-like the Pearl-Jam song…’

Peter shrugged-his shoulders in-sign-of fright by the-ride at neck-breaking race with a drunk speed-demon on-coke… and-was glad he WAS-STILL alive-and-kicking ‘after’ the-ordeal… and his-knees ‘still’ shook…

While walking towards his lone-bike at the empty parking bay – he checked the time on his iPhone… switching it on to his black-wallpaper of the mask of the Squid-game theme – it was 7:04…

… noticed that there were-also hairline web-cracks on the phone’s screen – Peter cursed…

‘… that b**** Yelena might have bloody kneed-on the screen in-the lapdance – ‘while’ grinding-onto me…’

At second-glance, Peter checked the-time again – that digitally-flicked to 7:05…

‘… Angie-Dickinson must be back from her Saturday-grocery shopping… and would-be cooking dinner, and – she should ‘not’ suspect I went to strip-joint…’

He hurried and removed the beer-stinking tracksuit top and changed to his crumpled uniform shirt from his-backpack. He the gargled his mouth with Gatorade to get-rid of the alcohol-breath… and-then chewed on strong-mint flavoured chewing-gum…

Peter then sped-on to GO-HOME in the-late-evening… and, was submerged in his-bromance thoughts of his-peer, KC – who was successful-millionaire ‘while’ being a-school student… whom he wanted to-emulate-and-follow…

… he took KC’s advices-to-heart…

‘… yea… I WILL ‘KEEP’ Bella-with-me because of her-Uncko-Jared ‘transections’ – but I’m also getting JANEY-BACK cos she’s mine… my ‘true’ soulmate…

… using the Jim-Wong-trail shortcut ‘again’ – slightly-drunk – and singing an AccaDacca’s song…

“… Dirty-Deeds ‘done’ Dirt-Cheap…!”


PETER REACHED THE MAIN-GATE of the Walker-house @7:33 – and saw the white-Audi… and-his predictions of his inspector-mom’s Saturday routine whereabouts were ‘spot-on’….

…he parked his mountain-bike outside garage – came-over to the-patio and open the front-door with his key – and, automatically his-twin’s dog barked @the-backyard…

His-mom was still-cooking in her-usual slow-paced casual-way… and drinking her-wine… his-twin was in his room. Peter walked into the kitchen, ranting as he headed to grab a coke in-the-fridge…

“… sorry, I’m late, Mom – I had intense-training… and later chat with those mates till-late… well it’s Saturday, I reckon that-fine… what’s cooking, Mom…? Oh-wow! Pork-burgers, my favourite!”

Caroline didn’t answer-him but nodded. Sipping the-soda, Peter peeked out of the window to look at the barking canine in-the-dark that was tied-up in a ‘new’ chained-leash…

“Did you ‘buy’ Poe a new-dog leash…?”

“… no, he might’ve bought it online…”

“… maybe you should ‘reduce’ his allowances and ‘give’ it to me-instead – I ‘NEED’ tennis-shoes… my feet are growing, Mom!”

“… what about the Nike-prezzie you friend bought for-birthday…?” Caroline interrupted…

“Those are casual-shoes ‘not’ tennis-shoes, Mom… my ‘shoes’ are killing-me… please-Mom – buy me ‘new’ ones…” He told in an exaggerated whinny-tone…

“… hmm, what size are your-feet…?”


“… Poe’s size is 9-n-half or-10… how-come yours are 11…?”

“… maybe his crippled-feet ‘stopped’ growing – get him diabetic-shoes instead-Mom… have you seen the-way he consumes sugar and get ‘high’ on-it…? Soon his-feet would be ‘chopped-off’ with gangrene…”

“Hey! Stop it, he’s ‘STILL’ YOUR-brother – that’s a ‘mean’ thing to-say, Peter!”

But Peter was on the-roll – and was ‘dissing’ his rival-twin mentally-in his-mind…

‘… hope the gangrene ‘gets’ his bloody-balls-too… and HE CAN’T f*** Janey – and she’ll be-all MINE… and, we’ll have superhero-offspring in-the-future…’

The sweaty-Peter drank his-coke and looking out of the kitchen-window and gazed-at the darkening backyard… and detected an-abnormality…

“MOM! Come-her! LOOK!!!”

“WHAT-NOW, Peter!? Caroline snapped as she refused-to come-over from the-stove… and-rather do her-cooking as she flipped the grilled-burgers…

“It’s the backyard wall! There is a 2nd BURNT-MARK on-it – Mom, don’t tell me that it’s lightning… cos’ lightning ‘never’ strikes the same-place-twice…!”

