《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 6: The Blind-Union
Chapter 6: The Blind-Union
THAT-SATURDAY MORNING, the blind-tween did all her homework-and-revisions – because the mid-term trial-exam was coming in the-fortnight. Jane-had put her-focus on her-studies as she wanted to-makeup for her slack in the last-term’s exams that-resulted in her to ‘fall’ to being the #4 student-in-the A-Class…
… her-focus on her-studies was a remedy-too for her-loneliness – since her-baby-brother was ‘taken-away’ by her doctor-mother… and-leaving her HOME-ALONE…
… just-like her-boyfriend…
… but-also, at her back of her-mind, she was anticipating her ‘next’ morning-sickness from her first-trimester… where the 2-week-old womb in-HER-BELLY that was ‘acting’ like a hungry shark-in-a-tank – which ‘controlled’ what-she-ate ‘right’ for her-pregnancy – and, ‘expects’ TO-BE-FED whenever she craved-for her favourited-food.
‘… Pauly, was ‘right’ – this abomination ‘SHOULD’ GO…’
… instantly, she felt a self-defensive ‘KICK’…
… the sentient-entity also controlled the-host’s mind – and, whenever Jane ‘had’ a negative-thought of ‘terminating’ it… the womb retaliated…
… as-its self-preservation mode…
She took a-break from studies – using a teaspoon she scooped the green-flesh of an-avocado… where she had a gastronomic-journey with-the-womb – as they shared a-mutual sensory of its delicious-umami…
Then, it was-time for the-womb’s midday-nap – where-it…
… demanded telepathically for ‘some’ Classical-music – like a-jukebox, her-AI, Boyyo ‘found’ a Sonata for Piano-Duet by Franz-Schubert… and-instantly, there was a neuro-connection as her amniotic-fluid in her-belly was a good-conductor of-sound…
… and for ‘bonding’ too…
… where Jane placed the headphones close to her-stomach and gentle-rub her-gut to soothe ‘it’ during her-gestation-period…
Jane was puzzled as a doctor’s daughter ‘where’ the womb’s activity of a normal-woman would ‘react’ to music on-during the 3rd-trimester – but the Seed-of-Apollo was in its-accelerating growth… and, was showing ‘similar’ signs in just-2-weeks…
The 12-year-old girl too ‘felt’ changes in her body-and-mind ‘while’ being pregnant with the-daughter-of-Apollo… where-her stress-level was ‘up’ with her ‘suppressed’ mood-swings. She gained weight-too of 5-kilos where she had constant sugar-cravings. Her pixie-cut hair was bunchy-and-dull… and her skin-and-face was oily with pimples…
But whenever Jane felt depressed – the womb ‘sensed’ her-crying and, in-return it-mentally ‘projected’ internal hope-and-positivity… that was ‘why’ she was focused in her-studies…
… but…
… it was ‘demanding’ too…
Last-night, it didn’t LET-HER SLEEP till-late – as-it ‘wanted’ the blind-girl to ‘sing’ it lullabies…
… where the-tween knew ‘none’…
… so, Jane instead recited Nursery Rhymes ‘aloud’ like putting-a-child to sleep…
… it-then moved-and-vibrated – and showed-different emotions relating-TO DIFFERENT Nursery Rhymes:
It was excited to ‘Twinkle-Twinkle-Little-Star’ – that celebrated its-mother as the-superhero, StarGirl… as the-diamond in-the-sky sang in the ‘rhyme’… It belly-laughed to ‘Humpy-Dumpty’ – even-though the tale ended tragically It was scared to ‘Little-Miss-Muffet’ – where it did ‘not’ like the spider, which reminded-of the-long-legged arachnid lurking in the Wilson’s dark storeroom… where the wine-bottles were stored It was sad to ‘Jack-and-Jill’ – that reminded-of the saga of Paul-and-Jane that was tumbling downhill ‘after’ being trapped in the POST-TREETON-realm…
… the ‘empathetic’ Godlike-womb was bonding with ‘its’ host…
MOMENTS LATER, her-Samsung in-mute vibrated… Jane picked it up and was surprised that it was her-BFF calling on-a-Saturday-morning…
… Alicia normally helped her mother on the busy-weekends in the hair-salon @Matahari… was-calling Jane that she was coming-over with Maggi…
Jane was excited to ‘meet’ Alicia’s twin-sister who was a-fellow recipient of the self-guiding AI which was a breakthrough technology for-the visually-impaired community – invented-by her-uncle, Dr Jack Turner.
IN-THE UBER RIDE, Maggi was feeling miserable in the car of the-weather where she’d arrived in the middle-of-year, which was Australia’s winter…
… she felt-funny where, as a-foreigner who-perceived that ‘ang-mo’ countries had snow-in-winter during Christmas-time – but Perth was having winter in the-middle of the year without snow…
… it was cold-too…
… coming 3-days ago from a-dry and sunny country. Robin had-later bought her a green-coloured winter-jacket that-the blind-tween wore 24/7 because – Maggi can’t stand the cold-weather although those around her don’t complain as they were acclimatized to-it.
For the past-3 days, Robin brought Maggi to the hair-salon as Alicia was in-school – and wanted to keep an-eye on Maggi and didn’t want her to-be home-alone.
At Matahari, Maggi spent 10-hours at the back-office in the business-hours… because the air-cond in the hair-saloon was too-much for-her that chilled-till her bones. In that 3-days, a lot of relative-and-friends had visited… and her-mummy would proudly-introduce her-twin daughter around…
… some ‘joked’ that she was a tanned-skinned Chinese because she ‘came’ from Malaysia…
She was overwhelmed by the-thought of Monday going to school in an ‘ang-mo’ country where she had no-knowledge of ‘what’ they studied over-here. So, to occupy her-mind… during her 10-hours in the-back office, she practiced-playing her-violin… where she was an-A-student in music-class in her-former school…
She missed her music-class ‘friends’ in Kuan Cheng High School too – and was sad that she would ‘not’ be performing in the school-orchestra on Family Day… where she had ‘given’ a-solo violin-recital…
Everything happened so-quickly, and it-seemed like ‘yesterday’ to her-blind-world ‘when’ she arrived at Perth-airport with a Malaysian-relative – keeping her-expectations low…
… when…
… meeting-up with…
… her ‘long-lost’ maternal mother-and-twin sister for the FIRST-TIME after a dozen-years of being-separated as blood-related ‘strangers’…
… her initial-reactions were she ‘was’ stunned, stupefied-and-fearful of these ‘new-people’ who have ‘accepted’ her to be-part-of the ‘immediate’ family-circle…
It-was TOO GOOD to-be true – where she does ‘not’ trust-strangers… especially her-rellos who had-illtreated her in the-past…
But after hearing both of her mother-and-sister crying-hugging-and-kissing her @the-airport – blind-Maggi was convinced-that her-prayers were ‘answered’…
… where as a-Catholic girl, she ‘had’ prayed-hard to Mother-Mary for protection ‘after’ her ‘guardian-auntie’ died of leukaemia… and, her ‘other-aunt’ from Penang ‘CHASED’ HER out of the ‘house’ which she grew-up-in…
… miraculously, her Hail-Marys were-answered – and, she had-now a 2ND-CHANCE in-life – with her ‘maternal-family’…
Maggi noticed that for 3 days after-arrival… nobody ‘spoke’ of ‘who’ her-father was – neither did she asked about-it… but she would like to ‘meet’ him…
… to ‘THANK’ HIM for putting her-up for adoption – where the saint of her late-spinster-Auntie-Susan Wong, who took her-in and showered her ‘motherly-love’ when she was ‘alive’ – who, cannot be-replaced as her ‘life’s-major-role figure – of raising-Maggi for 12-years as an ‘adopted’ daughter… whom over the-years, they-became bosom-buddies…
… until her-death a few-months ago…
… where-Maggi missed-her terribly – and was ‘still’ in the period-of grieving-and-mourning for her-personal ‘loss’…
In the-Uber backseat, Alicia noticed her-twin sister was sniffling…
“What’s wrong…?”
“… err-nothing…” The blind-tween responded…
Alicia hugged-her – and noticed that Maggi-was trembling…
“… no-worries, little-sister – everything will-go ON FINE with you in-school this-Monday… don’t worry-dear, I’m the top-student in-class and I HAVE YOUR-back… and even-Jane…she’s a goodhearted friend WHO HELPS…”
Wiping her-tears, blind-Maggi gently nodded… while remained hugging-to her-twin.
The Uber arrived at the front-gate of the Wilson-residence and blind-Jane Jane used the remote-control to let the ‘visitors’ in – while, at the backyard, Piper was-rapt and barked frantically in-its-cage…
Alicia introduced her-sister to her-BFF – soon, Jane was left-out a-brief-while puzzled when the sisters spoke in Hokkien – before Alicia laughed-out to ‘correct’ Maggi in-English…
“… hahaha, don’t be-silly – it’s a ‘Gao’… a-dog – ‘not’ a ‘Lang-ren,’ hahaha… there are no-werewolves Downunder… only dingoes, hahaha!”
Jane’s jaw dropped after hearing the ‘word’ werewolf – while the sisters went-on back ‘arguing’ in the-Chinese dialect… and, Alicia laughed even-more…
“… this-country bumpkin is cracking me-up, hahaha – Janey… Maggi wanted to-meet Piper to ‘see’ whether he’s a dog-or-werewolf, hahaha…”
The blonde-teen grinned a nervous-smile… and welcomed…
“… sure… follow-me…”
The 3-girls walked-along the outside-wall of the house to-go to the-backyard. In its-cage, Piper howling like it was ‘talking’ to them. Alicia released the-big dog which dashed to-Maggi and stood in-its-hindlegs… placing it paws on the blind-tween’s shoulders…
… it was-like a YouTube video of a lion released-in-the wild, later ‘hugging’ its human-Master – who ‘had’ raised-it before…since as-a cub…
Alicia was giggling and took-photos on her-Nokia… of her-twin-with the mixed-breed grey-Alsatian in-embracement interactions…
… Maggi was speaking-in Hokkien to the-dog…
“… ooo… mummy would-have a good-laugh when she sees-this, hahaha…” Alicia ‘videoed’ them…
… then, looking at Jane… in-embarrassment, Alicia ridiculed her-twin – with translations…
“… hahaha… don’t talk silly – there is no-such thing like Lang-ren-which means werewolf, hahaha… my-twin has a crazy-wild imagination…”
… Jane was surprised at her-BFF’s statement– where it was true-that Piper ‘was’ a werewolf in her-dreamworld…
‘… how-could Maggi ‘KNOW’…!?’
In the house…
“I can’t find any pure-pineapple juices – and I looked-online for-it and it’s sold @Woolworth … where they have brands-like Dole and Ruby-Kist made from homegrown Queensland pineapple – which I’ll get-you the pure-juice the next-time…” Alicia said as she carried a plastic-bag of drinks-and-snacks...
“… okay, thank-you…” Jane nodded…
“… for-now, Janey – I just bought the soda-version of Fanta-Pineapple… okay-yea…?”
“OK… will do…” Replied her BFF…
“… okay, 3 Fanta-Pineapple coming-up!”
“… err… ‘not’ for-me…” A mousy-Maggi said…
“… why…?” The twin-sister asked…
“… pineapple-juice gives me a sore-throat…”
“… you’re soo-fussy, hahaha – I thought we-3 can ‘cheers’ of-of-our ‘newly-formed’ fellowship of The-3-Sisters-Gang…” Alicia-said…
“… if-then-so, give me ‘sky-juice’…”
Both Alicia-and-Jane looked-puzzle…
“… what is a ‘sky-juice’…!?”
“… a glass-of-water, lor…”
Both Alicia-and-Jane Laughed-Out-Loudly…
“Hahaha, do they call water as sky-juice in-Malaysia…? Hahaha – that’s so-funny…!!”
“Hahaha… Ali, your sister is soo-hilarious...” Jane chorused…
‘Yes, she-is – the other day, our-mummy asked her ‘what’ her favourite fruit-was… and she replied ‘rambutan’ – I was like ‘what the heck-was’ a rambutan-fruit… so I googled-it – and, I saw photos of a-gross hairy-fruit that looked like an orangutan’s ‘lam-pha,’ hahaha…”
“… what the-fish is ‘lam-pha’…?” Jane asked…
“… hairy-testicles balls…” Her-BFF translated from the Hokkien-dialect…
Both the-girls LOLed again – while the conservative-Catholic Maggi plugged-her-fingers into her-ears in-reactions to the ‘dirty-joke’ cracked by her liberal-Buddhist twin-sister…
“… rambutans are ‘not’ gross – it’s a sweet-and-delicious fruit…” Maggi justified…
“… hahaha, but I didn’t know-then – until Mummy ‘TOLD’ ME they ‘taste’ like lychee… and grown locally-here too in Darwin… that was-what Mummy-said…”
Alicia was rattling-away of stories-of the past 3-days… where…
… their Singaporean-born mother, Robin had been cooking Malaysia-dishes by-following YouTube videos – and the Wong-household had already-had nasi-lemak and laksa menu-for-dinner.
Jane-too missed Lola’s cooking since SHE ‘LEFT’ to work in her uncle-Christopher’s place – she yearned-and-craved for Pancit-Canton, the housekeeper’s Filipino signature dish…
… and the ‘womb’ too-thought of-it, likewise…
“… Maggi-and-mummy spoke to-each other in some-Malay language – I seriously don’t-know what they-spoke… but they ended-sentences with saying ‘Lah’ – when they speak-fast… all I hear is ‘La-La-La,’ hahaha!”
The only-language Jane ‘knew’ was only-English… Alicia ‘knew’ 2 – but Maggi spoke 3, as-in English, Chinese and Bahasa-Melayu...
Alicia poured the bottled-juice in coloured-plastic cups – and ‘sky-juice’ from-the tap. The 3-girls came-together to-toast…
“Cheers! To ‘new’ friendship!” Alicia called – and the-trio drank-up…
… Jane felt ‘sick’ when she-drank the pineapple-juice – and ran to the bathroom downstairs…
Maggi looked worried and Alicia poured Jane’s unfinished-juice into Piper’s bowl and the big-dog lapped-it in-delight at the frizzy-drink…
The twins ‘heard’ Jane throwing-up in the-bathroom… Alicia said…
“… maybe it’s her-gastric… the juice is acidic and didn’t agree with her…”
“… then, why’ you buy-it for-her…?” Maggi-chided…
“… but she was the-one ‘who’ insisted to-drink pineapple-juice in the first-place – who drinks pineapple-juice these-days… it’s a B-rated fruit, anyways…”
Piper did a short-howl as it begged for more soda-drink… Alicia poured it from the plastic-bottle into its-bowl, saying…
“… ‘not’ too-much, Piper – you’re getting-old and ‘not’ a spring-chicken anymore… or you’ll end-up as a 3-legged-dog by-getting diabetes…”
Jane came-out from the bathroom and joined-them – the sisters-asked how-she’s… and the-blonde-tween said she’s-fine… and, change-the-topic by-asking…
“What’s for lunch…?”