“… nature defies science-then – go ask your Science-teacher ‘about’ your backyard-phenomenon for an-explanation… that’s ‘what’ I’m paying your school-fees, yea…?”

Peter was quiet at Caroline’s sarcasm as he was more pissed-off with-his ‘jealous-evil-twin’ using his superpowers to damage his father’s property which-was in-his-name…

His stomach-growled to the aroma of the fats sizzling in the-frying-pan…

“Mom, I’m hungry – give-me my-burger…” Peter demanded as he was about to-sit at the IKEA-table…

“DON’T-SIT! Go take shower-first, Peter… I don’t want-you to stink the dining-table…”

Peter didn’t argue as he ‘knew’ the consequence of a possibility of a ‘rogue’ beer-burp situation during-dinner time – that would raise-suspicion of the inspector-mom that he had been drinking-outside with ‘bad-company’ after-school…

His black metal-wrist crushed the empty-coke-can and dropped it-into the recycle-bin – and ran upstairs to his-bedroom…

The land-line phone in-the living-room rang…


In his-windowless bedroom, Paul was playing videogames with the sound muted… where he hadn’t revised his school-studies nor did his homework the whole-day – and-was procrastinating to-do-it tomorrow-Sunday…

He heard line-line RINGING-OUTSIDE – which baffled him of what-and-why the necessity of a-house-phone when each-of the Walker-household owned their-iPhones…

… he knew the only-one called on the house-phone was mom’s sister from Caroline’s hometown in Sydney, as…

… the-Walker-rellos used to call on that-phone ‘before’…but ‘now’ they were estranged after his father died in the BMW road-crash 3 years-ago. They disliked Caroline… so they don’t visit-nor-call the Walkers’ house any-more…

After the 5th-ring his-mother answered the phone – Paul was ‘not’ bothered to eavesdrop as he was more interested in his Ghostbusting – ‘now’ that he had defeated Azetlor-the-Destroyer.

After 5-minutes he heard his-mother calling him…

“Poe! COME HERE-quick!”

By the tone-of her-voice it was ‘not’ an invitation to the IKEA-table to have the pork-burger dinner… it made the crippled-teen anxious…

‘… landline-call…!? Has it something to-do with Kitty…? In her 3-hours escape from under-my-nose… running-away from the house – has ‘she’ got herself in-trouble…? Did she attack someone out-there…?’

He had a nervous breakdown that his dog would-be taken away…


“… coming, Mom!”

… he wheelchaired after pausing-the-game and he put it on his desk. Negative-stress was building-up as he unlocked the-door – and heard Caroline calling…

“Peter! You COME HERE too!”

Paul slowly made his-way to his mother in the living-room. Peter’s voice was heard coming-from his-bedroom upstairs…

“… Mom, why you ‘calling’ me – I’m in-the-shower…”

“… I didn’t hear any water flowing-sound, you’re ‘not’ in shower-yet – you come here! I’ve got something ‘urgent’ to tell YOU-BOTH…”

The half-naked Peter came-out wearing his bath-towel… he was ‘missing’ an arm as he had removed his black-metal robotic-arm…

“What’s so-urgent that we can’t ‘hear’ it during dinner…?”

From his-wheelchair, the quiet Paul looked-up above-upstairs at his-twin – noticing Peter’s well-developed 6-pack-abs… feeling body-shamed – and Paul crossed-his-arms to ‘hide’ his fat-belly.

Their mother spoke to her twin-sons…

“That was the parish-priest Father Brown who called-me – there WILL BE a morning-Mass @St Michaels tomorrow…”

Peter cut-it…

“… it’s about-time after the 2-month’s closure during the zombie-epidemic scare – I was really afraid that the-church will close-down and go-under without their-Sunday ‘regular’ collections-and-donations…”

Caroline shouted-out…

“Shut-up, Peter… stop talking ‘nonsense’ – Father Aloysius Brown also informed me that your-Holy Confirmation is next-Sunday… and Bishop Arthur Beltran would be coming-over to St Michaels to conduct the ceremony…

“… listen-here now, ‘both’ of you – you’ll ‘soon’ would be Catholic-Christian young-men – so, behave like-one… and take responsibility IN YOUR-LIFE and pray that you’ll be ‘loving’ Christians following the footsteps as Christ-followers…

“… Peter-and-Paul, I want you ‘both’ to go for YOUR CONFESSIONS tomorrow-morning in church… Father-Brown would-be looking forward to you-both, he said…”

Caroline looked at both her sons who were-quiet… Paul then nodded to-her… and the inspector-mother continued…

“… after Mass tomorrow, I ‘ll take you-both shopping for your Holy-Confirmation clothing of black-pants… and white-shirts and black-shoes…”

Peter cut-in again…

“… we’ll also go TO ‘BUY’ my-tennis shoes too, yea-Mom…?”

“No! Only the church-clothing – I’ll buy-you the tennis-shoes ‘after’ my-salary…”

Peter stood-superior in-akimbo, with a single-fist on his right-hip… and berated…

“Come-on, Mom – what’s with the NO-MONEY-talk…!? You’ve some ‘stashed-away’ now-that my girlfriend’s uncle HAD ‘PAID’ the-family debts, right…? Don’t be a stingy-poker and start ‘investing’ on me – your ‘ONLY’ SON who is gonna-be Australia’s superstar tennis-player soon…”

Paul rolled-his-eyes to his braggard-twin, as he-then heard Caroline further denying Peter’s demand…

“NO! I’m ‘not’ buying your tennis-shoes – that’s final!”

“… then-ask your boyfriend-the-principal TO ‘SPONSOR’ me shoes – he has ‘already’ bought me my Rafa-racquet… get him to-also buy-me the Rafa Nike Zoom-Vapor shoes… and threaten Principal-Harris that YOU’LL ‘DUMP’ him if he’s ‘not’ supportive of your-son’s upcoming-superstardom…!”

“Shut-up, Peter… it’s end-of-discussion – quick go-now and take your shower!”

“YOU’RE buying my-Nike shoes tomorrow, Mom!!!”

The pissed-off Peter shouted as he stormed-into his bedroom… Paul chuckled softly to see his boaster-egoistic twin retreating…

… Caroline saw that… and Paul ‘wiped’ the-smirk-off …

… he was chuckling at Peter… ‘NOT’ AT her-or-the SHS’ principal whom she ‘was’ dating…

Since it was the ‘end’ of the inspector-mom’s discussion …so-Paul reversed the wheelchair to retreat to his-bedroom – but Caroline stopped-him…

“Poe! Tomorrow you’re going TO ‘CONFESS’ to Fr-Brown what you-did @the-South Beach ‘during’ the school’s Family-Day, understood…?”

Paul passively-nodded… as he entered his ‘sanctuary-space,’ of the windowless bedroom. Once the door was-locked – he ‘too’ was angry at Caroline…

… for-her believing after the Deep-Fake video – that he HAD ‘SEX’ with his-girlfriend in the school-outing…

… where, the reality-fact was – both him-and-Jane were ‘STILL’ VIRGINS…


BLIND-JANE WAS ABOUT-TO GO to bed that-Saturday night. And, her Samsung-rang and she got a call from-Maggi – who was-excited by-saying that Robin had bought her-Nokia phone – and wanted to-call and ‘personally’ give Jane her-number…

… Maggi was excited to ‘see’ Jane in-school on-Monday… and confessed that she had anxiety-attacks for the past-3-days of the-thought-of going-to Stamford High-School – but after the Saturday-visit over, just-now… and had met-and-befriended Jane – she was ‘now’ looking-forward to-the ‘new’ school and-meeting ‘new’ friends…

“I met Paul just-now, when we returned Kitty to him…” Maggi-told…

“What did Pauly-say…” Jane-asked…

“… not-much – he seemed-shy…” Maggi-replied…

Both the blind-girls laughed-and-giggled…

It was time for goodbyes – Maggi told Jane to give a big-goodnight-hug to Piper for-her. Once the voice of the Chinese-tween was over… Jane sighed…

… to the thought of Maggi assumed that Piper ‘slept’ in the same-room with her… which he did, ‘when’ she attended the school-for-blind – but he-now slept in his caged-kennel ever-since he was a ‘house-dog’ when – Jane went to SHS 3-years-ago…

… where Piper was no-longer her-guide dog – and WAS ‘REPLACED’ by an-AI…

Jane was glad-that Kitty-visited just-now – Piper ‘really’ long for his-wife during the ‘caged-up’ period during the zombie-lockdown’ – he ‘missed’ her…

… just as Jane ‘missed’ Paul since he moved to B-Class…

… she can’t call him-often too – as Anthony would-be suspicious of outgoing-calls in her-Samsung to ‘Gemini-Blue’…