“… Janey, how about Dominos…? You love their Peri-Peri pizza, right…?”
Maggi sighed at the-menu choice… blind-Jane ‘heard’ the ‘disapproval’ exhaled-sound – so, she suggested…
“… let’s Maggi-CHOOSE…”
“… NO!”
Alicia said-out – and then was scolding her-sister IN-HOKKIEN…
… that, ‘when’ in JANE’S HOUSE she got-to choose-the-menu… and ‘not’ the-guest…
… Maggi ‘should’ also-learn ‘how-to’ GET-USED-to eating Western-food everyday… cos’ she’s now living in-Perth – where South-East-Asian food was scarce-and-a ‘luxury’ that she should live-without – or ‘have’ it home-cooked…
Jane once-again was ‘left-out’ of the-conversation when the-sisters spoke-in-Chinese – and when the voice ‘pitches’ escalated… Jane interrupted…
“Ali, what is-happening…?”
“I think in-Malaysia, the ‘only’ Caucasian-people they see are-tourists – and the Chinese-folks there called them in a derogatory-term – I don’t want Maggi to use the word ‘and-mo’ when she’s here… it ‘might’ offend someone as it’s racist…!”
“…ang-mo…? What is-that word…?” The curious-Jane asked…
“A red-haired person!”
Jane laughed-out…
“What’s offensive about-that…? Hahaha, by-the-way, I’m blonde, hahaha!”
Maggi particularised…
“… that’s what they call the-British… err… ‘not’ Australians – sorry, if I’ve offended-you, Janey…” Said one-blind girl to the-other…
“… ‘not’ at-all, don’t apologise, Maggi – being-blind, I don’t see myself as a-White, hahaha – I don’t ‘see’ anything racist in-hair colour…”
“… so do I, as I’m blind-myself too – I’m just ‘following’ the sayings of ‘what’ those sighted-people say without ‘knowing’ if that was a-racist-word…”
… but…
Alicia reminded as a ‘middleperson’ who-was-particular – by informing her-twin…
“… yes, ‘ang-mo’ is politically-incorrect slang – and… that’s racist!”
Jane differed…
“… no, Ali it’s ‘not’… let’s order ‘Chinese’ then – I want Taiwanese Stinky-tofu from your aunt’s restaurant…”
“No! Chinese food ‘sucks’ in takeaways… it should be eaten straight-off the stove ‘when’ it’s still-steaming-hot – ‘not’ like lukewarm-or-cold takeaways…” Alicia-the-foodie pointed-out …
… and looked at Maggi and jokingly-told her-off…
“We’re having pizzas, and THAT’S FINAL – Maggi, I’ll stab-your tongue with a chopstick if you don’t eat, yea…? Hahaha… I’m telling you for your-own good to-change yourself – and, better learn ‘how-to’ adapt your-tastebuds while-in-here… ‘before’ you-later go to-school on-Monday, okay-yea…?”
The 3-girls were chilling in the living-room while waiting for the Dominos-delivery. Jane-and-Maggi were seated on the rugged-floor with both-petting Piper in-the-centre… while Alicia sat cross-legged on the sofa – listening-to Maggi talking about the former 2-schools that she went-to…
… Jane could ‘relate’ to Maggi where she-too went to the school-for-the-blind for 4 years in Perth before she came-to a normal-sighted school, Stamford-High. The only-difference was that she ‘had’ Piper as her-guide dog in-the-blind-school – but MAGGI DIDN’T…
…because dogs were-considered ‘haram’ in the-Muslim country, Malaysia…
… while-even Piper was-too ‘barred’ from SHS – cos’ the PTA complained that the Alsatian ‘looked’ ferocious…
Then Maggi spoke of the-vernacular Chinese-school, Kuan Cheng-High where she studied for 2-years before’ coming to-Perth – and, her-favourite subject there-was MUSIC-CLASS where she played the violin…
Blind-Jane exclaimed…
“Hey! ALI TOO ‘PLAYS’ violin – just-wow! – what a ‘coincidence’ that BOTH-OF-YOU twins ‘choose’ to play the-same musical-instrument…!”
Alicia laughed-out loud…
“Are you teasing-me, Janey, hahaha! I wish I was talented to play-any musical instrument… let alone sports…”
“…hey-but… I followed you to music-class after school ‘last-term,’ haven’t I…?” Jane was puzzled…
“Are you dilutional-girlfriend, hahaha – ‘WHEN’ DID I ‘ever-go’ for music-class…? And, I wish I had… and gone-to play the drums and BE AS ‘COOL’ as Yoyoka – have you ‘heard’ of Yoyoka on YouTube…?”
Alicia went-on saying about the 12-year-old protégé drummer from Japan… who did-her drumming ‘covers’ of the legendary Hard-Rock and-Metal bands’ singles – and was a YouTube sensation who was in-views of a-place-in the international-stardom some-day…
… Jane was quiet while her-BFF ranted about-Yoyoka – and self-realising that she ‘had’ misspoken and got-her realms jumbled… where the Alicia-variant of the OTHER-PERTH went to music-class – so-did the variant in PERTHLAND…
… who-was in the combat-sport of Taekwondo…
‘… that platinum-haired teenager WAS A-real ‘bully’…’
Outside, a toot from a motorbike was heard @the-Wilsons’ front-gate – their-pizza was ‘here’…
All the 3-girls were back in the dining-area sitting around the kitchen-counter – Alicia was serving them slices of Peri-Peri pizza in-plates with the side-order of garlic-bread… and pouring 3-glasses of cold-Pepsi…
The preggo-Jane was famished… and ate-for-2…
Both Jane-and-Alicia were-going for their 2nd-slice – while Maggi was struggling with her-first… it’s ‘not’ like she’s ‘picky’ and doesn’t like Western-food…
… her bosom-buddy, Aunty Susan had taken her-to steakhouses ‘before’ whenever Maggi performed-well playing the-violin during school-and-charity concerts. So-SHE DID also eat the ‘ang-mo’ food during-when vacationing @the-casino-resort in Genting Highlands… in their annual-holidays ‘getaway’ after the Lunar Chinese New-Year where – the-spinster-aunt gambled and her-niece ate…
… so, Western-food was a ‘REWARD-LIKE’ food-treat for blind-Maggi… who doesn’t eat-those during the other-days – when-instead she ate-the-local-fare…
… where, she was ‘spoilt’ in choices-to-choose from dishes of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and other-ethnicities of Malaysia…
… in-the food-galore heaven of South-East-Asia…
At the kitchen-counter, blind-Maggi noticed the 2-girls were silent… in heavy-breaths while munching-and-gorging ‘their’ favourite-food – which-reminded…
… of her newfound-mother, Robin who-HAD JOKED when she ‘compared’ both of her-twin daughters – saying that Alicia was ‘bigger’ of the product of a Western-diet… while Maggi was ‘smaller’ eating Asian…
Under-the-counter, Maggi ‘secretly’ fed the pizza-crust to Piper… who gladly ate the baked-dough off-her-hand – while the tween munched-on the garlic-breads and drank Pepsi…
… even the big-dog ‘craved’ for Western-food like Hawkeye’s Pizza-Dog – and, ‘ignored’ it’s dried-food in the dog-bowl…
After lunch, the 3-girl went-back to the living room and were talking about Maggi ‘coming’ to SHS on Monday. Alicia wanted to transfer the school’s syllabus-data from Jane’s AI, Boyyo into the blank-hard-drive of Maggi’s Mandarin-speaking AI, SIMY.
So, Alicia went upstairs to Jane’s bedroom to-do the-transfer…while her-twin and her-BFF and the-dog were downstairs in the living-room, in-conversation….