Jane laid in bed with good-thoughts of her Saturday-afternoon with the Wong-twin sisters – and chuckling to the toast-ceremony with the Fanta-pineapple juice…

… to the Fellowship of the Soul-Sisters Trio-Gang…

Jane snickered at how her-BFF, Alicia had thought-up of a ridiculous ‘name’ – but she ‘liked’ it … as she considered it was a ‘blessing’ that Alicia ‘found’ her long-lost sister and was grateful-too… that Maggi-came into her-life as they both shared a similar trait of blind-compassion virtue, ‘when’ they-were together…

… and they-both also ‘shared’ the same-protector too – in Piper-the-silverback werewolf…

It was time-to-sleep, the attention-seeking Seed-of-Apollo was ‘jealous’ that its-tween mother was IN-LOVING thoughts of Maggi – so, the womb gave a swift-kick…

“Arrggghh… stop-it!” Jane-cried-out…

The womb telepathically insisted for the-maternal-mother’s attention to ‘sing’ a-lullaby…

… Jane told-it the story of ‘Baa-Baa Black-sheep’…


JIMBO-THE-TWEAKER WAS finding his-BFF after he bought ‘enough’ smack for-2. He was searching the whereabouts of TB… who get ‘lost’ in the back-alleys while chasing-visions that he envisioned he foresaw-to happen’ in-the-future…

… TB called those-visions as ‘butterflies’…

TB’s full-name was Timothy Beltran… and he was the-twin brother to the current Catholic Bishop-of-Perth, the Reverend Excellency, Bishop Albert Beltran…

… both brothers from the-Wheatbelt attended the ‘same’ seminary to-be Catholic-priests – but TB-the-radical-gnostic took a dark-turn as he was addicted to-LSD… as he wanted to ‘TALK’ TO God-the-Creator, Yahweh…

… later, TB was dropped-off from the seminary when they-found-out that that he was a drug-addict – and everyone from the righteous Catholic-community and-even, his family… his-twin included – shunned TB as AN-OUTCAST…

The mentally-challenged, Jimbo met TB 20-odd years ago as, he was starting-off the-phase as being a homeless-addict, himself – TB took-care of-him… and since in the score-of-years later, they bonded as-blood-buddies…

Jimbo-the-lower IQ-man, believed ‘every’ neurotic story that TB-in his deranged-mind told him – the popular conspiracy-theory that TB parroted was the Tesla-billionaire, Elon-Musk was a shapeshifting-alien…

… who would-soon leave to his home-planet, Mars… after his successful-mission of killing mankind with synthetic-drugs – and, he ‘would’ then fly his rocket-ship, the FU-Earth…

… into the horizon-sunset of the galaxy to his Martian-planet…

Jimbo also believed that TB was THE EARS-OF-GOD – where Yahweh whispered prophecies to-him like of prophets-of-olden-times …and sent heavenly ‘clues’ in the form-of white-and-red butterflies…

… white being-good-omens – and red, as bad-of-evil ones…

TB-also told him scary-stories that whenever the Good vs Evil happened in both the Heaven-and-Hell planes – and the repercussions were NATURAL-DISASTERS like floods, fires, storms, earthquakes and viruses ‘hitting’ earth…

… from above-and-beneath the land-surface…

In the back-alley streets, among the homeless-community – TB was well-known as the ‘holy’ person who was wise-and-caring…

… where, they call him The-Prophet…


Recently, TB was complaining to-Jimbo that-malevolent forces had ‘taken’ over Yahweh’s heavens – and he ‘wanted’ TO-RESCUE GOD from AN-EVIL ENTITY shapeshifter…

… who was the Son-of-Sophia, the-VIRGIN-SPIRIT from the Barbelo-dimension…

… TB, who was-the Ears-of-God had been receiving ‘messages’ from the imprisoned-Yahweh… who-was sending him vision-clues of butterflies in-Perth from his-prison-cell from THE ‘REVERSED’ heaven-dimension…


Jimbo found TB who was dazed ‘after’ chasing-too many-butterflies… as he had-wandered afar outside the homeless-community-belt heading to the-distant suburbs. Jimbo held TB’s arm to-guide him-back…

“Where you been, Prophet…? I was finding for-you – the DeLorean-driver gave me $10 yesterday… and I saved it and bought the good-stuff – let’s go smoke-up in ‘our’ port…” The excited Jimbo-called…

TB was shocked-and-then excited-too…

“Were you referring TO THE one-armed boy…!?”