Jane was curious about how Maggi ‘KNEW’ HER-uncle, Dr Jack Turner…
… the inventor of the interactive artificial-intelligent device. Maggi replied…
“… I personally don’t know you-uncle… but I’m grateful for his-invention that-has ‘changed’ my-life – and, when the Selangor Chinese Chambers-of-Commerce contacted the Association-of-the-Blind which I’m in… they ‘picked’ me as a-candidate for Kimura-Star’s research ‘project’…
“… what research -project…?” Jane was curious…
“… I have to perform one-task a-month with SIMY for Kimura’s Star’s behaviour-studies…”
“… oh-that one… isn’t it the 21-Days thingy…?” Jane ‘remembered’…
“… haha-yes, the 21-Days behaviour-forming experiments for Kimura-Star! DID YOU do-it too, Janey…?”
Unknowingly, Jane sheepishly-smiled and nodded – like Maggi could-see her ‘reaction’– recalling…
… in the OTHER-PERTH, she was diligent-and-dedicated in her uncle’s Kimura-Star’s behaviour-researches… and ‘got’ in-and-out of trouble where her-parents were worried of their ‘rebellious’ B-girl taking the public-bus to school…
… but in-POST-TREETON, she slacked-and-stopped doing her-21-Days scheduled tasks altogether –with the ‘excuse’ to-Uncle-Jack…of ‘being’ too-busy with studies in-school…
Jane-then wanted to ‘know’ of another-even curious answer that was superhero-related… she was hush-and-whispered the-question to blind-Maggi…
“… just-now when you ‘arrived’ here – you said that Piper was A ‘WEREWOLF’… why is that…?”
Maggi was excited-by the question – and whispered-back holding-on Jane’s hand…
“… it is true, Janey – the good-Lang-ren is my ‘protector’ animal spirit – I used-to have these horrible bad-nightmares before in Malaysia… of being attacked by demons from hell who ‘wanted’ TO KILL-ME – they even sent the Chinese-mythical Fu Dogs to ‘eat-me’ alive, but the werewolf ‘saved’ me…”
Speechless, Jane grew-pale in shock by-the coincidences…
… where, she too had ‘encountered’ those same-massive hippo-sized Fu Dogs in their Defenders-of-Perth’s mission in the OTHER-PERTH… when they fought evil in the deserts-of-Egypt, where Asmodeus’ Dark-tower stood…
The embarrassed-Maggi-then chuckled by-saying…
“… sorry… I’m talking-silly, haha – even my-sister says I ‘talk’ crazy at-times…”
Blind-Jane squeezed her-palm saying…
“… no don’t-be… nightmares ARE ‘SCARY’ – I ‘too’ get-them all-the-time… it’s ‘not’ silly to talk ‘about’ them to-me… and ask-and-tell me anything… I’m ‘not’ judgy…”
“… thanks…”
Both the blind-girls held-hands and-were seated on the rugged-floor – with Piper… taking an-after lunch-nap in-between-them – after a brief-quiet moment, Maggi asked in-a soft-tone…
“… Janey, can I ask…? I came to Perth for 3 days-now… I’ve met Mummy – then-who’s Alicia’s father… is he still ‘alive’…?”
Jane grit her-teeth… as it was a ‘sensitive’ family-related question which-was ‘private’ – where she had ‘no-business’ talking about ‘separation’…
… she wove-her answer gently by ‘comparing’ to her-family where Shelley ‘left’ Anthony – and ‘similarly’ Albert-too ‘left’ Robin…
… but in-the slip of her-tongue she SAID ‘MORE’…
“… Ali’s father is living separately in his-mother’s house … with Ali’s 2-younger brothers…”
“…what…? I have 2 ‘other’ younger-brothers…? Where do THEY-LIVE…?” Maggi was excited…
Jane gritted her-teeth again… answering…
“… I don’t know… somewhere in-Perth… you ‘should’ ask Ali…”
… while-thinking…
‘… hope Ali won’t scold-you for asking… cos’ SHE ‘HATES’ her father of being a cruel-man to her-and-Robin…’
Both the blind-girls sat quiet-in-thought… they were ‘not’ holding hands-anymore…
… Jane was recalling the-days before her-parents’ separation, where her-doctor-mother created a riot-of a-ruckus-by insisting Anthony TO ‘SELL’ their-house that-was dangerous to-live-in…
… after 2 ‘break-ins’ on 2-separate incidents… both by a ferocious black-panther and a pack of feral-baboons – who-each have targeted to ‘EAT-ALIVE,’ her-baby-brother, Samuel-Jaheem…
… when Anthony refused – Shelley bemocked, taunted, and insulted him for ‘not’ being a good-enough father-and-husband… before SHE LEFT the Wilson-house and taking-along the ‘vulnerable’ 3-year-old Jaheem…
Blind-Maggi ‘noticed’ Jane’s breathing-was irregular-and-troubled… she cautioned…
“… Janey, CALM-DOWN – you ‘may’ upset the-baby…”
Jane ‘jolted’ instantly… and sat up-right…
“… Who-what… baby…!?”
“… sorry… it’s ‘not’ my-place… I SHOULD ‘NOT’ have-mentioned…” Maggi apologised at-once…
The anxious-and-befuddled Jane grabbed blind-Maggi’s arm and whispered to-her…
“… how…? How-did you ‘know’ I’m pregnant…”
“…err… I ‘sensed’ it when I first-shook your-hand at the front-gate – I ‘picked-up’ another-presence ‘IN-YOU’…”
“… wow – you ‘can’ do-that…?” Jane was flabbergasted…
“… normally, I don’t say-out… that I’m intuitive… or people ‘might’ get-angry or call-me crazy…”
“… no-Maggi, you’re ‘not’ crazy… and YOU’RE RIGHT, I’m preggo – please-please, promise-me that you ‘WOULDN’T TELL ALICIA… I’m afraid ‘soon’ my-parents ‘will-know’ it-too…” Jane begged her…
“… okay – it’s ‘OUR’ SECRET…” Maggi assured…
Jane was in the-path of a-quagmire-crossroad of – ‘who’ she SHOULD-TRUST…
… she had-opened-up ‘before’ TO LOLA… and ‘confided’ about-Peter giving her ‘nightmares’…
… but TO-TELL…
… the ‘adult’ housekeeper that she WAS ‘PREGNANT’ was a-recipe for disaster…
… cos’ Lola ‘would-do’ what-a-responsible ADULT-WOULD-do – which-may end-up with Lola ‘telling’ her parents ‘about’ it…
Blind-JANE WANTED a ‘trusted’ confidant – just-like the ‘other’ variant-of-Alicia from the-OTHER-PERTH… who was AN-ALLY to the Defenders-of-Perth…
… and, SHE ‘SAW’ the trustworthiness in the ‘first-impression’ of blind-Maggi’s demeanour character… whom she was so-common-with-be related…
Jane didn’t know ‘how’ to begin confiding – so, she began-by agreeing to Maggi’s ‘own’ secret that she told a-moment-ago…
“… Maggi, you were ‘right’ to say that PIPER WAS your animal-spirit – cos’ Piper is my ‘protector’ too in my-own nightmares – ‘where’ a-demon is ‘trying’ to RAPE-ME… and, Piper as a werewolf FIGHT HIM-off…”
“… huh… are you-then ‘PREGNANT’ WITH the demon’s child…?”
“… err, no… err, it’s complicated…?”
“… then – is it Tarzan’s, right…? Sorry to-be a busybody… ever-since I came-here to Perth… I ‘heard’ a lot of your-boyfriend – is the baby ‘his’…?”
“… how I ‘WISHED’ it-was – but… it’s ‘not’ Paul’s either…”
...“… huh… WHOSE IS-it-then…?”
Unable to-answer, Jane ‘just’ shook her head and sobbed – Maggi hugged-her… and Jane-then reclined and slept on-the Chinese-girl’s lap and snivelled-and-quivered…
Maggi stroked her short-blonde hair…
“… it’s okay… you don’t have to-say ‘who’ is the-father…?” Maggi gave her a-scalp massage to calm-her…
… and-then told some ‘tragic’ stories from Malaysia – where a couple-of blind-teenaged girls whom she ‘knew’ who got-pregnant – after-being ‘cheated’ in-love…
… Jane ‘felt’ that that-was ‘not’ her-case – where she had-been ‘tricked’ and inseminated supernaturally by-forces from ‘another’ dimension…
“… Maggi… do you ‘want’ to-hear MY ‘CRAZY’ story…?”
“… yes…”
Jane let the cat-out-of-the-bag… and begin to reveal her DARK-SECRET of being a time-traveller OF 3-REALMS… as she began with her-origins of a-member of The-Treeton’s CURSED-TRIO…
… where, she got her superpowers as StarGirl after a disastrous dairy-farm field-trip in the OTHER-PERTH…
Maggi-then chuckled in-disbelief…
… Jane felt Maggi needed proof-of-existence in believability – JUST-LIKE the Alicia-variant of the-OTHER-PERTH – where she ‘had’ to-do a demonstration of her-3rd-Eye intuition by ‘guessing’ the Sponge-Bob keychain ‘right’ – for her-BFF to believe in her to-be an ally…
… the ‘visual-proof’ worked for Alicia – but Maggi was-blind…
… who needed a ‘kinetics-proof’…
“… Maggi, ‘touch’ my-palm with your fingertips – and remove it the-moment when it ‘gets’ TOO-HOT… I don’t want to hurt-you, okay…?”
The blonde-tween focused-mentally on her-palm and – her 3rd-Eye on her forehead ‘scar’ opened… and her-palm glowed-golden in cosmic-energy of-a-star…
… shocked, blind-Maggi retracted her-hand with a-yelp-sound of the heat-she felt… like she’s been accidentally scorched when’ touching-the-iron while ironing-her-clothes…
… even Piper was stirred-awakened from its-nap by Maggi’s squeal… and the big-dog whined seeing the 2-blind girls dabbling with ‘supernatural-powers…
“… so-sorry – Maggi, are you ‘hurt…?”
“Janey, how ‘did’ you do-that…!?” Maggi exclaimed…
“Shhh! ‘Not’ too-loud – Ali’s upstairs…”
“… how ‘did’ you do-that…?” Maggi repeated…
“… do, you ‘still’ want to hear my-crazy story…?”
“… yess…please, tell-me…!” Maggi pleaded…
Now-that she got the attention-and-interest of her-BFF’s twin-sister – Jane continued to-reveal her-secrets identity of her-superhero, StarGirl… that started ‘accidentally’ in the-OTHER-PERTH:
Her boyfriend in-that-realm was Peter-Walker, the ex-tennis champion of SHS – where they teamed-up as a tennis-doubles duo… and, they ‘soon’ gained ‘fame’ as Perth’s-Famous-Couple à until THEIR ‘BREAKUP’ Her counterpart-superhero, Paul-Walker AKA Gemini-Blue… of the-Defenders-of-Perth à WAS DATING Alicia-Wong in-that-realm Alicia-too was an ‘ally’ of StarGirl-and-Gemini-Blue who aided in-the Defenders-of-Perth’s missions – until a ‘homeless’ man attacked-her and left her in a critical-coma… she ‘was’ clinically-dead but her-boyfriend went to à‘rescue’ HER SOUL from another-dimension – and, she-soon ‘recovered’ from her-coma Peter-Walker didn’t have ‘any’ superpowers in-that-realm à but HIS-BLOOD was ‘cursed’ in the Treeton’s dairy-farm’s incident… and, soon evil ‘possessed’ him Piper was bitten by a zoo-escaped black-panther that was infected by the-Popobawa virus à and became A-WEREWOLF in the-Dreamworld-realm Soon, the devil’s manifestation named Asmodeus ‘abducted’ JANE’S SOUL to-be his 666th-bride where he-then summoned demons of the-African, Middle-Eastern, and Chinese realms-of-hell to wreak-havoc in Perth… … but the Defenders-of-Perth were aided by their Roman God ‘allies’ – Venus-and-Mercury à and ‘another’ powerhouse-icon of the Christian-Archangel, St Michael… and also by a Buddhist HOLY-MONK, SeeIn On the final-battlefield in the Egyptian-desert it-was where the-Good had-finally ‘DEFEATED’ THE-Evil… … and the ‘Cursed’ Blood-of-Peter vial which-was guarded BY FU DOGS @the-Dark Tower of Asmodeus à was-eventually ‘destroyed’
Lying on Maggi’s lap and receiving her-scalp massage, the ecstatic-and-rapt blind-Jane concluded the ‘first-part’ of her-roller-coaster-ride adventure-stories in a victorious-tone…
… she was ‘GLAD’ THAT the-equally delighted-and-thrilled Maggi ‘had’ understood the gist-of the significant-role of the Defenders-of-Perth…
… ‘who’ brought the-BALANCE OF-SCALE – to the world’s battle of Good V Evil…
… so-to protect humanity from ‘enslavement’ by the forces-of-evil…
Jane decided to tell Maggi the-Part-2 of her-3-realms-adventures as a TIME-TRAVELLER – where the Cursed-Trio were ‘promoted-to’ a-week into a realm called…
… where all-3 of the Cursed-Trio were ‘not’ handicaps in-that-realm – who were ‘given’ a ‘new’ life as teenagers with ‘perfect’ NORMAL-BODIES, à but without superpowers … but they-too à were A-TRIO of delinquent-and-troubled teenagers Jane dated Paul in-that-realm à and they were madly IN-LOVE Alicia was a bully-and-rival of Jane in-that-realm à and she WAS DATING Ken-Chan Peter was dating a ‘visiting’ billionaire-heiress from the-UK à and soon, Peter ‘quit’ school to MOVE-IN WITH Jezebel – into her-uncle’s hotel @the-Stamfords… … it turned-out that it was a devious ‘ploy’ of Lord Stamford Crowley, à who was the ailing manifestation-of the All-Father demon, Asmodeus on-earth… who wanted Peter’s Cursed-blood TO REJUVENATE Jane-and-Paul decided to TAKE-DOWN Asmodeus à and-to ‘escape’ from a realm where they were superpowerless… … Paul-later shot Peter-and-Jezebel dead à but Paul ‘TOO’ DIED – when he was ‘retaliated’ by the heiress’ bodyguards who-shot-him Jane subsequently took her-own-life à when she learned that her-love-of her-life, Paul WAS DEAD Soon-afterwards, the souls-of Jane-and-Paul were ‘floating’ to-the-realm of Purgatory à but Mercury the-soul-bringer of the afterlife ‘spared’ them… by ‘bringing’ them-both into ‘ANOTHER’ REALM…
Jane-then sat-up… and held blind-Maggi’s hands that gave her-scalp massage – to emphasise that this-was the ‘OTHER’ REALM which she ‘had’ time-travelled to – and, meeting with-Maggi… the-dimension was…
… called POST-TREETON…
… where the Cursed-Trio ‘RETURNED’ TO their-tween ages à where they also ‘regained’ their superpowers …but Jane-and-Paul-were ‘trapped’ in this-realm for 7-months à cursed-and-ridden by ‘BAD-LUCK’ – to-weaken THEIR-WILL and make-them ‘quit’ as-superheroes Asmodeus STILL ‘POSSESSED’ Peter… but he was behaving-himself without causing ‘any’ natural-disasters to the-country à but… Peter was ‘powerful’ in the-Dreamworld à and ‘attacked’ Jane-and-Paul… to mental-torture them with sleep-depravity … where in her-nightmare, Peter transformed to an-incubus à trying to RAPE-HER in the Dreamworld… where she was-also superpowerless In the Garden-of-Eden, Peter-the-incubus had-almost ‘SUCCEEDED’ IN-ravishing-her à but the werewolf Piper came-to her rescue Escaped animals of the recent zoo’s breakout invaded the Wilsons’ residence – the first was a black-panther that wanted TO-EAT HER-baby brother alive. The 2nd-were a horde of baboons à where one of the-ape stabbed Piper badly After 7-months of ‘no’ presence-nor-guidance as trusted-allies à the Roman-Gods, Venus-and-Mercury returned…but TO-BETRAY the Defenders-of-Perth duo-instead… … where-they ‘tricked’ Paul by giving him a ‘bad-apple’ to-which Jane-later ‘ate’ à and, it ‘had’ supernaturally IMPREGNATED-HER with the Seed-of-Apollo Although, she was 2-weeks pregnant… she felt the womb was growing in-her-in an exponential-rate – then-when she self-administered the medical-abortion à it ‘refused’ TO-DIE
UPSTAIRS, IN JANE’S BEDROOM, Alicia was sitting-on her-BFF’s study-desk, downloading Maggi’s SHS’ study-syllabus via-AI2AI – it’s been an hour-and-half… the DL-indicator showed 73%...