“Yea, he drives a DeLorean – he’s ‘not’ a proud-feller… he comes to my humble carwash regularly, and…”

TB did ‘not’ let his-mate finish-his-sentence…when he grabbed Jimbo’s arm with euphoric-eureka written-eyes…

… as he had pinpointed the ‘recipient’ of his-prophesy…

“Jimbo! You MUST ‘WARN’ the one-armed boy – his life is in-imminent danger! There were ‘red’ butterflies in my-vision…”

“Shouldn’t it be the good-omen ‘white’ butterflies – he gave me a fortune-of-$10…!” Jimbo-doubted…

“NO, you-moron! It was RED! He would-die soon in a plane-crash – you MUST WARN him ‘not’ to go-onboard the plane… or he’ll die in-mid-air!”

“OH-MY-GOD! Just like the La Bamba-singer – Ritchie Valens!!!” Jimbo exclaimed while-referencing a movie he saw-in-the 80’s in his-hometown, Lenora…

“Yes, Tick-Tick-Boom! Jimbo, this prophecy-is serious – you ‘MUST’ WARN him… the more souls you ‘save’ on-earth – the sooner, you get your-sainthood… and everyone from commoners-to-king and even the-Pope will address you-as St Jimbo… don’t you want that ‘privilege,’ you-moron…!?”

“… My-Prophet, I WANT TO be called St Jimbo… BUT-HOW…? I don’t know ‘where’ he lives – sometimes he dines @Maccas and I wash his-DeLorean at my humble-carwash for $1… but I don’t know how-and-where to ‘warn’ him – or-ELSE HE WOULD die-La Bamba…” Jimbo became-paranoid… and TB clasped-his-shoulders and calmed-him-down…

“Jimbo, get-a-hold of yourself – WE GO to the-port and smoke-up – then we pray for Yahweh’s guidance-and-intervention… for-we’re the ‘CHOSEN-ONES’ – for God to show His butterflies-to… and eventually, WE FIND the one-armed boy…”

… the 2 middle-aged homeless-vagrants left to-go-to their sanctuary to-smoke-up…


MEANWHILE, @THE-REVERSED HEAVEN dimension, the shapeshifter Yaldabaoth who had imprisoned Yahweh, sat on the-former’s-throne and was masterfully ‘impersonating’ Him…

…whose heavenly subjects of Archangels, servants and minions were ‘fooled’ by-serving the-latter…

The bulky-and-obese entity sat on the-throne all-eternity and doing ‘nothing’ to the calls of humanity’s sufferings-on-earth. He wore a-red St Nick-Claus cap… and had-been snacking on crispy grilled-BBQ doves-on-sticks, drinking mead and ‘busy’ playing videogames…

… he was playing the 7th-series of a videogame called ‘Perth’s Accidental Superheroes’ – in-a-game where supes-of-the ‘Defenders-of-Perth’ were the superheroes-duo… who were ‘programmed’ in the-game to-be the-Guardian-angels of-Perth-earth – which-was the CENTRE-OF-THE UNIVERSE for the ‘prophecies’ of Armageddon to-transpire …

Yaldabaoth used the-meta-avatar of Metatron – who was Yahweh’s strongest-angel from His-creation of-both religions of Judaism-and-Islam. Metatron was-also a hybreed of-both angel-and-human… that-the-game was ‘powered’ by the intellectual-of the wisest-prophet-of-Prophets, Enoch…

The seraphim had 3-set-of wings – a was the most-powerful in Yahweh’s armada… and-was also-the ‘Right-Hand-of-God’…

In-the-game, Metatron was swooping in the virtual-reality of the-POST-TREETON where StarGirl and Gemini-Blues’ auras were peppered by-bad luck… to ‘break’ their-willpowers – so, that Jane-and-Paul would ‘quit’ as-superheroes…

Yaldabaoth managed to defeat the weakened-supes…

“HAHAHA! Finally!”

… the game rewarded the diabolic-shapeshifter a ‘golden’ apple, and a crooked-key – to play the hidden ‘BONUS’ ROUND – Yaldabaoth used the-key to ‘unlock’ a-portal…

… so that, Metatron would-go ATTACK THE REBEL-base in the GARDEN-OF-EDEN…

… to LURE BOTH the rebel-leaders, Venus-and-Mercury out… who were hiding in-exile in the Underworld – and, plotting…

… to create the 4th-religion of the All-Women Trinity…

… of goddess-woman-and-sentient…

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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