… the Chinese-girl was ‘killing-time’ by playing Klondike-Solitaire on her-Nokia – then, something outside the-window – happening-in at-the frontyard ‘caught’ her attention…
… of a brown-dog scaling the front-gate and jumped-into the-compound...
… Alicia got-up to investigate… came-outside and headed to the-banister – and from upstairs she saw-below of both-of the blind-girls were in a cuddling-and-comforting position…
“… wow! You-guys got ‘chummy-lovey’ – HEY-JANEY! There is a ‘brown’ dog inside your compound…” She said as she descended the-marble-steps…
“… WHAT brown-dog…!?” Jane was-surprised…
The sleeping-Piper woke-up in-confusion to the ‘commotion’ of several-girls’ pitched-voices – it-then sensed the ‘other’ canine outside… Piper barked…
“… I donno… I saw a brown-dog jumping over the front-gate…” Alicia replied at the foot-of the staircase…
The dog outside barked to respond-to Piper – blind-Jane ‘recognized’ hearing that-bark ‘before’…
“It’s Kitty!” Jane exclaimed aloud…
“Who’s KITTY…!?” The chorusing-Chinese-twins responded-back…
“… Kitty – Pauly’s dog… didn’t you see her in his-backyard during the birthday-party…?”
“… are you-sure…? Paul’s house is ‘more’ than 12 kilometres-away…”
The restless-Piper was running-frantic from the front-door to the backdoor and howling in-excitement… with the Belgian Malinois replicating the flurry repetition in-the outdoors…
“Ali, let her-in – she’s Piper’s ‘wife’…” Blind-Jane smiled-wide…
At the backdoor, the whinnying big-grey-dog was on-its hindlegs… scratching-hard on the backdoor to be-let out – and was ‘blocking’ Alicia… as-it-stood on her-way from her to-unlock the door…
“Wahlouwei! So-impatient!? Down-Boy!” The Chinese-girl yelled…
The-moment the backdoor was-opened – the enthusiastic old-dog bolted-out to his younger-mate… and they were-both delighted and licking each-others’ faces…
“… what a-lovebirds…” Alicia chuckled…
Piper ‘invited’ Kitty inside the house – the female-dog was sniffing around the-kitchen…
… she ‘had’ been into the Wilsons-residence-before – she CAME WHEN the house-was ‘under-renovation… where fresh-scent of Piper’s blood from the baboons-altercation in at the dining-area…
… and a scary-demon was upstairs-too... in Jane’s bedroom…
In the living-room, Piper let Kitty get-acquainted with the-girls – Piper wanted-it to be ‘familiar’ with blind-Maggi… who-then hugged Paul’s dog….
But Kitty was afraid of Jane – despite the blonde-tween was calling-it over…
… it ‘remembered’ @the-animal-hospital – ‘seeing’ Jane’s hand ‘emitting’ red-hot fire that can melt-the metal-cage lock-and-frame-through… to release-it…
The nervous-dog-then left… and Piper follow – and both-dogs exited at-the backdoor. Alicia was telling both of the blind-girls of busy-roads and intersections which Kitty ‘had’ crossed from Paul’s house to the-Wilsons… to trek its-12-kilometre journey…
Alicia-then walked-over to the kitchen to-lock backdoor… and-when she was ‘not’ back for almost-a-minute – blind-Jane got-off the couch and-went to her BFF…
At the grilled-kitchen window, the rapt-Alicia was video-recording the dogs on-her-Nokia…
“Ali… what you-doing…?” Jane-asked…
“… hehehe, Piper is ‘humping’ Kitty doggie-style…” The bemused Alicia-responded…
“Hey, stop that! Let them have their ‘privacy’ – why you’re videoing-it…hehehe…? Are you’re making a documentary of mating-dogs for Bio-class, hahaha…” Jane ‘joined-into’ the-joke…
“Hahaha! Why ‘not’…? It’s Tarzan’s dog getting ‘humped’ by Jane’s dog, right…? hahaha!”
Jane did ‘not’ laugh… as she-grunted a silent-ouch…
… as that joke ‘was’ below-the-belt… and ‘insensitive’ too, especially – in a time, when the-people-in Perth were so caught-up in the social-media – in-consuming the crime-bust of Tarzan-Deep-fake sex-viral-video.
Alicia went to the kitchen-counter and poured a glass-of warm-frizzy Fanta-Pineapple and walked to the living-room where her-twin was on-the-couch…
“… Mags, I think in an-hour we go back – the download is now 75% … we’ll make it back in-time for dinner…” Alicia nonchalantly told as she made-her way upstairs with a glass-of-juice…
“Great! Mummy’s cooking ‘nasi-ayam’ tonight…” Maggi said in-glee…
“… hahaha, whatever that ‘mysterious’ food-is – our-Mummy the YouTube-chef, hehehe…” Alicia chuckled as-she walked-upstairs…
Jane sat-back with Maggi on-the couch – and they-BOTH ‘HEARD’ the ringtone of Alicia’s Nokia…
… as she ran-up and stepped-off the last-step upstairs – Alicia took the-call… and was esthetical that it was her-boyfriend…
On the-couch, both-of-the quiet blind-girls gave each other a tacit-worried look – as they both ‘disapproved’ the 17-year-old boyfriend… ‘dating’ a 12-year-old…
… as the-twin and-the-BFF both don’t ‘trust’ Ken-Chan…
… a shady-character who ‘came’ to Perth-from-Taiwan, 2 months-ago…
HALF-HOUR LATER, a black Mercedes arrived at the front-gate. Jane told blind-Maggi that her-father was back-from-work. She got-off the-couch and went to the front-door to greet her-daddy… who ‘had’ came-home that-evening…
… slouching-tired after-his hard-day’s-work… Anthony-came inside-to the living-room from the front-door – and saw a Chinese-girl seated at the-couch…
… he-had ‘mistaken’ her for Alicia – and-spoke…
“Hi-Alicia – how is YOUR-COUSIN, Lily-doing…?”
“Hi G’day, Mr Wilson – Lily is-doing fine…thanks-for asking…” Replied Alicia to-Anthony as she walked-down the-stairs, holding Maggi’s SIMY-device…
“HuH!” He grunted-out shocked…
… the slouching-Anthony’s spine-straightened as he was seeing-double in front of-him – their facial resemblance was a dead-ringer… except ‘one’ was platinum-blonde….
All the 3-girls were Laughing-Out-Loud to Anthony’s surprised-reaction – before Alicia formally introduced her-twin Maggi to her-BFF’s father… saying that she was raised-in Malaysia by distant relatives…
Anthony noticed that she was-also ‘blind’ like his-daughter, Jane – which confused-him more…
… as he ‘knew’ little-of their-father, Albert-Wang only-by-reputation, who was Perth’s reality-estate tycoon, owning Est-8 Groups – and-the exception, he was the father of his-daughter’s best-friend, Alicia…
… WHO ‘NOW’ had a-blind twin-sister from Southeast-Asia – being ‘reunited’ after 12-years of-separation…
Jane interrupted by telling her-father that her-uncle, Jack from Kimura-Star had-also ‘given’ a similar AI-technology device to aid-Maggi – to-which, Anthony ‘praised’ his brother-in-law for being ‘noble’ and hoped his invention would-soon be available to benefit all of the visually-impaired people world-wide…
Anthony saw his-rapt daughter sitting with the-girls on the couch – and-was flanked both-sides by-the Wong-twins… he-then joked at Maggi who-wore a green-jacket…
“… we have Gemini-Blue… Gemini-Pink – is Gemini-Green your ‘colour,’ Maggi…?”
Blind-Maggi was dumbfounded – Alicia responded for-her…
“… what’s ‘Gemini-Green-Pink-and-Blue,’ Mr Wilson…?”
Jane ‘diffused’ the conversation – by ‘pretending’ to get-angry…
“Stop-it, Daddy – you’re embarrassing me-and my-friends!”
Anthony laughed…
In-Jane’s saving-grace, the Uber arrived to-pickup the girls – Alicia stood-up from the couch and ‘told’ Jane…
“I’ll get the dog…” She went to the unbolt the-backdoor…
Anthony was surprised to see the Belgian Malinois on a-leash… and accompanied by their household-pet, the mixed breed Alsatian – Alicia told-her BFF…
“Janey, I’m borrowing your ‘chain-leash,’ in-case Kitty gets ‘excited’ and jump-about in the-car…”
“… keep-it, Alicia – Piper has a couple of leashes…”
“Thanks a-lot, Mr Wilson…bye…”
Outside, the house – all of the 3-tween girls hugged-each other…
… Maggi ‘kissed’ Jane’s scar-on-her forehead…
“… see you-in school on Monday…” Jane told Maggi before the-twins got-into the Uber with Kitty…
The girls waved to Jane – while Anthony-was restraining Piper – who wanted to chase-after Kitty-in-the Uber.
THAT SATURDAY-AFTERNOON, PAUL was home-alone on the-weekend – with his-twin leaving to SHS for tennis-practice after his-brekkie. His mother too left moments later, saying to him that she had to run some-errands …
… but-by the-way, she ‘had’ dressed wearing her ‘nice’ dress and ‘sweet’ smelling-perfume – which-meant, it was an ‘unmentioned’ off-day from work after the zombie-epidemic was gradually-ceasing – and, the inspector-mother had her-normal life-back…
… and the-time for dating – with Tom-Harris.
Anyways, he doesn’t care, as he preferred the isolation and the home-alone hours – away from the scrutiny-of-judgy outside-world into his ‘bad-lucks’ of his-Tarzan’s deep-fake video fame – soon…
… the motherlode of his-problems was to happen…
… when…
… he was to be ‘blamed’ for his-girlfriend’s pregnancy…
‘… why aren’t the abortion-pills working…? Why isn’t this-PERTHLAND-too…? Where we were ‘older’ teens – and Jane could check-into an abortion clinic without her-parent’s consent…’
It was indeed an-unlucky 13-age – ‘which’ he was ‘cursed’ in POST-TREETON…
He had been locked-in his windowless-bedroom for hours, indulging his-escapism by playing Ghostbusters in-his Nintendo – and it was a difficult-and-stressful game-level that he-was-into…
… where could ‘not’ defeat Azetlor-the-Destroyer @the-NY Public-library as he ‘couldn’t’ blast the slime-blower into entity’s eye to kill-it…
His mind was numb-and-dull by repeating the same-kill strategy that resulted him to-be-virtually killed. His eyes were glassy staring at the screen and felt sleepy but refrained to take an-afternoon nap as he feared his devil-twin’s nightmares…
… of either encountering…
… the-long-tailed incubus OR the-Nurse Joker with a chainsaw bad-dream…
To-keep awake – he blasted music on his-stereo… the Christian-rock band, Creed’s ‘Who-Got-My-Back?’ was playing – which sang-aloud to give him ‘hope’…
Who's got my back now?
When all we have left is deceptive
So disconnected
So what is the truth now?
There's still time
All that has been devastated
Can be recreated
We pick up the broken pieces
Of our lives
After his 7th virtual-death by the demon-Azetlor… the-mentally-drained Paul put down his gaming-console on his study-desk and… reversed his wheelchair to look at his-bed…
He saw his iPhone blinking on the bedside-table… and wheelchaired-over to receive-it…
Alicia ‘sent’ him a video-file 10-minutes ago ‘when’ he was-gaming…
The crippled-teen was shocked to see his dog was tail-2-tail position with Piper – having sex – in what-seems to be in Jane’s house backyard… and in the video, Alicia had inserted a-red Heart and a-wink😉icons…
“OH-MY-GOD! Kitty ‘had’ jumped the-wall!!!”
Paul got-up fast… rushed from his-wheelchair to the bedroom-door – and flew to the kitchen and unbolted the backdoor…
…true-enough – that his-dog HAD ‘ESCAPED’ after chewing-up on the leather-leash.
He last saw Kitty when he fed its lunch… and in-the-3 odd-hours where he played his videogame indoors – Kitty ‘had’ shaw-shanked its-redemption by jumping-the-backyard wall…
“F***!!!” Paul cried-out…
… in-anger…
… blasted an electro-blast at the wall – leaving a 2nd -black singe mark…
Paul took-out his iPhone to call Alicia – but she had-switched off her-Nokia. The teenager-then panicked that his-mother would find-out…
… and he was afraid that Caroline would ‘give-away’ the dog – cos’ HE COULD ‘NOT’ take care of fierce-breed dog… with-a possibility that Kitty might endanger anyone ‘outside’ the-wall…
“DAMN! Why IS THERE so-much bad-luck in-my-life!!!” He shouted…
… his iPhone rang – ALICIA-CALLED – and, was at the front-gate of the Walkers’ house…
Paul came-out from the front-door on his-wheelchair… the evening-sun shone-on his face as he squinted at a car outside the locked-front main-gate. He heard Alicia’s voice calling…
“Hi-Pauly, Kitty is in ‘heats,’ hahaha – she went-over to Janey’s…”
Paul unlocked the gate and saw Alicia holding a chained-leash to his-dog which was wagging-its tail…
“BAD-DOG!” The Master-chided…
… the attention-seeking Kitty was ‘not’ bothered by-the Master’s reproachment… it continued to wag its-tail and letting her-tongue-out in-satisfaction it got on its 3-hour adventure…
The car’s backdoor opened – Paul looked-up… and had ‘double-vision’ – when Maggi got-off the backseat and used her walking-cane to-come forward…
… he recalled his-girlfriend mentioning ‘about’ Alicia’s sister to him… but Paul half-listened to Jane as his-mind was ‘troubled’ with abortion pills-and-clinics problems at-that-moment…
… now-finally, he’s meeting Maggi in-the-flesh – and ‘she’ REMINDED-HIM of the-darkhaired Alicia he-had dated in the OTHER-PERTH…
“Pauly, this is my sister, Maggi…” The platinum-blonde Alicia introduced them-both.
“… pleased to meet-you, Pauly…” Maggi said to the mesmerised-Paul who-shook her-hand…
“… yes, me-too… err-Maggi…” Paul whispered-back…
… thinking…
‘… her-voice too was-same ‘like’ that-Ali-of the-OTHER-PERTH…’
Alicia was saying that Maggi would come to school on-Monday – Paul wasn’t paying attention, while – staring at-Maggi’s face…
…as he was finding for ‘any’ facial-marks that could distinguish the identical-twin’s apart – other than Ali-dyed her hair-blonde, while Maggi-was tanned…
… and was-blind too ‘like’ Jane…
… and he spotted one…
… which-was a tiny Madonna-mole in her-upper lip…
“… see you on Monday, Paul…” Maggi-said…
“… ya…” The tongue-tied awkward teen muttered…
“We got to-get going…” Alicia said and bend-down to hug-him goodbye…
Paul was surprised when her-twin followed-suit – and hugging-him too…
… whispering in-his ear…
“… Janey, told-me ‘EVERYTHING’ – stay-strong and-persevere… okay?”
Paul’s jaw-dropped when he HEARD ‘THAT’ – he reacted nonchalant by-nodding… as he saw the girls getting into the Uber-backseat…
He waved at the car leaving and-was thinking of… the secret-pact he ‘shared’ with Jane ‘about’ their superhero-id… which was ‘not’ to-tell anyone – ‘after’ their-failed attempt to get Diana-King to-be their-aid in POST-TREETON…
‘… ‘why’ was that ‘when’ girls have pillow-talk and spill the-beans on-secrets… and, it’s okay – but ‘not’ ‘when’ guys-do-so…?’
He realised that he was holding the chained-leash – and looked at his dog still wagging-its-tail…
Paul groaned…
“… you-silly girl… how can we runaway if you ‘too’ ARE PREGGO…?”
Paul sighed and locked the front-gate… and entered the Walker-house with-Kitty… groaning-and-mumbling…
“…ooo…more bad-luck – f***-it… ‘enjoy-my-problem…”
Secrets of the Universe
What is strength before me? What is talent before me? What are you--before me?I am Chaos, The Destroyer of worlds, The God of Combat, The Purple Demon, The Akashic Eye.Do you want to be like me? It wasn’t an easy feat. How to be a badass? I can’t teach you that for I was born that way.Okay, I will compromise and teach you this time, but beware, the way of a badass is filled with obstacles.What are you waiting for? Read my book.*Sighs* I am too lonely. Is this what it means to be unparalleled? I guess I will take a nap now.When will that youngster finish reading my book? Don’t keep me waiting too long, young lad.
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The Boros Bachelor
Lilla, a vedalken raised among the Gruul Clans, joins the Legion as a double-agent in her search for revenge. Maverick, son of a famous skyknight, seeks to prove his worth beyond his lineage. During the parade celebrating the new year, Mav and Lilla come face-to-face with Rocman, a fictional vigilante come to life. This masked 'hero' turns the city upside-down, taking the law into their own hands, exacting vengeance according to their own twisted goals. Mav, Lilla, and their comrades work to uncover Rocman's secret identity and bring them to justice. Rated: T - Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering Ravnica. M/F, F/F Join us on Discord
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The Thorn from the Mountain
A working title, formally 'A Forgotten Grimoire'. Ash, an orphan by age 8 and on the run by age 14.After fleeing from his vicious uncle and supposed caretaker, Lord Hendrik, he leaves behind the only place he had ever called home, a place now warped by misery and torture. A boon granted, by fate or pure chance, the boy stumbles upon something ancient and long forgotten. The boy must learn, grow and become more than he ever thought he could be.He must do more than simply surive if he wishes to make his own way in the world.****************Synopsis will likely end up being changed.Disclaimer, I'm a terrible 'writer', my grammar is poor to non-existant and my vocabulary is almost in the negative. I just wanted to tell a story that was floating around my head. Comment all you like, call me names and mock my scribblings, I'll surely weep myself to sleep over them.
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Ebony Chitin - Adventures of The Hive
Ebony Chitin - Adventures of The Hive is a story centered around a Hive mind bug elf, and her favorite human-dwarf mutt Richard. The story will shift perspectives between the two, as well as other members of the Hive. Follow along on their adventures for; the friends they make, the enemies they slay, and the questions they seek to answer. Thank you for reading, as always. ^.^ Afterword: Hello there everyone, and welcome back those that have already read the first story. If you are new, don't worry too much about the first step of the series. Truly, this second part aims to cover most of what was done there. Those that have read it will know a few secrets and plot points before we see them. Though it shouldn't detract from your reading of this one. Honestly, the first one was a bit rough, but do as you will. I will warn that this will tackle some serious topics and might end up getting rather explicit in terms of what is done or seen by the characters. There is a bit to cover, so I'll explain what I can between chapters without overloading anyone, hopefully. -Cover Art drawn by Cozie [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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LIlith's Firstborn
The legend says that the Forbidden Fruit made the first two humans – Adam and Eve – intelligent, but what if it was the other way around? What if the Forbidden Fruit took most of their humility, their intelligence, their kindness, etc. away and turn them into the discriminating, angry, and hateful humans that they are? What if the only way to turn back into their former selves was to lead a good life on Earth to cleanse their souls? The legend also says that Lilith was a demoness who fled from Heaven and was granted mercy when she showed humility and proved that her soul was still worthy of saving despite all her wrongdoings. What if, after centuries of sinning, Lilith finally found her way back to kindness? What if God forgave Lilith for her crimes? What if she gave birth to a baby after she had repented? And what if that baby is the only human soul in existence that isn’t tainted by the Forbidden Fruit or her past sins? Tallitanya of Lilith inherited her mother’s immortality and grew up at a rate much slower than an average human so she had witnessed the rise and fall of empires even though she is physically and mentally 21 years old. She was born on Earth, but she moved to Heaven when she was physically 5 years old and didn’t return until she was 18 years old. She was tasked, by God himself, to guard over the Forbidden Tree which had since been replanted on an isolated island on Earth. She loves that job, and she loves that she was given direct instructions instead of having to figure out what God’s so-called ‘mysterious plans’ for her was. Centuries went by. Tallitanya is 21 years old when the Final Judgement is nigh. As an immortal who has yet to have a real affiliation with Heaven or Hell, Tallitanya has received a personal invitation from the Antichrist who wishes to recruit Tallitanya. Heaven also sends its angel – Michael – to inform Tallitanya that as a human, her soul would also be judged by God. She was ordered to leave her post as the Forbidden Tree’s guardian so that she could get to know the other humans before she makes an actual decision about who she wants to align herself with. The second she steps out of the island, it disappears. Turns out, her message from God was faked, and so was her mission. The devil had tricked her, and as the guardian of the Forbidden Tree, she must recover the tree and the island, or humanity will perish within the year.
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Aftermath || Robert Baratheon
they married for duty.they ruled for the realm.they fought for justice.but they healed for each other.A story in which two broken souls, brought together by chance, find solace with one another in the aftermath of a war.▪︎•▪︎•▪︎•Pre and Post Robert's Rebellion (Based on the plot and characters of Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin)
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